¶ Boba Fonts presents… 1STaR 3je37di 37Lo37go367 M3o736nolin;9 v. 2.51 2STaR 3je3di 3Lo3go3 D3ou3bl3el3in3e i 6ST6aR6 je6di 6Lo6go6 D6ou6bl6eline ii8 v. 2.52, v. 2.55 Install the Star Jedi Logo MonoLine, Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine1 & Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine2 fonts in order to display correctly this document (installation of the original Star Jedi and Star Jedi Hollow also required for this doc) “normal” visualization recommended - created with Microsoft Word 97; best viewed in 800*600 you can click on the blue shortcuts in the contents menu ————————————————————————————————— Contents ——————1. Introduction ——————2. Star Jedi Logo MonoLine ————————2.1 Charset table of Star Jedi Logo MonoLine ————————2.2. Samples of Star Jedi Logo Monoline ——————3. Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 1 ————————3.1 Charset table of Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 1 ————————3.2 Samples of Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 1 ——————4. Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 2 ————————4.1 Charset table of Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 2 ————————4.2 Samples of Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 2 ————————4.3 Samples of SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 with Logo DoubleLine 2 1. Introduction These Star Wars Logo fonts join the Star Jedi collection. Star Jedi is based upon the official Star Wars logo typeface. Star Jedi Logo MonoLine & DoubleLine 1 / 2 are titling (capitals only) fonts, with many variations and connections, the same of Star Jedi; they have also the capability to create single or double text lines Logos, in perfect Star Wars style. Please, take a look at the charset tables and the samples below for details. The Star Jedi family was created with the little shareware font editor Softy 1.07a by D.W.Emmett. Installation: extract the contents of the zip file named “stjelogo.zip” to a directory of your choice. You'll find: strjmono.ttf stjldbl1.ttf stjldbl2.ttf Star Jedi Logo font guide Word97.doc logomonoline samples.jpg logodoubleline samples.jpg This is what the zip file should contain. Feel free to distribute the zip but remember to keep it intact and complete. These fonts are freeware. To tell the truth they’re…“e-mailware”: if you like them send me an e-mail. Boba Fonts Davide Canavero V.Vigliani 15/4 10135 TORINO ITALY canavero@pianeta.net 2. 1STaR 3je375di 37Lo37go367 M3o736nolin;9 Star Jedi Logo MonoLine is a bold font that reproduces exactly the original Star Wars logo’s typeface as it was in the basic Star Jedi font. The small letters are all capitals, while the capitals are serif variants. A few simple link-lines allow you to create complex letter groups, as it’s shown in the samples chapter of the basic Star Jedi font guide. And here’s the new stuff of SJ Logo: Star Jedi Logo MonoLine is provided with special frames, decorative lines, logo fragments that will help you to display the single text line Star Wars-style logo you prefer. SJ Logo MonoLine is fully “compatible” with the basic Star Jedi (I mean you can alternate the two fonts, which differ for a few chars) and it can be used (and framed) alone, as you can see in the title above and in the SJ Logo MonoLine samples chapter. But if you want to display a two text lines logo…you’ll need to use SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 & 2 (see below). 