THE FAMILY HEALTH SERIES Childhood Ear Infections What every parent and physician should l<now about prevention, home care, and alternative treatment Michael A. Schmidt FOREWORD BY LENDON SMITH, M.D. Pediatrician and author of Feed Your Kids Right f- Childhood Ear Infections Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 littp:// Childhood Ear Infections What Every Parent and Doctor Know About Prevention, Home Care, Should and Alternative Treatment Michael A. Schmidt Forew ord by Lendon H. Smith. Pediatrician and Author of Feed Your Kids Ri^Jn The Family Health Series North Atlantic Books Homeopathic Educational Services Berkeley. California Childhood Ear Infections: What Every Parent and Physician Should Know About Prevention, Home Care, and Alternative Treatment © 1990 by Michael A. Schmidt ISBN 1-55643-089-2 (paperback) ISBN 1-55643-102-3 (cloth) All rights reserved Publishers' Addresses: North Atlantic Books 2800 Woolsey Homeopathic Educational Services ^124 Kittredge Street Berkeley, California 94704 Street Berkeley, California 94705 Cover and book design by Paula Morrison Photo of Zoltan von Bozzay by George Fuller-von Bozzay Typeset by Campaigne & Associates Typography Childhood Ear Infections is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to develop an ecological and crossculturai perspective linking various scientific, social, and artistic fields; to nurture a holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and healing; and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of mind, body, and nature. This book discusses the problem of childhood ear infections. It has been written as an educational guide and reference for both laypersons and health care professionals, but it is not intended to replace the services of a physician. Treatment of any illness must be supervised by a licensed health care professional. The author and publisher disclaim all tiesponsibility arising from any adverse effects or results that might occur as a result of the application of any of the information either you or the professional who you must take full responsibility for the uses made of this book. Before undertaking any of the self-care treatments described in this book it is advisable to consult your health care professional. contained in examines and this book. Accordingly, treats Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Schmidt, Michael A., 1958Childhood ear infections: what every parent and physician should know about prevention, home cure and alternative treatment/Michael A. Schmidt, cm. (The Family health series) p. — Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-55643-089-2: $12.95— ISBN 1-55643-102-3: $25.00 1. Otitis media in children. RF225.S36 1990 618.92'09784— dc20 1. Title. II. Series. 90-7868 CIP To my wife Julie and my son Caleb. Acknowledgments I am grateful: To the editors of the Journal of Chinese Medicine and Dr. JuHan Scott for granting me Hberal use of their material on pediatric acupuncture. Martha Benedict for her time and valuable insights into the management of otitis media. To Anastacia White, a professional herbalist specializing in Chinese botanical medi- To Dr. Her contribution to the chapter on botanical medicine was invaluable. To Dr. Stephen Messer for the use of his graphics on homeopathic medicine. To computer programmer Michael Koenigs, who saved this manuscript after my computer suffered a near disastrous system crash. Without his efforts, this book would probably cine. not exist. To the late Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, a champion of children and opponent of the overuse of medical procedures. He is sorely missed by all of us who knew and loved him as a gentle man and brilliant doctor. I will miss his wit, determination, and relendess pursuit of simplicity and wholism in the rapidly changing world of medicine. To John Harder of Duluth, Minnesota for his excellent illustrations. To the numerous others who played small but important roles in the evolution of this book: Dr. Susan Esch, Steven Gresham, Frank and Janice Moinicken, Dr. Paul Westby, Greg Peterson, Carl Neubauer, and Dr. Lendon H. Smith. To my patients both children and adults who challenged me to be a good diagnostician, a compassionate listener, and to learn more. To the staff at the University of Minnesota Biomedical Information Services and to Marcia Stevens at Northwestern — — College of Chiropractic for their assistance in searching the medical To literature. the many doctors who have performed the rigorous research referenced in this book. To my editor Dana Ullman, whose insights helped thoughtful constructive ideas and book niold this shape. To Richard Grossinger for his help to publication. To Kathy Glass To my parents. life A project. El its present for helping to give this and Dorothy Schmidt, have been supportive of special thanks to of editing and given into guiding this book book and consistency. clarity my in is It me my my all who throughout that I've done. wife Julie, who endured ceaseless absence while I long hours worked on this her love, support, and understanding that has the privilege to write. Above all, I thank and opportunity to share God my for giving me the talent, energy, ideas and contribute to the welfare of children through this book. . Contents Foreword by Lendon H. Smith, M.D xiii xv Introduction 1 2. 3. 4. The Scope of Problem What • Signs and Symptoms. • How • Terminology. • Who's • Current Medical Treatment. • Complications of Otitis Media. is 1 an Earache? the at Doctor Diagnoses an Ear Infection. Risk. Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? • Hazards of Antibiotics. • Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. • Adverse Physical Effects of Antibiotics. • Antibiotics and Otitis Media; Helpful for • Preventive Antibiotics. • Foodbome • In Support of Antibiotics. 19 Most Children? Antibiotics. Tubes: Effectiveness, Hazards, and Complications • How • The Rationale. • Effectiveness and Complications. It's . . 39 Done. Hearing Loss and Delayed Development: Myth • 5. the • or Reality? The Controversy Surrounding Ear Infections. Hearing Loss, and Delayed Intellectual Development. Causes of Childhood Ear Infections • 45 Allergy. • Infection. • Mechanical Obstruction. • Nutritional Deficiency. 51 6. Home Care for Earaches 109 • When • Fever: Your Child's Friend, not Foe. to Call the Doctor. • Keep Your Child • When Your • What if Home. at Child Must Be on Antibiotics. Your Doctor Recommends Adenoidectomy or Tubes. • 7. Emotional Factors. • Children with Down's Syndrome. • Signs of Diminished Hearing. • Foreign Bodies. • Home • The Importance of • Putting Care Methods. It Intestinal Bacteria. Together Preventing Ear Infections • 8. Climate Considerations. • in Your Child 167 Breastfeeding. • Feeding Position. • Preventing Airborne Allergy and Otitis Media. • Air Travel. • Smoking. • The Day Care Dilemma. • Dietary Considerations. • Minor • Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion. Injuries. • Down's Syndrome. • Season. Alternative Treatment: • Using This Chapter • Allergy Management. • Homeopathic Medicine. • Manipulation. • Acupuncture. • Botanical Medicine. • Clinical Nutrition. Epilogue Some Solutions 197 261 Appendix • Resources. • Orsanizations. 265 Suggested Reading. References 273 Index 307 . Figures l-a. Structures of the Ear 1-b. Comparison of 4 the Infant and Adult Eustachian 2. Research Linking Ear Infection to Allergy 3. Comparative "Sick Days" Among Tube . 59 Children of Smoking and Non-Smoking Households 65 Smoke 4. Principal Constituents of Cigarette 5. Summary 6. Examples of Organic Compound Types and 66 of Other Studies of Indoor Air Pollutants . . 7. Types of Bacteria Found 8. Sources of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids How Dietary Essential in Middle Ear Fatty Acids are 75 f^luid .... The Trans 11. Acupoints Used Fatty 92 Acid Content of in Otitis 90 Converted Into Prostaglandins 10. 70 72 Potential Indoor Sources 9. 10 Common Foods ... Media 96 145 12-a. Lymph Nodes 12-b. Lymphatic Flush Technique 147 13. Association Points of Acupuncture 149 14. Acupoints for Colds and Nasal Congestion 151 15. Acute Otitis 16. Otitis Media Without Effusion 17. Chronic or Recurrent Otitis Media 210 18. Location of the Si Feng Points 242 19. Prostaglandin Synthesis and the of the Head and Neck 147 Media 208 209 250 Arachidonic Acid Cascade 20. The Effect of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Prostaglandins and Arachidonic Acid Metabolites 21 ... 251 Nutrients That Block the Release of Inflammatory Mediators 252 Foreword A Letter from Dr. Lendon As a pediatrician I H. Smith to Dr. Michael A. knew how to treat otitis media: give the child penicilHn, sulfa drug, or ampicillin in 10 days. If it is all Schmidt and take another look cleared up, fine. If not, send the child to an ENT specialist for myringotomy why did they get sick in the first and adenoidectomy. But place? Their parents loved them, wanted them, fed them well, and even gave vitamins. I was confused when parents would time?" We the "Why ask, never got a course about reasons is in he sick all our medical was just make a diagnosis and write out the preThe pharmaceutical companies told us that we should become good diagnosticians; they would provide the treatment training. It scription. protocol. You have brought up some embarrassing questions and have made some connections about which we had no also knowledge. But you are right. There are reasons for everything. You have given us the reasons, and some new ways of at some old problems. In a clear and logical fashion looking you have outlined the tions — but tion between factors involved in not just ear infec- sickness in general. Your revelation of the connecfats and infection-susceptibility have never read anything so easy on — alternative treatment is is to understand. a classic; I The chapter it shows especially valuable because parents that methods other than antibtiotics and surgery are being used to care for earaches. This chapter tors because it is valuable to doc- outlines the details of these methods. You have thoroughly researched the field and have carefully separated out the logical from the spurious. You are careful to state if you have found some real controversy in the treatment of otitis media. The general public should have your book as a ready reference so that the average parent can confront the treating doctor with the published studies. Xlll Childhood Ear Infections \iv am aware now Not every red ear needs to be treated. that when I gave a shot of some antibiotic to a child, the child got better but often from the "tincture of time" rather than 1 — the therapy itself. How easily we can delude ourselves. I remember a house call made on a feverish one year-old child. The eardrums were red, but there was no bulging or evidence I of pus. I ought dropped gave a shot of penicillin anyway, because I to thought I be doing something. Within a day or two the fever to measle-like normal and the next day the child developed a rash all measles. The mother over his trunk. is still It was roseola, convinced the child is baby allergic to penicillin. Dr. Schmidt, you have done a great service children and the worried parents of the world, and, the pediatricians and otolaryngologists Dr. who should to the sick I hope, to know better. Lendon H. Smith Pediatrician and author of Feed Your Kids Right Introduction Ear infections are the number-one reason parents bring children to the doctor. Over their number of the last ten years, the who get earaches has risen sharply. As a parent and doctor, I am concerned about the high numbers of children children a affected by this illness and about what conventional medicine we all know there are children with ear who have been benefited by antibiotics and tubes. But, we also know those who have not been helped. Indeed, there are even children who have been hurt by these fonns of has to offer. Certainly, infections treatment. Because of this, I have spent considerable time investigat- ing the current medical methods of treatment and the alternatives that are available. One would not know from the popular press that doctors are not wholly successful at treating ear media has not addressed this. But there is now evidence that demands we take a new look at an old and growing problem. Consider these infections in children. It is surprising that the findinss: '&" When antibiotics are used at the beginning of an acute middle ear infection, the frequency of recurrent infections may be almost three times greater than if antibiotics are delayed or not used.' Antibiotics have been shown not to affect the outcome of acute middle ear infection with regard to pain, fever, hearing, and healing time.- There appears to be little difference in outcome of mid- dle ear infections treated with a three-day course of antibiotic when compared with those treated with the typical ten-day course of antibiotic.^ XV ^ ' Childhood Ear Infections xvi Eardrum scarring with membrane thickening has been found to occur in over 40 percent ol children receiving tubes compared with zero percent in those not receiving • tubes. Many • cases of chronic middle ear infection, even those with eardrum perforation, are due to allergy/ 70 percent of children with middle ear "infection" who do not respond to antibiotics, the middle ear • In up to no harmful fluid contains bacteria.^ • Zinc deficient children suffer from more ear than those with normal zinc status. There that nutrition may infections is evidence play a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of recurrent ear infections. book, In this problem. I I examine the scope of the ear infection take a careful look at the current methods of treat- ment. Antibiotics and tubes are discussed depth because in They new look they are the most frequently used methods of treatment. are not, however, without risk or side effect. at take a I causes of ear infections and present a discussion of diet and nutrition that has significant implications. The home care and prevention chapters are valuable to parents because of the prac- information they contain. tical useful is the section What may ultimately be most on alternative treatment, which in I describe the methods used by holistic doctors to treat earaches. My purpose recognize not to inherent value and tremendous contribu- I tions. However, we must effort — one systems. It is that my condemn conventional medicine, is its since realize that medicine is a collaborative embraces the useful features of hope that the all healing medicine of the twenty-first cen- tury will be a mixture of the science of medicine and the art of healing, that it will be a way of viewing whole, while understanding the function of his after such a synthesis that we can the patient as a parts. It is only say our system of healing has evolved to truly serve the needs of our children and ourselves. Dr. Michael A. Schmidt April, 1990 Chapter I The Scope of the Problem "The treannent of recurrent otitis media remains an unre- solved problem."' Leon Eisenberg, M.D. Tiffany was just nine months old first and fussiness she was ill at when she experienced her began with sleepless nights, irritability, dinner time. Before long it was obvious that ear infection. It and needed attention. Her parents took her to the pediatrician. Diagnosis — acute otitis media. Tiffany was treated with antibiotics. Within two weeks, her ears improved, but within four weeks, the ear infection had returned. Back to the pediatrician. Tiffany's doctor again prescribed two weeks, she showed improvement. But the ear infection returned within four weeks. The cycle continued. By the time Tiffany was twenty-one months old, she had received antibiotics on eleven separate occasions all to no avail. Tiffany's parents were exhausted and frustrated. They felt helpless at their inability to do anything for their daughter. The effects of repeated antibiotics concerned them. When Tiffany was two and a half years old, her parents agreed to have antibiotics. After — tubes put in her ears. The tubes seemed to help. At the beginning. Tiffany could hear somewhat better and the earaches subsided. Gradually, fluid returned weak, sickly, and hearing started and irritable. to diminish. Tiffany The cycle was 1 starting again. was Childhood Ear Infections 2 Ear infections . is . more . theme the recurring many year. For uhimate many . antibiotics antibiotics . . . . . . more ear . ear infections . . . . infections antibiotics. This milHons of infants and toddlers each for children with recurrent earaches, tubes are the fate. Yet, in spite of repeated antibiotics and tubes, children continue to have problems until they are six or seven years old — an age when earaches subside fany was headed in this direction, naturally. Tif- but her parents chose a dif- ferent course. When Tiffany was four, her parents had grown weary of the unsuccessful attempts to cure her earaches. On mendation of a friend. Tiffany's parents took her who used the recomto a doctor methods to care for earaches. The new doctor explained that Tiffany had dietary and nutritional problems that natural previous doctors had not addressed. Tiffany was placed on a diet free of dairy products, eggs, and sulfites — foods to which she tested sensitive. The doctor also prescribed specific nutrients and homeopathic medicines. Within one month of beginning program, her middle ear effusion cleared. Within two this Today Tiffany is eleven was her last. She has completely recovered from the hearing problems she months, her ears had recovered years old. The ear fully. infection she had at age four suffered as a small child and is on the A honor roll at school. (See chapter 6 for additional details about Tiffany's tubes.) was swift. Not all way improve so quickly. But Tiffany's recovery aged in this ear infections this man- case illustrates the value of using natural forms of healing for childhood ness. Tiffany's case is just ill- one of many cases of childhood ear infections treated successfully by doctors around the world using natural methods. In this methods tips book, we'll explore a variety of natural healing that are used to care for earaches, along with valuable about prevention and discussion, it is home care. Before moving on to this important that you understand some basic things about childhood ear infections — what they are, they're treated, who's at risk, and complications. how 3 The Scope of the Problem Otitis media, or middle ear inflammation, one childhood health problem in is the number- America. In one survey, it was found to be the most frequently diagnosed illness and the most frequent reason, after well-baby and child care, for visits to a doctor.- The diagnosis and treatment of middle ear problems accounts for roughly one-third of comprising roughly 30 million The overall cost of diagnosis all visits to the and treatment pediatric visits,' doctor per year."* now exceeds 2.2 billion dollars annually.' For many children, earaches begin in infancy. of three, over two-thirds of episodes of acute otitis all By the age children have had one or media, including 33 percent had three or more episodes.'' Nearly all more who have children affected con- tinue to have problems until the age of six or seven. Otitis media does not become rare until after age 10." and persists in some children beyond 15 years of age. Boys appear to be affected more often than girls in the younger age groups, while the trend reverses in older children.^ In spite of vast increases in the pediatric use of antibio- media has risen sharply. Most from 1977 to 1986. office visits for the incidence of otitis tics, shows that media have soared by 136 percent."^ This substantial increase in otitis media has been attributed to everything from increased doctor awareness to improved diagnostic abilities. recent evidence otitis There are even those who contend that the incidence of otitis media has increased, in part, because of the widespread use To a degree, any of the above explanations may have merit. However, there are additional factors that have emerged during the past several decades that increase of antibiotic drugs. "^' a child's susceptibility to illness such as will be explored media. These in later chapters. What An otitis earache can develop is an Earache? when the tissue lining the middle ear or eustachian tube swells (See figure 1-a.). As the membranes Childhood Ear Infections Ossicles Middle Ear Eustachian Tube Figure 1-a Structures of the Ear swell, the opening of the eustachian tube gradually becomes obstructed, thereby preventing the middle ear from draining properly. As inflammation of the middle ear builds, the producsome cases bacteria contribute to the tion of fluid increases. In ongoing inflammation, while in others the inflammator\ response occurs for different reasons. The congestion within the middle ear causes pressure to be exerted on the eardrum and the sensitive structures that within (and near) the middle ear chamber. lie The pressure exerted on the eardrum can produce one of the most painful sensations your child will ever experience. blocked, there In some is cases, no way the When the eustachian tube to alter the pressure in the eardrum ruptures and which reduces the pressure. In others, the fluid middle is ear. drains out, inflammation sub- sides and the eustachian tube opens, allowing drainage of fluid. Sometimes treatment is required to encourage proper The Scope of the Problem 5 function of the eustachian tube and reduced production of fluid in the middle ear. Symptoms Signs and It may be surprising to media occur with a may act know relative many that instances of otitis absence of symptoms. Your child and hear normally and experience no pain. Yet the if doctor examined the eardrum during a routine physical or for another reason, he may even child with is may see fluid behind the eardrum. Fluid drain from the ear with no other evidence that the having problems. Chronic ear infections often occur little pain. Acute ear infections can be severely painful. In general, pain common one of the most is signs of middle ear problems. One of change in the first indicators of a middle ear behavior or sleep habits. This is problem is a not specific, how- ever, and could suggest any number of other problems. may pull or tug at the ear or frequently poke A child his finger into the ear canal. This also might indicate itchiness in the ear or a foreign object lodged in the canal. change in hearing acuity may An abrupt or temporary signal a middle ear problem as well. Older children who can better communicate their feelings might complain of a plugged, blocked, or pressure sensation in the all middle ear. Buzzing or ringing sensations may occur. Symptoms of acute earaches commonly may not be present in a given child): include (although • Ear pain. • Change in eating habits. • Fever. • • Drainage from the ear. • Refusal to nurse • Sleeplessness. • Irritabilitv Change in hearing. on one ^^^• * Nasal obstruction or discharge. 6 Childhood Ear Infections most notable symptom In cases of chronic earache, the might be diminished hearing. Behavior changes are also common. How the Doctor Diagnoses an Ear Infection The most common method used by tion of the all doctors is visual inspec- eardrum using an otoscope. The otoscope familiar hand-held device you've seen the doctor use looking in your child's ears. appearance of the eardrum drum has the looking most important when the ear, the in sign. The ear- several characteristic landmarks. If any of these land- marks have changed in the middle ear. in Since the eardrum to see is When the is behind it appearance, is may it somewhat suggest a problem transparent, to a limited degree. it is possible Behind the eardrum the doctor might observe an arrangement of large or small bubbles — suggesting fluid in the fluid line will often head forward or backward of water and tipped The eardrum its luster, is middle ear — or a fluid line. This change position when the child it (just as if back and you had taken tips her a glass full forth). normally pearly-grey and shiny. If it loses problems may be present. Redness of the eardrum or the ear canal is one of the first signs for which a doctor However, redness of the eardrum is not a reliable basis diagnosing a middle ear infection." Redness can occur looks. for because of allergy, high fever, inflammation or infection. Crying, which is typical of a sick child undergoing a middle ear exam, can lead to a temporary engorgement oi~ the blood vessels in the ear canal to the and also can give a bright red appearance eardrum. This should not be mistaken for an ear infection. A variation of the otoscope This device is is the pneumatic otoscope. an otoscope that has been modified by attaching a tube that connects to a small bulb. In an examination, the doctor places the speculum in the ear as usual. A tight seal of — The Scope of the Problem the 1 speculum against the ear canal needed so is no that air The doctor then pumps air into the external ear chamber using the bulb. Pumping air into this sealed chamber causes the normal eardrum to be forced away from the doctor. escapes. When the air pressure normal position. little pneumatic otoscopy fluid in the Tympanometry is all. its of fluid or pus. the When done way to properly, to find out if there ear. another method used to examine for is middle ear effusion or movement of eardrum returns is full or not at a very useful is middle tympanometer uses released, the middle ear If the eardrum moves very is is fluid. air Like the pneumatic otoscope, the pumped into the ear canal to assess The major difference is that as air canal, a sonic signal is bounced off the the eardrum. drawn out of the ear eardrum. As the air is gradually released, the response of the eardrum is monitored electronically and plotted on a graph tympanogram. You may have heard your doctor refer to a "flat" tympanogram. meaning that the response of the eardrum to tympanometry did not produce the typical spiked called a curve. This suggests there has some drawbacks. It is is middle ear Tympanometry fluid. used more widely in hospitals and large clinics than in small clinics, because of technical consid- erations and cost. Reflectometry on soundwaves is an accurate and simple method that to detect fluid in the middle relies ear. All of these methods are used to varying degrees. Terminology There are a number of technical terms used throughout book, and by your doctor, to describe earaches. may sound middle ear Some this of these confusing. The medical term for problems of the media, derived from the Latin, oto- mean-itis meaning inflammation. The term media means middle. Thus, otitis media technically means middle ear inflammation not infection. is ing ear. and — otitis Childhood Ear Infections 8 Other commonly used terms to describe illness involving the middle ear include: Chronic and Acute: Refer to duration. Chronic conditions are those that are recurrent and of longstanding duration. Acute conditions are usually associated with symptoms and severe chronic otitis are of short duration. media and suffer still A child can have from acute episodes. Serous, Mucoid, and Purulent: Refer to the type of fluid present. Serous tain fluid is thin and watery, and usually does not con- harmful bacteria. This type of Mucoid fluid is thick, sticky, fluid is very common. and mucus-like. Purulent (also called suppurative) refers to the presence of fluid that contains many white blood cells — what we typically call pus. This is the type that usually contains harmful bacteria. Effusion: Refers to the escape of fluid into the middle Doctors combine the above terms describe to involved, the specific region, whether it ear. the part contains fluid, the type of fluid, and the duration of the problem. For instance, a diagnosis of chronic serous that there is fluid otitis media with effusion implies drainage into the middle ear that is recurring and of long-standing duration. Throughout this book, I will use the terms earache, otitis media, and ear infection interchangably. I continue to use the term ear infection out of familiarity to the reader. This term often used inappropriately since not bacterial infection. fluid in a either all we'll see in chapter 5. the middle ear high percentage of cases of no bacteria, or normal bacteria. tage of cases does not As it is earaches result from all otitis In media contains only a small percen- contain viruses. Therefore, recognize that "ear infections" are actually infections. The Scope of the Problem Who's at Risk There are numerous factors that can put your child at increased risk to developing middle ear infection or inflammation. You may be able to reduce your child's chances of developing ear infections by addressing those risk factors that apply to her. Recognize that doctors disagree on the importance of some risk factors. Season. The incidence of earaches is clearly highest in the winter, with the frequency decreasing in both spring and fall, and declining further in the summer. In northern climates, ear problems become more frequent beginning in September and 'begin to subside by April. Cow's Milk Consumption. Early consumption of cow's milk appears to predispose a child to early otitis media. Cow's milk consumption is one of the most significant contributors to mid- dle ear problems in children.'^ Feeding Position. In one study of more than 2,500 children, the practice of giving a child a bottle in bed was the most important factor associated with persistent fluid in the middle ear. '^ This is, in part, due to the horizontal position of the eusta- chian tube, and the ease with which fluid backs up into the tube. (See figure 1-b.) Smoking. Children living in homes where one or more adult smokes develop otitis media at a much higher rate than children living in homes without smokers." Fetal Alcohol Exposure. alcohol during gestation A child whose mother has consumed is at high risk to developing alcohol syndrome. Otitis media occurs in as many cent of children with fetal alcohol syndrome.'^ fetal as 93 per- Childhood Ear Infections 10 Figure 1-b Comparison of the Infant and Adult Eustachian Tube Genetics. Nearly 60 percent of drome suffer from otitis media. Day Care. Children spending time twice the chance of developing at all all home, and children with Down syn- '^ otitis in day care settings have media as children minded are at increased risk to developing illnesses of types."* Allergy. Many studies show that children with a personal or family history of allergy are more likely to develop otitis media than non-allergic children.''' Nutritional Status. Children with deficiency of certain vita- mins, minerals, and fatty acids are at risk to developing middle car problems.-" Respiratory Problems. Nearly 50 percent of all cases of otitis media are preceded by an upper respiratory problem of some The Scope of the Problem 11 type (bronchial congestion, nasal congestion, asthma, colds, etc.)." Injury. Children suffering trauma at birth such as that due to forceps, vacuum extraction, or prolonged and difficult labor are at risk to developing otitis media. Included in this category are children who have taken falls and suffered minor injury to the head and neck.^^ Early Introduction of Solids. Middle ear problems often begin shortly after a baby begins to eat solid foods. The earlier solids are introduced, the greater the likelihood of developing otitis media. Early Episodes of Otitis Media. Children who experience their first episode of otitis more likely to suffer media in the first year of life are from multiple recurrences of middle ear problems and persistent fluid. -^ Low Socioeconomic Status. Children living in low socioeconomic conditions are at increased risk to otitis media. They are also at increased risk to those learning problems and developmental delays that are reported to occur in some children with recurrent otitis media.-'* Current Medical Treatment The medical treatment of media involves a two-tiered approach consisting of drugs and surgery. Among the drugs used are antibiotics, antihistamines, and decongestants. Antiinflammatory agents are often used to manage fever and pain. The surgical methods include tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, myringotomy, and tympanostomy. When to use each of these approaches and for what length of time depends largely upon the individual doctor. As one prominent researcher states, "Recommendations regarding the management of secretory otitis otitis Childhood Ear Infections 12 media must be based to a considerable extent on opinion."" The treatments and a brief note about each are listed below. Antibiotics The most commonly used antibiotics V include penicillin amoxicillin (first (first choice in choice in in acute otitis media Scandinavian countries), America), other representatives of the ampicillin group, trimethoprim-sulfmethoxazole, erythro- mycin combined with a short-acting sulfonamide, and cefaclor.-'' The consensus within the medical community is that antibiotics are effective at managing otitis media. However, not all children respond well to antibiotics, evidenced by the con- number of siderable children who fluid despite antibiotic therapy. continue to have middle ear There is evidence that suggests antibiotics are being overused in the care of earaches. (See chapter 2.) Cortisone Cortisone is not widely used in otitis media. However, because many earaches are due to inflammation rather than infection, cortisone continues to be investigated as a therapeutic tool. Cortisone media. It is used to works by treat the known of compounds inflammatory aspects of interfering with the manufacture of a otitis group as inflammatory prostaglandins. (See chapter 5.) Cortisone does not appear to be successful as a sole ment for otitis media. It has many treat- side effects, and the long- term impact on the health of children (and indeed the course of media) otitis is unknown. In one study, its use led to an increase in middle ear fluid.-' Recent evidence suggests that cortisone its own may interfere with the body's ability to manufacture anti-inflammatory compounds. Anti-Inflammatory Agents (Aspirin, Tylenol) Drugs such as aspirin and acetaminophen (found in Tylenol) are not used as a principal therapy in otitis media, but are used The Scope of the Problem freely 13 manage some of to the symptoms and discomfort associated with earache including aches, pains, and fever. However, use of these drugs may actually prolong illness and lead to more inflammation. According to Dr. T.T.K. Jung, anti- may cause inflammatory drugs mucoid to degenerate into a case of more a case of secretory otitis otitis or acetaminophen to make your media'^ (one that words, resistant to treatment). In other if you use a chance that the middle ear will get is worse and take longer to heal. (See chapter 5.) is supported by recent findings reported in the Journal of Pediatrics, shown now to is aspirin more comfortable during child an ear infection, there This evidence media where acetaminophen (Tylenol) was prolong the course of chicken pox. believe that acetaminophen also Many may prolong doctors the course of other childhood infections, and that pain and fever reducers such as this should be used sparingly.-'' Doctors have for some time recommended against giving aspirin to small children during an infection, because of the may possibility that aspirin trigger the syndrome. Reye's syndrome is development of Reye's an often-fatal inflammation of the brain. Antihistamines/Decongestants Theoretically, antihistamines should have value in the treat- ment of otitis media, related to allergy. at least in cases that are believed to be (Antihistamines block the release of his- tamine, and histamine release by white blood cells the allergic response.) It is is part of also logical that decongestants might work because they dry up the mucous membranes. However, some studies have value in treating settled by the otitis shown that these drugs are of limited media. The question seems to have been results of a study reported in the New England tants trial, it was media who received decongesand antihistamines fared no better than those who did not. Even allergic children fared Journal of Medicine in 1983. In shown this double-blind that children with otitis no better than non-allergic children. ^° Childhood Ear Infections 14 Tympanostomy Tympanostomy drum. While placement of tubes refers to the procedure this is most the common formed on children, many doctors believe in the ear- surgery per- used too it's fre- quently. Recent clinical trials have reported conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of tympanostomy. This is discussed chapter 3. in detail in Tonsillectomy The removal of tonsils was once of treating otitis the preferred surgical now been media, but has method replaced by tym- panostomy. Swollen tonsils can obstruct the eustachian tube, thereby preventing the middle ear from draining properly. Doc- by removing the tors believe that tonsils, the eustachian tube opening becomes unblocked, leading ear fluid. However, many studies to a reduction in show middle that tonsillectomy does not affect the long-term course of otitis media. The tonsils are essential important role lymphoid structures bacteria and viruses that may gain entrance through the nose may or mouth. Thus, removal of tonsils to infections of the ear, nose, dence and greater (up to four times) in persons removed. litis In increase susceptibility throat. There is even evi- incidence of bulbar paralysis from polio the that that play an nose, and throat area from in protecting the ear, who have had is their tonsils one report, 35 out of 39 cases of bulbar poliomye- had been tonsillectomized.^' " Adenoidectomy The adenoids are lymphoid structures located near the tonsils and the opening of the eustachian tube. Removal of adenoids is performed to "unblock" the eustachian tube opening. A number of studies middle ear fluid or infection, term course of show otitis that this media. This with a history of allergy." The combined rates ^"^ procedure has no effect on and has '**• is little effect on the long- especially true in children '" of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy The Scope of the Problem was once 15 As as high as 1.2 million procedures per year. the popularity of tympanostomy has grown, the use of tonsillec- tomy/adenoidectomy has below 580,000 per fallen to year.^^ Myringotomy Myringotomy is performed by making an incision in the eardrum. The purpose is to relieve pressure within the middle ear cavity and allow fluid to escape. Sometimes myringotomy is performed alone. tion of tubes. it As It is also the step taken before the inser- first with other surgical procedures in otitis media, Members has not been conclusively shown to be effective. of a medical consensus conference recently concluded that "no convincing data from clinical have been reported trials to sup- port the value of myringotomy with or without antimicrobial therapy for acute otitis media." (They agreed that of value for suppurative complications of some other relief, and this may be media and myringotomy otitis indications). '"The only advantage of appears to be pain it occurs in only a small per- centage of children. ^^ One problem incision in the associated with myringotomy eardrum often heals quickly. If the is that the underlying disease has not been effectively treated, middle ear effusion quickly re turns. ^^ In roughly one-fifth of tures without intervention. all ear infections, the eardrum rup- Myringotomy is often used to pre- vent spontaneous rupture of the eardrum in the belief that an eardrum heals more efficiently than a rupture. However, ruptures usually heal completely within two weeks. incision in the Some doctors feel ruptures are not generally a cause for concern."" Complications of Otitis Media Temporary and permanent injury to structures within the middle ear chamber are among the possible complications of otitis media. These include: scarring of the eardrum; thickening of Childhood Ear Infections 16 permanent rupture of the eardrum; growth of the eardrum; polyps, granules, or cholesteatoma (the formation of a cyst- mass like filled with cholesterol and cells); tympanosclerosis (see chapter 3); and hearing loss. These complications can occur with or without treatment, although adequate treatment usually reduces the likelihood of complications. There dence (discussed in chapter 3) that certain treatments is evi- may even encourage the development of some of the above complications. One of is the mastoiditis. common most The mastoid located just behind the ear. all complications of media part of the temporal of the structures of the middle ear. When inflammation of the middle ear becomes severe, into otitis bone and is Within the temporal bone reside is what are called the mastoid air cells. The infection or it can spread signs of mas- toiditis include:^- • Thick pus discharging from the middle ear. • Ear pushed out with sagging of the ear canal. • Redness over the mastoid process. • Mastoid tenderness. • Fever, headache. • X-ray evidence of breakdown of the mastoid's cellular partitions. These symptoms C.R. are not always present. Pfaltz, antibiotics Many According to Dr. have changed the course of mastoiditis. of the specific signs that used to be associated with mas- toiditis are often masked by the use of antibiotics.^' The when Mastoiditis can be followed by other complications. most common among these is meningitis, which results an infection has spread from the mastoid to the covering of the brain known as the meninges. Meningitis is a serious ill- ness that requires the immediate attention of a physician and antibit)tic treatment. Symptoms of meningitis include; ^ The Scope of the Problem 17 • Headache. • Neck • Loss of appetite. • Vomiting. stiffness. • Lethargy. • Fever. • Sleepiness. • Chills. Incidentally, the incidence of meningitis philus influenzae (a common due to Haemo- ear-infecting bacteria) has risen by several hundred percent in some parts of the country, in spite of the widespread use of antibiotics to treat otitis media. Other complications of otitis sigmoid sinus thrombosis, and complications of tunately otitis media include: brain abcess, labyrinthitis. In a media. Dr. Jack Froom review of the states, ". . . for- When complications] are very infrequent." [these these complications occur, they usually require antibiotic or surgical intervention."''* Childhood otitis media is a complex problem. For many dren, bouts of otitis occur and then resolve on their a short time. In other children, the process rooted and requires intervention. is As with any own chil- within more deeply illness, there exists a potential for complications to develop. Prevention of complications use is often the rationale given for the widespread of antibiotics and surgery. However, antibiotics and surgery are not without complications of their own. In chapters 2 and 3, is we rarely told. will explore the side of the treatment story that That they effective? is, are antibiotics and tubes safe, and are Chapter 2 Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? "It is no accident that the tory has been raised a new much worse I see on most allergic generation antibiotics. Several times patient whose allergies appeared or after a course of antibiotics." in his- a week became ' Leo Galland, M.D. The editor of the journal Clinical Otolaiyngology once wrote that ". . . otitis media is a self-limiting disease, which is not ""- methods of treatment. There two important considerations in his statement. First, selflimiting means that a condition will usually run its course and improve over time. If otitis media is indeed self-limiting, are affected by any of the current are doctors justified in using the aggressive forms of antibiotic treatment we're accustomed to seeing? Second, is if otitis not affected by current methods of treatment, does further doubt on the need for such extensive it media not cast antibiotic use on children with otitis media? tic To put this in perspective, consider the history of antibioAt the time antibiotics were discovered, there were a use. number of serious infectious diseases that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Infections from contagion and trauma were rendered seemingly impotent by the longawaited miracle drugs called antibiotics. With their new-found arsenal, doctors slowly began to 19 expand the use of antibiotics Childhood Ear Infections 20 lo include the treatment of bacterial diseases that were not life- threatening. Eventually antibiotics crept into use for almost which bacteria were thought to be involved. This included relatively minor conditions such as otitis Fiiedia. any condition We in then saw the evolution (one might arguably call it regres- sion) to prophylactic, or preventive antibiotic prescribing. In cases that were often of viral origin, children were given antibiotics to "prevent a secondary bacterial infection." Prior to the antibiotic era, roughly 80 percent of infections resolved spontaneously. * all ear Today, nearly 9 out of 10 children diagnosed with middle ear infection will receive an antibiotic for their condition. Perhaps this antibiotic use Perhaps tified. In the is jus- not. it's management of any illness, consider the so-called risk/benefit doctors must always ratio. If a child suffers middle ear infection, does he face a greater risk from from the dis- ease or the antibiotic? For decades, doctors were unquestioning in their belief that the risks of otitis media far outweighed the risk of antibiotics. Antibiotics were thought to be benevolent How- substances that imparted only good to the patient. ever, we now know that antibiotics are a In spite of this children with more double-edged sword. knowledge, antibiotics are prescribed to From 1977 to zeal today than ever before. 1986. antibiotic prescriptions to children under age 10 increased an alarming 51 percent, while the number of children in this age group grew by only 9 percent. In contrast, antibiotic prescriptions to the general population declined substantially dur- ing this time.^ According to and surveillance Wendy Nelson, office, in 1977, were prescribed for otitis otitis media accounted of the FDA's epidemiology 26 percent of all antibiotics media. By 1986, the diagnosis of for 42 percent of all antibiotics pre- scribed to pediatric outpatients. Antibiotic prescriptions to chil- dren under three showed the most dramatic increase. ** Amoxicillin, the most frequently prescribed drug for media, now otitis has the distinction ol being the most frequently Antibiotics: Sensible Use or M>use? prescribed antibiotic of biotics used in 1986. all 21 — accounting A report published for 21 percent of antiin Medical World News (1987) showed that, in the pediatric population, broad-spec- trum penicillins and sulfa-containing drugs accounted for roughly 65 percent of all antibiotics prescribed in 1986.'' These figures provide reason for concern because of the potential hazards associated with the liberal use of antibacterial drugs. Among the most commonly cited problems with anti- biotic use are: • Antibiotic use can lead to the development of antibioticresistant bacteria. • Antibiotics are associated with many adverse physical effects. • There is conflicting information regarding whether anti- biotics are effective for the majority of children with otitis • There media. is uncertainty over the value of prophylactic (pre- ventive) antibiotics. • We don't fully understand the impact of the additional antibiotics children are exposed to through the food supply. Parents need to take these issues seriously because not all doctors do. Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Indiscriminate use of antibiotics is leading us to one of the memory. That is. the return of infectious diseases for which there is no cure. Two decades following the introduction of antibiotics, doctors began to observe an alarming trend. Infectious diseases that were once treatable no longer responded to antibiotics. Those that did most frightening eras in recent — Childhood Ear Infections 22 respond often required five to ten times the amount of the drug that used to be effective. The reason — bacteria were develop- ing resistance to the drugs. In response to this surge in antibiotic-resistant bacteria, new pharmaceutical researchers developed a tics against which the bacteria had no bacteria developed resistance to the ing to Dr. Marc Lappe in array of antibio- Over time, resistance. new drugs When Antibiotics as well. Accord- by 1960 roughly Fail, 80 percent of the tested staphylococcal organisms showed resistance to penicillin, Today, penicillin can tetracycline, kill Staphylococcus aureus that and chloramphenicol. only 10 percent of the varieties of used to dispose of it easily.^ Gonorrhea was once easily cured with moderate doses of penicillin. Today, however, takes several substantial doses of it penicillin to cure the disease. More frightening is the number of resistant strains of gonorrhea that have popped up around the world that do not respond to penicillin at all. The earliest association with antibiotic resistance and otitis media appeared in a paper entitled "The Increasing Incidence of Ampicillin-Resistant Haemophilus Influenzae: A Cause of Otitis Media." Haemophilus influenzae is one of the most commonly found bacteria in infected middle ear fluid. In this report. Dr. R. Schwartz and his colleagues observed that in 1975, only one ampicillin-resistant strain of H. influenzae was isolated from the middle ear fluid of children in their study. By 1976, 18 percent of all H. influenzae had become resistant to ampicillin. Midway through 1977, the percentage of ampicillin-resistant H. influenzae had grown to 35 percent an almost 35 percent increase This trend ance is in bacterial in just two years.** development of antibiotic resist- not unlike the increasing resistance of agricultural pests knew of just seven insect and mite species that had acquired resistance to pesticides. By to pesticides. In 1938, scientists 1984, that figure had climbed to 447 and included most of the world's major pests. In response to heavier pesticide use and a wider variety of pesticides, pests have evolved sophisticated Antibiotics: Sensible mechanisms Use or Abuse? for resisting the action of chemicals designed to Pesticides also kill them.'' 23 kill the pests' natural enemies, like antibiotics kill the natural much enemies of harmful bacteria in the body. Antibiotic resistance often develops in bacteria exposed are repeatedly to an antibiotic. Children when they who have received repeated courses of ampicillin, or other antibiotics in the penicillin group, harbor more philus influenzae than those with antibiotic-resistant little Haemo- or no exposure to these drugs. Also, ampicillin-resistant strains of H. influenzae are reported more often recurrent, ing, in children with otitis media that is relaps- or chronic than in children with an initial infection.'" Not only do resistance among antibiotic-resistant bacteria pass the tools for their species, but from one species to another. This allows ampicillin-resistant H. influenzae, for example, to pass the gene for resistance (called an R-plasmid) to other H. influenzae, to common strep bacteria in the throat, to intestinal bacteria, or to normal any number of other organisms as well. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment or the intestine also the common Welch, a is can pass on their tools for resistance. Consider intestinal bacteria E. coli. According the Dr. H.G. specialist in the study of antibiotic resistance, E. coli one of the most frequently resistant bacteria to both ampicillin and amoxicillin. This bacteria has the ability to pass the genes for resistance to either//, influenzae or Streptococcus pneumoniae — two common ear-infecting bacteria. In Postgraduate Medicine (1984), Dr. that "... Welch comments antibiotic use, while contributing to the immediate demise of bacteria, serves to 'educate' microbes by establishing selective pressure that favors the 'smarter' bacteria, i.e., those that can resist the antibiotic."" Antibiotics such as ampicillin destroy susceptible //. influenzae in the middle ear. but the handful that remain are resistant to the drug. and before long there is They reproduce a large colony of resistant bacteria. Childhood Ear Infections 24 The consequences of In antibiotic resistance can be serious. who one Minnesota hospital, patients harbored antibiotic- resistant staph bacteria required hospitals stays 43 days longer than those with non-resistant staph. Those with resistant staph infections also had a higher mortality rate.'' shows, antibiotic resistance can lead As study this to diseases that are not responsive to any form of therapy. Haemophihis injhienzac is a sobering example. This bac- only associated with middle ear infection, but with teria is not meningitis and epiglottitis as well. Meningitis is a serious inflammation of the brain that must be treated with antibiotics. when H. and life-threatening disease that occurs influenzae type b causes the epiglottis to swell, which Epiglottitis is a serious closes off the airway, resulting in suffocation. (The epiglottis is a cartilaginous flap that prevents food ing the lungs during swallowing.) and water from ously and rapidly with antibiotics. However, resistant to if the bacteria are the antibiotic being used, the disease will respond to treatment. Herein antibiotic overuse. the bacteria enter- too must be treated vigor- It When succumb to not most serious dilemma of lies the life-threatening illness occurs, will our drugs? Adverse Physical Effects of Antibiotics When antibiotics are used, there benefits and adverse physical is often a trade-off between effects. Sometimes the need for the antibiotic outweighs the risk of these physical effects, and the use of the drug sively, the physical Listed below are is justified. When antibiotics are used exces- harm often offsets the benefits of the drug. some adverse effects associated with antibiotics. Destruction of Helpful Intestinal Bacteria The common intestinal bacteria Bifidohactehwn tion, immune LactohaciUus dcidophihis and bifidiis are essential to proper digestive func- function, and synthesis of certain vitamins." In Use or Abuse? Antibiotics: Sensible addition, tliey protect us Most 25 from infections of the intestinal tract. antibiotics are undiscriminating with regard to intestinal bacteria. dits are When among antibiotics are used, L. acidophilus the first to and B. bifi- be killed. (The important functions of these bacteria are discussed in chapter 6.) Increased Susceptibility to Intestinal Infection Because of the adverse effect on L. acidophilus. B. the local immune system, more susceptible is made easier following the administration of antibiotics. G. lamblia most centers.''' In tic is one of the most parasites in the United States, affecting an estimated 18 million people.'^ Giardia the top ten and For instance, infection to parasitic infection. by the parasite Giardia lamblia common waterbome bifidus, antibiotics can cause children to be common is also listed among infectious agents found in day care addition to the intestinal problems created, parasi- infection causes immune suppression, which often leads to increased susceptibility to subsequent bacterial infection.'^ Antibiotic use also can result in an overgrowth of the bac- terium Clostridium dificile in the colon. This has been linked with the development of a painful inflammatory condition known A tract as pseudomembranous colitis.'^ yeast organism that normally lives in the intestinal — and is kept in check by L. acidophilus and B. bifidus — overgrows following excessive antibiotic use. This yeast, called Candida albicans, is responsible for the development of food allergy, environmental tions.'** and recurring infecintestinal problems by sensitivity, Candida albicans also adds to stimulating the growth of Giardia lamblia.''^ The ability of antibiotics to increase susceptibility to intestinal parasites is a serious matter tion of children in the United States because parasitic infeca growing problem. In is one study of 321 children from Houston, Texas, 49.5 percent tested positive for intestinal parasites. high in Houston in part because of However, the rate The its rate of infection is proximity to Mexico. of parasitic infection of children in the gen- Childhood Ear Infections 26 eral population in the is increasing nationwide. It is especially high Southwestern United States.^" Irritation of the Intestinal Lining Some antibiotics can cause a thinning of the lining of the intes- tinal tract. This often leads to inflammation and poor absorp- tion of vitamins, minerals, and Disruption of the fats. intesti- nal lining causes the permeability of the intestine to change, resulting in the Inhibition of development of food allergy. Immunity Antibiotics can inhibit the ability of white blood cells (called neutrophils) to protect against the overgrowth of Candida albicans.-^ trol, Once an infestation of Candida albicans gets out of con- who multiple health problems typically follow. Children have had repeated doses of antibiotics for recurrent otitis media, but have failed to improve, often suffer from a secondary problem caused by Candida albicans. Under these cumstances, further antibiotic use severely aggravates the ation. Usually such children will not are discontinued Some improve situ- until antibiotics and the yeast problems are addressed. antibiotics prevent neutrophil ever an infectious agent are sent out that cir- tell is chemotaxis." When- present in the body, chemical signals the white blood cells where to go, a pro- cess called chemotaxis. When white blood cells do get to the site of infection, they often release peroxides (such as hydrogen peroxide) that essentially "bleach" the bacteria to death. Some antibiotics reduce the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria in this way.-'' Antibiotics can also depress natural killer cell acti\ reduce the production of antibodies. production is memory in ity and The depressed antibody important since antibodies are produced in response means of signaling the body to kill it. Antiprovide a "memory" of invading bacteria. With this place, the likelihood of succumbing to future infec- to a bacteria as a bodies also -^ Antibiotics: Sensible tion by Use or Abuse? that bacteria is 27 sharply reduced. not sufficient, reinfection is more When likely. the Some delay the antibody response. Frequently, the delay up to 20 days after the antibiotic has Penicillin has memory is antibiotics may last for been discontinued.-' been associated with a 1,000-fold increase of intestinal bacteria such as E. coli in the where the small and large cecum (a pouch intestine meet). Oral administration of penicillin for only four days can disrupt the normal ecology of the gut and cause E. coli and other bacteria to migrate to lymph nodes within the mesentery (part of the abdominal lymph system). The mesenteric lymph nodes are an essential the part of the immune system of the abdominal cavity.