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Safety of Feeding: Methodical Recommendations

Department of medicine of extraordinary situations
Methodical recommendations for self-study of students of medical and stomatological
faculties to practical lessons on educational discipline
“Safety of life activity. Basics of labour protection”
Lviv – 2011
Methodical recommendations prepared: Chaplyk V.V., Pylypiv Ya.I., Humenyuk V.V. ,
Oliynyk P.V.
Translation: Humenyuk V.V.
Methodical recommendations are developed for independent preparation of students of
medical and stomatological faculties to practical lessons after educational discipline « Safety
of life activity. Basics of labour protection» after a theme: SAFETY OF FEEDING AS
As a result of study of theme students must be familiarized with parts of food
and positive or negative effects of hypo- or hyper-dozing of its constituent
parts – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements.
Methodical recommendations are recommended by a methodical commission of department
of medicine of extraordinary situations of LNMU by Danylo Halytskyy for the printing.
Protocol № 105 from August, 26, 2011
A sequence of study of theme and methodical recommendations for independent
preparation to practical lessons
I. Educational aim:
To sudy main principles of feeding and structural parts of any kind of food.
II. Educational-aim tasks:
To know types of feeding and about influence of quality of food on the organism.
III. Time of lesson: 2 academic hours;
IV. Place of the lesson: educational classroom of the department
During independent preparation to practical lessons students must use base material of
methodical recommendations, the compendium of lectures on this topic, by educational
material of the indicated literature.
As a result of independent preparation students must learhave knowledge aboput food and
positive or negative effects of hypo- or hyper-dozing of its constituent parts – proteins, fats,
carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements.
1. Check your base knowledge in accordance with an educational purpose and
educational tasks and if necessary – correct them.
2. A questions for self-control of base knowledge:
1. Proteins, their structure, value for organism of man.
2. Fats, their types, value for organism of man.
3. Carbohydrates, their types, value for organism of man.
4. Vitamins, their types, value for organism of man, hypo- and
5. Microelements, value for organism of man.
6. Genetically modified food.
7. Quality of feeding.
General pictures are of exchange of matters and energy
The physiology features of organism of man must be examined taking into account
his co-operating with an environment. In this case is possible more complete picture of
sources of health hazards and life of man. Such co-operation is carried out by the
exchange of substances.
The vital processes of organism are related to permanent absorption of substances
from an environment and selection of the finished goods to disintegration in this
The exchange of substances is incident to both living and lifeless nature. However
between them there is a principle difference. As a result of exchange of substances of
lifeless bodies the last one irreversibly collapse, while an exchange of substances of
living organisms with an environment is the basic condition of their existence.
The exchange of matters consists of two processes: assimilation, or anabolism, is
mastering of matters and synthesis of specific substances for every tissue, and
dissimilation, or catabolism, – enzymolysis of organic substances and excretion from
the organism of products of disintegration.
The products of disintegration and energy appear as a result of processes of
dissimilation of food substances, which provide processes of assimilation.
Intercommunication of these processes provides an existence of animal organism.
In basis of exchange of substances there are plenty of chemical reactions, which
take place in a certain sequence and closely constrained one with other. These
reactions are catalyzed by enzymes and are under control by nervous system.
The exchange of substances can be divided into an external exchange, which
include an entering of food substances into organism and delete of the finished goods
of disintegration, and internal, - all transformations of food substances in the cells of
Food substances, which got in an organism are outlaid on power and build
processes, which go simultaneously. At disintegration of food substances an energy
goes out, which is outlaid on the synthesis of specific for this organism substances, in
support the stationary temperature of body, leadthrough of nervous impulses, etc.
The basic method of research of exchange of substances is a method of
determination of balance of substances, which got in an organism and moved away
outwardly, and also their power value. Balance of energy is determined on the basis of
information about calorie content of food substances, which are used, and also finished
products, which go out from an organism.
The requirement of man in energy is determined by an experimental way and
expressed in calories. The amount of calories, which enter into organism with any
products, is named calorie content of meal. Energy filling of meal must be as energy
losses of organism, that is the power necessities of man must be fully covered due to
the power value of food products, which are included in the ration of man.
