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Pronunciation in Ielts Speaking

Study with Linh Le
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET (IPA) .............................................................. 2
I - VOICED TH-(IPA / ð/) ...................................................................................................... 2
A. INITIAL VOICED TH-(IPA /ð/)..................................................................................... 2
B. MEDIAL VOICED TH- (IPA: / ð/) ................................................................................. 3
C. FINAL VOICED /TH/ (IPA: / ð /) ................................................................................... 4
II - VOICELESS TH - (IPA: / θ /)........................................................................................... 5
A. INITIAL VOICELESS TH - (IPA: / θ /) .......................................................................... 5
B. MEDIAL VOICELESS /TH/- (IPA: / θ /) ........................................................................ 7
C. FINAL VOICELESS /TH/- (IPA: / θ /) ........................................................................... 8
III - L (DARK L) ................................................................................................................... 9
A. FINAL L (DARK L)....................................................................................................... 9
B. DARK L IN MEDIAL POSITIONS (BEFORE A CONSONANT) ................................... 9
IV - INITIAL R ................................................................................................................... 10
V - LONG /A/ - (IPA: /eI/) .................................................................................................... 11
VI - LONG /I/- (IPA: /ai/) ..................................................................................................... 12
VII - LONG /ee/-(IPA: /i:/) ................................................................................................... 13
VIII - SHORT /i/ - (IPA: /i/) ................................................................................................. 15
IX - FINAL VOICED CONSONANTS ................................................................................. 16
X - S/ES ............................................................................................................................... 20
XI - FINAL /s/ or PLURAL /s/ WORKSHEET ..................................................................... 21
XII – LINKING AND PAUSING WORKSHEET ................................................................. 21
A. Consonant to vowel/vowel to consonant ........................................................................ 21
B. Consonant to Consonant (part A) ................................................................................. 22
C. Consonant to consonant (part B) .................................................................................. 22
XIII- ED .............................................................................................................................. 23
XIV - CAN/CAN'T DIFFERENCE ....................................................................................... 26
XV – WORD STRESS SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 27
A. BASIC RULES OF WORD STRESS ............................................................................ 29
B. BASIC WORD STRESS RULES PRACTICE ............................................................... 30
XVI - SENTENCE STRESS ................................................................................................. 34
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
I - VOICED TH-(IPA / ð/)
Mouth Position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position:
Air Flow: Continuous
Voice: on
Common Errors: /d, z, v/
Practice words:
1. this
4. them
2. that
5. then
3. the
6. those
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
7. these
8. they
More: their, though, therefore, there, themselves
Practice Sentences:
1. This car belongs to them.
2. The girls spend all of their time playing.
3. Wait for them over there.
4. Then why don't they come?
5. These hamburgers are the best!
6. I will ride this bike down that road.
7. They will help themselves to the salad bar.
8. These are the flowers that they ordered.
Practice Paragraph:
I often tell my clients to repeat the words "this," "that," and "these" in order to practice
this sound. If they practice these three words over and over again, they will learn to
say them correctly. If they forget to practice these words, then I can't promise them
success in their English pronunciation. Those who follow the directions on their
homework will find out for themselves how quickly they can change their speech
Mouth position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue.
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position.
Air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors: /d, z, v/
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Practice words:
1. mother
5. rather
2. brother
6. together
3. another
7. weather
4. either
8. breathing
More words: clothing, gathering, other, rather, worthy, brotherly, feather, rhythm,
teething, whether, stepmother, sunbathing, altogether, withering
Practice sentences:
1. My mother and father are still together
2. I don't know whether I'd rather be thin and bald or fat and beautiful.
3. It will bother me if you talk during the movie.
4. The other night I heard the rhythm of the new band down the street.
5. His brother was gathering a crowd to listen to another song.
6. While I was sunbathing I felt a feather land on my leg.
7. He needs to either tell his father or stepmother
8. Let's sing the harmony of this song all together.
Practice paragraph:
My mother gets very sad in the winter when the weather is rainy, it bothers her that
the sun doesn't shine very often. She would rather be sunbathing on the beach with
clear weather. My brother said we should take a trip together to help my mother feel
better. My father agreed and said he would rather be sunbathing in Mexico than
withering away in the cold weather.
