gives it. The current through this can Network analysis Network is the interconnection of change suddenly but the voltage can network components. not (any sudden change in the voltage Circuit is the network with at least across it requires infinite current). The one closed path. voltage across it remains constant Network components: There are two when the current through it is zero. In types of network components, active this V (t ) and passive components. I (t ) C dV (t ) . dt either only dissipate energy or store and then supply + first energy. and V - Passive components are those, which 1 t I ( )d C I Resistors, capacitors and inductors are Inductor: It is the device that passive elements. opposes the change in the current Resistor: It is device that opposes the through it. It is a linear passive and flow of current through it. It is a linear bilateral device that stores energy and passive and bilateral device that gives it. The voltage across this can dissipates power. The current through change suddenly but the current can and the voltage across this can change not (any sudden change in the current in any fashion. In this V=IR and through it requires infinite voltage). V . R The through it remains constant when the voltage across it is + I Capacitor: It is the device that opposes the change in the voltage zero. I (t ) In this 1 t V ( )d . L across it. It is a linear passive and + bilateral device that stores energy and V (t ) L I V - V current - I dI (t ) dt and polarity of the potential difference Practical Independent voltage source: + In the case of passive elements, the between their terminals depends on V IR R the direction of the current flow. The V I terminal through which the current E IDEAL E PRACTICAL I - enters becomes positive and the terminal through which the current and comes out becomes negative. Active components are those which can continuously supply energy. Voltage and current sources are the active elements. Voltage source: Voltage source is the device that creates the potential difference (emf) between its terminals. Voltage source can be independent, in which the emf is independent of any other quantity in the network in which it is present, or dependent in which the emf depends on some other quantity in the network. Any given voltage source can be practical or ideal. This is the voltage source with emf E internal resistance R . Its terminal voltage depends on the magnitude and the direction of the current through it. (It experiences the loading effect). For this source, V E IR . The emf of a practical voltage source is its open circuit voltage. Ideal independent voltage source: This is the voltage source with zero internal resistance. For this source, the polarity and the magnitude of the potential difference is independent of the magnitude and the direction of current through it. (If such a voltage source is connected between two points in a network, the magnitude and the polarity of the potential difference between those two points gets fixed). If a current of I A is entering ideal source current depends on some voltage source of emf V volt through current or voltage in the network. the positive terminal, the source Any given current source can be dissipates VI Watts of power. If a practical or ideal. current of I A is leaving the voltage Practical source of voltage V volt through the source: Independent + IL positive terminal, the source supplies current V R IL VI watts of power. IS R IDEAL Dependent Voltage source is the depending on either a current (CCVS) or potential difference between two PRACTICAL - voltage source with its emf E IS V V This is the current source with source current I S and internal resistance R . Its load current I L depends on the points in the network (VCVS). magnitude and the direction of the + voltage across it. (It experiences the R I V E= kix or kvx loading effect). For this source, IL IS - + - Even this can be practical as shown or ideal with R=0. supplies current to the circuit. current practical current source is its short circuit current. Current source is the source which The V . The source current of a R