-*' Reduced Absorption of Nutrients There is some evidence that certain antibiotics reduce the absorption of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin B12, folic acid, calcium, mal and magnesium.-' These effects may be mini- in children who are healthy or short-term. However, children antibiotics or who who suffer intestinal when antibiotic therapy symptoms (such as diarrhea) from antibiotic therapy may experience losses of nutrients can impair their ability to fight infection. of antibiotics on nutrients is is receive repeated doses of likely to The adverse that affects be greatest when: 1) broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, 2) repeated courses of antibiotics are used, 3) prophylactic or preventive antibiotics are used, and 4) the child has a history of malabsorption or intestinal disease. Recently, a respected colleague of mine described the adverse antibiotic reaction experienced by one of her children. At age two, her son had been given a 10-day course of antibiotic for a middle ear infection. Shortly after beginning the drug, boy experienced diarrhea and behavior changes. The diarrhea worsened and persisted for a total of seven weeks, at which the time he began to develop paralysis of the right leg, arm, and eye. The paralysis remained, prompting my colleague to take her child to a neurologist. She told the doctor that her son's Childhood Ear Infections 28 come about following antibiotic therapy. The commented that this is somewhat common and that paralysis had neurologist he saw about two of these cases per month. Since erature, it I is have found no evidence of this in the medical lit- what extent this type of reaction boy the reaction was very real. Now at age difficult to say to occurs. Yet to this ten, although improved, he continues to suffer impairment. and Otitis Media: Helpful for Most Children? Antibiotics There is evidence suggesting that antibiotics are effective managing some types of middle ear 1984 conference Agents for Otitis M.D., suggest otitis infections. "Controversies entitled in a Antimicrobial Media," chaired by Charles D. Bluestone, that antimicrobial therapy is indicated for acute media. Sulfonamides have been shown to be somewhat effective in treating ear infections.-" Amoxicillin in in Members of one trial, to otitis media.-** be more effective than placebo Researchers in was found, in treating acute Canada, after a study of 142 chil- dren, concluded that penicillin and ampicillin were superior to symptomatic therapy."' However, the percentage of children for whom antibiotics are useful may be low when compared with the number of children receiving antibiotics for media. Supporting the latter otitis contention are several studies con- ducted over the past two decades. In a study of a method 2,975 children, two Dutch physicians, using called the "antibiotic timing treatment," set out to determine the effect of early in acute otitis vs. late vs. no antibiotic therapy media. Antibiotics were used only when signs of complications were threatening or present. In their study. 1,680 patients were treated with antibiotics and 1,367 were treated without antibiotics. reached." The following conclusions were . Antibiotics: Sensible 1. 88 percent of need 2. all antibiotics, When 29 Use or Abuse? patients with acute otitis [emphasis mine] begun on the antibiotics are ease, the frequency of recurrence than when no begun media never antibiotics are used. first is day of the dis- 2.9 times higher WTien antibiotics after the eighth day, the rate of recurrence is are 1.3 times higher. 3 Antibiotic therapy does not shorten the disease by any standard. 4. Antibiotics should be reserved for cases in which com- plications are threatening or present. 5. When this approach is low (0.3/1.000). (e.g.. mastoiditis) is Numerous other used, the rate of complications studies performed in the United States and Scandinavia appear to support these findings. In cases of acute otitis media, conventional treatment consists of a 10-day course of antibiotics. However, roughly 50 percent of children media with effuDoctors reporting on a recent study of 3,660 children in nine countries found that treatment with antibiotics had little impact on the rate of recover}'. * In receiving antibiotics continue to have sion after 10 to 14 days.'- fact, " those not given antibiotics experienced a slightly higher rate of recover}' than those Many who received antibiotics.'^ doctors have attributed the relatively high rate of antibiotic failure to the fact that parents tic otitis '"* do not give the antibio- frequently enough or for the prescribed length of time. But is this a fact or an assumption? Prior to 1981. only one study had sought to prove whether bearing on the course of since full antibiotic otitis compliance had any media. In 1981. Dr. Richard *The authors urge caution in the interpretation of this study some variables were not controlled. Still, they expressed great concern over the implications of their findings. {British MedicalJoiir- nai March, 1990) Chililhood Ear Infections 30 Schwartz attempted to clarify this issue in a study of 105 chil- dren. His group concluded that compliance "good pharmacologic frequency of will not reduce the otitis [antibiotic] media with effusion found after treatment for acute otitis media," and that "the frequency of otitis media with effusion in compliant chil- dren did not differ Doctors from where found non-compliant children."^'' in United States almost always prescribe anti- in the biotics for 10 days that when the medical literature that length of time is No one treating ear infections. this practice originated since there optimum. shows taking an is is sure no evidence in antibiotic for this In fact, recent studies have shown that the results obtained following seven-day, five-day, three- day, or even two-day courses of antibiotics are those obtained when a 10-day course is comparable to prescribed. These short- ened antibiotic regimens appear complications from regimen."- Two otitis to carry no greater risk of media than the customary 10-day ^«-^'*-^" important questions in assessing the value of antibio- do they improve the symptoms of middle ear infection, and do they prevent recurrence of the infection? In I9K1. Dr. F.L. Van Buchem and his associates studied 171 children and compared antibiotics only, myringotomy only, both antibiotics and myringotomy, and no treatment. tics are: Van Buchem's group found that at one, two, and six months, children receiving the treatments fared no better in terms of pain, level of hearing, recurrence, fever, and healing time — the the disease most important indicators — than for assessing progress of did those not receiving treatment.^' Van Buchem's study did not include seriously ill Though children, his findings are noteworthy. Do antibiotics prevent Michael Persico showed that recurrent when early and frequently, the result media, less immune is ear infections? antibiotic therapy is Dr. begun "'more recurrent acute otitis response, more side effects, allergy, and super infection."^- Persico contends that the temporary sterili- zation of the middle ear often leads to an immediate reappear- Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? 31 ance of pathogenic bacteria, especially when the eustachian tube not functioning (which is many Paparella, . . . is believed to be the case in children)/^ These sentiments are echoed by M.D., who media with effusion states that "otitis appears to be more common M. M. since the widespread use of antibiotics."^ A 1987 report in Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal seems to support this view. When antibiotics are prescribed early, or immediately, for infection, the incidence of recurrent episodes is higher than It appears that when when antibiotics are given later or not at treatment is all."''* delayed, children are able to develop natural immunity, thereby insulating them from future episodes. Early antibiotic therapy appears to inhibit the immune initial response. Doctors have long equated killing bacteria with treating disease. But at few physicians acknowledge that, while effective eradicating microbes in the short term, antibiotics do nothing to correct underlying problems or contribute to tissue repair. L.E. Cluff, in Clinical Concepts of Infectious Disease, states, "Once injury from infection occurs, elimination of the Dr. microbes may prevent further injury; but return to normality is dependent upon other events. Antibiotics cannot resolve inflammation, tissue necrosis, or pathophysiological processes'' [emphasis mine].^^ Doctors who simply treat an ear infection with antibiotics, and do nothing else, are likely overlooking important physiological happenings within the child's body that signaling weakness. are Unless these weaknesses are addressed (whether they be nutritional, environmental, or otherwise), full recovery cannot be expected to take place in the middle ear. Preventing Complications Among the that they toiditis most common have reduced the arguments rate of in favor of antibiotics is complications (such as mas- and meningitis) encountered in otitis media. This is a reasonable assertion with which most doctors would agree. Childhood Ear Infections 32 However, Dutch researcher F.L. Van Buchem, M.D., contends "no conclusion can be drawn, from the pubhshcd work, that on the intluence of antibiotics on the incidence of mastoiditis.""^' In spite of the great advances in antibiotic therapy, there has 400 percent (based on studies in the United States, Canada. England, and Denmark) in the incidence oi Haemophihis influenzae meningitis/' Dr. C.R. Pfahz reports that "antibiotics have changed the course of otitis media" because they can mask the development of more serious underlying disease. He says that antibiotics are been an increase ranging from of great importance ity to when 3 to mastoiditis occurs, due to their abil- eUminate the bacterial infection within the middle ear. But antibiotics do not affect the inflammation within the mastoid process.^'' Still, necessary tool most doctors believe antibiotics are a preventing complications. in Proper Use? A final question surrounding the effectiveness of antibiotics words, their proper use. In other is the correct dosage? Are antibiotics indicated at all? tal is the correct drug given in study of antibiotic usage found that in One hospi- 64 percent of the cases where antibiotics were used, their use was either not indicated or they were improperly administered or dosage.'*' In recommended 1975, the American in terms of drugs Academy of Pediatrics that tetracycline not be given to children eight years of age (because it was found to under cause liver damage, retarded bone growth, digestive disturbance, and permanently stained teeth). Yet a study in 1977 showed that 27 percent of physicians surveyed continued to give tetracycline to children under age eight, despite warnings." An unfortunate scribe drugs more in phenomenon occurs when doctors pre- an effort to satisfy the parents of an ailing child than out of clinical indication. An article in the Wall Street Journal describes a recent experiment by investigators from Harvard Medical School. who were moderate to ". . . 141 randomly chosen doctors, heavy prescribers of three particular Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? 33 drugs, received mailed information indicating that these drugs were ineffective or alternatives. They far more expensive than equally two follow-up visits also received effective in which specially-trained pharmacists discussed the clinical evidence with them.'" "Almost half the doctors said they were merely satisfying demands for these drugs and indicated fears that meet such demands would risk losing patients to more their patients" failure to obliging physicians. be justified on Many conceded scientific that \hQ prescribing couldnt grounds. Another quarter of the doctors cited a 'placebo' effect as justification. Writing a prescription, they argued, can have positive psychological benefit for the patients and thus possibly bring Accuracy of diagnosis is some one relief" ing the proper use of antibiotics. In order to treatment, doctors must child's condition. first [emphasis mine].^- final area make an of concern regard- recommend proper accurate diagnosis of a But doctors are not always certain of their diagnosis. Researchers from the International Primary Care Network found that doctors were certain of their diagnosis of otitis media in only 58 percent of children under twelve months."' This finding is of great concern since many children which the diagnosis was uncertain undoubtedly received antibiotics. The low degree of diagnostic certainty is not necesin sarily the fault of doctors since children are often difficult to examine. Yet, deciding otitis when it under twelve months adds to the dilemma of antibiotics are appropriate for children with media.* Preventive (Prophylactic) Antibiotics Many that doctors prescribe prophylactic antibiotics in the hope an impending infection might be prevented. At the practice seems rational. first glance Marc Lappe, Ph.D., professor at ^Diagnostic certainty in children aged 13 to 30 months was 66 percent and 73 percent in those older than 30 months. Childhood Ear Infections 34 the University of Illinois, contends that prophylactic use of antibiotics comprises the "worst category of misuse. "^^ numerous studies cites that show 50 tically prescribed antibiotics are to given innapropriateiy. Accord- ing to Silverman and Lee in Pills, Profit ". . . He 65 percent of prophylac- and Politics (1974), the best thing that can be said about prophylactic antibio- tics is that in most instances it is not clinically justifiable. presents needless risks and unnecessary expense. At worst, may be it fatal for the patient." Michael Persico and Dr. lactic use enced a reduction decrease his associates found that prophy- of penicillin improved the clinical condition of recur- rent acute otitis media. was no It in However, in recurrent middle ear fluid. in the children acute At difference in middle ear all otitis who experi- media, there was no stages of follow-up, there appearance receiving prophylactic doses of penicillin in those children when compared with those receiving a short course of ampicillin."" According to Dr. M. Tos, "Antibiotic treatment does not promote the develop- ment of secretory A recent otitis, report but showed is probably unable to prevent that prophylactic it.'""' doses of antibio- months reduced the frequency of recurrent episodes of otitis media. The beneficial effects appeared to be most significant for children under age tics* prescribed at night for several two and children attending day care. This is encouraging. However, the degree to which middle ear effusion had declined after six months was nearly the same in the placebo group as in the antibiotic groups." There may be instances where prophylactic antibiotics are required. However, because of the numerous adverse effects associated with indiscriminate antibiotic use. children chosen for prophylactic antibiotics should be selected carefully. In the *Am()xicillin and sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim were compared with placebo of Children, 1989) in this study. (American Journal of Diseases Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? 35 world of antibiotics and bacteria, a cavalier attitude toward prescribing is no longer acceptable. Foodborne Antibiotics The clinical use of antibiotics is unfortunately not our only source of exposure. Agricultural antibiotic sales account for nearly three-fourths of antibiotics sold in the United States all (243 million dollars annually by 1979).^^ The use of antibiotics has been reported on more than 90 percent of the beef, pork, and poultry in the U.S. Drug-resistant Salmonella are appear- ing in tainted beef, poultry, and milk at an increasing rate. total unknown, since many mild intestinal and tracing an outbreak its According ute to Dr. to between 99 and 99.9 percent of states that there are antibiotic resistance to source human is costly and difficult. ) in the no barriers and that they all the resistant coliform environment. In addition, to the spread of genes for pose "a substantial hazard health due to therapeutic compromise.""' In 1983, a 18 people is symptoms go unreported, Richard Novick, farm animals contrib- bacteria (especially E. coli he The incidence of disease transmission due to tainted food midwestem outbreak of was associated with an intestinal disease in antibiotic-resistant form of Salmonella newport (resistant to am.picillin, carbenicillin, and tetracycline). The source of the infection was traced to ham- burger in which chlortetracycline had been used for growth promotion. (The use of this antibiotic led to the development of antibiotic-resistant S. newport.) Twelve of the people had been taking penicillin-derived antibiotics in the 24- to 48-hour period before the onset of intestinal symptoms. According to scientists at the State Health Departments Minnesota and North Dakota, the patients had been infected before they took antibiotics. Their use of antibiotics, to which in the S. newport was resistant, led to a reduction in the intestinal bacteria, resulting in by S. newport. more serious normal intestinal infection . 36 Childhood Ear Infections Researchers in charge ot this '\ case conclude that . anti- . microbial-resistant organisms of animal origin cause serious human illness," microhials both in and urge human ". . heini>s . far more prudent use of anti- and animals" [emphasis minel.'^' Antibiotics are used in animal feed to slightly enhance growth (by 5 to 6 percent). However, animals raised on anti- biotic-treated feed serve as a reservoir of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Over the years, scientists have observed a direct rela- tionship between the appearing These in number of resistant strains of bacteria animals and the use of antibiotics antibiotic-resistant bacteria those who animal feed. have appeared on meat and dairy products sold to consumers. consumed, in When these products are the bacteria are passed into the intestinal tract of eat them. This is believed to be partially responsible humans. for the increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in our food unfortunately is not the only hazard associated with agricultural use of antibiotics. we The drugs themselves making are their way into the food feed our children. In 1988, the antibiotic sulfamethazine all milk consumed by Americans. Sulfamethazine has shown up in illegal levels in 5 to 15 per- appeared in 25 percent of cent of the pork sold to consumers in recent years and 1 to 3 percent of the veal FDA The allows up to 100 ppb sulfamethazine prior to slaughter. This drug cows. The try, No prescription FDA merely and oppose it to hogs, poul- days before slaughter. Unfortunately, illegal residues are 1989, the FDA commonplace."' issued a statement of ban the use of sulfamethazine in ban, and as it its animals by the year However, the pharmaceutical industry this meat required to purchase sulfamethazine. minimal, and December of intent to 1990. is in for use in lactating dairy requires that farmers not give cattle for several enforcement In is is illegal has shown in the past, is it poised to capable is of winning. The European Economic Community has recently the use of tetracycline and other antibiotics in all banned animals. Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse? 37 Moreover, they have threatened to ban the import of U.S. meat and dairy products in which antibiotics (or hormones) have been used. Hopefully this will bring about change in the U.S. practices. Agricultural use of antibiotics results in drug residue and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the food we eat. The effect of this type of low-grade, long-term exposure on children (or adults) unclear. in is What medicine must take You is clear is that our use of antibiotics this additional exposure into account. consumer of food should demand, through your purchasing power, that only antibiotic-free meat and milk be available. This can be done by purchasing food that is labeled organic or raised free of antibiotics. As consumers of health care, you should demand that your doctors give good rationale for their use of antibiotics on your child. as a In Support of Antibiotics This chapter is not written as a full-fledged assault on the use of antibiotics. The intent is to show parents and health care pro- No one go back to the pre-antibiotic era when infectious diseases were rampant. But in our zeal to eradicate microbes at all costs, we may have unwittingly chosen the very course we fessionals the hazards of unbridled use of these drugs. desires to have sought to avoid. when used wisely, are an extremely valuable weapon in the medical arsenal. When microorganisms threaten to overwhelm the defenses of a sick child, antibiotics should Antibiotics, be used. tics When complications are present or imminent, antibio- should be used. There are numerous circumstances under which prudent antibiotic use is to be considered in the management of otitis media and other diseases. Whether they are necessary for the treatment of your child can only be decided after careful consideration of the facts and consultation with your doctor. If your doctor chooses to prescribe antibiotics, I believe 38 it Childhood Ear Infections is essential that he or she also address dietary, nutritional, and other factors discussed in this book. When these factors are addressed, the effectiveness of any treatment should be enhanced, and the risk of recurrent infection reduced. ' Chapter 3 Tubes: Effectiveness, Hazards, and Complications "Incredibly, one of the side effects of this procedure, performed to cure recurrent otitis media, is acute otitis media." Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. Tympanostomy, or insertion of tubes in the eardrum, has rapidly emerged as the surgical method of choice in the treatment of childhood ear infections. Recent estimates show that tympanostomy is performed on more than one million children each year,' surgery. In an average cost of 800 to 1,000 dollars per at many is performed on both ears, two million tubes annually. It is out prematurely, often within 4 to 7 cases the surgery resulting in perhaps almost common for tubes to fall months. ''^ The recurrence of middle ear effusion following the rejection of tubes all children. Of seems to occur the children in as who high as 40 percent of prematurely reject their tubes, 33 to 75 percent require a second surgery to replace them.-^ There and if so, is disagreement over whether tubes are effective, when their use should be considered. Most otolaryn- gologists resort to tubes in one to two months when antibiotics are unsuccessful in resolving a case of otitis media. Yet, in survey, 40 percent of otolaryngologists used too frequently.^ ^ 39 felt that tubes one were 40 Childhood Ear Infections How A child is first on the eardrum for placement of the tube A is then placed through the in size, material and design, but are bas- incision. opening. Tubes vary ically Done placed under general anesthesia. The surgeon locates the ideal spot and makes an It's tiny tube The term tympanostomy derives its meaning words tympanum, which is the middle ear cavity, and similar. from the ostomy, which refers to any surgery ing is in which an artificial open- formed. The Rationale Doctors generally recommend tubes after antibiotics have failed up a recurring earache. The hope to clear is that tubes will: • Reduce middle ear pressure. • Allow fluid to drain from the middle ear. • Restore hearing. • Prevent permanent hearing damage. • Prevent recurring ear infections. Tubes are able to drain, to reduce middle ear pressure, allow fluid and improve hearing in the short term (1-3 months). But whether tubes can prevent long-term hearing loss or prevent recurrent is otitis is a source of controversy. Moreover, there a great likelihood that the underlying disease Most doctors agree root of otitis media, yet there does nothing is unaffected. that eustachian tube dysfunction is is at the evidence that tympanostomy to affect eustachian lube function." and Complications Tubes: Effectiveness, Hazards, Effectiveness According and Complications Gunnar B. to Dr. Pediatrics at the Mayo commentary in the to say, "... many of us when we were tion? If not, children. let Department of widespread use. He its journal Pediatrics media scription for otitis Stickler, of the Clinic, the use of tubes has not adequately tested to support a 41 ( 1984) that the best pre- a "tincture of time." is it He goes on today had fluid in our ears in practice Did been states in really cause a degree of retarda- us declare a moratorium on tube placements procedure have been reported."'" until solid data supporting the Several controlled studies of tympanostomy have been reported. In Medicine, Volume Dr. M.J. ^^ 71 of the Journal of the Royal Society of Brown and of 60 children with bilateral mined by grommets his colleagues reported a study media. Both ears were deter- otitis Tympanostomy culture to be infected. (as they're known one ear while leaving the other ear to chance. After of follow-up, his group concluded 1. Within the first six tubes, or Great Britain), were placed in in five years that: months, hearing gains are somewhat better with insertion of tubes. 2. After six months, there two 3. At is no difference between the ears. five years, there is incidence of fluid in the no statistical difference in the grommet ear as compared with the control. 4. There was a 13 percent incidence of scars in the grom- met ear compared with zero 5. in the control. At five years, there was a 42 percent incidence of tym- grommet compared with zero Tympanosclerosis is a condition where panosclerosis, in the in the control. ear, masses of hard, dense, connective bones (auditory ossicles) in the tissue surround the middle ear.'- 42 Childhood Ear Infections Tympanosclerosis a progressive is to as much tube." Dr. dence increases over time of the insertion after panosclerosis to occur phenomenon. The T. Lildholt found tym- 77 percent of children with in inci- as 65 percent at 3-4 years tubes.''* These studies and others show that the use of tubes (or myringotomy) leads to some degree of tympanosclerosis. Some researchers suggest that tympanosclerosis is due to the effects of the ear infection itself rather than an injury resulting from tubes. They contend that if left untreated, the ears would develop tympanosclerosis anyway.'"^ However, Dr. Brown and his colleagues point out that the control ears in their study received no tubes, and they developed no tympanosclerosis. Brown concludes that "the myringotomy and were the offending agents."'^ Drs. Kilby, Richards, and Hart, in a two-year follow-up study comparing tympanostomy and myringotomy in 54 chil- For reason this grommet insertion dren, concluded that tubes do not alter the long-term course of otitis media. They report that eardrum scars, with membrane thickening, were three times more frequent in the ears receiv- ing tubes than in the ears receiving simple myringotomy.'^ in tympanostomy and adenoidectomy were 58 children suffering from mucoid middle ear Of those children receiving adenoidectomy, only In another study, compared effusion. 20.7 percent had normal hearing and clear middle ears during a two-year follow-up. Following cent had normal hearing after here is tympanostomy, only 59 pertwo years. What is important the finding that in children with allergy, both tomy and adenoidectomy tympanos- yield "similarly poor results.""* (See chapter 5.) There do seem ostomy In 1984, (who in some to be 54 children with failed to some short-term tympan- bilateral chronic secretory otitis media respond to antibiotic therapy) were treated by placement of a tube into just one compared benefits to children with chronic secretory otitis media. for degree of side with the tube ear. The two ears were then improvement. At three months, the improved significantly. However, at one Tubes: Effectiveness. Hazards, was no year, there 43 and Complications significant difference between the t\\ o sides. '^ In a 1985 study of 116 children with chronic otitis media. Drs. N. Yanagihara andT. Yagi found that 46 percent accepted tubes without problems. These investigators concluded that insertion of tubes is a valuable method of treating ears under cenain conditions.-'' From the evidence a\ailable in 1985. Heinz Eichenwald. tympanostomy now one of the M.D.. concluded that ". . — . most frequently perfomied surgical procedures States — not only often fails to achieve frequency of episodes of acute otitis in the United aim of reducing the its media, but may be associated with a long-tenn risk of hearing loss" [emphasis mine].-' Tympanostomy also carries a risk of infectious complica- Fred Herzon. M.D.. reports that otorrhea (pus drainage tions. from the middle ear outward through the tube) is a frequent and often underconsidered consequence of tympanostomy. In his study of 140 patients. 21 percent experienced post-surgical Most children required follow-up therapy with antiAlmost four percent of these infections were serious infections. biotics. and complicated, necessitating multiple courses of antibiotics." Dr. George A. Gates and his colleagues at the Uni\ersity of Texas Health Science-San .Antonio have shown that the risk of one or more episodes of otorrhea after placement of tubes is three times greater than after simple myringotomy.-' When a tube is placed into the to the outside is formed. The open tube bacteria.-^ viruses, cavit) . eardmm. an open passage and allergens is believed to allow to migrate into the middle ear This increases the chance for reinfection of the middle ear. Complications of tympanostomy include: ---^ • Anesthetic risks (one procedures). • Psychological trauma. • Postsurgical infection. death per 5. OCX) to 10.000 Childhood Ear Infections 44 • Localized foreign body reaction (reaction to the presence of the tube). • Granulation (formation of small granules of tissue). • Hyalinization (conversion of tissue into a glass-like substance). • Tympanosclerosis (formation of hard, around the bones of the middle dense tissue ear). • Hearing loss (temporary or permanent, varying degrees). • Persistent perforation of the eardrum. • Dislocation of tube into the middle ear cavity. • Blockage of the tube rendering The combined rates of the it ineffective. above complications, up to eight years from the time of tube insertion, range from 32 to 60 percent.-^ -" The rate of complications associated with the placement of tubes goes up proportionately with the length of time the tubes remain It cure is otitis in place. important to realize that tubes are not designed to media. They are intended as intermediate measures used to drain fluid from the middle ear and restore hearing (short-term). Since tubes do not affect the underlying disease process, they are likely to be ineffective as a sole therapy for many children. Even edge the that the most ardent opponents of tympanostomy acknowl- procedure has value under the right circumstances. Based on the evidence, think panostomy does not hold the I doctors contend. There dren who may it can be safely argued that tym- be a substantial receive tubes unnecessarily. explore the causes of otitis of factors that contribute to some potential for benefit that In number of chil- chapter 5, we'll media. After seeing the multiplicity otitis media, it will be obvious that more than tubes is required to correct the underlying problems that lead up to otitis media. Doctors who recommend tubes should make every effort to address these underKing weaknesses while the tubes are in place. Chapter 4 Hearing Loss and Delayed Development: Myth or Reality? Who shall decide when doctors disagree? Alexander Pope Parents are rightfully concerned about the prospects of otitis media leading sibility to hearing loss in their children. The added pos- of intellectual impairment, resulting from prolonged hearing loss, has caused parents and doctors to perceive media as a serious and dreaded condition therapy. Yet over the years, conflicting research has issue of otitis media, hearing loss, otitis that requires rigorous made the and delayed development a confusing one. Normal hearing occurs when sound waves travel from their source to the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates, setting the ear ossicles — bones of the middle ear — in motion. Vibration of the ear ossicles causes vibration of a fluid within the inner ear. This fluid passes over tiny hairlike structures that connect to nerve fibers. These the nervous system fibers conduct impulses where sound is to the part of perceived. Proper function of the eardrum is dependent upon the pressure being equal on both sides. Equal pressure is accom- plished by the eustachian tube opening and closing, according to the external pressure. ears when Consider the pressure you riding in an elevator or traveling 45 feel in your up a mountain 46 Childhood Ear Infections The road. rapid change in altitude results in a change in atmos- pheric pressure, causing a change in the pressure exerted on the ally in eardrum from the outside. Swallowing or yawning generopens the eustachian tube sufficiently to allow air to rush or out of the middle ear, thus equalizing the internal and external pressure on the eardrum. ments drum to function these constant adjust- tions. In order for them to dependent upon the same condi- is conduct sound properly, they require or aerated environment. This '*air-filled*" that allow the ear- normally under almost any condition. Normal function of the ear ossicles an is It changing external environment to the is also accomplished by the eustachian tube. Any interference with the vibration of either the eardrum or middle ear ossicles can lead to a decrease in hearing acuity. This is precisely what occurs during middle ear infection or inflammation. pressure is When fluid or pus accumulates in the middle exerted outward on the eardrum, causing it to ear. be fixed and rigid. In the fluid-filled environment, the ear ossicles no longer vibrate The combination of these two factors waves and impaired freely. leads to decreased conduction of sound hearing ing ability. Another common contributor to decreased hear- congestion within the nasal cavity, which obstmcts the is opening of the eustachian tube, preventing the middle ear from being properly aerated. This leads to increased pressure within the middle ear, a feeling of fullness, above type of hearing deficiency ing loss and is the most is and sometimes pain. The known common form as conductive hear- associated with otitis media. Another form of hearing serious. when It is media that There to ear. in children is as sensorineural there has been residual of the inner occur known loss damage less common hearing loss and occurs to nerves This form of hearing loss with chronic recurrent untreated. is no disagreement over whether in is otitis is temporary losses and more and structures more likely to media or otitis otitis media leads hearing. Hearing changes in children Hearing Loss and Delayed Development: Myth or Realiry? with acute weeks otitis media are usually short-lived, lasting only months. Children with chronic recurrent to 47 often experience hearing difficulty that is media otitis longer-lasting. Yet in most cases, the hearing impainnent suffered by these children is modest and generally not sufficient even to interfere with Whether otitis media leads to perordinar}' communication. - manent hearing impairment is another question. Robert S. Mendelsohn. M.D.. has long contended ear infections do not lead to permanent hearing loss. In People s Doctor, he states, "'If a that Tlic high percentage of untreated ear infections were to result in hearing loss, the incidence of deafness in children would be staggering, since many tions are undetected b\ the mother, undetected by a physician, inadequately treated (since not all ear infec- patients take the prescribed amount of medication), and often not checked afterward to see whether they have disappeared. In some school screening tests. when children with a loss of hearing acuity \\ ere tested some months later, with no inter\'ening treatment, they showed normal levels of hearing.""' The issues upon which some controversy rest are whether changes hearing lead to developmental delays, and in if so. whether the delays are permanent. Several recent studies have suggested that there is no link between early childhood ear infections and developmental delays. Dr Denzil Brooks, in a 1986 study of 80 children, con- cluded that "no correlations were found to suppon the h\ pothesis that schooling middle ear dysfunction during the early years of is causally related to poor academic achievement. '"' A study published in the journal Pediatrics in 1986 also found no correlation betw een poor academic performance and earh childhood otitis media.' For ever}' study that shows no link between otitis media. hearing loss, and delayed development, there appears to be a study that confirms a link. In a review of the medical literature, Dr C.R. Kirkwood strong correlation states that between ""all otitis studies reviewed show a media and learning dis- 48 Childhood Ear Infections with children with learning disabilities having several abilities, times the incidence of otitis media of controls."" However, in response to this argument, some researchers contend that the possibility exists that other underlying factors, both media and learning otitis may be disability, common to responsible for the correlation.*^ Many studies that show an association between otitis media and developmental impairments have relied on parental which According to one researcher, several studies dealt with children referred to a clinic because of Even otitis there if recall, means of assessment. not viewed widely as a reliable is academic underachievement.^ were evidence media and delayed between to support a direct link intellectual ' development, the question remains whether the developmental delays are permanent. This was addressed who study of elementary school children in a had previously been tested and found have hearing impair- to ment and poor language performance. The year follow-up of these children, published results of a five- in the British Jour- nal of Audiology, found that their hearing had improved sub- and stantially their academic performance was on a par with their peers.'*' While difficult direct links to intellectual to prove, developing in there children is impairment have been evidence of behavioral changes whose earaches are long-standing. In one study, 44 children were followed for three years *For example, scientists estimate that 20 to after birth 30 percent of dren under age six have unacceptably high levels of lead bodies. Lead is a known inhibitor of immune function and can Lead also contributes increase a child's susceptibility to infection. to hearing problems and learning percentage of children who chil- in their disability. It is conceivable that a suffer from recurrent otitis media, hear- ing problems, and learning problems do so as result of lead toxicity. (To my knowledge, studied.) A this relationship has not been thoroughly principal cause of lead toxicity in children and ingestion of lead-laden dust from leaded house is inhalation paint. This is a very serious problem. See chapter 7 for more information on lead. Hearing Loss and Delayed Development: Myth or Reality? 49 and assessed for cognitive and academic performance. No corwas found between early childhood otitis media with relation How- effusion and these measures of academic achievement. ever, it was learned that the children with more otitis media with effusion "... tended to be described by their teachers as less task-oriented and less able to children in this study were all in work independently."" The day care, which puts them at They were also socioeconomically disadvantaged, which puts them at greater greater risk risk both to developing to otitis media and to Evidently, controversy loss media. otitis delayed intellectual development. surrounds the issue of hearing still and delayed development. The absence of a direct link important because some doctors base their rationale for ment (especially surgical) on the "threat" of potential perma- On nent hearing loss and delayed development. M.D. comments "What seems Paradise, ever, is to subject largely is treat- this, J.L. not reasonable, how- asymptomatic infants or young chil- dren with middle-ear effusions to surgical intervention relatively early in the course of their illness, i.e., less than to three months after onset, two invoking as sole justification the fear of later developmental handicaps. "'- This does not imply that children with go untreated or otitis media should that those with hearing loss should be ignored. Despite the existence of conflicting evidence, audiologists have expressed alarm over the growing number of preschool children who are minimally hearing impaired. Many feel that media impacts adversely upon learning, speech, behavior, and even interaction with peers. According to Lilian Rojas, Ph.D., a speech, hearing, and language specialist, aphasiologist, and international consultant to educational institutions, all persons who work with children, from physicians to educators, must be made aware of the recurrent otitis potential problems facing children with hearing deficits. Dr. Rojas cites evidence that there are ment that critical stages of develop- can be delayed by the presence of persistent middle ear effusion. She states that in some children with middle ear Childhood Ear Infections 50 effusion, hearing may fall within the normal decibel range but the quality of sound perception may suffer. Hearing may seem "normal," but some sounds perceived by the child are torted. dis- For instance, the ability to distinguish between different consonants may be impaired, which leads to problems with reading and language. The children most adversely media, hearing in loss, affected by the triad of otitis and delayed development are those living low socioeconomic conditions (although the effects are by no means ing restricted to these children). This includes the number of grow- children living with a single parent and those of immigrant parents. In both groups, the financial resources, access to good health care, availability of nuitritious food and nutrition information is severely restricted. In immigrant popu- lations, parents are often otitis media and the uneducated about the need consequences that may follow if to treat hearing loss is persistent. Sadly, many children with hearing impairment are labeled much like "deaf persons were labeled in the past. Proper treatment and monitoring of young children with middle ear effusion is important if we are to effectively address their needs. The early in life as learning disabled or unintelligent, underlying factors leading up to otitis media must also be addressed. These are discussed in the following chapter. Chapter 5 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections By definition, otitis media middle ulates in the ear, is a disease of the ears. Fluid accum- pressure develops in the middle ear, bacteria invade the middle ear, and pain occurs in the middle ear. Quite naturally then, doctors should directly weaknesses in modem medical practice zation of the body. This a body It is problem believed to be in no where to structure, the in the body. means way However, is treat the ears Or should they? One with whatever means are possible. that great the compartmentali- is when a problem arises in perceived to reside only there. related to events that occur elsethis view is rapidly being shown be erroneous. Consider that, for many decades and to this day, holistic doctors have contended that stress, emotions, and the have a direct and profound effect on susceptibility mind to illness. Failure to address these factors has led to continued susceptibility to illness. The allopathic* response to this thinking was: "^Allopathic refers to the use differ with from the disease being modem of therapies that produce effects that treated. The term chemotherapy, and radiation. Compare cussed later), is usually associated medical practice and refers to the use of drugs, surgery, which is this with homeopathic (dis- based on the use of minute quantities of sub- stances that in massive doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated.' 51 Childhood Ear Infections 52 The mind and body published the past are in no way related. This position was medical journals as recently as 1985. Yet within in few years a new of study called psychoneuroim- field munology has emerged. Researchers in this field, based at major universities around the world, are now documenting the vital link between the mind and the immune system. Holistic doctors counsel their patients whole grains, on the need for and vegetables, and the need fruits intake of processed foods. They to restrict the often prescribe vitamins as met with scorn from allopathic well. This practice has also been do not contribute doctors. Their reasoning: refined foods to ill health because they're fortified with vitamins and minerals. The taking of vitamin supplements only leads to "expensive urine." Yet today, we've learned from sophisticated research world- wide that food processing contributes to substantial loss of nut- which rients, is not replaced through fortification. Moreover, we now know of more than 120 diseases in which the genetic may requirement for certain nutrients average. Nutrient supplementation people to lead normal fact that the human body in the lives. Finally, enzymes needed be 10 to 100 times the essential in order for such is no one can argue with the to drive every metabolic process are completely dependent upon the vitamins and trace minerals we provide through our The evidence documenting body parts pace. As our understanding grows, and functions illness as a localized treat otitis fail to occur tions is in the problem media as though it is is it is at a breathtaking clear that viewing any not sufficient. Doctors who simply a middle ear problem initially give rise to an inflammation of the middle in the — events accumulating recognize this interconnectedness and frequently over- look the factors that media is diet.- the interconnectedness of all middle ear are important may only be body. — otitis media. Otitis ear. All the events that swelling, pain, infection, complica- and must be addressed. However, these the sequel to events that occur elsewhere ^ Causes of Childhood Ear Infections The cause of may, in fact, bly occurs is otitis media 53 is not fully understood. There be no singular cause of the disease. What proba- a multiplicity of events that interact to take advan- tage of lowered immune function, underdeveloped eustachian mucus producnumber of other factors. any tube muscles, respiratory congestion, excessive tion, nutritional inadequacy, or In this section, I present a synthesis of the major contributing factors in middle ear infection. In each case, prevention and treatment solutions are available that take advantage of our understanding of the causes presented here. The four main causes of otitis media are:* • Allergy. • Infection. • Mechanical Obstruction. • Nutritional Deficiency. Allergy Allergy is ute to and called the great masquerader because associate allergy.^ it can contrib- which we don't usually From recurrent colds to bronchitis, bedwet- mimic many illnesses with ting to headaches, enlarged tonsils to diarrhea, allergy can play a significant role. To children with recurrent middle ear infection, allergy is indeed the "great masquerader." Allergy can contribute to swollen tonsils, nasal and sinus congestion, swollen mucous membranes of the eustachian tube, and ultimately, middle ear. In some children, the persistence of fluid in the *In 1976, W. Leonard Draper, M.D. stated that childhood otitis media has multiple causes, and muhiple phases. He listed among the causes allergy, infection, and mechanical blockage. Since 1976, our understanding of nutrition has expanded substantially making it clear that nutritional development of otitis factors also play an important role media. in the 54 Childhood Ear Infections allergy leads to the chronic buildup of a very viscous and mucoid fluid in the Not middle ear. children with allergies develop middle ear prob- all lems, and not all children with middle ear problems have because of allergies. But in children whose earaches them due are to allergy, neglecting to treat the allergy (or the underlying factors that lead to the development o\^ allergies) often results in recurrent infections. Evidence demonstrating the role of allergy in middle ear problems has been steadily accumulating over the past four decades. showed quent A study of 540 children by W. Leonard Draper, M.D.. media was more than twice that secretory otitis in allergic children as fre- than in non-allergic children.' Draper also noted, in a study of 100 allergic children, that approxi- mately 50 percent had fluid function the — believed to be in the ears.'' development of middle ear infection occur in — has been found to almost one-third of allergic children.^ No one is certain of the allergy-related otitis media. that Poor eustachian tube one of the prime factors leading to from 11 nent."'* Dr. to The percentage of children with available evidence suggests 85 percent of cases have an allergic compo- L.Q. Pang, Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Hawaii Medical School, insists that allergy plays a significant role in otitis media. He states that "a large percen- tage of chronic suppurative otitis media with a central perfora- due to an allergy."'" D.C. Heiner and his associates report tion [of the Dr. eardrum] is of Allergy that "childhood tially due to food allergy." in the Annals media may be solely, or parHe goes on to stress that much of otitis the tonsilar or adenoid swelling, and even upper airway obstruc- may be caused or aggravated by food allergies." Doris Rapp, M.D., author of numerous books on childhood allergy, tion, states that avoidance of the major offending food items, or indoor problematic allergens, can help otitis many patients with media. More importantly, she says that "by eliminating the cause of the medical problem [through allergy manage- Causes of Childhood Ear Infections ment], it is 55 often possible to obviate [eliminate] not only the need for surgery, but also the necessity to mask the patient's symptoms with medications. "'Dr. George Shambaugh, Professor Emeritus of Otolaryngology at Northwestern University and former president of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, gave an address in 1982 entitled, "Serous Otitis: Are Tubes the Answer?" In his lecture, he addresses the question of allergy, stating, 'Although allergies in children are often hard to identify allergy scratch tests, I've found that a program of by the usual allergic man- agement with attention to hidden or delayed-in-onset food me manage allergy helps Moreover, my recurrent ear problems in children. results with allergy management are far better than those obtained by putting children on prolonged courses of antibiotics, and relying on tubes to clear up the condition."'^ If allergies are a factor in middle ear infection, there should be evidence that shows a capacity for allergens to cause adverse changes in the middle ear and eustachian tube. We also would expect children with allergy-related earaches with some form of allergy management. improve to Allergens can cause direct changes within the middle ear and eustachian tube. Dr. Robert O'Conner and his colleagues have observed that significant and rapid pressure changes take place in the middle ear of children are exposed to allergens.''' Other when their nasal passages scientists have found that allergens can cause obstruction of the eustachian tube that lasts for up aged to 14 days. Often, a to blocked eustachian tube can be encour- open by swallowing, but occurs because of allergy, in cases where tube blockage swallowing appears to have little impact. These findings suggest an allergic basis for eustachian tube obstruction and possibly for the development of middle ear disease.'' The response of allergic children with otitis media to proper allergy management can be swift and dramatic. Dr. John P. allergy McGovem and his associates studied 512 children with and middle ear problems. Using careful allergy man- 56 Childhood Ear Infections agement, these doctors reported good or excellent 97 percent of the children.'" A 1982 report results with in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolanngology revealed that elimination diets — for children who tested positive for foods A useful in the treatment of otitis media. study of 67 children was that "fewer operations were this needed in the treatment of patients with elimination diets."" Consider the case of Chris. Chris of mine is on — were significant finding in first became a highly contagious infection of the skin. Chris his face reinfected a patient age two. His chief symptom was impetigo, which at it had pustules and hands. Whenever his face began to heal, with his hands. Chris had been treated he at a local university hospital with a variety of drugs, including antibiotics. The impetigo did not respond to any therapy. When 1 examined Chris, I first looked at his diet and nutritional status. He was hooked on bread, rolls, cereals, crackers and anything that contained grains. This suggested food allergy. The balance of his diet consisted of dairy products. Following elimination testing, was it clear that Chris products. (Gluten oats, is was sensitive to gluten and dairy a very sticky protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.) After beginning a new diet that eliminated foods containing gluten and dairy, Chris' impetigo began to improve significantly, only to return when an enthusiastic grandmother fed Chris some cookies (which contained gluten). One week following his grandmother's "gluten challenge," the impetigo again improved. However, it did not heal completely, suggesting that something else was amiss. Many of his initial signs of he still deficiency nutritional improved following the dietary changes, but it was evident suffered from zinc and fatty acid deficiency. him on supplements of I that placed zinc and fatty acids. Following this, the remnants of impetigo that remained resolved fully. Chris when he developed a problem with recurrent otitis media. Chris was brought to me after six months of recurrent earaches. When examined him. he showed signs of food allergy. Over the years, Chris had very few problems until about age five, I Causes of Childhood Ear Infections was able 57 to rotate (see chapter 6 for a discussion of rotation diets) the offending consequences. foods back into his diet without adverse Upon questioning his parents. learned that I was being given yogurt almost daily. His parents believed yogurt was acceptable because it was a cultured dairy product. In Chris' case, it wasn't. Within weeks of removing the yogurt from Chris' diet, his earaches cleared up. There are a substantial number of children \\ ho continue Chris to have middle ear many fluid despite repeated antibiotic therapy. In cases (up to 75 percent),"* the fluid contains no bacteria. In instances such as this, doctors frequently resort to surgery (adenoidectomy. tonsillectomy, myringotomy or tubes) effort to clear whom allergy up the is fluid in the middle a principal contributor, ear. in an In children in we would expect mid- dle ear fluid to remain, since these surgeries are not designed to eliminate the source of the fluid. addressed in the this issue in middle ear fluid of children who had w ho continued He compared despite surgical treatment. children In 1982. Dr. K. Ojala an extensive study of the allergic cells postsurgical dr}' resistant otitis is have fluid ears or normal ears. At the completion of his study. Dr. Ojala concluded. that atopy [allergy] to these children with "It would seem probably one cause of persistent therapy- media, and it must be taken into account when considering treatment of a chronic ear."''^ In another study, 92 children with otitis media who had been treated unsuccessfully with tubes were tested for allergic sensitivity. Of the 85 that were treated with hyposensitization (which is only one form of allergic management). 57 were able to have their tubes removed with no fluid recurrence.-'^ Besides having direct effects on the middle ear, there is evidence that allergens, especially food allergens, can cause immune system body suppression, which limits the ability of the to fight infection. intestinal of illness Food allergies are often the result of problems. Intestinal problems are a common source among M. M.D., children. According to Russell Ph.D.. of the National Institutes of Health, if Jaffe, intestinal intes- 58 Childhood Ear Infections due rity is low. to excessive antibiotic use. malabsorption, high intake of refined food, or other factors, fragments of poorly food digested Products). absorbed often are digested proteins are known When IBPs as intact. These partially IBPs (Incomplete Breakdown are absorbed into the bloodstream, the immune system recognizes them immune system is unaccustomed to child's as foreign (because the seeing large protein fragments). The white blood mount an cells then attack as though the IBPs were hazardous invaders. Dr. Jaffe has shown that when the blood levels of two per three-hour period, compared bacteria falls to as low as to the normal rate of over 50 during the same period. The number of lymphocytes is somewhat given time up our lymphocytes ing food residue, IBPs and destroy are high, the ability of white blood cells to engulf in we total circulating in the bloodstream at any limited. Dr. Jaffe states that if mounting an attack against we tie this circulat- reduce the number of lymphocytes avail- able to fight infection.-' Thus, allergy appears to have both a direct and indirect adverse effect on a child's ability to fight infection in the middle ear. What is an Allergy? Doctors disagree on the extent to which allergies play a role in middle ear problems. people call allergies Many allergists contend that what today are not really allergies. They argue that "true" allergy requires an immunoglobulin E. which is IgE reaction. IgE stands for a protein commonly produced by Much contempo- white blood cells during allergic reactions. rary research substances in shows body reacts adversely to foreign a variety of ways not only through IgE. In fact. that the IgE reactions play a role — in the earaches of perhaps only 15 percent of children described as allergic on the basis of clinical and laboratory evidence." Dr. E. Pastorello has found a prisingly high incidence of food intolerance that to IgE.