Mouth position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue.
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position.
Air flow: continuous voice: on
Common errors: /d, z, v/
Practice words:
1. Breathe
4. Smooth
2. Clothe
5. Lathe
3. Bathe
Practice sentences
1. This tea helps to soothe my nerves.
2. I loathe the way my hair looks.
3. I will breathe a sigh of relief when I pass the test.
4. Who will bathe the children?
5. He will clothe himself in the traditional dress.
6. The dress was made of smooth silk.
Practice paragraph:
I like to drink tea to soothe my nerves. The feeling in my throat is smooth and allows
me to relax and breathe. After I drink my tea I am ready to bathe and clothe myself to
get ready for the day.
II - VOICELESS TH - (IPA: / θ /)
Mouth position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue.
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror.
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Air flow: continuous
Voice: off
Common errors: /t, s, f/
Practice words:
1. Thank
6. Thin
2. Three
7. Thing
3. Thick
8. Think
4. Thief
9. Third
5. Thigh
More words: thirty, thousand, thunder, thursday, theater, therapy, thanksgiving city
Practice sentences:
1. Thank you for helping me!
2. The thunder scared away the thief.
3. At thirty, I want to be thin and wealthy.
4. The 3-year-old was thirsty.
5. I will meet you on Thursday at 5:30.
6. There will be thunderstorms throughout the valley.
Practice paragraph:
The thunderstorms on Thursday scared my cat theodore. Though my cat is 3 years old
he still gets scared of the loud thunder. Other things also scare him very much. For
example, the thin needle and shiny thimble my mother uses to sew makes him run away
and hide behind the furniture. Our 3 year old also sends him running for cover but that
is understandable: 3 year old is a cat's worst nightmare!
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Mouth position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue.
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position.
Air flow: continuous
Voice: off
Common errors: /t, s, f/
Practice words:
1. Athlete
4. Everything
2. Author
5. Wealthy
3. Without
6. Method
Practice sentences:
1. The author will sign autographs.
2. He will be starting the marathon within an hour.
3. Everything happens for a reason.
4. The wealthy will find it worthwhile to go to the event.
5. Worthwhile activities help us feel wealthy.
6. Matthew felt youthful after running the marathon.
7. I am nothing without my health.
Practice paragraph:
Martha likes to run marathons. She is an athlete and an author. Her books are written
about anything having to do with athletic achievement and marathons. For example,
she wrote a book about how to stay healthy and fit while living a busy modern life. She
is quoted to have said, "my health is everything to me. Without it, nothing else matters.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Mouth position:
1. Gently bite the tip of your tongue.
2. You must be able to see your tongue when looking in a mirror.
3. Release a stream of air while your tongue is in this position. Air flow: continuous
Voice: off
Common errors: /t, s, f/
Practice words:
1. Bath
5. Faith
9. North
2. Booth
6. Math
10. Teeth
3. Cloth
7. Mouth
4. Earth
8. Myth
More words: youth, phone booth, underneath, beth, cottonmouth, bubble bath, birth
Practice sentences:
1. Taking a bath is relaxing.
2. Our faith can help us overcome challenges.
3. For healthy teeth, you must brush and floss daily.
4. She sat in the eighth row of the theater.
5. We will both need to go south down this street.
6. The cloth underneath my bed is red.
7. Personal growth develops with each new challenge.
8. My favorite subject in 5th grade was math.
Practice paragraph:
Mrs.Smith had always wanted children. When she realized she was pregnant with twins
she was filled with mirth! With both embryos' growth, she saw the girth of her
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
abdomen expand. Then in the 9th month of her pregnancy, it was time to give birth. On
may 10th, 1967, mrs. Ruth Smith gave birth to a girl and a boy, whom she named Beth
and Seth Smith.
