survey accurately The statistical results of the test faithfully reflect the current represent the actual situation of... only partially Compared In comparison to other non-native English speaker regions, Europe obviously has the with highest English proficiency. According to the English proficiency index, Taiwan the rank S among + Ns be ranked above + N below + N is ranked ranks 7 th in Asia and 38 th globally among 100 nonnative English speaking countries. ranked Taiwan is selected among the safest countries. rated S receive high be awarded poor get a positive rating. earn five Taiwan’s ranking in the index has dropped for the fifth Based on the statistics, we can infer assume that S + V . consecutive successive consecutive successive years. year . The Netherland has topped the index, (and it is ) followed by Sweden and Norway. This chart indicates that the visitors to Americas outnumber / outstrip those to Europe. The results of the study survey reflect growing concerns among represent worry indicate anxiety about over