Basic types of food substances
For the normal functioning of organism a daily ration must include 6 basic
constituents: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances and water.
Food substances, what people get together with a meal, it is possible to divide into
two groups: those, which are needed in big amounts, or macrocomponents (proteins,
fats, carbohydrates), and those, which are needed in lesser, or microcomponents
(vitamins and mineral substances).
Proteins. Proteins belong to the vitally necessary substances, without which life,
growth and development of organism are impossible. It is a plastic material for
forming of cells and intercellular matter. All component parts of human organism
consist of proteins (muscles, heart, brain and even bones). Proteins are in hormones,
enzymes, antibodies, which provide immunity. They take part in the exchange of
vitamins, mineral matters, in delivery by blood of oxygen, fats, carbohydrates,
vitamins, hormones. The value of proteins is determined by not only the variety of
their functions, but also irreplaceableness them by other matters. If fats and
carbohydrates are in that or other degree interchangeable, then proteins compensating
is not possible by anything. Therefore proteins are considered the most valuable
components of meal.
Proteins are organic substances, which consist of amino acids, which being
combined between itself in different compositions, give to the proteins of various
properties. The food and biological value of proteins is determined by balanced of
amino acids, which are included in their composition. Certain part of amino acids
fissions to organic acids, from which the new amino acids, and then proteins are again
synthesized in an organism. These amino acids are named replaceable. However 9
amino acids, namely: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
tryptophan, treonin and valine – cannot appear in the organism of man from other
amino acid and must get with a food. These amino acids are named irreplaceable, or
essential. In addition, cysteine, tyrosine, and arginine are considered semiessential
amino acids, and taurine a semiessential aminosulfonic acid in children. The metabolic
pathways that synthesize these monomers are not fully developed. The amounts
required also depend on the age and health of the individual, so it is hard to make
general statements about the dietary requirement for some amino acids.
In general, the lack of proteins substantially influences on the state of organism.
For children at the proteins insufficiancy, a growth stops, formation of bones is
violated, and mental development is slowered. Blood formation, exchange of fats and
vitamins (hypovitaminosis develop) is violated in most people, resistance to the
infections goes down, which pass with complications besides that.
It is also needed to specify on negative influence of surplus of proteins in a feed.
Especially sensible to surplus of proteins are little children and old people. Thus a
liver and kidneys suffer above all things. A liver is overloaded from the surplus
amount of amino acids, and kidneys – from a selection with urine of enhanceable
amount of products of exchange of proteins. These organs are increased in sizes, they
have undesirable changes. Long-term surplus of proteins in a food causes excitation of
the nervous system, here is violation of exchange of vitamins and can come
hypovitaminosis (for example, A, B6).
The basic source of animal proteins in a food are meat, eggs, milk and dairy
products. The basic sources of phytalbumin is bread and groats. By the most accessible
source of proteins are bobs. Complementing them by meat, milk, eggs and bread, it is
possible to satisfy considerable part of necessity of organism in proteins. Combination
of proteins of animal and vegetable origin is promoted by the value of proteins
nutrition. Therefore in the food of man it is expedient to combine the proteins of graincrops with the proteins of milk and meat (bread with milk, buckwheat with milk,
vareniks with cheese, and bakery with meat).
Fats. The role of fats in a feed is determined by their high calorie content and
participating in the processes of exchange. Fats provide near 33 % day's energy value
of ration. With fats into an organism necessary for life activity substances enter:
vitamins A, D, Е, K and biologically important phosphotides (lecithin, choline). Fats
provide suctions from the intestine of row of mineral matters and fatsolutible vitamins.
As connections with proteins, fats enter in the complement of cellular shells and
kernels; take part in adjusting of exchange of matters in cells.
The deficit of fats in a meal weakens immunity, that reduces resistance of
organism to the infections. They improve taste of meal and cause feeling of satiety.
At the lack of fats in an organism a requirement in energy is satisfied mainly due to
carbohydrates and partly – proteins, that loosens the holds of proteins and
irreplaceable amino acids.
Fats consist of glycerin and fat acids, which can be saturated and unsaturated.