Mouth position:
1. Mouth slightly open and rounded.
2. Tongues are in a cup shape at the bottom of your mouth.
3. Vowel quality, meaning that your teeth, tongue, or lips do not
Air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors:/r, n, 1/
Word practice:
1. Trouble
5. Crawl
2. Full
6. Feel
3. Doll
7. People
4. Tall
8. Apple
1. Ultra
5. Multiple
2. Pulse
6. Always
3. Wolf
7. False
4. Dolphin
8. Milk
Sentence practice:
1. The girl played with her doll.
2. We got a call in the middle of the night.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
3. Don't let the milk spill out of the pail.
4. The apple was a pale yellow.
5. He was tall as a bean pole and as pale as snow.
6. The children played on the rail until Tim fell.
7. The baby girl likes to crawl to other people.
8. I feel full after eating a big meal.
Paragraph practice:
1, The dog wagging its tail wanted to kill the tall man wearing the teal shirt. The man
ran until he was pale. He ran until he fell. Being bitten by a dog did not appeal to him.
Thankfully to outrun a dog, he bought a caramel apple from a fruit stand. The day grew
dark and he hailed a taxi. Soon he was home, where the most scary thing was his
daughter's doll complete with blinking eyes and orange curls.
2, In April two years ago we had a baby girl. We named her Rachel and painted her
room light purple. When she was first learning to walk, she fell a lot and cried. So she
learned to crawl instead. For her 2nd birthday, we got her a doll and she named it Jill.
She dressed her doll in teal and took it everywhere we went.
Mouth position:
1. Lips are rounded and pushed forward. Tip is down and back of tongue is bunched at
the back of your throat
2. Tongue air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors: //, /w/, or deleted
Word practice:
1. Right
4. River
7. Red
2. Read
5. Really
8. Remember
3. Run
6. Room
9. Reach
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Sentence practice:
1. The rocks near the river are wet.
2. The baby reached for her mother.
3. The right bed will help you sleep.
4. Reading makes you a better writer.
5. Remain curious and reach for your dreams.
6. I love to read by the river.
7. I remember the red barn sleek with rain.
8. Ronald, please rake the leaves before it rains.
Paragraph practice:
The river that runs near the old road has gotten dry for the summer. We wait for the
autumn rains to fill the river deep. We even suspect it to really overflow its banks. It is
a rare autumn that the river does not overflow its bank. Some years it gets so bad, the
water reaches the road.
V - LONG /A/ - (IPA: /eI/)
Mouth position:
1. Mouth open and jaw is dropped
2. Mouth curved into a slight smile
3. Glide to the long /ee/ (as in see)
Air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors: short /e/
Word practice:
1. Baby
3. Paper
5. Day
2. April
4. Wait
6. Eight
Practice makes perfect
7. Maybe
Linh Le
8. Plan
Sentence practice:
1. I've been waiting for twenty-eight minutes!
2. I'm afraid of swimming in the lake.
3. Our baby boy was born in april.
4. What's your name?
5. Have a great day!
6. The train to Madrid leaves at eight and I am late.
7. May I pay the bill?
8. The game was canceled because of the heavy rain.
Paragraph practice:
Rachel has been my neighbor, colleague, and friend since april. We both live near lake
Ainsley and go swimming together on Saturdays and sundays. I always thought she was
pretty with her small waist and pale hair. One day I scheduled a lunch date with her.
Though there was a delay with her train, the date went well. We talked over bagel
sandwiches and made plans to meet again soon.
VI - LONG /I/- (IPA: /ai/)
Mouth position:
1 mouth open and jaw is dropped low
2. Glide into the /ee/ vowel (smile)
Air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors: short /e/ & /i/
Word practice:
1. Side
3. I
5. Right
2. Cry
4. Time
6. Trying
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
7. Buy
9. Find
8. My
10. Describe
Sentence practice:
1. Take my advice.
2. I love my life in the United states.
3. The time will fly.
4. I will take his side every time.
5. Try to divide your work.
6. They will provide a nice lunch.
7. I am trying to decide.
8. I will try the pie.
9. My son will whine and cry.
10. I memorized the poem.
Paragraph practice:
My favorite clothing store had a "once in a lifetime" sale. The line to get in was a mile
long! By the time I got into the store, I was surprised to find something I liked. I tried
to buy a nice white shirt but they didn't have my size. I was trying to decide what to do.
