Uploaded by 陈思雨

Course List: Productivity, English, Web Dev, Programming, Arts

List of courses we're trying to include in the platform:1. Productivity
a. Internet Basics - How to create accounts (sign up/sign in), How to use Google,
How to book train tickets, How to do online shopping, ChatGPT, platforms like
Udemy, MIT Opencourseware etc.
b. Google Office Suite - Google Forms, Docs, Sheets, Slides
2. English Foundation
a. Effective English communication (reading, writing, comprehension, vocabulary,
b. Effective English communication II (listening and speaking)
c. Effective writing in English (creative writing & non-fiction) (needed for persuasive
communication, which is essential for all fields, including and especially in STEM
fields). With this course we will help them be more persuasive in building an
argument and conveying it effectively.
d. Foundations of Public Speaking in English (This is to help them cultivate the
experience of being able to speak their mind freely in public without
apprehension. This is needed in every walk of life, perhaps especially in STEM
3. Web development
a. Introduction to Web Development using HTML and CSS
b. Introduction to JavaScript for Web Development
c. UX Design using Figma
d. Introduction to Frontend Web Development with JavaScript Frameworks (Angular
or React, your pick)
e. Introduction to Fullstack Web Development (MEAN / MERN or Django with
React/Angular or anything else, your pick)
4. Programming
a. Introduction to Software Development - Git, JIRA, SDLC etc
b. Introduction to Python
5. Technology Exploration
a. Introduction to Game Design (Unity, Unreal Engine etc)
b. Introduction to machine learning
c. Frontiers in Technology & how to effectively use ChatGPT, Dall-e other AI tools
6. Personal Development
a. Self-discipline - How to utilize your time effectively, basics of meditation
b. Critical Thinking - How to pay attention to details, how to ask questions, critical
c. Personal Safety
d. Personal finance management
7. Arts
a. Introduction to Journalism
b. Basics of film critique
c. Photography and filmmaking
d. Introduction to interviewing (they will be taught how to acquire new interviewees,
how to prepare for the interview, the roles and responsibilities of both the
interviewer and interviewee, common etiquette, his will exercise their
communication skills, PR skills, critical thinking, research skills, personal
Other relevant links:1. Vidhya.io 2023 Roadmap