2.1 The charset of Times New Roman ! " # $ % & 63St6ar4 7je7di57 1STaR 3je537di 37Lo37go367 M3o736nolin;9 ASCII code Note ! Alt 33 “of the” mini letter group " Alt 34 # Alt 35 “to the” mini letter group $ Alt 36 “for the” mini letter group % Alt 37 “in the” mini letter group & Alt 38 top “the” mini letter group 1Logo63 Mo6375noline9 ' ( ) * + , - ' Alt 39 ( Alt 40 ) Alt 41 * Alt 42 bottom “the” mini letter group Alt 43 top link-line f+t , Alt 44 - Alt 45 . . Alt 46 / Alt 47 Star Wars Logo half size letter group abc0def Alt 48 double central logo line 1abcd Alt 49 “Star…” left logo frame 2 26ab6cd6ef Alt 50 “Star…” top left logo line 3 36ab6c Alt 51 top left logo line 4 Alt 52 top central logo line x7yz75 Alt 53 top right logo line 63ab3c Alt 54 bottom left logo line / 0 1 5 6 abcd4efghi 7 x5yz57 Alt 55 bottom right logo line “…Wars” bottom right logo line 8 v57w5x5yz58 Alt 56 9 wxyz9 Alt 57 : : Alt 58 ; Alt 59 E right serif ab<Jks Alt 60 left link-underline (used with the descending J) Alt 61 bottom link-line Alt 62 right link-underline (used with the descending R and K) ; < = > r= V> “…Wars” right logo frame ? @ A B C D E ? Alt 63 Alt 64 Star Wars Logo letter group A Alt 65 A left serif B Alt 66 B left serif C Alt 67 alternative C D Alt 68 D left serif E Alt 69 E left serif @ F G H I J K L F Alt 70 F left serif G Alt 71 alternative G H Alt 72 H left serif I Alt 73 H right serif J Alt 74 Return of the Jedi descending J K Alt 75 K right serif L Alt 76 L left serif M N O P Q R S M Alt 77 M left serif N Alt 78 N right serif O Alt 79 N left serif P Alt 80 P left serif Q Alt 81 M right serif R Alt 82 R right serif S Alt 83 S left serif T U V W X Y Z T Alt 84 narrow T U Alt 85 descending K V Alt 86 descending R W Alt 87 W left serif X Alt 88 alternative R Y Alt 89 Y left serif Z Alt 90 A right serif [ \ ] ^ _ ` a [ Alt 91 K superserif a\ \r Alt 92 bottom link / plug ] Alt 93 W right serif ^ Alt 94 Boba Fonts Logo _ Alt 95 U left serif ` Alt 96 V left serif a Alt 97 standard A b c d e f g h b Alt 98 standard B c Alt 99 standard C d Alt 100 standard D e Alt 101 standard E f Alt 102 standard F g Alt 103 standard G h Alt 104 standard H i j k l m n o i Alt 105 universal I j Alt 106 standard J k Alt 107 standard K l Alt 108 standard L m Alt 109 standard M n Alt 110 standard N o Alt 111 universal O p q r s t u v p Alt 112 standard P q Alt 113 universal Q r Alt 114 standard R s Alt 115 standard S t Alt 116 standard T u Alt 117 standard U v Alt 118 standard V w x y z { | } w Alt 119 standard W x Alt 120 universal X y Alt 121 standard Y z Alt 122 universal Z { Alt 123 Boba Fonts Logo h| s|u Alt 124 top link / plug } Alt 125 Boba Fonts Logo ~ „ † Š Œ ‘ ’ ~ Alt 126 Y right serif „ Alt 0132 third G † Alt 0134 third C Š Alt 0138 Œ Alt 0140 ‘ Alt 0145 ’ Alt 0146 “ ” š œ Ÿ ¶ ¿ “ Alt 0147 ” Alt 0148 š Alt 0154 œ Alt 0156 Ÿ Alt 0159 ¶ Alt 0182 ¿ Alt 0191 Boba Fonts Logo À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ À Alt 0192 Á Alt 0193  Alt 0194 à Alt 0195 Ä Alt 0196 Å Alt 0197 Æ Alt 0198 Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Ç Alt 0199 È Alt 0200 É Alt 0201 Ê Alt 0202 Ë Alt 0203 Ì Alt 0204 Í Alt 0205 alternative Ç Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Î Alt 0206 Ï Alt 0207 Ð Alt 0208 Ñ Alt 0209 Ò Alt 0210 Ó Alt 0211 Ô Alt 0212 Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Õ Alt 0213 Ö Alt 0214 Ø Alt 0216 Ù Alt 0217 Ú Alt 0218 Û Alt 0219 Ü Alt 0220 Ý Þ ß à á â ã Ý Alt 0221 Þ Alt 0222 ß Alt 0223 à Alt 0224 á Alt 0225 â Alt 0226 ã Alt 0227 ä å æ ç è é ê ä Alt 0228 å Alt 0229 æ Alt 0230 ç Alt 0231 è Alt 0232 é Alt 0233 ê Alt 0234 standard Ç ë ì í î ï ð ñ ë Alt 0235 