-' is sur- not related 59 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections To speak accurately oi the w a\ in \\ hich people adversely react to substances with which they come in contact, we have to use the terms allergy and hypersensitivity. Allergy is defined as an adverse response brought about by exposure to a sub- stance in the environment occur because the as a threat — called an allergen. These reactions immune system recognizes the substance(s) into an attack mode to eliminate the threat. and goes Hypersensirivit}- (the term intolerance is sometmies used) adverse reaction to a substance for anv other reason. Figure 2 Research Linking Ear Infection to Allergy Researcher Journal is an — Childhood Ear Infections 60 An example of true allergy is a child who nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and stuffiness When ragweed pollen. the blood develops a runny when ex|X)sed to tested in such children, IgE is antibodies are often elevated, along with an elevation in the white cells called eosinophils. Examples of hypersensitivity common include adverse reactions to two monosodium glutamate (MSG) and to which many people are sensitive enhancer. Sulfites are a family of sulfites. — food additives MSG — a substance used widely as a flavor is compounds used to preserve the whiteness of foods such as sugar, flour, baking powder, and dried fruit. Hypersensitivity reactions to foods or additives are fre- quently due to nutritional deficiency or problems with improfunctioning perly enzymes. For example, scientists who observed that many MSG-sensitive individuals B6 are no longer sensitive enzyme needed who are are given MSG.-^ This suggests MSG that the enhanced by not B6-supplemented, ingested to properly metabolize B6. In individuals MSG to have is builds up in the system rather than being processed and eliminated efficiently. The enzyme to that helps to break down excess sulfite happens be dependent upon the micro-trace element molybdenum.-' Deficiency of molybdenum can impair to a build-up of sulfite in the body, The symptoms from the the enzyme, which leads which leads to symptoms. persist until either the sulfites are eliminated diet, or molybdenum is added to the diet. Sulfites aggravate or cause upper respiratory reactions can in sensitive indi- viduals. I've even observed cases of sulfile-related otitis media. How Allergies May Contribute to Middle Ear Problems • Allergens may trigger collapse or narrowing of the eus- tachian tube. This interferes with normal opening and closing, thereby reducing ventilation of the middle ear. — Causes of Childhood Ear Infections • Allergens may cause 61 swollen tonsils or adenoids, lead- ing to reduced elimination (or drainage) of lymph fluid (see Heiner). This mechanically obstructs the eustac- hian tube opening. • Allergens can initiate excessive production of and serous fluid. mucus This results in reduced ventilation of the middle ear, reduced drainage of the middle ear, and slowed movement of white blood of cells to the site infection. • Allergens, especially food allergens, can inhibit the white blood cells' ability to digest and destroy bacteria. (See Jaffe.) This is a fairly simple assessment of the allergy contributes to middle ear problems. is not well understood, and at this time, is The way true which mechanism in considered theoretical. The Most Common Offenders Allergy and hypersensitivity reactions can be triggered by tually any substance to which a child major categories of substances which is vir- exposed. There are two initiate these reactions food and airborne. Within these categories, there are some sub- media more frequently than This reduces the pursuit of potential offenders from stances that contribute to otitis others. thousands to only a handful. In general, food allergy/hypersensitivity contributes more to otitis media than does airborne. However, each category contains important offenders. Food Allergy and Hypersensitivity In a study of 1,000 patients with food allergy, Dr. Frederic Speer found that milk, chocolate, cola, corn, were the most cially common common allergens. in children Milk citrus, allergies under two.-^ Of all and egg were espe- foods, cow's milk and other dairy products are probably the number one 62 Childhood Ear Infections contributor to childhood ear problems. These and other mon media allergens implicated in otitis com- are listed below. • Dairy products, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, cow's milk formula, and ice cream. • Wheat, including not only bread and cereal, but any- thing that contains wheat such as gravies, crackers, and cookies. • Eggs or anything containing eggs. • Chocolate. • Citrus, especially oranges and orange juice. • • Com, or anything containing Soy. This is as com flakes. especially a problem with infant fomiula. William Crook Dr. com, such states that 25 percent of infants with a milk allergy develop an allergy to soy. • Peanuts and other nuts. Peanut butter among is a great favorite children and a frequent contributor to childhood health problems. • Shellfish. • Sugar. • Yeast. Food among allergy can be a nemesis because the offenders hide a variety of foods children cases, the foods to which a child those that she eats the most. to foods. is food Foods on the above that are day, can lead to the many children are addicted intense that a child will refuse is given at mealtime. I've seen occur with cheese, crackers, milk, peanut tually all items day. In allergic or sensitive are Commonly, The cravings can be so to eat unless her "favorite" this consume every butter, and vir- list. consumed every day, or several times a development of allergy or hypersensitivity to that food. Children with a daily diet that consists of only a Causes of Childhood Ear Infections handful of items are at risk to 63 developing food allergies. I'm reminded of a patient who developed severe inflammatory arthritis every July and August. This summertime flare-up of symptoms had been When I a mystery to her doctors for many years. asked about any dietary changes that might occur dur- When I'm them fresh from the garden, I eat as many as I can." This woman consumed tomatoes on occasion during the year with no ill effects. However, when summertime harvest yielded a bounty of her favorite food, she consumed tomatoes several times a day, almost every day. This level of consumption overing this time of year, she said, "I love tomatoes. able to get loaded her system and triggered an inflammatory response. This is a dramatic illustration of the way in which overcon- sumption, or frequent consumption of a food, can lead to prob- lems that might not occur with the same food under ordinary circumstances. In chapter 2, to the I described development of food how allergies antibiotic use contributes by eradicating beneficial from intestinal bacteria. In one study, all children suffering symptoms of food allergies had evidence of deficiencies of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract. had an overgrowth of other enteric bacteria. ^^ tinal bacteria are restored When They also the intes- through supplementation, food aller- gies frequently improve. (See chapter 6.) Airborne Allergy and Sensitivity Airborne substances easily contribute to upper respiratory and ear problems because they are in constant contact with the mucous membranes of these who much parts of the body. In children are not allergic, airborne allergens usually don't cause trouble (although one family of indoor air pollutants, discussed later, can cause significant mucous membrane irritation even in non-allergic children). The average adult spends only one hour per day outdoors. The average child spends only slightly more time outdoors, especially in northern climates. Because the vast quantity of 64 Childhood Ear Infections air children breath is be of good indoor air, is it essential that the indoor in most American homes, schools, and offices is full of contaminants. These pollutants are contributing to an increase in chronic health complaints in both children and adults. The most common air quality. Unfortunately, the indoor air indoor air pollutants are: • Cigarette smoke. • House • Volatile organic • Mold. compounds. dust. • Fungi. • Pollen. • Sulfur dioxide. • Carbon monoxide. • Bacteria. • Animal dander. The most pernicious airborne irritant in otitis media is sidestream cigarette smoke. Dr. Michael Kraemer and his colleagues reported in the Journal of the American Medical Associ- media with effusion child is exposed to two or ation in 1983 that the incidence of otitis increases nearly three-fold when a more household smokers. When exposed to smoke from more than three packs of cigarettes per day, the risk increases fourfold.-*^ Children of smoking parents are admitted to hospitals more often than children of non-smoking parThose exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke also lose more days to sickness from respiratory ailments (which is significant because 50 percent of all earaches follow an upper respiratory problem of some type).-** See Figure 3. There are probably many reasons why cigarette smoke nearly 28 percent ents. causes an increase dence suggests in childhood ear infections. Recent evi- that the level of vitamin of smokers than in the E is lower in the lungs of nonsmokers. Vitamin important antioxidant nutrient that protects cell E lungs is an membranes from free-radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical species that cause destruction of cells through chain Causes of Childhood Ear Infections reactions. Scientists estimate that 65 one puff of sidestream (sec- ond-hand) cigarette smoke contains up to one hundred-trilhon or 100,000.000,000,000 (lO'^) free radicals.^' cate Hning of the respiratory tract number of free radicals found is When exposed in cigarette the deU- to the large smoke (see Figure demands are placed on the antioxidant defense mechanism of the respiratory tract, leading to vitamin E 4), significant deficiency. Figure 3 Comparative "Sick Days" Among Children of Smoking and Nonsmoking Households 66 Childhood Ear Infections Figure 4 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 67 Sidestream smoke has been shown to paralyze ciha within the respiratory tract. tract consists The Hning of the middle ear and respiratory of a layer of stratified, column-shaped cells covered with tiny hairlike cilia that from the middle ear. help remove allergens and microbes During exposure to cigarette smoke, the destroyed or impaired. This reduces the ability of the cilia are middle ear to remove invading microbes and allergens. The consequences include middle ear effusion and infection. House dust is another contribute to otitis media. its ability to carry of items including human airborne offender that can contributes to illness because of tremendous numbers of allergens, toxicants, and microbes. House dust cluding common It lint, is a complex mixture of hundreds snips of hair, oils, animal dander (in- and particles of skin), textiles from rugs, bed- ding, furniture, drapes, carpet padding, clothing, and pillows. One teaspoon of house dust can contain from 5 to 10 million microbes including some very nasty bacteria and viruses. — After a short incubation period, the numbers can rise into the billions. One dust is of the most common irritants the house dust mite. According to found in household G.W. Wharton, many people are more allergic to mites than to other house dust components. ^"^ This tiny arthropod feeds on tially full Vacuum cleaners bag often serve as hotels is also a principal left standing with a par- which millions of house grow old. source of lead, cadmium, in dust mites eat, reproduce, live, and House dust skin and resides and any household item in mattresses, carpeting, draperies, that harbors dust. human and other heavy metals. In studies of cognitive function dren, Dr. serum and tissue lead and cadmium levels lated directly with the level of dren come in contact in children corre- house dust. Apparently, the chil- with heavy metals through the dust that on their hands during play. The dust is then transferred mouth by normal hand-to-mouth activity. In these studies. collects to in chil- Robert Thatcher and his associates showed that Childhood Ear Infections 68 cadmium were shown lead and to on verbal IQ and performance known also to exposure IQ.'"* Lead and cadmium are have an adverse effect on immune function. Reduction of house dust ling have direct adverse effect to these is one important element metals. (Incidentally, control- in children with adequate levels of zinc appear to be insulated against the adverse effects of cadmium, while those with adequate cal- cium are insulated against the adverse effects of lead.) home, roughly 40 pounds of house dust produced annually. It is a significant problem for infants In the average are and toddlers because they spend the better part of crawling and shuffling around on the culated by common floor. Dust forced-air furnaces and is their day further cir- vacuum cleaners. (See chapter 7 on prevention.) To the allergic child, the continual dose of allergens and microbes upper respiratory nificant upper respiratory disease, Children who irritation otitis are not "allergic" sig- and contributes to chronic media, may house dust creates in tonsillitis, still suffer, and due rhinitis. to the pres- ence of such large numbers of agents that can potentially chal- immune lenge the A system. fairly recent addition to the ants/respiratory irritants is organic compounds (VOC). evaporate They at family of indoor air pollut- a group of chemicals called volatile VOC are organic chemicals that temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. are constituents of common household items. Among these are cleaning compounds, newsprint, mothballs, and even furniture. Building materials are VOC. These compounds, carpeting, vinyl We one of the greatest sources of include particle board, paint, varnish, caulking floor covering, and more. are only beginning to understand the scope of this problem. In 1985, the EPA studied 11 VOCs findings revealed unacceptable levels of benzene, trichloroethane, and styrene — indoors. Their compounds such all as of which are not membrane irritants but carcinogens as well. Levels of all tested compounds were higher indoors than outdoors. The only home's age or location seemed to have no bearing on pollutant Causes of Childhood Ear Infections levels. From new urban homes 69 to old rural of volatile pollutants was similar. homes, the problem ^^ Baton Rouge, Houston, and Greensborough, the EPA volatile chemicals and found all to be In measured levels of 32 higher in the indoor air than in the outdoor air.^^ Public access buildings such as schools, office buildings, and day care facil- D.C., home were among often ities are the worst offenders. In a Washington, identified in the air. tions tested, The 350 for the elderly, Of different volatile chemicals these, 35 were found at all loca- and 12 were known carcinogens or mutagens." air quality in homes is also among the worst. In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, federal scientists monitored 40 homes for the presence of organic vapors in the air. During the study period, they identified between 20 and 150 solvents and other volatile chemicals in the indoor were found in the outdoor air. '''^ air of each structurel Only 10 These and similar studies reveal and growing problem. that indoor air pollution is a serious Come From? Where Do Indoor Air Pollutants Indoor generated from building materials and air pollutants are household products. Almost every aspect of our lives involves the use of synthetic materials. vapors that, These synthetic materials release over time, contribute to ill health in a large number of people. Carpeting is one of the worst offenders. Carpeting is com- prised of synthetic fibers derived from petroleum. At various stages of processing, chemicals are added to carpet to stain-resistant are often and added fire-resistant. make to carpeting to protect it against mold, mildew, and fungus. These chemicals are highly toxic and highly ing. What's worse, it Insecticides and fungicides their vapors are released irritat- from the carpeting The "new carpet" smell is actually a chemical soup that wafts its way through the air. When carpeting is cleaned by professional cleaning services, more toxic comas the carpet ages. pounds are added. Naptha, a known carcinogen, in the cleaning process. is In addition, insecticides often used and stain- Childhood Ear 70 Injcclion.s Figure 5 Summary of Other Studies of Indoor Air Pollutants Molhave Found elevated toluene in levels of & benzene 39 dwellings. Found increased concentration of Jarke organics in 34 Chicago homes. Concluded Leberet mean that 35 of 35 organics had indoor levels greater than outdoor levels in 134 tested homes. Seven of these indoor levels exceeded outdoor levels by 10 times. Tobacco smoking was correlated with increase of 10 organics. Measured Seifert 15 homes had in Berlin; all increased levels of toluene(*) and xylene from printed material. Gammage in 40 Tennessee homes, most with attached garages. Detected gasoline vapors 39. 40. 41. 42. 41 Note: Many been done in early monitoring studies of indoor pollutants have Europe. Those conducted in American homes yield similar results. Presently, European governments have taken the lead in reducing the indoor contaminants in the government has made little progress home. The U.S. in this regard, by the relaxed standards regarding formaldehyde evidenced in building materials. (*) Toluene, a solvent that membrane all irritant, is the is most a carcinogen and well-known common mucous airborne pollutant isolated in studies. proofing agents are applied during the cleaning. Foimaldehyde found in is a familiar indoor air pollutant. everything from cosmetics to clothing. richest sources of formaldehyde walls and subflooring of almost is all One It o\' is the the waferboard used in the new homes. Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 71 Old newspapers stored indoors can outgas toxic vapors The printing ink contains a complex mixture of for montlis. chemicals including toluene and xylene. Fuel used for heating can cause problems as well. Children stoves are used suffer from dren in more homes where wood Volatile homes where wood stoves are not used.^ sources of volatile pollutants How in respiratory ailments than chil- is The of list almost endless. Indoor Air Pollutants Contribute to Ear Infections Most cases of characteristic otitis media with effusion share a — inflammation of the common mucous membrane of middle ear and/or eustachian tube. Moreover, otitis the media is frequently preceded by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. These delicate tissues, while possessing some form of protection, are susceptible to the continuous presence of ants in the As discussed above, are irrit- air. common the vapors often found in indoor air constituents of the building materials used in the construction of homes, offices, and schools. When the vapors it was found that as high 80 percent were known mucous membrane irritants.^" In other words, the items used to build and furnish our homes, schools, day care centers, and offices are replete with invisible, often of building materials were analyzed, as odorless gases that can initiate inflammation of the middle ear (also eyes, nose, throat, to and lungs). At first, constant exposure even low levels of these airborne gases overwhelms the oxidant defense system. As exposure and immune changes occur that anti- continues, inflammatory can contribute to ongoing respiratory and middle ear complaints. become serious only since the mid-1970s, because of the increase in tighter, This category of indoor air pollutants has energy-efficient homes, coupled with a rapid increase in the use of synthetic materials. Ironically, the incidence of otitis media has increased dramatically during the same period. While it is difficult to prove a link between indoor air pollutants and Childhood Eur Injections 72 Figure 6 Examples of Organic Compound Types and Potential Indoor Sources 73 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections media, otitis it is contributed to ver\ likely that these volatile pollutants have some of the upper respirator) irritation often creates susceptibility to middle ear problems. stant presence of airborne irritants also may impede that The con- the reco\ er\ of middle ear problems due to other causes. Outdoor air pollution may be contributing indirectly to an increase in otitis media. Recently. Dr. Philip Landrigan of the American Academy of Congress Pediatrics reported to the United States that the incidence of childhood asthma cases has increased 25 percent from 1982 to 1986. In 1987. more than 760.000 children were hospitalized with a respirator) disease. Upper respirator)" infection, lung congestion, and nasal congestion have long been considered risk factors to Dr. Landrigan says that the ten worse Act of in many problem of poor otitis air quality media. has got- of the 90 cities that violate the Clean Air 19':'0.^" According 1983 report to a in the Brirish Medical Journal, the incidence of allergy in children under five more than dou- bled from 1970 to 1982.^^ During this period, the incidence of otitis this media has more than doubled as well. The reasons behind dramatic increase are a source of ongoing speculation and research. One might suggest that there is a relationship between the increase in allergy and the increase in otitis media. Based on the available evidence, allergy and hypersensitivity to either food or airborne substances deser\es consideration in the child with recurrent otitis media. Infection Under certain conditions, bactena present in the upper respira- tor)- tract find their way up the eustachian tube into the middle ear. Once in the middle ear chamber, the) contribute to the damaging e\ents \\ith which we usually associate infection. When middle ear fluid is cultured for bacteria, the most common " Childhood Ear Infections 74 bacteria found are Haemophihis injiucnzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae These are called pathogenic organisms, which produce disease. Cases of otitis media . refers to their ability to pneumoniae involved tend to occur with severe which pain and fever, while those associated with less pain and in S. fever, but is more commonly In a report of bacteria total found H. injiuenzae have affect both ears/** middle ear in fluid '" from a of 3,583 children from three countries. Dr. J.O. Klein observed the presence of either S. pneumoniae (35 percent) or H. influenzae (20 percent) in a total of 55 percent of cases." During a period from 1980 to 1985, other investigators found that S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae comprised 50.7 percent of bacteria isolated from the middle ear fluid of their patients (29.8 and 20.9 percent respectively). Other bacteria have been found well. However, most of these are in middle ear fluid as normal residents of the body. Doctors disagree about whether these "indigenous" bacteria contribute in any way to middle ear problems. Viruses — which are believed to contribute to a substantial percentage of child- — hood upper respiratory complaints middle ear fluid."' However, chronic tribute to The immune are only rarely found in viral infections may con- suppression. identification of bacteria in middle ear fluid is useful but fails to provide an answer to one important question. Do these bacteria cause otitis media, or are they merely opportunists taking advantage of a weakened child or hospitable middle ear environment? Without ceptibility, there can be no realistic this discussion of child sus- discussion of infection. The problem with the contemporary western concept of infection is that doctors often overlook the question of susceptibility. Efforts to demonstrate the importance of host susceptibility have, on occasion, taken on dramatic proportion. The great Russian pathologist Eli Metchnikoff once drank a solution con- taining millions of cholera bacteria to prove that a healthy indi- vidual would not contract the disease and die. experienced only mild diarrhea as a result of this Metchnikoff experiment. Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 75 Figure 7 Types of Bacteria Found in Middle Ear Fluid 76 Childhood Far Infections ity.'^' When diets are low in essential fatty acids, other lymphoid tissue atrophies, resulting in depressed immunity. Folic acid among most commonly deficient the ol all nutrients. is Lack of vitamin can lead to reduced resistance to infection.'' Defi- this ciency of any of the following nutrients has thus far been shown to increase susceptibility to infection: folic acid, pan- tothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, iron, magnesium, and Lowered immune infection, can be may due zinc.''' function, and therefore susceptibility to to genetic factors. Remarkably, also it be due to the nutritional intake of a parent or grandparent. was supplied in a now-famous animal study by Dr. Lucille Hurley, who showed that when a pregnant mother's zinc status is low, the offspring show signs of immune Evidence for this finding deficiency. This immune three generations. The the insufficiency can persist for up to findings are especially significant because immune problems can generation in spite often be passed from generation to of supplementation with zinc."' Even consumption of sugar can lower immune function by reducing the destroy bacteria. ability of white blood cells to digest and The lowered immune effect can last for five hours or more following the ingestion of sugar."' Children with low numbers of and Bijidohactena are intestinal Lcictobacilli more likely to succumb to infection than are children who harbor optimum levels of these microbes in their intestinal tract. common Environmental factors ance to infection. Cadmium today also lower toxicity has been shown resistance to both bacterial and viral infection. contaminant of the food, country. It is is and water in Cadmium Lead is found in is a various areas of the Lead leaded paint and canned a major constituent of house dust in cadmium and The adverse effects of both significant. Not only do these metals cause effects resist- reduce also found in second-hand cigarette smoke. also inhibits immunity. food, and air, to some areas. lead on children are direct adverse on immunity, but they also deplete the body of zinc and calcium, respectively. Causes of Childhood Ear Infections Unfortunately, emerging data many 77 doctors have ignored the rapidly that point to altered nutritional status as a sig- They have of antibiotics to combat nificant contributor to susceptibility to infection. chosen instead to rely on their arsenal invading organisms that, given the needed raw materials, the child's immune system might If infection would suspect the disease many defeat alone. were indeed the cause of that antibiotics — provided otitis media, one would be successful the right antibiotic is in treating given. However, media do not respond to antibiotics. In a study by Dr. David Teele and his colleagues, 57 percent of children who did not respond to antibiotic therapy had ^^ sterile middle ear fluid 36 hours after therapy was begun, meaning the bacteria had been eradicated. Yet middle ear fluid persisted. Other studies show that bacteria can be found in the middle ear fluid of only 21 to 25 percent of children who do children with otitis not respond to antibiotics.^^ children, it is ^'^ In this substantial likely that infection either longer a consideration in their illness. number of never was or The is no root of their prob- lem may be increased susceptibility to infection or inflammadue to an unknown cause. The issue of whether bacteria cause otitis media or act as opportunists cannot be answered fully here. It is likely that under certain conditions, either may be true. There is no doubt that bacteria, viruses, and parasites exact a considerable toll on human health. Every effort should be made to reduce the tion, suffering caused by these microbes. But susceptibility to infection tions is if the individual child's not considered, repeated infec- and continued lowering of resistance may be the in a significant number of result children. Mechanical Obstruction media can occur when the eustachian tube is blocked, or obstructed, by physical or mechanical means. The most Otitis common factors associated with mechanical blockage of the Childhood Ear Infections 78 eustachian tube are swollen tonsils or adenoids. was It this association that prompted the widespread use of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy many stood, but days of treating ear infections. in the early The cause of swollen tonsils or adenoids not fully under- is doctors believe they can be caused or aggra- vated by allergies. Thus, allergies can lead to the development of one form of mechanical obstruction. There is another form of mechanical obstruction that further contributes to the development of middle ear problems (and quite possibly the tonsilar and adenoid swelling children) called /;/V>mechanical obstruction refers to blockage that is due to in some Biomechanical obstruction. problems involving components surrounding the ear and eustachian These include the bones of the cranium, theTMJ (or jaw the structural tube. joint), and the cervical spine In other (i.e., the bones of the upper neck). words, abnormal function of the components of the jaw, the skull, and especially the neck can contribute to, and in some cases, cause the development of recurring ear problems. Biomechanical problems often develop as a trauma at birth. column of He Dr. F.R. the infant is result of Ford has pointed out that the spinal very different from that of an adult. describes the infant vertebrae as a series of elastic cartil- ages surrounded by inelastic connective tissue.'"" that the tissue holding the infant's spine together itself to the same degree of This means does not lend flexibility or elasticity as adult tissue. In addition, the infant has little or no muscle develop- ment. Muscular support of the head and neck is, therefore, non-existent. During birth, extremes of force are often used to pull, prod, or pry the ing to Dr. ogy at newborn out of the birth canal. Accord- Abraham Towbin, of the Department of Neuropathol- Harvard Medical School, "During the final extraction of the fetus, mechanical stress imposed by obstetrical manipu- — even — may prove lation dures the application of standard intolerable to the fetus." orthodox He proce- further states 79 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections "During active labor the spinal column, particulariy the cervical portion, may be injured as the fetus is compressed and that, forced down the birth canal."*"" Tractional forces as high as 67 pounds have been recorded during the delivery of babies. In a study of the tensile strength was found that traction of 90 pounds was enough to cause separation and dislocation of the vertebrae, especially in the cervical region. Dr. J.M. Duncan, the principal investigator in this study, comments, "This [amount of tractional force] is probably far from being what most obstetricians would regard as a great force."™ These tremendous tractional forces applied during delivof the newborn spinal column, it ery often result in mild to moderate* soft-tissue injury to the components of the infant's spinal column, primarily in the region of the upper neck (which has the greatest range of motion). In injury. many ways, this can be likened to a mild whiplash This microtrauma can occur during prolonged or cult labor, but is even C-section tion, or diffi- when forceps, vacuum extracused. What may be surprising is that accentuated is similar trauma can occur even during "normal" delivery. In 1966, Dr. Viola Frymann examined 1,250 newborns evidence of mechanical problems resulting from births birth. (These were not even classified as traumatic.) Ten percent of the infants displayed evidence of severe visible trauma, 78 percent had evidence of 90 percent of biomechanical The ing, and all stress from and articular strains. Therefore, almost demonstrated infants some degree of birth.'' result of these types of injuries often includes swell- muscle spasm, decreased circulation, slight slippage, or tive to for movement, of restricted motion, the upper vertebrae rela- one another (called subluxation). These effects can go undetected for months or even years. The child *Dr. Abraham Towbin has may display also found severe spinal cord and brainstem injury that occur as a result of obstetrical trauma even in so-called normal births. This is outside the discussion of this book. Childhood 80 Iicir Infections no obvious signs of injury, yet may suffer from eye, nose, throat, and of course, middle ear complaints. Birth trauma is not the only contributor to biomechanical problems. Children, as any parent has observed, are notoriously inquisitive. Their need for climbing and exploration matched only by explorations, because of unending energy. their bumps and falls off the ward signs of spinal bruises are sure to falls, It these is down the stairs, while usually leaving no out- mild strains of the upper injury, often result in column. come. These occur couch, off the bed, The or on the playground. is In the course of their minor can lead to that strains problems. Consider the case of Mary. Mary began getting ear infections when occurred, therapy. she was nine months of age. When the she was taken to the pediatrician The have antibiotic appeared to little first episode for antibiotic effect and in about three weeks, the ear began to improve. The next ear infection occurred at 12 months. Again, antibiotics were used but there was no improvement in her condition until several weeks later. At 15 months, another ear infection developed. On the recommendation of a close friend, the mother brought Mary to our clinic. It was evident from my examination that there were important functional changes in the upper neck that suggested an injury had occurred. More specifically, there was a lateral displacement of the brought this to the had taken a nasty cervical vertebra. first When mother's attention, she recalled that I Mary off the couch at about eight and a half fall months of age. The earaches began shortly thereafter I slept treated Mary using manipulation of the upper comfortably that She night, by the next day was markedly spine. improved, and within three days had fully recovered. She didn't develop another case of otitis media half years old. into the office, a few days. When I this occurred, the treated her once, was two and onemother brought Mary until she and the earache resolved in Causes of Childhood Ear Infections In this case, the 81 mother had breastfed Mary for one full year. Solid foods were introduced at nine months, and Mary's diet of would, by many parents, be considered enviable its Even purity and quality. Mary's earaches were the result of a structural problem would be unlikely to I'll be discussing. terms problem. This respond to antibiotics, tubes, or any number of other approaches natives in so, the ear infections occurred. — including some of the alter- A structural problem requires a struc- tural solution. Gottfried Gutmann, M.D. one of Europe's most prominent . researchers in the field of physical medicine, describes a case of an 18-month-old boy with early relapsing tonsillitis, fre- and therapy-resistant conjunctivitis. The child from frequent earaches, colds, rhinitis, and sleep problems. The boy's birth had been normal, but he had fallen off the changing table several times. quent enteritis, also suffered Examination revealed kyphosis between the second and and lateral After the reverse third cervical vertebrae, displacement of the first (a and forward cervical vertebra (CI). first specific adjustment of CI, the child markedly. Within a short time his curvature) ear, improved nose, and throat prob- lems had ceased. Dr. Gutmann has reported on the examination and adjust- ment of more than 1,000 that infants and children. His the occiput (base of the skull) and the vertebrae, contribute to central He results show blocked nerve impulses, which result from distortions many motor impairment to first in and second cervical clinical conditions, ranging from lowered resistance to infection. states that increased susceptibility to infection of the ear, nose, and throat is one of the most common consequences of these upper cervical problems.^- "^^ Patricia C. Brennan, Ph.D., has recently shown that the two types of white blood cells (known as neutrophils and monocytes) can be enhanced using spinal manipulation. With enhanced function, these cells are more efficient at killactivity of ing bacteria.^'* This lends support to Dr. Gutmann's contention Childhood Ear Infections 82 that biomechanical problems adversely etTect immune function and that correction of these problems may have a beneficial on immune function. These are significant findings. effect many that who children If true, they would suggest receive antibiotics and tubes do so unnecessarily. Not only do they receive needless therapy with their associated risks, but an important potential contributor to ongoing health problems goes untreated. How important are biomechanical problems to the health of children? Gutmann recommends that examination of the upper cervical spine be mandatory after every when problems In this way, difficult birth. are found, they can immediately be corrected by manipulation (also called adjustment). The child who is two, four, or five and suffering from recurrent ear examined infections also should be lems. In the words of Gutmann, for biomechanical prob- in children with recurrent infections due to biomechanical problems ". . . the success of adjustment overshadows every other type of treatment, especially the pharmaceutical approach."^" Biomechanical problems contribute to the development of middle ear infection through a series of events that begin with the vertebral nal column column. The three uppermost structures of the are the second cervical vertebra (C2), the vical vertebra (CI), These vertebrae spi- first cer- and the occiput (the base of the skull). are not only in proximity to the eustachian tube and tonsils, but they lie directly adjacent to major nerve cell centers called ganglia. It is through these ganglia that nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system must pass to get to their destination. The autonomic nervous system controls the automatic functions that go on daily, most of which you things like secretion of When there is a mucus and mechanical problem with the upper cervi- cal vertebrae, the pressure, inflammation, and swelling pro- duced around these ganglia, or nerve to fire abnormally. ^^ are unaware, including the formation of tears. Dr. cell clusters, Chung Ha Suh. at causes them the University of Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 83 Colorado, has demonstrated that a tiny amount of pressure on a nerve fiber is enough to percent/** Aberrant signals function by as 60 its from the autonomic nervous system lead to disrupted function, such as increased and altered blood flow much aher in the body mucus as secretion parts that the nerves supply. This includes the nasal cavity, the throat, the ears, and many others. Germany, reports that nearly 80 percent of children are not in autonomic balance, meaning that there is some form of interference with the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This interference is commonly due to subluxation of the upper cervical vertebrae. Seifert bases this contention on his studies of the upper cervical spine in newborns and infants.^'' Not only do biomechanical problems affect the nervous and immune systems, but they can contribute to impaired drainage of the lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels designed to carry immune cells and metabolic waste products away to the liver to be reprocessed. When biomechanical problems interfere with this process, the tonsils and adenoids (really just large lymph nodes), which are already working overtime to fight a local infection, cannot Dr. J. Seifert, of West effectively discharge their waste products. This not only limits their infection-fighting capability, but remain swollen, further adding it encourages them to to the congestion of the eusta- chian tube. Biomechanical Problems May Contribute to Otitis Media by: • Causing autonomic nervous system interference. • Impairing the lymph drainage from the tonsils and adenoids. • Inhibiting the local As we begin to immune response. understand the links between the nervous system and the immune system, it is clear that an ongoing feed- Childhood Far Infections 84 back exists. Cells of the immune system relay messages to the nervous system by way of the chemicals they secrete, while messages the nervous system relays way of tion results in changes To understand in function. the importance of nerve supply, consider When the importance of blood supply. heart immune system by to the neurotransmitters. Interruption of the flow of informa- is the blood supply to the slowly reduced over time, the efficiency of the heart muscle begins blood supply to decline. If the is abruptly inter- rupted, as in a heart attack, the heart tissue supplied by the vessels that have been blocked will die. Nerve fibers supply information to the parts of the body with which they connect. When nerve conduction the nerves supply are When is interfered with, the structures that damaged as a result. biomechanical problems affect the upper cervical emanate from not a simple bone on a nerve spine, this interferes with the nerve fibers that those levels of the spine. This interference, but a is complex response of the tissues surrounding the nerves to the insult of biomechanical forces. Because of this interference, the structures these nerves supply nose, and throat suffer from impaired function. function may and changes in mucus include deficiencies in local in in the ear. The impaired immune function blood flow, which encourage swelling, increases secretion, and delayed healing.* No one is certain of the extent to problems cause or contribute to otitis which biomechanical media. The findings of Gutmann, Dr. Frymann, and others suggest that in children with otitis media who have suffered trauma at or after birth, Dr. the prospect of biomechanical stress should be seriously considered. In the otitis-prone child who does not respond to other therapies, biomechanical stress should be considered, whether there has been physical trauma or not. *Controlled studies are currently underway that will assess the role of manipulation in the treatment of otitis manipulation in stimulating immune function. media and the role of Causes of ChildJiood Ear Infections 85 Nutritional Deficiency Over the past two decades, our understanding of nutrition has expanded rapidly. For instance, we know that a child's intake of dietar) fats can either enhance or impair Intake of the wrong types of fats not immune function. only predisposes a child to developing recurrent infections, but to inflammaton, condi- tions as well. Deficiency of certain rrace elements and vitamins causes a child's metabolic machinen," to go awr\". even tial fats if essen- are taken in proper proportion. If all is well regarding the intake of vitamins, minerals, and fats, there are still a host of dietary factors that can upset the balance. These tions. are important considerations in childhood ear infec- Understanding them can allow you to avoid some things that put your child at risk to ear infections and to do those things that will optimize your child's resistance to disease in general. In this section, we'll explore: • Types of dietar\' fats and their sources. • How fats are made inflammation and into important substances that affect immune function. • The adverse • The • How these factors interact to cause ear infections. • How aspirin effects of non-essential fats. role of vitamins and minerals. and acetaminophen (found in T\ lenol) can aggravate infection and inflammation. The information tant tool to diet in this section is perhaps the most impor- developing a better understanding of the role of and nutrition not only in regard to ear infections but illness of other types as well. For this reason. stantial I have provided a sub- amount of background information. Childhood Ear Infections 86 and Dietary Fat Essential Fatty Acids As I keep of discuss the role of dietary fats in middle ear infections, mind in that the infant fat This total calories. requirement because is all is roughly 50 percent developing cells, including those of the nervous system, consist of different types of As fats. a child ages, the fat requirement gradually decreases, even- tually reaching about 25 percent of total calories by adulthood. Therefore, the types of fats eaten are especially crucial to an infant or toddler. proper ratios, it hood and even When can a child does not spell trouble that will last that fats we These which and unsaturated* fats, throughout child- dietarv' fats — called satu- Saturated fats are those fats. typically associate with conditions like heart disease. fats are solid at room temperature. This primarily saturated is on the counter ful fats in the into adulthood. There are two main types of rated* consume but can and some top. fat, is why remains solid when butter, left out Your child's body needs certain saturated make what it needs. Some saturated fats are use- interfere with the body's use of unsaturated essen- tial fats. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and are main constituents of vegetable oils. As with saturated fats, your child's body can make most of what it needs, except linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid. These two are known as essential fatty acids or EFAs. They are essential because they're necessary for survival and must be obtained through the diet. (Our the — bodies cannot make them.) Essential fatty acids are found in foods such as safflower and flax seed *The reason for the designation saturated chemically a saturated more fat stable, less reactive, and other molecules, and air reactive, and liquid at and unsaturated is that contains only single bonds, rendering them rated fats contain double bonds, light, oil. solid at room temperature. Unsatu- which make them They are therefore room temperature. alterable by heat, less stable, more Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 87 Besides the two essential fatty acids, there are a variety of non-essential fatty acids in our food. Non-essential fatty acids include those that your child's body can make and those food processing. that are artificially created through Much and doughnuts are non-essential the fats found in pastries of fatty acids created in the deep-frying process. These harm created fatty acids can do great artificially once inside the body. The problem is that non-essential fatty acids comprise a substantial percentage of most children's diets today. The Helpful Fatty Acids There are two main families of essential omega-6 and omega-3 called Omega-6 Fatty Acids. EFAs in the omega-6 com, sesame, flower, flower is oil is the found milk. Linoleic acid (LA) family. flax, highest in in oil of GLA fatty acids. It is found acid (AA) is one of the chief in sunflower, saf- soybean, and pumpkin seed. Saf- LA. Gamma linolenic evening primrose, borage oil, (GLA) acid and mother's can be made from LA. Under certain conditions (discussed later), the body cannot convert which case These are fatty acids. GLA must be is found in LA into GLA, in obtained from the diet. Arachidonic animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs (the only vegetable source is weed). Both arachidonic acid and a few select species of sea- gamma linolenic acid can be synthesized from linoleic acid. Omega-3 Fatty Acids. The omega-3 family consists primarily of the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (LNA). found in amounts taining pumpkin seed, flax, soybean, walnut, and in in other plants. 50 weather oil cause of its to Flax 60 percent of found mainly is its the is most abundant source, con- oil as in plants in insulating ability). It minor LNA. LNA is a cold- temperate regions (be- Childhood Ear Infections 88 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are considered cold water marine oils and are found mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, cod, and sardines. Like DHA EPA and be made by the body from tial. EPA and have insulating properties. LNA in LNA, DHA can and are therefore non-essen- However, under conditions where important enzymes are LNA does not get converted. In these instances, impaired, EPA and the diet. the years live on DHA One is become essential reason cod liver its high diets high in EPA and EPA have oil and must be obtained from has been so beneficial over DHA content. Societies which lower rates of heart and inflam- matory diseases. Changes in Consumption Habits Food processing practices over the past 100 years have caused omega-6 fatty acids to become seriously out of balance for most Americans. While omega-6 intake has remained largely unchanged, omega-3 intake has the dietary ratio of omega-3 decreased by nearly 80 The main reasons consumption • to percent.**" for this decrease in omega-3 fatty acid are: Omega-3 fatty acids are lost nation. Hydrogenation from a liquid flower is to a solid. oil into through chemical hydroge- the process used to turn oil For example, to convert sun- margarine sunflower requires hydrogenation. • 40 percent of omega-3 oils are lost from the increased consumption of southern oils, which are omega-6-rich and omega-3-poor. In the U.S.. we consume large amounts of sunflower, safflower, and corn oil high in omega-6 but low in omega-3. — • Destruction of omega-3 oils occurs milled out of northern cereal when grains."*' acids are located primarily in the the germ is Essential fatty germ portion of the Causes of Childhood Ear Infections we grains germ EFAs is — eat. When 89 grain is milled to separated and the endosperm is sold to consumers. This make — which is flour, the is low in one reason that refined (or white) flour products contribute to poor health. • Fatty acids are easily destroyed by light, heat and air, contributing to an increase of rancid fats in the diet. Why Your Child's Body Needs Essential Fatty Acids Essential fatty acids are an important source of energy for your child's body. known But when converted into a family of as prostaglandins, they are among the compounds most potent and substances produced in the body. Prostaglandins are hor- vital mone-like chemicals that perform an array of functions, ranging from regulating blood clotting to creating inflammation. Many prostaglandins perform dual functions, such as enhancing immunity and regulating hormones. For every prostaglandin performs one function, there appears to be another that that performs the opposite function. This system of checks and balances is in place to ensure that the action of one family of prosta- glandins does not get out of control. For example, one prosta- glandin family promotes inflammation while another prevents inflammation. If inflammation were prevented entirely, healing would never occur. Yet if inflammation were allowed to pro- serious tissue destruction would occur. immunity is stimulated without restraint, it can lead to a disease where the immune system attacks normal body tissue. If immunity is suppressed, we succumb easily to ceed unchecked, Likewise, if infection. Prostaglandins are one reason that your child's intake of the proper dietary fatty acids tain types of fatty acids taglandins. become. It What your is so important, because only cer- can be made into certain types of proschild eats is exactly what his cells determines whether he creates inflammation or pre- Childhood Ear Infections 90 Figure 8 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections How EFAs Are Made 91 Into Prostaglandins There are three main families of prostaglandins, called PGl, PG2, and PG3. Linoleic acid (LA) is converted into PGl, (AA) into PG2, and alpha-linolenic acid PG3. PGl tends to control inflammation and arachidonic acid (LNA) into enhance immunity. PG2 comprises a family of chemicals that and immune-suppressing. PG3 compounds tend to be anti-inflammatory. It is useful to think of PGl and PG3 as "good guys" and PG2 as "bad guys." (This are highly inflammatory designation technically incorrect since is all prostaglandins carry out important functions.) PGl PG2 • blocks allergic response • stimulates allergic response • prevents inflammation • improves nerve function * promotes inflammation • enhances * suppresses immune immune function function PG3 • blocks release of • enhances PG2 immune inflammatory precursors function • prevents inflammation Essential fatty acids are converted into prostaglandins through a series of steps that require enzymes and co-factors (see figure 9). desaturase). acid, The main enzyme Among is known as d-6-d (delta-6- the co-factors are vitamins A, B6, C, folic and the trace elements zinc, copper, and magnesium. When these factors are present along with the proper fatty acids, the enzymes work to convert fatty acids into prostaglandins. If the co-factors are not present in sufficient amounts, the enzyme doesn't work, and essential fatty acids are not converted into prostaglandins. Even when the co-factors are present, the Childhood Ear Infections 92 AA LA LNA Arachidonic Acid Linoleic Acid alpha-Linolenic Acid enzymes, enzymes, enzymes, vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals GLA EPA/DHA 1' PG2 PGl PG3 Leukotrienes Anti-inflammatory Pro-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory Immune Enhancing Immune Suppressing Immune Enhancing Figure 9 How Dietary Essential Fatty Acids are Converted Into Prostaglandins *The description of prostaglandins suppressing useful to as pro- or anti-inflammatory, or immune enhancing show the general way in which these substances affect the body. enzymes can be prevented from working normally by many factors that are abundant in our children's diets today. Fatty Acids and Breastmilk One is fat is reason breastfeeding is critical to infant the ratio of essential fatty acids found in breastmilk is GLA, or it and child health contains. gamma One infants the enzyme However, that converts dietary linoleic acid inactive. Breastmilk supplies the important linolenic acid. This not an essential fatty acid for most adults. GLA is or an oversimplification of what actually occurs. However, these designations are is needed (LA) GLA until in into the Causes of Childhood Ear Infections infant's Once metabolism begins this occurs. GLA is GLA 93 enzyme on to activate the from the diet is its own. not as crucial. necessary for the production of the anti-inflam- matory PGls. If the infant's diet does not contain sufficient amounts of GLA, sufficient PGl will not be made. If PGl is not produced in adequate amounts, there is little to oppose the immune-suppressing and inflammation-producing effects of PG2s. Breastmilk also contains the omega-3 fatty acid alphalinolenic acid (LNA). Mothers who breastfeed should be aware that the fatty acid content of their diet reflects directly what their breastmilk will contain. If the diet is deficient in omega-3 breastmilk will be low as well. Worse, diet is high in saturated, partially if fatty acids, the a nursing mother's hydrogenated. or trans fats (discussed later), the suckling infant will ingest them and be all the adverse consequences of exposure to these These non-essential fats show up in mother's milk substances. within 24 hours of the time they were eaten. The breastmilk of American women tends to be far lower subjected to in essential fatty acids than is the breastmilk of women from women non-industrialized nations such as Nigeria. Nigerian consume unprocessed food, which is higher in needed fatty acids and co-factors.^' Breastmilk which is is also a nursing child's only source of zinc, essential to proper utilization of fatty acids. During pregnancy and lactation, a mother's zinc requirement increases. It is important that dietary levels of zinc be adequate while breastfeeding to ensure that the baby receives adequate amounts. Recent evidence shows the average nursing mother may only be getting 42 percent of the recommended daily allowance for zinc.^^ How Non-Essential Fats Contribute to Illness Non-essential fatty acids are present naturally in the food eat. They are also created through food processing. It is we those Childhood Ear Infections 94 created through food processing that I focus on here. Fatty acids are very sensitive to heal, light, and oxygen. Exposure of oil to heat and air, such as in frying, results in the formation of substances called free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical species that can be likened to a lighted match dropped on a dry forest When floor. match is dropped, tiny twigs and leaves begin to bum. The fire grows and spreads in all directions. Burning embers leap from tree to tree, setting other areas of the forest the ablaze in a chain reaction. Eventually large areas of forest are burned. The blaze continues to damage the forest until rainfall occurs or firefighters arrive to spray water on it. Free radicals released through frying cause chain reactions in the oil molecules, altering their physical shape and chemical usefulness. The resulting chemicals include toxic byproducts about which we know very little. When ically altered fats are ingested, they alter the structure membranes, and can forest. They cell created through the cooking and hydro- oil is called the Trans fatty acids have a body. of trigger chain reactions such as that in the One byproduct genation of chem- these are solid at trans fatty acid. number of adverse effects on the body temperature, whereas the "good" They are far more sticky fatty acids (called cis*) are liquid. than the "good" fatty acids so they can cause fatty deposits in the blood vessels, liver, fatty acids are and other organs. Normal essential "U" shaped, and are thus recognized body's enzymes and incorporated into the design cells. by the o\' all body Trans fatty acids are "arrow" shaped and cause serious irregularities in the cell structures. These arrow-shaped fats can *The designation cis and trans refers to the side of the double bond on which the carbon chains reside. Cis literally means "on this side." When the chains are on the same side, the fat molecule is "U" shaped. Trans means "across." When the chains are across from one another, the fat molecule is "arrow" shaped. All naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids are cis — this is the form the body must have. Causes of Childhood Ear Infections slip into the to body 95 body without being metabolized. They then tissues rather than being stick burned as energy. Trans fatty acids change the permeability of cell mem- branes. Therefore, things that should get into the cell often don't, and those important because the cell tects cells This that shouldn't often do. membrane is latter point is very a vital barrier that pro- from invading chemicals, bacteria, and viruses. Trans fats also have a negative impact on the nervous sys- tem. Since the nervous system consists primarily of fat tissue, excess trans fatty acids can cause degeneration of nerves and change abnormal their electrical properties. This results in from place nals being sent to place. ing effect of trans fatty acids to the existing good fatty acids tion of prostaglandins. is sig- However, the most damag- damage their ability to cause and drastically alter the produc- (This will be described later in the chapter.) High levels of trans fats in the diet of children is espeworrisome because once incorporated into the tissues, trans fats are extremely difficult to remove. It takes more than seven weeks to remove half of the trans fats from the heart, and nine days to remove half from the liver. *^ If trans fats concially tinue to be eaten, the residue continues to build and build over body damage time. This gradually changes the composition of the cells, making them (such as known way omega-3 and susceptible rigid, sticky, to inflammation and infection). The only presently of removing trans fats from the body fatty acids fats). Trans fatty acids comprise an alarming fat intake. 