Unsaturated fat acids promote elasticity and diminish penetrating of vascular wall,
form with a cholesterol easily soluble connections, which easily excret from an
organism, provide normal growth and development of organism.
Fats can be of vegetable and of animal origin. Animal fats are hard matters, with
big amount of the saturated fat. Phytofats, as a rule, – liquids which contain the
unsaturated fat acids. The sources of Phytofats are: oil (99,9 %), nuts (53–65 %),
avenaceous (6,9 %) and buckwheat (3,3 %) groats. Sources of adipose are fat (90–92
%), butter (72–82 %), fat pork (49 %), sausages (20–40 %), sour cream (30 %), cheese
(15–30 %).
The requirement of organism of man in fats depends on character of work, sex, age
and other factors. Than more hard physical work, the greater requirement is in fats.
Not only obvious fats are thus taken into account, which get in the organism of man
with fatty products, but also hidden, what are contained in other food stuffs.
Very valuable for an organism is lecithin – it is a fatlike matter (lipoid). This
matter takes part in the exchange of cholesterol, promote its leading out from an
organism. In general, phosphotides, to which is belonged lecytine are as instruments in
better suction and mastering of food matters. Especially rich on them are cells of the
nervous system. Phosphotides improve a oxidizing processes, stimulate growth,
promote resistance of organism to anoxaemia and action of high temperature. In big
amounts phosphotides are contained in eggs, unrefined oil, meat, bird, fish, milk
butter, bread and other corn products.
Surplus consumption of meal, which contains fats, unfavorably influences on the
state of organism, results in development of different diseases, in particular organs of
circulation of blood et al, the functions of liver, heart are violated, atherosclerosis
develops.Choosing fats for a feed, it should be remembered that they must be rich on
vitally important fat acids and on soluble vitamins in fats.
Cholesterol. The permanent component of fatty products is a cholesterol. It is in
all cells and tissues of organism, especially a lot in nervous tissue and cerebrum (4 %),
lesser in a liver (0,3 %) and muscles (0,2 %).
What role is played by a cholesterol in the organism of man? It is a build material
for every cell and very valuable for the exchange of substances. This matter is vitally
important for formation of vitamin D, bile, sexual hormones. Except for that, a
cholesterol fastens the immune system. It takes part in support of certain water level in
a cell, transporting of different matters through cellular membranes. A cholesterol
have a property to link some poisons.
At the same time, a cholesterol at violation of exchange processes takes part in
development of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease. High maintenance of
cholesterol in blood results in the origin of these illnesses. A cholesterol is put aside in
the walls of arteries and makes them more denser.
In the organism of man as a result of exchange of matters the permanent level of
cholesterol is supported both due to the get of it with a meal and due to a synthesis
from fats and carbohydrates. The source of food cholesterol are products of animal
origin. Especially there is a lot of it in yolks of eggs, milk butter, beef fat, sour cream,
and brain of animals.
At violation of lipometabolism of the use of meal, which contains the enhanceable
amount of cholesterol, results in the increase of its level in blood. Therefore in the feed
of patients with heart-vessel diseases, and also in the feed of older people it is
necessary to limit products with high maintenance of cholesterol.
Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are basic part of food ration. The physiology value
of carbohydrates is determined them by energy properties. They are a main energy
source of organism (55 % energy values of day's ration). Therefore in an organism
there are contained only about 2 %, although in a meal their part is 70 % (400–500 gs
are on days). Partly carbohydrates give beginning to fats, organic acids, proteins, used
in the plastic and other processes of organism. A surplus consumption of
carbohydrates is widespread reason of metabolic changes, which assists to
development of row of diseases. At a rational feed to 30 % carbohydrates of meal able
to pass to fats. In case of the surplus amount of carbohydrates this percent is higher.
Carbohydrates divide into groups: monosaccharides – glucose, fructose,
lactoglucose; oligosaccharides - a saccharose; polysaccharidess are starch, hepatin,
cellulose, pectin substances. The basic source of carbohydrates in the feed of man is a
plants meal, and only a lactose and hepatin is contained in the products of animal
origin. Monosaccharides (simple carbohydrates) are an easily water-soluble, quickly
sucked in the channel of digestion system. They have an expressed sweet taste.
