New Literacies Course Syllabus

Prepared by:
Fbookl E. Blv`ilb, ^c.A.
Ckba, Utuakot ^ugl`ebt`io Ihh`ek/ Bssie`btk ^rihkssir 5
Eillkjk ih Kauebt`io
Gbecklir ih Ukeioabry Kauebt`io
For lnstructional Purposes Only
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
B priv`de ih relevaot aod qual`ty edueat`io ti a
sie`ety wcere e`t`zeos are eidpeteot, sm`lled,
d`jo`h`ed aod eidduo`ty- ir`eoted.
Bo aeaded`e `ost`tut`io priv`d`oj teecoilij`eal,
prihess`ioal, researec aod exteos`io prijrads ti
hird pr`oe`pled deo aod wideo ih eidpeteoe`es
aod sm`lls respios`ve ti lieal aod jlibal
develipdeot oeeds.
researec, exteos`io aod priduet`io tcriujc
eiot`oual `dprivedeot ih all `ts prijrads, tcereby
pridue`oj wirld elass prihess`ioals.
Wes`l`eoee. @otejr`ty. Uerv`ee. Kxeelleoee.
Ereat`ve aod er`t`eal tc`omers
L`he-lioj learoers
Khheet`ve eidduo`eatirs
Dirally aod sie`ally upr`jct `od`v`duals
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Qbglk ih Eiotkots
Diaulk 2 ― @otriauet`io ti Okw L`tkrbe`ks ..................................................................................
Zcat `s L`teraey?………………………………………………………………………………
Qrad`t`ioal l`teraey Xs. Oew L`tkrbe`ks……………………………………………….
@dpirtaoee ih Bequ`r`oj Okw L`tkrbe`ks………………………………………………
Qypes ih Oew L`terae`es………………………………………………………………
Diaulk 7 ― Jligbl`zbt`io boa Dult`-eulturbl L`tkrbey ...........................................................
Qck Jligbl`zbt`io Qrkoa boa L`tkrbey: @ssuks boa Eioekros………………………...
Dult`-eulturbl`sd boa L`tkrbey: @ssuks boa Eioekros………………………………..
A`vers`ty, equal`ty aod sie`al just`ek……………………………………………..
Bddress`oj A`vers`ty @ssues aod @otejrat`oj Dult`-eultural`sd
`oti tck Eurr`eulud………………………………………………………………
ìse`Ubil eL̀a`tlkL
Z c aUt
@dpirtaoee ih Uie`al l`teraey………………………………………………………...
Aevelip`oj aod @otejrat`oj Uie`al L`teraey
`o tce Ueciil Eurr`eulud……………...................................................................
Diaulk 5
Diaulk 1 ― Qrba`t`iobl Dka`b L`tkrbey…………………………………………………………
Zcat `s Qrad`t`ioal Ded`a L`teraey?...........................................................................
Qck Wilk ih Dbss Dka`b `o tck Uie`kty……………………………………………..
Dass Ded`a: @ssues aod Eioekros…………………………………………………..
Khheet`ve [se ih tce A`hhereot Ded`a Dater`als
(Qr`ded`a: QX, rad`i, pr`ot)……………………………………………………..
Aevelip`oj aod @otejrat`oj Ded`a L`teraey `o Kdueat`io………………………….
Diaulk ; - Eygkr L`tkrbey/A`j`tbl L`tkrbey………………………………………………
Zcat `s A`j`tal L`terae`es?........................................................................................
Qce A`j`tal Kov`riodeot………………………………………………………..
Qce A`j`tal Qiils………………………………………………………………..
Qypes ih A`j`tal L`terae`es…………………………………………………………
Lieat`oj aod H`lter`oj………………………………………………………….
Ucar`oj aod Eillabirat`oj……………………………………………………..
Weus`oj aod Wepurpis`oj……………………………………………………...
Ereat`oj aod Jeoerat`oj……………………………………………………….
Irjao`z`oj aod Eurat`oj………………………………………………………
A`j`tal L`teraey Bppl`eat`ios `o Kdueat`io……………………………………….
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Qbglk ih Eiotkots
Zcat `s Kei-l`tkrbey ………………………………………………………………….
Iutkr Keilijy………………………………………………………………………...
@dpirtaoee ih Kei-l`tkrbey……………………………………………………………
Kauebt`io hir Uustb`obg`l`ty…………………………………………………………..
Diaulk 8
Diaulk 7 - Brt boa Erkbt`v`ty L`tkrbey……………………………………………………..
Brt boa @ts Qypks………………………………………………………………………
Zcat `s Brt aod Ereat`v`ty L`teraey?.............................................................................
Gr`oj`oj Brt L`tkrbey `o Kauebt`io………………………………………………….
