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What is Culture? Exploring World Cultures Worksheet

World Cultures: What is Culture?
What is
World Cultures: What is Culture?
Name: ____________________
Date: _____________
Culture is made up of everything a group of
people is and does.
What does this mean?
Culture can include all aspects of someone’s life: their
traditions, clothing, religion, food, daily activities, the way they
dance, and even the music they listen to. A group’s culture is
made up of all of these things and more! Often, a country or a
region has their own culture. This means that most people in
that region share some of the same aspects of culture.
For example, in the Zimbabwean culture, people have their
own traditions, foods, clothing styles, languages, and music. In
Zimbabwe it is tradition for people to clap their hands in a certain
way when they are addressing their elders. They often eat sadza, a
thick porridge-like food made out of corn. Zimbabweans most
often wear t-shits, jeans, dresses, etc. for their everyday clothing,
but they have traditional clothing that they may wear at weddings,
funerals, or other special occasions.
In your own words, what is culture?
World Cultures: What is Culture?
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________
Culture is made up of everything a group of people is and does.
What does this mean?
Culture can include all aspects of someone’s life: their traditions, clothing,
religion, food, daily activities, the way they dance, and even the music they listen to. A
group’s culture is made up of all of these things and more! Often, a country or a region
has their own culture. This means that most people in that region share some of the
same aspects of culture.
For example, in the Zimbabwean culture, people have their own traditions, foods,
clothing styles, languages, and music. In Zimbabwe it is tradition for people to clap their
hands in a certain way when they are addressing their elders. They often eat sadza, a
thick porridge-like food made out of corn. Zimbabweans most often wear t-shirts, jeans,
dresses, etc. for their everyday clothing, but they have traditional clothing that they may
wear at weddings, funerals, or other special occasions.
What culture and community are you a part of?
On a blank piece of paper, draw a concept map with words, pictures, and
examples of the parts of your culture!
Compass Connections: go to compassclassconnect.blogspot.com v What else can you learn about Zimbabwean cultures? o Hint: type “Zimbabwe” into the search bar o Go to MAP: Explore the World to find Zimbabwe’s location v Find two videos that show an aspect of someone’s culture v Critical thinking: How do you think different cultures are created? Why doesn’t the whole world have the same culture? 