A saccharose in the feed of man is used mainly as sugar. Sweet foods and drinks it
is useful to use at the end of meal, as they brake the producing of gastric juice and
create feeling of satiety.
Lactose – lactobiose – contained only in milk and dairy products. Lactobacillus,
which repress growth of other microorganisms in an intestine develop at presence of
Polysaccharides are a badly water-soluble and sucked in an organism gradually,
after breaking up with proper enzymes to the simple carbohydrates. In the feed of man
a basic carbohydrate is starch, it is 75–80 % carbohydrates which a man uses for days.
Starch is contained in great numbers in grains of wheat, rye, rice, corn, to 20 % it is
contained in a potato. Therefore the basic sources of starch are: bread, groats, and
Hepatin (glycogen), or animal starch, is a difficult carbohydrate of animal origin. It
is in a two-bit in a liver and meat. In the organism of man a hepatin appears from
glucose. It accumulates in a liver and muscles. At the considerable physical loadings a
hepatin can be used as reserve power material. Usually a hepatin supports the normal
functions of liver.
The surplus use of sugar during the considerable time conduces to the overstrain of
insulin apparatus of pancreas and can assist to development of saccharine diabetes.
Except for that, sugar which gets in an organism in a surplus amount grows into fat,
the synthesis of cholesterol, which promotes development of obesity and other
diseases is increased then.
By the richest sources of saccharose in the feed of man, except for sugar, there are
products and foods, which are made with addition to sugar: pastry products, fruit
compotes, jams, ice-cream and all that. The real source of simple sugars are vegetables
and fruits, which contain other useful food matters simultaneously. In fruit and
vegetables sugars are “protected” by a cellulose, they are slower mastered in digestive
system, - that is why, than the refined sugar, and then less influence on the level of
glucose in blood, less than used for formation of fat to the synthesis of cholesterol.
People which work physically, do not have to limit sharply the use of sugar, as
they outlay much energy. During not mobile work, which does not need large energy,
especially, people with overnormal weight - avoid including in the ration of feed big
amount of sugar. An organism must get so much sugars and difficult carbohydrates,
how many it is necessary for coverage of requirements in energy.
Vitamins. Vitamins have an important value for the organism of man. They
regulate the processes of exchange of matters, necessary for forming of enzymes,
hormones, etc. Vitamins take part in oxidizing processes, as a result of which appear
from carbohydrates and fats a numeral matters, used by an organism as power and
plastic material.
An important role is played by vitamins in maintenance of immunobiological
reactions of organism; provide its firmness to the unfavorable terms of environment,
which has a substantial value in the prophylaxis of infectious diseases. Vitamins soften
or remove the unfavorable operating on the organism of man of many medicinal
preparations. They are irreplaceable food matters the insufficient receipt of which
necessarily results in violations of fermentative processes and physiology functions of
organism. The requirement of man in vitamins is very low (expressed in milligrams or
even in micrograms). However at long-term absence in a meal of that or other vitamin
heavy diseases (scurvy, pellagra etc.), which are named avitaminosises, develop.
When the insufficient amount of any vitamin gets in an organism, a
hypovitaminosis develops. So, at a low ambient temperature, the requirement in
vitamins of organism rises up sharply. It rises during a stay in the conditions of high
temperature, because vitamins are evacuated with sweat. A requirement in vitamins
especially grows at connection of high temperature of surrounding air with a
considerable ultraviolet. The considerable losses of vitamins are done by the physical
overloading and nervously psychological tension.
Depending on ability to dissolve, vitamins are divided on two groups:
watersoutible and fatsolutible.
To the watersoutible vitamins belong: ascorbic acid (vitamin С); biotine (vitamin
Н); bioflavonoid (vitamin Р); nicotine acid (vitamin PP); pantothen (vitamin B3);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6); riboflavin (vitamin B2); Thiamine (vitamin B1); folium acid
(folacin, B9); cyancobalamin (vitamin B12).
Fatsolutible vitamins are: calciferol (vitamin D); retinol (vitamin A); tokoferols
(vitamin Е); phylloquinones (vitamin K).
Vitamins almost are not synthesized in an organism and must be got with a meal.
