Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Schools Division of SCHOOL NAME Date PRINCIPAL NAME Designation Sir, In lieu of OUA Memo 00-1021-0051- Level up Synchronous learning through Classpoint, we would like to seek your approval with regards to our intention to conduct a webinar entitled “Boost Synchronous Teaching Strategy through ClassPoint” on November 5, 2021, friday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM via Google Meet. The target participants for this webinar are ICT and IA teachers of TVE Junior High School Department. The goal of this webinar is to: a. provide teachers with a tool to use in the new normal classroom; b. use Classpoint and Powerpoint, enable the teachers to engage with students online; and c. allow every teacher to create and administer live classroom quizzes using Microsoft Powerpoint. Looking forward for your favorable response on this matter. Thank you very much. Respectfully yours, NAME OF TEACHER Teacher Designation Recommending Approval: HEAD TEACHER NAME Head Teacher Designation Approved: PRINCIPAL NAME Designation Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Schools Division of SCHOOL NAME PROGRAM MATRIX 1:00PM-1:30PM OPENING PROGRAM Nationalistic Song Opening Prayer Opening Remarks 1:30PM-3:30PM Introduction to Classpoint Classpoint in Education 3:30 – 4:30 PM Workshop CLOSING PROGRAM 4:30 – 5:00 PM Closing remarks TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Chairman: Co-Chairperson: Registration/Certificates: Webinar PPT: Webinar Link: ACR: Master of Ceremony: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Schools Division of SCHOOL NAME October 26, 2021 Department Memorandum No. ____ s., 2021 To: ICT / IA Teachers BOOST SYNCHRONOUS TEACHING STRATEGY THROUGH CLASSPOINT In lieu of OUA Memo 00-1021-0051(Level up Synchronous learning through Classpoint), the Technical Vocational and Education (TVE) ICT/IA Department will conduct a webinar entitled “Boost Synchronous Teaching Strategy through ClassPoint” on November 5, 2021 Friday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM via Google Meet. 2. The goal of this webinar is to: a. provide teachers with a tool to use in the new normal classroom; b. use Classpoint and Powerpoint, enable the teachers to engage with students online; and c. allow every teacher to create and administer live classroom quizzes using Microsoft Powerpoint. 3. Enclosure no. 1 contains Program Matrix and Technical Working Committee. HEAD TEACHER NAME Head Teacher Designation PRINCIPAL NAME Designation Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Schools Division of SCHOOL NAME Enclosure no. 1 to Department Memorandum No. 001 s., 2021 PROGRAM MATRIX 1:00PM-1:30PM OPENING PROGRAM Nationalistic Song Opening Prayer Opening Remarks 1:30PM-3:30PM Introduction to Classpoint Classpoint in Education 3:30 – 4:30 PM Workshop CLOSING PROGRAM 4:30 – 5:00 PM Closing remarks TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Chairman: Co-Chairperson: Registration/Certificates: Webinar PPT: Webinar Link: ACR: Master of Ceremony: