1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (CST3100) ASSIGNMENT 2 WORKING WITH UML CLASS DIAGRAMS And JAVA CODE USING ECLIPSE Assignment instructions: In this assignment you will continue to work with UML Class diagrams and other program design specifications to implement them in the Java programming language using the IDE Eclipse (as have been taught in class). The assignment consists of specifications interpreted from the provided UML Class Diagram and further written specifications described below. You are to complete the implementation of the UML Class diagram (in the Java programming language) and implement the following features to either the code you completed for assignment 1 or using the solution code for assignment 1 (posted on BrightSpace, provided assignment 2 code recommended). Modify the proper code components so a customer can have a “collection” of phone numbers (use public static constants to identify a home phone, work phone, and cell phone numbers; a customer should also be able to have a collection of bank accounts (if you need to determine the specific “type” of bank account use the “instanceof” operator to see if the object you have was an instance of a SavingsAccount or ChequingAccount or DailyInterestAccount etc. Your test classes should be modified appropriately to accommodate the new collections (arrays) in your modified classes. Further details may be found in the customer class and TestCustomer class. Marks: The weight of this assignment 10% of your entire course marks. Marks are distributed as follows: Completion of UML class diagram implementation – 5 Marks Completion of source code changes - 10 marks Completion of test classes – 10 marks Completion of any code documentation – 5 marks Deadline: See BrightSpace posting for DUE DATE. Submitting your solution: Provided a ZIP files submission containing all of your completed source code for the assignment. You are required to: 1. Name the submitted zip file using the format: LastName_FirstName_CST3100XXX (section number e.g. 011)-ASSIGNMENT2.ZIP. 2 2. Upload the ZIP document to the lab submission portal created by the professor in your own lab section.