source can Ideal independent current source: This is the current source with infinite be independent, in which the source current is independent of any other quantity in the network in which it is present, or dependent in which the internal resistance. For this source, the polarity and the magnitude of the load current is independent of the magnitude and the direction of the voltage across it. (If such a current source is connected in a loop of a Resistive DC networks: These are network, the magnitude and the the networks that contain resistors and polarity of the current through the DC voltage and current sources. loop get fixed). DC Resistive Network analysis is Practical dependent current source one in which one or more currents or is the current source with its source voltages in the given network are current I S depending on either a determined. current through some branch (CCCS) In the first step of the analysis, a set or the potential difference between of linearly independent equations are two points in the network (VCCS). formed with the quantities to be determined, using Kirchhoff’s voltage + IL and current laws knowing the V-I IS= kix or kvx R relations of different components and V then they are solved to determine the required quantities. - With R , it is the ideal dependent KVL: It states that the sum of the current source voltages around a closed path is equal With a potential difference between to zero. (While applying KVL, we the terminals of an ideal current should never pass through a current source of current I s is V volts, it source). supplies a power of VI watts if the KCL: It states that the sum of the terminal through which the current is currents meeting at a node is zero. coming out is at higher potential, To otherwise it dissipates that power. determine the potential difference between two points in a circuit, assign the polarities of the voltages across each component (may be given in the problem itself), start at the -ve terminal, the voltage across the series pass through the network along the resistor. shortest path that does not contain Linear network Any given network a current source and note the total is linear, if it contains the passive change in the voltage up to the +ve components (R,L,C,M) terminal. If the total change in the independent and/or potential is positive the polarity is dependent, correct, voltage and/or current sources. otherwise change the ideal and/or and linearly practical polarity and assign the magnitude Active network: It is the network of the potential difference. with at least one active element. In a given circuit if there is a Passive network: It is the network resistor in parallel with a voltage with only passive elements. source, be Series combination of resistors: neglected in the analysis of the Resistors connected in such a way remaining part of the network, if that the current through each resistor that circuit does not contain any is same irrespective of their values. dependent source that depends on If the current through the parallel connected in series, their equivalent the resistor can resistor. Ri 1 i N are the resistors N In a given circuit if there is a resistance is Re Ri i 1 resistor in series with a current Parallel combination of resistors: source, be Resistors connected in such a way neglected in the analysis of the that the voltage across each resistor is remaining part of the network, if same irrespective of their values. circuit the does resistor not can contain any dependent source that depends on Ri 1 i N the resistors If V is the voltage across the series connected in parallel, their equivalent combination of conductances G1 and If resistance is Re are 1 N 1 R i 1 Current G2 ,the voltage across G1 , V1 V division i , in and parallel the voltage G2 G1 G2 across G2 , G1 . G1 G2 branches: If a current of I A enters a V2 V parallel combination of resistors R1 Mesh or loop analysis is the analysis and R1 , which is basically done for a network R2 , and the current through R1 R2 that contains less number of loops R2 , I1 I R2 , I 2 I the current through R1 . R1 R2 through different branches. In