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Pharmacology & Elimination: Homework Assignment

Pre lab homework Concept Elimination Pharmacology Focus Activity (25pts)
Student Instructions: Please identify your reference and page number (s) for each of your answers.
What classification of medications help to treat the following exemplars? (5pts.)
Constipation- Laxatives
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, p 1095.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, p 1091.
Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile) - Antibiotics (vancomycin)
Jones and Bartlett Learning, NDH Nurses Drug Handbook 2023 edition, Vancomycin
Hydrochloride p 1388
Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH) - 5α-Reductase inhibitors
Harding et al., Lewis's Medical- Surgical Nursing, Ch 59: Male Reproductive Problems,
p 1436.
Briefly describe how the classification helps to treat the exemplar.
5α-Reductase inhibitors- Works by reducing size of prostate gland. they block the 5α-Reductase
type 1 and 2 isoenzymes
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 59: Male reproductive
problems, p 1436.
Antibiotics-inhibits bacterial RNA and cell wall synthesis; Causes bacterial cell wall lysis and
ultimately cell death.
Jones and Bartlett Learning, NDH Nurses Drug Handbook 2023 edition, Vancomycin
Hydrochloride p 1388
Laxatives- enhancement of fluid retention by hydorphilic or osmotic mechanism, decreases net
absorption of fluid, promote bowel movements,
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, p 1093
antidiarrheal-coat and protect mucous membranes, absorb irritating intestinal transit, decrease
intestinal secretions, or decrease CNS stimulation of GI tract.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, pp
What assessment data will the nurse need to review prior to administering the medication?
VS? HR, BP, Pulse rate, O2 Sat, Pain assessment, Temperature
Lab? lab tests checking bacteria levels, nitrites, leukocyte esterase, WBC, or RBC
Diet considerations? What the patient has ate recently, fiber intake.
Assess patient if they have fever, signs for dehydration, abdomen for distention, guarding,
inspect perineal skin for signs of redness, breakdown and diarrhea.
Assess patient for bowel patterns, current bowel habits, stool consistency, volume, frequency,
rash, urgency to evacuate the bowel, check to see for fungal infection(dark red center
surrounded by gentle lesions),fluid intake, regular exercise, strain during excavating bowel.
Check to see if patient is lethargic, hemorrhoids, abscesses, absent bowel sounds.
Detailed history, and physical assessment are important, urinalysis, DRE is often done to
estimate prostate size, PSA blood test is often done as well, uroflowmetry.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, pp
Jones and Bartlett Learning, NDH Nurses Drug Handbook 2023 edition, Vancomycin
Hydrochloride p 1388
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 59: Male reproductive
problems, p 1436.
Identify objective and subjective data (if applicable) that the nurse would document to determine
therapeutic effectiveness of medication. Objective Data is anything you see, hear, or smell. And
Subjective Data is anything the patient or family tells you. For example, if you give a blood
pressure medication, you will document the blood pressure prior to giving the medication and 1hour after medication administration. 5pts.
Objective data: patient able to flatulate,pass continence, restored bladder drainage, symptom
relief, able to void, decreased prostate size, normal vitals, patient appears coherent and
oriented x4, clean lab tests(no bacteria), no scent from diarrheal incontince, or urinary
incontinence, clean clothes no stains from bowel movements or urination, well groomed,
normal bowel sounds, age, distended bladder on palpatation, and (smooth, firm elastic
enlargement of prostate on rectal examination.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 59: Male reproductive
problems, p 1436.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, pp
Subjective: patient reports feeling better, pain reduction, willingness to be discharged, patient
states having no issues with using restroom,
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 59: Male reproductive
problems, p 1436.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, pp
What interventions would the nurse implement if therapeutic effectiveness were not achieved.
(For example, what would you do, if a patient remains constipated despite being given a laxative)
If theraputic effectiveness were not achieved we would consult HCP to assess if a change in
medications may be necessary and see if surgical means may have to be resulted to. Check vital
signs and labs to see if any changes have occured. Assess abdomen, assess pain levels to see if pain
has decreased if not consult HCP for possible administration of other pain medications. For BPH αadrenergic receptor blockers may be used per HCP.
Nurse could reccomend non-pharmacological approaches to releive symptoms, guided imagery,
meditaion, exercise, promotion of healthy diet.
Osmotic laxatives are often also used for chronic Constipation and may be worth getting approval
for use to treat severe cases.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 59: Male reproductive
problems, p 1436.
Harding et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing (12th ed., ) Chapter 47 Lower GI Problems, pp