Absence of vitamins in a ration during long time can entail different diseases. In our
climatic zone at the end of the winter and at the beginning of spring most often there is
a deficit of vitamins A, С, B1, B2, PP.
WHAT is it for
For a healthy skin, Liver, dairy
eyes and immune products, eggs
system. Helps
and fat fish
development and
(retinol, retinal or growth of child.
retinol acid)
(pro-vitamin A)
Beta-karotin, acting
with a meal, is
used by an
organism as an
antioxidant. Due to
the properties
instrumental in a
protection from a
cancer. This food
matter grows into
the vitamin A in an
For the healthy
nervous system.
Also helps your
organism to extract
useful matters from
a meal.
All fruits and
There is not the
vegetables of
recommended dose.
orange or red
color, including a
carrot, cayenne,
mango, sweet
potato, pumpkin
and spinach.
Milk, meat,
and enriched to
the vitamins
flakes to
breakfast, dried
fruits, nuts and
bobs, brown
rice, pea, kidney
Healthy hairs, nails Meat, liver,
and eyes. Also
kidneys, milk,
helps your
eggs, cheese,
organism to extract corn-flakes and
useful matters from yeastrel
enriched by
Healthy nervous
system. Also helps
your organism to
extract useful
matters from a
600 microgram in a
day for women; 700
micrograms for men.
For women from 1950 one portion of
hepatic pate gives
more than eight
necessary norms in
the day
Meat, hen, fat
fish, flakes
enriched by
vitamins for
breakfast and
0.8 mg in a day for
women; 1 mg per
day for men. For
women in age
between 19-50 there
is a daily norm of
vitamin B1 in one
fried pork chop.
1.1 mg in a day for
women; 1.3 mgs in a
day for men. For
women he 19-50 two
eggs give 50%
necessary daily
Plenty of vitamin
during pregnancy is
bound to the
damages of fetus,
therefore the vitamin
in pills and liver
advise expectant
mothers to avoid.
From the excessive
use of BETA-karotin
in pills (more than 15
mg in a day) your skin
can turn yellow.
The vitamin B1 is
easily lixiviated in
water, in which a
meal prepares, to
avoid it, use this
water for soups and
The vitamin B2 is
destroyed by a
sunlight, therefore not
abandon milk on a
table in a sun room.
Contraceptive pills
and active
employments by
sport increase in your
organism a
requirement in the
vitamin B2.
13 mg in a day for
Niacin is easily
women; 17 mgs in a lixiviated into water, in
day for men. For
which a meal
women in age 19-50 prepares, - to avoid it,
one chicken chest,
use this water for
fried on a grill, gives soups and sauces.
the daily norm of
vitamin B3.
Healthy nervous
Liver, kidneys, The recommended Researches rotined
system. Also helps yeasts, nuts,
dose is not present. that the vitamin B5
your organism to
bread, flakes
prevented a grey hair
extract useful
enriched by
for rats, but it was not
matters from a
vitamins for
well-proven that the
breakfast, bob
same effect this
and fresh greenvitamin gives for a
Healthy nervous
Large range of 1.2 mg in a day for
Contraceptive pills,
system. Also helps products,
women; 1.4 mgs in a antibiotics and
an organism to
including meat, day for men. For
smoking increase the
produce red blood liver, fish, eggs, women from 19-50 requirement of
one chicken chest,
organism in the
fried on a grill, the
vitamin B6. The
flakes for
1.5 daily give the
vitamin B6 in pills can
breakfast, bob, norms of vitamin B6. weaken the
bananas, brown
symptoms of PMS.
rice, nuts and
enriched by
Healthy nervous
Liver, buds, fat 1.5 microgram in a
A vitamin B12 is only
system. Also helps fish, meat, eggs, day for women and in the products of
an organism to
dairy products
men. For women in animal origin.
produce red blood and flakes
age from 19-50 one Vegetarians and
cyanocobalamin) cells.
enriched by
piece of salmon, fried vegans must use
vitamins for
on a grill, gives more products, enriched by
than 3 daily norms of the vitamin B12.
vitamin B12.
