Action potential 1st resting potential: -70mV Intracellular space (negative) Extracellular space (positive) Threshold value: -55mV 2nd threshold when an incoming stimulus causes a change in membrane potential to -55mV action potential occurs. (all or nothing!) 3. depolarization Incoming stimuli change membrane potential (-55mV). Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels are activated, with K+ channels opening 1-3miliseconds later. Na+ channels open immediately due to the chemical gradient and Na+ ions flow into the negatively charged intracellular space. The negative space becomes more and more positive and more Na+ channels open. This shifts the membrane potential even further into the positive until the inner space is more positive than the extracellular space. After 1-3miliseconds the channels then close again. 4th repolarization: The K+ channels open and the K+ ions flow from the inside to the outside as the outside concentration is lower and the electrical potential is more negative. This causes the membrane potential to become low again, but the K+ channels close more slowly and thus the value goes above that of the resting potential, up to (-80mV). 5. hyperpolarization I.e. the cell interior becomes even more negative (-80mV) after 1-2 seconds the rest potential is restored, the channels are closed and a new action potential can be generated.