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Course Code: Prof. Ed. 8/ Prof. Ed. 9
Course Title: Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
Course Description:
Qce eiurse `otriduees tce eioeept ih oew l`terae`es `o tce 72 st eeotury as ao evilv`oj
sie`al pceoideoa aod scared eultural praet`ees aeriss learo`oj areas. Qce 72st eeotury l`terae`es
scall `oelude (a) jlibal`zat`io aod dult`-eultural l`teraey, (b) sie`al l`teraey, (e) ded`a l`teraey,
(d) h`oaoe`al l`teraey, (e) eyber l`teraey/d`j`tal l`teraey, (h) eei-l`teraey aod (j) arts aod
ereat`v`ty l`teraey. H`eld based-`oterd`se`pl`oary explirat`io aod itcer teaec`oj stratej`es scall
be used `o tc`s eiurse. Hlueoey `o dult`-l`terae`es scall be develiped adioj learoers ti eipe `o
tiaby‐s hbst-ecaoj`oj wirld.
Course Outcomes:
Bt tce eod ih tce eiurse, yiur studeots dust be able ti:
2. Weeijo`ze tce beoeh`ts ih oew l`terae`es as l`helioj sm`lls.
7. Weal`ze tce `dpirtaoee ih address`oj d`vers`ty `ssues ti eipe w`tc jlibal`zat`io treod.
5. Dao`hest dature att`tude (persioal aod prihess`ioal) `o deal`oj w`tc var`ed sie`al
1. `o a var`ety ih hirds.
Ereate ded`a
;. Eciise aod apply appripr`ate d`j`tal l`teraey triujc ereat`oj blij, e-pirthil`i ir terd
8. Bemoiwledje `otereiooeetedoess aod `oterdepeodeoee w`tc oatural systeds.
aod preseot ways ti praet`ee eei-l`teraey
7. Bppree`ate tce d`hhereot art hirds aod `llustrate ass`joed hird ih art.
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Course Content:
Bs expla`oed abive, Prih. Kd. 3/ Prih. Kd. 9 `otriduees tce eioeept ih oew l`terae`es `o
tce 72st eeotury as ao evilv`oj sie`al pceoideoa aod scared eultural praet`ees aeriss learo`oj
Qce table beliw sciws tce iutl`oe ih tce tip`es ti be d`seussed `o tce leeture per weem
v`s-à-v`s tce eiurse iuteides. @t `s des`joed based io tce eiurse syllabus apprived by tce
eilleje Aeao `o tce Eilleje ih Kdueat`io.
Course Learning Outcomes
Weeijo`ze tce beoeh`ts ih
oew l`terae`es as l`helioj
Dodule 2 ― @ntroduction to New
B. Zcat `s L`teraey?
G. Qrad`t`ioal l`teraey Xs. Oew
E. @dpirtaoee ih Bequ`r`oj Oew
A. Qypes ih Oew L`terae`es
Weal`ze tce `dpirtaoee ih
address`oj d`vers`ty `ssues
ti eipe w`tc jlibal`zat`io
Dodule 7 ― Jlogalization and Dulti-
cultural Literacy
B. Mey Eioeepts
2. Jlibal`zat`io
7. Dult`-eultural`sd
G. Qce Jlibal`zat`io Qreod aod
L`teraey: @ssues aod Eioeeros
E. Dult`-eultural`sd aod
L`teraey: @ssues aod Eioeeros
2. A`vers`ty, equal`ty aod
sie`al just`ee
A. Bddress`oj A`vers`ty @ssues
aod @otejrat`oj Dult`eultural`sd `oti tce
Dao`hest dature att`tude
(persioal aod prihess`ioal)
`o deal`oj w`tc var`ed
sie`al eov`riodeots.
Dodule 5 ― Uocial Literacy
Ereate ded`a `o a var`ety
ih hirds.
Dodule 1 ― Traditional Dedia
B. Zcat `s Uie`al L`teraey?
G. @dpirtaoee ih Uie`al l`teraey
E. Aevelip`oj aod @otejrat`oj
Uie`al L`teraey `o tce Ueciil
B. Zcat `s Qrad`t`ioal Ded`a
G. Qce Wile ih Dass Ded`a `o tce
peoe`l test
Date of
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
E. Dass Ded`a: @ssues aod
A. Khheet`ve [se ih tce A`hhereot
Ded`a Dater`als (Qr`ded`a:
QX, rad`i, pr`ot)
K. Aevelip`oj aod @otejrat`oj
Ded`a L`teraey `o Kdueat`io
Dodule ; - Cyger Literacy/Digital
B. Zcat `s A`j`tal L`terae`es?
2. Qce A`j`tal Kov`riodeot
7. Qce A`j`tal Qiils
G. Qypes ih A`j`tal L`terae`es
2. Lieat`oj aod H`lter`oj
7. Ucar`oj aod Eillabirat`oj
5. Weus`oj aod Wepurpis`oj
1. Ereat`oj aod Jeoerat`oj
;. Irjao`z`oj aod Eurat`oj
E. A`j`tal L`teraey Bppl`eat`ios `o
Eciise aod apply
appripr`ate d`j`tal l`teraey
triujc ereat`oj blij, epirthil`i ir terd paper.
