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Mathematics & Statistics Course Syllabus

(code, title,
Office hours
Required textbooks
and course materials
Mathematics and Statistics (Elements of probability
and statistics)
6ECTS credits
12 Days
Fall 2023
Elchin Mammadov
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7- 9.50 pm
By appointment. Online.
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for Business and
Economics”, 11th edition.
Additional materials will be provided by instructor
Course outline
This is a course in the basic statistical concepts and methods common in
business applications. We will focus on learning various statistical techniques
and their applications that will assist you in making business decisions. The
primary objective of this course is to enable students to perform and
understand statistical analysis of data, with the view of being able to critically
evaluate outcomes. You will learn to think critically about how statistics is
used by others and how it impacts your day-to-day life and career.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
 Organize, report and interpret descriptive summary of data
 Understand basic rules of probability theory and apply basics of
probability to roughly assess and analyze day-to-day business issues
 Differentiate discrete random variable from continuous random
variable in order to correctly apply relevant method of statistical
 Construct and interpret confidence intervals for main population
parameters, and draw conclusions based on obtained results
 Rightfully define the relevance of hypothesis test for a given business
 State and organize hypotheses, and further test them based on given
characteristics of sample data
 Use MS Excel functions and formulas for abovementioned purposes
Class attendance
To be determined during
the semester
Percentage (%)
Active participation
at the seminars
Final project
You are expected to:
- attend classes on a regular basis as the classess are conducted in a combined
lecture/seminat format where students should play an active part.
- read the assigned and suggested readings before you come to class
- engage actively in classroom discussions
- submit all your assignments on time
- follow assignments closely and carefully.
Class attendance:
Students are required to comply with the attendance policy of University.
Full-time students are expected to attend all classes unless they are sick or
have the permission of the instructor (approved absence).
A student must submit an absence request in anticipation of an absence from
the course. In case he/she fails to do so, his absence will be considered
unapproved. Specifically, to be eligible for taking exams, students must not
miss more than 25% of class hours (unapproved absences). Otherwise, the
student can take the exam only with the approval of the School Dean.
Continuing unapproved absences or lack of participation may lead to
withdrawal from the course.
Active Participation:
Every student should read the course materials in order to engage the
debates and simulations during class.
Students will have 4 assignments during the semester. Completing
assignments in a timely manner is a requirement of the course and an
absolute necessity for success. Assignments are individual work and will
contain questions for review and practice of covered topics. Assignments
will be making 50% of your total grade.
Academic misconduct
Academic honesty plays an essential part in maintaining the integrity of
University. Students are expected to recognize and uphold high standards of
intellectual and academic integrity. The following acts are examples of
academic dishonesty, therefore are strictly forbidden and will, if proven, be
- plagiarism,
- cheating,
- unauthorized collaboration,
- falsification,
- multiple submissions.
On plagiarism:
Plagiarism is unethical and an offence under the University regulations.
Please familiarize yourself with the regulations relating to plagiarism and
cheating in examinations.
Plagiarism is copying other people's work without proper attribution. The
students committing plagiarism and the students providing materials for
plagiarizing will automatically receive a zero (0) for the assignment. Students
must always indicate that they used someone else's words and ideas if they
have done so, by using quotation marks and mentioning the source in the text
or a footnote. A bibliography must also follow after the end of your essays.
Rules of Professional Conduct
The students shall behave in the way to create favorable academic and
professional environment during the class hours. Unauthorized discussions
and unethical behavior are strictly prohibited. Classroom behavior that
seriously interferes with either (a) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class
or (b) the ability of other students to benefit from the course program will not
be tolerated. When a student’s behavior in a class is so seriously disruptive
as to compel immediate action, the instructor has the authority to remove a
student from the class on an interim basis, pending an informal hearing on
the behavior.
Language of Instruction
Language of instruction for this module is English. Essays, quiz and exam
papers written in a different language will not be marked.
Tentative Schedule
Date/Day (subject to Topics
change if necessary
on holidays)
Week 1
Syllabus + Introduction Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 1
6 September
Data and statistics
Week 2
8 September
Week 3
Descriptive Statistics:
Tabular and
Descriptive Statistics:
11 September
Week 4
13 September
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 2
of Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 3
Descriptive Statistics:
Distribution shape
Empirical Rule
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 3
Week 5
13 September
Week 6
15 September
Week 7
18 September
Week 8
20 September
Introduction to
Discrete Probability
Continuous Probability
Sampling and
Sampling Distribution
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 4
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 5
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 6
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 7
Sample size
Week 9
22 September
Week 10
determination and
Population proportion
Interval estimation
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 8
Hypotheses testing
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 9
25 September
Week 11
27 September
Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, “Statistics for
Business and Economics”, 11th edition. Chapter 7
Week 12
29 September
Final project
If neccesary, some modifications may be made to this syllabus by the instructor.