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HIV/AIDS & Gambling Lesson Plan

Section 1: Routine Information
Theme/Section of Work
Topic of this Lesson
Topic of Lesson Before
Topic of Lesson After
Business Studies
Contemporary Socio Economic Issues
HIV/Aids, Gambling, as Socio Economic Issues
Poverty & Inequality & Inclusivity as Socio
Economic Issues
Piracy, Counterfeiting as Socio Economic Issues
50 mins
Section 2: Lesson Purpose
Key Questions
 What is HIV/AIDS and what are its negative impacts on business?
 What is gambling and what are its impacts on business?
During this lesson, learners will learn how to:
 Describe important socio-economic terms.(HIV/AIDS and gambling)
 Reason why these socio-economic issues (HIV/AIDS and gambling) pose a challenge to
Attitudes & Values
Learners will learn the relevance of HIV/AIDS and gambling issues in creating socio-economic
Section 3: Content Knowledge
1. What is HIV/AIDS?
 Aids is a disease caused by a virus called HIV.
 When HIV gets into a person’s body, it attacks the immune system / lowering the natural
ability to fight infections.
2. What is the impact of HIV/AIDS on businesses?
 The impact is negative.
 Loss of skilled staff due to HIV related illnesses.
 Profits will be lower as production decreases.
 High absenteeism from illness resulting to a decrease in productivity.
 Conflict can arise among staff if they discover that a worker is HIV positive.
 Businesses find it difficult to keep up production levels and to meet deadlines because of
poor staff morale.
 Businesses face increased costs of finding/recruiting/training replacements.
 The pool of available skilled workers is getting smaller due to the high rate of HIV infection.
 The costs of finding replacement employees and recruiting are high.
 Business need to invest money in programmes to educate the workers regarding AIDS.
 Decrease in the number of consumers cause a drop in the demand for goods and services.
 Costs such as insurance/retirement funds/health/safety are higher as a result of HIV for the
 Businesses face increased costs of paying benefits like housing subsidies, medical care,
funeral care and pension funds.
 Staff morale might be low as they are concerned about their health thus lowering
3. What is gambling?
 Gambling means to bet on something of which the outcome is not sure. It can take on form
of playing games in the hope that some money could be won. Although gambling is legal, it
gives false hope.
4. What is the impact of gambling on business?
 Employees may not work overtime at short notice.
 High rate of employee absenteeism.
 Local businesses forced out of business.
 Gambling hides criminal activities and can lead to workplace violence.
 Compulsive gamblers cannot focus on work while preoccupied with gambling.
 Compulsive gambling puts a strain on relationships in the workplace.
 Addicted employees could also steal to get money for gambling.
 Reduces productivity as it encourages crime and corruption.
 When gamblers lose their money, they have less to spend on goods and
services,which affects business negatively.
 Decrease in savings leads to a decrease in future production.
 Less buying power as people may lose their money on pyramid schemes,
casino gambling etc.
Section 4: Learning Context and Learner Needs
Learner Context
This lesson is for Business Studies. Learners exist in a world plagued by the HIV/AIDS
pandemic. South Africa has the largest HIV epidemic in the world, with 7.7 million people
currently living with HIV. In order to cater for learner needs, I will need to be sensitive to the
fact that some learners might be infected or some of their family members or friends may be
infected. As such I should emphasize that there is treatment for those that are infected and
that infection is not a death sentence. In addressing the socio economic issues of gambling I
will emphasize to the learners that no under 18s are supposed to gamble and that gambling is
responsible for adding to the poverty problem.
Prior Knowledge
The lesson will cater for learner prior knowledge in Grade 7,8 and 9 EMS about the following:
 The Standard of living.
 The impact of the development on the environment, unemployment and use of resources
to promote a healthy environment.
 Causes of socio-economic imbalances due to HIV/AIDS and gambling.
Vocabulary/Terminology/Subject Jargon
 Pandemic
 Pension
 Gambling
 Addiction
Evidence of Understanding
The lesson will include an activity where students are to match socio economic words to
definitions. The learners will also do an activity where they match cause and effect activity
where learners are to sequence images to show the causal relationship between contemporary
issues and socio economic challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. Learners at
the school all have access to smart devices that have been provided by the school.
By the end of the lesson students must be able to define the various socio-economic issues
and be able to state their impact on business.
Anticipated Misconceptions or Misunderstandings
Learners usually misunderstand the definition of unemployment and this misconception is
catered for in the lesson. The correct definition emphasizes that unemployment looks at the
segment of society that is actively looking for work.
Learners need to learn to refer to the correct terminology. Learners usually refer to important
concepts as ‘things’ e.g.
Teacher Question: What are socio economic factors
Learner Answer: These are things that affect the economy.
* Rather than referring to them as things it would be better to refer to them as factors or issues.