ì Alt 0236 í Alt 0237 î Alt 0238 ï Alt 0239 ð Alt 0240 ñ Alt 0241 ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ò Alt 0242 ó Alt 0243 ô Alt 0244 õ Alt 0245 ö Alt 0246 ø Alt 0248 ù Alt 0249 ú û ü ý þ ÿ ú Alt 0250 û Alt 0251 ü Alt 0252 ý Alt 0253 þ Alt 0254 ÿ Alt 0255 2.2 Samples of 1STaR 3je37di 37Lo37go367 M3o736nolin;9 You already know that \, |, +, = are four simple link-lines that allow you to create complex letter groups, exactly as it was in the basic Star Jedi. =StK=j|a\ +WaR= ||||||||||de=KI\||||||||||||||||v+ There are also two link-underlines (<, >), one to the left, the other to the right. B<t<Ø<s<J V>g>t>p U>È>Þf<|X<J The two types of T: the first (standard T, the small letter) is square-shaped, and is suitable with top-wide letters; the other (narrow T, the capital letter) should be used always with A, O, Q, S, and before C, G, J. Obviously you’re free to do what you want, according with your esthetical preferences. use of standard T use of narrow T tatooine (wrong) TaTooine nte (ok) (ok) nTe (wrong) New features of SJ Logo MonoLine: the numbers have been replaced with user-friendly logo lines and frames (in case of need you can use the numbers from Star Jedi with full compatibility). Follow this brief tutorial. We want to display this logo: 26ST6ar63 je63di 6L5og75o 5Ml85 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. write the text go back before S and type “2” to display the “Star…”-top-left-logo-line. type “6” for the first bottom left logo line underline and overline all the text using “3” and “6” up to the middle go to the end after the last L and type “8” for the “…Wars”-bottom-right-logo-line type “5” for the first top right logo line underline and overline all the text using “5” and “7” up to the middle It’s easier to do than to tell. The frames simplify further this work, cause they simultaneously underline and overline the extremities of the text, also bordering its sides. Using the centered logo lines is very easy too: type them when you think you’re at the center of the text. This font is also provided with very common “mini letter groups” (such as “of the”) helpful in titles, logos, etc. Here are some other examples of Star Jedi Logo MonoLine, a font that can be used together with Star Jedi and Star Jedi Hollow (and soon also with SJ MiniCaps) to display various single text line logos. Add to this the chance —offered by Word 97— to use WordArt, change text size and modify its ratio…and the range of displayable logos is impressive (this range grows to unlimited if you use double text line logos: see SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 & 2). 1knight5736s!f57orce9 36gu63ar6d5i6an64s!re7pu57bl75ic75 1crusad36er36s!f57orce9 &balanc0e!force 3. 2STaR je5di 5Lo5go5 D5ou5bl5el5in5e i5 Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 1 is the first (upper) line of the double text line version of SJ Logo MonoLine; its natural complement is SJ Logo DoubleLine 2. This upper font is used as a first text line, and is totally similar to SJ Logo MonoLine, except for the absence of the bottom logo lines and the frames, cause it isn’t a stand-alone font, but is meant to be used exclusively with SJ Logo DoubleLine 2. Such a lack of bottom decorative elements is necessary in order to draw up the two fonts’ text lines (for the same reason SJ Logo DoubleLine 2 is not provided with top elements). This way, using two separate fonts, you can enjoy the widest range of chars (and all the letter connection possibilities of the basic Star Jedi) for each line of text. When you’ve finished with the upper text line type ENTER and use SJ Logo DoubleLine 2. 