`otereiooeetedoess aod
`oterdepeodeoee w`tc
oatural systeds aod preseot
ways ti praet`ee eeil`teraey
Dodule 8 - Eco-literacy
Bppree`ate tce d`hhereot art
hirds aod `llustrate
ass`joed hird ih art.
Dodule 7 - Art and Creativity
Zcat `s Kei-l`teraey
@ooer Keilijy
Iuter Keilijy
@dpirtaoee ih Kei-l`teraey
Kdueat`io hir Uusta`oab`l`ty
B. Brt aod @ts Qypes
G. Zcat `s Brt aod Ereat`v`ty
E. Gr`oj`oj Brt L`teraey `o
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Course Wequirements:
@o jeoeral, tce requ`redeots ih Prih. Kd. 3/Prih. Kd. 9 are as hilliws:
Zr`tteo Iutputs (aeaded`e papers ― rehleet`io papers/ aoalyt`eal papers/
reaet`io papers)
Itcer iuteide-based iutputs
Pirthil`i/ eidp`lat`io ih iutputs `o tce subjeet
Jrading Criteria:
Wequirement/Assessment Tasm Percentage
Dajir Eiurse Iutput
Dajir Kxads
Elass Utaod`oj
Course Daterials:
Eiurse pil`e`es
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Module l
Module Title: Introduction to New Literacies
Module Description:
Didule 2 `otriduees studeots ti tck sugjket. @t rkv`kws “l`tkrbey” aod deh`oes tce
eioekpt ih “okw l`tkrbe`ks. @t blsi eidpbrks boa eiotrbst trba`t`iobl l`tkrbey boa okw l`tkrbey.
Qce didule eods w`tc tce d`seuss`io io tce `dpirtaoee ih aequ`r`oj oew l`terae`es ti eipe
w`tc tce dedaods ih tiaby‐s sie`kty.
Purpose of the Module:
Qce didule a`ds ti j`ve studeots a rat`ioale io tce ecaoj`oj eioeept ih l`teraey,
eidpar`oj tce trad`t`ioal v`ew aod tce didero `dea. @t alsi cas hir `ts purpise ti dame studeots
real`ze tce s`jo`h`eaoee ih aequ`r`oj moiwledje aod sm`lls io tce si-ebllka “okw l`tkrbe`ks” bs
tcese are oeeessary l`he sm`lls ti adapt ti tce ecaoj`oj t`des. Qce last part ih tce didule j`ves
studeots ao iverv`ew ih tce daoy types ih oew l`teraey.
Module Outcomes:
Akh`ok “okw l`tkrbe`ks” boa a`seuss `ts `dpirtboek `o a`hhkrkot hbekts ih l`hk
Module Requirements:
Bt tce eod ih tc`s didule, studeots w`ll be j`veo ao ibjeet`ve test hir eidpreceos`io
eceem io `otriduet`io ti oew l`terae`es (`.e. s`dple reeall/`deot`h`eat`io). Boitcer test ti be
j`veo `s a scirt essay `o wc`ec tcey sciuld be able ti j`ve tce`r iwo akh`o`t`io ih “okw
l`tkrbe`ks”; eidpbrk boa eiotrbst trba`t`iobl eioekpt ih “l`tkrbey” boa tck si ebllka “okw
l`tkrbe`ks”; boa d`seuss tce `dpirtaoee ih aequ`r`oj oew l`terae`es.
Key Terms:
l`tkrbey, okw l`tkrbe`ks, `otriauet`io ti okw l`tkrbe`ks, `dpirtboek ih okw l`tkrbe`ks
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 1 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Learning Plan
Lesson No: l
Lesson Title: Introduction to New Literacies
Lkt‐s C`t Qhese:
Bt tce eod ih tc`s lessio, studeots sciuld be able ti:
Weeap`tulate tce trad`t`ioal eioeept ih l`teraey
Aeh`oe oew l`terae`es
Eidpare aod eiotrast tce ild eioeept ih “l`tkrbey” boa tck “okw l`tkrbe`ks”
A`seuss tce `dpirtaoee ih aequ`r`oj oew l`terae`es ti sueeeed `o tce everecaoj`oj wirld
@deot`hy types ih oew l`terae`es
Lkt‐s Jkt Utarted:
Qce wirld ih l`teraey cas expaoded aliojs`de teecoilijy, aod oew l`terae`es are be`oj
used as ao alteroat`ve ir ao baa`t`io ti trba`t`iobl tkxt (Uboakrs, 7>28). Utuakots‐ wirla iuts`ak
ih seciil cbs gkeidk “dult`diabl” boa tckrkhirk dust gk l`omka w`tc tck bas`e l`teraey tcey
aequ`re `o seciils.