10 percent of The most common source genated products like margarine and shortening that partially consume with the needed co-factors (meanwhile reducing the intake of trans American's daily to is hydrogenated vegetable oils. Your is hydro- come from child's diet is full of trans fatty acids. Several research studies conducted in the 1980s have shown the trans fatty acid content of foods to be as high as 60 percent of the no essential fatty acids (the "good" total fat fats) present. common with almost For instance. Childhood Ear Injections 96 Figure 10 97 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections of these substances many is enced by Americans A dangerously high and is contributing to chronic infectious and inflammatory illnesses experi- — including middle ear infection. food joint can trip to the local fast fill your child up with significant amounts of trans fatty acids.* Consider the meal ordered typical at one of these establishments: Cheese- burger, french fries, and a cola. saturated fats; if artificial, fats. The cheese, if real, contains contains partially hydrogenated The hamburger, besides containing high amounts of rated fats, one it is satu- one of the richest sources of arachidonic acid (the that if present in excess can lead to inflammation). The french fries (or anything deep-fried including potato cakes, fish sandwiches, chicken nuggets), as tain is almost 40 percent of their showed I earlier, fat as trans fatty acids. may con- The cola high in sugar and caffeine, and contains substances that Not only is this meal 40 percent of the fat may One of these meals is not deplete magnesium. (See chapter 7.) almost 50 percent be fat, but as much as form of trans fatty acids. harm anyone. However, one. in the likely to may three or five times a week contribute to chronic health problems. How immune does this type of food affect inflammation and function? Think about what you've learned about fatty acids and prostaglandins. To begin with, the high trans fatty acids enzyme needed amounts of and the depletion of magnesium blocks the to produce the prostaglandins that are anti- inflammatory and immune-stimulating. In addition, high levels of arachidonic acid in the meat favor the formation of the inflammatory and immune-suppressing prostaglandins (since AA is the main precursor for these compounds). Trans fatty acids also trigger the release of arachidonic acid from cells, which initiates the release of inflammatory substances. Unless measures are taken to reduce this type of eating, we only con- *Even foods labeled "all natural" or "contains no additives or preservatives" often contain hydrogenated oils and trans fats. Childhood Ear Infections 98 tinue to set the stage for illness. Unfortunately, almost every aspect of our children's diets contain altered fatty acids. Protective Nutrients Protecting us from the ravages of free radicals and non-essential fats is the antioxidant defense system. The anti-oxidant defense system consists of nutrients, including beta-carotene, Two vitamin C, and vitamin E. other powerful anti-oxidants, glutathione and superoxide dismutase, require selenium and riboflavin, and copper, zinc and manganese, respectively. The anti-oxidant defense system can be likened to the rainfall or firefighters described in the When damage our cells are exposed to free radicals, some local occurs. If the anti-oxidant defense system is operating peak, the free radicals are "quenched" and produce no at its more damage. The This above analogy. is a tissue is repaired and all proceeds well. normal occurrence and goes on constantly within the body. However, if the free radical a deficiency of one or more of an excess of altered fatty acids is not "quenched" — due to the anti-oxidant nutrients, or — a chain reaction begins that can lead to damage throughout the This damage often cell. manifests as inflammation. Free-radical substances can enter the body from outside sources, including smog, indoor air pollutants, food, water, and radiation. Free radicals are also produced within the body through the normal activity of white blood branes are very susceptible to cells. damage by Our cell mem- free radicals (and trans fatty acids). Why May 1 Your Child's Important Enzymes Not Work earlier described the enzyme (called delta-6-desaturase) that can easily be prevented from working by either a lack of proper co-factor nutrients or the presence of certain inhibitory com- Causes of Childhood Ear Infections pounds in the diet. can cause both the 99 The presence of these inhibitor) and 3 prostaglandins 1 compounds be blocked, lead- to ing to the release of only the 2 prostaglandins, or those that are inflammation-producing The substances and immune-suppressing. block that this enzyme include:"" • Saturated fat in excess (typically animal includes saturated and palm kernel warm weather oils fat. but also such as coconut oil). • Trans fatty acids (described elsewhere in this chapter). • Oxidizing chemicals (including indoor air pollutants. and constituents of cigarette smoke). • Aspirin, acetaminophen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs. • Alcohol (cough syrups and other medications). (See chapter 8 for a discussion of FAS.) • Cortisone (found in many topical creams, nasal sprays. and bronchial inhalers). • Ionizing radiation (such as X-rays). • High cholesterol (not a great dren although some communities up in problem with most to chil- 50 percent of the children are found to ha\ e cholesterol that is con- sidered too high). • Fasting. (Children usually do not where the caloric intake is fast, too low. the but in cases enzyme may be affected.) • Refined sugar and flour. (The average American consumes more than 120 pounds of sugar per year.) • Environmental pollutants (such as lead and cadmium). • Atopy (an inherited such as allergic susceptibility to certain diseases rhinitis, eczema, and asthma). (More than 70 percent of hyperacti\e children atopic families.) come from Childhood Ear Infections 100 There are also certain conditions under which the enzymes function poorly. These include: • Infancy. (The enzyme is not yet active.) • Diabetes. (In these children, the 1 enzyme is only about percent active.) • Stress. (Includes children experiencing emotional stress because of problems in the family, at school, day care, or with friends. Under stress, your child's adrenal glands hormone known as epinephrine, which enzyme from properly working.) release a stress prevents the To function properly, the enzyme requires the presence of certain nutrients in adequate amounts. Included are: • • Protein Magnesium • Vitamin C • Vitamin B3 • Selenium • Vitamin A • • • Zinc • Vitamin B6 Beta-carotene Copper • Insulin A TVend The of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies American child is commonly full of The responsibility for this lies equally with parents, food manufac- diet of the average calories and lacking in nutrients. unfortunate situation turers, advertisers, food growers, and even doctors (because of their general lack of training in nutrition). Heavy dependence upon chemicals is in the growth of food a substantial contributor to the poor nutrient content of our food. The magnesium content of food is reduced even before processing, due to the use of potassium fertilizers ture. '- in agricul- Nutrient levels of food can vary greatly from region to Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 101 may region. For instance, the beta-carotene content of carrots vary many-fold depending upon the area of the country in which the carrots have been grown. Processing of food adds substantially to lowered nutrient content. supply The element magnesium trace in the diet is of American children. often found in short Magnesium is critical for proper fatty acid metabolism, but high intake of saturated fat increases the body's excretion of Magnesium grain is is magnesium in the urine. germ of most grains. When germ is usually discarded, and located in the processed, the "^^ the the endosperm is sold to consumers for use in flour, cereals, cake mixes, and a variety of food products. Processing removes roughly 85 percent of the magnesium from the grain. Processing of grains also leads to the loss of vitamins Bl, B2, B3, B6, E. and Important trace minerals and folic acid. essential fatty acids reside in the same portion of the grain as the vitamins. Thus, processing leads to the loss of selenium, zinc, linoleic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid as well. More than 20 nutrients are removed in the processing of Of flour. these, only 7 are replaced through fortification. Improper cooking methods often lead to substantial losses of folic acid, B-vita- mins, and vitamin C. According to Dr. Donald Rudin, have anti-nutrients increased significantly in the diet of Americans. Saturated fat has increased 100 percent, cholesterol 50 percent, refined sugar nearly 1,000 percent, fat" salt nearly 500 percent, and "funny isomers (including trans fatty acids) 1,000 percent."^ These changes in eating and food-processing practices have translated into deficiencies Selected Minerals in in the world. In The real Food Survey conducted by the 1982 to 1984. researchers found that daily levels of FDA 11 from essential magnesium, some or all age minerals, including calcium, zinc, copper, and were less than groups. Among children.''^ 80 percent of the RDA for the groups at greatest risk of low intake were ChiUihood Ear Infections 102 The Ear There Infection Connection evidence direct is that deficiency of certain nutrients either increases the susceptibiHty to or causes otitis media. reason for this unclear, but is it may be due in part to the which for these nutrients in fatty acid metabolism, affects immune A Vitamin As I The shown in animal studies described earlier in this chapter, column-shaped lined with is tiny hairs called cilia. cilia cells covered with help to keep the allergens and bacteria from getting into the middle ear by trapping waving them down the eustachian tube appears that when vitamin A is When tively protected (which this occurs, the their cilia middle ear from infection. Vitamin two molecules of vitamin is important co-factors Zinc is in fatty A A and become is gland. "^^ flat- not as effec- hooked together) are acid conversion to prostaglandins. ''^ another nutrient necessary for proper immune who are zinc- of the thymus from suffer atrophy The thymus gland (sternum) and is the (shrinkage) behind the breastbone lies directly main source of T-lymphocytes. which are necessary for a child's cell-mediated immunity. Researchers Sweden It and beta-carotene function and conversion of fatty acids. Children deficient them and be eliminated. to deficient, the cells lining the middle ear and eustachian tube lose tened out. directly function and inflammation. deficiency has been to lead to otitis media. the middle ear The need report that children who respiratory and ear infections are suffer more in from recurrent upper likely to be zinc- (and iron-) deficient than their healthy counterparts."** Several researchers have found that deficiency of various fatty acids in the cells (due to dietary deficiency) leads to abnormal production and release of immune-suppressing and inflammation-producing prostaglandins."'' These prostaglandins have been shown to contribute to conditions such as allergies.'"" Only recently have we come same types of processes might contribute to asthma, eczema, and to realize that the the rhinitis, development of middle ear infection in children. 103 Causes of Childhood Ear Infections When is media the middle ear fluid of children with otitis analyzed, a wide range of inflammatory prostaglandins is David P. Skoner and his colleagues studied typically found. Dr. 102 patients who had persistent middle ear fluid that did not respond to antibiotic therapy. tested for several When the middle ear fluid among them one of the 2-series prostaglandins in amounts. Of these children with inflamed middle substantial ears, only 21 percent had pathogenic bacteria in their middle ear at was inflammatory compounds, Skoner found fluid.'"' At the Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University, Dr. Timothy T.K. Jung conducted Loma Linda an extensive analysis of middle ear fluid for the presence of inflammatory compounds. His work indicates that high concentrations of some of the 2-series prostaglandins (PG2s) and leukotrienes (LTs) are present in the middle ear fluid of chil- dren with otitis media. '"^ Some medical researchers are using this information to find new drugs that might block the inflammatory process at various stages. While using anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful in the short term, it does nothing to correct the under- lying problems that set the stage for inflammation. taking a careful look at the fuel for the inflammatory fire ) can we hope and correct the imbalances that contribute the immune and inflammatory systems. This look begins with the acid It is the omega-6 fatty acid also can be manufactured fatty acid fat to understand to otitis media found from in meat, eggs, and milk. linoleic acid, an omega-6 derived from vegetable sources. Arachidonic acid arachidonic acid is in arachidonic acid. Arachidonic an important component of the membranes of When Only by diet and nutrition (since food provides all released from the cells, body it is converted into a wide array of inflammatory substances is cells. quickly — most notably prostaglandins (PCs) and leukotrienes (LTs). This is a normal part of the healing response, since these substances mobilize parts of the body defenses that repair tissue and fight infection. However, if this release of arachidonic acid — with Childhood 104 its conversion to PGs and LTs — continues Infections unchecked or allowed to be triggered with minimal provocation, serious is tis- sue injury can occur. This is one reason that omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids must be consumed in proper proportion. Excess arachidonic acid in the diet loads the cells with the fuel for inflammation. If omega-6 linoleic acid some of 3 fatty acids, is present in excess relative to the excess is acid and stored in the cell membranes. omega-6 fatty acids are consumed omega- converted into arachidonic in When omega-3 balanced amounts, 1) and pro- duction of PGls, which oppose PG2s, takes place adequately, 2) production of EPA occurs, which blocks the release of arachidonic acid, and 3) the action of PG3 formation occurs, which blocks PG2s and LTs. A and E also prevent Vitamins the release of arachidonic acid from cells, acting as another buffer against excessive inflammation. Even levels of zinc if verted excessively into What arachidonic acid is released, adequate and bioflavonoids can prevent PG2s and it from being con- LTs. are leukotrienes? Leukotrienes (LTs) are made from arachidonic acid. They are 1,000 to 10,000 times more inflam- matory than histamine"" (responsible for the runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms associated with hay fever and allergy) and 1,000 times more inflammatory than the PG2 com- pounds.'"^ Initially, leukotrienes are helpful because they signal the leukocytes (or white blood cells) to accumulate in an infected area.* However, excessive or prolonged secretion of these chemicals can spell disaster. Leukotrienes also produce asthma and inhibitors of lators hypersensitivity immune reactions.'"'* cells called T-helpers, They are potent and potent stimu- of those called T- suppressors. They can, therefore, cause immune alteration when present even in minute quantities.'"^ Leukotrienes stimulate secretion of mucus and are found *Leukotrienes also perform a variety of other functions. in sig- Causes of Childhood Ear Infections 105 amounts in children with '"^ chronic or mucoid otitis media). The events that trigger the release of these the middle ear are often compounds in by bacteria (when present), initiated but can he triggered by free radicals, smoke (which contains both cigarette media (especially otitis nificant pollutants, volatile free radicals and volatile pollutants), viruses, trans fatty acids, or mechanical eustachian *'°* tube obstruction. how whatever your described earlier I cially in terms of what fats) is become. his cells made up of those The fats. membrane that surrounds every cell that lines the is infection. When is middle ear, eustachian sumed the supportive nutrients), inflammation usu- consumed in matory middle ear many number of middle ear to antibiotics, the fluid is, so continued inflam- however, children continue to have inflam- fluid in spite of a substantial tics. In omega-6 injury. may be why This if excess or omega-3 fatty acids con- in deficiency, the conditions are ripe for mation and tissue to have been con- fatty acids proceeds only to the point necessary. However, fatty acids are upon released from the cells. If the proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6 ally be the events that trigger inflammation occur, arachidonic acid sumed (along with will the protective wall tube, and the white blood cells that might be called fight wrong If the membranes types of fats have been consumed, the cell cell child eats (espe- filled round after the children round of antibio- who do fluid contains no not respond bacteria.'"" The with inflammatory substances. This suggests either that infection was never present, or that any infection might have long ago been eradicated, leaving the underlying inflammatory changes in *It is interesting to note that its wake. What ear. useful in This may be one managing otitis likely mechanical eustachian tube obstruction can trigger the release of inflammatory middle is compounds in the reason that spinal manipulation has been media in some children (since manipulation can contribute to the reversal of mechanical obstruction). Childhood 106 needed to in these children Fuir Infections dietary and nutritional intervention is imbalance correct the deteriorating inflammatory the in system. Why Aspirin and Acetaminophen Can Cause Problems Aspirin and acetaminophen have long been used to control fever, relieve pain, otitis media. For and reduce inflammation associated with many years, the reasons for the action of we know these drugs were not well understood. Today aspirin (and itors, acetaminophen meaning — Tylenol) that they reduce inflammatory formation of substantial trade-off. a that prostaglandin inhib- inflammation by blocking the there is -axt Unfortunately, prostaglandins. Aspirin interferes with the enzymes that convert arachidonic acid (AA) into PG2, which on the surface is helpful since PG2 is inflammation-producing. However, aspirin also interferes with the enzymes that convert LA into the anti-inflammatory inflammatory PG3 — this is PGl and LNA into the anti- not good. In other words, anti- inflammatory drugs block the formation of some chemicals that promote inflammation, but they also block those that naturally prevent inflammation. A principal drawback of these drugs is that by blocking the formation of one family of inflammatory substances, the formation of another family of compounds bers of this family, known is favored. as leukotrienes,* are generally Memmore inflammatory than those that aspirin or acetaminophen are used to block. Thus, aspirin or acetaminophen can favor the release of substances that make inflammation worse. (See chapter 8 for more information and diagrams.) *Note: Inflammatory HPETEs and related compounds are often produced along with leukotrienes. HPETEs are also found in substantial amounts in inflamed or infected middle ear fluid. They have been left out of the above discussion for reasons of simplicity. efCMSuodEarb^x^aom 107 This has icuaMly been cxnfinned Tlmolliy XK. Jong, b^^ the le&eaiiii of Ik: who siioiied dat ivfaen dni^ sadi ats aspirin aid aoelaniBoiten aR used to tieat mkldfe ear infectian, the inflaanmian nctnally gels worse. Dn Jong staies, '^ is cododvaUe Ifaat Ifae fiee use of aspirin far dnUben widi acme otitis media nny contribole to the deidapaient of mncoid otibs media in tiKse dnkken."^ Mncoid otitis media rs i chnmic and tfaeiapiy-iEsisiant fann «if middle ear disease ^ Lie re the fluid is loy thick and stickfL Hie adidse effect of anti-inflamnniaij dni^ on die pn>dnctkm of h^hfy inflanmrnfiaiy lenkoldenes also iiould eaqriain. in part, the stuffy shand eariier which showed that chikhen widi cfaidoen poK lecoiO' moie slowly when acelaannaphen is Cortisane is anolher drag used tiealinent of otitis faf some doctns in the media (sooietimes as nasal spay). Cortisone ly pKMfrting the letease of anchidnnic blodts wrfbi iMini inM acid, theidiy prcivealing bodi fionned. imi^vm :: ~ finim bong HowewBi; it riso Uoc±s die enzymes needed in the fai^ inif tflie "^good^ pmwjagianiimc In addition, cortisoue of zinc."^ Tins, the long-tEim effect of me tends towanl the suppression of die body's nat- — 3-fi^mng iimiiiimry. :^:- f - Us t> depletian : . PG2s and : " -'•^abble leseanrh, ~ ri9 it appeans that a snbstan- mflfei^^ fiom iccnocflt infections and because of impmpcr intake of essen: _- r: mtriems). Giicn the abil-^Qammaiaiy dni^ to OTCfmsp iitional : : rifthK r : _; 7 : - . -r . ^ fianty f 7 acid probiems^ it of diese dra^ and focus inflammotian. As die nJe of nntrition in bodi inflaiiuiHiion and immune fancfor dienpy based on tion becames more de^r ±r nntri^f?r5z! z^ 5 f^e'^ i:" " f " t ~ __3io««. ft is likeiy diat Childhood Ear Infections 108 many children now using antibiotics and tubes might avoid them with proper nutritional care. Even under circumstances in which antibiotics or tubes are used, careful nutritional management will enhance recovery and may reduce the need tor further intervention. The key to this is to demand that your doctor understand the intricacies of nutritional therapy. Children with otitis media should to have a thorough assessment of their dietary intake and nutritional status performed. Solutions to the nutritional problems presented in this section will be discussed in In The evidence presented chapters 6, 7, and Summary in this chapter lends strong support to the contention that childhood otitis multifactoral problem. in this It 8. is media a is complex and rare that all the factors discussed chapter are present in a given child. What uncombewteen two or not is mon, however, is to find a dynamic interplay more of these factors. For example, deficiency of fatty acids can predispose a child to allergies. Allergies predispose some children to otitis media. Once the allergic syndrome is set in motion, both nutritional intervention and allergy management must be employed to treat the earaches effectively. Understanding the causes of developing effective treatment. If tors described above, antibiotics otitis media middle ear is fluid essential to is due to fac- and surgery can only be con- sidered palliative (or symptom-reducing) measures. There will be instances when would be prudent antibiotics and surgery are required, but for all doctors to recognize the need it to address those factors that lead to the development of middle ear fluid and infection. ' Chapter 6 Home Care for Earaches "Parents have reported to me they are able to cut their visits to the that after leanu?:g self-care, doctor by up to 85 percent. " George Wootan, M.D. Taking responsibility for tive home forms of health care is care or choosing to use alterna- not a substitute for conventional medical care. As Dr. Richard Moskowitz says, different relationship to the healing process it calls for "a and the health-care system, based on personal choice and direct participation. still need help when our children get sick, and we need know that this help It's tor We who important that you develop a relationship w agree that home to extremes is share a somewhat supportive of your care methods and do not replace common sense.) Also of impor- it is you and your spouse philosophical belief about methods care Therefore, doc- are useful if they are not taken common a family environment where both your child. Without home ith a desire to use and home care methods. (Most doctors would alternatives tance least is at to available to us."- is this, will your desire how to care for to use alternatives or often be met with confrontation. important that you discuss ideas and share information. 109 Childhood Ear InfcclUms When to Call the Doctor childhood illnesses can be taken care of at home. But you should always be aware of the general signs that would indicate the need for a doctor. You are often the best judge of your child's condition. The most telling sign of serious illness Many is your child's behavior If she looks ill, is behaving unusually, instincts tell you to take her in, then follow your The following guidelines are useful in helping to decide when to take your child to the doctor. and your instincts. Get Medical Care Immediately:' • If your child shows signs of extreme weakness or loss of consciousness. • If there is a significant and abrupt change your child's in voice. • If your child displays or complains of neck stiffness or headache. • If your child has difficulty breathing or is vomiting. Get Medical Care Today: • Anytime a baby has discharge from • If the ear. an acute earache does not respond to home care within 48 hours. • If your child experiences a sudden loss of hearing. • If your child experiences severe ear pain. • you see redness on or your child complains of pain around the bony structure behind the ear (known as the If mastoid process). • If fever fails to subside after three days. • If your infant or toddler continually pokes her finger into the ear canal or tugs at the ear. . Home Care for Earaches 111 See Your Practitioner Soon: • chronic earache has not responded to If a home care within two weeks. • If ear discharge has persisted beyond one week. • If hearing loss has persisted for more than one to two weeks Fever: Your Child's Friend, not Foe Parents in this countr}' tend to be in their children. In a overconcemed about fever 1980 survey, more than half of parents erroneously believed that a fever of 104 degrees or less could cause permanent brain damage. Roughly 85 percent gave fever- reducing drugs before temperatures reached 102 degrees, and 68 percent gave their children sponge baths before fever reached ' 103 degrees.^ Contrar} to these beliefs. ele\ ated body temperature important sign that indicates the immune system is attack against an infectious agent. \\'hen fever develop, the body fever is is more is an allowed to efticient at lighting infection. suppressed, the recover)" from illness is mounting an When slowed.*' For is instance, infected animal pups that are pre\ented from raising their body temperature have tality than those that are allowed to raise their body temperature." Fever is to infection, a significanth higher rate of mor- increasingly being viewed as a controlled response by \\ hich the body raises the "set point" of mostat for a specitic purpose. According to Matthew Ph.D.. of the Department of Physiology at the J. its ther- Kluger, University of Michigan Medical School, elevated body temperature results in a modification of the levels of zinc and iron in the bloodstream, which significantly reduces the growth rate of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, fever enhances the bactericidal activity of white A fever is blood cells and increase '^ their mobility.' generally considered high only after it rises to 105 desrees. In fact, the bodv will not allow a fever to rise 2 1 Childhood Ear Infections 1 above 106 degrees unless there (such as in is some rare factor present poisoning or encephalitis) that completely disrupts the body's thermal control and below are of mechanism. Fevers of 104 degrees concern unless they persist for three or little more days. Children commonly experience fluctuations in their normal daily temperatures of almost 2 degrees. The day begins with body temperature at its By lowest. late afternoon or even- ing, daily temperature has peaked. This normal that a fever is rise often rising. gives parents the mistaken belief Even when fever rises, it gives no indi- cation of the severity or progression of an illness. There high, it is a commonly held belief that if a fever rises too can lead to febrile convulsions, and that febrile convul- sions predispose a child to developing subsequent seizure disorders. However, convulsions occur in only a small percentage of children with high fever. In one study of 1,706 children who experienced febrile convulsions, there was no evidence of any motor defect and not one single death.'" " There appears to be no evidence that febrile convulsions lead to the development of epilepsy. 'Fever-reducing drugs can complicate the healing process with sometimes serious consequences. Aspirin use can lead to the development of Reye's Syndrome, a fatal inflammation of the brain. Since this discovery, doctors no longer recommend aspirin for control of childhood fever. Instead, they recom- mend acetaminophen. I discussed the potential problems with using acetaminophen in chapter Doran, "... we should and not the thermometer. 5. According to Dr. be advising parents to If there's fever, are not uncomfortable with it, there is Timcnhy treat the child and they no reason [the child] to give it [acetaminophen]."" Temperature can be taken by one of three methods: axillary, or rectal. is oral, Taking the oral temperature of a young child ill-advised because of the obvious risk of breaking the ther- mometer in the mouth. According to the late Robert S. Men- delsohn, M.D., the threat of rectal perforation (which is fatal Home Care for 113 Earaches 50 percent of cases) while taking a rectal temperature is not worth the risk, so he advises taking an axillary temperature reading in children. Axillary temperature is usually about one in degree lower than rectal temperature in an older child. In babies, the difference According is negligible.'^ Mendelsohn, fevers usually don't require to Dr. medical attention, except:" • If your child is less than two months old and his tem- perature exceeds 100 degrees. • If fever fails to abate after three days or by vomiting, respiratory accompanied distress, or persistent • If your child displays listlessness, seriously is irritability, cough. or looks ill. • If your child is making strange twitching movements. Keep Your Child At Home There is nothing so disruptive to the healing process as being shuttled out of a comfortable and familiar environment. a child is ill, When she needs peace, quiet, the comforting words of a parent, a gentle touch, and most of all, the knowledge that during this time of discomfort and anxiety, her needs will be fully met. The purely physical needs of child such as providing food, water, medicine, and a change of bedding can be met by almost anyone. Typically a family member (usually a parent or grandparent) is needed to provide the intangibles that are such a large part of the healing response. For a sick child, create an environment that is free of Keep the television and radio off. Dim room or partially close the shade if the The room should be kept orderly. All toys excessive stimulation. the lights in the child's room is too bright. should be in their place. Tell your child a comforting you need until story. If to run errands, don't take your child with you. Wait your spouse or a friend show your is available to help. Most of child extra love and attention, and think about all, how 1 Childhood Ear Infections 14 it was when you, as a child, were cared for by your mother or father. Avoid sending your sick child to school or day care.* These are environments that are highly stimulating and stress- comforting ful to a sick child (not to illness to mention the threat of spreading the up something" from recent "solution" for working parents with other children or "picking A another child). sick children is the "day care infirmary" — a day care center While staffed by medical personnel (usually nurses). empathize with parents their sick child, of moderately ill When Your may be There who I can cannot get off work to care for I'm concerned about leaving a large number children together in such a setting. Child Must Be on Antibiotics instances when antibiotics will be necessary for your child. Under these circumstances, you must make every effort to child. minimize the adverse impact of the The below on first step is to give a bifidus intestinal bacteria), antibiotic on your supplement (see section one teaspoon, three times per day during the ten-day course of the antibiotic. Doses of bifidus should be given between doses of the antibiotic. In cases of sulfa drug therapy, a two- to three-hour spacing bifidus and antibiotic is between the recommended.'" Once the antibiotic has been discontinued, continue to give bifidus for one full month. You also should discuss with your doctor the prospects of your child taking Nystatin with the antibiotic. Nystatin an antifungal agent that will prevent the overgrowth of nal yeast that often accompanies antibiotic therapy. Tell doctor that you are aware that antibiotics can kill bacteria which live in the intestine, and that when there is nothing to keep the yeast organisms in is intesti- your the beneficial this occurs, check. Convey *See chapter 7 for day care exclusion guidelines. Home Care for Earaches 115 him that you realize but would like to take the need for antibiotics in this situation, to cidentally, years ago this additional step for some your child. (In- antimicrobial preparations con- tained both antibacterial agents and Nystatin in the same tablet for the reason just mentioned.) you neither accept nor request an antibiotic prescription over the phone. If your child is sick enough to require an antibiotic, he is sick enough to be seen by a doctor. A doctor cannot discern the state of your child's I also recommend that from a telephone illness call. Your Doctor Recommends Adenoidectomy or T\ibes? What Do If not accept or reject surgery as a matter of course. If your had only a few ear infections and there are no signs of complications, you will want to approach the prospect of child has surgery with caution. Since ear infections are sonal, I would be hesitant to agree to surgery around the comer. If if somewhat sea- summer just that the likelihood of otorrhea (see chapter 3) is summer because of If is your doctor recommends tubes, remember external contamination from high during swimming. your child has had recurrent earaches for some time that have not responded to any therapy, or there are signs of com- you should consider tubes more realistically. In either case, I recommend that you get a second opinion from a doctor who is in no way associated with your doctor. Ask your friends and family to give you a recommendation, but plications, don't get a referral from your doctor or his The ultimate decision sidered all rests staff. with you. After you have con- the evidence available to you and consulted with your doctors, you will need to decide what's best for your child. The information ment of tubes (or I presented in chapter 3 adenoidectomy) and about the needs of an individual child. some hazards and complicating I My is not an indict- make no statement intent is to present features of these procedures so 6 1 Childhood Ear Infections 1 can weigh them against the potential benefits that that parents might be afforded. Climate Considerations and spring are seasons when ear infections are Fall, winter, most common — winter being the consideration during these seasons most likely. An important the relative humidity. In is temperate regions such as Minnesota, the outdoor humidity December falls to around 10 percent and below, while the indoor humidity can plummet to is tion of the to 5 percent. mucous membranes dry out this dry, upper respiratory tract, ear, fatty acid intake lubrication of the cell damp and the air nose, and throat. air in It will your child's also needed to maintain is membranes.) In contrast, regions such as very When rapidly, causing irrita- be important to take steps to humidify the room. (Adequate in San Francisco or Seattle become moist during mid-winter. Dampness also may contribute to upper respiratory and ear problems, but in a different way. If you live in an area like this, it warm, and will be important to maintain an area that humidity. also will be necessary to protect your child from It the elements when going is dry, free of excessive outside. Emotional Factors The emotional and physical bodies are not separate entities, but delicately interwoven. Physical distress can manifest tional emo- changes and emotional distress can manifest physical changes. Whenever illness strikes your child, be aware of emotional and developmental occurrences taking place Observe whether your child is in his life. having struggles with peers. Is he frustrated trying to master a certain task? Is there new sibling Look at your a in the family competing for time and attention? interaction with your child. In the haste of your schedule, have you tended to rush him? Is your child's environ- Home Care for Earaches 117 ment too restricted? Does your discipline reflect your needs or his? Have you recently divorced or separated? Do you have frequent arguments with your spouse? Have you or your spouse suffered from chronic illness that might be emotionally drain- The list is endless. way in which events important that you ing for your child? It is are aware of the affecting the emotional well-being of your child affect his physical well-being. I recall a training film of doctors really getting to designed to show the importance know was compared with their patients. (This film based on a study of doctor/patient interaction counselor/patient interaction.) In one segment, a father appears at the doctor's office with his young daughter who had been suffering from recurrent ear infections for six months. pediatrician walked and proceeded to The room, asked where the pain was, into the do an otoscopic exam of the view- ears. After ing each ear for about thirty seconds, the doctor concluded that the girl was suffering from otitis media. He promptly scribed an antibiotic and a decongestant, then The study was designed so after the doctor the had room and began left. that a left pre- the room. counselor would enter In this case, the counselor entered to ask about their family life. broke into tears within moments of beginning to The tell father how his wife had just died after a prolonged battle with cancer. taken a substantial toll on all the family It had members, especially She developed her recurrent health problems while her mother was ill. The sad events of this story illustrate the daughter. the importance of looking closely at events in our children's lives and listening carefully to not only the overt, but the more subtle signals as well. A example of the relationship of emotion to disease deals with free will. As a child grows and develops emotionally, his will becomes more defined. The will to be an indispecific vidual, the will to assert his strengths, the will to be free, the will to test limits, and so on, are the birthright of every child. While very powerful, the will of a child is extremely delicate and must be guided and nurtured. According to the principles 8 1 Childhood Ear Infections 1 of Chinese medicine, the will free will much of a child is is housed kidneys. in the suppressed by a parent who If the asserts too control, disciplines without consistency, or has unreason- able expectations, the will can be weakened. This, say the Chinese, results in diminished kidney energy. Because the kid- neys influence the ears, diminished kidney energy easily manifests as ear problems. In many cases, it does not cause ear problems, but contributes greatly to increased susceptibility to them. According to Dr. Martha Benedict, a teacher and practitioner of Chinese medicine, roughly 25 percent of childhood ear problems have an emotional origin. When my it was time this to my wife and own bedroom. son was one year old, move his crib into his I I decided suspected might be a traumatic event and was on the lookout for any unusual behaviors or symptoms. Caleb, awoke the next morning with who is rarely a fever of 104 degrees. ill, There were no other symptoms. During the next two days, we were careful to respond to all his needs and reassure him of our love and devotion. Within two days, things were back to normal with no need for any therapeutic intervention. The key is to listen to your child and look at his life dur- ing times of illness. Meeting his emotional needs can be as important as meeting his physical needs! Children with I Down Syndrome noted earlier that roughly 60 percent of children with Down syndrome experience otitis media. This is one of the highest groups. The structure of the palate and nasopharynx risk creates an environment that ment of congestion within I is highly conducive to the develop- the eustachian tube. have had minimal personal experience with drome children and cannot comment on Down the value of the syn- home care methods or alternative treatment methods described in this book. However, recent evidence suggests that the defects cellular immunity of children with Down syndrome in can be cor- Home Care for Earaches 119 rected by oral zinc supplementation.'^ '^This also may suggest would be of value in enhancing the immune If you have a child with Down synrecommend you find a doctor who is knowledgeable that other nutrients response of these children. drome, in I and have a comprehensive evaluation of your nutrition, child's nutritional status done. In addition, there media that otitis in is evidence in the Down syndrome the constitutional prescription of one A medicines. chapter 8. homeopathic literature can be managed well using of two homeopathic description of these remedies is presented in (See Baryta carbonica and Calcarea carbonica .) Signs of Diminished Hearing Changes in hearing acuity your child that is may often be the only real signal having middle ear problems. Transient decreases in hearing are common with otitis media and are not usually cause for alarm. Chronic deficiencies in hearing are, of course, cause for concern and require attention. Children you to When it who experience hearing loss are unlikely to since they are frequently unaware of it alert themselves. hearing changes occur, they are sometimes highly vari- able, fluctuating in severity Hearing changes from day in infants to day. might be noticed by failure to respond to a loud noise or failure to turn their head to the side of a spoken voice. Older children may not respond to inquiries or respond frequently with "what?"" or "'huh?'" the volume on loud. the television or radio turned A child who speaks more loudly than is They may have up inordinately normal also may suffer hearing deficiency. Poor performance in school is sometimes a signal of hear- ing deficiency. There are instances where learning difficulties have been the only signal alerting parents or teachers ing problem. Delayed speech and language is to a hear- sometimes, but not always, an indicator of diminished hearing. If you feel there is a delay in your child's speech and language develop- 1 20 Childhood E(ir Infections ment, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember, wax build-up in the ear canal can have a con- siderable muffling effect on incoming sound. wax is inserting a cotton-tipped ter). When present in the ear canai, never attempt to The risk swab excessive remove by it (or anything else for that mat- of a perforated eardrum is not worth Instead, it. place a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide (3 percent* as sold in drug stores) in the ear will two times a day. This to three gradually break up the mass of ear wax. Incidentally, excessive production of ear deficiency of vitamin sive ear B6 wax may be an wax has been linked by some to or essential fatty acids. Thus, excesindicator of nutritional problems. Foreign Bodies Children are fond of placing tiny objects The ear and nose placed in their A are especially attractive. body orifices. foreign object canal can result in considerable pain in the ear long enough. Anything from peas to small buttons if left is fair game. Insects also can find their way into the ear canal. If you have reason to believe your child has put something in his ear, take him to the doctor for an examination. Over the years, I've seen children who have sorts of different objects favorites, but anything is up their nose. Peas possible. A foreign stuffed all and peanuts are object in the nose can be the cause of persistent nasal discharge or offensive breath. I once examined a child who had a green, offensive nasal dis- charge of more than six months" duration. Previous doctors (who had apparently not examined the nasal cavity) had pre- scribed decongestants with no success. *Some people have advocated for a The mixtures used hydrogen peroxide. A in the tiny piece of taking hydrogen peroxide orally wide range of physical complaints. practice.) When (I have no comment on this such cases are usually 36 percent mixture of this strength should NEVER be placed into the ear canal or on skin. The burns that result can be severe. Home Care for Earaches 121 rubber band was finally removed, the boy's nasal discharge cleared up. Home Care Methods There are a variety of alternative treatment methods being used successfully to care for otitis media. In all cases, the methods of diagnosis and treatment are complex, requiring the expertise Home care methods based on theme of these alternatives can be used with considerable success. Bear in mind that each child is different and not all of a trained health practitioner. the will respond similarly to home care. One child may experience complete elimination of ear problems using home care methods, may while another is It changes in notice little improvement. advisable to consult your doctor before making your child's diet or attempting any of the methods described below. The alternative home methods of care treating earaches include: Management. • Allergy • Acupuncture. • Homeopathic Medicine. • Botanical Medicine. • Spinal Manipulation. • Nutrition. It many may at first approach should I seem confusing to be presented with so The obvious question is, which different approaches. I use? don't advocate that your child at once. of approaches is you use all the home remedies The purpose of showing you to give you the opportunity to: 1) with this variety choose one comfortable to you and suits your personal philosophy, that is and 2) provide respond to the you with options should your child home care method you use. fail to first Every child has specific individual needs. The key to helping your child is to individualize the care so it is precisely which home care methods you make the necessary dietary changes suited to him. Regardless of choose, you will want to Childhood Ear Infections 122 and follow the prevention strategies that apply to your child's situation. A rule of thumb is acute earaches respond more quickly, and chronic earaches respond more slowly. If your child has had recurrent infections, multiple courses of antibiotics, or tubes, recovery you may be slower. In cases where tubes are used, will find that healthy children often reject tubes placement. Children who have tympanostomy tubes retain among those who soon after a weaker constitution will often for some time. If your child has retained the tubes for a long time, it is will be important to build up his constitution. This takes time and often involves the help of a professional, although following the guidelines in this Allergy book immensely. will help Management Allergists have been around for decades so the treatment of allergy is nothing new. I discuss it as an alternative because conventional allergy management, which consists primarily of scratch testing and allergy shots, has been inadequate in meet- ing the needs of a large percentage of allergy sufferers. Aller- have also been surprisingly reluctant gists to acknowledge the existence of food allergy. According to Albert "It is generally agreed that clinical allergy Rowe, M.D., may exist in the absence of positive skin reactions, especially those to the scratch test. This is true primarily in food allergy and to a les- ser extent in inhalant allergy."'" Shortly after infections, I I became aware of the role of food in ear treated a seven-year-old girl named Melody who suffered from severe exercise-induced asthma, recurrent tonsil- bronchopneumonia, and earaches. Because of the asthma, she was unable to walk a flight of stairs without litis, recurrent becoming seriously short of breath and slept sitting months. From age three and a half been under the care of an allergist to up for many age seven. Melody had who routinely prescribed decongestants and antibiotics. The medication helped keep her Home Care for Earaches 123 out of serious distress, but there was little improvement in her condition. My Melody was sensitive to dairy products and wheat. I recommended that her parents withhold these foods for six weeks. With some reluctance Melody's evaluation suggested that parents agreed to put her on the elimination diet. After one week, she began to improve. After six weeks, her ears were normal and her asthma improved. Remarkably, she was runWithin two months. ning and playing with no ill Melody was based on not only fully recovered, effects. my evaluation, but that of her allergist as well. What's interesting about through a was maple allergic to foods. Yet. as it this case is Melody had gone that of allergy scratch tests that showed she full battery trees, dogs, cats, and horses — but no turned out. Melody's recover)' was based almost entirely on the removal of offending foods from her The point diet. is that no form of allergy testing is 100 percent accurate. Scratch testing frequently fails to identify allergies that exist. some Blood testing allergic children. cussed below) Because of is this, is useful, but it also fails to identify Elimination-provocation testing (dis- highly valuable, but has drawbacks as well. some doctors are beginning to use a combina- tion of tests to verify the presence of allergy. (See chapter 8 for types of allergy testing.) your child suffers from recurrent If otitis media, you should consider allergy (or hypersensitivity) as a factor. Bear in mind that allergy is not a cause of disease, but the expres- some underlying weakness. Once sion of the weakness found and corrected, allergies frequently improve. Ask sitivity is the following questions to determine if allergy or sen- might be involved: • Did the problems begin • Did the problems in the first six months of life? start shortly after beginning solid foods? • Did the problems start shortly after beginning formula? Childhood Ear Infections 124 Do you or your spouse suffer from allergy or sensitivity? Does your Does child crave certain foods? the problem subside when traveling away from home? Does your child have irregular stools, colic, gas, diarrhea, or constipation? Does your child suffer from chronic rhinitis, or stuffy nose? Does your child have asthma, recurrent bronchitis, or other upper respiratory problems? Does the teacher notice changes in the child's behavior following lunch? Does your tic child develop symptoms following antibio- therapy? Does your child have puffiness, dark circles, or "bags" under the eyes? Does your Does your child have occasional difficulty hearing? child have difficulty sleeping through the night? Does your child either regularly or Has your wet the bed (nocturnal eneuresis) on occasion? child been on allergy shots at any time in his/ her life? Does your child suffer from eczema, dry scaly skin, or any other skin condition? Is your child overweight or underweight? Is your child a "fussy eater?" (Children with food aller- gies often lose their appetite or taste acuity.) Does your nose or do child have a horizontal crease on his/her the so-called "allergic salute?" Home Care for If the there Earaches answer is 125 "yes" to one or more of these questions. a chance that your child suffers from allergy or sen- is some substance and should be evaluated by a doctor. Sometimes sensitivity to foods can be determined at home by performing an elimination-provocation test. The object of this test is to remove suspected offending foods from the diet sitivit}." to improvement, for a period of time (elimination), observe for and then add the food back to see the earache or other if symp- toms return (pro\ocation). \ou are breastfeeding, it's important to examine your First remove any drugs or vitamins from your diet and If diet. observ e for impro\ ement in your baby. mon offending foods ment. ( listed seven days, .\fter live to your child's condition, your problem is likely some formula). 2 1 below ) if diet ) there is Then remo\e and observ is e for the com- impro\e- no improvement probably not at fault. related to your baby's diet (if in The on solids or related to an airborne allergy, or 3) unrelated 1 to allergy. To the test an older child, place her on a diet that common • is free of offenders. This includes: DaiT} products, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt. cottage cheese, cow's milk formula, and ice cream. • \Mieat. including not only bread and cereal, but any- thing that contains wheat such as gravies, crackers and cookies. • Eggs or anything containing eggs. • Chocolate. • Citrus, especially oranges and orange juice. • Com. • or anything containing So\. This is as com flakes. especially a problem with infant fomiula. Dr William Crook states that 25 percent of infants milk allergy develop allergy • com. such with to soy. Peanuts, and other nuts. Peanut buner is a areat favor- Childhood Ear Infections 126 ite among children and a frequent contributor to chiid- iiood health problems. • Shellfish. • Sugar. • Yeast. feed your child lamb, place of these foods, In rice, squash, carrots, red potatoes, chicken, and applesauce. Observe for improvement in ear symptoms, behavior, runny nose, cough, symptom your or any other chronic five days, at the top of the display. After at a time, begin- Dairy products must be list. weeks before a determination about can be made. Only feed one food per meal, and give avoided for sensitivity may begin reintroducing the foods one ning with those the child at least three same food for three meals Feeding more than one that day. results. When you introduce a food, look for symptoms. Once a child has been off a food for several days, the reaction upon reintroducing can be dramatic. After you have tested all the foods, you will have an indication of the foods to which your child is sensitive. These foods should be omitted from the diet for several months or will confuse the a return of until long after the earaches have improved. Remember, ear- aches are a complex problem. Removing offending foods lead to striking improvement in ment in others. some may children and no improve- (Note: Children with airborne allergies will often experience a dramatic improvement in their airborne allergies A once their food allergies have been addressed.) special note should be made about yeast. Many chil- dren with recurrent earaches have been on prolonged or multiple courses of antibiotics in their lifetime. developed food allergies, they are Besides having likely to suffer from an Candida albicans. development o^ hyper- infestation of the intestinal yeast/fungus, (see chapter 2). This may sensitivity or allergy to result in the any yeast found nosis of a yeast problem is The diagbest made by in the diet. not clearcut and is Home Care for your doctor. 127 Earaches Still, it is useful to know the signs associated with yeast-related problems and the sources of yeast in the diet. Signs that your child's illness may be yeast-related include:-" History of antibiotics. Sensitivity to tobacco smoke, perfumes, paint fumes, other odors. Fatigue, sluggishness, lethargy. Irritability, hyperactivity, inability to concentrate. Fungal infections of the mouth, skin, toe nails, or finger nails. Recurring digestive upset, gas, diarrhea. Symptoms aggravated by eating. Symptoms aggravated from antibiotics. Symptoms aggravated when in a moldy area. Foods that aggravate yeast problems include:-' Refined sugars. Anything containing malt (often added to cereals). Nuts (especially peanuts and nuts that are not fresh). Leftovers (mold grows quickly as foods begin to cool). Cheeses. Vitamins (especially B-vitamins unless labeled "yeastfree"). Fruit juices (unless freshly prepared). Anything with baker's yeast or brewer's yeast listed on the label. If your child appears to improve while on a diet free of offending foods, the first step is to keep him off the offenders. Childhood Ear Infections 128 While important, I believe this not enough. Allergy and is hypersensitivity develop for a reason. Keeping children off certain foods indefinitely (although You will some want is children not an acceptable long-term solution may do to identify the well on this type of program). underlying weaknesses that allow those allergies to develop and correct them. Allergy can be triggered by digestive problems, fatty acid deficiency, trace mineral deficiency, exposure to toxic substances, and numer- ous other factors. Some of the alternative treatments described chapter 8 can often reduce the incidence of allergy signifi- in cantly. For these reasons, the assistance of a health profes- sional will likely be required. Rotation Diets A rotation diet refers to the practice of eating certain foods a schedule. The schedule may other day, every five days, every seven days, or ation. For instance, a child allergic to eating wheat every day, but is may do well can be used if vari- wheat consumption have value in instances unclear which foods are causing problems. to reduce illness in their children some wheat may have trouble restricted to every fifth day. Rotation diets eral capacities. First, they on consist of eating a food every Some in sev- where it is parents help simply by feeding them on a rotation diet. Second, in cases where a child has multiple may may be concerns food allergies, complete elimination impractical. There also be difficult and about nutritional adequacy. In these instances, adopting a food rotation diet helps reduce her exposure to problem foods, while still provid- ing adequate balance. Finally, rotation diets can be used when reintroducing an offending food back into the rent earaches that ment, you will the at food(s) back diet. If your child has had recur- have responded well some into to food allergy manage- point want to attempt to reintroduce her diet — after at least six to nine symptom-free months. (Children with a history of anaphylaxis related to food should see a doctor before making any dietary Home Care for Earaches changes.) You first 1 introduce the least offending food. 29 Once you've determined that it produces no symptoms, add the next offending food. This is done over a period of a few days. Let's assume you find that all the problem foods now produce no symptoms. Adding them back on an everyday basis would be unwise. That might be the quickest way back to trouble. How- ever, you can add them back on a rotation schedule. For more information on rotation diets, see Dr. Mandells Five-Day Allergy Relief System, by Marshall Mandell, M.D.. and Brain Allergies, by Dr. William Philpott. Homeopathic Medicine Homeopathy is comprehensive a and effective form of medicine that works by stimulating the inherent recuperative of the body. The word homeopathy is derived from Greek words homoios meaning "similar" ?