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“The Most Dangerous Game” Plot and Setting

“The Most Dangerous Game”
By Richard Connell
Skill Focus: Plot and Setting
Plot: What is the name of the island? Based off this name, what do you predict will
happen in the story?
2. Setting: Identify the words that describe the setting. What mood, or feeling, do these
words create in you?
3. Setting: The island has an evil reputation, What role do you think it will play in the
4. Setting: As Whitney “turns in” for the night, how does the setting affect Whitney?
What mood do these details help create?
5. Setting: Pause after the first paragraph on pg. 8 and describe where Rainsford is now.
6. Plot: Is the conflict that takes place towards the end of pg. 8 external or internal?
7. Plot: What do Zaroff’s remarks about Cossacks on pg. 9 suggest about how he will
behave later in the story?
8. Plot: What do you predict the most dangerous game will be?
9. Plot: Notice the sequence of events as Zaroff tells about his past. What details are
given to tell when he received his first gun? What details are given to tell when he
shot his first bear? What details are given to tell when he left Russia?
10. Setting: Describe the mood created by the setting starting with the last paragraph on
pg.16 and ending with “the faint report of a pistol” on pg.17.
11. Plot: By the end of pg. 17, the central conflict is established. Who will be the
general’s next victim?
12. Plot: On pg. 18, Identify the name of the place that Zaroff tells Rainsford to avoid.
What might the suggestive name of this place foreshadow?
13. Plot: Describe how Rainsford avoids being captured and killed (pg. 18)
14. Plot: By the end of pg.19 the first stage of the hunt is over. Who has won? What does
Rainsford now know that he didn’t know at the beginning of the story?
15. Plot: Who wins the second stage of this conflict? Who wins the third stage of this
conflict? According to Zaroff, what will happen the next day?(pg. 20-21)
16. Plot: Describe the details from the final part of the story that reveals the climax of this
17. Plot: How is the conflict finally resolved?