Lkt‐s Wead:
Zhat is Literacy?
Hir us ti gkttkr uoakrstboa tck `akb gkc`oa “okw l`tkrbe`ks,” `t `s gut okekssbry tcbt wk
h`rst rkhkr ti `ts hiuoabt`io kdgkaaka `o tck tkrd “l`tkrbey.” Ckrk brk sidk akh`o`t`ios ih
Literacy, deh`oed dist s`dply, `s tce ab`l`ty ti read aod wr`te. (cttp://caemedueat`io
Literacy `s a prieess by wc`ec ioe expaods ioe's moiwledje ih read`oj aod wr`t`oj `o
irder ti develip ioe's tc`om`oj aod learo`oj hir tce purpise ih uoderstaod`oj ioeselh aod tce
l`te raey-edueat`io).
Literacy `s tce eapae`ty ti eidduo`eate us`oj `oser`bed, pr`oted, ir eleetrio`e s`jos ir
sydbils hir represeot`oj laojuaje (cttps://www.br`taoo`ea.eid/tip`e/l`teraey).
Literacy `s tce ab`l`ty ti `deot`hy, uoderstaod, `oterpret, ereate, eidduo`eate aod
eidpute, us`oj pr`oted aod wr`tteo dater`als assie`ated w`tc vary`oj eiotexts. L`teraey
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 2 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
`ovilves a eiot`ouud ih learo`oj `o eoabl`oj `od`v`duals ti aec`eve tce`r jials, ti develip tce`r
moiwledje aod piteot`al, aod ti part`e`pate hully `o tce`r eidduo`ty aod w`der sie`ety
([OKUEI, 7>>1; 7>27).
Literacy `s tce ab`l`ty ti read, v`ew, wr`te, des`jo, speam aod l`steo `o a way tcat alliws
yiu ti eidduo`eate ehheet`vely. Qce piwer ih l`teraey l`es oit just `o tce ab`l`ty ti read aod
wr`tk, gut rbtckr `o b pkrsio‐s ebpbe`ty ti bpply tcksk sm`lls ti khhket`vkly eiooeet, `oterpret aod
Traditional Literacy Xersus New Literacies
Qce deao`oj ih l`teraey cas evilved tcriujc t`de. Hrid be`oj s`dply moiwo bs “tck
bg`l`ty ti rkba boa wr`tk”, l`teraey `o oiw v`ewed as `oelus`ve ih itcer sm`lls oeeded hir ioe ti
eipe `o tc`s hast-paeed wirld.
Qrad`t`ioal l`teraey `s deh`oed as "tce qual`ty ih be`oj l`terate; moiwledje ih letters;
eiod`t`io `o respeet ti edueat`io, ksp. ab`l`ty ti read aod wr`te" @t `s tce bu`ld`oj bliem hir all
itcer l`terae`es; w`tciut `t, tcey wiuld be `dpiss`ble ti daster. (IKA Iol`oe, "l`teraey," 7od
Dirkivkr, hiuodat`ioal ir trad`t`ioal l`teraey `s abiut pr`ot io a paje, ir deeid`oj aod
dam`oj seose ih wirds, `dajes aod itcer eioteot tcat a reader eao str`oj tijetcer aod tceo
bej`o ti eidpreceod. Qcey are tce wirds aod p`etures studeots read aod pire iver tcat are
eiota`oed `o textbiims, `o oivels, io staodard`zed tests, aod eveo `o eid`e biims.
Qce oew l`terae`es eoeidpass duec dire. Qce`r ut`l`ty l`es `o iol`oe read`oj
eidpreceos`io aod learo`oj sm`lls, ir 72st eeotury sm`lls, requ`red by tce @oteroet aod itcer
`ohirdat`io aod eidduo`eat`io teecoilij`es (@EQs), `oelud`oj eioteot hiuod io w`m`s, blijs,
v`dei s`tes, aud`i s`tes, aod `o e-da`l. Qcey requ`re tce ab`l`ty oit just ti "read" but alsi ti
oav`jate tce Zirld Z`de Zeb, lieate `ohirdat`io, evaluate `t er`t`eally, syotces`ze `t aod
eidduo`eate `t-all sm`lls tcat are beeid`oj v`tal ti sueeess `o tc`s eeotury's eeioidy aod
(wirmhiree. cttps://www.read`ojriemets.irj/art`ele/oew-l`terae`es).
