FRQs 1) Practice Rhizobacteria are a group of bacteria that live in nodules on plant roots. atmospheric nitrogen into forms that can be used by plants. Rhizobacteria convert Plants release carbon-containing molecules into the nodules. Based on this information, IDENTIFY the most likely ecological relationship between rhizobacteria and plants, and DESCRIBE one benefit to the rhizobacteria in this relationship. 2) pee vv Great spotted cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of reed warblers. 4 The warbler parents raise the unrelated cuckoo chicks and provide them with food that would otherwise have been given to their own biological offspring. A researcher conducted an investigation to discover the type of symbiotic relationship between the cuckoos and the warblers, and discovered that nests containing only warbler chicks were more successful than nests containing both warbler and cuckoo chicks. IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE the most likely ecological relationship between great spotted cuckoo and the reed warblers. ee ame