Section 5: Teaching and Learning Strategies
Teaching Style
The most suitable learning strategy for this topic will be a socratic one, a classroom discussion
will be had to draw on learner prior knowledge. Discussions are good and assist learners to
hear the ideas of fellow learners and to ascertain their own understanding of concepts.
Answers given during discussions will allow me to positively or negatively reinforce learner
Classroom Arrangement
The Classroom is arranged in 7 groups each with 6 desks. The arrangement is not according
to aptitude groups but learners with learning or behavioural challenges can be moved to new
Classwork Tasks
To aid in understanding the learners will have to do several activities. These include a class
discussion, slides to explain the theme..
Section 6: Lesson Sequence
Lesson Warm Up (5 -10 minutes)
Resources: PowerPoint Slides, YouTube video
Good morning Class, Today our lesson is a continuation of the lesson on socio economic
factors. Yesterday we covered poverty and inequality as well as inclusivity. Today our focus
will be on HIV/AIDS as well as gambling. Before we commence with the lesson we will do a
revision of the crossword from yesterday. Please mark for yourselves in your books, I will go
around checking.
Walks around
1. Socio economic issues
2. Unemployment
3. Inclusivity
4. Poverty
5. Crime
6. Lower profits
7. Inequality
T:Congratulations to those who got the correct answers, let us move on today’s lesson.
T:To start of our lesson we will do a quizlet on Kahoot to remind ourselves of some key HIOV
terminology. I am sure we are all aware of HIV/AIDS but lets revise. The flashcards on carhoot
have answers at the back click on the card to see the correct definition of terms. Flag any
cards you do not understand.
(Resource) HIV/AIDS Flashcards (5 mins)
Main body of Lesson
T:Right class! How was that!? now lets test our understanding…What is
Ls: (Answers)
Reinforce good answers
T:Let us understand that HIV and AIDS are not the same thing, HIV is the
virus that causes AIDS.
T:Aids is a disease caused by a virus called HIV.When HIV gets into a Right, now that we have
defined AIDS, lets us look at what is the impact of this disease on an individual?
Ls: Answers
T: Now that we have established HIV/AIDS impact on individuals, lets us establish what is its
impact on business? We will read an article on the Socio Economic impact on HIV/AIDS and
list 5 impacts of HIV/AIDS on Business.
(Resource) Forty years on, we must not allow HIV/Aids fatigue to set in (4 mins)
T: Now that we have read the article, what do you think is the impact of HIV/AIDS on business
Ls: Answers
T: Wow! Class you have provided some good answers. In addition to those
answers please add the following impacts of HIV/AIDS on business:
1. Loss of skilled staff due to HIV related illnesses.
Imagine if 13% of our population has this virus, how many skilled workers may be affected by
this virus. This is why it is important for workplaces to include - remember the theme of
‘inclusion/Inclusivity from yesterday - health days, health clinics and industrial psychologist
services. This will ensure that workers with HIV/AIDS are included.
2. Profits will be lower as production decreases &
3. High absenteeism from illness resulting to a decrease in productivity.
As a result of high absenteeism as workers ail or go for treatments companies will suffer from
low productivity, which will result in lower profits.
4. Conflict can arise among staff if they discover that a worker is HIV positive.
HIV/AIDS stigma is a big thing in society…this point goes back to our theme for the need to be
5. Businesses find it difficult to keep up production levels and to meet deadlines because of
poor staff morale.
6. Businesses face increased costs of finding/recruiting/training replacements.
This happenes as a result of skilled workers dying or leaving work.
7. The pool of available skilled workers is getting smaller due to the high rate of HIV infection.
8. The costs of finding replacement employees and recruiting are high.
9. Business need to invest money in programmes to educate the workers regarding AIDS.
10. Decrease in the number of consumers cause a drop in the demand for goods and services.
T:Now lets move on to Gambling…What do we understand about the term gambling?
Ls: Answers
T: Those answers are great, im sure some of you are familiar with the terms casino, bet, odds
etc. These are common terms in betting. Gambling is an activity whereby bets are made on
something of which the outcome is not sure. It can take on form of playing games in the hope
that some money could be won. Although gambling is legal, it gives false hope. Gambling is a
legal activity so long as you are above 18.
T: Has any of you ever gambled before…I expect you all to answer no (laughs) or does any of
you have family or friends that gamble
Short discussion ensues about gambling.
T:In order to understand the impact of gambling on business we will watch this short video
(Resource) Gambling and SPort Betting on the rise in South Africa (6 mins)
T: We have managed to cover the socioeconomic factors of HIV/AIDS and gambling, to
consolidate our knowledge we will do a classroom activity. But before we commence with this
are there any questions?
I address the questions posed by learners.
T:Class now we will do an activity on page 9 for the remainder of the lesson. We will revise
the answers to the crossword in tomorrow’s lesson.
Activity on Socio Economic Factors (Activity 7.2) (Crossword) p.94 Business Studies Grade 10
Learner Book.
Answers: Provided in the attached Memo
Slides (on the following page)
Student Teacher
Supervising Teacher
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