Helps an organism Liver, fat fish,
There is not the
From the protracted
to extract useful
kidneys, vitellus, recommended norm. reception of
matters from a
pea, nuts and
antibiotics necessity
brown fig.
of organism in biotine
can be increased.
Helps an organism Green leaf
200 microgram in a All women of genital
to produce red
vegetables, liver, day for men and
age must accept for
blood cells and to bob, eggs,
women. For women 400 micrograms in a
extraction of useful products from a in age from 19-50
day. Many medicines,
matters from a
whole meal,
one portion (90 gr) of for example,
(vitamin B9)
meal. It is needed yeasts, orange spinach, boiled on a contraceptive pills,
for prevention of
juice and wheat pair, 40% gives daily increase a necessity
problems with a
norm of folacin.
an organism in a
spine at a fetus
during pregnancy.
Protects from some Most fruit and
40 mg in a day for
The vitamin of с is
types of shrine and green-stuffs.
men and women. For easily lost at thermal
coronal disease of Kiwi, cytrics,
women in age from treatment and storage
heart. Healthy
sweet peppers, 19-50 one middle
of products. Therefore
(ascorbic acid)
bones, teeth,
blackberry and orange gives more, try to prepare greengums, bloody
strawberry - all than double daily
stuffs as quick as
capillaries and all of them are
possible, quickly to fry
connecting tissues. especially rich
or boil on a pair and
sources of
vitamin C.
Healthy nervous
Fat fish, eggs
system and
and dairy
forming of healthy products. Some
bones and teeth.
products, as for
enriched by the
vitamin of D.
A protection from Vegetable
cardiac diseases
and cancer is a
sunflower pips,
antioxidant, which fat fish, eggs,
(Tocopherolum) protects cages
nuts, flakes to
from a damage by breakfast from a
free radicals.
whole meal,
avocado and
Due to a vitamin K
blood coagulates
then, when it needs
an organism.
Broccoli, white
spinach, liver,
give at once.
10 microgram in a
day for expectant
mothers and breastfeeding mothers, and
also for those, more
senior 65.
An organism
produces the vitamin
of D in the sunshine.
Elderly, tied to the
house, pregnant and
feedings must accept
the vitamin D in pills.
The vitamin Е in
vegetable butters is
destroyed under the
action of high
temperatures, for
example, at frying in
friture. Contraceptive
medicines increase a
necessity an
organism in the
vitamin Е.
There is not the daily People, accepting
recommended dose. anticoagulating
facilities must not
accept a vitamin K, if
only it is not
prescribed by a
10 mg in a day for
women and men. For
women in age from
19-50 25 grof kernels
of nuts 60% give
daily norm.
Mineral matters. Mineral matters do not have a power value, but necessary for
the vital functions of organism. They get in an organism with food stuffs as mineral
salts. Mineral matters, which are contained in food products and tissues of organism in
big amounts, belong to the macronutrients. Macronutrients are basic and acid
character. A calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium belong to basic; to acid – are
phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine. To food stuffs, which contain the macronutrients of
acid character, belong: meat, bird, eggs, some cheese, bread, bob, cranberry. In milk,
kefir, vegetables, many berries, fruits there are macronutrients of basic character.
Basic properties of macronutrients are resulted in a table. 1.
Microelements are a group of chemical elements, which are in the organisms of
people and animals in small concentrations. Day's requirement in them is expressed in
milligrams or stakes of milligram. Microelements have high biological activity and
necessary for the vital functions of organism. To such microelementss belong: iron,
copper, cobalt, nickel, manganese, strontium, zinc, chrome, iodine, fluorine. The lack
of these matters in a feed can result in structural and functional changes in an
organism, and their surplus has a toxic action. Basic properties of Microelements are
resulted in a table. 2.
The most deficit mineral elements in the meal of man are a calcium and iron.
A wrong feed reduces protective forces of organism and capacity substantially,
violates the processes of exchange of matters, conduces to the senilism and can be
instrumental in the origin of many diseases, in particular infectious character. A
surplus feed, especially in connection with neuro-psychological tension, not mobile
way of life, use of alcohol drinks and smoking, can result in the origin of many
By Worldwide organization of health protection (WOHP) to the number of
diseases, related to the overweight, is brought: atherosclerosis, heart-vessel violations,
high blood pressure, obesity, stones of gallbladder illness, saccharine diabetes et al.
