Identity Matrix A square matrix that is zero everywhere other tha the main diagonal and I on the main diagonal o di is denoted 0 O O O 1 I by I Id In Iymatrix n xn 9 A 912 9 92 922 923 9 911 912 913 912 913 92 922923 92 922 923 2 I G 2 2 acts Ii a 9 3 92 922 923 2 3 13 3 i 91 912 913 92 azz 923 For A an If R an n xn Im A A reduced row echelon form of matrix A then either R has is the of zeros row Every occur move or É row has a the identity is or progressively to the down the matrix is the Entirely'tsieros the last row Leading 1 is matrix I it does not leading I every leading R R this f Rs and 1.4.3 Theorem a A A In man on 1 has a but leading 1s right the identity matrix as main we diagonal of Inverse I at Y a e IR so we matrix an want an such that analogy I for an there exist a d U in a i a 1 matrices Definition 2 A is a square matrix and if a matrix B of the same size can be found such I BA then A is said to be that AB invertible and B is called an Inverse of A if no such matrix B can be found then A If is said to A be 3 singular 3 Be AB I 3 I BA I 3 EE o 3 9 9 BA AB Theorem If 1.4.4 B and C then B I C B AB BA AC CA is Be C I of A BA C I BA IC AC IC C C B CI BA C C I inverse an B both inverses of matrix A are B B AC BI B makes It inverse of If A is but in invertible we denote it's by A arithmetic At Theorem the A inverse But to talk about sense a e ta a not in matrices I 4 1 1.4.5 The matrix EI A it and only if in which case the inverse is inversible the formula A ad is be 0 given by d age f y c a by ax dy Cx u V Y E E If invertible is to solve this way demonstration that EI 91 89 y I I y so we will we have assume for invertible it is J 5 55 1 a simp E fall x a d I Theorem 1.4.6 If A and B AB then same size invertible matrices with are ABI AB is invertible and B A A B A BB A AI A AA I B A B CA A B AB BIB AB CA BI BA is CA the BY inverse I B B AB I of AB the number of invertible matrices A product of any the product is is invertible and the inverse of the product of the Powers of A is If A If A a s in reverse order matrix square matrix the A I A a inverses is invertible A At The usual laws of we A non define A Cn times AAA s we define G times negative exponents for example Ar As Arts Cars Ars apply Theorem If 1.4.7 A is invertible and then is n a nonnegative integer invertible and CA 5 A A is B A is invertible and C KA is scalar Proof invertible K KA and for A Ant K A 1 I I K A KA K'K A II l AA Kk K A zero non any KA A A I A l Theorem It 1.4.8 the sizes of the matrix stated operations A ATT B LA BIT such that the be performed then can A Att B BIT AT AB C A D KAT KAT E ABIT BTAT The transpose of of matrices in the are is a product of any number the product of the transposes reverse order 1.4.9 Theorem A If is an invertible matrix then invertible and also CATS AT CA TT At A A I CAST A A IT AT AJ IT AT AA'T I IT IT I I At is 1.5 Section Elementary matrices and Multiply a 2 Interchange 3 Add by row 1 multiply 2 swap back if then by A do one row to another B A Rj Rj I B resulted from we constant rows Backwards 3 a constant c times a method for l finding A 1 a Rj Rj CR CR s R2 BR Re 85 R2 R2 381 s Definition 1 Matrices A and B are equivalent if either from the row other operations A p B by A can a is said to b row be obtained sequence now of elementary equivalent to B Definition 2 matrix A matrix F is called an elementry if it can be obtained from an identity matrix I by performing Is Ra 8 It single o 3 Rz Ra a Rs 1 g row operation 1.5 1 theorem row operations results from If the elementry matrix E if A is EA is same I certain a performing a m x n now by matrix multiplication operation Im and matrix then the product when this the matrix that results row operation is performed on A RER EA ED E A ER B