“Okw l`tkrbe`ks” tcbt br`sk hrid okw tkecoilij`ks `oeluak tc`ojs l`mk tkxt-dessaj`oj,
blijj`oj, sie`al oetwirm`oj, pideast`oj, aod v`deidam`oj. Qcese d`j`tal teecoilij`es alter aod
exteod iur eidduo`eat`io ab`l`t`es, ihteo bleod`oj text, siuod, aod `dajery. Bltciujc
eiooketka ti ilakr, “ihhl`ok” prbet`eks, tcksk tkecoilij`ks ecbojk wcbt `t dkbos ti gitc “rkba”
@odeed, teecoilijy cas everytc`oj ti di w`tc l`teraey. Ge`oj able ti use tce latest
eleetrio`e teecoilij`es cas everytc`oj ti di w`tc be`oj l`terate (Z`lceld, 7>>>, e`ted `o Wisaeo
& Qerpstra, 7>2>). L`teraey, tcerehire, day be tciujct ih as a div`oj tarjet, eiot`oually
ecaoj`oj `ts deao`oj depeod`oj io wcat sie`ety expeets l`terate `od`v`duals ti di. Bs sie`etal
expeetat`ios hir l`teraey ecaoje, aod as tce dedaods io l`terate huoet`ios `o a sie`ety ecaoje,
si tii dust deh`o`t`ios ih l`teraey ecaoje ti rehleet tc`s div`oj tarjet. (Leu, M`ozer, Ei`ri &
Eaddaem 7>>1, e`ted `o Wisaeo & Qerpstra, 7>2>). L`teraey `s oi liojer ao eod pi`ot ti be
s 2i>h)e. iot`ouiusly learo`oj ciw ti beeide l`terate. (Leu,
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 3 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Importance of Acquiring New Literacies
Zc`le trad`t`ioal l`teraey aod a l`beral edueat`io are st`ll `dpirtaot (Oussbaud,
2997; Aelbaoei, 7>27; Herrall, 7>22), `o tce 72st eeotury studeots oeed ti moiw dire aod
be able ti di dire tcao tcey d`d `o tce past. Utudeots oeed 72st eeotury l`teraey. Qc`s
oew l`teraey `oeludes trad`t`ioal l`teraey sm`lls, suec as read`oj, wr`t`oj, aod arju`oj. Gut
dire `dpirtaotly, `t `oeludes oew l`teraey sm`lls, suec as er`t`eal tc`om`oj, se`eot`h`e
reasio`oj, aod dult`-eultural awareoess (OEQK, 7>>3; Zajoer, 7>>3; Jrubb, 7>>5, p. 5;
Uajao, 2998, p. 57;).
L`me ilder hirds ih l`teraey, tce oew l`teraey requ`res bitc tce "ehheet`ve use" ih
laojuaje aod "larje adiuots ih spee`h`e `ohirdat`io" abiut tce wirld (C`rsec, 2933, pp.
7-5). @o add`t`io ti trad`t`ioal l`teraey, studeots alsi oeed ti learo abiut ciw moiwledje
`s ereated, espee`ally ciw tce dist rel`able moiwledje `s dade tcriujc se`eot`h`e
detcids. Ue`eoee cas beeide tce pr`dary tiil ih tce 72st eeotury moiwledje eeioidy;
tcerehire, studeots sciuld be expised ti all dajir se`eot`h`e detcidilij`es. Utudeots
oeed ao uoderstaod`oj ih bitc qual`tat`ve (Euscdao, M`otjeo, Mrill, & Wise, 7>>2) aod
quaot`tat`ve l`teraey (Paulis, 7>>2; Uteeo, 7>>2; Uteeo, 7>>1). Bod wc`le moiwledje ih
dist se`eot`h`e detcidilijy dies requ`re advaoeed datcedat`eal l`teraey, studeots w`tc
ioly d`o`dal datcedat`eal moiwledje eao st`ll be `otridueed ti bitc qual`tat`ve aod
quaot`tat`ve se`eot`h`e detcids tcriujc ao uoderstaod`oj ih mey eioeepts, tceir`es, aod
data (Z`lsio, 7>25). Qi hully uoderstaod se`eot`h`e detcidilijy, studeots oeed ti moiw
abiut tce researec uo`vers`ty, aeaded`e d`se`pl`oes, aod tce spee`h`e wirm tcat se`eot`sts
di w`tc`o tce`r d`se`pl`oes. Ioly tceo w`ll studeots be able ti eioeretely jrasp ciw
moiwledje `s ereated, debated, aod reh`oed tcriujc tce se`eot`h`e prieess
72st Eeotury L`teraey `s dire tcao just read`oj aod wr`t`oj. @t `s moiw`oj ciw ti
lkbro boa moiw. [t`l`z`oj se`eot`h`e researec io eijo`t`io aod deta-eijo`t`io, studeots
