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Vitamins & Minerals: Nutrition Facts Sheet

Vitamin Sources & Function
Fat Soluble Vitamins:
Vitamin A supports healthy vision and the immune system. Dietary sources: fish
liver oil, liver, butter, kale, carrots, spinach. Overdose (hypervitaminosis)=
headaches and fatigue severe birth defects.
Vit D performs two major roles; bone maintenance and immune system support.
Sources sunlight, fish oil mushrooms fortified dairy products. Overdose=
hypercalcemia: nausea, headache weight loss, damage to heart and the kidneys,
reduced appetite, high blood pressure.
Vit E antioxidant. Sources: wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds or oil, hazelnuts,
almonds. Overdose= Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, weakness,
blurred vision.
Vit K function…blood clotting. Sources: kale, liver, spinach, parsley, butter, egg
yolks. No known issues with overdose
Water Soluble Vitamins:
Thiamine: energy metabolism, nerve function. Sources: pork, whole grains,
enriched breads, cereals, legumes nuts seeds
Riboflavin: Vision and skin health. Sources: milk, green leafy vegetables, whole
grain, enriched breads and cereals.
Niacin: Important for nervous system, digestive and skin health. Sources: meat,
poultry, fish, whole grains, enriched breads and cereals, peanut butter asparagus,
B6: Helps make red blood cells. Sources: meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits
Folic Acid: Needed for making DNA and new cells especially red blood cells.
Sources: Green leafy vegetables, legumes, seeds, OJ, liver
B12: Making new cells and nerve function. Sources: Meat, poultry, fish, seafood,
eggs, milk. Not found in plant foods
C: Important for immune system health and aids in iron absorption. Sources: Chili
peppers, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, turnip greens,
sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes and tomato juice, winter squash,
strawberries, oranges.
Minerals Sources & Function
Sodium: Function needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission and muscle
contractions. Source: Table salt, soy sauce, smoked, cured salted or canned meat,
fish or poultry including, bacon, cold cuts, ham, frankfurters, sausage, sardines,
caviar, anchovies, salted nuts, cheese soups, pizza, pasta.
Chloride: Needed for proper fluid balance, stomach acid. Sources: seaweed, rye,
tomatoes, lettuce, celery, olives salt.
Potassium: Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission and muscle
contraction. Sources: Many fruits and vegetables; Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe,
honeydew, apricots, grapefruit, cooked spinach, lima beans , pinto beans, kidney
beans, soybeans, lentils, dried fruit (prunes raisins, dates, avocados, watermelon,
coconut water, edamame.
Calcium: Important for healthy bones and teeth helps muscles relax and contract,
nerve functioning, blood clotting, BP regulation, immune system health. Sources:
Milk, salmon, sardines, fortified tofu, broccoli, cheese, yogurt, almonds, broccoli,
kale, turnip greens, and apricots.
Magnesium: Maintains normal nerve and muscle function, supports immune
system, protein synthesis, BP regulation, blood glucose control. Sources: Almonds,
spinach, cashews, cereal, soymilk, bean, edamame, peanut butter, bread,
avocado, potato, rice, salmon, raisins, chicken, apples, broccoli.