I was about to whine and cry when the clerk told me I could try buying it online. I
smiled and decided to take her advice.
VII - LONG /ee/-(IPA: /i:/)
Mouth position:
1. Spread your lips wide into a horizontal line (like a smile)
2. Mouth and teeth are slightly apart
3. Back edges of your tongue gently touch your upper back teeth
Air flow: continuous
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Voice: on
Common errors: short /i/
Word practice:
1. Asleep
4. Seat
7. Dream
2. Clean
5. Team
8. Eat
3. Zebra
6. Please
Sentence practice:
1. The family is busy cleaning.
2. Our team gets in for free.
3. The king took his seat at the throne.
4. Please take the road with a scenic view.
5. He leaned against the tree.
6. The sheep will eat the leaves.
7. He will be back here at three.
8. Please feed the baby and put her to sleep.
9. She put pink blush on her cheeks.
10. Split pea soup is good to eat on rainy days.
Paragraph practice:
The family likes visiting the zoo and bringing a picnic lunch. Three year-old Suzy likes
the petting zoo the best where there are lots of sheep. Thirteen year old joey likes the
zebras a lot. When he was very young, a zebra licked him on the cheek. Today the
zebras are sleeping and look peaceful. Leela, who is seventeen, likes the lynx. It is a
very pretty, furry animal. The family got hungry and decided to eat their lunch by some
shady trees. It was cool and breezy. Soon the family got sleepy. They fell asleep and
had dreams of animals.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
VIII - SHORT /i/ - (IPA: /i/)
Mouth position:
1. Mouth is relaxed and neutral
2. Lips and teeth are slightly apart
3. Back edges of your tongue gently touch your upper back teeth
Air flow: continuous
Voice: on
Common errors: /ee/, /uh/
Word practice:
1. Crib
5. Chin
9. Pig
2. Swim
6. River
10. Give
3. Spin
7. Fill
4. Sit
8. Whisper
Sentence practice:
1. This is it.
2. It fits his wrist.
3. I'm taking swimming lessons.
4. The witty twins were funny.
5. I am thrifty by buying $15 shoes.
6. Put the baby in her crib.
7. Don't swim in the river!
8. The kid threw a fit.
9. The pig lay in a pit of mud.
10. The rich man gave me a gift.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Paragraph practice:
The Mississippi river is the largest river in North america. I live near the Mississippi
River in the state of Missouri where indigo bush, willow trees, and silver bell trees grow
thickly near its banks. Sitting near the river bank fills me with inspiration and gives me
time to think about our beautiful world.
Hold the vowel longer before the voiced consonant.
Voiced sounds /b, d, g, z, v, zh, j, th, w, y, m, n, ng, l, r/
A. /p/-/b/
Practice sentences:
1. The baby cub held the cup.
2. She needs to take a quick nap.
3. I left my baseball cap in the back seat of the cab.
4. The mob left a mess for me to mop.
5. Where is the rope that goes with my robe?
6. The instructions for the tap are on the tab.
7. Slap the grout on that slab of tile.
8. He made one lap around the lab.
9. They found a rip on that boy's rib.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
B. /t/ - /d/
pat pad
Practice sentences:
1. Dancing to the beat, a bead fell off my bracelet.
2. Cut the cud the calf chews.
3. Pirate captains made their crew call one another "mate."
4. He likes to pat the pad of papers before the test.
5. I bet you never go to bed on new year's eve!
6. My ipod fell into a pot of water!
7. He had a bad dream about a bat.
8. After he hit his sister, he hid under his bed.
9. Bite your lip to bid some time before the verdict.
C. /k/ - /g/
Practice sentences:
1. The rag on the metal rack smelled bad.
2. A wet sack of laundry will sag.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
3. Jet lag is caused partly by lack of sleep.
4. My dog will wag his tail and whack everyone.
5. He placed the heavy bag on the boy's back.
6. A dog sat at the edge of the dock.
7. We needed to lock the log cabin.
8. In stories, the ugly frog wears a nice frock.
D. /s/ - /z/
Practice sentences:
1. The water of the rice paddies is on the rise.
2. The boy will cease to seize her hand.
3. Bring your mace to the haunted maze.
4. The buzz of the bus made me nervous.
5. My face went through a chubby phase.
6. My baby will fuss when you put fuzz on his face.
7. Our cat lays on the lace cloth.
8. It's no use to fix a thing you don't use.
9. I tried to advise him but he won't take my advice.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
E. /f/ - /v/
Practice sentences:
1. The thief will thieve the jewelry.
2. He will have half this pie.
3. Save your money by putting it in a safe.
4. Handle grief by giving yourself time to grieve.
5. Mom wanted to leave the leaf on the table.
6. Strive to be glad though you feel strife.
7. Do not waver to eat that wafer.
8. The video of my life will go live.
9. We cannot prove his guilt without proof.
F. /ch/ - /dg/
Practice sentences:
1. The witch named her cat "widge".
2. Cadge less to catch the perfect mate.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
3. The rich man lives near the ridge.
4. Please etch your mark into the edge of the glass.
5. Electricians search to find the power surge.
6. He got a badge for his batch of cookies.
X - S/ES
In English, the spelling rule (adding s or es) for plural nouns and verbs that go with
third person singular is the same.
E.g: watch -> watches. They also have the same pronunciation rule of the s/es.
Ex: Add s or es to the following words and put them into the correct column:
touch, mistake, friend, class, style, rose, language, difference, result, team, describe,
horse, house, sentence, punish, form, member, disease, face, use, grade, study, group,
present, cook, orange, cake, boy, bean, shut, break, feel, road, beat, save.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Always remember to pronounce the endings of words!
Practice paragraph:
Celebrities enjoy fancy lifestyles. From the mansions they live in, to their vacation
homes by the beach. They drive expensive sports cars or have limousines with
chauffeurs to drive them around. Many celebrities have spent millions of dollars for
their weddings. It is common for female celebrities to spend tens of thousands of dollars
for just one dress! Most celebrities enjoy having lots of money and the fancy things it
buys them.
Connecting words & sounds together to sound natural & fluent in english
1. Consonant to vowel
2. Consonant to consonant (A & B)
A. Consonant to vowel/vowel to consonant
When one word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel
sound, you must link the two sounds together as if they were one word.
Practice Sentences (C to V):
1. Sunshine is good for you.
2. Can I go home early?
3. He wants to (wanna) drive.
got to (gotta) / is going to (gonna)
4. Get out of my way!
5. Her shoes are expensive.
6. Let's eat out.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
7. Do you want to go bowling?
8. Please pass a tissue.
9. Red is my favorite color.
10. He likes playing outside.
B. Consonant to Consonant (part A)
When one word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with the same
consonant sound then the consonant sound is said only once.
Practice sentences:
1. I want to come.
2. He's had enough food.
3. I want some more.
4. She ate two grapes.
5. My parents sold the car.
6. The water runs down the hill.
7. Wood floors scratch easily.
8. Children need a lot of love.
9. The dog gave me the ball.
10. The car rolled over twice.
C. Consonant to consonant (part B)
When one word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with a consonant
sound produced in the same position, then they share the pronunciation. Usually, the
first consonant will not get its full pronunciation because it is sliding into the next
consonant sound.
Practice sentences:
1. I've been drinking coffee.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
2. Pete didn't share his treat.
3. Stop by my house tonight.
4. His sister is so nice.
5. My brother really likes dogs.
6. These shoes are five bucks.
7. I feel like going running.
8. I was up for a game of basketball.
9. He was at church showing the program.
10. Let's share a ride to work.
REMEMBER: DO NOT add extra vowels or sounds after words - always lead
straight into the next word!
ex: I walk uh the dog. (do NOT say 'uh')
When connecting words you should only say the sounds in the words.