this we assign loop currents and determine If a current of I A enters a parallel combination of conductance G1 and G2 , I1 I the current than nodes, to determine the currents through G1 , G1 , and the current through G1 G2 G2 G2 , I 2 I . G1 G2 them by solving the equations formed using KVL. (Never pass through a current source while writing the loop equation, if there is a current source common to two loops, use the concept of super-mesh). Voltage division in series circuit: If Nodal analysis is the analysis which V is the voltage across the series is basically done for a network that combination of resistors R1 and R2 , contains less number of nodes than R1 the voltage across R1 , V1 V , R1 R2 and V2 V the R2 . R1 R2 voltage across R2 , loops. In this, considering one node as the reference (datum) node, voltages are assigned to different nodes and determine them by solving the equations formed using KCL. ( If there a voltage source between two 5. Find V in the following circuits. nodes, use the concept of super-node). R Problems 1. Find the current through 5 4R V resistor if r=0 and r= 1 2A 5Ω 5Ω 5V rΩ 3Ω 2Ω 2Ω V? 4Ω 2A 2. Find the current through each resistor if r= 1 . 1Ω 5V rΩ 1Ω 6. Find the current through each 1Ω 1Ω 1Ω 1Ω 3. Find the current through 5 resistor if r= 1 . 1Ω 5V rΩ 1Ω 1Ω 5V rΩ 1Ω resistor if r=0 and r= 1 5Ω 7. Find I x . 5V rΩ 2Ω 2Ω Ix 3Ω 4. Find the current through each 5V resistor. 20 Ω 5Ω 2Ω 3Ω 8. Find R, if the power dissipated in 2V 3V 5 resistor is 20W. 5Ω 12. Find V. 6V 20 Ω 50 V R 2Ω 16V N1 N2 4Ω Vx 9. Find V, if i=2A. 3Ω 2Ω V 13. Find the currents i1 and i2 . 5Ω 10 Ω 10 Ω i 200Ω 10. Find I. 2Ω 300Ω 4V DC 10 Ω 400Ω 20 Ω 2V 2. 2 V DC DC 1V i i1 20 Ω 10 Ω i2 14. Find I x in the following circuits. 1Ω 5Ω 3Ω 11. Determine the currents through all the branches 2Ω 2Ω 2Ω 4Ω 6Ω 10V DC 4Ω 10V ix 2Ω 20Ω 10Ω 2Ω 5A 25 Ω 2A 20Ω 1A 10V 3Ω 2Ω Ix 10Ω 18. Find the currents in all the branches. 30Ω 40Ω L Ix 2V DC 6Ω L 7A L 30Ω 40Ω 12Ω 8A 4Ω 15. If the currents through all the 3Ω resistors are zero, find V1 , V2 and V3 . 4Ω 20Ω 5A 12A DC V1 5Ω 6Ω 3Ω 2Ω 7Ω 12Ω V2DC 7Ω 19. Find Rx V3 DC + 16. Find the power dissipated in each component 9V - Rx 2KΩ 10mA 1KΩ 3KΩ 3Ω 20. Find V 2A 10V 6R 3R DC + 8V 2A 4V DC -4A 6R V 1V - 10V -3A 21. Find i 17. Find Vx and I x 2Ω 4Ω 5A 10 V + 60V 10Ω 2Ω IX VX - 3Ω 2A i 22. Determine the power supplied by 25. Find the power absorbed by each the 2A current source component. 2A DC 7A 6Ω 12Ω 4Ω 2Ω 1V DC 3V 8A 4A DC 4Ω 1Ω 4V 3Ω 26. Find v1 . 23. Find all node voltages 3Ω 10Ω DC 2Ω 4Ω 6V 1A DC 3A 1Ω 5V 2A 1Ω + V1 - 27. Find R and G if the powers 2Ω supplied by 5A and 40 V sources are 100W and 500 W respectively. 9V DC R DC 1mA 4.7kΩ -110 V 2.2kΩ 6A 5A G DC 40 V 3.3kΩ 3mA 2.2kΩ 10kΩ 28. Find v1 . 5Ω 24. Find V1 and V2 . + v1 - 10A 3Ω + DC v1 - 240V 6Ω 30Ω 10Ω 4A 8Ω 1Ω 12Ω + v2 DC 60V 29. Find I and power absorbed by each component + 2 33. Find i2 and i3 . - 30 Ω va 120 V 15 Ω va + 4V i2 6V DC DC i 2 mA 5 kΩ i3 + - 1000 i3 5 kΩ 0.5 i2 - + vao - + 30 Ω 2 vao 120 V 34. Determine the currents through all 15 Ω the branches. i 4.7 kΩ ix 9V 30. Find Vx . + va - DC 4.7 kΩ 4.7 kΩ 4.7 kΩ + vx 4Ω 2Ω 50 V 0.1 DC 0.1vx va + 4.7 kΩ 0.1 ix - 100 V 35. Find i1 , i2 and i3 . 31. Find the currents through all the i2 12 Ω 0.1 vx branches and the power dissipated in 5Ω 1Ω i1 each component. + vx 6V ix 12 Ω 1.5 V 2V i3 2 ix 24 mA 3Ω 2 kΩ 6 kΩ 36. Find i 1Ω 2.5 i - 2Ω + 32. Find ix 3Ω 20 V ia 5Ω 2Ω 4Ω ix 3Ω 4A 60 V + - 6ia 4Ω 5A i i + va 3Ω 40. Find Vx , I in , I s and the power 2.5 Ω supplied by the dependent source. 0.5 va DC 10 V 1.5 V 2Ω iin 4Ω 6Ω 1Ω 4Ω 3Ω 3 VDC DC + vx + 2Ω 2 kΩ + 2V 2Ω Is 6A - - 10 kΩ i 5 kΩ 5 mA 41. Determine all the current and voltages in the circuit. 20 kΩ I3 I2 37. Find I A , I B and I C . DC 60V + i - 0.4 4 vx 8V I4 5 I2 + V1 20Ω - + V2 - 0.25V1 + V4 5Ω + V5 I5 iA iB iC 42. Find ix and i y . + vx - 5.6 A 18 kΩ 9Ω 0.1vx 2A Iy 5A 10ms 0.8Ix 38. Find the currents I1 , I 2 , I 3 and I 4 i1 i2 25 Ω + v1 - 40ms Ix 100 Ω 10 Ω 0.2v1 43. Find ix . 25 A i4 i3 20 Ω 25 Ω 39. Find Vy if I z 3 A . 