^6. pathos, which means "disease" or "suffering." Nearly 200 years ago. a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann observ^ed that any abilities the plant, animal, or mineral substance ingested in excess caused a distinct pattern of symptoms. Through a series of exhaustive experiments and observations. Dr. these symptom Hahnemann found that patterns could be cured by ingesting a minute amount (microdose) of the same substance. This phenomenon of "like cures like" is what led Hahnemann to describe the "law of similars" which has become the fundamental pharmacologic principle of homeopathic medicine. For example, arsenic Arsenicum is used Overdose of the is all of microdoses. it. known poison that causes cer- and digestive disturbance. Belladonna results in flushed skin, swollen and dilated pupils. Homeopathic Belladonna successful at treating these We're a to treat fever plsLnt tonsils, high fever, is and digestive disturbance. Homeopathic tain types of fever same symptoms. familiar with the "law of similars" and the law Modem allergy practice A child develops hay fever and is loosely based upon seeks medical help. His doc- 1 30 tor Childhood Ear Infections conducts allergy tests and recommends shots that contain minute amounts of the very items to which the child However, there are few similarities is allergic. between allergy shots and homeopathic medicines. What makes homeopathic medicines sometimes toxic counterparts? different from their homeopathic medicines First, begin with a plant, animal, or mineral substance that is diluted 200 times, or even 100,000 times or more. At these dilutions, none of the toxic effects of the original substance remain. It is at this level that homeopathic medicines become powerful healing tools. Another feature that distinguishes homeopathic medicines is the process of potentization through which a remedy must go. At each stage of dilution a homeopathic mixture must be vigorously shaken. This causes a form of physical activation. The combination of dilution and potentization is what makes homeopathic medicines sequentially 3 times, effective. The the effects of potentized substances laboratory, in have been proven in humans and animals. of bacteria, has been shown bacteria even when present with studies well-known inhibitor Penicillin, a growth of sensitive to inhibit the in dilutions and of 1:50,000,000 to 1:100,000,000.-- In 1964, two researchers at the Pasteur Institute showed that mice could when given only 1/10,000 of a micendotoxin.-' DDVP, a powerful insecticide, is eliminate an endotoxin* rogram of the used in species. report concentrated doses to It is also highly toxic to showed that DDVP kill locusts and other insect humans and animals. A 1989 also exerts insecticidal effects at dilutions as high as 1:10,000,000.--' Numerous clinical trials opathic medicine in treating have shown the value of homedisease in humans. In a double- blind study of hay fever sufferers, published in the British *Endotoxins are toxic substances contained within bacterial cells. Home Care for 131 Earaches medical journal Lancet, patients given a 30c homeopathic dilu- improvement Those under homeopathic care asked tion of 12 grass pollens experienced six times the as those given a placebo. for antihistamines only half as often as the placebo group.-' showed recent controlled study homeopathic results using with acute otitis that doctors obtained A good Pidsatilla in the care of children -^-' media. homeopaths report exceptional results managing both acute and chronic forms of otitis media. Acute otitis media is more responsive to homeopathic home care. Chronic otitis media often requires the expertise of a trained homeClinically, However, acute episodes are opath. common with chronic media, and the acute episodes can often be managed otitis home with homeopathy. medicine It my is at opinion that homeopathic among the quickest and safest forms of home care More importantly, it is one of the most effective. is available. Potencies common There are two systems of preparing homeopathic remedies. In one system, one part of the starting material (plant or mineral substance) system is known is diluted to 99 parts liquid. This as the centesimal system — remedies are given the designation "c." The other method uses a dilution of one part medicine 9 parts liquid to The number of times of these ways one part to 99 is remedy a is — parts, 6 times, is practical purposes 6c called a and 6x are no from range Ix "".v." (or is A remedy diluted 6c remedy. A remedy referred to as the dilution. diluted one part to 9 parts, 6 times, Potencies these are designated sequentially diluted in one called a 6x remedy. For different. Ic) to l,000,000x (or 1.000.000c) and higher. For home care, the 6th (6c or 6x), it is best to purchase remedies in either 12th (12c or 12x), or 30th (30c or 30x) potency. In general, 30th potencies are deeper and faster acting, but usually require a Most home more accurate remedy selection. care prescribers achieve excellent results using Childhood Ear Infections 132 either the 6th or 12th potencies. Proper selection of more important than remedy is the potency chosen. Dosage For severe symptoms, the remedy you choose should be given When symptoms four to six times per day. needed. Remedies can be purchased all that is and are of a lesser symptoms improve degree, two to four doses daily until in are both liquid tablet form. Tablets are preferred for children since they are quite palatable. For small children, the tablets should be ground into a powder and given by mouth. The powder also can be mixed with a small amount of water and taken orally. Remedies are given until there is an improvement in symptoms. Once you notice improvement, the remedy is disgive the symptoms resume after a short time, you can remedy again. (You may wish to try the next higher potency if this continued. It is If occurs.) not unusual to see dramatic improvement after only one or two doses of a remedy. You can expect most to take you see no improvement within two or three days, you have probably chosen the wrong remedy. If this occurs, reexamine your child's symptoms and choose another remedy. If, after two or three attempts you're unsuccessful, there are longer. If probably other contributing factors. Healing Crisis Homeopaths have long recognized phenomenon known as a Sometime soon a healing crisis (also called an aggravation). after the first may couple of doses, the child (or adult for that matter) experience a brief aggravation of symptoms. This positive sign (although absence its is cates a deep-acting healing response crisis is a not negative) that indiis occurring. A healing can be differentiated from a true worsening of a child's condition by noting the way in which the changes come about. In a healing crisis, the aggravation of symptoms is usually abrupt and occurs shortly after beginning a remedy. After a Home Care for 133 Earaches brief period of aggravation, the condition begins to noticeably. In contrast, the symptoms may when a condition is improve truly deteriorating, rapidly or slowly get worse, but they con- tinue to decline. The effects of In chapter 1, I homeopathic medicines can be profound. who described the case of four-year-old Tiffany responded exceptionally well to allergy management. As I at two related, she had tympanostomy tubes placed in both ears and a half years of age. The first tube fell out within seven months of its placement, but the other remained for over 18 months, which greatly concerned the surgeon. Tiffany had been scheduled for surgery for removal of the second tube. However, her parents were reluctant to have her anesthetized again. Two weeks before the surgery date, they asked if I had any suggestions. I recommended Tiffany take homeopathic Merc dulc daily for the next week. Within the week, she rejected the second tube. When she arrived at the hospital for her pre-surgical screening, the otolaryngologist told the parents that the tube was no longer in the eardrum and that the eardrum looked "quite good." Children who don't extrude their tubes within a reasonable period are often constitutionally weak. In Tiffany's case, allergy management helped her earaches considerably, but did not restore her to full strength. The homeopathic medicine improved her constitutional strength sufficiently to reject the tube. Antagonists One peculiar aspect of homeopathic medicines be antidoted by several common is that they can substances. This antidoting effect can negate the useful effects of homeopathic medicines on the body. These substances should be avoided when using homeopathic medicines. They include products that contain camphor (some lip balms, Ben Gay, Vick's Vapo-rub, Heet, Campho-Phenique, Noxema), mint or menthol (Hall's cough drops, some toothpastes), and coffee. It is also helpful to avoid substances containing the oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, penny- Childhood Ear Infections 134 royal or other strongly aromatic herbs while taking homeopathic medicines.^* Single Remedies Selecting the proper homeopathic remedy to care earache, while not always easy, is an for rather straightforward. It requires that you observe both the physical and mental signs displayed by your child and match them with the remedy that most closely relates to those signs. It is important not to over- look emotional, mental, or behavioral signs in your child. These are often the most useful in selecting the appropriate remedy. Following the description of each remedy what makes the better. These are called modalities For instance, the child better with a listing of in in homeopathic terminology. need of the remedy Hepar sidph no doubt that keeping the Hepar child warm and avoiding touch will make her more comfortable. Modalities are to help is warmth, and worse from cold and touch. Mod- not listed for therapeutic purposes, although there alities are is is symptoms worse and what makes them child's guide you to the proper remedy selection. listed If the child above displays some signs indicating Hepar sulph, but is not bothered by touch or cold, chances are that a different remedy is needed. The remedies most commonly used tions include: Aconite, Belladonna, in home care situa- Chamomilla, Ferrwn phos- phoricum, Hepar sulphuricum, Lycopodiimi. Mercurius, Plantago, Pulsatilla, and need not display medicine to Silica. all the It is important to note that a child symptoms of a medicine for that be effective. Aconite is required when otitis media is caused by expowind or a sudden change of temperature. The onset is usually rapid and accompanied by fever. Thirst is almost always present. The external ear is hot, red, painful, and swol- This remedy sure to cold Home Care for 135 Earaches and restlessness are the most notable mental These children are oversensitive to noise and touch. Unlike the Belladonna child, who is delirious and unaware of len. Anxiety, fear, signs. her surroundings, the Aconite child may become is pale. very is be red, hot, flushed, or swollen. On The cheeks alert. rising, the face may At times, one cheek may be pale while the other flushed. This remedy usually only used in the is hours of an earache that has hours, another remedy Symptoms come on first 24 Beyond 24 rapidly. usually indicated. is from warmth, a warm room, and are worse: at night. Symptoms are better: in open air. Belladonna when an earache comes on suddenly. In fact, Belladonna is the most commonly used remedy in the early stages of acute otitis media. The illness is Belladonna, like Aconite, is indicated usually associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, restless sleep, and hypersensitivity of throat is fever present, but the skin The pain ear, all senses. hot and dry with swollen tonsils. There is dry. There is The usually commonly no thirst. ear canal, and eardrum will often be bright red. Ear commonly extends down into the throat. Belladonna associated with high fever that sets in abruptly with ing. In is some cases, there will be little is warn- few symptoms other than earache and fever. The emotional symptoms are important with Belladonna. The child around agitated is almost unaware of what is going on The acuteness of her senses may cause her to be and furious, which may lead to outbursts of hitting or her. These children may have fear of imaginary things, hallucinations and delirium. The pupils are dilated. Belladonna biting. should be considered anytime there Symptoms light, odors, are worse: is and lying on the painful Symptoms are better: intense pain. from touch, motion, noise, from side. sitting semi-erect. draft, . Childhood Ear Infections 136 Chamomilla This of is one of the most commonly used remedies otitis media. Children in and cross. They want something, but when given to throw back it at the child is interrupted, or even looked to, at. If child has bright red cheeks. At times, one may bing ear pain that is pale. There is is not typical. mucus is The symptoms rapidly, although not as rapidly as with Chamomilla fort associated a is commonly used remedy with teething. symptoms match acute, stab- drive the child frantic. Nasal and discharge from the ear cially the may mentally calm, they likely do not need Chamomilla. cheek may be red while the other come on are likely around. They are impatient, and are into- spoken The Chamomilla clear, it care irritable you. They are not easily consoled, but feel better if carried lerant of being in the need of Chamomilla are the other If a child is Belladonna for the discom- teething and her symptoms of Chamomilla (espe- emotional signs), consider giving Chamomilla. Symptoms from heat, open are worse: air, cold, wind, touch, eating, warmth of the bed, lying down, and Symptoms are better; at night. from being rocked or carried, warm wet weather, and cold applications. Ferrum phosphoricum This is whose earache comes on rapidly, but not The child is feverish but not as with Belladonna. The eardrum is red and bulging. for the child as rapidly as with Belladonna. severe as Ferrum phos or is often indicated after exposure to wet weather when Belladonna fails to give relief. Symptoms are worse: at night and from touch. Symptoms are better: with cold applications. Hepar Sulphuricum Hepar It is in is generally not used in the early stages of an earache. used when symptoms have progressed and pus has formed the middle ear. There at lirst watery, then is frequently a nasal discharge that becomes thick, yellow, is and offensive. There Home Care for is Earaches 137 intense throbbing pain in the ear, accompanied by diminished hearing. These children are irritable and sensitive. Like the Chamomilla child, the Hepar child is cross and easily angered. They can be provoked to a tantrum with little effort. A hallmark of the Hepar child is oversensitivity to touch, cold, and pain. The cold sensitivity may be so great that even a hand or foot exposed from beneath the covers results in aggravation of symptoms. Symptoms are worse: from dry cold winds, cold foods, touch, pressure, the slightest draft, exertion, or at night. Symptoms are better: from warmth, extra clothing or covers, humidity, hot applications, and after eating. Lycopodium A characteristic of this remedy begin on the right side. There is symptoms may be a roaring A thick, yellow, sensation in the ear, with diminished hearing. offensive discharge Lycopodium is on or that are humming and common. The nose is stopped up. especially indicated in children with digestive is complaints such as gas and bloating. These children are thin and weak. They often have cold hands and child is fearful, apprehensive, averse to taking on scornful when sick. and afraid new things. This is a The Lycopodium be alone. They are feet. to They can be headstrong and remedy that may be used at any stage of an earache. or a 4 Symptoms are worse: from lying on the right side, heat warm room, hot air, cold food or drink, eating, and from to 8 p.m. from warm food and drink, being uncovered, motion, cool or open air and after midnight. Symptoms are better: Mercurius Mercurius is is indicated when there is pus formation and is often more chronic cases of otitis media. The nasal discharge yellow-green and offensive (as are all body secretions in used these in children). There is profuse, offensive perspiration. Childhood Ear Infections 138 Lymph nodes skin are typically swollen. There almost constantly moist. is Mercurius is If the The is great thirst. is consistently dry, skin not the remedy. Increased salivation, bad breath and puffiness of the tongue are general Mercurius symptoms. The child in need of Mercurius human "thermometer" because cold, and most all dren are weak and she is is often described as a acutely sensitive to heat, environmental influences. Mercurius may tire at chil- the slightest exertion. There sometimes muscular trembling. These children seem is to display a loss of will-power. Symptoms from damp, cold, rainy weather, are worse: heat, sweating, motion, exertion, open air, lying on the right warm bed or warm room, and at night. Symptoms are better: in moderate temperatures. side, in a Plantago major Plantago major is needed when ear pain teething or toothache. The pain other through the head. Intolerance to noise is is associated with often goes from one ear to the is common. There a watery, yellowish nasal discharge. Pulsatilla This and one of the most frequently used remedies is is suitable for almost all in otitis media types of ear pain. Children need- ing Pulsatilla tend to be gentle, weepy, sensitive, and love to be held. They want attention and are easily consoled by a sympathetic response. Pulsatilla children are sometimes described as moody because they can be happy one foundly sad the next. They often lament their plight during air. charge. is There is pro- themselves and illness. Their cheeks are pale. They fresh moment and feel sorry for feel better when in open, a thick, bland, yellowish-green nasal dis- The eardrum is swollen and red, with draining, the discharge is fluid. If the ear usually thick and yellowish-green. The ear is swollen, red, and hot, and there it. The pain often goes through the whole is deep itching in side of the face. Home Care for Earaches 139 There may be a stopped sensation cough can be present. Symptoms frequently follow a cold. a surprising absence of Symptoms after eating, The dry or loose come on gradually and may be feverish, but show often child thirst. from heat, lying down, exertion, are worse: toward evening, and Symptoms A in the ear. are better: in a warm room. from motion, cold applications, cold food and drink, and in open air. SUica Children in need of Silica are likely to experience discharge They from the ear. indicated when or slow to respond. Symptoms ing in the ears, and the child child is and anxious. are sensitive a cold or bronchial condition are severe. is Silica is often is long-standing There is sensitive to noise. cold, chilly, and wants plenty of warm often roar- The hates drafts, and his hands and feet are icy cold. There sive sweat on the hands, feet, and armpits. Silica He clothing. is offen- remedy ear on the Silica is the most often indicated when there is pain behind the mastoid process. (See also Hepar sulph.) Mentally these children are yielding, faint-hearted, and anxious. They are nervous, excitable, and sensitive, but can be obstinate. Silica children tend to be weak and easily exhausted. Symptoms are worse: from cold, open air, winter, damp weather, cold food or drink, lying on the painful side, eating, and in morning. Symptoms It is are better: from warmth. not always easy to decide which homeopathic medicine your child might need. Often the choice can be narrowed down to two or To make three medicines, but the final selection can be difficult. this process easier, a series of flow charts has been designed by Dr. Stephen Messer. These charts can be found chapter 8 under Homeopathic Medicine. Otitis The Media Without Effusion and Acute those most likely to be useful in home Otitis care. in figures labeled Media Recognize are that Childhood Ear Infections 140 proper use of these charts depends upon making a specific diagnosis of the middle ear condition. Ear Drops Ear drops are discussed in the section on botanical medicine, but one excellent homeopathic eardrop formula deserves menTVaumeel is a patent formula made by Biological Homeopathic Industries. David Riley. M.D., reports that Traumeel applied topically can provide substantial relief when tion here. ear pain strikes. this formula, drops in in can be purchased It warm several drops in liquid form. To apply on a teaspoon, then place 3 each ear and cover with cotton. (This is not for use an ear where you see drainage.) Traumeel consists of:* Arnica D2 D2 D3 Aconitum D3 Calendula Hamamelis D2 Belladonna Hepar Millefolium D4 sulfuris D5 Mercuris solubilis Hahnemanni Chamomilla D3 Bellis perennis D8 Symphytum D3 D2 Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea D2 D2 Hypericum D2 Colds and Nasal Congestion Homeopathic medicine is very effective at treating symptoms of colds, sinus, and nasal congestion that often cede otitis media. If your child or sinus problem should be is the pre- prone to earaches, any cold managed homeopathically. The appropriate remedies are discussed in chapter 7. For more information on homeopathic medicine. I suggest you read the books Homeopathy: Medicine for the Twenty-first Century, by Dana Ullman, M.P.H., and Every body's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines, by Stephen Cummings, F.N.P, and Dana Ullman. M.P.H. *The "D" designation is equivalent to the "x" discussed above. Home Care for Earaches 141 Rather than simply purchasing individual remedies, ommend come all that parents in all sizes, the way up purchase a homeopathic remedy rec- Kits ranging from those that contain 10 remedies Having to 50. a variety of remedies at posal will allow you to administer mon I kit. home care for your dis- many com- childhood complaints including colic, upset stomach, bumps, bruises, and more. To order books and remedies, see the resource section of colds, this book. Spinal Manipulation The use of manipulation of the vertebrae and other joints of the body has been a part of medical systems throughout recorded history. The Chinese have used manipulation for more than two thousand years as an integral part of their medical system. During the time of Hippocrates, manipulation of the vertebrae was used to treat a variety of disorders, especially those of a musculoskeletal origin. Manipulation of the vertebrae (and other joints) has seen a rapid rebirth in contemporary Western medicine through the practice of chiropractic and osteopathy. The body of evidence of manipulation When is growing the therapeutic value of steadily. biomechanical problems of the upper spine contrib- becomes an Gottfried Gutmann makes three ute to otitis media, correction of these problems integral part of treatment. Dr. important points on biomechanical problems, manipulation, and recurrent infections. He concludes impulses at the atlas [first that: 1) blocked nerve cervical vertebrae] contribute to lower resistance to infections of the ear, nose and throat, 2) chiropractic and radiological examinations are "of decisive importance" for diagnosis of the syndrome, and 3) "chiropractic can often bring about amazingly successful the therapy is Manipulation of home results, because a causal one.'"'^^^° is care, but to discussed here not because show its method scheme of it is place in the overall a Childhood Ear Infections 142 how otitis media must be viewed from a treatment perspective. In cases of biomechanical problems that require manipulation, a doctor of chiropractic or osteopathy must be consulted. See chapter 8 for a more detailed discussion of manipulation. Acupressure The practice of Chinese medicine traditionally includes diet, manipulation, exercise, massage, meditation, bone-setting, herbs and acupuncture. The term acupuncture describes one of many methods of stimulating various locations on the body known as acupoints. Acupressure is another common means of stimulating these points. Over the years, the Chinese have discovered that specific acupoints have specific functions. The stimulation of these points causes predictable changes to occur throughout the body. For example, the point Large Intestine 4 is said to elimi- wind from the head and face. Crudely translated, pathogenic wind refers to viral influences. (The Chinese lacked knowledge of viruses as we know them today, but their nate pathogenic descriptions are profoundly accurate.) clinical In practice. Large Intestine 4 (LI-4) has a significant effect on symptoms of headache, toothache, sore throat, fever, earache, and the common cold. Thus, the point LI-4 would be stimulated in cer- tain types of earaches. TH-5) is known to expel wind (thus having an influence on what we would call viral syndromes) and regulate the San Jiao channel. The San Jiao The point San Jiao 5 (SJ-5, or channel refers to a meridian, or pathway, through which energy travels. The San through the ear. Jiao channel circles the ear and sends a branch Regulation of this channel is important in cor- recting the problems that exist during an ear infection, in actual practice, treating San Jiao 5 can have remarkable effects on the progress of otitis media. I've observed acute inflammatory middle ear problems resolve fully and one other point. in just 24 hours using this Home Care for 143 Earaches an earache occurs with high fever, signs of heat, and inflammation that does not subside? In Chinese medicine this is called pathogenic wind-heat. This description, while What if foreign to Westerners, tells the acupuncturist that points must be used that will dissipate or clear this wind-heat. One point which serves this purpose is called Du-14. Clinically, this point is used in febrile illnesses, the common cold, cough, asthma, and earache. Du-14 is used with other pertinent acupoints to correct the underlying syndrome that has manifested as middle ear inflammation. In the Chinese system of medicine, there are points that cover the whole range of therapeutic application. This makes Chinese medicine an extremely useful and versatile system of healing. In Chinese medicine, illness effect is not viewed as a cause and phenomenon. The Chinese view illness as an expression of patterns of disharmony. The acupuncturist makes his diagnosis based upon a careful physical examination of the patient. Questions about the child's behavior, habits, and symptomatol- ogy is used to identify the pattern been identified, the acupuncturist are asked. This information involved. Once the pattern has selects the points (usually only 2-4 points with children) that would be most successful in correcting the underlying disharmony. The points are then stimulated for a brief period using needles, pressure, or any number of other methods employed today. are It is important to note that the results of acupuncture enhanced by the concurrent use of botanical medicine. Acupressure for Earaches You obviously won't be doing acupuncture at home, but you can use acupressure, which is often very effective at alleviating the symptoms of earache. Stimulating acupoints with pressure is useful because it can influence lymph drainage, reduce pain, and sometimes encourage removal of fluid from the mid- dle ear. To treat the acupoints, have your child ably on the bed. First, locate all lie down comfort- of the points you will be treat- Childhood Far Infections 144 ing. (See figure II.) You'll notice that away ear while others are as far some points are near the as the foot. In this treatment, you begin with the point furthest from the ear. Once you have stimulated it, you go to the next closest, and so on. Stimulation of the point thumb over tle it and placing achieved by placing your is slight to massaging motion. Continue moderate pressure this for pressure you are using causes pain, ease up a get to the points closest to the ear, you tender that your child will not let in a one minute. may little. gen- If the As you find they are so you touch them. If this is the case, avoid these points. The points used first in the home care of earaches, in order of treated to last are: l.GB-41 2. 5.TH-5 KI-7 6. 3.KI-3 4. GB-20 7.TH-17 (gently) 8.GB-2 LI-4 This acupressure treatment can be done two to three times per day. Clearing Lymphatic Congestion Another useful method case of otitis that media occurs enhance the function of the The tonsils can be employed is the at home when "Lymphatic Flush," used tonsils a to and adenoids. and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system. Connecting these and other lymph structures, including lymph nodes, is a large network of lymphatic vessels. It is the job of the lymphatic vessels to transport waste products throughout be eliminated. They also serve as a pathway for the body the movement of white blood to cells to the site of infection. At times, flow through the lymphatic vessels of the head and neck is reduced due to swelling, inflammation, mechanical obstruction, infection, allergy, and so on. If the lymphatic ves- Home Care for 145 Earaches GB-20 Figure Acupoints Used 11 in Otitis Media Childhood Ear Infections 146 drain, the tonsils and adenoids cannot eliminate sels don't waste products and thus become more swollen. This leads to obstruction of the eustachian tube, preventing normal drainage. Impaired drainage results in fluid accumulation in the middle ear and aggravation of ear pain. The lymphatic can be done flush technique at home to enhance drainage and improve the environment around the eustachian tube. This often greatly enhances the healing of the middle ear. I've recommended this to parents for years. The results are exceptional. The Lymphatic Flush 1. Have your (see figure 12) child lie down on his back, with his head slightly elevated. 2. Apply a generous helping of unscented your hands. are 3. Make hand lotion to sure that your hands and the lotion warm. Gently rub the lotion up and down the front and sides of your child's neck. This will spread the lotion and also get your child accustomed to your touch. he 4. is in Remember, pain so proceed slowly. The area you're treating which is located on the along the large muscle lies front and side of the neck (called the sternocleidomastoid). Using a broad hand contact, and beginning about one inch up from the col- larbone on each side (the dimensions will vary depend- upon the age and size of the hand downward in the direction of ing moderate pressure and repeat 5. Place your the collarbone. Use five or six times. your hands two inches up from the collarbone and stroke downward 6. child), stroke five or six times. Next, place your hands one inch higher than the previ- ous time and stroke downward five or six times. Home Care for 147 Earaches Figure 12-a Lymph Nodes of the Head and Neck Figure 12-b Lymphatic Flush Technique Childhood Ear Infections 148 1 Repeat this until your hands are up at the tonsils. At . this point, you The purpose of this exercise is to encourage the tonsils, thus reducing the in that area. to clear be making long strokes from the downward. tonsils away from will You begin at the it will amount of congestion bottom because an area of stagnant lymph vessels are open, fluid. be easier to downward. This technique can provide fluid to drain Once move is it necessary the lower lymph the above fluid substantial relief to an ailing child. Spinal Massage done by having your child lie down on can be done with your child's shirt on or off, depending on which is more comfortable to him. I prefer to stimulate the bare skin. If you do this, use unscented lotion, and make sure your hands and the room are warm The spinal massage the bed on his belly. is It enough. With your child on his belly, begin in the small of the back and massage along both sides of the spine, working your way upward as you go. Work slowly and gently, spending at each level. Continue until you reach the about 30 seconds base of the skull. The entire exercise should take roughly ten minutes. There are three main reasons for doing First, this procedure. treatment of this area stimulates drainage of some of the lymphatic vessels affecting the lungs. Second, the autonomic nervous system can be influenced. (This part of the nervous system controls automatic functions such as secretion of mucus.) And third, the acupuncture association points are stimulated. (See figure 13.) All along the spinal column lie acupuncture points that associate with each major organ system. General stimulation of these points can enhance the integrated functions of the body during illness. Children love to be massaged. You will be amazed at how Home Care for 149 Earaches BL13 BL 14 BL 15 BL 16 BL17 LUNG CIRCULATION SEX HEART GOVERNING VESSEL CONCEPTION VESSEL •BL18 LIVER -BL19 GALLBLADDER - BL 20 SPLEEN -BL21 STOMACH •BL22 TRIPLE HEATER .BL23 KIDNEY 3L25 LARGE INTESTINE BL27 SMALL -BL28 INTESTINE BLADDER Figure 13 Association Points of Acupuncture much this can improve your child's well-being and enhance his recovery. Acupressure for Colds and Nasal Congestion The longer the nasal cavity remains congested, the greater the likelihood of congestion developing in the middle ear. A sim- ple acupressure treatment can often aid in reducing nasal con- Childhood Ear Infections 150 gestion. (Obviously if other factors exist, you will have to identify these as well.) 1. Have your child slightly elevated. 2. down on his back with his head You should be seated at his head. lie Using the pads of your fingers, gently massage the points listed in figure 14. 3. Spend about 45 seconds treating each point. The entire treatment should take about 7 minutes. The points used in the treatment of colds and nasal con- gestion include: l.DU-16 2. 5.LI-20 DU-20 7.LU-7 3.BL-12 4. BL-4 6. GB-20 Botanical Medicine The use of plants to treat disease perhaps the oldest form is of medicine known. Today, both botanical medicine and allopathic medicine depend heavily turies ago. upon the same plants used cen- Nearly 70 percent of today's patent drugs are man- ufactured using knowledge of plant substances, and 25 percent have substances extracted directly from plants. For example, the drug Ephedra is used widely in the West to treat respiratory is derived from the Chinese plant known Huang, or Ephedra sinica. The use of Ma Huang to treat respiratory conditions was documented in Chinese medical lit- conditions. This drug as Ma erature centuries ago. For hundreds of years herbalists treated colds, inllammation, and pain by having patients chew on the bark of black willow, or meadowsweet. Today we take it in the form more Home Care for Earaches 151 Figure 14 Acupoints for Colds and Nasal Congestion Childhood Ear Infections 152 commonly known name of which as aspirin, the is derived from the old botanical name of meadowsweet, Spirea." The clinical results obtained the skilled practice of in botanical medicine worldwide are impressive. Clinical and lab- oratory studies in the West continue to elucidate the specific actions of plant substances. For instance, St. John's Wort (Hyper- icum triquetrifoliiim) has been shown to interfere with viral infection and replication.'- Constituents found in the shitakc mushroom enhancing (Lentinus T edodes) ral killer cells. This plant also has anti-tumor The common milk as its which thistle indirectly by activity.'' (Silybum mariunum) contains, chief active ingredient, a is viruses affect and B lymphocyte function and stimulating natu- compound called silymarin, reputed to be one of the most potent liver-protecting substances known. Silymarins are powerful antioxidants. This compound stimulates the production of new liver cells to replace damaged cells. Studies in Finland, Russia, and Europe have shown this healing effect to occur in people with sustained liver damage due to diabetes, alcohol, drugs, environmental toxins, and viruses.'^ Given the rich history of botanical ing scientific confirmation of its medicine and the emerg- value, it no surprise is childhood otitis a study using Kampo that management of botanical medicine has a role to play in the media. Recently, Ikeda and Takasaka reported Kampo medicine to medicine, or Sairei-to* as treat secretory otitis it's media. called in Japan, consists of eight different herbs. This investigation was based on evi- dence that Kampo that exhibit medicine is effective in resolving conditions inflammatory and immunological reactions. advantage of using Kampo medicine *Sairei-to consists of the herbs is that cassia, An causes few Bupleurum falcatum, Alismu orientate, Pinellia ternata, Scutellaria haicalensis Panax ginseng, Cinnamomum it , and Zingiber Zizyphus jujuha, officinale. Home Care Earaches for 153 adverse effects even in long-term treatment where children ture four-week may are concerned. resolve the inflammation and with secretory otitis media. a desirable fea- At the completion of the authors concluded that trial, — this ""Kampo medicine immune response associated "^^ While botanical medicine can be helpful otitis media, prescribing herbal combinations cess. There are numerous different syndromes a is managing complex proin in otitis media, each of which requires different herbal formulas. Thus, for home care purposes, I've listed only those that 1) are used as ear drops to relieve pain. 2) build energy in constitutionally weak children, and 3) act as general immune stimulants. Ear Drops Ear drops are not generally known to cure earaches, but they can provide what most parents and children are after — relief of symptoms. The most effective herbs used as drops include: • Plantago major tincture. • Pennywort tincture. • Mullein • Chamomile • Olive • oil. infusion. oil. The Three Yellows It's (see chapter 8). only necessary to use one of the above at any given Tve listed several because you may find that one does not work for your child. In such a case, choose another on the list. Fve found Plantago major to be ver>' effective, especiall) when the earaches are associated with teething problems. time. Martha Benedict, an acupuncturist in Santa Cruz. California, claims exceptional results using the three yellows.'^ The herb solution should be heated slightly b}' placing a Childhood Ear Infections 154 few drops on a spoon and warming it for a few seconds with match from underneath. Using a dropper, which is usually provided with the herbal mixture, withdraw the herb from the spoon and test a drop on the inside of your wrist to make sure it is not too warm. Next, place three drops in the affected ear a and cover with a piece of cotton. The application should be repeated three times per day during the course of the earache. You may wish two, since will it the next time when there is same piece of cotton to use the for a day or be saturated and less likely to absorb the herb you use it in the ear. fluid draining out Most of the above herbs Eardrops should not be used of the middle ear. are available at health food stores or can be ordered from the companies listed in the resource section. Herbal Teas Herbal teas can be used to reduce mucous congestion and build energy in a weakened or sick child. For children with excessive mucus production, you can make a tea that consists of water, one-eighth teaspoon of raw honey, a few drops of brandy, and fresh ground ginger root, cinnamon, or cayenne. Nose Drops Clearing the nasal passages can sometimes help speed recovery of the middle ear. In addition, clear nasal passages allow the child to breathe more easily, which goes a long way toward ensuring a much-needed night's sleep for both you and your child. One type of nose drop that occasionally proves helpful made by of warm water. a simple saltwater solution. This can be teaspoon of table A salt in a quart nose drop that works exceptionally well of fennelated nostril, then Irish one moss. Place one drop in the left. Repeat is placing one is a mixture in the child's right until four drops have been Home Care for Earaches 155 placed in each nostril. At the time the child may first drop placed, your is notice a slight stinging sensation that quickly goes away once the second drop is applied and the Irish moss begins do its work. The nose drops should be used four times a to day during the active phase of an earache. Immune Stimulants The most common botanical General immune function is used the in West to enhance Echinacea. There have been more than 200 laboratory and clinical studies on the physiological effects of Echinacea has been shown this herb. bacterial, is and anti-fungal. widely known. Up Its to be anti- viral, anti- immune tonic use as a general 1930 and prior to the discovery to about of sulfa drugs, Echinacea was used regularly by physicians throughout the United States." Echinacea usually purchased in tincture form. Five is drops in a small glass of water can be given orally three times daily to a child over two. Under two years, give three drops three times daily. Nutrition Nutritional home care for earaches and much remains to be learned. is Still, a somewhat new area, there are certain funda- we know and immune mental approaches that can be used, based upon what about nutrition and inflammation, and nutrition function. Listed below are of earache. I some do not advise nutrients that are useful in times that all the items listed given in separate tablets. The list is below be provided as a guideline to suggest the nutrients that should be included in a multivitamin. Supplements such as evening primrose oil. flax oil. bifidus, acidophilus, and Inflavonoid are given separately. A child who can be given: suffers from either acute or chronic earaches Childhood Ear Infections 156 ages 1-3 1 Tbsp. mg 300-500 mg 5-10 ages 4 and up 2 Tbsp. flax oil flax oil Vitamin vitamin C 500-1,000 of zinc* A 10 5.000 lU/day A 5,000 lU/day Beta carotene 5,000 lU/day B-complex 1/day Children's Bifidus 2 Tsp. per day B-complex 2/day Acidophilus (age 7 age 7) (to C vitamin zinc* Vitamin Beta carotene 5,000 lU/day Children's mg mg & over) 2 Tbsp. Inflavonoid 2 tablets/day Inflavonoid 3 tablets/day Vitamin E 25-50 lU/day Vitamin E 50 lU/day Magnesium 50 mg/day Magnesium 50 mg/day If a child is wish unresponsive to the above program you add evening primrose to oil, may 2 perles/day** for a child under three years of age and 3 perles/day for a child over Zinc and vitamin lozenge that is now C can often be given together available commercially. in 3. a A child who chews these lozenges should have his teeth brushed afterward since ascorbic acid can be harmful to the enamel after prolonged with contact the teeth. Additional beta-carotene can be obtained by eating more orange and yellow vegetables such as immune oil A and squash. Vitamin carrots potentiating effect. It has a separate but important can be obtained from cod liver (which also contains omega-3 fatty acids). Bifidobacteria are not found in an\ *Make sure the supplement contains about 3 micrograms of copper to balance with zinc. more will stimulate the immune function. **Do not give Do is it not give immune system more zinc better. in hopes that Excess zinc inhibits perles to children under four or five. Break the perles open, and express the oil. or add food products and Give the to juice, formula, or food. oil to your child by mouth The proper dosage one perle per year of age per day. up for children to six perles per day. Home Care for Earaches 157 must be purchased as a supplement (see discussion of acidophilus and bifidus). During an earache, avoid feeding this includes fruit juice. A study your child sugar in any form at Loma Linda School of Medicine showed that fructose, suctherefore — rose, honey, or orange juice all significantly decreased the capacity of neutrophils (a white blood cell) to engulf bacteria. who Children are ill often don't feel like eating, and idea to follow their lead. it's a good During any type of infection or inflammation, the need for liquids increases so be sure to provide plenty of fluids. Inflavonoid a product that contains bioflavonoids (in- is cluding curcumin) in concentrated amounts. Bioflavonoids are necessary to augment the function of vitamin C. They have a role in stimulating immune about bioflavonoids is function. What that they block the by interfering with the enzymes is most impressive inflammatory process that release inflammaton pros- taglandins. However, unlike anti-inflammaton, drugs such as acetaminophen, bioflavonoids do not block the enzyme needed for the body's for more own details.) anti-inflammatory system. (See chapter 8 To give inflavonoid recommend breaking ble for all Iron the tablet into a to a child. pow der. This I is prefera- vitamin tablets. is necessary for fighting infection. Yet. excess iron can cause a variety of problems including sion. generally I don't recommend unless directed by their patients should have immune suppres- anyone take additional iron doctor. Doctors prescribing iron to good that clinical or laborator} the need for iron before prescribing it. The best \\ evidence of ay for a child from food. Nuts, blackstrap molasses, and dark turkey meat are good sources of iron. Iron absorption is enhanced when iron is taken with vitamin C-containing foods. to obtain iron is Since fatty acid imbalance plays such a large role in ness, it is important that you recognize the signs that may ill- indi- cate fatty acid deficiency. If obvious signs of fatty acid defi- ciency exist you should take immediate steps to correct this through modifying your child's fat intake. It may be necessar\ Childhood Ear Infections 158 to consult a practitioner knowledgeable in nutrition. The signs of fatty acid imbalance include: • Follicular hyperkeratosis (so-called "chicken skin" on arms the upper — this also may suggest beta-carotene insufficiency). • Dandruff on scalp. • Hair that is dry and unmanageable. • Areas of leukoplakia. • Nails that are brittle, fray easily, or won't grow. • Areas of "alligator skin" (anywhere on the body). • Patches of pale, lusterless skin on the cheeks. Dry ear wax or excessive production of ear wax. • • Allergies. • Excessive • thirst. Hyperactivity (ADD). The Importance of Intestinal Bacteria Before birth, the fetal intestinal tract is sterile, i.e., no bacteria. The intestinal bacteria arrive in the result child is lowing exposed to the mother's fecal newborn as a this, the child is and vaginal bacteria. Fol- exposed to microbes from the skin, is nature's that the infant digestive tract contains the function properly. human The intestinal way of ensuring organisms needed bacteria outnumber the cells in the entire body. The most common are contains of transit through the birth canal, during which time the the environment, and food. This to it Bijidobactchwn Escherichia bacteria in the infant digestive tract bijidus, coli. Bifidobacteria Lcictohacdhis acidophihis and account for about 99 percent of the intestinal bacteria in breastfed infants. Bottle-fed infants have far lower fecal levels of Bifidobacteria. After the child Home Care for 159 Earaches has been weaned, the number oi Bifidobacteria decline rapidly. Meanwhile, E. E. coli coli and L. acidophilus increase in number until predominates. Each of these bacteria perform necessary functions in the andL. acidophilus possess the child's intestinal tract. B. bifidus following beneficial functions: number of lymphocytes and • Allow for an increased larger lymph nodes. • Increase number of plasma the serum and cells immunoglobulins. mac- • Contribute to increased phagocytic activity in rophages. macrophages of germ-free The digest bacteria more microbes play a role animals slowly, suggesting that the gut in macrophage activity.'* • Produce organic acids and hydrogen peroxide kill which invading microbes, thereby protecting the body against infection from food-or water-borne pathogens. • -^"^ Synthesize important B-vitamins such as niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin. and folic acid.^'' • Digest lactose and other dietary components, and play a role in the digestion and assimilation of milk."" • Allow from food. for better utilization of nutrients Germ-free animals (lacking intestinal bacteria) experi- ence far more pronounced symptoms if their diet deficient in nutrients than if the gut flora • Encourage more efficient weight • Participate in detoxification of that enter the is intact. is ^- gain."*' some toxic compounds body via food or water, thus protecting us from a toxic environment.^ • Inhibit certain types of tumor growth."*'' • Prevent the fungus Candida albicans from forming invasive germ-tubes. ^^ — 1 60 Childhood Ear Infectiotis • Inhibit the growth of C. albicans in both the digestive tract and vagina. Candida albicans is organism pre- the sent in vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush/^ • Protect against many microbial pathogens such as Sal- monella, Shigella, and virulent strams of £. coli. • Poduce organic acids that stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which in turn removes invading pathogens from the intestinal tract. (Peristalsis refers to the action of the muscles that moves the contents of the intestinal intes- tines forward.) Work • in concert with the host immunological system (e.g., IgA). In chapter 2, I said that antibiotics exert a adverse effect on the beneficial bacteria You can see from these bacteria it is when antibiotics are being or have been used, important to reestablish these helpful bacteria numbers. This form the information above that the function of extremely important to the health of your is child. Therefore, pronounced in the intestinal tract. to is accomplished by feeding the bacteria in large in some your child. Supplementation of the diet with bacterial cultures has been used for centuries, most commonly as yogurt. Yogurt contains two main species of bacteria Streptococcus mophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. L. bulgaricus, dophilus, is ther- like aci- an acid-forming bacteria that digests lactose. It is one reason consuming yogurt is associated with so many benefits. However, the bacteria found in yogurt, while helpful, are unable to attach to the intestinal wall, rendering them unable to establish a permanent colony. Because of this, the healing also inhibits harmful bacteria and parasites. This that effects of yogurt are short-lived. In contrast, L. acidophilus can become a permanent resi- dent of the intestine by attaching tenaciously to the intestinal wall. In doing so, it prevents the attachment o{ many harmful 1 Home Care for Earaches 1 6 organisms such as Candida albicans and Giardia lamblia. Unfortunately, any L. acidophilus added to yogurt is inhibited by L. bulgaricus, so simply adding acidophilus to yogurt is not a solution.* The best long-term benefit is to be derived from L. acidophilus in children over seven, and B. bifidus in children under seven. Neither L. acidophilus nor B. bifidus are found naturally in foods. They are either obtained in supplement form or added to dairy products. Who Might Need Acidophilus or Bifidus Supplements? • Children with a history of oral thrush. • Children with a history of diarrhea, constipation, or colic. • Children known have or suspected of having food to allergies. • Children with skin conditions such as eczema. • Children believed to suffer • Infants bom to a from intestinal candidiasis. mother with a history of vaginal candidiasis. • Hyperactive children where the hyperactivity appears to be associated with food allergy/sensitivity or diges- tive disturbance. • Children with a history of antibiotic therapy. • Children about to undergo antibiotic therapy. • Children who have been bottlefed from birth or weaned before three months. All bottlefed children should receive bifidus daily. *Yogurt is still an excellent food and can be used with great benefit provided your child is not sensitive to it. The point is that acidophilus or bifidus supplements yield better long-term results. 1 Childhood Ear Infections 62 who have had months of age. • Children three solid foods introduced before • Children born by C-section. • Children with recurrent tonsillitis. • Children with recurrent otitis media. • Children with a recent history of intestinal viral infection. (Enteric viruses generally reduce the fecal levels of acid-forming bacteria to near zero.) known • Children with dia lambliu or How Do I parasitic infections such as Giar- Entamoeba histolytica. Find a QusiWty Acidophilus or Bifidus Supplement? Here are some guidelines that will be helpful in determining which acidophilus or bifidus supplement to buy. 1. Purchase a powdered product that sules. not stored in cap- is Capsules absorb moisture, which typically shortens number of viable organsome companies have begun to market the shelf-life and reduces the isms. Recently, packets of acidophilus and bifidus. This method of preserving the is the best maximum number of viable organisms. (See Metagenics and Nutrition Dynamics in appendix.) 2. These organisms are temperature-sensitive refrigerated at times. If all (unrefrigerated), companies it is will ship you purchase going it to it and must be off the shelf be less effective. in refrigerated Some containers upon request. 3. The number of viable organisms a product that specifically states the Look for number of viable organisms. 1 The It should contain is important. at least billion or more. label also should state the identifiable strain of organism since most of the research has been done on — . Home Care for strains 163 Earaches DDSl and NCFM. Other strains have not been as thoroughly tested for effectiveness. 4. Bifidus and acidophilus supplements (if used in the same program) are best taken at different times of the day. 5 Enteric coating of acidophilus or bifidus an unneces- is sary process and serves only to reduce the number of viable organisms in the product. Acidophilus and bifidus environment are acid-loving organisms. Therefore, the of the stomach should not bother them appreciably unless the product contains a strain that is less hearty something you're trying to avoid. Another problem with enteric coating ing will break is down you can never predict in time to insure if the coat- maximum release of the organisms. 6. Acidophilus and bifidus should be purchased in a dairy base. Many companies now market acidophilus and bifi- dus supplements that are grown on a vegetable base for supposed use in people who are allergic to dairy. The most viable strains of acidophilus are only able to live on a dairy substrate. Moreover, calcium is needed by the microbes to attach to the intestinal wall and colonize. Without calcium, they do not attach so the benefits are short-lived. When first these products are made, the organisms are grown on milk solids. The milk solids are then filtered off, leaving only a small amount of the original substrate, thus minimizing the likelihood allergic individual would react. that a dairy- For individuals who do react adversely to a milk-based acidophilus or bifidus, a small dose should be used to begin, gradually building up to the standard dose. If this still does not work, a non-dairy product should be considered. 7. Sweet acidophilus milk contains living acidophilus, but hearty, in most cases, it is Lactobacillus bulgaricus — Childhood Ear Infections 164 but the doesn't colonize the intestinal tract. In addition, it numbers are considerably lower than in a high-qual- supplement, making the milk unsuitable in a treatment program. Sweet acidophilus milk would be acceptable as part of a maintenance program once reinoculation has been established (provided an allergy to casein does not ity exist). 8. If your child under age seven, you want to use is hifidus. some reason you have difficulty obtaining a dus supplement, by all means use acidophilus it still work wonders. If for — hifi- will Dosage and Recommendations 1. 2. Va teaspoon in 'A glass of lukewarm water used to initiate therapy. Dosage is often increased to Vi or 1 full is frequently teaspoon one to three times daily. 3. Take during mid-meal. 4. Bifidus is the recommended supplement for children under seven years. 5. Bifidus in conjunction results. {Bifidus with acidophihis enhances and acidophilus should be given at alter- nating times to avoid competitive inhibition.) 6. When given concurrently with an antibiotic, hifidus best given at times between the antibiotic. When is sulfa drugs are used, the spacing should be two to three hours. 7. ^^ Obtain a high-quality product Note: If — this is essential! adverse reactions occur, they are usually due to one or more of the following: . Home Care for Herxheimer 1. 165 Earaches reaction. This occurs when organisms are killed abruptly, resulting in a release of the toxic contents within their cell 2. Inferior membranes. product. Casein or lactose intolerance. 3. Putting Together It number of home In this chapter I've described a ments that work 1. you will not be using all of some basic guidelines that will well. Obviously, these on your child. help you decide care treat- So here how are to proceed. problem as though it is related to food or airborne allergies until proven otherwise (Food allergies will likely be more common.) This means following the guidelines in the section on allergies. Remove dairy products temporarily and watch for Approach your child's improvement in your child's health. If allergies exist, remove the offenders from your child's diet or environment to the best of your ability. Adopt a strategy of rotation. 