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Knowledge Clubphase2Final

Knowledge Club
Designers-Coders Version
Your Gate for Brain Development
HER BUE Green and Smart Technologies project
Company Owner
The Problem
Are you Developer?
Are you Designer?
Are you Business Owner Suffers from Interviews?
It consumed time and effort?
Need to evaluate your level of experience?
Need all resources in One Place?
Need to evaluate your employees level ?
What you think about online test as evaluation
The Problem
Coders suffering in Finding right source or
reference or reason of error
Designers and digital creators waste time
in searching because of non specified
categories or sources
the solution
A portal save
• time
• money
• effort
for digital creators ,Designers and developers
The Project Target
•Provide the user by a Sources and helping tools in one location
•Provide the user by evaluation content for his level of qualification
•Provide Business Owner a tool to filter employees in their company
About the project
a knowledge portal for whom it may concern
about Coding and graphics to improve Career
level by information or Evaluation in a form of
Phase 1 Target
•Build a powerful website
with a well defined ,scalable and sustainable structure
•Unique contents and services
Project structure
◦ Learning Videos
◦ Software Sources
◦ Guides(Docs)
Learning Videos
Software Sources
For example:
◦ Why this error happen?
◦ A full website step by step
Media(Photos /videos) Evaluations
◦ Classified by categories
◦ Free and paid
◦ Quizzes related to field of
◦ Classified by categories
◦ Business Owners packages
◦ Free and paid
For Example:
◦ Facebook ad design step by step
For Example:
◦ php junior evaluation
◦ Wordpress junior evaluation
Business Model Canvas
Key Partners
• Digital Creators
• Designers
• Instructors
• Photographers
• Videographers
Key Activities
Platform Management
Learning videos
Q and A bank
Photos and Videos
Key Resources
• Skilled Staff
• Great Content
• User Experience
Cost Structure
Web Hosting and Domain Name registration
Website Design
Website development
Data and contents providers
Annual Running Cost
.Digital marketing
Value Proposition
• Stay connected
• Fast response
Build a community Concerned
about coding and graphics
Make a forum for asking Questions
For indviduals
• Sustainbility
• Problems fix
For Companies
Update Evaluation Bank
Offer New evaluations
by speciality
• Coders
• Designers
By age
• 16->60 years
--Social Media For Promotion
( like Facebook and Instagram)
Revenue Streams
• Advertisements on website
• Paid materials income
( courses,documents, evaluation Package,…)
Target market in Egypt
Information Technology(No.)
• Computers (472)
•E-Commerce (124)
•Internet & Software (1039)
Tourism companies(No.)
Evaluation Section
• Hotels & Resorts (345)
• Restaurants (92)
• Transportation (14)
Target Customer
◦All ages users who are interested in programming and
◦Fresh graduates who seeking for interviews questions
◦Companies who need a staff self learning or self
evaluation packages
Some Competitors as a sample
Photos and videos
• Pexels
• Pixabay
• Mixxkit
online evaluation tests
Why we are different
Provides all related materials in one place
Helps user to improve himself by evaluation tests
Help Companies Owners in Hiring the right staff
Quality and quantity of Contents
Market Demand and gap
Build a powerful website with a well defined and scalable and
sustainable structure
Data Collection
A qualified instructors that educate important materials
Quality and quantity of Contents
◦Hire freelancers with a highly qualified materials
◦Hire Qualified Staff that meets the project requirements
Many Thanks for your time
Team Members:
 Manar Mohamed
 Nesreen Sanad
 Sara Hamed