企一 B GDP HDI GNH GNW All goods and services from a nation in one year Income,average years of education and life expectancy a good balance of time at work and in leisure. psychological well-being, education, economic, environmental, physical, mental, workplace,social, and political types of wellness 張逸婷 謝家妮 鍾予瑄 Components living standards, and a clean environment Top Ranking Countries The United States China Japan Germany Norway Switzerland Australia Ireland Germany Finland Norway Denmark Ireland Switzerland 1.HDI doesn’t include a measure of mental wellbeing (happiness). 1.These countries that have high level of satisfaction may have high taxes. United Kingdom Drawback 1.National disasters and social problems will improve a country’s GDP. 2.GDP doesn’t tell us a nation’s gap between the rich and poor. 3.GDP can’t tell us whether people are happy or not.