2. Don't feed the same foods every day. Assume there are nutritional needs that are not being met. This especially true with essential fatty acids. is Give essential amounts 3 Avoid known antagonists fatty and other nutrients fatty acids in the listed. acids, sugar, Reduce your cold juices. to good health including refined foods, trans and toxic metals. child's intake of fruit juices, especially When you give juice make sure it is fresh squeezed, not from concentrate. Follow the guidelines in chapter 7 that apply to 4. your situation. Choose a homeopathic medicine based on the symptoms of your child and the guidelines listed in the above section on homeopathy. 1 Childhood Ear Infections 66 5. Use ear drops, nose drops, or acupressure more comfortable. to make your child 6. Give a bifidus supplement the categories listed in if your child falls into "Who Might Need any of Acidophilus or Bifidus Supplements?" 7. Take your child to the doctor if her condition does not respond within a reasonable amount of time. (See guidelines at the beginning of this chapter.) Chapter 7 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child Prevention encompasses two basic ideas. First, that disease can be prevented by considering the physical, chemical, and emotional needs of the individual child. And second, that illness already begun can be prevented from progressing by using effective ter, home care or professional care practices. In this chap- prevention strategies falling into the first category will be discussed. Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is perhaps the most effective means of prevent- ing not only middle ear infection, but infections of Dr. R.K. Chandra, types. in three separate studies, investigated the effect of breastfeeding He all on the incidence of infection and allergy. demonstrated, in India, that breastfed infants had a lower incidence of otitis media and respiratory infections (and diarrhea, dehydration, and pneumonia) than did children were not breastfed. In who Canada, breastfeeding was again otitis media and associated with a decrease in the occurrence of respiratory infection.' Dr. - Chandra also showed that when newborn siblings of children with allergic disease are exclusively breastfed for a minimum of six weeks, the number of allergic indicators, 167 ^ 1 Childhood Ear Infections 68 including lowered antibodies to cow's milk, are significantly reduced.' The duration of breastfeeding impact on the development of also appears to have an media. Finnish researcher otitis 256 babies, Dr. Ulla Saarinen followed bom in the same three months, for one year. Of those breastfed for more than 6 months, only 6 percent had suffered an attack of otitis by the age of one year, in contrast to 19 percent of bottle-fed infants. who had prolonged Six percent of the children breastfeeding more attacks of otitis media between one and years of age, compared with 26 percent who had early suffered four or three introduction of cow's milk. Dr. Saarinen concluded that early and prolonged breastfeeding exerts a protective effect (against media) that otitis Dr. lasts up to three years. Michael Persico, rent acute otitis media, who were in a study found not breastfed, or three months, had of 108 children with recur- that 81 percent of the children who were breastfed for less than their first episode of acute otitis before the third month of life, media only 19 percent in contrast to of children breastfed for more than three months.' I year or more is six to nine ideal, but to supply adequate iron in tration has in is find is of six preferred. it One impractical. human milk breastfed. How- inability of children exclusively ever, the iron in breastmilk to nine months many mothers Concerns have been raised over the up minimum encourage mothers to breastfeed for a months. Breastfeeding for sufficient to prevent anemia, for months. In addition, the mean hemoglobin concen- been shown to be higher iron-supplemented children at in breastfed infants than four and six months. Whatever length of time you choose to breastfeed, keep in mind that lactation is very nutritionally demanding for a mother. To ensure that your baby continues to receive adequate amounts of zinc, iron, fatty acids and other nutrients, you must maintain a diet which is high in these nutrients. A multivitamin supplement (one tives, etc.) that is free of sugar, wheat, dairy, yeast, addi- coupled with a balanced diet is an advisable way 169 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child to replace the nutrients lost during lactation. Avoid megavitamin supplementation or single nutrient supplementation during lactation. Not only do nutrients taken in excess go directly into the breastmilk. but some can even inhibit lactation. For example, mothers frequently need addi- B6 B6 is tional vitamin during pregnancy and following delivery. However, taken in excess (150-200 mg'day), if it can inhibit lactation. Because of the tendency for the breastmilk of American mothers to be deficient in fatty acids, one tablespoon of to take flax oil I advise lactating mothers and three capsules of prim- rose oil daily. breastfed Occasionally, otitis media. When will infants this occurs, it is develop recurrent usually due to a food (or foods) in the mother's diet to which either the mother or the child allergic. is Challenge feeding to identify sensitivities to foods. identified, it Once can be eliminated from the ing (elimination-provocation) yields may have tests a nutritional sometimes be need that can usually be used the offending food diet. If no clear is results, knowledgeable and zinc intake is your child not being met. This can difficult to solve. In cases like this, that fatty acid is challenge feed- sufficient. make sure Finding a doctor in nutrition is important. Feeding Position Avoid feeding your baby a bottle while she is lying on her back in the crib, playpen, or anywhere else. Feeding in this position increases the likelihood that formula will reflux (or back up) into the bottlefed infant. child A eustachian tube. down remain I advise mothers to treat their baby as a nursing mother would treat her suckling nursing mother does not have the option of lying her (separately) while feeding. in close contact at all times. The mother and baby This provides not only a nourishing experience for the child, but a nurturing one for both mother and child. A mother who bottlefeeds her child a Childhood Ear Infections 170 should take the same opportunity to nurture by holding her child while feeding the bottle. Preventing Airborne Allergy and Reducing the Otitis Media home can be level of airborne allergens in the an important part of preventing recurrent earaches, especially who have known (but not only) in children airborne allergies. Here are some considerations: Furnace Electrostatic Filter These remove allergens and microbes from the cally charged plates. to the negatively debris is The fair attracted to the positively charged plates. during winter. These amount of maintenance But free of debris. filters with electri- can is attracted charged plates, and the negatively charged go a long way toward purifying home air positively charged debris reduce if have one major drawback filters is These can the stale and polluted air in a — required to keep the precipitators they are well-maintained, electrostatic problems respiratory (including otitis) considerably. These devices are also helpful conditioning is children with in summer if central air used. Electrostatic air cleaners are essential for known airborne allergies, but are recommended summer for any household since particulates in the winter or can irritate the mucous membranes of even healthy individuals. Negative Ion Generator These devices emit a stream of negatively charged ions cause positively charged debris to precipitate out (with the aid of a filter). Research I and my o\' that the air colleagues conducted with a Minnesota university showed negative ion generators coupled with filtration to be one of the most effective ways of removing bacteria, mold, fungi, and dust from the air Negaextremely efficient at removing cigarette tive ion generators are Preventing Ear Infections smoke (although it is in Your Child 171 no substitute for the cessation of smoking). Ion generators are practical in a They must be coupled with room room to setting. a filter (preferably an Electret'"* provide any real benefit. filter) to Woodstoves and Fireplaces These should be well-built with a source of outside air. A Uni- Michigan study showed that the incidence of upper was significantly greater in children living where woodstoves were used in the home. Fireplace cenversity of respiratory problems ters can assist homeowners in the specifics of attaching an out- woodstove or fireplace. This is essential homes, not only in those where children exhibit illness. side air source to their in all In 1985, one of my patients lamented that each of his three children was sick with something nearly all winter long. Two of the boys had chronic recurrent ear infections and the third suffered from bronchitis. After questioning the father for some time, it appeared that the woodstove they were using might be responsible for his children's ongoing health problems. suggested that he disconnect the woodstove (which was I their primary source of heat) and use their backup system for the next month. Within two weeks, By ment. all children the fifth week, things were back showed improvenormal for the to family except for an occasional cold. This family had a woodstove that was inefficient particulates that had and poorly ventilated. The gases and built up inside the home as a result of burning were a source of constant upper respiratory irritation to the children. It is in the advisable to have a negative ion generator operating room where your *The Electret filter fireplace or is woodstove made by 3M. It tion, filters work by trapping burning. This consists of positively charged and negatively charged fibers interwoven The is in a tight pattern. debris as with normal filters. In addi- the charged fibers attract charged particles that stick to the fibers. Childhood Ear Infections 172 will help to filter most of the soot, smoke, and particulates that inevitably end up in the house because of burning. Household Dampness Damp areas should be eliminated and the sources identified. Mold and mildew are often imperceptible either by sight or smell, but can aggravate persistent middle ear problems in sen- The bathroom, basement, and kitchen sitive children. most are the likely areas. Volatile Indoor Air Pollutants In chapter 5, I described the manner vapors can cause irritation in which volatile organic of the upper respiratory The items that contribute to this should be and removed from the home. These include waxes, middle ear. tract polishes, varnish, paint, cleaning solutions, old newsprint, and more. The table listed in chapter 5 is some of Home For alterna- home, suggest and Non-Toxic and Natural, both the toxic products found in the you read The Non-Toxic much a useful general guide to the substances containing volatile compounds.'' tives to and identified I by Debra Lynn Dadd. Vacuum Cleaners and Carpeting Dr. Edward Kenny, of that rugs and carpets the York Research Laboratory, claims test about 20 times dirtier than the aver- age city sidewalk.^ The carpet is where infants and toddlers spend most of their time, so ensuring a clean play area is cru- Typical "bag filter" vacuum moving more dust around the home than almost any other source. They are also a harbor for housemites, bacteria, and cleaners are notorious for cial. antigens. (See chapter 3.) To solve vacuum" this problem, many allergists recommend a "water for cleaning homes. In a study by the Missouri State Medical Association, uum it was discovered Rainbow Vac- that the (Rexair Corporation) can reduce the household dust con- centration to one-fifth the amount that exists when ordinary Preventing Ear Infections in 173 Your Child vacuum cleaners are used. Another acceptable option central vacuum system with an outside exhaust. bag-type is a Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger to bring fresh air into the These units function By the winter with only minimal heat loss. removing borne stale air irritants is and bringing in fresh, the home during continuously number of air- reduced. Air TVavel While not a significant contributor to otitis media, flying in an airplane can result in considerable distress for many children. Because of the rapid change in pressure, the eustachian tube sometimes does not open properly. To prevent problems with air travel, a bottle an infant should be nursed, given a pacifier, or given upon take-off and landing. Older children can be given a beverage to sip or gum to chew. Smoking smoking and childhood otitis media is indisputable. Cigarette smoke is among the most significant The evidence linking respiratory irritants found indoors. Its ability to cause otitis media in children is well documented. The solution for parents who smoke is to either quit smoking or smoke outside the home. If you choose to continue smoking in the presence of your child, first consider the adverse effects of smoking on the added adverse effects of repeated antibiotics (to which your child will likely be subjected). Also consider that the alternative methods described in this book may be sig- ears and then the nificantly less effective if you continue to smoke. — Childhood Ear Infections 174 The Day Care Dilemma The number of children spending time in day care grows each year. Health officials estimate that of by the year 1995, two-thirds preschool children and three-quarters of all children will need work/ With some this rise in sort of chilo care school age all while their parents day care usage comes an increased of illness to the children who risk participate. Infants and toddlers in day care settings are twice as likely as those in home care to contract an illness that lasts more than more 10 days, causes a fever of at least 102 degrees for three or days, or requires medical attention.*^ For a variety of reasons, germs easily spread from child of the day care setting. A variety to child in the close quarters of infectious organisms have been isolated from day care workers and children. common most Among the are:'" • Giardia lamblia • Adenoviruses • Shigella • Rotavirus • Salmonella • Haemophilus influenzae • Escherichia coli • Streptococcus pneumoniae • Entamoeba histolytica Dr. Stanley Schuman, of the Medical University of South Carolina, blames day care centers for "outbreaks of illness diarrhea, dysentery, giardiasis, and epidemic jaundice — remi- niscent of the pre-sanitation days of the 17th century."" A published in 1984 revealed were more than 12 times as influenzae type b.'15 to 20 under maternal Hemophilus day care children are likely to contract giardiasis than children home at that study day care centers likely to be infected with Another showed more Researchers that children in care." the University of Alabama found that 59 percent of day care children were shedding cytomegalovirus. Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child 175 (CMV) was found on Cytomegalovirus toys and other items Based on antibody testing, it was estimated that between 70 and 100 percent of day care children were infected with CMV.'^ frequently handled by children in the day care center. A study reported in the American Journal of Public Health 1988 compared children raised in home, and placed in tigators in this study at home, found that, compared to children reared day care spent 30 percent more sick days at home, children in bed, while those raised in another more to in raised in another nursery school or day care. The inves- home spent 19 percent sick days in bed. Children in day care spend more time in hospitals were also than children raised A number of studies have shown that more frequently in day care children than at likely home.'" '^ media occurs minded '^ Drs. L. Birch and O. Elbrond compared the rate at home."' of otitis media in children minded exclusively at home with those spending time in day care. They found the occurrence of otitis media to be significantly higher in those attending day care centers. Moreover, long-lasting episodes of otitis media were found to be considerably more common among the children in day care centers.''^ A otitis in children 1988 report Pediatrics revealed that hospitalization for in the Journal of myringotomy and tube placement occurred in 21 percent of the children in day care compared with only 3 percent of those Day incomes would care is here to stay. Many in order to survive. Certainly, find it home care.-° families require many two single parents impossible to work or go to school without avail- able day care for their children. has expressed in its need to Even have mothers the federal in the work government force. How- growing day care situation enormous. Public health officials are working to stem the ever, the health implications of the are rising tide of infections in day care children. At this stage there seems to be little progress. Some have recommended mass immunization of day care children, but this carries with it a host of social, philosophical, and medical implications. Parents and day care providers should be aware of things Childhood Ear Infections 176 they can do to reduce the spread of infectious disease. For parents, is it when your necessary to be aware of times should be kept out of day care. For providers, to know which These are only is important children should be excluded or sent home. steps since the nature of the day care envi- first ronment contributes Recognize it child able disease in the strict media among of illness to the spread that otitis not considered a is sense. Yet, many of the children. communic- conditions that predispose children to the development of middle ear effusion are considered communicable. The following guidelines useful in determining when to are exclude children from day care. For more information, contact your local community health department. Guidelines For Excluding Children who have the following from the child care symptoms child is From Day Care symptoms should be excluded setting until 1) a physician has certified the are not associated with an infectious agent or the no longer center, or 2) the a threat to the health of other children at the symptoms have subsided. For the mildly ill the needs of both the ill on child, exclusion should be based whether there are adequate facilities and staff available to meet child and other children in the group. FEVER Axillary or oral temperature: degrees F. or higher, or Rectal tem- perature: 101 degrees especially 100 if F. or higher: accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, sore throat, diarrhea, headache and stiff neck, or undiagnosed rash. RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS Difficult or rapid breathing or severe coughing: — makes high-pitched croupy whooping sound after he child or coughs. 177 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child — child unable to due DIARRHEA An to lie comfortably continuous cough. number of abnor- increased mally loose stools in the previous 24 hours. Observe the child for other symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, or vomiting. VOMITING Two or more episodes of vomiting within the previous 24 hours. EYE/NOSE DRAINAGE Thick mucus or pus draining from the eye or nose. SORE THROAT Sore throat, especially when fever or swollen glands in the neck are present. SKIN PROBLEMS Rash — Skin rashes, undiagnosed or contagious. Infected sores — Sores with crusty, yellow or green drainage which cannot be covered by clothing or bandages. ITCHING Persistent itching (or scratching) of body or scalp. APPEARANCE, BEHAVIOR Child looks or acts differently: unusually tired, pale, lacking appetite. Confused, irritable, difficult to awaken. UNUSUAL COLOR — — Urine — Dark, tea-colored Eyes or skin yellow (jaundice) Gray or white Stool These symptoms can be found in hepatitis and should be evaluated by a physician. Childhood Ear Infections 178 Reprinted with permission from "Infectious Diseases in Child- care Settings: Information for Directors, Caregivers, and Parents or Guardians,'' prepared by the Epidemiology Departments of: Hennepin County Community Health, St. Paul Division of Public Health, Minnesota Department of Health, Washington County Public Health, Bloomington Division of Health. These guidelines are not to be considered all-inclusive. The Day Care are sub- Diet Be aware of what your care. They ongoing revision as more information becomes available. ject to child is being fed while attending day Cheese, cold apple juice, and peanut butter sandwiches common However, consumption of these foods on a daily basis can irritate a toddler's digestive system and be a are fare. contributor to recurring illness. Determine the foods that best suit your child's specific needs and make arrangements this incorporated in to your child's daily routine. Give your day care provider a This may list to have of foods that you wish your child to avoid. include foods to which your child is allergic or those that are not optimal for a child's digestion. Dietary Considerations Changing and improving dietary habits can be an important step in the prevention of recurrent earaches. Early Introduction of Solid Foods Solids should not be introduced before your child is six months of age (see ski fan below). Earlier introduction solid food often contributes to health problems, including the development of allergies and earaches. Introduction of Solid Foods When beginning to introduce solid foods into a babys is important that only one food if your child is at diet, it a time be added. This way, sensitive to that food, you can identify it and . Preventing Ear Infections in 179 Your Child it. Once your child's digestive tract has matured somewhat, you may wish to introduce the food again. Introduce the least allergenic foods first. The first solids your baby avoid feeding eats should fiot be common from among the most offenders. These include: • Dair\- products. • Soy. • Wheat. • Peanuts and other nuts • Eggs. • Shellfish. • Chocolate. • Sugar. • Citrus. • Yeast. • Com. Fruit Juice Most children consume juice is far too Excess sugar leads sugar. much fruit juice. almost purely simple carbohydrate as described above. If to deficiencies in you must give with water, and don't give — it A glass of in other immune words, function, fruit juice, dilute cold out of the refrigerator. parents go to great lengths to make it 1:1 Most sure their baby's formula warm, but think nothing of feeding a bottle of cold from the refrigerator. Cold juice can slow digestion in a is juice child of any age. Honey Often, parents feel they are doing their child a service by feeding honey instead of sugar. This is a mistake if large quantities of honey are given, since honey contains the same sugar found in table sugar. There is an interesting phenomenon surrounding honey. \Mien beekeepers want to calm the hive, they ution of sugar water and spray the bees. A mix a sol- solution of water and raw honey also has a calming effect on the bees. However, when pasteurized honey is dead within 20 minutes.-' used, It is all bees exposed will be found unclear whv this occurs, but it Childhood Ear Infections 180 seems for to suggest that raw honey may be a better dietary choice humans than pasteurized honey. Almost in the grocery stores A raw honey. cally for is pasteurized. good place honey you all You have to start a local food is find to look specifi- co-op or health food store. Treat honey as especially if you would any sugar and use your child is ill. sparingly, it Recognize that most doctors advise against feeding honey to children under one year. Sugar I treat this separately because sugar type of packaged food available kin and Ringsdorf has shown is added in stores. that A to nearly every study by Cheras- when sugar ingested, the is ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria can much 60 percent.-' Excessive sugar as metabolism (discussed inhibits chapter 5) because in calories but lacks the nutrients needed to by as acid fatty high is it make fall the in enzymes work properly. High intake of sugar also increases the need for magnesium and increases the amount of magnesium excreted in the urine.^^ I '" suggest you read among appears labels carefully. Any time the top five or six ingredients, don't sugar buy the product. Variety of Foods Avoid feeding the same foods every day. Food sensitivity can be induced by overconsuming a given food every day for a long period. The solution is to rotate foods. Instead of feeding oatmeal every morning for breakfast, feed oatmeal one day, wheat cereal the next, rice is If fruit the next, and so on. With infants, preferable to wheat. your child has known food allergies, don't feed those foods more than once or twice a week. them, give only small amounts. When you do feed 181 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child Cooked Food Avoid feeding raw food to your infant. Fruits need not be cooked, but vegetables and other foods should be. Raw foods are more difficult to digest. They're also more apt to contribute to allergy. Also, cold food should not be fed to a child. When food is eaten cold the body must first warm it to almost 100 degrees (F) before whose child it can be properly utilized. For an infant or system digestive immature, is this can spell trouble. Infant Formula If you should know a few things formula. Powdered formula mix is higher in you choose not about infant oxidized fats than to breastfeed, is liquid formula. As I stated in chapter 5, oxidized fats in the diet can set the stage for inflammation and immune function problems. aluminum found in in concentrations human milk. been implicated infants this may Some 30 Aluminum in brain infant formulas contain 100 times greater than that to is a toxic metalloid that has and kidney damage." -^ For healthy not be a serious problem since the blood levels of aluminum following ingestion of formula are no higher than that of breastfed infants. At this time the issue is not clear." The greatest drawback of infant formula (following the absence of immune components) proper fatty acids. Most formula omega-6 their low fatty acids. the significant lack of the is is Soy formulas too low in omega-3 and are undesirable because of carnitine content. Additionally, several days after the processing of soybeans into milk, toxic metabolites develop that can impair digestion. Cow's milk causes allergic reactions in a large percentage of children. Cow's milk and most milk-based formulas (except Enfamil) contain insufficient amounts of the amino acid taurine. Taurine deficiency has been linked to the development of inflammatory conditions, which may be one reason cow's milk consumption gives inflammation. If rise to increased rates of infection you choose to feed and your child cow's milk, use Childhood Ear Infections 182 whole milk rather than skim or low-fat milk % or 2%). Lowfat milk has a high protein-to-fat ratio which is not suitable for children. Consumption of low-fat milk by children can ( 1 cause kidney stress. Leo Galland, a respected pediatrician and nutrition researcher, recommends the use of milk-based formula over Dr. Of soy-based formula. using Similac as a first the most popular brands, he suggests choice. If your child cannot digest it, switch to Enfamil.-"* In China, mothers commonly feed their babies shifan, or rice soup, either as the child's first solid for formula. made by cooking one part brown rice to six low temperature for several hours or overnight. It is parts water at Cooking food or as a substitute for a lengthy period causes the rice to break down into a thin, milky soup not unlike breastmilk The soup well-tolerated by most children and helps to pre- is in consistency. pare the child's immature digestive tract for digestion of solid foods. As the child ages she can be given soup which has been thickened by adding less water. Eventually, cooked vegetables such as carrots can be added to the soup.-'' Essential Fatty Acids As I mentioned fatty acids in 100 years. in chapter 5, the amount of important omega-3 our diet has declined by 80 percent over the past Omega-6 fatty acid consumption has remained rela- tively constant during this time, but because of other factors these fatty acids are not properly converted into prostaglan- good prevention program consists of adding amount of omega-3 oils to your child's diet each day dins. Therefore, a a small (esp>ecially if he has a history of allergies, skin problems, or infections). The oil (not best vegetable source of commercial linseed oil). I omega-3 fatty acids is flax recommend Spectrum Natural. (See resources.) It made by the oil can be given 1 teaspoon twice a day. Another option is to give fish oil, which is high in EPA. 183 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child comes Rather than attempting Most fish oil to get your child to swallow a capsule (which is dangerous for five). I suggest you break the capsule open in large capsules. any child under and mix it EPA will in juice. taste fishy, so many children. Cod liver oil is another good it may be objection- able to acids. is It is of oil A also high in vitamin you give too much cod that if and D A source of omega-3 fatty and D. The main problem liver oil for too long, the levels can become toxic. Giving every three or four days As discussed in is teaspoon of cod liver 1 a safe level for proper conversion of fatty acids is most children. enzyme necessary chapter 5, the for inactive in infants and frequently blocked in older children. So it may be is helpful to give periodic doses of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Evening primrose best source of oil is the GLA. Borage oil is another good source. One perle can be given ever\ other day in a pre- vention program. It is best to open the perle and give the oil tr> to swallow it. Any for- rather than having your small child mula-fed baby may need to be given GLA if he has health problems. Never use the essential fatty acids l'\c discussed for cooking. They break down quickly when exposed to heat. They also break down when exposed to air. They should be stored in a brown bottle and refrigerated always. WTien taken out of the refrigerator, the amount needed should be taken and the cover quickly replaced. Some suggest breaking open a capsule of vitamin E and placing the contents into your bonle of oil for better storage. Always give additional vitamin E (25 I.U./day) when you feed your child essential fatty acids. Trans Fatty Acids Avoid feeding your child any of the non-essential fatty acids or foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. Foods to be avoided include: Childhood Ear Infections 184 • Cookies, pastries, doughnuts. • Candy • Some bars. crackers. • French fries, potato cakes, chicken nuggets. • Deep-fried fish sandwiches. • Margarine. • Vegetable shortening. • Com chips, potato chips. • Cake frostings. • Malt balls (carob or chocolate). Read labels! If the label says "may contain the follow- ing," be suspicious. If the "following" includes the words hydrogenated tially kernel oil, , avoid the product. Cottonseed and coconut oil are also used frequently in /?^;r- palm packaged oil, foods. Avoid these as well, since they are saturated fats that may interfere with the enzyme delta-6-desaturase, needed to convert fatty acids into prostaglandins. It might seem that eliminating these foods from the diet would take some fun out of life. Indeed, the list includes many childhood favorites. However, recurrent illness is no fun either. Any substantial reduction in the non-essential fats will go a way toward improving your child's long resistance to disease. Drinking Water Do not allow your child to drink soft water. Soft water contrib- magnesium loss and may contain excess sodium and aluminum. The most desirable alternatives are distilled water and water purified using a combination of carbon filtration and utes to reverse osmosis. Tap water often contains high bacterial purposes). some The chlorine levels of chlorine (for antiin tap water is believed by to inhibit the beneficial bacteria in the intestines. In addi- Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child when tion, water, it is 1 85 chlorine combines with organic matter present in converted to chloroform — a highly toxic substance. Lead is another toxic element commonly found in tap water. Lead leaches into the water from pipe joints that have been soldered using leaded materials (which is common). Since you cannot be sure if your water contains lead without having it tested, I recommend that you let the water run for three or four minutes every morning before using it. This will purge most of the lead from the water that has been standing overnight. Anytime your water has not been used for six or eight hours (or more), the water should be purged in this way. Reduce Your Child's Intake of Canned Food The average canned food) is 200 mg/ and selenium, both of immune function and prevention daily intake of tin (from day.^° Tin is a known which play important inhibitor of zinc roles in of inflammation. In addition, canned foods contain considerable amounts of lead (used as solder), which has immune-inhibit- The amount of lead found in canned tuna, for 10,000 times the amount of lead found in fresh tuna." Complete avoidance is not practical or necessary, but I would restrict the intake of canned foods. ing effects. instance, is Avoid Soft Drinks Lm amazed at the amount of soft drinks parents The average soft drink contains 9 teaspoons of sugar. In addition, some (especially cola) contain high amounts of phosphoric acid, which binds with mag- constantly give to young children. nesium and pulls contains 36 mg magnesium. it out of the body. One 12-ounce can of cola of phosphoric acid, which displaces 36 mg of (Non-cola beverages often use ascorbic acid instead of phosphoric acid. Ascorbic acid does not have the same effect.) metabolism is The importance of magnesium described in chapter 5. in fatty acid Childhood Ear Infections 186 Intestinal Bacteria who Children teria L. are formula-fed are usually deficient in the bac- acidophilus and B. hifidus. In breastfed babies, the numbers of these bacteria ing stopped. is Any child are high, but fall off who has been on antibiotics probably needs bifidobacteria. Children duced early is once breastfeed- whom in formula was One teaspoon in life also require hifidus. intro- per day an acceptable prevention dose. Vitamins and Minerals If your child consumes a diet consisting of whole foods, the need for additional vitamins and minerals should be minimal. A multivitamin supplement is usually all that necessary is unless there are obvious signs of nutritional deficiency. Be aware that many of the popular children's vitamins are loaded with sugar. think this I is unacceptable. added sugar. Also be certain it When you and be sure children's vitamin, read the label choose a contains no it contains no soy, yeast, wheat, milk, dyes, or other additives. This is especially important in a child with allergies. What to Feed Your Child Although contains this section "wisdom" about tices that will help prevent ear infections, Chinese to whom we Acupuncturist Acupuncture tal with Dr. of pediatric in Bob Flaws wrote "earache." probably the American Journal of 1989, "While interning at the Yue Yang Hospi- Chen otitis pediatric is should look for advice on proper eating. did not see a single case much of These doctors was asked what was in the The Chinese Chinese children I media." While gathered with senior physi- problem earaches were not in the |Li-chen] in 1984, cians at the hospital. Flaws mon it dietary prac- pediatric a problem attribute the to the the most com- United States. His response was low way food is specialists in agreed that China.'' media in cooked, combined, and rate of otitis introduced into their children's diets. In contrast. Chinese doc- Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child 187 West conclude that our children are being promotes the development of illness. I have tors studying in the fed in a way that to agree! Chinese medicine has evolved through centuries of practice and observation. The dietar)' practices of the Chinese people have emerged from the same philosophical framework. As a student and practitioner of both Chinese and Western medicine I have learned that these time-honored traditions have an inherent w isdom and passes our own. In my stability that in many ways sur- opinion, following the general princi- ples of Chinese dietan,- practices can have a substantial impact on the health of children in the West. It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss the details of food preparation and combining. For more information on Chinese dietar\ practices I suggest you read Prince Wen Hui's Cook: Chinese Dietaiy Therapy by Bob Flaws. For a Western perspective on diet and nutrition that includes food lists, menus, and other valuable dietar}' recommendations. I suggest you read Superimmunity for Kids by Leo Galland. M.D.. and The Omega-3 Phenomenon by Donald O. Rudin. M.D. Minor Injuries 1 described how biomechanical problems can lead development of middle ear problems in your child. Biomechanical problems can be identified and corrected at any In chapter 5. to the time following an injur}- injur}', but are best corrected soon after the occurs and before ear problems arise. Follo\^1ng Birth Following the birth of your child him examined An is for is the optmium time to have biomechanical problems of the spine. examination for biomechanical problems of the spine essential: • If the birth has been particularly long and difficult. Childhood Ear Infections 188 • If forceps or vacuum extraction have been used to assist delivery. • If there are sensory or motor problems of the head and neck. • In cases of infantile torticollis (where the child's head appears to be fixed • Where chronic exist from in or favoring one direction). infections of the upper respiratory tract birth (including chronic stuffiness or sinus congestion). Examination of the spine • After every birth. is Even advised: the normal forces of uterine contraction can disrupt the delicate spinal biomechanics of a newborn. Following Injury Any slip or fall has the potential to cause disruption in the nor- mal function of the spinal biomechanics. Those which are more serious are obviously also the ones that have a greater likelihood of contributing to problems. disrupt the spinal mechanics and surrounding When to affect the falls can middle ear tissues. Examination • enough Even minor is essential: your child has taken a serious the stairs, on the ice, off the fall changing such as down table, or off the couch. • • If your child complains of headache or neck stiffness following a fall more than few days). If a (especially if the complaints last for your child complains of ringing ness following a fall. in the ears or dizzi- 189 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child Examination • is recommended: Whenever you sense following change a that is not quite right you notice behavior changes, in eating habits, change in If fall. in posture, something change hearing, etc., you should consider having your child examined. An examination for biomechanical problems of the spine done by a doctor of chiropractic or doctor of all 50 states.) Don't be surprised if you take your child into your family medical doctor and he declares your child to be free of any probis typically osteopathy. (Both are licensed to practice in lems following a will fall. He trained to look for pathology. He check reflexes, check for fractures, check for concussion, and for any other signs Your medical doctor the is is that would suggest serious damage. not looking for functional changes in mechanics of the spinal column. The chiropractor or osteopath, while also checking for signs of more serious injury, will examine for changes in spinal biomechanics. Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion Roughly one-half of all middle ear problems are preceded by colds, nasal congestion, or another upper respiratory problem. Thus, an important preventive measure is to treat these condi- tions quickly before they begin to involve the middle ear. Because most of these conditions are viral in origin, allopathic medicine lacks an effective therapy. This is where homeopathic medicine is When often at its best. your child develops a cold, sider the other preventive it will be helpful to con- measures described in this chapter. homeopathic care of cold, there are several remedies you will need to consider. In the Childhood Ear Infections 190 Homeopathic Single Remedies Aconite Used 24 hours of a cold in the first that is due to exposure to cold or wind. Often associated with high fever. Thirst and restlessness are usually present. that A comes on suddenly may be experience fear, anxiety, touched. The ped up. A child will often and worry. They do not want mucous membranes If there is hoarse, dry, croupy cough present. nasal discharge, are dry it is and the nose slight be to is stop- and watery. Occa- may be present. Symptoms are worse: from dry, cold winds, tobacco smoke, in a warm room, and in evening and night. Symptoms are better; in open air. sionally, nasal discharge is bloody. Earache Allium cepa Indicated when there is much sneezing associated with watery eyes and a runny nose. The nasal discharge tends to be clear, watery, and offensive. increases bum when is irritating upper to the warm room. The from the profuse tearing. However, the tate the skin the It entering a lip tears do not irri- around the eyes. Earache and shooting pains eustachian tube may occur. Allium cepa is This remedy is often used to treat the in commonly associated with hoarseness and a tickling sensation throat. and eyes frequently in the symptoms of hay fever. Symptoms Symptoms are worse: in warm room, toward are better: in a cold evening. room and open air. Antimonium tartaricum A useful remedy for associated with rattling These children and pale. There are is come on gradually and are of mucus with little expectoration. coughs that drowsy and weak. The face is cold, blue, often quivering of the chin and trembling throughout the body. Antimonium tart is used in the latter stages of respiratory problems that do not improve. These children 191 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child often require medical attention. Symptoms are worse: from warmth, lying down at night, damp cold weather, and in evening. Symptoms are better: from expectoration and sitting up. Arsenicum album There a profuse, watery nasal discharge with sore, burning is nostrils. The nose feels stopped up. The eyes, which may be bum from offensive tears. This is a useful remedy for different types of coughs. There is burning in the chest. The cough may be worse after midnight or while lying on the back. swollen, Respiration is restlessness, often accompanied by wheezing. Exhaustion, and symptoms that are aggravated at night are important signs that Arsenicum anxious and fearful. High Symptoms is fever is needed. These children are common. are worse: in a cold room, from cold or wet weather, and after cold food or drink. Symptoms are better: from heat, warm drinks, and elevat- ing the head. Belladonna This remedy usually is used comes on The in the early stages of a cold. rapidly with warning. little It is illness usually associated with hot, red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, restless sleep, and hypersensitivity of and dry with swollen onna. There is tonsils. all senses. Earache is The throat common present, but the skin is dry. There is is hot with Bella- hoarseness and dryness of the mucous branes of the nose, throat, and trachea. There is mem- usually fever commonly no thirst. The emotional symptoms are important with Belladonna. The child is almost unaware of what ness of her senses is may cause going on around her. The acute- her to be agitated and furious, which may lead to outbursts of hitting or biting. These children may have fears of imaginary things, hallucinations, and The pupils are dilated. Symptoms are worse: from touch, delirium. noise, draft, light. Childhood Ear Infections 192 odors, and lying down. Symptoms are better: by sitting semi-erect. Euphrasia Symptoms are almost the reverse of Allium cepa. The is stantly, produce tears that are highly non-irritating. The seem eyes, which charge irritating. nasal dis- to water con- There may be a mild cough. Symptoms room (although air, in the are worse: the nasal in evening, indoors, symptoms made worse are warm a in in open morning and from lying down). Ferrum phosphoricum Ferrum phosphoricum This remedy monly used ite) used both for colds and anemic children (although or after Belladonna has failed to give in the chest otitis indicated in the early stages of a cold. is in is accompanied by Symptoms Symptoms media. It is com- this is not a prerequisrelief. There is tickling a hard, croupy cough. are worse: at night and from touch. are better: with cold applications. Gelsemium There this is an remedy irritating the child is chills watery nasal discharge. The hallmark of running up and down the spine. Pervading a general sense of sluggishness, heaviness, and is muscular weakness. The cold comes on gradually. Breathing is slow and labored. Symptoms Symptoms are worse: in damp are better: in open weather. air and with motion. Hepar sulphuricum remedy for otitis media. It is used when the nasal discharge has become thick, yellowish, and offensive. These children are easily irritated and are hypersensitive to touch. The voice may be lost when exposed to dry, cold air. The cough is loose, rattling, and This is also an important in the latter stages of a cold I . Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child commonly worse in the 193 morning. This child is so sensitive to cold that a hand or foot exposed from beneath the covers causes aggravation of the cough. Symptoms are worse: from dry cold winds, cold foods, or the slightest draft. Symptoms are better: from warmth, humidity, and after eating. Kali bichromicum Kali bic is not a typical cold remedy but remedy able for sinus congestion. Pain the nose. Nasal discharge Violent sneezing Symptoms Symptoms is is is an extremely valu- is around the root of thick, ropy, and greenish-yellow. common. are worse: with cold (air are better: with and drink). warmth and pressure. Natnim muriaticum The child awakens with much sneezing. Heavy nasal dis- charge, described as having a raw egg-white appearance, present. Small eruptions or vesicles lips and comers of the mouth are form around the lips. is The and cracked. dry, ulcerated, A crack in the middle of the lower lip is sometimes seen. These children are irritable, weepy, and wish to be alone. Their symptoms may be aggravated when one attempts to console them. Symptoms heat, talking, Symptoms side, are worse: and in a from noise, consolation, lying down, warm room. are better: from cold bathing, lying on going without regular meals, and in open right air. Nux vomica This remedy ever, the Heavy is used after exposure to dry, cold weather. symptoms do not come on nasal discharge is as rapidly as fluid during the ^^'lih How- Aconite daytime, but stuffed up at night. Discharge may alternate from left to right nostril. There is hoarseness with a sensation of scraping in the throat. Childhood Ear Infections 194 Nux children are irritable, sensitive and do not like to be touched. They are sensitive to noises, odors, and light. When a cough is present, it is worse after eating or upon waking. The cough is often dry and hacking. These children are greatly sensitive to cold. Symptoms are worse: from touch, dry weather, cold, after eating, after mental work, and in the morning. after Symptoms are warm drinks. better: in the evening, while at rest, and Pulsatilla This medicine useful in acute otitis is able for colds. There is thick, media but is also valu- bland, yellowish-green dis- charge, sometimes accompanied by a dry or loose cough. There tends to be a dry cough in the evening and at night. In the morning there is a loose cough with copious expectoration of mucus. The nose is often stuffed at night. The child is weepy, easily discouraged, and melancholy. He but also thirstless. Symptoms improve markedly when he is frequently feverish, is outdoors. This child likes the head held high and often desires to sleep with more than one Symptoms after eating, are worse: pillow. from heat, lying down, exertion, toward evening, and Symptoms are better: congested. A is warm room. with motion, cold applications, cold food and drink, and in open Rhus toxicodendron The nasal discharge in a air. thick and yellow-green. The nose tickling sensation behind the breastbone is feels often accompanied by a dry. teasing cough from midnight until mornRhus tax is indicated for children who feel better when moving about. The remedy is often needed when there is itching. iness of the skin. Symptoms are worse: from cold, wet, rainy weather; during sleep, when lying on back, and at night. Symptoms are better: from warm, dry weather: motion, walking, change of position, and warm applications. 195 Preventing Ear Infections in Your Child Spongia an important remedy for coughs that are dry, barking, and croupy. The cough usually improves after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. There may be profuse nasal dis- This is charge alternating with blockage. These children are anxious and fearful. Any form They may awaken of excitement aggravates their cough. in the middle of the night with a fearful suf- focating sensation. Symptoms from wind, lying down, excite- are worse: ment, and before midnight. Whenever a cough or cold becomes severe or is associated with vomiting, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, your physician should be consulted. Down Syndrome I am uncertain of the extent to which earaches can be pre- vented in children with Down syndrome much due to the structural configuration of of the problem is or cleft palate since However, there is evidence that children with Down syndrome may have nutritional requirements that are considerably different from other children. For this reason, you may the palate. want to consult a doctor knowledgeable in nutrition. Also, homeopathic constitutional care may provide some benefit. Season summer months (although some children Earaches are less likely to occur during the than at any other time during the year experience earaches year round). Throughout the year, it will be important to follow the dietary, feeding, and nutritional guidelines for prevention of earaches. As fall approaches (especially in temperate regions), taking the preventive steps regarding indoor air quality, indoor humidity, etc., will important. become Childhood Ear Infections 196 It is This not possible to prevent the development of illness entirely. is especially true in children because they are tures of this world. Every encounter with a strange new crea- bacterium or virus must by design arouse the defenses. This frequently manifests in symptoms that appear for a short time and then disappear, the battle having been won. This process tial part of developing the type of illness that which is is immune expected. The illness recurrent or that which the strength from the sick child. is an essen- recognition system. This we hope to prevent is lingers, gradually taking Chapter 8 Alternative Treatment: Some "There is Solutions no longer any doubt about the value of incor- porating traditional medicine into modern health care."' Olayiwola Akerele, World Health Organization Childhood as it is who and a otitis media is often as frustrating for doctors to treat for parents to endure. There are those within medicine are confident that the current state of treatment safe. is effective Moreover, the public generally believes that there consensus among application of these methods. in chapters is doctors regarding the safety, efficacy, and A look at the evidence presented 2 and 3 suggests, however, that there are voices of dissension regarding the treatment of otitis many media. Recall the following remarks by respected investigators in the fields of pediatrics and otolaryngology: "The treatment of recurrent otitis media remains an unresolved problem."^ "There is no consensus of opinion regarding treatment of secretory otitis effective medical media. "^ "... secretory otitis media is a self-limiting disease, which not affected by any of the current methods of treatment."'* "Otitis media with effusion . . . appears to be more since the widespread use of antibiotics."^ 197 is common Childhood Ear Infections 198 What do ment of these statements imply about the current state of treat- room is media? At otitis the very least, they suggest that there improvement for might arguably fill. — which a niche cause us to consider fundamental changes agement of otitis the problem. It It may indeed holistic media. may be may be It man- in the clinical time to step back and reassess time to embrace the holistic viewpoint. be time to take a serious look at the holistic may already in place and determine what role they effective methods At best, comments such as these should management of a problem models play in the urgent need of solutions. in most common and most methods used in the holistic management of otitis media. Based on anecdotal evidence and clinical case studies, the methods described below have been shown to have signifiIn this chapter are presented the effective cant value in the care of otitis sufficient scientific research my hope media. Admittedly, there on these methods is at present. into alternatives is It is upon that this chapter will serve as the foundation which further investigation not based. Using This Chapter This section is want access to a resource for the care of otitis media. intended primarily for health practitioners this section is written for clinicians, there is a mation useful to parents. Without a ever, it may be difficult to make Anyone using this wealth of infor- background, how- practical use of the information. In providing this information, • clinical who While I assume that: information has formal training in the health sciences. • Anyone attempting manage media conduct an otoscopic examination (and a complete physical exam) on each child before engaging in any form of treatment. And that implications examination. to otitis such persons be aware of the diagnostic of the various findings on otoscopic Alternative Treatment: Some 199 Solutions • Anyone using this information has training more of the specialties described below. • Anyone managing otitis media be potential for complications fully in one or aware of the and the signs and symptoms associated with those complications. Alternative IVeatment Methods Described The methods of management described below have been established based on clinical observation. They have been compiled from a variety of sources. To my knowledge, they have not been subjected to double-blind, placebo-controlled study in otitis media. Descriptions of each form of therapy are provided to show media and know more about the detailed approaches used to treat otitis to serve as a background for those wishing specific diagnosis Information in this chapter purposes only. treatment and to and treatment. It is is presented for educational not to be construed as recommendation for not intended to replace the clinical judgment is of the physician. No claims of the ability to cure otitis media made. Moreover, the information contained in this chapter should not be viewed as all-inclusive. Although I have attempted to provide a wide survey of the alternative methods used to are manage otitis media, there may be others I have omitted. The benefit of the methods described below is that they can be used to successfully typically media. treat constitutional weaknesses predispose children to the development of that otitis A profound example of recovery using holistic methods was reported me by Martha Benedict. She describes the case of a two-year-old boy with recurrent otitis media. The boy had been on repeated antibiotics for some time. His infections had persisted for so long that the eardrum had almost comto pletely dissolved. A Dr. look into the ear canal revealed virtually no eardrum. The ear ossicles were directly visible. The child's otolaryngologist began talk of surgically implanting a prosthetic eardrum. Childhood Ear Infections 200 Dr. Benedict began her treatment, which consisted of management. She described the and white flour. After several earaches began to subside. What's botanical medicine and dietary child's diet as full of sugar months of treatment, the most remarkable about this case is was almost completely observed that Dr. Benedict a gradual regeneration of the eardrum. Over time, the restored by natural means. I eardrum share this story not to imply that eardrums can be regenerated by diet and herbs, but to illustrate the remarkable healing ability of the body once constitutional weaknesses are overcome. Listed below are six forms of alternative treatment currently used to manage otitis media. The philosophical and scientific basis behind each method of treatment is thoroughly described elsewhere and will not be presented here. The six methods are: • Allergy • Management. Homeopathic Medicine. • Manipulation. • Acupuncture. • Botanical Medicine. • Clinical Nutrition. Allergy The Management clinical in sufficient one. It management of allergy is complex. To address it depth would require another book the size of this would, therefore, be presumptuous of detailed discussion of clinical allergy sen instead to stitutional comment on weaknesses me to attempt a management. I have cho- the importance of addressing con- in the child allergy tests currently available. and outline the forms of Alternative Treatment: The Constitutional Some 201 Solutions Approach Constitution refers to the child's (or any person's) general level of health. It takes into consideration his lifestyle, environmen- tal influences, history of past illness, heredity, and even paren- tal history of illness. Constitutional treatment the the ing. is directed toward management of these areas and toward restoring vigor to body systems that are weak, damaged, or poorly functionConstitutional treatment acute care. The use of is, therefore, not considered constitutional treatment can take place alongside acute care. Constitutional care also might be viewed as any effort to correct underlying metabolic problems. In this section, briefly address I will some underlying metabolic considerations in approaching the management of both airborne allergy (or hypersensitivity) and food allergy (or hypersensitivity). This is not intended to be a practical discussion, but more of a survey. Indoor Air Pollution and Hypersensitivity Vapors from chemicals such as benzene, toluene, and formal- dehyde are found with increasing regularity in the air inside our homes. These compounds can cause mucous membrane inflammation in the eyes, ears, nose, throat, and lungs of most individuals exposed. In individuals sensitive to these com- pounds, severe hypersensitivity or allergic reactions can occur with exposure to only tiny amounts of such vapors. This includes adverse reactions of the immune system. To deal with these compounds, the body has several separate defensive systems in place. One is the mixed function oxidase system (MFO), and another is the antioxidant defense system. When exposed to airborne pollutants, these systems go to work converting the chemicals into usually harmless substances that can be eliminated from the body. are converted into substances inhaled. Many compounds more Some chemicals toxic than those originally act as free radicals (discussed in — 202 Childhood Ear Infections chapter 5). The demands placed on the defensive system are considerable, but not overwhelming. When exposure to such substances occurs over time which happens lution — in cases of urban air pollution or indoor air pol- its overwhelmed and the antibody must do is shift, or shunt, those areas of the body that are receiv- the defensive systems are What oxidants are depleted. defensive platoons to the ing the greatest exposure. In our example, this By since the substances are breathed. the body, lungs, areas. in essence, reduces its is that we are being exposed stances through the food and water. This in other is to similar sub- especially true diets are high in oxidized fats, or trans fatty acids. diets are deficient in the make defenses ^ The problem when the lungs is shifting defenses to the raw materials — nutrients the defensive systems work, the exposure — needed damaging to effects of to toxic substances are amplified. What this means is that number of children sensitive in their When there may be an ever-increasing wide variety of substances to a environment. Continued low-level exposure to toxic substances coupled with inadequate dietary intake of the vita- mins and minerals needed to metabolize these substances may lead to increased reactivity to the environment (food, pollens, chemicals, etc.), greater to infection, immune compromise, and susceptibility to susceptibility inflammation. Food Allergy Many doctors argue that the incidence of food allergy rapidly. Some contend rising due to the increasing use in nutrients. Others contend that that the rise of refined foods that are low is is the overuse of antibiotics triggers serious imbalance in the intestinal ecology, resulting in inflammation and susceptibility to parasitic invasion. Yet others believe that toxic substances in the environment disrupt the metabolic machinery required metabolize dietary macro and micronutrients. that the interplay of these It is my to opinion and other factors probably contribute Alternative Treatment: Some 203 Solutions to the increasing incidence of food allergy in contemporary society. How We know might this occur? Ours is an overconsumptive society. overconsumption can lead that of food intolerance. This can occur in large development to the when foods consumed are When overconsump- amounts or with high frequency. tion of refined foods occurs, a situation of high caloric intake coupled with low nutrient density exists. The result is insuffi- The body cient nutrients to metabolize the ingested calories. must then rely on its reserves of these nutrients to drive the enzymes needed to metabolize such foods. Obviously, this cannot continue for long or the body's nutrient reserves will be depleted — especially in the case of water-soluble nutrients. Added Whether our to this the antibiotics are or through the food metabolism can be tion, is overconsumption of consumed supply, the for therapeutic reasons effects In this is on digestion and significant. Inflammation, parasitic infesta- and food allergy have been linked Antibiotic use antibiotics. to antibiotic overuse. linked to the so-called "leaky gut syndrome." syndrome, the intestinal lining has become and por- thin ous due to inflammation. The increased porosity of the gut leads to an increased uptake of incompletely digested proteins (or IBPs, discussed in chapter 5). The IBPs are absorbed intact and reacted upon by circulating lymphocytes in the blood. Thus, an allergic response to foods can occur from antibiotic overuse. Until the intestinal integrity restored, reactivity to is foods continues. How issue that does one restore intestinal integrity? This is not fully understood. We do know such as vitamin A. beta-carotene, zinc, and essential intestinal is a complex that nutrients folic acid, vitamin E, fatty acids are all vital to the rebuilding mucosa. Unfortunately, when tion exists, there is intestinal of the inflamma- often reduced absorption of nutrients. Feed- ing a diet already low in nutrients will not encourage intestinal healing or reduction of food allergies. Therefore, some form of nutritional supplementation and dietary change is needed. 