Static Electricity Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 Franklin: -Flew a kite in a thunderstorm to ‘collect’ lightning (not recommended most who tried to repeat this died) Invented Bi focals, Catheters, Watertight bulkheads, Lightning Rods and odometers There are only a few basic laws of Static Electricity: Like Charges Repel (--) or (++) Unlike Charges attract (- +) Charged and uncharged objects attract A neutral object has equal numbers of positive and negative charges An object becomes charged when there is NEGATIVE charge transferred ie some of the electrons move How are objects charged? By Friction Electrons (-) only are able to travel Why is this? -ve electrons orbiting around the nucleus. Very dense nucleus consisting of +ve protons and neutral neutrons Note electrons are on the outside of the atoms. Easier to get at Electrons which move are known as ‘free electrons’ The positively charged nuclei don’t ‘flow’ So……. An excess of free electrons means an object is negatively (-ve) charged A lack of free electrons means an object is positively (+ve) charged An electric current is a flow of -ve charged free electrons ALTHOUGH conventional current is treated as a flow of +ve charge (!) How do we measure static charge? The GOLD LEAF ELECTROSCOPE Charged object brought close to electroscope Insulator Charges repelled away from the charged object, and repel away from each other leaf lifts. Van Der Graaf Generator •Belt rubs against lower brush •electrons added to belt •work done in moving electrons creating High voltage •charge accumulates on dome So what use is electrostatics? 1.Electrostatic precipitators 5. Cleaner smoke to atmosphere 4. -ve particles are attracted to +ve plates in chimney. 3. Soot particles touch wire and become -ve charged. 2. Wires with high negative charge. 1. Smoke from coal contains soot particles. 2.Photocopiers Light causes image to have +ve charge -ve charged toner sticks to -ve charged image The image is transferred to paper The final image is fixed by heating 3.Electrostatic paint sprayers Advantages?? Less waste as -ve particles of paint attracted to car More even coat as each particle repels its neighbour One last note : The Earth The Earth acts as a huge source of charge or a huge sink for charge Excess -ve charge will flow to the earth from a -ve charged body or up from the earth to neutralise a +ve charged object ie The Earth acts as a SINK or SOURCE of free electrons