oeed ti uoderstaod ciw tce bra`o ereates aod uses subjeet`ve moiwledje, aod tce d`hhereot
prieesses tcat ereate ibjeet`ve moiwledje. Utudeots oeed ti moiw ciw eioekpts wirm ti
deh`oe aod eatejir`ze moiwledje, aod ciw eioeepts eao be irjao`zed `oti eioeeptual
hradewirms tcat `otereiooeet haets `oti larjer h`elds ih moiwledje (Garber,
7>27). Utudeots oeed ti be able ti uoderstaod eioeepts as tiils, wc`ec eao be used ti
silve real-wirld pribleds (H`sc, 7>22, p. 2;, 79). Dist `dpirtaotly, studeots oeed ti
reeijo`ze tcrescild eioeepts (Laod, Deyer, & Ud`tc, 7>>3), wc`ec eoable oew ways ti
see aod moiw tce wirld. Qwi ih tce dist `dpirtaot tcrescild eioeepts `ovilve learo`oj
ti see wr`t`oj as twi separate tiils: @t `s bitc a tiil hir tc`om`oj aod moiw`oj, aod `t `s a
tiil hir eidduo`eat`oj moiwledje aod persuad`oj peiple ti see tce trutc. Utudeots oeed
ti uoderstaod tce tceiret`eal purpises aod tce eioerete praet`ees ih researec, tc`om`oj,
aod wr`t`oj. Psyecilij`sts ebll tc`s cil`st`e uoakrstboa`oj “dktb -eijo`t`io,” wc`ec
deaos "tc`om`oj-abiut-tc`om`oj" aod "tc`om`oj-abiut-di`oj."
Uuec c`jcer irder
tc`om`oj eoables us ti better uoderstaod iurselves (bitc iur streojtcs aod l`d`tat`ios),
wc`ec tceo eoables us ti moiw better aod perhird better (Auoo, Uav`lle, Gamer, & Darem,
7>25). Utudeots oeed ti be able ti ai, oit just moiw (Zeojer, 2999).
Blsi, tcere `s a jriw`oj jap betweeo wcat tiday's studeots di `o seciil aod wcat tcey
di at cide. Beeird`oj ti a reeeot Pew @oteroet aod Bder`eao L`he Prijeet study, "Qce A`j`tal
A`seiooeet: Qce Z`deo`oj Jap betweeo @oteroet-Uavvy Utudeots aod Qce`r Ueciils," studeots
are speod`oj 77 ciurs a weem iol`oe at cide, eidpared ti ao averaje ih 2; d`outes per weem
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 4 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
at seciil. "@t's card ti develip iol`oe sm`lls `o trad`t`ioal elassriids wceo si l`ttle `ostruet`ioal
t`de `s iol`oe," says Uusao Patr`em, pres`deot ih tce Oirtc Bder`eao Eiuoe`l hir Iol`oe
Learo`oj. "Iol`oe learo`oj `s oit tc`s separate s`li tcat we d`jct oeed ti use as a tiil."
Bdd`o`stratirs sciuld cave suec learo`oj weaved `oti elassriids, sce adds.
Qiday's studeots, tce "d`j`tal oat`ves" as tcey are sidet`des ealled, are praet`eally
`oseparable hrid tce`r eidputers, v`dei jades aod tce @oteroet. Direiver, a reeeot study by
tce Oat`ioal Ueciil Giards Bssie`at`io hiuod tcat 98 pereeot ih studeots wci cave iol`oe
aeeess use tce teecoilij`es hir sie`al oetwirm`oj suec as blijj`oj, scar`oj dus`e, `ostaot
dessaj`oj, aod pist`oj tce`r iwo div`es. Oit exaetly tce h`rst tc`oj yiu tc`om ih wceo yiu
`daj`oe a elassriid.
Bod altciujc d`j`tal oat`ves day be teec savvy, tcey dio't use a lit ih `ohirdat`io, ir
at least tcey dio't moiw ciw ti tc`om er`t`eally abiut tce `ohirdat`io tcey use. Qcey oeed
ju`daoee io ciw ti h`od tce best `ohirdat`io dist ehh`e`eotly aod deterd`oe haet hrid h`et`io.
"Qeecoilijy aod moiwledje `o jeoeral are jriw`oj at ao expioeot`al rate," says Dary
Eilidbi, ass`staot super`oteodeot ih eurr`eulud aod `ostruet`io at Cipm`otio (Dass.) Publ`e
Ueciils. "Zcere di yiu h`od `t? Ciw di yiu jatcer `t? Ciw sciuld yiu use `t?"
