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David Klein Organic Chemistry 2nd edition chapter 10

Organic Chemistry
Second Edition
David Klein
Chapter 10
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.1 Alkynes
• Alkynes are molecules that incorporate a C≡C triple
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.1 Alkynes
• Given the presence of two pi bonds and their associated
electron density, alkynes are similar to alkenes in their
ability to act as a nucleophile
• Converting pi bonds to sigma bonds generally makes a
molecule more stable. WHY?
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.1 Alkyne Uses
• Acetylene is the simplest alkyne
• It is used in blow torches and as a precursor for the
synthesis of more complex alkynes
• More than 1000 different alkyne natural products have
been isolated
• One example is
histrionicotoxin, which can be
isolated from South American
frogs and is used on poisontipped arrows by South
American tribes
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.1 Alkyne Uses
• An example of a synthetic alkyne is ethynylestradiol
• Ethynylestradiol is the active
ingredient in many birth control pills
• The presence of the triple
bond increases the potency
of the drug compared to
the natural analog
• How do you think a C≡C triple bond affects the
molecules geometry? Its rigidity? Its intermolecular
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
Alkynes are named using the same procedure we used
in Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications
1. Identify the parent chain, which should include the C≡C triple
2. Identify and Name the substituents
3. Assign a locant (and prefix if necessary) to each substituent
giving the C≡C triple bond the lowest number possible
4. List the numbered substituents before the parent name in
alphabetical order. Ignore prefixes (except iso) when ordering
5. The C≡C triple bond locant is placed either just before the
parent name or just before the -yne suffix
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
Alkynes are named using the same procedure we used
in Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications
1. Identify the parent chain, which should include the C≡C triple
2. Identify and name the substituents.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
Alkynes are named using the same procedure we used
in Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications
3. Assign a locant (and prefix if necessary) to each substituent
giving the C≡C triple bond the lowest number possible
The locant is ONE number, NOT two. Although the triple bond
bridges carbons 2 and 3, the locant is the lower of those two
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
Alkynes are named using the same procedure we used
in Chapter 4 to name alkanes with minor modifications
4. List the numbered substituents before the parent name in
alphabetical order. Ignore prefixes (except iso) when ordering
5. The C≡C triple bond locant is placed either just before the
parent name or just before the -yne suffix
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
In addition to the IUPAC naming system, chemists often
use common names that are derived from the common
parent name acetylene
You should also be aware of the terminology below
Practice with SkillBuilder 10.1
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.2 Alkyne Nomenclature
Name the molecule below
Recall that when triple bonds are drawn their angles are
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.3 Alkyne Acidity
Recall that terminal alkynes have a lower pKa than other
Acetylene is 19 pKa units more acidic than ethylene,
which is 1019 times stronger
Does that mean that terminal alkynes are strong acids?
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.3 Alkyne Acidity
Because acetylene (pKa=25) is still much weaker than
water (pKa=15.7), a strong base is needed to make it
react, and water cannot be used as the solvent
Recall from chapter 3 we used the acronym, ARIO, to
rationalize differences in acidity strengths
Use ARIO to explain why acetylene is a stronger acid
than ethylene which is stronger than ethane
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.3 Alkyne Acidity
Use ARIO to rationalize the equilibria below
A bases conjugate acid pKa must be greater than 25 for
it to be able to deprotonate a terminal alkyne
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.4 Preparation of Alkynes
Like alkenes, alkynes can also be prepared by
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.4 Preparation of Alkynes
Such eliminations usually occur via an E2 mechanism
Geminal dihalides can be used
Vicinal dihalides can also be used
E2 requires anti-periplanar geometry
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.4 Preparation of Alkynes
Often, excess equivalents of NaNH2 are used to shift the
equilibrium toward the elimination products
NH21- is quite strong, so if a terminal alkyne is produced,
it will be deprotonated
That equilibrium will greatly favor products
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.4 Preparation of Alkynes
A proton source is needed to produce the alkyne
Predict the products in the example below
Practice with conceptual checkpoint 10.7
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Reduction of Alkynes
Like alkenes, alkynes can readily undergo hydrogenation
Two equivalents of H2
are consumed for each
The cis alkene is
produced as an
intermediate. WHY cis?
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Reduction w/ a Poisoned Catalyst
A deactivated or poisoned catalyst can be used to
selectively react with the alkyne
Lindlar’s catalyst and P-2 (Ni2B complex) are common
examples of a poisoned catalysts
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Reduction w/ a Poisoned Catalyst
Is this a syn or anti addition?
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Practice with
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Reduction with H2 gives syn addition
Dissolving metal conditions can give Anti addition
producing the trans alkene
Ammonia has a boiling point = -33°C, so the
temperature for these reactions must remain very low
Why can’t water be used as the solvent?
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Mechanism: Step 1
Note the single-barbed and double-barbed (fishhook)
Why does Na metal so readily give up an electron?
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Mechanism: Step 1
Why is the first intermediate called a radical anion?
The radical anion adopts a trans configuration to reduce
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Mechanism: step 2 and 3
Draw the product for step 3 of the mechanism
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Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Mechanism: step 4
Do the pKa values for NH3 and the alkene favor the
proton transfer?
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Dissolving Metal Reductions
Predict the product(s) for the following reaction
Practice with conceptual checkpoint 10.10
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.5 Summary of Reductions
Familiarize yourself with the reagents necessary to
manipulate alkynes
Practice with conceptual checkpoint 10.11
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.6 Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes
Like alkenes, alkynes also undergo hydrohalogenation
Draw the final product for the reaction above
Do the reactions above exhibit Markovnikov
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e
10.6 Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes
You might expect alkynes to undergo
hydrohalogenation by a mechanism similar to alkenes
Yet, the mechanism above does not explain all observed
A slow reaction rate, 3rd order overall rate law, like 1°
carbocations, vinylic carbocations are especially
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Klein, Organic Chemistry 2e