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Fall 2023 Online Syllabus

KIN 300 Tests and Measurements in Kinesiology
Online Format – Fall 2023
Professor: Dr. Ernst - Office: SAC II 2145 - Phone: 310.243.3761
Email = mernst@csudh.edu
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to basic statistical principles, techniques, and
procedures including, analysis, evaluation, assessment, and interpretation of performance test
results. Students in this class will develop the necessary skills and abilities to properly design
testing, measurement and evaluation techniques and procedures. Emphasis in this course is
placed on philosophical foundations for testing, measuring performance and how the results of
testing and measurement should be analyzed, evaluated, and interpreted. In addition, students
will become familiar with using statistical software (e.g., MS Excel, SPSS) for analyzing,
evaluating and interpreting data.
Fulfillment of ELM requirement.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, students will:
1. Understand fundamental statistical terms, concepts, techniques, and procedures that
are used to construct, conduct, assess, and interpret a test.
2. Use computer software programs to create a database and analyze and interpret
results with tables and/or graphs.
3. Understand basic descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendency and
measures of variability.
4. Understand standard scores and why we use them.
5. Understand basic inferential statistics such as correlation to find relationships and
T-tests to find differences between populations or variables.
6. Determine and select an appropriate psychomotor, fitness, sports skill, or
knowledge accounting for validity, reliability, and objectivity.
7. Standardize test scores based on the concepts of central tendency and variability of
8. Develop a research hypothesis and test that hypothesis by selecting an appropriate
method of testing, collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data generated from
the test.
Course Format: This class will utilize alternative forms of instruction, as we will not be
meeting face-to-face. You will use the Canvas Learning Management System to access
recorded content via Zoom and YouTube videos and to complete and upload assignments.
Specific instructions regarding course format are given in Zoom videos posted to Canvas. It is
imperative that you view the introductory video and thoroughly review the course
syllabus so that you know what is expected of you in this course. After doing so, please
email Dr. Ernst with any questions or concerns.
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Student Evaluation
You will complete one exam for this course. The exam consists of True/False and MultipleChoice questions. The exam is worth 60 points and will cover all the material learned in this
class. The exam will be completed on Canvas. I will make the exam available after most
students have finished all the worksheets.
Statistical Worksheets
You will complete six worksheets where you will be asked to use the statistical techniques and
procedures and MS Excel functions presented in the Zoom tutorial videos posted on Canvas.
Each of these assignments is worth 20 points. I will only accept Worksheets that are completed
on the Microsoft Excel application. You will be submitting your worksheets as Microsoft Excel
worksheets. Please do not submit your work in any other format, including the Excel online
version and Sharepoint. You must download the Excel program to your computer and
work from there. Worksheet homework may be submitted at any time once it is completed.
You may work at your own pace to complete these assignments.
Worksheet Revisions
With all six worksheets I am giving you the opportunity to revise your work in order to
receive more points if you submit your work at least three days (72 hours) early. When you
submit your worksheets early, I will review your work and give you suggestions for revisions, if
needed. You may then revise your work based on my feedback and resubmit that work. Your
revised work still needs to be submitted on or before the due date and time. I will review your
worksheets in the order in which they are received. So…if you wait too long to submit your work
you run the risk of not being able to revise it. To ensure that this does not happen, I highly
recommend that you submit your work at least three days (72 hours) before the actual due date in
order to make sure that I have time to review your work and provide you with feedback and that
you give yourself time to make revisions if necessary.
Graded Assignments and Exam
Possible Points
Final Exam
60 points
6 Stats Worksheets (20pts each)
120 points
NOTE: Final grades are simply calculated as percentages based on points earned divided by
total number of points possible. Plus, and minus grades are given for this course as follows.
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Letter Grades
Total Points Possible for the class = 180
= 180 – 167
= 143 – 138
= 166 – 162
= 137 – 131
= 161 – 156
= 130 – 126
= 155 – 149
= 125 – 108
= 148 – 144
= 107 – 0
Optional Text
Introductory Statistics. A free PDF publication from Open Stax. Set-up a student account and
download the text at https://openstaxcollege.org. The text is only supplemental and is not
required for you to do well in this class.
Student Computer Literacy Skill Expectations
It is expected that all students in this course have both Canvas and email access and know how to
use both. Further, it is expected that students know how to submit Microsoft Excel documents to
Canvas for coursework submission, as that is how Worksheet assignments will be submitted.
It is also expected that students know basic functions of Microsoft Excel and that they have
a computer that has the Microsoft Excel program installed. If you do not, you must
download the Microsoft Excel program onto your computer. You cannot use any other program
(e.g., Numbers) for completing your work in this class. You cannot use the online version of
Excel either, as that will not allow you to use all the functions required to complete this
course. You can download Microsoft Excel to your computer for free using your mycsudh page.
If you need help doing so you can contact the CSUDH Helpdesk @ 310.243.2500. If you do not
have a computer that will allow you to download Excel, you may request a loaner from the
university here https://techloaner.csudh.edu/. You should contact the CSUDH Helpdesk @
310.243.2500 for any other IT related help.
Due Dates
As aforementioned, you may work at your own pace for this online class if you’d like to work
ahead, but there are due dates for assignments and the exam. Homework will be submitted on
Canvas. The six worksheet assignments must be submitted as Excel documents when they are
completed. If you submit your work early (at least a 72hrs before it is due), I will give you
feedback when I receive your work and you may resubmit your revised work for more
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NOTE: The Excel worksheets must be submitted by 11:59pm on the day that they are due,
and the Exam must be completed by 11:59pm on the day that it is due. No points will be
given for any work submitted late.
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Worksheet #3
Worksheet #4
Worksheet #5
Worksheet #6
Final Exam
Due Date
Friday September 8, 2023
Friday September 22, 2023
Friday October 6, 2023
Friday October 20, 2023
Friday November 3, 2023
Friday November 17, 2023
Friday December 8, 2023
Academic Integrity
This class will conform to and abide by CSUDH rules and regulations concerning academic
integrity as outlined in the University Catalog.
Academic integrity is of central importance in this and every other course at CSUDH.
You are obliged to consult the appropriate sections of the University Catalog and obey all
rules and regulations imposed by the University relevant to its lawful missions, processes, and
functions. All work turned in by a student for a grade must be the students' own work. Plagiarism
and cheating (e.g., stealing or copying the work of others and turning it in as your own) will not
be tolerated, and will be dealt with according to university policy. The consequences for being
caught plagiarizing or cheating range from a minimum of a zero grade for the work you
plagiarized or cheated on, to being dropped from the course.
Academic Accommodations
Students with disabilities who have a record of their disability on file with the CSUDH Student
Disability Resource Center (SdRC) will be accommodated in this course as outlined by the
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