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Grade 12 Visual Cultural Studies Research Essay Task

Grade 12
Visual Cultural Studies
Task 4: Conclusive Research Essay
Draft 1: 01 August 2023
Final draft: 15 August 2023
Maximum marks: 30
Examiner: Ms. A. Luüs
Moderators: NW cluster
This paper consists of 4 pages plus the rubric.
Make use of the attached referencing guidelines.
3. Apply relevant terminology.
4. UNDERLINE or BOLD the names of artists and their works where
5. You have to refer to the attached rubric (Addendum 5) for mark
6. You have to hand in the first draft digitally and the final draft as a hard
Conclusive Research Essay:
IEB Copyright © 2014–2021
The Conclusive Research Essay is an academic essay and its content should be based
on the development and execution of Tasks 1, 2, and 3 - PAT Artwork. In essence you
must give written feedback on your research and implementation of said research within
the development of the PAT artwork.
The main emphasis of this essay should pertain to the development of your practical
work, Task 3. In other words, whichTWO artists have influenced you while creating the
PAT Artwork.
The essay must be based on your Contextual Research in your Visual Journal for the
PAT Artwork. The essay should be written in an academic register and it should reflect
your objective and conclusive understanding of the conceptual and technical similarities
and differences between your work and the artists you researched. These links could
possibly include, but should not be limited to theme, process, development, personal
relevance and contemporary value etc.
The essay must be presented under a carefully devised title that encompasses the depth
and scope of the creative experience that forms the basis of the PAT Artwork. (E.g. The
Works of Diane Victor would not be a carefully devised title. However, An Investigation
into the Use of Explicit Imagery in my artwork and in the Disasters of Peace Series by
Diane Victor, successfully pinpoints a particular aspect of a broader theme.)
It is imperative that you place your PAT artwork as the pivotal point in the essay. In other
words, the way/s in which the selected artists have influenced your work, be it positive or
negative, must be discussed in relation to the development of your own work and
experience. The essay should not include superfluous information about the artists'
biographical details unless this knowledge is relevant to the discussion at large.
The essay should discuss the intentions and purpose of your creative process, and must
include a conclusion that emphasises what you’ve gained from the creation and
execution of the PAT Artwork. The essay should reflect your thinking process, from the
original conception of the idea through to the creation of the artwork. The essay should
also reflect that you have internalised your areas of research.
It is COMPULSORY for learners to include high quality pictures/images of your own
work, as well as pictures of artworks from those artists who have influenced your PAT
Artwork. Every selected image must be explained with regards to its connection to your
theme and the development of your work. Note: You cannot be awarded a mark of 80–
100 if you have failed to include an image/s of your own work.
Plagiarism is unacceptable and it is expected that teachers, Heads of Academics and
moderators deal with plagiarism in a serious manner. You may use any referencing
system to reference your sources. Note: See Addendum 6.
Conclusive Research Essay:
IEB Copyright © 2014–2021
At least ONE but no more than TWO drafts should be allowed for assessment and
revising during the year. These drafts and their accompanying rubrics (See Addendum
5) must be included in your SBA portfolio as well as the teacher's brief for SBA TASK 4.
The 2nd/3rd version submitted by the learner should be seen as the final essay
submitted for internal and external moderation.
The essay should consist of no fewer than TWO and no more than THREE typed A4
pages, using Arial in 12 pt. size, single line spacing, and presented on plain white paper
in the following format:
The essay must include the following aspects:
○ Page 1: Conclusive Research Essay Rubric and Mark Sheet (SECTION E:
Addendum 5)
○ Page 2: Title Page with index and learner's examination number
○ Page 3–5: Essay Pages 5–6:
○ Relevant visuals (only if relevant to topic and/or artists)
○ Pages 6–7: Reference List ( Addendum 6) ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK
Educators must provide clear feedback justifying their marks on the rubric. The
level of research should be on par with the learner's general level of competence
for Visual Culture Studies as reflected in the SBA Portfolio. The Conclusive
Research essay must be one of the tasks moderated by the cluster. After cluster
and regional moderation, only those portfolios selected for external moderation
need to be sent to the IEB as per the list sent to schools selecting specific
candidates' portfolios.
Taking credit for work that is not yours is called plagiarism. To avoid this "theft" of intellectual
property we must reference our sources when we do research for an assignment/essay/project.
Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that
have been used. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from both
published and unpublished works and all internet sources must be referenced. We use a system
called the Shorter Harvard Method to do this. A Bibliography lists all the works/sites we read up
from whether we quoted from them or not.
It appears at the end of an assignment. A Reference list lists all the works/sites we quoted form
directly. It appears at the end of an assignment, arranged alphabetically by authors' names.
Conclusive Research Essay:
IEB Copyright © 2014–2021
A Citation or in-text-citation backs up a statement or quotation in the text. It gives the author's
name and the date of a publication in brackets in the text directly after a quote that needs to be
backed up. E.g. "Fish are born alive". (Buchanan, 1998). For quotations, we can simply use
quotation marks and a footnote which will appear at the foot of the page. These are both backed
up by a full reference in the Reference list.
Record the full bibliographical details including the page number(s) from which the information is
taken. You need to write it in a specific order and take note of punctuation rules and what is in
CAPS and what is in Italics and Title Case:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME IN CAPS, INITIAL. date. Title in Title-Case or Underlined if Handwritten.
Place published: Publisher's name. For e.g. ADAM-SMITH, P. 1978. Art of the Aborigines.
Melbourne: Thomas Nelson For publications compiled by an editor use the name of the editor.
WALTHER, I. F. (ed.), 2005. Art of the 20th Century. Köln: Taschen.
REFERRING TO AN ONLINE SITE: To cite a document from a website you must follow the
author, date, etc. format. Giving just a search engine "Google "or a URL "http: quotes.com" is
not acceptable. BECKLEHEIMER, J., 1994. How do you cite URL's in a bibliography? [Online],
Available: http://www.nrlssc.navy.mil/meta/bibliography.html. Accessed on: 12 August 2007.
Example for online images give the artist's name:
Fig 13. SALVADOR DALI, The Persistence of Memory. (1931). Oil on canvas, 24 x 33cm.
Museum of Modern Art, New York.
(Source:www.virtualdali.com/assets/paintings/31Persis ...) [Accessed 10 January 2008].
World Wide Web page with no publication date Prizker, T. J. n. d., An early fragment from
central Nepal//. [Online] Available: **http://library.regencystudent.com/referencing.html**.
Accessed on: 12 August 2000
You may choose to engage with this Harvard Referencing Guide from the University of
the Witwatersrand:
There are also a number of online applications, for example, Turnitin, that allow educators to
check the originality of learner work. Please check what options you may have available at your
Conclusive Research Essay:
IEB Copyright © 2014–2021