3.1 The charset of 2STaR je5di 5Lo5go5 D5ou5bl5el5in5e i5 Times 2STaR3 je3di3 L3o3go New Roman 2dou3bl3el3in3e i ! " # $ % & ASCII code Note ! Alt 33 “of the” mini letter group " Alt 34 # Alt 35 “to the” mini letter group $ Alt 36 “for the” mini letter group % Alt 37 “in the” mini letter group & Alt 38 top “the” mini letter group ' ( ) * + , - ' Alt 39 ( Alt 40 ) Alt 41 * Alt 42 bottom “the” mini letter group Alt 43 top link-line f+t , Alt 44 - Alt 45 . . Alt 46 / Alt 47 Star Wars Logo half size letter group 0 Alt 48 Boba Fonts Logo 1 Alt 49 Boba Fonts Logo 2 2abcdef Alt 50 “Star…” top left logo line 3 3abc Alt 51 top left logo line 4 Alt 52 top central logo line xyz5 Alt 53 top right logo line 6 Alt 54 Boba Fonts Logo / 0 1 5 6 abcd4efghi 7 8 9 : ; < = > 7 Alt 55 Boba Fonts Logo 8 Alt 56 Boba Fonts Logo 9 Alt 57 Boba Fonts Logo : Alt 58 ; Alt 59 E right serif < Alt 60 Boba Fonts Logo Alt 61 bottom link-line Alt 62 Boba Fonts Logo r= > ? @ A B C D E ? Alt 63 @ Alt 64 Boba Fonts Logo A Alt 65 A left serif B Alt 66 B left serif C Alt 67 alternative C D Alt 68 D left serif E Alt 69 E left serif F G H I J K L F Alt 70 F left serif G Alt 71 alternative G H Alt 72 H left serif I Alt 73 H right serif J Alt 74 Boba Fonts Logo K Alt 75 K right serif L Alt 76 L left serif M N O P Q R S M Alt 77 M left serif N Alt 78 N right serif O Alt 79 N left serif P Alt 80 P left serif Q Alt 81 M right serif R Alt 82 R right serif S Alt 83 S left serif T U V W X Y Z T Alt 84 narrow T U Alt 85 Boba Fonts Logo V Alt 86 Boba Fonts Logo W Alt 87 W left serif X Alt 88 alternative R Y Alt 89 Y left serif Z Alt 90 A right serif [ \ ] ^ _ ` a [ Alt 91 K superserif a\ \r Alt 92 bottom link / plug ] Alt 93 W right serif ^ Alt 94 Boba Fonts Logo _ Alt 95 U left serif ` Alt 96 V left serif a Alt 97 standard A b c d e f g h b Alt 98 standard B c Alt 99 standard C d Alt 100 standard D e Alt 101 standard E f Alt 102 standard F g Alt 103 standard G h Alt 104 standard H i j k l m n o i Alt 105 universal I j Alt 106 standard J k Alt 107 standard K l Alt 108 standard L m Alt 109 standard M n Alt 110 standard N o Alt 111 universal O p q r s t u v p Alt 112 standard P q Alt 113 universal Q r Alt 114 standard R s Alt 115 standard S t Alt 116 standard T u Alt 117 standard U v Alt 118 standard V w x y z { | } w Alt 119 standard W x Alt 120 universal X y Alt 121 standard Y z Alt 122 universal Z { Alt 123 Boba Fonts Logo h| s|u Alt 124 top link / plug } Alt 125 Boba Fonts Logo ~ „ † Š Œ ‘ ’ ~ Alt 126 Y right serif „ Alt 0132 third G † Alt 0134 third C Š Alt 0138 Œ Alt 0140 ‘ Alt 0145 ’ Alt 0146 “ ” š œ Ÿ ¶ ¿ “ Alt 0147 ” Alt 0148 š Alt 0154 œ Alt 0156 Ÿ Alt 0159 ¶ Alt 0182 ¿ Alt 0191 Boba Fonts Logo À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ À Alt 0192 Á Alt 0193  Alt 0194 à Alt 0195 Ä Alt 0196 Å Alt 0197 Æ Alt 0198 Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Ç Alt 0199 È Alt 0200 É Alt 0201 Ê Alt 0202 Ë Alt 0203 Ì Alt 0204 Í Alt 0205 alternative Ç Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Î Alt 0206 Ï Alt 0207 Ð Alt 0208 Ñ Alt 0209 Ò Alt 0210 Ó Alt 0211 Ô Alt 0212 Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Õ Alt 0213 Ö Alt 0214 Ø Alt 0216 Ù Alt 0217 Ú Alt 0218 Û Alt 0219 Ü Alt 0220 Ý Þ ß à á â ã Ý Alt 0221 Þ Alt 0222 ß Alt 0223 à Alt 0224 á Alt 0225 â Alt 0226 ã Alt 0227 ä å æ ç è é ê ä Alt 0228 å Alt 0229 æ Alt 0230 ç Alt 0231 è Alt 0232 é Alt 0233 ê Alt 0234 standard Ç ë ì í î ï ð ñ ë Alt 0235 ì Alt 