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Electronic Devices & Circuits Course Syllabus

Agenda Item 65/44 - Annexure - 40
Electronic Devices and Circuits
2 0 0 2
Syllabus version
Course Objectives
1. Familiarize with the semiconductor circuit components of electronics.
2. Describe the detailed study of discrete electronic circuits with amplifiers as a
demonstration vehicle.
3. Define the small-signal model extraction and analysis of modern electronic circuits.
Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Solve diode circuits for various applications.
2. Analyze and design BJT and MOSFET DC circuits and their amplifier configurations.
3. Interpret frequency response of amplifiers.
4. Identify the impact of negative feedback in amplifier design.
Module:1 Diode Circuits
4 hours
Inspiration to electronics, real life applications, diode equation, diode Circuits: clippers,
clampers, rectifiers with and without filters, regulated power supplies, multiple diode circuits.
Module:2 BJT DC Analysis
4 hours
BJT structure and characteristics, current gains, h-parameters, load line, operating point
analysis, DC analysis and biasing circuits.
Module:3 BJT Amplifiers
5 hours
Small signal analysis of BJT amplifiers, calculation of gain, input impedance, output
impedance, Basic BJT (common emitter, common collector and common base) amplifiers,
emitter degeneration.
Module:4 MOSFET DC Analysis
3 hours
MOSFET structure and characteristics, h-parameters, load line, operating point analysis,
DC analysis and biasing circuits.
Module:5 MOSFET Amplifiers
4 hours
Small signal analysis of MOSFET amplifiers, calculation of gain, input impedance and output
impedance, basic MOSFET (common source, common drain and common gate) amplifiers,
source degeneration.
Module:6 Frequency Response
4 hours
Amplifier frequency response, system transfer functions, frequency response of transistor
amplifier with circuit capacitors, high frequency response of the MOSFET, high-frequency
response of BJT.
Module:7 Feedback Amplifiers
4 hours
Basic concepts of feedback, negative feedback advantages and types: Voltage/Current series/shunt feedback configurations, multistage amplifiers.
Module:8 Contemporary Issues
2 hours
Total Lecture hours:
30 hours
Text Book
1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits - Theory and Applications,
2017, 7th edition, Oxford University Press
Reference Books
1. Boylestad, Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 2017, 11th edition,
2 D. A. Neaman, Microelectronics-Circuit Analysis and Design, 2016, 4th edition, McGraw
3 Hill
Proceedings of the 65th Academic Council (17.03.2022)
Agenda Item 65/44 - Annexure - 40
B. Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 2017, 2nd edition, Wiley
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Assignment, Quiz, FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies
Approved by Academic Council
No. 65
Proceedings of the 65th Academic Council (17.03.2022)