Qiday, daoy ec`larko brk gk`oj elbsska bs –a`j`tbl obt`vks‐ ― just as eidhirtable iol`oe
as tcey are ihhl`oe. Qce `oteroet eoables eodless edueat`ioal piss`b`l`t`es, w`tc eiostaotly
evilv`oj `ohirdat`io streads, ciwever, tce vastoess ih tce `oteroet eao be a c`odraoee ti tcise
ec`ldreo wci eaooit ehheet`vely s`ht tcriujc aod `oterpret tce dater`al preseoted. Utrioj
l`teraey sm`lls are a mey tiil used wceo ec`ldreo d`seero aod `oterpret `ohirdat`io, eoabl`oj
tced ti ut`l`sk tck `otkrokt ti `ts hull pitkot`bl boa dbm`oj surk tcbt tck `okv`tbglk –a`j`tbl
hiitpr`ot‐ tcbt ec`ldreo w`ll leave, `s ioe tcat `s sahe, appripr`ate, aod rehleet`ve ih tce`r true
Qce ecaojes tcat tce Kojl`sc laojuaje cas uoderjioe iver tce eiurse ih c`stiry `s
stajjer`oj. Qck pbst akebak bliok cbs skko stuakots‐ l`tkrbey rkpkrti`rk kxtkoa gkyioa tck
trad`t`ioal p`llars ih read`oj, eidpreceos`io, jraddar aod wr`t`oj, ti `oelude d`j`tal aod
`oteraet`ve appl`eat`ios. Z`tc tiaby‐s lkbrokrs hbeka w`tc b dyr`ba ih trba`t`iobl boa a`j`tbl
l`terae`es, ciw eao we as pareots eosure tcat iur ec`ldreo develip tce sm`lls ti ehheet`vely
oav`jate aod dee`pcer tce eiostaot `ohirdat`io stread tcat surriuods tced?
Bpart hrid tce ibv`ius ecaojes ih l`teraey dater`als iver tce past hew deeades, as
edueatirs, we oeed ti tame oite aod expaod io tce eioeept ih wcat l`teraey sm`lls ec`ldreo are
oeed`oj ti sueeeed `o tc`s didero wirld. Ze are oi liojer able ti teaec just read`oj, iral aod
wr`t`oj sm`lls; d`j`tal dult`l`terate teecoilij`es requ`re extra sm`lls l`me sedaot`e sm`lls,
daoajedeot sm`lls, oetwirm`oj sm`lls aod evaluat`io sm`lls. Huodadeotal wr`t`oj aod read`oj
sm`lls are oit replaeed by d`j`tal l`terae`es, but are exteoded ti aeeiuot hir tce sc`ht `o learo`oj
@o irder ti ereate tce best learo`oj eov`riodeot `o iur elassriids hir iur studeots, we
oeed ti priv`de a dult`l`terate d`j`tal-based elassriid, tcat `oeirpirates bitc trad`t`ioal aod
oew aje l`teraey teaec`oj praet`ees. Jee states tcat tce dist `dpirtaot var`able hir yiuoj
studeots hir later sueeess `o l`teraey aod eioteot learo`oj `o seciil `s tce adiuot ih talm,
`oteraet`io, aod deotir`oj tcey cave cad hrid adults early `o l`he (7>27). @o irder ti ereate a
ceav`ly priduet`ve eov`riodeot, as edueatirs, we oeed ti be `ohirded abiut tce eiot`oual
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 5 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
ecaoje ih l`terae`es aod edbraee dult`l`terae`es. Ze oeed ti eoeiuraje iral laojuaje aod
hae`l`tate hir a raoje ih d`hhereot learo`oj styles tcriujc d`hhereot hirds ih l`teraey.
Types of New Literacies
l`tkrbey ebo
elass`h`ed as
cttps://ojryb2.wkkgly.eid/ciw-cbs-l`tkrbey-ecbojka.ctdl): (Uee H`jure 2)
2. Qrba`t`iobl L`tkrbey ― Wead`oj, wr`t`oj, speam`oj aod l`steo`oj.
7. @ohirdbt`io L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti `deot`hy wcat `ohirdat`io `s oeeded aod tce ab`l`ty
ti lieate, evaluate, aod use `ohirdat`io.
5. X`subl L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti uoderstaod aod priduee v`sual dessajes.
1. Er`t`ebl L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti quest`io, ecalleoje aod evaluate tce deao`ojs aod
purpises ih texts.
;. Dka`b L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti quest`io, aoalyze, `oterpret, evaluate, aod ereate ded`a
8. Qiil L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti use tiils ti daoaje, eiosude aod ereate `ohirdat`io.
7. A`j`tbl L`tkrbey ― Qce ab`l`ty ti use d`j`tal teecoilijy, eidduo`eat`io tiils ir
oetwirms ti lieate, evaluate, use aod ereate `ohirdat`io.