204 Childhood Ear Infections Then colon there is the problem of intestinal bacteria. When the overrun with coliform bacteria or parasites such as is Candida albicans or Giardia Iambi ia, these organisms must be dealt with before any restoration of intestinal integrity can occur. This usually involves anti-parasitic agents, nutrients. and reinoculation of the bowel with Lactobacilli. Food allergy occurs with frequency great when intestinal lactobacillus levels are low. Heavy metals, such as lead factor that may ute to the development of food found in the and mercury, are yet another metabolism and contrib- interfere with proper Lead allergy. is commonly food, water, and air in the United States. Lead binds strongly with enzymes throughout the body. When lead binds with digestive enzymes, the enzymes become inactienzymes cannot carry out their task of breaking down food properly. The result is impaired digestion, impaired absorption, and development of food allergy. Lead has also been shown to have an adverse effect upon immune vated. In this state, the function. When dietary fiber through the digestive tially intake tract is is low, slowed. the transit of food When this occurs, par- digested food resides in the intestine for than normal. This creates an environment in much which longer intestinal bacteria can begin to putrefy the contents of the intestine. this occurs, the ronment pH of the gut changes, which results that often favors the in As an envi- growth of pathogenic bacteria at the expense of Lactobacilli and other beneficial organisms. One consequence is the development of food intolerance. The above discussion only touches on the complexity of what must be considered in the management of allergy. The management of airborne allergy often requires changes in the child's immediate environment offending agents. This is must be carefully evaluated. the severity of airborne to reduce exposure to the a beginning. Nutritional status also I've observed a direct link allergy between and the presence of food Alternative Treatment: allergy. When Some 205 Solutions food allergy properly managed, problems is with airborne allergy frequently improve. The management of food allergy (or hypersensitivity) begins with the identification of offenders. approach is taken, it is No matter which always helpful to reduce the intake of offending foods for a time. At the very least, foods should be rotated. This is especially true in pan-sensitive individuals who react adversely to nearly everything they eat. Often, simply removing cow's milk from the diet is reduce the occurrence of media. otitis enough to significantly In food-allergic individuals, the intestinal function must be evaluated. This involves understanding bowel transit times, enzyme activity, and much more. The diet must possible parasitic infection, nutritional status, stool composition, absorption, be carefully evaluated to detect any significant imbalances in macronutrient or micronutrient intake. Methods of Allergy Testing^ The methods described below are currently used to identify allergy to various substances. Skin Testing (scratch reactions. The skin is test): Used to identify of antigen-containing solution. The skin the IgE-mediated pricked with a "scarifier" through a drop is then observed for development of characteristic reactions that include vary- ing degrees of swelling and redness. Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST): IgE-RAST detects antigen-specific IgE, type I immediate hypersensitivity. IgG RAST detects delayed sensitivity reactions. Intradermal Cutaneous Test: Used to identify immediate hypersensitivity reactions. The antigen is injected into the superficial layers of skin. tic reactions. The skin is observed for characteris- 206 Childhood Ear Infections Food Immune Complex Assay (FICA): Used immediate and delayed to identify both reactivity. Elimination-Provocation: Used food allergy and to identify hypersensitivity, i.e., food intolerance. (Allergy and hypersensitivity cannot be differentiated using this test.) Performed by putting the patient on an oligo-antigenic diet for one week, then challenging, one at a time, with suspected food antigens. simplified version of this test can be done at A home. Sublingual Provocation: Detects hypersensitivity reaction. Suspected foods are placed under the tongue, then the deltoid or other major muscle group response measured is Weakening of the tested for strength. is manually or with Muscle instrumentation. muscle upon challenge with a food indicates sensitivity to the test item. Of most ity the above tests, elimination-provocation (EP) reliable since (although that it: 1) it it identifies both allergy does not differentiate). takes days to weeks to Its is the and hypersensitiv- chief drawbacks are complete, 2) requires patient motivation and compliance, potentially limiting the number of foods that can be tested, 3) does not give a clear indication of the degree of reactivity, and 4) to additives no is and chemicals found difficult to test for reactivity food (although, thus in tests are particularly successful at this). In spite drawbacks, EP is one of the most acceptable, far, of these reliable, and cost-effective assessment tools available for identifying food intolerance. It is advisable to use some form of EP in conjunc- tion with laboratory tests. Homeopathic Medicine There are two basic considerations agement of otitis media. First, in the acute otitis homeopathic man- media is managed using remedies that are selected based on their similarity to the Some Alternative Treatment: 207 Solutions some of acute syndrome. (See chapter 6.) While may be ful in these remedies useful in chronic otitis media, they are specifically use- acute media. Second, chronic otitis otitis media is believed to arise out of a fundamental weakness in the child's constitution or out of suppressive therapeutic intervention. In these cases, the homeopathic remedy sive evaluation of the complete selected after an exten- is symptom picture of the child. During the course of constitutional care, an acute flare-up of media may occur. The doctor may then choose to treat the acute episode with an "acute" remedy and resume constitutional care once the episode has subsided. Stephen Messer, N.D., has extensive experience in the homeopathic management of otitis media. At a 1986 conference on homeopathic medicine, he presented a lecture entitled "Homeopathy and Otitis in Children." In his address. Dr. Messer otitis described in detail the process of decision-making that goes into selecting the appropriate remedy. * tic The following diagnos- categories form a basis for Messer's approach.^ Media Without membrane with normal Otitis Effusion: Redness of the tympanic mobility. There is no fluid. Acute Otitis Media: Same signs as above. In addition, there is suppuration in the middle ear, and decreased mobility of the tympanic membrane. Otitis Media With the tympanic is limited. Chronic Effusion: Serous fluid or pus membrane. Mobility of There Otitis is the tympanic behind membrane often an absence of other symptoms. Media: Chronic discharge of from the middle lies fluid, often pus, ear. *An audio tape of this lecture is Educational Services. See resources. available through Homeopathic 208 Childhood Ear Infections You diagnose acute otitis media in a child. :• 1986 Stephen A. Messer, NO. Figure 15 Acute In otitis Otitis Media media without effusion and acute otitis media, remedy selection is rather straightforward (al- the process of though it still requires an evaluation of the child's general symptom pattern). First, a diagnosis of the child's condition is made based on otoscopic findings. Once the diagnosis is made, you refer to the appropriate flow chart (figures 15, 16, and 17). For example, if you diagnose otitis media without effusion, the first question you ask is, is there a fever of more than 103 degrees? If the answer is "yes", you go to the next ** level of questioning. In this case, is the face bright red? If the Alternative Treatment: c^- Some Solutions 209 Childhood Ear Infections 210 3. Pulsatilla, Hepar Sulphuris, Sulphuf, Lycopodium, or 4. Nataim muriaticum. CartxD vegetabilis, Capsicum, Tellurium, Calcarea sulphurica, or Hydrastis. ^ 1986 Stephen A. Messer. N.D. Figure 17 Chronic or Recurrent answer is "no", the remedy you determine if the child Otitis Media answer "yes", is Pulsatilla. If the is agitated and restless. Using this is progression of logic, the correct remedy can be selected. The same type of process is used in acute otitis diagrams are especially useful in media. These flow small children, since small communicate specifics about media with effusion and chronic children can rarely In otitis their pain. otitis media, Messer has observed that there is a hierarchy of remedies that must be considered. Remedies listed at the top of the hierarchy are those more commonly used in chronic otitis media. Those no less important. media requires constitutional care, the hierarchy should be considered as a guide. The doctor must then research the materia medica for the remedies that fit the at the bottom are Since chronic less frequently used, but otitis individual child. Otitis media with effusion and chronic otitis media often occur as a result of repeated doses of antibiotics or because of 1 Some Alternative Treatment: Solutions 21 an underlying constitutional weakness. In either case, remedies are required that are suppressed chronic immune otitis deep acting and can a response in a stir system. Occasionally, a child treated for media may get worse for a period before improv- ing. This is because: 1) chronic otitis media often occurs with only minimal symptomatology, thus any change tends to appear as an aggravation, and 2) a deep- acting remedy frequently arouses the body defenses sufficiently to begin acting against an ongoing infection. This type of response is not cause for alarm, but should be monitored closely. Communication with the parents of such a child is important. The remedies described below are those most frequently used in chronic otitis media or otitis media with effusion. Recognize that remedy selection is not-clear cut in these children. When ear discharge occurs, the type of discharge tant indicator in chronic otitis are remedy is an impor- However, children with frequently asymptomatic, so ear signs and selection. symptoms may be of limited value. In addition, silent forms otitis media such as these may harbor complications. It is of necessary to be alert for signs of meningitis, mastoiditis, and other potential problems. Anytime complications are threatening or present, a specialist should be consulted. Dosage and Potencies A method of prescribing known as Kent's Scale of Ascending Potencies is a useful means of regulating the dosage of homeopathic remedies. '° In acute is otitis media, the chosen remedy given once every hour to four hours depending upon the sev- erity of the child's condition. The remedy progress stalls. At this point, the initial is remedy continued until is discontinued and replaced by the same remedy at the next higher potency. Thus, if Pulsatilla 12x worked initially, but symptoms reappeared after 36 to 48 hours. Pulsatilla 30x would be given next. Obviously, if there is no improvement dition within this period, the in the child's wrong remedy was chosen. situation, a reevaluation of the case is required. con- In this Childhood Ear Infections 212 Constitutional care often requires the prescription ot higher potencies (200x to IM)* since they are deeper-acting. These dosages are given infrequently. Often, the prescriber gives one dose of the high-potency remedy, and observes progress for the next three to eight Remedies Used in Chronic weeks before prescribing again. Otitis Media and Media Otitis with Effusion The following remedies reference. This media. Also, is are listed in alphabetical order for easy not an order of their frequency of use in this is an abbreviated materia medico. otitis may be It necessary to consult a complete materia medica. For remedies used in acute otitis media and media without effusion, otitis refer to chapter 6. important to note that a child need not display It is symptoms of all the a medicine in order for that medicine to be effective. Baryta carbonica In the tonsils are almost always swollen. this child, When colds occur, which they do frequently, they usually begin as a sore Cold throat. otorrhea occurs, ter it affects air is his tonsils often bloody. This child than other children his age and He dwarfish. is in learning to slow to develop and walk and talk, in is is When adversely. is physically shor- often described as usually behind his peers gaining weight, and in most other areas." If he tries to exert himself, he becomes very tired and weak posture, to the point of feeling exhausted. This child has commonly distended abdomen. He tends to salivate heavily. Emotionally, the Baryta carh child He does left poor a lumbar lordosis, coupled with a hard, is touchy and not like to be interfered with. There is irritable. a fear of being alone, going out of doors, or being around strangers. *Only an experienced homeopath should consider prescribing potencies in this range. Alternative Treatment: Excessive shyness Some is 213 Solutions a characteristic of the Baryta carb child. Nightmares are common. Mentally, this child is inattentive, forgetful, and has a He may play with an object for one moment, then drop it and move on to something else. If he learns a new task or verse, he may forget it within a few hours or by the next day. He is often not sure he is doing the right short attention span. thing. This one of the grand remedies for use is Down syndrome (although its use is in children with by no means restricted to such children). Symptoms are worse: from washing, bathing, and lying down. Symptoms from open are better: air. Calcarea carbonica Calcarea is is commonly used as a constitutional medicine. There a tendency toward collections of fluid in various parts of the body including the middle ear. There is a thick, muco-purulent discharge from the middle ear, enlarged lymph nodes, and swollen tonsils. Recurrent infections and excessive production of mucus in the respiratory tract are important physical signs. The Calcarea child is thirsty and prefers cold drinks. He craves indigestible things to eat such as chalk, pencils, or He also craves salt, eggs, agrees with him. There is raw potatoes, and sweets. Milk dirt. dis- usually a definite dislike of hot food, with a craving for cold things like ice cream. Physically, the child in need of Calcarea fair-skinned, and weak, easily tired, lethargic. He and content is is soft, often overweight. to just sit plump, He is around doing nothing. The Calcarea child is sluggish in movement and does poorly at games. The slightest exertion causes him to sweat. He may have head sweats during sleep. Mentally, this child is slow and may have difficulty in school. He often lacks the motivation to persevere in mental tasks. Fearfulness and apprehension are common Calcarea traits. After Baryta carb, this is the most 214 Childhood Ear Infections remedy for children with Down syndrome (although its use is by no means restricted to such children). While the above signs accurately describe the Calcarea commonly indicated child, recognize that this medicine is used commonly for vari- ous complaints of infancy. Symptoms tal are worse: from cold, damp weather, and men- or physical exertion. Symptoms are better: from dry weather, lying down on the painful side, and warmth. Calcarea sulphuricum The Calcarea sulph mucus discharges child typically displays and lumpy. There is often a discharge of yellow matter from the eyes. Otorrhea is thick, that are yellow, thick, muco-puru- and bloody. Pimples and pustules on the face are not lent, uncommon. The soles of the feet marked emotional signs bum that indicate and itch. There are no Calcarea sulph. Capsicum This remedy is useful when mastoid process and there the inflammation has spread to the is chronic suppuration of the tym- panic membrane, accompanied by bursting headache and chilliness. There are burning and stinging pains extend to the throat. There ears. This remedy is is in the ear, which great swelling and pain behind also useful in the perforation of the brane with purulent discharge. The ear is mem- tender to touch.'- When coughing occurs, painful symptoms are often experi- enced in distant parts There is much thirst, of the body such as the legs or ears. but drinking causes this child to shiver. This remedy suits plethoric, sluggish, cold, and weak children with diminished vital heat. Symptoms are worse: Symptoms are better: while eating and from uncovering, drafts, and open air. from heat. Alternative Treatment: Carbo Some 215 Solutions vegetabilis The typical Carbo child is sluggish, overweight, and lazy. He seems to have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness. The body is almost bluish and is icy-cold. The face is pale. Emotionally he fears the dark. Nosebleeds are common. Any overindulgence causes headaches. The ences contractive pain in the child experi- abdomen. Eructations, heaviness, and fullness are characteristic digestive signs. Digestion is slow. The child is averse to milk, meat, and fat. He is distressed by the simplest foods. This remedy dren with intestinal colic. The is sometimes used for abdomen is chil- often greatly dis- A dry cough with hoarseness that worsens in the evening accompanies wheezing with rattling of mucus in the chest. This child is cold from the knees down to the feet. The skin tended. is a cold blue, but perspiration is hot. Symptoms are worse: from cold, fat food, butter, warm damp weather, open air, and in evening. Symptoms are better: from eructation and fanning. milk, Hepar sulphuricum Hepar sulph is generally not used in the early stages of an earache. It is used when symptoms have progressed and pus has formed in the middle charge that is at first ear. There watery, then is frequently a nasal dis- becomes thick, yellow, and offensive. There is intense throbbing pain in the ear, accompanied by diminished hearing. These children are irritable and sensitive. Like the and easily Chamomilla child, the Hepar child is cross angered. They can be provoked to a tantrum with little effort. A hallmark of the Hepar child is oversensitivity and pain. The cold sensitivity may be so great even a hand or foot exposed from beneath the covers to touch, cold, that symptoms. worse: from dry cold winds, cold foods, results in aggravation of Symptoms are touch, pressure, night, exertion, or the slightest draft. Childhood Ear Infections 216 Symptoms are better: from warmth, extra clothing or covers, humidity, hot applications, and after eating. Hydrastis mucous memremedy is characterized by secretions that are yellowish, and ropy regardless of which area of the body Hydrastis has an especially strong action on the branes. This thick, is involved. There is roaring in the ears, hearing loss, and a chronic muco-purulent discharge. Eustachian catarrh mon. There is mucus a thick com- secretion that runs from the nasopharynx down the back of the secretion is Meanwhile, a watery is weak, from constipation. There may throat. discharged through the nares. This child is has poor digestion, and suffers be a dry, harsh cough that progresses to bronchial catarrh in later stages. Kali bichwmicum Children in need of this remedy typically have a tough, stringy, mucous membranes. What distin- viscous discharge from the guishes the discharge of Kali bic Whether the discharge is is its from the nose. sticky, gluey quality. ears, or lungs, it has this distinctive quality. Another characteristic of this remedy quickly. The pain may be in is pains that migrate one area, then move to another. At another point the pain may be gone. This child is usually in the morning. From 2 A.M. to 3 A.M., most symptoms are aggravated. He is better from heat, but hot weather makes him worse. Kali bic should never be used when worse there is fever. Symptoms are worse: from hot weather, undressing, from 2 A.M. to 3 A.M., and in the morning. Symptoms are better: from warmth. cold, Lycopodium A characteristic of this on the right side. remedy is There may be symptoms a that are humming and on or begin roaring sensa- Alternative Treatment: Some 217 Solutions tion in the ear with diminished hearing. sive discharge is common. The nose A thick, is yellow, offen- stopped up. There is often a viscous and offensive perspiration, especially on the feet and axillae. Lycopodium is especially indicated in the child with digestive complaints such as gas and bloating. Digestion is poor and The child is Symptoms Eating the tiniest amount causes fullness. irregular. thin and weak. He often has cold hands and feet. between 4 to 8 P.M. or from 4 P.M. are aggravated to midnight. ThQ Lycopodium child is fearful, apprehensive, to be alone. Sometimes the child wants to to have someone nearby or room. He new taking on sick. Fright, anger, or ness. This is a in the next He can be things. that is averse to headstrong and scornful embarrassment may remedy and afraid be alone, but needs may be used likely bring at when on ill- any stage of an earache. Symptoms or a 4 PM. to 8 from lying on the right are worse: warm room, hot air, side, heat cold food or drink, eating, and from PM. Symptoms are better: uncovered, cool or open from warm food and drink, being air, motion, and after midnight. Mercurius Mercurius is indicated when there is pus formation and is often used in more chronic cases of otitis media. The nasal discharge is yellow-green and offensive (as are these children). There is all body secretions in profuse, offensive perspiration. nodes are chronically swollen. Tonsils are swollen and covered with pockets of pus and open sores. The swollen, and bleed easily. There is almost constantly moist. If the skin curius is gums are soft, The skin is great thirst. is consistently dry, Mer- not the remedy. Increased salivation, bad breath, and puffiness of the tongue are general Mercurius The Lymph may be child in need of Mercurius human "thermometer" because cold, and nearly all she is is symptoms. often described as a acutely sensitive to heat, environmental influences. The Mercurius 8 Childhood Ear Infections 21 is weak and may tire at the slightest exertion. There is sometimes muscular trembling. This child seems to display a child She loss of will-power. is agitated, hurried, impulsive, and has difficulty concentrating. Symptoms from damp, cold, rainy weather, open air, lying on the right are worse: heat, sweating, motion, exertion, and side, at night, Symptoms in a warm bed or warm room. are better: in moderate temperatures. Natnim muriaticum Natrum mur is indicated when there is great weakness and weariness. The mental signs are perhaps the most useful in this child because emotional events are often what precipitates illness in him. This is the child who becomes ill when there is fighting between parents, a public scolding, or loss of a family member or anyone close to him. If he is brought to anger, he may become ill because he is easily angered, but does not freely express his feelings. The Natrum mur child is irritable and is infuriated by seemingly trivial things. in public, but may cry alone. be met with anger. He is Any He rarely cries may attempts to console him oversensitive to stimulus and easily startled. The child awakens with much sneezing. Heavy nasal dis- charge, described as having a raw egg-white appearance, present. Small eruptions or vesicles lips and comers of the mouth are A crack in the middle of the lower Symptoms down, Symptoms side, are heat, talking, in a are better: lip is The lips. and cracked. sometimes seen. from noise, consolation, lying worse: and form around the dry, ulcerated, is warm room. from cold bathing, lying on going without regular meals, and in open right air. Psorinum The child in need of Psorinum He wants in his is extremely sensitive to cold. head kept warm and wants warm clothing even summer. The child catches cold easily. Weakness persists | , Alternative Treatment: Some 219 Solutions long after recovery. All body secretions have an offensive smell. Emotionally, this child melancholy with feelings of is hopelessness and despair. There are frequently red, raw, oozing scabs around the ears that release an offensive discharge. This accompanied by intense itching. The face also may contain skin eruptions. There is chronic, offensive otorrhea of a brow- is nish color. There is great swelling of the tonsils with painful swallowing. The Psorinum in the child always hungry and desires to eat is He middle of the night. returns irregularly every year. problems with the skin. There keeps him awake at the bends of experiences hay fever, which The hallmark of this child is intolerable itching that often is Eruptions occur on the scalp and at night. joints. Exertion causes urticaria. Symptoms from changes of weather, cold, and are worse: the slightest draft. Symptoms are better: from heat, warm clothing, and in summer. Pulsatilla commonly Pulsatilla is not indicated in chronic otitis media. However, when the constitutional picture is that of Pulsatilla the healing response can be dramatic even in chronic otitis media. Pulsatilla The is suitable for almost all types of ear pain. who needs Pulsatilla is gentle, weepy, sensitive, and be held. He desires attention and is easily consoled child loves to by a sympathetic response. The Pulsatilla child is sometimes moody because he can be happy one moment and profoundly sad the next. He often feels sorry for himself and described as laments his plight during The cheeks air. There is The eardrum are pale. illness. He feels better is in open, fresh a thick, bland, yellowish-green nasal discharge. is swollen and red, with ing, the discharge is usually thick ear when fluid. If the the is drain- and yellowish-green. The swollen, red, and hot, and there The pain often goes through ear is deep itching in it. whole side of the face. There 220 Childhood Ear Infections may be a stopped sensation in the ear. can be present. quently follow A dry or loose cough Symptoms often come on gradually and frea cold. The child may be feverish, but show a surprising absence of thirst. Symptoms after eating, are worse: from heat, lying down, exertion, toward evening, and Symptoms are better: warm room. in a with motion, cold applications, cold food and drink, and in open air. Silica According quently indicated He media. C.A., to Randall Neustaedter, remedy constitutional reports that, of 21 Silica is for most the chronic fre- otitis cases of chronic or recurrent media, 43 percent responded favorably to treatment with otitis Silica.^^ The child in need of Silica charge from the indicated when ear. He is likely to experience dis- a cold or bronchial condition or slow to respond. Symptoms ing in the ears, and the child child is and anxious. sensitive Silica is often long-standing are severe. There is often roar- is sensitive to noise. cold, chilly, and wants plenty of is is warm The clothing. hates drafts, and his hands and feet are icy cold. There sive sweat on the hands, feet, and most often required when there is Silica is He offen- remedy pain behind the ear on the axillae. Silica is the mastoid process. (See also Hepar sulph) Repair of the tym- membrane can more panic often be achieved with Silica than with any other remedy.'^ Emotionally ious. He tinate. is The this child is yielding, faint-hearted, and anx- nervous, excitable, and sensitive, but can be obsSilica child tends to be weak and is easily exhausted. Symptoms are worse: from cold, open air, winter, damp weather, cold food or drink, lying on the painful side, eating, and in morning. Symptoms are better: from warmth. Alternative Treatment: Some 221 Solutions Sulphur Sulphur especially indicated is tory of antibiotic use. the bodily defenses It when there is an extensive his- has an exceptional ability to arouse when they have been suppressed due to The mucous membranes are characteristically hot, dry, and red. The mouth and lips may bum. There may be redness around the anus with itching. Most long-standing illness or drugs. Sulphur children have constipation, although they may some- times awaken with diarrhea. The Sulphur child urinates copi- ous amounts of colorless urine. There is frequent urination with eneuresis. Burning of the hands, soles of the feet, and top of the head Breathing when dry, the bathing nearly sometimes window scaly, become common. is is is and the child The infected. feels better open or when out of doors. The skin and unhealthy. Every injury tends irritates the all difficult, skin itches and to is open and bums. Scratching or skin immensely, but bathing aggravates symptoms. All body discharges are offensive, espe- cially perspiration. The Sulphur child is He is A.M. and must have something although milk causes digestive upset. faint around 11 much liquid, very weak and quite thirsty and drinks to eat. The Sul- phur child has a well-developed appetite with very definite taste preferences. Yet, he becomes sluggish and tired after meals. Cold weather and fresh air invigorate the Sulphur child. is self-centered and demanding. He is overconcemed with possessions and may take great pride in his toys, which he often hoards. Symptoms are worse: from bathing, washing, cold air, warmth, standing, scratching, at 11 A.M. and on the left side. Symptoms are better: from dry, warm weather; lying on right side, open air, and warm drinks. Emotionally, the child often , Childhood Ear Infections 222 Tellurium Tellurium is common remedy not a the constitutional picture matches, is eczema behind the ear outward. Otorrhea "fish-pickle." media, but when can be invaluable. There and middle ear catarrh that may drain acrid, often described as smelling like is watery, but frequently excoriating (tending It is to abrade the surrounding skin). ling, in otitis it and throbbing in the There ear canal. is intense itching, swel- The child in need of Tel- lurium has a very sensitive back. Pain usually runs from the seventh cervical vertebra to the may be be bothersome. There This remedy may is These children the friction of clothing sacral and may sciatic pains. characterized by circular patches (like is accompanied by itching. Emotionally neglectful and forgetful. The action of this remedy ringworm) on the the child fifth thoracic. Even are very sensitive to touch. skin, take long to develop. Symptoms are worse: from coughing, laughing, touch, lying on the painful side, while at rest at night, and in cold weather. Symptoms are better: The coryza, lachrymation, and hoarseness are better in open air. Manipulation When otitis media due is to dysfunctional mechanics in the upper cervical spine, manual manipulation of the affected vertebrae should be considered an essential part of treatment. According to Gutmann, ". . . in this syndrome (occipito- atlanto-axial joint dysfunction] the success of adjustment over- shadows every other type of treatment, especially maceutical approach. ."''* . . the phar- Alternative Treatment: Some 223 Solutions Spinal Problems A. History: The history will frequently, but not always, contain incidences of trauma to the head or neck. 1. Trauma (macrotrauma or microtrauma) a. Birth — Vacuum — Forceps — Cesarean — Prolonged — Normal — extraction section or difficult vaginal delivery birth* First child b. Other injuries — Rough with — from changing — Overzealous by ning — abuse by play peers table, bed. Falls play down stairs, etc. parents (throwing or spin- the child) Physical 2. caregiver General The following generalized signs have been found to be associated with upper cervical biomechanical dysfunction. Some of these signs may indicate more serious disease, so the physician should proceed with the spectrum of diagnostic possibilities in full mind. — Lowered — — Sleeping — Neck — Headaches — resistance to infection of the ear, nose, and throat Conjunctivitis difficulty pain, stiffness, or rigidity Torticollis (especially infantile) * Strong uterine contractions injury may contribute to musculoskeletal even during a delivery which uneventful. is considered normal or Childhood Ear Infections 224 — Seizures — Vomiting — Hyperactivity — Morphological deformations of — the bony skeleton Intestinal colic B. Examination 1. Palpation a. Motion palpation of — Observe rotation, b. c. abnormal for the vertebrae the occipito-atlanto-axial relational movement of on flexion, extension, and complex right and left lateral flexion. Static palpation of the occipito-atlanto-axial complex Palpation of soft tissue — Note areas of swelling, muscle of muscle areas ity, spasm and hypotonicity, rigid- heat, and tenderness. — Note 2. "feel" and tenderness of local acupoints. Radiographic a. X-ray analysis line is used by some to establish proper of drive and contact, not to establish mechani- cal relationships. b. In cases of trauma. X-ray should be considered to rule out fracture, dislocation, instability of atlanto- axial ligament, basilar invagination, etc. c. There in is a high incidence of atlanto-axial instability children with Down syndrome due to laxity of the transverse atlantal ligament, or anomalous axis for- mation. Since this media, it is is a high-risk important to manipulation consequences. in know group for that otitis upper cervical these children can result in fatal For a review of the chiropractic Alternative Treatment: Some evaluation and 225 Solutions management of Down syndrome the "A Chiropractic Perspective Instability in Down's Syndrome."'^ child refer to axial — Note that when begins early in in Atlanto- the initial bout of otitis for life, example at media 0-5 months, functional problems of the cervical spine should be considered. C. Mechanical Findings In otitis media, a ships may occur number of biomechanical contributor to ital 1. possible structural relation- The most common media is atlanto-occip- in the cervical spine. otitis dysfunction (or subluxation). Occiput. tion on the However, media more common to find the side of subluxasame side as the middle ear involvement. It is this does not always occur. Bilateral with occurs often bilateral otitis occipital involvement. 2. a. Anterior right, b. Posterior right, c. Lateral right or left 1st of left, left, Cervical (CI, also CI occurs or bilateral or bilateral known as the atlas). Subluxation frequently in otitis media. Like occipital involvement, CI involvement is commonly on often occurs with bilateral 3. a. Anterior right, b. Posterior right, c. Lateral right or left left, left, CI involvement. or bilateral or bilateral 2nd Cervical (C2, also known of C2 is same media the side as the middle ear problem. Bilateral otitis as the axis). Subluxation present less frequently in otitis media than subluxation of CI or occiput. When this occurs, usually posterior or lateral. Anteriority but does occur. is less it is is common, 226 Childhood Ear Infections 4. a. Anterior right, b. Posterior right, c. Lateral right or left or bilateral left, left, may be Thoracic mobilization when there is indicated, especially respiratory congestion. Thoracic mobili- zation has been shown In acute otitis media, if chief contributor, or bilateral to enhance immune function. biomechanical involvement is symptoms should abate within 24 hours a fol- lowing treatment. If they do not, other factors are responsible. Even when biomechanical problems are believed to be present in acute otitis media, it ritional factors as well. allergy management is necessary to address dietary and nut- Homeopathic care, acupuncture, and are vital adjuncts that should be consid- ered in the overall management. It is small percentage of children with my otitis opinion that only a media due chanical problems require manipulation alone. to biome- The majority of cases require adjunctive care as well. In chronic otitis media, manipulation can only be consid- ered one aspect of the treatment plan. In these children, the degree of constitutional weakness and middle ear inflammation is significant. The management of that overall strategy must involve assessment and diet, food allergy, and nutrition. I've found homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, and botanical medi- means of restoring a child with constitutional weakness to optimum health. Children with acute or chronic otitis media may require antibiotic intervention at various stages. Under these circumstances, it is still important to manage biomechanical problems. The above discussion only represents guidelines. The cine are the most successful clinician should conduct a determine the precise assumed that those prior professional customary physical examination state of cervical biomechanics. It to is engaging in manipulative therapy have had training in manipulation. Those without training should not attempt manipulation of the cervical spine, especially in children. Alternative Treatment: Some 227 Solutions Temperomandibular Joint Problems Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, while not proven to be a cause of recurrent otitis media in children, is a sus- TMJ pected contributor. In adults, symptoms of ear dysfunction often results in pain, fullness of the ear, and sometimes hear- ing deficit. Unfortunately, the causes or management is TMJ complex. Bruxism* dysfunction in children (although problems are many and is often a cause of can be a it result TMJ of TMJ dys- function as well). Bruxism can be brought on by parasites, allergies, emotional stress, or other factors. also can develop in children The nutritional who TMJ inadequacy of formula, coupled with the reduced sucking associated with bottlefeeding results tial problems from infancy. are bottlefed malformation of the jaw, cranial bones, and presently no universally accepted bite. in poten- There are means of diagnosis and treat- ment of TMJ dysfunction. Articular Strains of the Trauma cranium taken. at birth Cranium contributes to articular strains in the that persist into Normal pelvic newborn childhood unless corrective steps are forces cause great shifting of the cranial bones as the child emerges from the birth canal. When forceps are used, the resulting strains can be significant. When examining the newborn, child with otitis media, facial infant, toddler, or older symmetry should be considered. Careful observation often reveals asymmetry in the maxillae, zygomatic arches, temporal bones, parietal bones, and other less conspicuous cranial structures. Cranial asymmetry suggests fixation of the sutures at otitis media, it may be some location. In some children with necessary to correct this fixation before progress can occur. *Bruxism sleep. is defined as grinding of the teeth, especially during Childhood Ear Infections 228 The is managing role of cranial manipulation in not clearly established. However, suggest that numerous otitis clinical media accounts can be of great value. it Acupuncture Material in this section (except where noted) was reprinted from The Treatment of Children hy Acupuncture by Julian Scott, Ph.D., published by the Journal of Chinese Medicine. (Please , note that the original manuscript was formatted in a might provide added meaning.) Dr. Scott's book tive for work on pediatric acupuncture, and anyone who treats children. I The format highly is way that the defini- is recommend it clear and concise. This section contains a very specialized vocabulary which may seem technical to those unfamiliar with acupuncture. However, since this chapter is intended for practitioners have assumed prior knowledge of terms. For more information on I acupuncture see the suggested reading section of the appendices. media Otitis those who is may have are prone children of repeated attacks. and for many conditions (especially distress, there common among is no treatment in all It ages, and causes great viral in origin), Western medicine. Acupuncture offers a cure both in the acute phase and as a preventive against repeated attacks. In Western medicine, as being due otitis is always regarded to external attack of viral or bacterial origin. In Chinese medicine, some conditions are regarded as due external pathogenic wind and others as due to to internal heat flar- ing up in the liver channel. This approach helps to explain more prone why some to attacks than others. If internal heat (either Ji- heat or liver heat) already exists, then it is easy for external pathogenic factors to enter. The cause of heat children is children are Ji-blockage, while in in very young children of seven years and Alternative Treatment: Some may be due above, the heat 229 Solutions to emotional causes, especially emotional tension generated by trying to please over-ambitious parents. Regarding external pathogenic factors, upper respiratory Once otitis. tract infection to established, drome of 'pathogenic cause may it especially spread to the ears and cause factor remaining.* common among activity in the children evening and who easy for any is return frequently in the syn- water in the ear from too is it common Another much swimming. This is who swim as a spare-time are thus prone to being over- tired. As the syndromes far as the differentiation of main is Non-purulent, or catarrhal, as opposed to purulent. The i) catarrhal type often has nose, and contrast, if there is little or no discharge from the ear or any discharge it is clear and water}'. similar to the catarrhal, but damp it basically is has the additional complication building up in the body. Acute as opposed ii) By the purulent type always has a thick yellow dis- charge, often foul-smelling. The purulent type of concerned, distinctions presented here are as follows: to chronic. Here chronic means more or less continuous earache, usually with discharge. Chronic may have otitis iii) cause is periods of acute attack. The external the ear cavities, and the External cause as opposed to internal. wind or damp obstructing internal cause is liver-heat or damp heat in the liver entering the channel and causing obstruction. In practice, many attacks have both an internal and an external factor It is acute then on the emphasis of treatment. In carrying out a diagnosis on a child with an acute attack for the practitioner to decide or with recurrent attacks, the ear area should be palpated for tenderness and for swollen glands. The otoscope is useful in determining the severity of the condition and in assessing the progress of treatment. 230 Childhood Ear Infections Etiology and Pathology A. Acute catarrhal 1. Etiology External pathogenic wind, either infection which spreads in form of an wind blowing the to the ear or cold on the ear; or damp pathogenic factor from damp weather or too much swimming; or heat which affects the liver and gall bladder channels. 2. Pathology The ear qi cavity receives jing from the kidneys and yang from the channels. Jing and yang together allow hear- ing to take place. If there heat, wind, or obstruction. rise to damp, it is invasion of pathogenic can block the The obstruction qi and cause enters the cavities, giving deafness and a distending or bursting sensation in the ear. The most common cause is external pathogenic wind which blocks up the ear cavities so that the inside and outside become unregulated. The other main cause is liver and gall bladder oppressed heat which enters the channels and rises up to the ear cavities, causing the qi to knot and the jing-luo to become stuck and obstructed, giving rise to B. otitis media. Acute Purulent 1. Etiology Invasion of external pathogenic wind-heat poison, often originating in the respiratory tract and rising up to the ear due to excessively spicy, heating, or producing foods; or Ji-heat causing heat and damp- damp in the liver and gall bladder channels. 2. Pathology The zheng-qi cannot resist the pathogenic factor of wind-heatydamp-poison. The pathogenic factor passes , Some Alternative Treatment: eardrum and then to the causes stagnation of which to pus is where C. it and collects fluid. to the middle The stagnant where ear, and it fluid transforms discharged through the external Alternatively, liver the channels 231 Solutions ear. damp-heat enters gall bladder rises up, penetrating the ear cavities and transforms into pus. Chronic catarrhal 1. Etiology The media which result of acute otitis is not cured or only partially cured (pathogenic factor remaining), or the body feeble and is weak from overwork or long- term disease. 2. Pathology The pathogenic factor remains and is not cleared, blocking up the ear cavities so that the qi and blood are stuck and obstructed; or the body is weak and the liver and kidney jing are insufficient; or the spleen qi weak, so to send it is xu and that the jing is without the support necessary up. The ear cavity Otitis is then without nourishment. media Acute Infection enter the ear Cold wind Cold weather Oppressed emotions liver and gall- bladder heat Rich spicy food I — heat only — acute otitis )titiS' Overeating — Phlegm-producing foods — heat and — acute purulent Ji-blockage damp _ Chronic Pathogenic factor remaining — blocks channels — - chronic Weakness — kidneys do not nourish ears otitis otitis Childhood Ear Infections 232 Clinical Manifestations and Differentiation of Syndromes A. Acute catarrhal 1. Pathogenic wind enters the cavities — Ear up, hearing power reduced — Tinnitus — Mild ear pain — Ear drum bleeding — Occasional upper — cold — Fever — Headache — Nasal discharge stuffed slightly respiratory tract infection Dislikes Pulse: floating Treatment principle: Expel wind and clear heat, regulate the ear cavity, and drain 2. damp. Liver and gall bladder oppressed heat — Inner distended and bleeding from eardrum, passage — Dizziness — Headache with swollen and — Buzzing hearing power reduced ear full, fluid in ear feeling, pressure, burst- ing sensation in ears, Tongue: body red Tongue coat: yellow Pulse: wiry or slippery, rapid Treatment principle: Clear liver and gall bladder heat, resolve B. damp, and regulate the ear cavity. Acute purulent 1. Wind-heat at the superficial level Before the purulent stage, there are the symptoms and signs characteristic of wind-heat: Alternative Treatment: Some 233 Solutions — Uncomfortable body — wind — and maybe — Headache Dislikes fevers Chills followed by: — Earache and pain — Hearing power reduced — Discharge of pus and blood from ear the ear; pus often pale or milky Tongue coat: thin Pulse: floating, rapid Treatment principle: Expel wind and relieve the exterior, clear heat, 2. and resolve poison. Liver and gall bladder damp-heat — Inflammation does not subside — Headache — Ear region swollen and eardrum discharges that painful; blood; mastoid process mildly painful; outer and middle ear filled with yellow pus — dry — May be vomiting and twitching Stools Tongue coat: greasy, yellow Tongue body: red Pulse: wiry, slippery Treatment principle: Clear heat and bring down damp, resolve poison, reduce swelling, stop pain. C. Chronic catarrhal General: — — Deafness — Middle and packed — Examination shows white distended eardrum. Tinnitus ear full 234 Childhood Ear Injections 1. Pathogenic factor remaining — Distending and middle ear — The ear blocked. On examination one eardrum bursting sensation in the feels may be seen to be bleeding slightly or discharging clear fluid. — May have nose bleed — May have nose and inflammation — May have swollen glands behind neck — May have of throat and in the acute catarrhal otitis the ear recurrent attacks Pulse: slow or moderate, slippery Treatment principle: Move qi and disperse blockage, cir- culate blood, and expel the pathogenic factor. 2a. Liver and kidney insufficient — Dizziness — Sticky — May have fluid Tongue: tip on the eardrum sore back of tongue red Pulse: fine, rapid Treatment principle: Support and reinforce liver and kidney; move and regulate the cavities. 2b. Spleen-qi xu and weak — Inner swollen and bursting — Eardrum grey-white color — comparatively and without — Mouth and — Easily discouraged — Poor ear in lazy Patient strength lips pale appetite Tongue body: pale Pulse: fine, weak Treatment principle: Tonify the spleen and bring up jing: move the ear cavity, and resolve damp. Alternative Treatment: Some 235 Solutions Treatment Main Points The ear is encircled by the hand shaoyang (sanjiao) channel, and a secondary channel passes through the ear from Fengchi GB-20. Consequently the main points and foot shaoyang channels: Fengchi GB-20 To expel wind and regulate the liver and gall bladder To expel wind and benefit the ear Yifeng SJ- 17 Tinghui on the hand to use are GB-2 Local point Waiguan SJ-5 To expel wind and regulate the sanjiao channel Zulinqi GB-41 To regulate the Method: Fengchi GB-20 cun. Tinghui is GB-2 may be needled but in shi conditions it is and needled slightly is the sensation to the ear. Yifeng SJ-17 1 liver gall bladder laterally, to direct needled to a depth of to a depth of IVi cun, usually sufficient to needle to a depth of Vi cun. The sensation should radiate to the inner ear and usually rather painful. Waiguan SJ-5 and Zulinqi GB-41 needled to a depth of Vi to 1 is are cun, and the sensation should go upwards along the limb, towards the head. According to differentiation of syndromes A. Acute catarrhal 1. Pathogenic wind enters the cavities. Provided there are no signs of heat, moxa may be used on Yifeng SJ-17. This will bring quick relief. In addi- tion, add: Hegu LI-4 To clear Prognosis: In babies and young using distal points alone is may children, one treatment often enough. break out into a sweat, then Older children wind fall The children asleep and are cured. require three treatments (given in . Childhood Ear Infections 236 one day). means 2. does not cure the condition, If this that it is a ditlerent it usually syndrome. Liver and gall bladder oppressed heat The main points given above are usually sufficient. Alternative points are: Zhongzhu SJ-3 QiuxuGB-40 In place of Waiguan SJ-5 In Prognosis: This condition may dren and placeof Zulinqi GB-41 is common among older chil- take several treatments (three to five) to cure. In cases of very acute pain, give treatment twice or even three times daily. After that, once a day. B. Acute purulent 1. Pathogenic wind-heat In addition to the main points, the following points will be of use: Hegu LI-4 Dazhui Du- 14 Quchi LI- 1 1 These three points used together are very effective in clearing pathogenic wind-heat If there is constipation, a purge should be administered. One or two treatments are usually may take more in stubborn cases. Prognosis: though 2. it sufficient, Liver and gall bladder damp-heat In addition to the main points, the following points may be used: Yinlingquan SP-9 Yanglingquan GB-34 To clear damp-heat To transform damp in shao yang channel Zhangmen LI V- 3 Method: Four to side. Treat children. 1 To transform damp i\ve points are selected once a day or twice a day on the affected in very young 8 Alternative Treatment: Some Prognosis: This there is may be no 237 Solutions usually rather slow to change, and appreciable result until after the third treatment. Usually eight to ten treatments are sufficient. C. Chronic catarrhal 1. Pathogenic factor remaining In addition to the main points, the following may be of service: Bailao (extra) DU- 14, 2 cun superior to Dazhui one cun lateral to the spine. To clear remaining pathogenic factors. Ganshu BL- 1 8 To regulate the liver and gall move blood and the spleen, move bladder, and Pishu BL-20 qi. To regulate blood and qi. and resolve damp. Method: Needle or moxa may be used on these points. Prognosis: To clear the body completely of the patho- genic factor 2a. may take ten to twenty treatments. Liver and kidney insufficient Lx)cal points are not usually of much service, except in cases of acute pain, and even then their effect is short- term. Distal points should be used, e.g.: Waiguan SJ-5 Yanglingquan GB-34 Ganshu BL- 1 Shenshu BL-23 These points all have the function of tonify ing the the liver and kidney yin. Taichong LIV-3 Tai'xi KI-3 uncommon Prognosis: This condition is except after febrile disease, when suffice, provided that the child is in children, a few treatments will eating normally. If the 238 Childhood Ear Infections condition occurs without a history of febrile disease, 2b. it essential to discover the cause for the yin-xu condition. is Spleen-qi xu and weak Again, local points are not usually of much service. Preferable points are: Waiguan SJ-5 Yanglingquan GB-34 Zusanli ST-36 To move qi in the ear To move qi in the ear To tonify the spleen and resolve damp Sanyinjiao SP-6 To tonify the spleen and resolve damp Zhongwan REN- 12 To tonify the spleen and resolve damp Hegu LI-4 To tonify the spleen and resolve damp Pishu BL-20 To tonify the spleen and resolve damp In babies, Si feng (extra) palmar surface, may be used [located in the transverse creases on the of the proxi- mal interphalangeal joints of the index, middle, and little ring, fingers]. Moxa may be used, especially on the abdominal and back points. Method: Treat twice or three times a week. Prognosis: Three to five treatments are usually enough, provided that the patient can rest. Notes 1. It is often difficult to distinguish between external attack of pathogenic wind, and liver and gall bladder heat conditions, since if there is mental ing to a mild build-up of heat, the child tible to wind conditions. irritation leadis more suscep- Alternative Treatment: 2. Some 239 Solutions Repeated treatment with antibiotics can lead to a build- up of damp. 3. In all otitis, meat and dampness is the patient should avoid red spicy, fried, and other heating foods. If present, they should also avoid eggs, cheese, milk, peanuts, and sugar. more slow [Damp conditions are frequently to respond.] Discharge as a Diagnostic Indicator Nasal discharge or otorrhea are with otitis media. The color of commonly found this in children discharge often provides useful diagnostic information. Special consideration should be given to the consistency and color of any discharge found. The most common colors are clear, white, yellow, and green. Discharge Indication Clear Wind-cold, White Yellow Green damp Phlegm Heat or bacterial infection Wind or viral infection Needle Technique Needles should be Vi to 1 inch in length and of 32 gauge. are inserted quickly into the skin, required depth to obtain de in children qi. They and then manipulated to the is unnecessary Needle retention under 10 years of age, '^ i.e., the needles are quickly withdrawn following de qi. A minimum number of needles should be used in children, usually only four to six.'