UNIT 1 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Introduction - definition - performance appraisal to performance management – performance management and other HR sub-systems - objectives, characteristics performance management conceptual model –benefits & imperatives of performance management - challenges to performance management Introduction “Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities.” “Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organisation” What is Performance Management? It is integrated, because it effects four types of integration • Vertical • Functional • Human Resource • Goals Nature of performance Management Concern with output,outcomes,process and input. Concern with planning. Concern with measurement and review. Concern with continuous development and improvement. Concern for communication. Concern for stakeholder. Ethical concerns. SCOPE OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Identifying the parameters of performance and stating them very clearly; Setting performance standards; Planning performance development activities; Planning in participative ways where appropriate, performance of all constituents; Creating ownership; Identifying competencies and competency gaps that contribute/hinder to performance; Recognizing and promoting performance culture; Process of PM file:///C:/Users/harin/Downloads/performancemanagement-140507052546-phpapp01.pdf Basis of Comparison Performance Appraisal Performance Management Meaning Evaluating the performance and potential of employees Managing and developing employees and their performance Purpose Determine compensation Increase the growth of the organization Orientation A system A process Flexibility Not Flexible Highly flexible Type of tool Operational tool Strategic tool Aim Improve employee efficiency Reach business development goals Ownership HR department Managers and stakeholders Time frame Annually Ongoing Nature Retrospective Forward-looking Approach Based on individual employees Team-based value Objectives of PM To enable the employees towards achievement of superior standards of work performance. To help the employees in identifying the knowledge and skills required for performing the job efficiently as this would drive their focus towards performing the right task in the right way. Boosting the performance of the employees by encouraging employee empowerment, motivation and implementation of an effective reward mechanism Promoting a two way system of communication between the supervisors and the employees for providing a regular and a transparent feedback for improving employee performance and continuous coaching. Identifying the barriers to effective performance and resolving those barriers through constant monitoring, coaching and development interventions. Creating a basis for several administrative decisions strategic planning, succession planning, promotions and performance based payment Conceptual Model PROVIDES CLARITY Performance management gives employees a clear understanding of their expectations, goals, and deliverables. It creates an amicable work environment as team leads and members are on the same page concerning deliverables and outcomes. Such work cultures, in turn, experience reduced conflict, increased efficiency, and enhanced performance quality. ENHANCES EFFICIENCY Benefits Performance management tools help capture details about employees, including salaries, targets and goals, and performance. These data points enable organizations to consistently select the right employees for specific roles and promotions. They also help identify those who are not performing optimally, so that plans can be made for additional training or performance improvement plans (PIPs), etc. PROMOTES JOB SATISFACTION As employees gain clarity about their deliverables, and the expectations from them, it also creates opportunities for self-assessment, improved performance, and agency in defining one’s career path. This autonomy empowers employees to take charge of their growth and professional development, which in turn promotes job satisfaction. Benefits INCREASES MOTIVATION A performance management system identifies and showcases star performers in an organization. Such recognition helps develop a culture of excellence that motivates employees to produce their best work and put their skills to best use. Organizations can choose to recognize and reward employees with monetary benefits, awards, or promotions. This drives home the message that the organization will reward good performance and encourage others to strive for exceptional achievements. ENABLES OBJECTIVE DECISION-MAKING Humans often carry unconscious bias, which is hard to recognize and reduce. And while working with teams, there could be a natural tendency to favor a few. But a robust performance management system enables managers and leaders to make objective decisions while reducing biases, nepotism, favoritism, etc. A performance management system can provide data based purely on merit and map them to expected targets and goals, thereby making the process transparent and objective. This in turn enables objective decision-making. CHALLENGES OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTING A SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TAKES PLANNING AND SEAMLESS MATCHING OF THE NEEDS OF THE BUSINESS TO THE TOOLS AVAILABLE. FOLLOWING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC-INDUCED LOCKDOWNS, MOST ORGANIZATIONS HAVE NOW ESTABLISHED HYBRID WORK MODELS, WHICH INCLUDE PART OR FULL WORK FROM HOME. THIS HAS ALSO CAUSED SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGES WHILE IMPLEMENTING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. WITH WORK FROM HOME AND INABILITY TO MEET EMPLOYEES IN PERSON, ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CHALLENGES BECOME IMPORTANT AND NEED TO BE ADDRESSED. THE ABSENCE MILESTONES CHALLENGES OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OF GOAL SETTING AND DEFINED It is vital to break organizational goals down into specific milestones against decided timelines. Failing to define milestones and establish clear communication with employees can hamper performance. On the other hand, with hybrid work, when organizations define milestones and set smaller manageable goals, it helps employees take smaller steps to greater success and also helps managers effectively track progress. USING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SOLELY AS A MEASUREMENT TOOL Many leaders and managers mistake performance management as an exercise solely in success measurement, when it is actually about feedback and continuous improvement. The objective and focus of performance management should be as much on the progress and development of the employees as it is on measurement and evaluation ESTABLISHING TRUST CHALLENGES OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Most organizations do not take the time and effort to educate and get the buy-in of employees for their performance management system and process. This, in turn, promotes confusion and distrust. Most