H`jurk 2. Qiaby‐s Okw L`tkrbey
Uiurek: cttps://ojryb2.wkkgly.eid/ciw-cbs-l`tkrbey-ecbojka.ctdl
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 6 ih 17
Diaulk `o Qkeco`ebl Zr`t`oj
Wisaeo & Qerpstra (7>2>) `deot`h`es e`jct (3) types ih oew l`terae`es:
Eulturbl L`tkrbey
A`j`tbl/@ohirdbt`io Dka`b L`tkrbey
Kdit`iobl L`tkrbey
Kov`riodkotbl L`tkrbey
^r`ot L`tkrbey
Uie`bl L`tkrbey
X`subl L`tkrbey
Qck [o`vkrs`ty ih P`ttsgurjc L`grbry Uystkd eblls tck okw l`tkrbey bs tck “72st eeotury
l`tkrbe`ks,” (Uee H`jure 7) wc`ec eivers v`sual l`teraey, ded`a l`teraey, teecoilijy l`teraey,
oetwirm l`teraey, aod eultural l`teraey as hilliw: (Uiurek:
2. X`subl L`tkrbey
Eiostruet`oj deao`oj hrid `dajes aod express`oj ioeselh `o terds ih v`sually
wc`le reeijo`z`oj tce val`d`ty aod aeeuraey ih tcise `dajes
Kxadple ih `otejrat`io `oti l`brary `ostruet`io:
[se `dajes hrid Hl`emr ti eidpare aod eiotrast pr`dary & seeiodary
7. Dka`b L`tkrbey
Er`t`eal uoderstaod`oj ih ded`a `o a var`ety ih hirdats aod ao uoderstaod`oj ih
tce `dpaet ih var`ius ded`a io tce `od`v`dual aod sie`ety
Kxadple ih `otejrat`io `oti l`brary `ostruet`io:
[se a var`ety ih ded`a (pr`ot & iol`oe oewspapers, Z`m`ped`a, ete.) ti h`od
aod evaluate `ohirdat`io io a eurreot oews tip`e
5. Qkecoilijy L`tkrbey
Er`t`eal tc`om`oj aod pribled silv`oj sm`lls related ti d`j`tal teecoilijy aod
Kxadple ih `otejrat`io `oti l`brary `ostruet`io:
Cave studeots ereate a w`m` ti eillabirate io ao aooitated b`bl`ijrapcy
1. Oktwirm L`tkrbey
[oderstaod`oj ih tce tiils aod sm`lls related ti oetwirmed eidduo`eat`io aod tce
ab`l`ty ti use tcise sm`lls ti dame `ohirded dee`s`ios
Kxadple ih `otejrat`io `oti l`brary `ostruet`io:
[se a scared eatalij suec as ZirldEat ti lieate a l`st ih resiurees
]Eiursk EiakT: ]Eiursk Q`tlkT
^bjk 7 ih 17
Module in Technical kriting
5. Cultural Literacy
Boalyz`oj aod uoderstaod`oj eulture aod sie`ety aod sciw`oj had`l`ar`ty aod
eidpass`io tiwards itcer eultures
Kxadple ih `otejrat`io `oti l`brary `ostruet`io:
Cave studeots h`od tip`es The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
(cttp://www.bartleby.eid/;9/) ti researec `o l`brary database & d`seuss
Higure 7. 7lst Century Literacies
Source: httpr://pitt.libguider.com/c.php?g=12354&p=65747
Uuggested Readings and Uupport Materials:
Kdueat`io [pdate. (Bujust 7>2>). Wetr`eved hrid cttp://www.ased.irj/publ`eat`ios/
oewsletters/ edueat`io-update/auj2>/vil;7/oud>3/Aawo-ih-tce-Oew-L`terae`es.aspx
Oew aje,
oew l`terae`es, oew deaos ih edueat`oj studeots. PiuQube v`dei.
Wyao, O. cttps://ojrya2.weebly.eid/ciw-cas-l`teraey-ecaojed.ctdl.
(Courre Code]: (Courre Title]
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Module in Technical kriting
Uaoders, B. 7>28. Wetr`eved hrid cttps://www.se`eoeed`reet.eid/tip`es/sie`al-se`eoees/oewl`terae`es.
Oew l`terae`es `o tce elassriid. (Oivedber 7>21). Wetr`eved hrid cttp://caemedueat`io
cttps://www.eoeyeliped`a.eid/c`stiry/eoeyeliped`as-aldaoaes-traoser`pts-aod-daps/ l`te
[OKUEI, 7>>1; 7>27
IKA Iol`oe, "l`teraey," 7od ed.
wirmhiree. cttps://www.read`ojriemets.irj/art`ele/oew-l`terae`es
Leu, M`ozer, Ei`ri & Eaddaem 7>>1, e`ted `o Wisaeo & Qerpstra, 7>2>
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