0236 í Alt 0237 î Alt 0238 ï Alt 0239 ð Alt 0240 ñ Alt 0241 ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ò Alt 0242 ó Alt 0243 ô Alt 0244 õ Alt 0245 ö Alt 0246 ø Alt 0248 ù Alt 0249 ú û ü ý þ ÿ ú Alt 0250 û Alt 0251 ü Alt 0252 ý Alt 0253 þ Alt 0254 ÿ Alt 0255 3.2 Samples of 2STaR je5di 5Lo5go5 D5ou5bl5el5in5e i5 SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 is meant to be used only with DoubleLine 2, but there’s nothing to prevent you from using DoubleLine 1 alone, with only the top logo lines, (look at the title above). It would be useless because you can do better with SJ Logo Monoline. See the samples of DoubleLine 1 + 2. 4. 6ST6aR6 je6di 6Lo6go D7ou7bl76eline ii8 Star Jedi Logo DoubleLine 2 is the lifted version of SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 and its natural complement; SJ Logo DoubleLine 2 is used as a second text line, as lifted as possible so that’s quite close to the upper text line. This second titling font is only provided with bottom logo lines and no frames, because it isn’t a standalone font, but is meant to be used exclusively after DoubleLine 1. Such a lack of top decorative elements in DoubleLine 2 (the bottom ones in DoubleLine 1) is motivated by the necessity to draw up as much as possible the two fonts’ text lines. 4.1 The charset of 6ST6aR6 je6di 6Lo6go D7ou7bl76eline ii8 Times 6ST6aR j76ed6i L6ogo7 New Roman 6Dou7bl76eline ii8 ! " # $ ASCII code Note ! Alt 33 “of the” mini letter group " Alt 34 # Alt 35 “to the” mini letter group $ Alt 36 “for the” mini letter group % & ' ( ) * + f+t % Alt 37 “in the” mini letter group & Alt 38 top “the” mini letter group ' Alt 39 ( Alt 40 ) Alt 41 * Alt 42 bottom “the” mini letter group Alt 43 top link-line , . / 0 1 2 3 , Alt 44 - Alt 45 . Alt 46 / Alt 47 Star Wars Logo half size letter group 0 Alt 48 Boba Fonts Logo 1 Alt 49 Boba Fonts Logo 2 Alt 50 Boba Fonts Logo 3 Alt 51 Boba Fonts Logo 4 5 6 7 4 Alt 52 Boba Fonts Logo 5 Alt 53 Boba Fonts Logo 6abc Alt 54 bottom left logo line xyz7 Alt 55 bottom right logo line “…Wars” bottom right logo line 8 v7wxyz8 Alt 56 9 9 Alt 57 : Alt 58 ; Alt 59 E right serif ab<Jks Alt 60 left link-underline (used with the descending J) : ; < Boba Fonts Logo = > ? @ A B C r= V> Alt 61 bottom link-line Alt 62 right link-underline (used with the descending R and K) ? Alt 63 @ Alt 64 Boba Fonts Logo A Alt 65 A left serif B Alt 66 B left serif C Alt 67 alternative C D E F G H I J D Alt 68 D left serif E Alt 69 E left serif F Alt 70 F left serif G Alt 71 alternative G H Alt 72 H left serif I Alt 73 H right serif J Alt 74 Return of the Jedi descending J K L M N O P Q K Alt 75 K right serif L Alt 76 L left serif M Alt 77 M left serif N Alt 78 N right serif O Alt 79 N left serif P Alt 80 P left serif Q Alt 81 M right serif R S T U V W X R Alt 82 R right serif S Alt 83 S left serif T Alt 84 narrow T U Alt 85 descending K V Alt 86 descending R W Alt 87 W left serif X Alt 88 alternative R Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ Y Alt 89 Y left serif Z Alt 90 A right serif [ Alt 91 K superserif a\ \r Alt 92 bottom link / plug ] Alt 93 W right serif ^ Alt 94 Boba Fonts Logo _ Alt 95 U left serif ` a b c d e f ` Alt 96 V left serif a Alt 97 standard A b Alt 98 standard B c Alt 99 standard C d Alt 100 standard D e Alt 101 standard E f Alt 102 standard F g h i j k l m g Alt 103 standard G h Alt 104 standard H i Alt 105 universal I j Alt 106 standard J k Alt 107 standard K l Alt 108 standard L m Alt 109 standard M n o p q r s t n Alt 110 standard N o Alt 111 universal