Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics January 31, 2022 Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Geometrical Representation of a complex valued function: To draw a curve of complex variable (x, y) on z-plane we take two axes i.e., one real axis and the other imaginary axis. A number of points (x, y) are plotted on z -plane, by taking different value of z (different values of x and y ). The curve C is drawn by joining the plotted points. The diagram obtained is called Argand diagram in z -plane. But a complex function w = f (z) i.e., (u + iv) = f (x + iy) involves four variables x, y and u, v A figure of only three dimensions (x, y, z) is possible in a plane. A figure of four dimensional region for x, y, u, v is not possible. So, we choose two complex planes z -plane and w -plane. In the w -plane we plot the corresponding points w = u + iv. By joining these points we have a corresponding curve C 0 in w -plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Transformation For every point (x, y) in the z -plane, the relation w = f (z) defines a corresponding point (u, v) in the w -plane. This is called as ”transformation or mapping of z -plane into w -plane”. If a point z0 maps into the point w0 , w0 is also known as the image of z0 . If the point P (x, y) moves along a curve C in z -plane, the point will move along a corresponding curve C 0 in w -plane, then we say that a curve C in the z -plane is mapped into the corresponding curve C 0 in the w -plane by the relation w = f (z). P 0 (u, v) For example, the transformation f (z) = z +1 transforms the region bounded by the lines x = 0, y = 0, x = 1&y = 1 in z−plane into the region bounded by the lines u = 1, u = 2, c = 0&v = 1 in w−plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Conformal Transformation Conformal Mapping: Let C1 and C2 be two curves in z−plane, intersect each other at a 0 0 point P and their corresponding image curves C1 and C2 in 0 w−plane intersect at P . If the angle of intersection of the curves C1 and C2 at P in z−plane is equal to the angle of intersection of 0 0 0 the curves C1 and C2 at P in w−plane both in magnitude and sense, then the mapping is said to be conformal. 1 2 3 The point at which f 0 (z) = 0 is called a critical point of the transformation. Also the points where dw dz 6= 0 are called ordinary points. The points at which the function maps on to itself are called as fixed points of the transformation. That is the points for which f (z) = z are called as fixed points. An analytic function ceases to be conformal at the points 0 where f (z) = 0 i,e the mapping is conformal at the points 0 where f (z) 6= 0. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Conformal Transformation 1 under conformal mapping, w = f (z), the tangent line to a smooth curve 0 C 0 in the z−plane is rotated by an angle 0 ψ = arg(f (z)) at z0 in w−plane. 2 The angle ψ is called angle of rotation and |f (z)| is called coefficient of magnification or scale factor at z0 . 3 A mapping is said to be isogonal, if it preserves only in magnitude but not direction. 0 Examples: f (z) = z 2 is conformal everywhere except at z = 0. f (z) = az + b, a, 6= 0 is always conformal. f (z) = ez is conformal everywhwere. f (z) = 1 z is conformal everywhere except at z = 0. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Contd Examples: Determine the angle of rotation at the point z = the mapping w = z 2 . find its scale factor also. 1+i 2 under Find the angle of rotation produced by the transformation w = 2z − 1 + 2i at z0 = 1 + 2i Standard Transformations: Translation Rotation Mafnification Inversion Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Standard transformations Translation: The transformation w = z + c where c = a + ib is called as translation. w = z + c u + iv = x + iy + a + ib u = x + a and v = y + b x = u − a and y = v − b On substituting the values of x and y in the equation of the curve to be transformed, we get the equation of the image in the w -plane. The point P (x, y) in the z -plane is mapped onto the point P 0 (x + a, y + b) in the w -plane. Similarly other points of z -plane are mapped onto w -plane. Examples: Find the image of the region bounded by x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1 under the mapping w = z + 1 − i Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Standard transformations Rotation: The transformation w = zeiφ is called as rotation. Under the mapping rotation, the point (r, θ) in z−plane is mapped to (r, θ + φ) in w−plane. Example: Let ABCD be a rectangular region with vertices A(2, 1), B(3, 1), C(3, 3), D(2, 3) in z-plane. Find the image of this rectangular region in w− plane under the mapping iπ w = e 4 z. Magnification: The transformation w = bz is called as Magnification, where b is a real quantity. Under the mapping Magnification, the point (r, θ) in z−plane is mapped to (br, θ) in w−plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Standard transformations If b > 1 then the image is stretched and if b < 1 then the image is contracted and for b = 1, the mapping will be identity. Example: Determine the region in w-plane on the transformation of rectangular region enclosed by x = 1, y = 1, x = 2 and y = 2 in the z -plane. The transformation is w = 3z. Magnification and rotation: The transformation w = bz is called as Magnification and rotation, where b is a complex constant. Under the mapping, the image will be magnified and rotated by an angle in the w−plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Standard transformations Inversion: The transformation w = 1 z is called as inversion. Under themapping inversion, the point (r, θ) in z−plane is mapped to 1r , −θ in w−plane. Examples: Find the image of x > 0 under the mapping w = iz + i. Find the image of x > 0&0 < y < 2 under the mapping w = iz + 1. Find the image of the region with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2)&(0, 2) under the transformation w = (1 + i)z + (2 + i). Show that under the mapping w = z1 , the circle |z − 3| = 5 is 3 5 mapped onto the circle |w + 16 | = 16 . Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Standard transformations Examples: Find the image of the strip 2 < x < 3 under the mapping w = z1 . Find the image of the triangle with vertices at i, 1 + i, 1 − i in the z-plane, under the transformation w = 3z + 4 − 2i. Find the image of the triangle with vertices at i, 1 + i, 1 − i in 5πi the z-plane, under the transformation w = e 3 (z − 2 + 4i) Find the image of the circle |z| = 2 under the transformation w = z + 3 + 2i. Find and plot the image of the regions under the mapping w = z1 . (i) x > 1 (ii) y > 0 (iii) 0 < y < 1/2. Show that the function w = z4 transforms the straight line x = c in the z− plane into a circle in the w−plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Transformation w = z 2 w = z2 u + iv = (x + iy)2 = x2 − y 2 + 2ixy Equating real and imaginary parts, we get u = x2 − y 2 , (a) Any line parallel to x -axis, i.e., y = c, maps into v = 2xy u = x2 − c2 , v = 2cx Eliminating x, we get v 2 = 4c2 u + c2 . . . (1) which is a parabola. (b) Any line parallel to y -axis, i.e., x = b, maps into a curve u = b2 − y 2 , Eliminating y, we get v 2 = −4b2 parabola. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics v = 2by u − b2 , . . . (2) which is a Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Transformation w = z 2 (c) In polar co-ordinates: z = reiθ , w = Reiφ w = z2 = r2 e2iθ Reiφ Then R = r2 , φ = 2θ In z -plane, a circle r = a maps into R = a2 in w -plane. Thus, circles with centre at the origin map into circles with centre at the origin. (d) If θ = 0, φ = 0, i.e., real axis in z -plane maps into real axis in w -plane If θ = π2 , φ = π, i.e., the positive imaginary axis in z -plane maps into negative real axis in w -plane. Thus, the first quadrant in z -plane 0 ≤ θ ≤ π2 , maps into upper half of w -plane 0 ≤ φ ≤ π. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Transformation w = ez u + iv = ex+iy = ex (cos y + i sin y) Equating real and imaginary parts, we have u = ex cos y, &v = ex sin y Now w = ez ⇒ Reiφ = ex+iy = ex · eiy R = ex or x = loge R and y = φ Note: Under the mapping w = ez The straight x = c maps onto the circle R = ec . The straight x = 0 maps onto the circle R = 1. Region between y = 0, y = π maps onto upper half plane. Region between y = 0, y = −π maps onto lower half plane. Region between y = c, y = c + 2π maps onto whole plane. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Transformation w = ez Examples: Find the image of the region bounded by the lines x = 1, x = 2, y = 1, y = 2 under the mapping w = z 2 . Find the image of the region bounded by the lines x = 1, y = 1, x + y = 1 under the mapping w = z 2 . Find the image of the domain to the left of the straight line x = −3 under the mapping w = z 2 . Find the image of a ≤ x ≤ b and c ≤ y ≤ d under the mapping w = ez . Find the image of x = 1 and 1 ≤ y ≤ 2 under the mapping w = ez Find the image of y = 0 and y = π/2 under the mapping w = ez Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Bilinear Transformation Bilinear Transformation (or) Linear fractional transformation (or) Mobious Transformation: The transformation w = az+b cz+d , ad − bc 6= 0 is called as bilinear transformation, where a, b, c, d are constants. Note: The inverse mapping of a bilinear transformation is given by z = −dw+b cw−a , ad − bc 6= 0 which is also a bilinear transformation. Fixed points (or) invariant points: The points at which the transformation remains unchanged are called as fixed points transformation. The fixed points of a transformation are given by f (z) = z. The fixed points of a bilinear transformation are given by Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics az+b cz+d =z Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Bilinear Transformation Cross ratio: Definition. Let z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 be four distinct.points in the extended complex plane. The cross ratio of these four points denoted by (zi, z2 , z3 , z4 ) is defined by (z −z )(z −z ) 1 3 2 4 if none of z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 is ∞ (z1 −z4 )(z2 −z3 ) z1 −z3 if z2 is ∞ z1 −z4 z2 −z4 (z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ) = if z3 is ∞ z1 −z4 z1 −z3 if z4 is ∞ −z3 zz22 −z 4 if z1 is ∞ z2 −z3 . Note: A bilinear transformation preserves cross ratio of four points, i, e. (w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ) = (z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ) Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Bilinear Transformation The bilinear transformation which maps 3 points z1 , z2 , z3 to the points 3 points w1 , w2 , w3 is given by (z, z1 , z2 , z3 ) = (w, w1 , w2 , w3 ) i,e, (z − z2 ) (z1 − z3 ) (w − w2 ) (w1 − w3 ) = (z − z3 ) (z1 − z2 ) (w − w3 ) (w1 − w2 ) A bilinear transformation maps circles into circles. In a bilinear transformation w = az+b cz+d , ad − bc 6= 0, every point of z -plane is mapped into unique point in w -plane except z = − dc Examples: Find the fixed points of the transformation z (a) w = z−2 (b) w = z−1 z+1 . Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Bilinear Transformation Examples: Show that a bilinear transformation w = 5−4z 4z−2 maps a unit circle |z| = 1 into a circle of radius unity and centre − 21 . Find the image of the imaginary axis under the mapping w = z−1 z+1 . Show that the transformation w = i(1−z) 1+z maps the circle |z| = 1 into the real axis of the w -plane and the interior of the circle |z| < 1 into the upper half of the w -plane. Find the bilinear transformation which transforms the points z = ∞, i, 0 into the points w = 0, i, ∞ respectively. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = 0, −i, −1 into w = i, 1, 0. Find the bilinear transformation which maps the points z = −i, 0, i into w = −1, i, 1. Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation Dr. P. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, SAS-Mathematics Module 2: Conformal mapping and Biliniear transformation