Rising Diabetes Rates Ensuring Adequate Resources for Patient Care Aarohan Rawat MSDSM 2204107002 Data Visualization Assignment 2 01 Executive Summary Analysis and Recommendation Taking Action to Combat, 36% Increase in Diabetes Cases Over the Last 4 Years ● ● ● ● Forecasted Diabetes rates in medical centers (A-M) have increased by 36% over the past four years, going from 7.2% in 2015 to 8.6% in 2019. If this trend continues, the centers can expect a yearly influx of 14,000 additional diabetic patients for the next four years. This would increase the patient volume from 32,000 to 46,000, posing a challenge for providing sufficient care. Administrators must acknowledge this trend and assess the need for additional resources to meet the growing demand for diabetes care. 02 Challenge Faced Training and Infrastructure Potential Understaffing Impacting Patient Care Potential Understaffing Training Insufficient healthcare professionals to meet the increasing patient load Challenges in coordinating care and ensuring seamless transitions between healthcare providers Infrastructure Limited availability of diabetes education and prevention programs Inadequate infrastructure and equipment for diabetes management: Proposed Solution Strategic Solutions to Overcome Challenges in Diabetes Care Potential Understaffing Increasing Proactiveness Increase recruitment efforts and offer competitive incentives for healthcare professionals in diabetes care Expand community outreach and partnerships to promote diabetes education and prevention IncreasING Funding Invest in updating medical facilities and acquiring state-of-the-art equipment for diabetes management Allocate additional funding to establish specialized diabetes care programs and service 04 CONCLUSIONS Call for action and Summary T 6 Taking Action Securing a Healthier Future for Our Diabetic Patients The rising diabetes rates across our medical centers present us with a critical challenge that requires immediate attention. Through the analysis of historical and projected data, we have identified the root causes and proposed strategic solutions to overcome the challenges faced in diabetes care. By taking action and implementing these solutions, we can ensure that our medical centers are equipped with the necessary resources to provide optimal care to our growing diabetic patient population. I urge the administration and decision-makers to prioritize addressing the rising diabetes rates by allocating additional resources and implementing the proposed solutions. By doing so, we can secure a healthier future for our diabetic patients, improve their quality of life, and effectively meet the growing demand for diabetes care.