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Anna Delvey Entrepreneur Project

Anna Delvey :
The Fake, Rich,
German Heiress
Who is Anna Delvey?
● Anna Delvey was born in Russia to a truck driver father as Anna Sorokin.
● She immigrated to Germany at the age of 16.
● She came to the US posing as the daughter of a rich European business
owner, she gave people the impression she owned a large trust fund as a
German heiress, swindling over $200,000 out of businesses, banks, and
● Delvey lived the life of a rich New York socialite, spending on lavish luxury
items, partying at high-end clubs, and making friends with wealthy and
famous celebrities.
● In 2018-2019, she stood trial for grand larceny and theft of services, coining
her as a con-artist.
How She Gained Her Money
Delvey made her riches through scamming her “friends” who were New York elites.
She started with humble beginnings in Europe, but after moving to the U.S., became
a rich socialite. Through falsifying documents, securing fraudulent loans, depositing
bad checks, and plain lying, she was able to withdraw thousands of dollars from
banks. She quickly integrated herself into the NY party scene, bouncing through
fancy hotels and restaurants and living a life of extreme luxury. She continued to
blow incredible amounts of money on luxury services, footing bills for her friends,
tipping large, etc. She was lying and having restaurant bills charged to her room. As
they began to catch on to her lies, she planned an abroad trip to Morocco and began
to borrow large sums of money from her close friends to pay off her debts. Her
friends caught on to her lies and she was soon arrested on counts of grand larceny.
Business Ventures
Delvey had big plans for her own enterprise. She sought after piece of real estate in New York; a
building on Park Avenue South, a large property that features a 19th Century church on the
property. She planned to open a SOHO House for art, this would be members only, with
dynamic art exhibits, restaurants, art galleries, and a bar. She called this business the Anna
Delvey Foundation (ADF). She spoke to financial advisors, hired a PR team, held meetings
with investors, etc. She claimed that her “family’s wealth” would ensure the success of this
enterprise and even tried to acquire millions of dollars worth of loans through two of New
York’s largest banks. However, she was never able to get this project off the ground since she
was arrested not long after she started working on it.
What’s Next For Anna Delvey (Sorokin)?
After Sorokin initially got out of jail on February 21, she was again detained for staying
past her VISA as she has German citizenship. Then she was released again October 7th
this year on a $10,000 bail and is on house arrest in her New York City apartment.
Currently she is still on social media and making money off of the Netflix adaptation of
her story called “Inventing Anna”, as well as utilizing her newly acquired fame to land
interviews and media attention. Sorokin has no qualms about being open online and still
has followers who like her no matter the criminal charges. Now, 31 year old Anna
Sorokin still has her whole life ahead of her and even without the con-artist acts, she could
be very successful with her socializing and marketing skills, going from an unknown
humble girl from another country to one of the hottest names in the New York social
scene; Anna definitely has the talent to make it in life, and legitimately this time.
Why Choose Anna Delvey?
Originally, Anna Delvey came across my mind through the Netflix series “Inventing
Anna” and after doing some research, we decided on her because of how interesting her
story was. And although she technically isn’t a famous entrepreneur, she was definitely
some sort of social media influencer and used that fame to aid in her cash grabs and faux,
lavish lifestyle. Without her socializing skills and her ability to swindle, she wouldn’t have
been able to do what she did. We chose her because of how impressive it is to be able to
swindle that much money despite it being a crime. In another world, if she used these
skills to actually become an entrepreneur, through legitimate means, she could definitely
be successful in our opinion.