O p Alt 112 standard P q Alt 113 universal Q r Alt 114 standard R s Alt 115 standard S t Alt 116 standard T u v w x y z { u Alt 117 standard U v Alt 118 standard V w Alt 119 standard W x Alt 120 universal X y Alt 121 standard Y z Alt 122 universal Z { Alt 123 Boba Fonts Logo | } ~ „ † Š Œ h| s|u Alt 124 top link / plug } Alt 125 Boba Fonts Logo ~ Alt 126 Y right serif „ Alt 0132 third G † Alt 0134 third C Š Alt 0138 Œ Alt 0140 ‘ ’ “ ” š œ Ÿ ‘ Alt 0145 ’ Alt 0146 “ Alt 0147 ” Alt 0148 š Alt 0154 œ Alt 0156 Ÿ Alt 0159 ¶ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä ¶ Alt 0182 ¿ Alt 0191 À Alt 0192 Á Alt 0193  Alt 0194 à Alt 0195 Ä Alt 0196 Boba Fonts Logo Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Å Alt 0197 Æ Alt 0198 Ç Alt 0199 È Alt 0200 É Alt 0201 Ê Alt 0202 Ë Alt 0203 alternative Ç Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ì Alt 0204 Í Alt 0205 Î Alt 0206 Ï Alt 0207 Ð Alt 0208 Ñ Alt 0209 Ò Alt 0210 Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Ó Alt 0211 Ô Alt 0212 Õ Alt 0213 Ö Alt 0214 Ø Alt 0216 Ù Alt 0217 Ú Alt 0218 Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á Û Alt 0219 Ü Alt 0220 Ý Alt 0221 Þ Alt 0222 ß Alt 0223 à Alt 0224 á Alt 0225 â ã ä å æ ç è â Alt 0226 ã Alt 0227 ä Alt 0228 å Alt 0229 æ Alt 0230 ç Alt 0231 è Alt 0232 standard Ç é ê ë ì í î ï é Alt 0233 ê Alt 0234 ë Alt 0235 ì Alt 0236 í Alt 0237 î Alt 0238 ï Alt 0239 ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ð Alt 0240 ñ Alt 0241 ò Alt 0242 ó Alt 0243 ô Alt 0244 õ Alt 0245 ö Alt 0246 ø ù ú û ü ý þ ø Alt 0248 ù Alt 0249 ú Alt 0250 û Alt 0251 ü Alt 0252 ý Alt 0253 þ Alt 0254 ÿ ÿ Alt 0255 4.2 Samples of 6ST6aR6 je6di 6Lo6go D7ou7bl76eline ii8 SJ Logo DoubleLine 2 is meant to be used only after DoubleLine 1, using it alone is useless. 4.3 Samples of 2STaR je5di 5Lo5go5 D5ou5bl5el5in5e i5 with 6ST6aR6 je6di 6Lo6go D7ou7bl76eline ii8 SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 & 2 give the best together. Using the first (top) and then the second (bottom) text line is easy. In addition to this, if you are in Microsoft Word 97 you can benefit from the special features of this program: WordArt (see the samples jpg) and especially the ratio effect, which helps you to align the text lines. These are examples of using SJ Logo DoubleLine 1 + DoubleLine 2 with creativity… Here the bottom text line (DoubleLine 2) is bigger (79 points) than the top line (36 points): this way is easy to align text lines with different number of letters. ret4urn! Jed7i7 Using the “ratio” effect in Word 97 (or any other program with such a feature) you can adjust the proportions of the font: in the following example the bottom text line (DoubleLine 2) is aligned to the top one not by increasing the font height but expanding the font itself (still 36 points) only in width. In this example text line 2 is 180% of the normal ratio. 2guardi5an5s!5 6for7ce8 Here text line 1 is 88% of the normal width. 3WhaT 4a coo5l5 6sit6e 6titli7ng7 This is a more plain example. 2Episod5e5 o5ne5 6Ap6pr6oaches8 All the elements (link lines, logo lines, frames, underlines, plugs, patches, etc.) are at ease on your keyboard, and you won’t be forced to digit the annoying Alt + 0xxx keypad ASCII code; their position was optimized for the US/UK keyboard layout. We’re working for you on these Star Wars inspired typefaces: Star Jedi MiniCaps Shadows of the Empire Star Jedi Outline Knights For comments, suggestions, insults on the fonts (and for discussions on our beloved Star Wars saga) mail to Boba Fonts canavero@pianeta.net ¶