/p, f, b, v/
behind teeth
/t, ch, s, sh, d, dg, z, zh, n/
/k, h, g, ng, r/
Regular verbs are words that end with "ed" in past tense. There are three ways to
pronounce "ed": /t/, /d/ and /id/. Add "ed" to the following verbs and put them into
their column.
want, cook, miss, learn, present, live, complete, face, decide, punish, ask, improve,
help, watch, laugh, finish, share, die, use, form, succeed, include, develop, found.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Practice reading this story
A little old lady was in the kitchen one day, washing the dishes when suddenly a little
genie appeared beside her. "You've led a long and good life" the genie said, "I have
come to reward you by granting you three wishes. Ask for anything you want and I will
make it happen." The old lady was surprised but cynical. Not really believing that
anything would happen she decided to play along for a minute. "Ok" she said, "turn all
those dirty dishes into money." With that there was a big poof! And the dishes had
turned into a big pile of cash. "Oh my god" said the old lady, staggered that it had
actually worked, "Perhaps you could make me look young and beautiful again?" There
was another big poof and the woman now looked lots younger and was very good
looking. Excitedly she carried on, "Can you turn my dear old cat into a handsome young
man?" Once more there was a big poof, and the cat was replaced by a handsome young
circle the sound you hear at the end of these words
1. learned /t/ /d/ /id/
2. needed /t/ /d/ /id/
3. rested /t/ /d/ /id/
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
4. smoked /t/ /d/ /id/
5. planned /t/ /d/ /id/
6. asked /t/ /d/ /id/
7. changed /t/ /d/ /id/
8. laughed /t/ /d/ /id/
9. counted /t/ /d/ /id/
10. pretended /t/ /d/ /id/
Find the ending sound: /t/ /d/ /id/
1. stopped
6. studied
2. cleaned
7. worried
3. trusted
8. enjoyed
4. danced
9. missed
5. hiked
10. ended
Practice sentences:
1. I needed to get more sleep.
2. She smoked cigarettes.
3. She smiled when he asked her to marry him.
4. The baby laughed when she was tickled.
5. The cake tasted better after it was cooked.
6. She planned on getting well-rested.
7. He laughed when she slipped.
8. He changed his clothes because he needed to relax.
9. She decided that her 10 year old sister cried too much.
10. Susan hasn't visited since she moved.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Practice paragraph:
She attended college in the United states and wanted to become educated in American
culture. She looked for a class titled "American culture 101" but found nothing. So she
decided the best iks piarians. Way to learn was to experience it instead. She listened to
american music, ate american food like hamburgers and root beer floats. She watched
American movies like Titanic and castaway. One time she even dated an american! He
liked her a lot and one day proposed marriage to her in the American style. She said
"yes" and they were married one year later. They lived together happily ever after.
Can: 1 beat/kən/ reduced vowel
Can't: 2 beats /kӕnt/ {full vowel}
Practice sentences:
1. He can go
2. He can't go.
3. I can take you to work.
4. I can't take you to work.
5. She can afford it.
6. She can't afford it.
7. I told him he can.
8. I told him he can't.
9. I can help you.
10. I can't help you.
11. I told you we can go tomorrow.
12. I told you we can't go tomorrow.
13. If you can come, tell me.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
14. If you can't come, tell me.
15. Are you saying we can?
16. Are you saying we can't?
17. Who thinks they can make it?
18. Who thinks they can't make it?
19. When can you meet?
20. When can't you meet?
Read the story below with final sound, stress and cluster:
Yesterday, I had bad luck. First, I got up late and missed the school bus. Then, I walked
to school and the teacher punished me because I forgot to finish my task. I had to wear
a mask and stand in front of my desk. My best friend laughed at me and kept saying that
I should grasp the chance to attract girls.
Every word in English has at least one syllable.
Every word in English also has one syllable that is stressed or emphasized.
The combination of stressed & unstressed syllables creates the rhythm of English
Syllables are the way we break apart words into pieces. Every word in english can be
broken into 1 or more syllables. A syllable is a part of a word that always has 1 vowel
sound and sometimes 1 or more consonants around it.