Overeating often enough is reason of diseases of organs of blood circulation.
How correctly to feed? This question came into question repeatedly enough in the
different special literature. The great number of different recommendations of rational
feed was offered. However possible it is to assert that the rational is consider such
feed, which provides the normal vital functions of organism, high level of capacity and
resistance of influence of unfavorable factors of environment, maximal duration of
active life.
Table 1 A value of macronutrients for the organism of man
Name of
Functions of macronutrient in an
Food stuffs, which have a
Basic component part of bone
tissue, component of the system of
Milk and dairy products
blood cloating, activator of row of
enzymes, hormones
Normalizes the state of the nervous
Different groats, pea, kidney
system, regulates a calcium and
bean, bread from the rudely
Magnesium cholesterol exchange, can wide a
ground flour, fish products
vessel, instrumental in the decline of
(sprots, dog-salmon)
Regulates the functions of CNS,
Milk and dairy products, meat,
Phosphorus power providing of processes of
fish, grain-growing and bob
vital functions of organism
Provides normal activity of organs
Soy, kidney bean, pea, potato,
of circulation of blood, processes of oarweed, dried fruits (dried
nervous excitement in muscles, the apricots, raisins, pears, apples),
intracellular exchange
Takes part in the processes of
intracellular and intercellular
Gets into an organism basicly
exchange, in support of osmolality
as a chloride of sodium
of prtoplasm and biological liquids (culinary salt)
of organism, in a water exchange
Regulates an osmolality in cells and
tissues, normalizes a water
exchange, takes part in formation of
salt acid in a stomach
As a structural element of some
amino acids is needed, enters in the
complement with insuline, takes part
in its formation
A requirement in a chlorine is
satisfied due to the chloride of
sodium (culinary, kitchen salt)
Beef, pork, bass, cod, horsemackerel, eggs, milk, cheese
Table 2. A value of microelements is for the organism of man
Name of
Functions of microelements in an
Food stuffs which
microelements are in
Contained in hemoglobin of blood, A liver, kidneys, meat of
takes part in oxidation restoration
rabbits, egg, buckwheat groats,
processes, enters in the complement millet, bob, apples, peaches
of enzymes, stimulates an
intracellular processes of exchange
Necessary for the synthesis of
hemoglobin, enzymes, proteins, is
an instrument in the normal
functioning of ductless glands,
making of insulin, adrenalin
Activates the processes of formation
of red blood cells and hemoglobin,
influences on activity of some
enzymes, takes part in making of
insulin, necessary for the synthesis
of vitamin of B12
Stimulates the processes of blood
Takes part in the processes of
formation of bones, blood forming,
functions of the endocrine system,
exchange of vitamins, stimulates
processes of growth
Takes part in formation of hormone
of thyroid gland – thyroxin, which
controls the state of energy
exchange, actively influences on
physical and psychological
development, exchange of proteins,
fats, carbohydrates, water-salt
Takes part in an odontogeny,
formation of bones, normalizes
phosphoric-calcium exchange
Enters in the complement of many
enzymes, insulin, takes part in
blood forming, synthesis of amino
acid, necessary for normal activity
of endocrine system, normalizes a
Takes part in adjusting of
carbohydrate and mineral exchange,
metabolism of cholesterol, activates
the row of enzymes
Liver, marine products, corn,
buckwheat and avenaceous
groats, nuts
Marine plants, pea, beet, red
currant, strawberries
Marine products
Cereal, bob, nuts, tea, coffee
Salt water, marine finfishess
(wood chips), shrimps,
Fish, mutton, veal, nuts
Liver, meat, egg yolk,
mushrooms, cereal, bob, garlic,
potato, beet, nuts
A beef liver, meat, bird, graingrowing, bob, pearl-barley, ryeflour
Genetically modified organisms
History of appearance and development of GMO
During a "cold war" military circles of both superpowers - the USA and USSR
laid a considerable hopes on the biological weapon of new type. This weapon had to
be much more effective, than thermonuclear. It would not destroy territories and
industry, but would influence only on a population. Artificial, genetically modified
organisms belonged to this weapon. That is, such organisms, which contained genes,
which were artificially created or adopted from other organisms. It opened grandiose
perspective, namely creation of viruses and plants, which would reduce immunity of
people, carried new illnesses, which neither natural defense, nor medications would be
After a termination of "cold war", certainly, there was a serious problem with
financing of these programs. And independent of each other the groups of soviet and
