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BA 342 Ethics ppx.docx

Kush Shah
Professor Johnson
BA 342
September 13, 2022
Personal Ethics Project
This paper is written in order to emphasize what ethics mean to me. In the compliments of both
personally and business wise. I will delve into personal history of things my parents have taught
me. I will also include experience from my corporate internship this past summer. There will be
more anecdotes which I will use to explain certain stances I have on ethics. The situations and
personal history I will discuss are all different but still represent my ethical standards in business
as well as personally.
To me ethics is the principle of doing the right and wrong thing. Often times I associate the word
integrity and what that means to me with ethics. Since a young age my parents and especially my
father stressed the importance of being ethical and becoming a good man. To me being ethical is
being fair, truthful, and compassionate. These three values are mainly derived from my parents.
As a young kid my parents were the ones to teach me about values and also explaining why those
three values are so important.
I see ethics and the aspect of morality all the time in the corporate world. Especially in the world
of business and adults there are many who strive for the easy way out or the short cut. However,
there are the people who strive to apply the right rules and create policies to keep the proper
ethics in the workplace. This past summer I worked in a corporate pharmaceutical company and
during the first week I attended 3 meetings with H.R. and other employees discussing workplace
behavior and ethics. Their protocols mandated that each new employee be trained on workplace
behavior and the environment that they want to create in the workplace.
Ethics in society is something we do not see that often. At least in my experience people are least
likely to do the right thing in public places or locations where they are surrounded by strangers.
A prime example of this is stealing. I have first handedly witnessed people stealing in stores in
major cities or committing crimes such as peeing in public. In comparison one would be less
likely to steal someone else’s lunch from the workplace fridge, than say the chipotle pick up
rack. On a global scale my home country, the United States, is relatively more ethical than the
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rest of the world/third world countries. Compared to the other three ethical personalities ethics in
society is the where the least amount of ethics is present.
Personal, Career, and Societal ethical situations all differ in certain aspects, but there is one
constant that always remains, and that is doing what is right vs doing what is wrong. Ethics
defines you as a person and that is why I often associate the word integrity with ethics. Both are
doing the right thing, and both are strong values which define you as a human being. Even
though we have learned that big corporate companies have this code of ethics and swear to abide
by these rules we have seen that they do not. In class we discussed the Wells Fargo case and how
they blatantly did the wrong thing time and time again. Ethics is a tough thing to define but from
my personal experience I know what is truly right and what is wrong, and I have also learned to
be not quick to trust company values and believe what they say at face value.
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Company : Iron Mountain Inc. (IRM)
Fortune 1000 company
The company I chose is Iron Mountain Inc. Iron Mountain is classified as a REIT on the NYSE
and was founded in 1940. They specializes in underground storage of important information such
as records, data, and documents.
I began by completing a simple google search entering the companies name, Iron Mountain Inc,
and then code of conduct after. Almost all of the searches returned with something called
corporate governance. I pieced together about how Professor Johnson mentioned this in class, as
well in the rubric for this project, that this is what many companies call their code of
This code of ethics is how they (Iron Mountain) want the workplace environment to be like. The
purpose of this code is for the employees to know what is expected of them each and every day.
The benefits we see here affect both employees and managers. With everyone onboard with the
code of ethics it creates a healthier workplace environment. As a result of this the work and the
quality of work drastically improves.
In the table of contents IRM has 5 main topics in their code of ethics. These topics
- Living our Values and Protecting what Matters
- Acting with Integrity
- Empowering our Teams
- Building Trust with Customers
- Iron Mountain Ethics Line
These 5 topics are important in defining what exactly Iron Mountain expects out of each
employee and manager. The first two topics regard Values and Integrity, and I know that these
are 2 integral values in having good ethics in the workplace. It is peril that you can find the
difference between right and wrong and be able to clearly define it for others to follow.
The next two main topics are more in regard to external conduct and the way you treat clients
and customers in a work environment. This is important because when you are externally
representing the business, whatever you say reflects upon the entire company.
The last main topic in this code of ethics is the general Iron Mountain Ethics laid out. A recap of
all their main ideals and values. They also have emergency numbers to report wrongdoing in the
workplace, and provide a link to a website where you can anonymously report something you
have seen or heard.
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Table of Contents
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