1. Syllable words: work, day, go, night.
2. Syllable words: a-gain, en-ter, dan-ger, to-day
3. Syllable words: com-pu-ter, es-ti-mate. Pho-to-graph
4. Syllable words: bi-o-lo-gist, he-li-co-pter, e-con-no-my
5. Syllable words: con-gra-tu-la-tions, in-sig-ni-fi-cant, sa-tis-fac-to-ry
Stress is saying a word or part of a word longer, louder, with a higher pitch, and full
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Every word has at least one syllable & every word also has one syllable that is
How many syllables do you hear in these words?
1. eraser
6. chair
2. fascination
7. arrive
3. command
8. dictionary
4. tomorrow
9. begin
5. pajamas
10. beautiful
Which syllable am i saying longer, louder, and with a slightly higher pitch?
(circle it)
1. pro-ject
6. pho-to-gra-phy
2. a-rrive
7. lip-stick
3. ho-li-day
8. to-day
4. dis-co-ver
9. gra-du-a-tion
5. e-co-no-mic
10. rain-bow
Practice words:
1. comMAND
6. SUITcase
2. demOcracy
7. himSELF
3. YESterday
8. eVENT
4. indiVIdual
9. Access
5. PIllow
10. aMERican
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
1. 2 syllable words:
• noun: stress falls on the first syllable.
• verb: stress falls on the second syllable.
Examples: Nouns: teacher, pencil, language
Verbs: begin, arrive, select
2. Heteronym words: words spelled exactly the same but have two meanings
depending on the way you stress it.
• noun: stress falls on the first syllable
• verb: stress falls on the second syllable.
(which has the same pronunciation as 'dessert")
3. Stress in compound nouns: always stress the first word.
Compound noun = 2 or more nouns combined to form a single noun.
Ex: mailbox, blackbird, treehouse, mother-in-law
4. Stress in proper nouns: if it's a two-word name, stress the second word. Proper
noun = one-of-a-kind item and is always spelled with a capital letter. Ex: New York,
San Francisco, mickey mouse
5. Acronyms: stress the last letter.
Acronym = a letter is used to represent a longer name.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
2 syllable words
• noun - 1st syllable stress
• verbs - 2nd syllable stress
Practice words:
1. teacher
6. select
2 pencil
7. english
3. begin
8. camera
4. language
9. decide
5. arrive
10. relax
Heteronym Words: (practice saying these words with the correct stress)
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Heteronym words practice paragraph:
The professor refused to speak on the conflict in the saudi arabian desert and the
progress the rebels were making there. It would be in violation of her contract with the
university's head administrators who did not want any more students to protest our
country's involvement in the foreign conflict. Especially not on campus. Protests on
campus would project an image in contrast to what the administrative and public
relations department would like for the small, private university.
Compound nouns: stress the first word or part of the word
1. blackbird
6. freeze-dry
2. treehouse
7. over-ripe
3. mailbox
8. 2-year-old
4. doghouse
9. wallpaper
5. driveway
10. grasshopper
Compound noun practice paragraph:
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
My neighbor Tina's house is perfect! It has everything you could ever dream of! Her
house entertainment has a huge living room, family room, dining room, and even a
recreation room in 1 eis the basement with a pool table, foosball, and air hockey. She
also has an exercise room with great exercise equipment, a tanning bed, and an indoor
heated swimming pool. The best part is her beautiful rose garden and apple orchard. I'm
really glad we are friends.
Proper nouns: if it's a two or three word name, stress the last part of the name
1. New York or New York City
6. Statue of Liberty
2. San Francisco
7. Civil War
3. Mickey Mouse
8. Queen of England
4. University of Oregon
9. Mt. Everest
5. Mrs. Smith
10. Taj Mahal
Proper Noun Practice Paragraph:
Larry and Anna Proust live in New York City with their children Jeff, Lucy, and Emma.
Larry's grandparents, Nina and Marcus Proust, immigrated from Europe to America.
After a long voyage on the Atlantic Ocean, their first sight of America was the Statue
of Liberty. After landing at Ellis island, they settled in New York City. To this day the
proust family continues to live in New York City also known as the Big Apple.