american specialists in this industry appealed to the governments with suggestions to
use these technologies in peaceful aims. From the known reasons in Soviet Union
these programs did not purchase the proper sponsorship, and in the United States this
idea was caught up by corporations, which was specialized on agricultural
technologies. And soon genetically modified agricultural cultures appeared in the
world market, and actually are new, artificial types of plants, which did not pass a
natural or ordinary agricultural selection, but were synthesized by biotechnological
The genetically changed plants cause the mutation of living organisms
20.9.2004 The sensational conclusions, that the genetically changed plants cause
the mutation of living organisms, and feed by them, the known German zoologist
Hans-Haynrikh Kaac did. Researches, which were performed by him, and reports
which are promulgated today in London testify to the presence of enormous potential
threat of the gene engineering for all of living on a planet. A scientist set that the
modified gene of oleic turnip penetrates in bacteria, which live in the stomach of bee,
and results in their mutation. An expert does not eliminate, that bacteria in the
organism of man also can change under act of products which contain the modified
How often do you reflect above that you eat? Laboratory tests, performed by
independent researchers in the end of 1999, showed, that all of about 60-75% food
stuffs, imported from Russia contained genetically modified components. In RF
already there are about 20 experimental agricultural fields, where transgenic plants is
grown; only 5 of them are officially registered and having a license from Ministry of
What means "genetically modified", or "transgenic"?
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) can be defined as organisms in which
genetic material (DNA) is changed by way, which does not take place in natural terms.
This technology is often named as a "modern biotechnology or "gene technology". It
allows to transfer the selected individual genes from one organism into other, and also
between different unconnected varieties. Such methods are used for creation of
genetically modified plants, which are used after that for growing of genetically
modified foodcrops. To make this procedure in a wide scale is possible only in the
laboratories of large corporations. As a result such transgene organisms obtain new
"useful" properties, for example, become toxic for insects, however more frequent all
the purpose of genetic modification is a receipt of resistibility of agricultural plants to
the enormous amounts of pesticides of production of those corporations. What other
properties, in addition to "useful", obtain, corporations prefer not to tell.
Numerous researches of this problem testify that a genetically modified meal can
make a serious hazard for health of man and for an environment. In April, 1998 a
scientist Arpad Pushtai is from the research institute of Rouett in town Abirden (Great
Britain), imprudently declared on television, that experiments found out irreversible
changes in the organism of rats, which fed on a genetically modified potato. He
asserted that never would eat a similar meal and, that it is very unfair to use citizens as
experimental rabbits. Persecutions began on Pushtai. He was exempt from work.
However through some time British Medical Association called to international
prohibition on the use of methods of the gene engineering in food retail industry and
agriculture. Scientists consider, that effect of influence of components, which
contained in the genetically modified products, is impossible to predict and to check.
The Russian physicians also insist on careful researches and prohibition of the
use of such components for at least in the production of children food. A danger for an
environment, which contains genetically modified organisms comes into a question for
biologists of many countries. By arguments against there is an increase of the use in
agriculture of toxic pesticides, threat of fertility of soil, genetic contamination of
alongside lyings soils, diminishing of quantity of not only insects-wreckers, but also
useful insects, creation of "superpesticides", origin of new cultures of viruses of plants,
against which no gene engineers will help already.
It does not cost to ignore the health. Be attentive in the questions of that you and
Your nearest eat, look at labels, in doubtful cases ask a salesman to show you a
sertificate on products. Don’t buy a products with a „mark" contains genetically
modified components". Apply in the local organs of sanitary-epidemic superwising
with a request to control a receipt to the market of industry only the marked products,
which contain genetically modified components. Try to choose the products of local
producers instead of corporate products.