^ An obstacle that must be overcome with children when using acupuncture fear of needles. Surprisingly, children is object to acupuncture to the degree one commonly it is the parents who do not would expect. More fear needles. If present, these concerns should be dealt with openly before beginning treat- ment. Acupuncture can be used safely and effectively in children of any age. Childhood Ear Infections 240 Other Forms of Stimulation Some doctors feel that nioxa may be used effectively with chil- dren. However, others believe that use of of disrupting the San Jiao an adverse effect on thermoregulation. moxa carries a risk channel and can have (triple heater) suggest that only the I experienced acupuncturist consider using moxa on children, especially in conditions such as otitis media. It Europe become popular has to use various China, the United States, and in methods of electrical stimulation to treat acupoints. Generally, battery-operated devices that generate a DC small electrical current are inserted into acupoints, or a probe direct stimulation. on children. There • The I recommend are several levels of current either is that applied to needles placed on the point for such devices not be used good reasons for this: and voltage generated by such devices are high. • No one is yet certain of the current and voltage thresholds of the body. damage is believed when such devices are used.'^ • Electrolysis and tissue ally • Many occur loc- electrical stimulation devices sold today are sub- jected to Until to little we more effects of this or no quality control. fully understand the direct and indirect form of stimulation, it is best to use traditional methods. Si Feng Tk-eatment According to Martha Benedict, M.A., O.M.D., there form of acupuncture treatment tion in the management of otitis media in children. Dr. has a unique and valuable perspective on an M.A. in is one that deserves special considera- otitis Benedict media. She has audiology and speech pathology from Stanford Some Alternative Treatment: 241 Solutions Medical School, and was on the faculty at the University of California Medical Center as a clinician and researcher. After many years of observing the response (and often the lack of response) of thousands of children with otitis media to conven- began her training in Chinese medicine. Her combined experiences in audiology and Chinese medicine have convinced her that most children with otitis media can tional care, she be effectively treated using acupuncture and Chinese botanical medicine. One technique used by of acute and chronic otitis Dr. Benedict in the media is management stimulation of the Si Feng points on the palmar surface of the hands. There are twelve Si Feng points. The lower Si Feng joint of the index through at is at the metacarpophalangeal little finger. the proximal interphalangeal joint, at the distal The middle Feng is and the upper Si Feng Si interphalangeal joint. (See figure 18.) Dr. Benedict treats the known middle Si Feng points by applying The technique of bleeding manage febrile or inflammatory conditions. This method requires the use of a three-edged needle. When acute or chronic otitis media prethe technique as bleeding.* acupoints has been used for centuries to sents, the needle is used to prick the finger the middle Si Feng. This will cause to at the locations of one or two drops of blood be expressed. The tion can effects of Si Feng treatment on middle ear inflamma- be impressive. Benedict reports that improvement in the inflammatory state of the middle ear can be observed in as little office. as ten minutes, often while the child She states that acute otitis often 24 hours. The treatment is is still in the responds fully within enhanced when botanicals are used with acupuncture. *Only a trained acupuncturist should attempt this technique. 242 Childhood Ear Infections Figure 18 Location of the Si Feng Points Some Alternative Treatment: 243 Solutions Botanical Medicine The clinical use of botanical medicine can have a substantial impact on the underlying syndromes of both acute and chronic otitis media. Children with otitis media who require antibiotic therapy can be assisted by concurrent therapy with botanical medicine. As mentioned above, the use of botanical medicine is enhanced by the simultaneous application of acupuncture and vice versa. In this section, I present the management of otitis using Chinese botanical medicine. Admittedly, there are media many different traditions of botanical medicine used in the world, all which have intrinsic value. However, the Chinese appear to have developed the most sophisticated and effective method of prescribing for otitis media. IVeatment of Underlying Syndrome The practitioner of botanical medicine, like the practitioner of acupuncture, relies on a detailed examination of the patient to identify the specific is syndrome involved. Once identified, the proper botanical a few differentiating features. The formula is syndrome on of syndromes the selected based differentiation can be considered the same when using Chinese botanical medicine as when using acupuncture (although the treatment principles may differ somewhat). Below is a presentation of the Chinese botanical formulas used to manage the various syndromes (described in Chinese medicine) encountered in otitis media.* The format is the same as that presented in the section on acupuncture. For a description of signs and symptoms associated with each syndrome, refer to the section tions on acupuncture titled "Clinical Manifesta- and Differentiation of Syndromes." *This listing of Chinese botanical formulas was compiled by Anastacia White, a professional herbalist. White is a teacher and practitioner of Chinese botanical medicine the United States.^ and lectures throughout Childhood Ear Infections 244 A. Acute catarrhal 1. Pathogenic wind enters the cavities Formula: Contains: Pueraria Combination Alternative Treatment: Indications: B. Some Solutions Used when there are extreme heat symptoms, and the patient does not have a weak spleen. Acute purulent 1. Wind-heat at the superficial level Formula: Contains: 245 Schizonepeta and Forsythia Tang Kuei 246 Childhood Ear Infections 2a. Liver and kidney insufficient Formula: Contains: 2b Er Ming Zuo Ci Rehmannia Wan Alternative Treatment: Yellows" is Scutellaria. Some made from These inflammation 247 Solutions the oils of Coptis, Phellodendron, which help are all "cold" herbs, middle in the ear. and to reduce A formula known as "The Four Yellows" includes those just mentioned, with the addition of Astragalus, which helps eliminate pus. Both are extremely use- managing the pain associated with ful in otitis media.-' Clinical Nutrition There no longer any doubt that deficiency of nutrients can disease. There is also no doubt that, under the right is lead to circumstances, nutritional therapy can have a substantial impact upon not only amelioration of the underlying causes as well. the symptoms of disease, but As our understanding of nutri- do the prospects for treating tion grows, so too otitis media with appropriate nutritional intervention. The new I've nutritional management of otitis media is a somewhat area. Therefore, rather than listing specific protocols as done in prior sections, surrounding nutrition as it I will present some and enhancing immune function. This interested persons nutrition and otitis relevant research relates to controlling is inflammation in the hope that might expand upon the existing research on media. Nutrition and Inflammation In chapter 5, 1 briefly described how fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals affect the formation of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. This understanding is impor- tant in light of discoveries that inflammator>' prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and other arachidonic acid metabolites are found in substantial concentrations in the with otitis media. Among middle ear fluid of children the substances found are PGE2, 6- keto-PGFl alpha, thromboxane B2, 5-HETE, 15-HETE, leuko triene C4, and leukotriene B4.'- Much pharmaceutical research has centered on develop- ing anti-inflammatory drugs that block the formation of inflam- 248 Childhood Ear Infections matory prostaglandins. These drugs are known as prostaglandin inhibitors. The elder statesmen among these drugs are cor- The newer generation of PG-inhibitors include indomethacin, acetaminopher., and ibuprofin. As described tisone and aspirin. earlier, besides inhibiting inflammatory prostaglandins, these drugs interfere with the normal production of most other prostaglandins. Thus, there inflammatory a great tendency to aggravate the is response, leading to more chronic health problems. and even botanical medicines, substances, Nutritional offer an alternative to the use of NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs) because they block the enzymes that lead inflammatory prostaglandins, but do not to the production of adversely affect the enzymes needed for conversion of anti- inflammatory prostaglandins. There same is evidence that these enhance the formation of the body's natural nutrients also anti-inflammatory substances. Using this the painful knowledge, symptoms of it otitis may be possible to both control media and correct the underly- ing inflammatory imbalance through nutritional intervention. To understand more ing inflammation, clearly the role of nutrients in block- necessary to is it which prostaglandins ous enzymes that are first review the way formed from fatty acids and the needed for this process. are in vari- The Enzymes of Inflammation Recall that the inflammatory response, as glandins, begins with the cell it relates to prosta- membrane. The cell membrane consists of phospholipids that contain a variety of fatty acids. A principal constituent of these phospholipids is arachidonic membrane in of omega-6 fatty acids acid. Arachidonic acid can be present in the cell large amounts depending upon the level omega-3 fatty acids are consumed in the diet. If arachidonic acid EPA below.) is in large amounts, displaced from the phospholipids. (See The enzyme phospholipase A2 catalyzes tion of arachidonic acid the libera- from the membrane phospholipids, Alternative Treatment: Some 249 Solutions resulting in the creation of free arachidonic acid. This first step in the inflammatory pathway known is the as the arachidonic acid cascade. Once free arachidonic acid further conversion is available, it undergoes by one of two pathways. Under the action of cyclo-oxygenase, arachidonic acid is converted into throm- boxanes or 2-series prostaglandins. Under the action of lipoxyconverted into derivatives of genase, arachidonic HPETE (hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid) and leukotrienes. acid is (See figure 19.) Thromboxanes. 2-series prostaglandins. and leukotrienes inducing HPETE, possess a high degree of inflammation- activity. Enzymes 1. all of the Arachidonic Acid Cascade Phospholipase A2 — Causes arachidonic the phospholipids of cell free membranes arachidonic acid. This is the acid stored in to be released as first step toward inflammation via the arachidonic acid cascade. 2. Cyclo-oxygenase — Catalyzes the conversion of free arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2, prostacyclins, and thromboxanes. 3. Lipoxygenase — Catalyzes the conversion arachidonic acid into leukotrienes and related of free HPETEs (and compounds). During conditions of excessive or prolonged inflammation, it is often desirable to reduce the substrates available for inflammation. This means balancing the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and in some cases, providing large amounts of certain fatty acids. It is also useful to use nutrients that block enzymes of the inflammatory pathways. Some of these are described below. (See figures 20 and 21.) Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant nutrient that protects cells from damage by free radicals. Recently, vitamin C was found to be the "premier" antioxidant found in the body. 250 Childhood Ear Infections Linoleic Acid alpha- Linolenic Acid delta-6-desaturase delta-6-desaturase Membrane Phospholipids Phosphoiipase GLA Displaces DGLA EPA Arachidonic Acid PGE3 PGEl PGI3 Cyclo-oxygenase Lipoxygenase HPETE, HETE Thromb>oxane A2 PGE2 Leukotrienes Figure 19 Prostaglandin Synthesis and the Arachidonic Acid Cascade was shown to neutralize 100 percent of the free radicals to which it was exposed, while sparing other antioxidants.-' Vitamin C is necessary for the proper metabolism of drugs and It toxic environmental chemicals. It is also necessary for the absorption of iron. The uptake of vitamin seriously impaired when C by leukocytes is traditional anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and cortisone are used. Aspirin taken daily for four days causes the leukocyte levels of ascorbic acid to to levels found in scurvy.-"* fall Alternative Treatment: Some 251 Solutions alpha- Linolenic Acid Linoleic Acid delta-6-desaturase delta-6-desaturase X Membrane Phospholipids (^NSAIDs^ I Steroids |NSAIDs| X Steroids I I j I Phospholipase GLA Steroids Displaces DGLA EPA Arachidonic Acid PGEl PGE3 PGI3 Lipoxygenase Cyclo-oxygenase X HPETE, HETE TnsaidsJ Thromboxane A2 PGE2 Leukotrienes Figure 20 The The "X" Drugs on Prostaglandins and Arachidonic Acid Metabolites Effect of Anti-Inflammatory indicates to Non-Steroidal aspirin, where blockage of the pathway occurs. Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Included NSAID in this refers category are acetaminophen, indomethacin, and ibuprofin. Note that NSAIDs favor the formation of lipoxygenase products. These drugs also block the release of the more favorable PGEl and PGE3 which is undesirable. Childhood Ear Infections 252 Linoleic Acid alpha- Linolenic Acid delia-6-desaturase delta-6-desaturase Membrane Phospholipids Phospholipase GLA Vitamin E Curcumin Displaces y DGLA EPA Arachidonic Acid 1' PGE3 PGEl PGI3 Lipoxygenase Cyclo-oxygenase Bioflavonoids Bioflavonoids Ginger Ginger Vitamin E? Vitamin E? EPA EPA Zinc Zinc Selenium HPETE, HETE Thromboxane A2 PGE2 Leukotrienes Figure 21 Nutrients That Block the Release of Inflammatory Mediators The "X" indicates where blockage of the pathway occurs. Vitamin above, but it C does not appear to block the enzymes described is of vital importance tamine.-^ Recall that histamine is in the detoxification of his- the chemical responsible for the runny nose, watery eyes, and itchiness associated with hay fever. Histamine also plays an important role allergy-related in initiating other symptoms. Bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are that block the action of among the few substances phospholipase A2. cyclo-oxygenase. Alternative Treatment: Some 253 Solutions and lipoxygenase.-^ -^Therefore, they interfere with the formawhole range of inflammatory prostaglandins. Unlike tion of a anti-inflammatory drugs, bioflavonoids do not interfere with the enzymes needed to form PGl, PG3, and other anti-inflam- matory prostaglandins. Bioflavonoids are naturally occurring substances It commonly found in the same foods as vitamin C. appears that bioflavonoids enhance the activity of vitamin C. One example of matory action is a bioflavonoid with potent anti-inflam- curcumin, found in the plant Curcuma longa, or turmeric. Several studies conducted in the early 1970s that show curcumin has greater anti-inflammatory action than cor- tisone or NSAIDs. This is, on phospholipase effect in part, A2.^*- ^° to its indirect inhibitory Curcumin a potent is may prevent lipid peroxidation efficiently than beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol. The scavenger of free radicals and more due ^^- substance has thus far been shown to produce no side effects. Quercitin, another powerful bioflavonoid, genase inhibitor. ^^ The use of quercitin '' a lipoxy- is therapeutically prevents symptoms the formation of leukotrienes, thereby reducing the of inflammation.^^ Quercitin also reduces the release of his- tamine and the IgE-mediated allergic response to food and environmental allergens.^'* Ginger. Substances derived from the plant Zingiber officinale have an inhibitory effect on the enzymes lipoxygenase and HPETEs, among the cyclo-oxygenase, thus preventing the formation of leukotrienes, thromboxanes, and PG2s.^^ Ginger is eight herbs contained in the Japanese formula Sairei-to. Recall that this formula was tested for its efficacy in treating otitis media. (See chapter 6.) The authors of this study surmised that part of the action of this formula may be via inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolites.'^ Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cell membranes against excessive damage from free radicals. It is also an essential factor in preventing blood essential fatty 254 Childhood Ear Infections acids from undergoing oxidation. Vitamin E is able to block enzymes phospholipase A2, lipoxygenase, and cycio- the o^ygenase, thereby preventing the release of inflammatory prostaglandins." "* Selenium. Selenium is defense system because an important part of the anti-oxidant it a critical element in the is glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme acids from destruction. Selenium has a tial fatty tary relationship with vitamin E. vitamin E and may compensate to It enzyme protects the body's essen- complemen- potentiates the effects of an extent for deficiency of vitamin E. Zinc. Zinc has many roles to play in the body. for proper function of delta-6-desaturase fatty acids into prostaglandins. Zinc It needed is and the conversion of also an inhibitor of is lipoxygenase and therefore prevents the formation of leukotrienes.'*^ The role of zinc deficiency in recurrent otitis has been described in chapter GLA (gamma linolenic acid). the inflammatory response. It GLA is a may be known inhibitor of blocks inflammation by undergo- ing conversion into the anti-inflammatory mentation media 5. PGEl. GLA supple- especially important in children with a his- Any child who presents with signs who also has evidence of delta-6- tory of allergy or eczema. of fatty acid deficiency desaturase inhibition (based on a history of exposure to d-6-d inhibitors) may to linoleic acid. to require supplementation with The GLA be one capsule per day per year of age up to a of six capsules. may EPA in addition effective dose in children has been Some children who do shown maximum not respond at this dose require substantially more."*" (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA is incorporated into the membranes of cells, where it displaces arachidonic acid. This reduces the amount of arachidonic acid (or substrate) available Alternative Treatment: Some for the inflammatory response. EPA exerting an inhibitory effect on the and lipoxygenase. EPA 255 Solutions is converted into PGE3, enzymes cylco-oxygenase also appears to potentiate the effect of Any child who also has the other anti-inflammatory prostaglandin, PGEl.^' who presents with signs of fatty acid deficiency evidence of delta-6-desaturase inhibition (based on a history may of exposure to d-6-d inhibitors) with EPA require supplementation in addition to linolenic acid. Beta-Carotene. Beta-carotene, also known as pro-vitamin A. has at least two important functions. Beta-carotene itself is an important anti-oxidant. Clearly, the anti-oxidants do not work alone, but in concert with one another. Therefore, it is impor- anti-oxidants be present in adequate amounts. tant that all Beta-carotene also important because a percentage of dietary is The impor- beta-carotene undergoes conversion to vitamin A. A in otitis media has already been discussed. A and beta-carotene should be present in the diet since the conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A is believed by some to be insufficient to supply all the vitamin A needs. tance of vitamin Both vitamin A Syndrome many factors that, Consideration: Fetal Alcohol In chapter 5, I described the individually or in concert, interfere with the proper conversion of fatty acids by blocking the enzyme delta-6-desaturase. Dr. David Horrobin has shown that infants have a poorly developed d-6-d system. He has also shown that intake of alcohol causes the enzyme to be blocked. Since roughly 10 percent of all calories consumed by people in North America are in the form of alcohol,^- an important question is raised regarding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). FAS is a condition that affects children who have consumed bom to mothers alcohol during the gestational period. The understanding of this syndrome today relates primarily to behavior and motor problems, and to growth irregularities. FAS was originally believed to affect children of alcoholic Childhood Ear Infections 256 we now know mothers. However, consumption during pregnancy that (as even moderate alcohol few as one or two drinks) can lead to varying degrees of FAS. Here enzyme changes is the connection. Alcohol adversely affects the delta-6-desaturase and can produce significant adverse in the children of mothers who consume before conception or during pregnancy. Given ceivable that one of the alcohol just this, it is con- FAS might be manifestations of impaired fatty acid metabolism due to poorly functioning enzymes. Impaired acid metabolism would, fatty part, in motor problems of FAS children, since the nervous system is highly dependent upon some of explain the proper the behavioral and metabolism of additional factors that go FAS in is now 500 and one an incidence of syndrome and fats. (Obviously, there are numerous beyond as prevalent as in Down syndrome 1,000 births). ^^ otitis "' cleft palate. ^"^ (between one Children with media equivalent who do FAS have with Down may be a sub- to children In addition, there population of children stantial this.) not have classic signs of FAS, yet have been adversely affected by mild or moderate consumption of alcohol by the mother. These children would not be recognized as having FAS. Yet there enzyme may be sufficient impairment to significantly disrupt their normal fatty acid metabolism. This would result in a condition favoring inflammation. Theoretically, these children would be risk to inflammatory conditions such as otitis at greater media. Children with defective d-6-d enzymes would not be expected to respond to any conventional therapy (such as anti- would suffer from an inherent combat inflammation. In such children, even supplementation with linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and co-factors would fail because the enzymes would be unable to convert the fatty acids into PGEl, PGE3, and related compounds. Most likely, substantial amounts GLA, EPA, and co-factors would be required. This would by-pass the step where d-6-d is required and provide the needed raw material to manufacture biotics or surgery) because they inability to Some Alternative Treatment: PGl and PG3.* hypothesis. 257 Solutions (See figure 19.) Presently this idea only a is however, deserves consideration since up to 93 It, FAS percent of children with from recurrent otitis to play a crucial role in many suffer media. ^^ Immune Nutrition and Nutrition rapidly being is aspects of Function immune shown function. There are solid indications that nutritional supplementation can effect on the outcome of nutrients known Zinc. Zinc is infection. to play a role in Below immune a discussion of is function. perhaps the most extensively researched nutrient with regard to T and have a direct and significant immune function. Deficiency adversely affects B-cell function, thymic size, and resistance to viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Zinc deficiency can impair both the mary and secondary immune response/^ "^^^^^"^'^^ It pri- has been estimated that roughly three-fourths of the American population are zinc-deficient." Copper. Copper deficiency has been associated with decreased immune competence and increased incidence of infection. ^^ Excessive zinc intake can lead to copper deficiency. Excessive zinc levels sometimes occur in individuals as a supplement. Copper excess has immune impairment. When copper amounts, it is who are taking zinc also been linked to present in excessive exerts an antagonistic effect on zinc, leading to zinc deficiency. Selenium. Deficiency of selenium ance to microbial and viral *This additional need for ered in diabetic children Juvenile onset diabetes Any nutritional with a doctor. is who results in diminished resist- infections, neutrophil function, GLA and EPA should suffer also be consid- from recurrent otitis complex and should be managed media. carefully. changes should only be undertaken after consultation Childhood Ear Infections 258 antibody production, and reduced ability of T-cells and natural killer cells Supplementation pathogens. destroy to with selenium has been shown to reverse these processes. This trace element has been said immune "... to affect all components of the system."'' Germanium. Germanium ment when used is an immune-potentiating trace ele- stimulate interferon production and regulator. is is believed to have anti-oxidant properties as is It known to considered an immune- Germanium therapeutically. well.'" Vitamin C. The C on immune effects of vitamin been widely publicized. Vitamin C function have appears to stimulate interfe- ron production, enhance T-lymphocyte function, enhance anti- body formation, and reduce tal chemicals. Vitamin C the adverse effects of environmen- plays an important role in white cell phagocytosis." Esterified L-ascorbic acid appears to be the most effective is for use in acute infections when rapid uptake required. Recent evidence suggests that ingestion of esterified ascorbic acid results in twice the blood levels and four times the tissue levels when compared to ascorbate Esterified forms are also excreted less rapidly, when lasting action is and citrate which is forms. desirable needed.'** Bioflavonoids. The bioflavonoid quercitin has been shown to inhibit the replication simplex type 3, 1, of several polio virus type and respiratory syncytial tion its '" effect role as an antioxidant. It including herpes parainfluenzal virus type 1, virus."' Vitamin E. Vitamin E exerts an through viruses on the immune system also affects func- by regulating the formation of prostaglandins. Vitamin E exerts a protective effect on vitamin A. Also, is immune deficient, vitamin vitamin E A intake has an absorption is when vitamin E impaired.''' immunosuppressive "- Excessive effect.''' Alternative Treatment: Some 259 Solutions Pyridoxine. Pyridoxine deficiency results in depressed humoral and cell-mediated immunity and inhibition of the antibody response.^ Anecdotal reports have shown an increased inci- dence of otitis media associated with pyridoxine deficiency. Supplementation of pyridoxine should not be undertaken without adequate B-vitamins, since conversion of pyridoxine to the pyridoxal-5-phosphate active riboflavin requires and may require other nutrients. Beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is one of the most potent radical scavengers yet discovered. free- of major importance in It is protecting the cellular lining of the lungs and respiratory tract. There is evidence that it plays a similar role in the lining of Modest doses appear the eustachian tube and tympanic cavity. to stimulate the immune response.^' Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency results in thymic and splenic atrophy, and a reduction in the numbers of circulating leukocytes and lymphocytes. ""^ Supplementation effects. Excessive vitamin A immunosuppressive.^^ Whenever vitamin ically, beta-carotene should may reverse these (retinol or retinoic acid) A is be given. also can be given therapeutBeta-carotene appears to prevent the macrophage inhibition that can occur with vitamin A supplementation. Fat. Excessive fat intake or elevated blood fats (cholesterol or triglycerides) tend to decrease resistance to bacterial infections. ^^ taenoic acid Linoleic all linolenic acid, acid, and viral and eicosapen- have been shown to have anti-bacterial, anti- fungal, and anti- viral activity. ^^ Pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid that is greatly affected by stress is a water-soluble vitamin and illness. During these times, the adrenal glands require large amounts of pantothenic acid. When pantothenic acid is deficient, the adrenal glands begin to atrophy.'" During deficiency there is an increased sus- Childhood Ear Infections 260 ceptibility to infection, decrease in gamma tions, impaired antigenic response, and poor globulin concentraviral and bacterial defenses.^'" Thymus tissue. Within the past ten years, substantial docu- mentation has confirmed the value of raw bovine thymus tissue supplementation in cases of recurrent infections and decreased immunocompetence. Ingestion of T thymus oral and B lymphocyte formation, increase thymus tor, T and balance activity, tissue is known T can enhance tissue helper levels and helper/suppressor ratios. ^^^''^ Bovine thymosin, serum thymic fac- to contain thymopoieten, and other biologically active substances.^'' Thymus tissue appears to be effective in the treatment of acute and chronic infections. Only thymus been defat- tissue that has ted or azeotrophically processed should be used because of the by bovine slow viruses. ^^ possibility of contamination There is yet no standard or accepted protocol for the nutritional management of otitis media. This of nutrition as it is because our understanding relates to inflammation/infection emerging. The second reason tional role in otitis is only now that the possibility of a nutri- is media has gained little attention within the medical community. While deficiency of certain nutrients seem to common be in recurrent otitis may other nutritional factors that Therefore, this The final chapter nutritional is media, there are a host of be important in a given child. intended as a starting point. recommendations given in chapter 6 are based on a general knowledge of nutrition and immunity, and nutrition and inflammation. helpful for some children. with a child with recurrent It is The practitioner otitis range of diagnostic possibilities wise. Any a basic approach that who is confronted media must consider — may be the full both nutritional and other- therapeutic nutritional program that is undertaken should be done concurrently with an elimination of anti-nutrients others. such as trans fatty acids, heavy metals, sugar, and Epilogue Otitis media affects children at all points on the socioeconomic spectrum. At one extreme, nearly one-fifth of the age of six live at or below the poverty children under all level. These children often live in highly stressful environments where hygiene less than optimal and proper nutrition is lacking. children, the incidence of recurrent otitis Among media is is these high. The impact on their mental and emotional development can be severe, often lasting into adulthood. The physical and emotional needs of these children must be met through an influx of economic and human resources. Resources to provide adequate nutrition must be a top priority. At the other end of the spectrum lie children growing up in more affluent environments. At first glance, one might think these children are at lower risk to developing otitis media and learning problems than their less fortunate cohorts. However, affluent children (and children commonly from middle class families) are victims of "overconsumptive undernutrition" as described by Dr. Jeffrey Bland. This a condition in which caloric intake is more than adequte, but the calories are not accom- panied by the nutrients necessary for optimal health. Affluent families have sufficient resources to provide good nutrition for knowledge, initiative, power to implement the needed changes. The medical profession has for too long ignored the critical their children, but frequently lack the or will importance of diet and nutrition allergy and sensitivity is their efforts doctors of is upon all of children. Food vastly underrated by physicians. In most doctors, tional deficiency in diseases many family knowledge of the signs of lacking. Otolaryngologists surgery. This is nutri- commonly focus why we must look to holistic backgrounds for guidance. Holistic doctors view diet, lifestyle, environment, emotions, and spirituality as cor- 261 Childhood Ear Infections 262 nerstones of good health. They are more inclined to treat the They child as opposed to treating the disease. to use It is drugs and surgery as their these individuals who have choice first are less inclined in treating illness. the viewpoint that needed as we tackle the problem of childhbood is so urgently otitis media. Parents and doctors must recognize that no system of medicine can claim total success in the treatment of disease. we spend almost four times more money on health care than any other industrialized nation. In spite of In the United States, this, our infant mortality trialized world. Our life rate is among expectancy the worst in the indus- is less than one would expect considering the resources expended on health care. This odd marriage of a medicine which is highly reliant upon technology, yet often fails to attend to basic needs. What reflects the is required to solve many of our open dialolgue between those current health problems in allopathic is an medicine and those We must establish a complementary relationship between the two sciences. In areas where allopathic medicine excels, it should be the method of choice. In areas in holistic medicine. where holistic medicine excels, holistic medicine should be employed. In some instances, concurrent use may be best. Failure to recognize the benefits of each system potentially deprives us of the care needed to adequately solve our health problems. Had allopathic doctors not listened to the wisdom of Chinese botanical medicine, the World Health Organization — might never have learned of the plant Artemisia annua recently found to be one of the most effective treatments for malaria yet discovered. This plant has been used ment of febrile illness How many in the treat- and parasitic infection for centuries. other pearls of medical wisdom lie buried in the archives of ancient and traditional medicine? Are doctors w ill- ing to ignore potentially beneficial treatments for otitis media because of differing philosophies? My primary goal in writing this book is to educate the My second, but equally important goal is to open a public. Epilogue 263 dialogue and perhaps bridge the gap between two schools of thought. of otitis may I have pointed out weaknesses media and have offered in the current alternatives. treatment While some doctors object to the very idea that holistic methods have merit in the care who of otitis media, I am certain there are many doctors are openly looking for solutions irrespective of their philosophical beliefs. To stem the must rising tide of ear infections in children, enlist the help of all we people, including parents, doctors, day care providers, educators, and public health officials. As a society, we must redefine our lifestyles and change our eating habits. Parents must demand that their doctors be knowledge- able in the intricacies of nutritional medicine. Parents must no longer surrender responsibility for the health of their children to doctors, but instead must engage in a partnership with their doctors. Doctors in holistic medicine must educate the public about the benefits of their approach. Moreover, they must continue to conduct quality research and provide documentation that will withstand scientific scrutiny. Allopathic doctors take a tubes. engage must more cautious approach to the use of antibiotics and Most importantly, allopathic and holistic doctors must in a cooperative effort so that their collective insights might bring about the most expedient and effective solutions to our number one pediatric health problem. Appendix Resources Listed below are companies that sell various health-related products. This product. list is not an endorsement of any for informational purposes only. It is companies market only company or that some Note to health care professionals and prefer not to respond to inquiries from the public. These are indicated with an asterisk. Nutritional Products Metagenics, Inc.* NutriCology, Inc. 23180 Del Lago Laguna Hills, CA 92653 400 Preda Street San Leandro, CA 94577 800-545-9960 714-855-1718 Nutrition Dynamics* Spectrum Naturals 133 Copeland Street Petaluma, CA 94952 707-778-8900 5410 Highway 12 Maple Plain, MN 55359 800-444-9998 Homeopathic Medicine Biological Homeopathic Homeopathic Educational Industries* Services 11600 Cochiti S. E. Albuquerque, 800-621-7644 NM 2124 Kittredge Avenue 87123 Berkeley, Boiron-Bomemann 1208 Amosland Road Norwood, PA 19074 & 210 W. 131st Street Los Angeles, CA 90061 800-624-9659 Tafel, Inc. 2381 Circadian Santa Rosa, Way CA 94704 Standard Homeopathic Co. 800-258-8823 Boericke CA 415-649-0294 (inquiries) 800-359-9051 (orders) 95407 800-876-9505 265 Childhood Ear Infections 266 Botanical Medicine K'an Herb Company* 2425 Porter Street. Suite Soquel, CA 95073 I.T.M.* 18 2442 S. E. Portland, Sherman OR 97214 8(X)-543-5233 800-544-7504 Brion Herb Corporation* McZand Herbal, RO. Box 5312 12020 B. Centralia Rd. Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 800-333-HERB Inc.* CA Santa Monica, 90405 213-392-8404 Acupuncture OMS Medical Supplies, Inc.* 1950 Washington Street Braintree, MA 02184 800-323-1839 Redwing Book Company 44 Linden Street Brookline, MA 02146 800-873-3946 Organizations American Academy of Environmental Medicine American PO. Box 16106 2727 Fairview Avenue E. Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 322-6842 Denver, CO 80216 Candida Research Information Foundation International College of RO. Box 2719 Castro Valley, Holistic Medical Association CA 94546 Shawnee Mission, KS 66212 (415) 582-2179 Human Ecology (HEAL) Applied Kinesiology 10540 Marty. Suite 240 Action League PO. Box 66637 (913) 648-2828 American Chiropractic Association Chicago, IL 60666 1701 Clarendon Boulevard. (312) 665-6575 Arlington, International Health Foundation William Crook, M.D. 800-372-7665 American Osteopathic VA 22209 Association 212 East Ohio Street Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 280-5800 267 Appendix National Resources Defense National for the 1424 16th Street N.W. 800-648-NRDC National Center for Homeopaths 1500 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington. DC 20005 (202) 223-6182 American Commission Certification of Acupuncturists Council Homeopathy 1500 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington. DC Washington. DC 20036 (202) 323-1404 American Academy of of Institute Suite 501 20005 Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 1424 16th Street N.W Suite 501 Washington. DC 20036 (202) 265-2287 International Foundation for Homeopathy 2366 Eastlake' Avenue E. #301 Seattle. WA 98102 British Homeopathic Association 27A Devonshire Street London. WIN IRJ. England Institute for Traditional Medicine 2017 S.E. Hawthorne Portland. OR 97214 800-544-7504 Foundation for Homeopathic Education & Research 5916 Chabot Crest Oakland. C A 94618 (415) 649-8930 Suggested Reading The books marked with an asterisk are those that would be of would be interest primarily to health professionals. All others of interest to the general reader. General Lappe, M.; When Antibiotics Fail: Restoring the Ecology of the Body. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley. California. 1986. Mendelsohn. R.S How to Raise a HeaWiy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, Contemporai} Books, Chicago, Illinois, 1984. . : Childhood Ear Infections 268 Allergy Roberts, S.; The EI Syndrome: Rxfor Environmental Illness, Prestige New Publishers, Crook, \^.; York, 1989. Are You Allergic, Professional Books, Jackson, Tennessee, 1974. Randolph, Jones, T. ; New Crowell, An Alternative Approach to Allergies. Lippincott M.; The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook, Rodale Press, Emmaus, & York, 1980. Inc., Pennsylvania, 1984. Homeopathic Medicine Ullman, D. Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21 st Century, North AtlanBooks, Berkeley, California, 1988. , tic Vithoulkas, G.; The Science of Homeopathy, Grove Press, 1980.* New York, Santwani, M.; Common Ailments of Children and Their Homeopathic Matuigement Jain Publishing Company, New Dehli, 10055. 1983. 1 , Cummings, S.; Ullman, D.; Everybody's Guide P. Tarcher. Los Angeles, 1984. to Homeopathic Medicines, Jeremy Herscu, P.; The Homeopathic Treatment of Children: Pediatric ConNorth Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California. 1990.* stitutional Types, Kent, J.T.; Repertory of Homeopathic Materia Medico, Jain Publishing Company, New Dehli, 110055.* Wheeler, C.E.; Kenyon, ].D.\ Practice of Homeopathy, Daniel An Introduction to the Principles and Company, London, 1980. Boericke, W.; Pocket Manual of Materia Medical with Repertory. Periodical Syndicate, New Dehli. 110055.* Indian Books Coulter. & H.; Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley. California. 1980. Messer, S.; Otitis Media in ices, Berkeley, California, Children, Homeopathic Educational Serv- 1986 (audio tape).* 269 Appendix Chinese Medicine Bensky; Gamble; Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, Eastland Press, Seattle, Washington, 1986.* Hsu, H.Y.; Hsu, C.S.; Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Formulas, Oriental Healing Arts Institute, Los Angeles, California, 1980.* Yeung, H.; Handbook of Chinese Herbs and Formulas, Chinese Medicine, Los Angeles, California, 1983.* Dharmananda, S.; Institute of Foundations of Chinese Herb Prescribing, The Medicine, Portland, Oregon, 1989.* Institute for Traditional M.; Planetary Herbology, Lotus Light, Wilmot, Wisconsin, Tierra, 1988.* Pang, T.Y.; Chinese Herbal: An Introduction, Tai Chi School of Philosophy and Art, East Sound, Washington, 1982.* Fratkin, J.; Chinese Herbal Patent Forumulas, The Institute for Trad- Medicine, Portland, Oregon, 1986.* itional Flaws, B.; Wolfe, H.L.; Prince Wen Hui's Cook: Chinese Dietary Therapy, Paradigm Publications, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1983. Tail and Other Tender Mercies: Traditional Chinese Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1985.* Flaws, B.; Turtle Pediatrics, Scott, J.; The Treatment of Children by Acupuncture, The Journal of Chinese Medicine, Sussex, England, 1986.* Kaptchuck, T The Web That Has No Weaver, Congdon ; & Weed, New York, 1983.* Ross, J.; Zang Fu: The Organ Systems of Chines Medicine, second edition, Churchill Livingstone, Porkert, M.; Ullman, & Practice, & Why West, William it New York, 1985.* C; Chinese Medicine: It's History, Philosophy May One Day Dominate the Medicine of the Morrow and Company, Matsumoto, K.; Birch, S.; Five 1988. Elements and Ten Stems, Paradigm Publications, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1983.* Firebra, Books, P.; New et al; Acupuncture: The Illustrated Guide, York, 1988. Harmony Childhood Ear Infections 270 Kenyon, i ., Acupressure Techniques: A Self-Help Guide, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1988. Chiropractic/Osteopathy Maitland. G.D.; Vertebral Manipulation, London, 1986.* edition, Butterworths, fifth Buerger, A. A.; Greenman, P.E.; Empirical Approaches to the Valida- of Spinal Manipulation, 1985.* tion Charles C. Thomas. Springfield. Illinois, Dryburgh, R. A. So You're Thinking of Going to a Chiropractor, Keats New Canaan, Connecticut, 1984. ; F^iblishing, Inc., Chiropractic State of the Art 1987-1988, American Chiropractic Association, Arlington, Virginia, 1988. Kelner, M.; Hall, O.; Coulter, l.;''Chiropractors: DoThey Help'.^" Fit- zhenry and Whiteside, Toronto, Canada, 1980. Nutrition Erasmus, U.; Fats and Oils: The Complete Guide to Fats and Oils in Health and Nutrition, Alive Press, Vancouver, Canada, 1986. Rudin, D.O.; Felix, New C; The Omega-3 Phenomenon, Avon Books, York, 1987. Galland, L.\ Superimmunity for Kids E.P. Dutton, , Bland, J.S.; et al.; Keats Publishing, 1988. The 1984-85 Yearbook of Nutritional Medicine, Canaan, Connecticut, 1985.* New Werbach, M.; Nutritional Influences on ical New York, Illness: A Sourcebook of Clin- Research, Third Line Press. Tarzana, California. 1988.* Smith, L.H.; Feed Your Kids Right, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., York, 1979. Grand, R.J.; et al; Pediatric Nutrition: New Theory and Practice. Butter- worths, Boston, 1987.* Shills, Lea & M.E.; Young, V.R.; Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Febiger, Philadelphia, 1988.* Nutrition Reviews' Present Knowledge in Nutrition, fifth edition. Nutrition Foundation. Inc.. Washington, D.C., 1984.* The 1 27 Appendix We are currently gathering information ment of otitis media. If on the hohstic manage- you have cHnical data, research reports, would help improve our condition please send them to: or detailed case studies that you think understanding of this Media Research Brookview Health Sciences P.O. Box 452 Anoka, 55303 Otitis MN References Introduction Diamant, M.; Diamant, B.; "Abuse and Timing of Use of Antibiotics in Acute Otitis Media," Arc/i. Otolaryngol. 100:226-232, 1974. 1. 2. Van Buchem, F.L.; "Therapy of Acute Otitis Media: MyrinA Double-Blind Study in Children," gotomy, Antibiotics, or Neither? Lancet 883, Oct. 24, 1981. 3. Chaput de Saintonge, D.M.; Levine, D.F.; et al.; "Trial of Threeof Amoxycillin in Otitis Media," fir. Med. Day and Ten-Day Courses J. Vol. 284, Apr. 10, 1982. Brown, M.J.; Richards, S.H.; Ambegaoker, A.G.; "Grommets A Five-Year Follow-Up of a Controlled Trial," J. Roy. Soc. Med. Vol. 71:353-356, 1978. 4. and Glue Ear: 5. Pang, L.Q.; "The Importance of Allergy Illinois, p. 6. in 633^ 1976. Skoner. D.P.; Stillwagon, P.K.; et al.; "Inflammatory Mediators Chronic Otitis Media with Effusion," Arch. Otolarxngol. Head Neck Surg. Vol. 7. in Otolar>'ngology," Dickey, L. (Ed.), Charles Thomas, Springfield, Clinical Ecology, 114, 1131-1133, Oct., 1988. 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Pri- Bloomington. 1 Index Bacteria, absence in middle ear fluid. 8: Acidophilus, see Lactobacillus Antibiotic resitant 24, 35-37: Acupressure, 142-152 Beneficial, 24-25: Coliform. 35. Acupuncture. 143, 153. 186. 200. 204 228-243 Adenoidectomy. 14-15.42 Bed Agricultural Industn.-. 22. 36-37. 100 Air travel. 173 114, 155-165, 186 Bio-mechanical obstructions. 78-84 Airborne pollutants, 64—68. 71. 74. Birth trauma.. Bifidobacterium bifidus. 24-25. 63. 76, Blood 125-126. 164. 170.201.204-205 Botanical medicines. 150, 152-155. 25-26, 30, 42-43. 53-63. 74. 104. 107. 121-130. 133. 161-164. 167, 170. 243-247 Brain inflammation. 181-182. 200-206. 226-227. 252-254: 205-206 16-17. 24. 112. Breastfeeding. " 92-94. 123. 167-170. and immune response. 57-58 Allopathy, 51-52, 189 .•\itemative Health Care, see Holistic 181-182 response. 27: Anti-fungal 14—115: Bacteria resistant Bronchial problems. to, 21-24! 35-37: Banned. 36-37: Digestive function. 24-27. 58: Dosage. Leaky gut syndrome. 203: Necessary instances. Bulbar paralysis, 14 Buzzing and ringing. 5. 188. 232 Candida albicans. 2'5-26. 126. 159-161. 204 Canned Timmg treatment. 30 3 Cer\ical. 78-84. 141. 222-226. Challenge feeding, see EliminationProvocation Chemotaxis. 26 Child's constitution. 119. 122, 133, 195. Antibodies. 26-27. 60. 175, 258-259 Antihistimines. 11. 13, 131 199-201. 207. 21 1-213. 219-222, 226 Chinese medicine. 114. 118. 143. 150, 186-187.228.243-246 Anto-oxidants. 64-66. 98-99, 201, 249, 253, 258 foods. 185 Carcinogen.68-71 Carpeting, 67-69, 172 Catarrh, 216, 222, 229-237. 244-245 Catarrh. 216. 222. 229-237. 244-245 114-115: Preventive use. 21. 27. 33-35: Risk/Benefit. 20. 34: 11, 53, 99, 122, 124, 171.216.220 Bruxism. 227 Building Materials, 68 139. Medicine .Aluminum poisoning. 181. 184 .Anasthetic risks. 43 .Animal dander. 64, 67 Anti-inflammatories, 11-13,91,99, 103-107. 157. 247-250. 253-255 Antibiotics and allergies. 19: Antibody 32: Placebo effect. 33: 13. 181. .Allergies 1 58-61. 75. Bloodletting. 240-241 Organic Compounds Allergic reactions, 6. 10. 13-14. 19. therapy, 11.79-84,223 cells, white. 6. 8. 13. 26. 89,98. 104-105. 111. 144. 157. 180 Airborne pollutants, see also Volatile Testing. wetting. 53. 124.221 Chiropractic, see Spinal problems Arachidonic acid, 89-90. 96. 102-106. 247-254 Cholera, 74 Cholesterol. 16.99-101.259 Anhritis, 63 Climatic factors. 9. 63. 116 Aspirin and Tylenol, 12-13, 84, 97. Colds. 11.53.81. 140-141, 149-150, 105-106. 112. 152.248.250 Asthma. 11.73.99. 102. 104. 122-124. Consonants distinguished. 50 143 Atopy. 57. 99-100 .Atop\. see also. Susceptibility -Attention span. 189-195,212 Communicability. 176 213 Convulsions. 112 Cortisone. 12. 99. 107.250 Cranium 307 strains. 227. 228 1 308 Childhood Ear Infections 2. 9. 36-37. 56-57. 61-62. 87. 125-126. 163-164. 168. Dairy products. 179. 181.205 Damp conditions. 116. 136-139. 172. 191-192. 214-215. 236-239. 246 Day care. 10. 25. 34. 49. 69. 71. 99. 114. 174-178 143. 153. 155. 164. Developmental delays. 1 1. Gluten. 56 Gonnorhea. 22 "Great Masquerader". 53 Cironimeis. see Tympanostomy Haemophilus influenzae. 17. 22-24. 32. 75. 174 Hallucinations. 191-192 47-49 Diarrhea. 27. 53. 75. 124. 127. 161. 167. 174. 176. 177.221 Hearing Heavy loss. 40. 43. 50. metals, 1 1 1. 1 19. cadmium. 67-68. lead. 48. 67: mercurv. Distended abdomen, 212.215. Hepatitis. 177 Down's syndrome. 10. 118-119. 224-225 EColi. 23. 27. 35. 158. 160. 174 Eardrops. 140. 154 Eardrum, color. 6; perforation.44, 214; Herbal teas. 154 216 76. 99: 204 Herbal teas, see also Botanical medicines Herxheimer reaction. 164 Holistic medicine. 51-52. 198-199 regeneration. 200: rupture. 4. 15: Holistic medicine, see also Chiropractic. thickening. 16. 42: Homeopathy, Acupressure, Homeopathy, 2,52, 119, 121. Earuax. 120. 158 Elimination-provocation tests. 121. 123. 125. 169.206 Emotional factors. 51. 100. 116-118. 134-136. 167. 191.212-215.218-219. 227-229 etc. 129. 134. 1.^9-141. 164. 189-190. 195.200. 206-222 House dust. 48. 66-68. 172 H\alini/ation. 44 Hydrogen peroxide. 26. 120 Encephalitis. 112 Hvdrogenation. 88-89. 93-96. 184 Energy homes. 71 Enuresis, see Bedwetling Environmental factors. 25-31. 74-77. 98. Hyperactivity, 99, 158, 161,224 Enviommental factors, see Immune efficient also Volatile Organic Compounds Epilepsy. 1 12 Hypersensitivity, 59-62, 73, 104, 123, 128. 135. response. 27. and allergens. 57: and heavy metals. 48: and sucessive generations. 76: suppressed. 57-58. 104 Essential Fatty Acids, 76. 86-94. 101. Immunoglobulins. 58-59 107-108. 120. 164. 170. 182-183.203 European Economic Community. 36. 70 Impetigo. 56 Eustachian tube. 4-5. 14. 31. 40, 45-46. Incomplete Breakdown Products. 58. 203 78-83. 91-93. i 10, Infants. 2. 49. 62. 68. 53-55. 77-78. 82. 90. 102. 105. 118. no. 146. 169, 173. 172-174. 180-183.227.255 Fats, saturated and unsaturated Fatty acids. 56-66. 107 Fatty acids, see also Essential Fatty Acids Fear. 190-191. Febrile convulsions. 112.215 Feeding position. Fetal 9. 169 Alchohol Exposure. 9. 255-256 1-13. 16-17. 30. 75. 90. Fevers. 5-6. 1 119. 125. 158. 161. 167-169. Inflammatory response. .3-9. 12-13. 16. 24-26. 31-32. 52. 63. 82-84. 91-98. 102-107. 142-144. 152-157.201-203. 247-249. 25.3-256 Injuries. 5. 31 42. 65. 79-80. 104-105. 187-189.221-224 1 1 . 1 . Injuries, see also Birth trauma Insecticides. 68-69. 130 258 103.105. 110-113. 118. 129. 134-136. Interferon. 142-143. 176-177. 190-191. 208. 216. Kent's scale of ascending potency. 21 219-220.232-233.252 Labyrinthitis. 17 Foodbome pollutants. 35 Free radicals. 64-65. 94-99. 105. 249-250. 253. 259 air. 68. 186.204 Learning 70 Genetics. 10. 23. 35. 52. 75-76 Giardia25. 161. 174.204 Furnace, forced Lactobacillus. 24. 25. 63. 96. 155-165. 1 disabilities. 48-.50 Leukotrines. 102-106. 247-249, 253 Love and Lymph attention, \\?i-\ 14 .System. 14, 27, 58. 61. 77, 83, 1 309 Index 138, 143-148. 152. 159. 203. 213. 217. Otoscopy. 6-7, 117, 198, 208, 229 259 Overconsumptive society, 203 202-205. 257 Manipulation, 222-228 Parasites, 25, 76, 160, 162, Manipulation, see also Spinal Paralysis. Marine Peroxides, 26, 120, 159, oils. 88 Mastoiditis. 16. 29. 32. 139. 211. 214. Pesticide, 14.27.28 22-23 Pharmaceutical 220. 233 Medical intervention, timing. 110-111 Mendelsohn. Dr. Robert S..'39. 47. 1 13 Mennigitis. 16-17 Middle ear effusion. 2. 7-«. 15, 30-31, Industr>', 22, 36, 82. Physical examination. Placebo effect. 6. 117. 198 33 39_42. 49-50. 64-66, 72, 139. 176. Pneumatic otoscopy. 6-7. 95-99. 102-107 197.207-208.211-212 Poisoning. Minerals, nutritive, calcium, 27, 68, 100, 1 12 Polio and tonsillectomies, 14 131.202 163: copper, 75. 90-91. 97. 99-100. Pollen. 60. 64. 156. 257: iron. 75. 101. 111. 157. 168. Pollution. 63-64. 98-99. 105. 170. 250: magnesium. 27. 75. 90-96. 99-100.^156. 180. 184-185: Polyps. 16 manganese. 98-99: molybdenum.6: selenium. 98: zinc. 56. 68. 75-76. 91-93.98-107. 111. 119. 156, 168-169, 185,203,254,257 Molds and fungi. 64. 69. 126-127. 159. 170-172 Muco-purulent discharges. 213-216 Mucus. 8. 13. 42. 53-54, 63. 71. 90. 105. 107. 117. 154.170. 190-191.201.216. 221 Myringotomy. 15. 30. 42-*3. 57, 175 201-202 Posture. 189.212 Pregnancy. 76. 169, 256 Prostaglandins 12, 89-91, 182-184. 247-249, 253-254, 258 Prosthetic eardrum, 199 Psychoneuroimmunology, 52 Purulent discharge, 8, 2Y3-216, 229-232, 236. 245 Radiation. 52. 97-99 Rashes. 176-177 Rectal perforation. 112-113 Neutrophils, see Blood cells, white Reflectometn.. 7 Newspaper. 7 Respiratory problems. 10-11. 60.64 Non-essential fatty acids. 85-88. 93. 98. Retardation. 41 183-184, Retardation, see also Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. 248. 251 Nose drops. 120. 154-155. 165: Down's syndrome Reyes syndrome. 13. 112 Rotation diets. 138-129 Salmonella 35. 174 Nutrition. 35-37. 50-63. 87-103. Scarring of eardrum. 15-16.41^2 122-129. 154-169. 178-187. 201-206. Seasonality. 9. 195 213-,253: Seizures. Deficiencies. 85: food favorites. 62: Serous effusion. food intolerance. 58: introducing solids. Shi fan. (rice soup) 81-82. 178. 182 11.178-179.182 3 and 6. 87-90. 92. 94. 102-104. 156. 181-183. 187.248-249 Si Feng, treatment. 238. 240. Omega Organic food. 37. 154. 185 media, as self limiting disease. 19. complications. 16. 31-33. 39—44. 115. 1. 229: costs nationally. 12 8. 55. 61. 207 241-242 194.213.227 Smog. 98 9. 63-67. 71. 76. 99. 127, 171-i'73, 190 41. 197: categories. 207.^211: 199. 21 1 Sleep. 5. 81. 135. 154. 191. Smoking. Osteopathy, see Spinal Otitis 247 Phosphoric acid. 185 3: Defined. 7-8: Diagnostic flow charts. 208-210: Diagnostic uncertainty. 33 Otorrhea, 43. 239 Sneezing. 60. 190. 193.218 Socio-economic factors. 11. 50 Spinal problems and therapies. 78-84. 105. 121. 141-142. 148. 187-192. TT'l-TTS Spirituality. ^ 37 261 Staphlococcus. 22. 24 Statistics, antibiotic use. 20. 29: alleraic Childhood Ear Infections 310 reaction. 54-57: binh trauma. 79. Trembling. 190 breastfeeding. 16S; day care centers. Tympanosclerosis. 4 Tympanostomy. 174-175: incidence by age. 3 Strepthroat. 23. 74-75. 174 Stress. 51. 54. 43^4: 78-79. 84. KK). 182. 227. 225 Sulfa drugs. 114. 155. 164 Super infection 30 Susceptibility. 51.74. 99 Swimming. 229 Teeth grinding, 227 Temporomandibular Joint. 227 Thymus gland. 75. 102.260 ^2 complication. 43; tube rejection. 39. 122. 133 Vacuum .Subluxation. 79. 83. 1 39^W: cost. 39: post surgical infection. Tympometry. 259 14. 7 cleaners. 67 Virus infections. 8. 14. 20. 67. 75-77. 95-105. 142. 152. 162. 189. 228 239. 257-260. Vitamins. 52. 125. 186: vitamin A. 76. 102. 156. 183. 203. 255. 259: vitamin B6. 120. 169: vitamin B12. 27: vitamin C. 65. 76. 98. 156. 203. 258: vitamin D. 183: vitamin E. 64. 76. 98. 156. 183, Tissue necrosis. 31 203, 252-254. 258: folic acid. 27. 76. Tonsils, 14-15. 53-54. 61. 69. 78. 81-83. 91. 101. 159. 203: viamin K. 27. niacin 129, 135, 144-145. 148. 191.212-213. 217,219 Torticollis in infants, 188 Trace elements, see Minerals Traditional medicine. 197 Traditional medicine, see also Holistic Whooping cough 176 Woodstoves. 171-172 Yeast infections. Candida albicans Zinc, see Minerals nutritive medicine Transfatty acids, 258 Organic Compounds. 64. 66-73, 68-74.96. 105. 172 159: riboflavin. 76. 98. 156. 203. Volatile 94-99 The author with his son, Caleb Michael A. Schmidt studied biology and chemistry at Augsburg College and the University of the State of New York, and received a bachelor of science from the University of the Dr. State of New York. was employed Prior to beginning his graduate studies, he as an analytical chemist tant in microbiology. He received his western College of Chiropractic training in acupuncture and and a technical assisdoctorate from North- (NWCC) and has postgraduate clinical nutrition. He began private practice in a holistic health clinic in Minnesota. Based on his research of several medical disciplines. Dr. Schmidt has developed a multifaceted approach to the treatment of ear infections. In 1988, he produced an audio series 2 Childhood Far Infections 31 on the topic of ear infections that has been used by parents and doctors nationwide. Schmidt teaches Dr. He levels. and participates the graduate and postgraduate in the pediatric research activities for Clinical Studies at nutrition at currently lectures in the Department of Pediatrics and of the Center NWCC. He conducts research in a consultant to groups doing research is applied on otitis media. Dr. Schmidt lives in and son, Caleb. Anoka, Minnesota with his wife, Julie ISBN 1-55643-089-2 The Family Health Series $1 2.95 Ear intcclions arc the number one reason parents lake their child Many to a doctor. infants and children experience recurrent ear infections despite continual treatment with antibiotics and anti- histamines. Lack of response often leads to surgery. Michael Schmidt cites evidence from the most respected medical and entific journals that sci- conventional drug and surgical treatments for ear infections are overused and often ineffective. Nutritional strategies, allergy management, accupressure, homeopathic immune medicine, and herbal remedies can build up a child's system, heal ear infections, and prevent their recurrance. "The author has thoroughly researched the field separated out the logical from the spurious. should be aware of this book and have am it and has carefulK The general public as a ready reference. I impressed!" — Lendon Smith, M.D.. Pediatrician and author of Feed Your Kids Right "Dr. Schmidt's excellent and parent alike. mystery out of The book 'must' reading for physician author's step-by-step approach takes the this illness. tion outlined, but the is Not only are the causes of ear infec- myths are dispelled with a thorough discus- sion of prevention and alternative treatments. recommend this book — Edward I highly for every parent's bookshelf." J. Linkner, M.D., Clinical Instructor. University of Michigan Medical School "This tions. is It an absolutely remarkable book about kids' ear infecshould be required reading in pediatrics in every medical school class and microbiology." —Keith W. Sehnert, M.D.. Family doctor and author of ten books on medical self-care. ISBN l-SSbM3-DfiT-a 51295 North Atlantic Books Homeopathic Educational Services Berkeley, California 9 781556"430893