Acronyms: stress the last letter
1. FBI
6. ABC
2. IRS
7. US
3. CPA
8. PTA
9. SAT
5. UPS
10. UN
Acronym Practice Paragraph:
The UPS or United Postal Service uses a lot of abbreviations in their work. For example
words like street, avenue, road, and boulevard are usually abbreviated as St., Ave.., Rd.,
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
and Bivd in addresses. Because most state names are long, they are also abbreviated.
Most states have very easy abbreviations, for example Texas is TX and Tennessee is
TN. However Connecticut's abbreviated name is CT and the abbreviation for Maine is
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Content words
Function words
Eg: water is extremely
eg: i know him
Main verbs:
Eg: I like travelling
Eg: she is my teacher
Eg: a red hat
Articles: a,an, the
Eg: she is a singer
Eg: she speaks clearly
Auxiliary verbs:
must/ ought/dare/need/used to....
Eg: my name is linh
Eg: i never give up
Eg: i don't like it
Conjunctions: and, if, but
Eg: nobody likes her
Eg: mai and linh
Prepositions: in, on, at
Eg: how is it?
Eg: the book is on the table
Eg: what time is it?
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Shifting stress: change the meaning of a sentence by shifting the stressed word.
Who is going to the party?: SHE'S going to the party tonight.
What is she doing tonight?: she's GOING to the party tonight
Are you sure she is going?: she IS going to the party tonight.
Where is she going tonight?: she is going to the PARTY tonight.
When is she going: she is going to the party TONIGHT.
Sentences practice
1. Pancakes make a good breakfast.
2. Are you going to call me this evening?
3. Have you seen Susan's new haircut?
4. Chocolate is my favorite candy
5. I enjoy gardening on sunny days
Practice sentences: set 1
underline the content (stressed) words in these sentences.
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. Chewing mint gum can freshen your breath.
3. Vegetables and fruits are healthy.
4. Driving in snow is difficult.
5. Spending time with family can be stressful.
6. Please buy more bread and milk.
7. Drinking water is good for you.
8. Tomorrow is my 80th birthday!
9. Cats enjoy sleeping in warm places.
10. My dentist appointment is tomorrow.
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
Practice sentences: set 2
Underline the content (stressed) words in these sentences.
1. Ben will go to the store to get fried chicken.
2. Christmas and Thanksgiving are my absolute favorite holidays.
3. She scheduled the next meeting for Thursday morning.
4. Apple pie is one of Jill's very favorite foods.
5. Lawyers can make a lot of money.
6. Rainy weather will usually make me feel sleepy.
7. Wendy is an accountant.
8. Nancy found the perfect pair of shoes.
9. Panda bears will always eat bamboo.
10. When can we meet up for lunch?
Practice paragraph:
My new apartment is perfect for me and my family. The rent is cheap and i can have
pets there. The living room walls are painted light blue and the kitchen is painted yellow.
There are 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom that are small but very cozy. Fortunately, the
kitchen and living room are large. I enjoy cooking in a nice big kitchen and playing with
our 4-year-old is fun in a spacious living room.
Sentence stress practice
Say the bolded words longer, louder, with a higher pitch, and full pronunciation.
America is a melting pot of many cultures. Many immigrants from different lands
have helped shape this unique country. Its earliest settlers were the Native Americans
whose unique contributions can still be seen today. Native Americans have influenced
American culture through language. Believe it or not, more than 2,000 words found
in American English today have been shaped by Native Americans. Almost half of
our state names come from Native American words. For example, Minnesota comes
from a Dakota Indian word that means "sky tinted water."
Native American influence can also be seen in our agriculture. Various tribes taught
the early European settlers how to grow crops in a new climate and soil. Corn was
Practice makes perfect
Linh Le
one of those crops. It is a major crop even today. A lot of our corn is eaten by people.
It is also used to feed farm animals like cows and pigs. Corn is also used to produce
ethanol which is one kind of fuel we use for our cars. Let's not forget the important
role Native Americans have played in shaping America's unique and diverse culture.