employees don't know how they are to be rated, and hence view the rating system with suspicion. Educating the workforce and explaining the hints of the performance management system in force, and being transparent can earn the trust and the support of employees, especially in hybrid work models. UNTRAINED MANAGERS Evaluating people is a complex task. Most managers hate this process and aren't convinced they are proficient at it. A vital aspect of performance management is to coach managers on how to evaluate their teams. This would require training and supporting them when having difficult conversations, addressing performance issues, and solving team challenges. It also helps if organizations make these conversations more frequent versus the typical annual appraisal cycles. IT’S AN ANNUAL ACTIVITY CHALLENGES OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT A majority of organizations follow the traditional form of performance management that is conducted annually. This puts the focus on evaluation rather than development. Performance management is evolving and needs to be conducted at frequent intervals so companies can provide employees with timely feedback and development plans. Sub Systems of HRD Performance Appraisal Potential Appraisal Career Planning Training Organizational Development Rewards Counselling Quality Circle Role Analysis Performance appraisal: The performance of an employee is measured against the factors such as knowledge of job, quality and quantity of output, initiative, supervision, leadership qualities, cooperation, dependability, health, versatility, judgment etc. The purpose of appraisal is to assess the present position of efficiency of employee in order to determine the need for training. Potential Appraisal: The object of potential appraisal is to develop latent abilities of individuals. Potential appraisal provides vital information about individuals to prepare career plans for them. Potential appraisal evaluates the leadership abilities and potentials of the individuals. It ensures a good match between employees potentials and the job. Career Planning: Planning for Career makes employee grow in his working life time while unplanned careers flopped. The first and foremost step in career planning is to make one’s SWOT analysis. He should assess his strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Training: Training is an attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning usually by changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her knowledge. The need for training is determined by the deficiency of employee’s performance, Training process include; acquiring skills, concepts, attitudes for increasing effectiveness in doing a specific job or jobs. Organisation Development: Organisation Development intend to change beliefs, attitudes, values and structure of organisations that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets and challenges and the dizzying rate of change itself. Organisation is an open system and therefore must develop itself by adopting various changes to meet the challenges thrown out by the constantly changing environment. Rewards:Rewarding employees for their excellent professional performance over and above their usual wages and salaries boost up their morale and encourage others to work hard. Reward systems are to be looked after by HRD. By rewarding hard work employees are motivated further. Output goes up. It leads to maximum utilization of available human resources to enhance productivity. Rewards are one of the ways to frustration, depression and dissatisfaction from the employees. Slow work tendencies can also be removed. Counseling: Counseling is an essential instrument of HRD. It serves several purposes. Counseling is a service provided to the employees regarding their personal problems. For this purpose services of professional counselors need to be obtained. It reduces employee turnover, absenteeism, tardiness and helps in strengthening the superior subordinate & relationship, understanding problems of juniors and seniors thereby facilitating better communication and effective decision making. Quality Circle: Quality circle is a small group of people doing same or similar work. They meet voluntarily together on regular basis for an hour per week, during office hours under the leadership of their supervisor and trained to identify, analyze and solve some of the problems of their work and submit solutions to management. Role Analysis: Role is a set of expected behaviour patterns attributed to a person occupying a given position in a unit. Every employee has a role to play. Everyone does not have to be consistent and regular in one role. Employees have to play diverse roles both on and off the jobs. To understand the behaviour of a person, it is essential to know what role he is currently playing. The attitude and behaviour of a person vary with the role identity. Roles change according to the circumstances. Performance management Examples HSBC HSBC now has an HR mobile app where employees and managers can easily capture achievements and share feedback. Employees can access an HR-to-do list, their performance and development plans, online learning resources, and manage their personal employment information. Managers can handle approvals on the go, set goals, and regular check-ins to maintain productivity and facilitate continual growth. The app lends itself well to flexible and remote working models without compromising results. It has created a stronger relationship between managers and employees, where employees feel more supported, and end-of-year appraisals feel more meaningful. Deloitte Deloitte rolled out a pilot performance management program that encouraged team managers to have frequent check-ins with team members about their performance, priorities, and strengths. Surveys completed by employees helped team leaders understand the process from their perspective and make improvements. Custom career development plans were created for all employees. What’s more, everyone was provided with a career coach to help them develop. Data has been beneficial, particularly in helping underperforming employees see where they sit in relation to their colleagues, listen to constructive feedback, and take action. It has also helped Deloitte understand people, team, and leadership trends they haven’t been able to see before this. One example is the connection between feedback conversation frequency and employee performance. IKEA set out to drive business performance by strengthening management and leadership skills. An accredited “train-the-trainer performance management coaching program” was created for them and rolled out to 750 managers and supervisors across the UK. This included an interactive seminar, developing coaching skills (aligned with the International Coaching Federation), certification, and the identification of internal coaching champions. Departments with managers who attended performance management coaching training saw a 5% KPI increase and went from 60% scores in management ability to 90% scores across the board.