Student Name: Thang Xuan Nguyen
Assignment 3
The incident with Seangio, a Richmond Mountie, who exposed himself to young girls wearing
school uniforms in Vancouver's Shaughnessy neighbourhood, raises important questions about
the safety and well-being of the community's most vulnerable members. Due to Seangio's
intentional conduct, the victims—children between 14 and 17—experienced severe trauma.
Seangio's deliberate targeting of school-aged females over six months reveals a troubling pattern
of behaviour rather than a series of unrelated episodes. This intentional and persistent targeting
raises concerns about Seangio's sexual deviation and emphasizes the need to examine the
underlying factors that led to his behaviour thoroughly.
It is troubling that Seangio made no sincere attempt to apologize to the victims throughout the
trial or to acknowledge his inappropriate behaviour. His likelihood of recovery and risk of
recidivism is called into doubt by his lack of regret and rejection of guilt. The severity of the
offences and the requirement for legal repercussions are reflected in the punishment of 18
months in jail and two years of probation, coupled with additional requirements, including no
contact with the victims and counselling needs. Seangio's behaviour was caused by several
underlying problems, which must still be addressed via extensive counselling and intervention
It is troubling that Seangio made no sincere attempt to apologize to the victims throughout the
trial or to acknowledge his inappropriate behaviour. His likelihood of recovery and risk of
recidivism is called into doubt by his lack of regret and rejection of guilt. The severity of the
offences and the requirement for legal repercussions are reflected in the punishment of 18
months in jail and two years of probation, coupled with additional needs, including no contact
with the victims and counselling requirements needs. Seangio's behaviour was caused by several
underlying problems, which must still be addressed via extensive counselling and intervention
programmes. Overall, this case serves as a reminder of the significance of safeguarding those
who are vulnerable, especially children, from sexual exploitation and making sure that offenders
are held accountable for their acts. It also emphasizes how important it is to give victims
resources and assistance so they may heal and rehabilitate.
The group of people to whom the case's findings and conclusions can be applied or generalized
is referred to in this instance as the population. The population in this situation would consist of
the following:
1. The people who live in Vancouver's Shaughnessy neighbourhood: Because the occurrences
happened there, the results may directly affect those there.
2. School-aged females in Vancouver: Seangio targeted only school-aged girls so that the results
could be relevant to this particular group in Vancouver.
3. Law enforcement organizations: Other law enforcement organizations may be affected
because the RCMP was involved in the incident. These organizations can draw lessons from this
occurrence and take action to prevent similar situations in their areas.
4. People who are a part of the criminal justice system: This group includes people who work as
judges, attorneys, and probation officers, as well as other professionals who may need to think
about the harshness of punishment and the best course of action in circumstances like these.
It's crucial to remember that the population is not just comprised of these categories. The
ramifications of this case might have a wider-reaching effect on society, increasing awareness of
the problem of sexual exploitation and the need for caution and preventative steps to protect the
Specifying the detailed study aims and objectives to collect a suitable sample and select the best
research methodology is critical. Let's consider the following recommendations in light of the
case's situation.
1. Choose a sample from the relevant community. In this situation, the relevant population may
consist of Shaughnessy neighbourhood residents, school-age girls in Vancouver, and criminal
justice and law enforcement community members.
Pick a sample size that will adequately reflect the population while being manageable,
considering the study's objectives and the resources at your disposal.
Sampling methods To make sure the sample is representative of the target population,
think about employing random sampling techniques like essential random sampling or
stratified sampling. Alternately, purposive sampling may be used if the goal is to
concentrate on particular subgroups within the population.
2. Choosing a research approach o Surveys or questionnaires: Using surveys or questionnaires
efficiently collects quantitative data from a sizable number of respondents. It may gauge people's
attitudes, perceptions, and case-related experiences. For instance, questionnaires can be given to locals,
girls in school, or law enforcement professionals to get their opinions on safety, awareness, and the
incident's effects.
Through the use of interviews, it is possible to gain more in-depth qualitative insights
into the experiences, feelings, and effects of the occurrence. Interviews can be conducted
in a formal or semi-structured manner. Interviewing victims, witnesses or anyone in law
enforcement or support services may be appropriate for this technique.
Observational studies: Direct observation of the impacted area or pertinent settings, such
as schools or law enforcement organizations, can offer insightful information on the
contextual elements, behaviours, and interactions relevant to the case. This approach
could help comprehend community dynamics, security measures in place, or prospective
Document analysis: Examining official reports, court records, or pertinent regulations and
procedures might provide essential details about the situation, the court case, and the
response of law enforcement organizations. This can aid in developing a thorough
knowledge of the occurrence and its effects.
The study's objectives will ultimately influence the choice of research methodology, the
resources at hand, and the data required to answer the research questions. Combining several
approaches, such as surveys and interviews, can give a more thorough insight into the situation
from many angles and enhance the findings.