2A 2Ω + 5V 2Ω vx - 3 vx ix + vy - 10 Ω 1Ω iz 1.5 ix 5Ω 2A 48. Find vx . I1 5KΩ 20KΩ 20Ω 2mA 3I1 Ix 4A 50Ω 44. Find ix and v8 . 8Ω 10A 25Ω - 49. Find v1 and i2 . 7A 3Ω 2ix 40Ω + Vx 100Ω 5A + V8 2A - 3A 9Ω - i2 ix v3 + 50Ω 45Ω 20Ω 30Ω 45. Find i. + - 5 i2 0.02v3 + 0.02v1 - 100V 1Ω i 50. Find V if v1 =0. 5Ω 4A 20 46. Find v1 and i1 . 6A + - 0.1v1 Ω Ω 5V1 2Ω 10 5A + V1 - V 96V + 1Ω + v1 3Ω 6Ω 40Ω - 2Ω 6Ω 2A v1 i1 4A 51. Find va . + 0.8va 10Ω 40Ω 20Ω 10A - 47. Find v p . 50Ω + Vp - 40Ω 2.5A 2Ω 2A 5A 5A 200 Ω 8A 5Ω + Va - 2.5Ω two points (with polarities) due to 52. Find v1 . each source acting alone. Similarly, 50Ω 20Ω 30Ω + V1 - 5A the current through any branch, other than the branch that contains ideal 0.01v1 + - 0.4v1 ideal current source, in a circuit that contains many independent sources in a linear network, is the sum of the 53. Find i1 currents (with polarities) through that + branch due to each source acting - 0.5 i1 30Ω 2A 3V DC alone. DC 4V i1 6V two emf Vth Voc the open circuit voltage vy 2Ω 4Ω Any represented as a voltage source with vx DC theorem: terminal, linear active network can be 54. Find k if Vy 0 . 1Ω Thevinin's between the terminals, and a series 3Ω 2A kvx + - resistor Rth equal to the resistance between the terminals, with all independent sources replaced with Superposition principle (Applicable only to linear networks): The potential their internal network resistances. contains the If the dependent difference between any two points, sources Rth is found out by calculating other than the terminals of an ideal the short circuit current I sc and using voltage source, in a circuit that the formula Rth contains many independent sources in a linear network, is the sum of the potential differences between those Vth . I sc Norton's theorem: Any two terminal, linear network can be represented as a current source with source current , and the maximum power delivered is I n I sc E2 . 4 Rl the short circuit current between the terminals, and a shunt resistor Rth equal to the resistance between the terminals, with all independent sources replaced with their internal resistances. Here also if the network contains the dependent sources, Rth is determined using Vth V and Rth oc . I sc In any network, let the voltage across and current through an element, (which is neither a coupled coil nor the element of a dependent source) be V and I respectively, keeping all the voltages and the currents in the network same that element can be replaced by a voltage source of + Active Network Substitution theorem: VOC Active Network ISC voltage V or a current source with current I. - Reciprocity theorem: RTH This is applicable to linear time VTH=VOC IN=ISC RTH invariant passive network. Let V be the voltage source in branch ‘a’ and I Maximum power transfer theorem: be the current in branch ‘b’, if we Consider a practical voltage source keep the same voltage in branch ‘b’ with emf (could be the Thevinin’s the same current will flow in branch volt.age of a network) E and a source ‘a’. resistance (could be the Thevinin’s resistance of a network) Rs , the power V1 LTI Passive Network I1 I2 LTI Passive Network delivered by the source (network) is maximum if the load resistance Rl Rs If the networks are same VI V2 . I1 I 2 V2 Problems: + 10Ω 1. In the network shown if P1 is the 50V DC 100V DC vc power dissipated in R when V2 is 25Ω 15Ω zero and P2 is the power dissipated - 10Ω power dissipated in R when both + in R when V1 is zero, find the 10Ω DC 10Ω 14V sources are on. 10Ω - R + 2Ω Resistive network v1 5Ω v2 15A 3Ω 2. In the network shown, with ia and - vb on and vc 0 ix 20 A , with ia 10 Ω and vc on and vb 0 ix 5 A and 2Ω 4Ω L L + 2V when all sources are on ix 12 A L L . 3Ω 6Ω Find ix due to each source acting alone 20V 60V 10V 2KΩ + 2KΩ ix 2KΩ ia Resistive network DC vc +ix vb DC 3. Find Thevinin’s equivalents of the following networks 5A 5ix 2KΩ + 250Ω - + ix 5V 20Ω 250Ω + 19Ω 5Vx + 5ix 100mA 7.5KΩ Vx - - 5. Check whether or not the following networks are reciprocal. Ie αIe Re + Rc 2Ω 3Ω Rb VS I - 6Ω 10V + I 1Ω 5V 4. Find Norton’s equivalents of the following networks + 15Ω 12Ω 2V 0.1A 50Ω 0.1v1 5V DC + DC + 200Ω v1 100Ω - Ix 2Ω - 2Ix 3Ω I