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University of Manitoba Advanced Placement Information

Information for Prospective Students
Advanced Placement
The University of Manitoba recognizes the hard work required for students to be successful in Advanced Placement courses
by offering additional opportunities to those students. There are four areas in which the university will consider Advanced
Placement courses that meet minimum grade requirements:
Admissions Course Requirements
English Language Proficiency
University Credit
It is recommended that students request to have their official mark results submitted to the University of Manitoba
Admissions Office from A.P. if they are considering attending the university. These results are required to be considered for
admission, scholarships, and university credit, but their submission does not commit the student to accept any of the
offerings that may come to them.
1. Admissions Course Requirements
Most students enter the University of Manitoba through a
direct entry program: Art (diploma or degree), Agriculture
(diploma), Engineering, Music, or University 1. The majority
of students begin their studies within University 1 (U1).
Following completion of 24—30 credit hours within U1,
including any specific prerequisite courses that may be
stipulated, students can apply for admission to begin their
second year in the faculty that offers their desired degree.
Students applying to a direct entry program will be
considered for admission based on the course marks on
their high school course transcript including any courses
used to prepare students for A.P. examinations. A.P.
examination results will not generally be considered for
admission to these programs. It is recommended that
students check the specific admission requirements,
selection procedure, and A.P. recognition policy for their
desired program prior to application .
2. English Language Proficiency
If a student’s primary language is not English, they may
be required to demonstrate English language proficiency
to be admitted. Students with a grade of four or greater on
the A.P. English examination will be considered to have
met this requirement.
3. Scholarships
The University of Manitoba’s General Entrance
Scholarship program automatically assesses every direct
entry program applicant for scholarship eligibility. High
school courses taken to prepare for an A.P. examination
will be used in this calculation if the student’s course mark
(as listed on the high school transcript) is one of the
student’s top five eligible courses. This A.P. result will
only be used if its corresponding grade 12 high school
course (i.e. A.P. Biology & Grade 12 Biology) is
considered eligible for scholarship consideration. An A.P.
course and its corresponding Grade 12 high school
course cannot both be used in the calculation of the
scholarship average; only the higher of the two will be
used. English is the only exception because any two
eligible English courses may be used in the scholarship
Students who have qualified for a University of Manitoba
entrance scholarship and who have also achieved top
standing in any Advanced Placement examinations may
receive an additional sum of money added to their
entrance scholarship for each A.P. result of 4 or 5.
Candidates will require:
 nomination for any University of Manitoba
entrance scholarship
 a grade of 5 on any A.P. exam ($250) OR
 a grade of 4 on any A.P. exam ($150)
Official results must be submitted by September 1 for a
student to be eligible. Students can receive scholarship
money even if they do not apply for university credit, but
the marks must still be submitted to the Admissions Office
to be eligible for the scholarship..
4. University Credit
Students may be granted university level credit for select
A.P. results in which they meet the university’s minimum
grade requirement. The minimum A.P. result required is
four; however some courses may require a higher
minimum score as determined by the university
department that offers the awarded credit. The university
credit must be authorized by the school or faculty to which
the student has been admitted as being appropriate for
inclusion in that particular degree or diploma program.
Grades will typically be assigned to the university credit
on the following scale:
A.P. result
3 & less
U of M assigned grade
no credit
* Students who have obtained a grade of 95% in their A.P. high
school work and a result of 5 on the A.P. exam in that same
course will be granted a grade of A+ for the university credit.
There is no limit on the maximum amount of credit that
any one student can be granted for A.P. results1.
Accepting university credit is voluntary and students may
elect to decline the credit.
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How to Apply for University Credit
The first step in applying for university
credit is to ensure that an official copy of
A.P. results is forwarded to the university
Admissions Office. Students must also fill
out the Request for University Credit for
Advanced Placement or International
Baccalaureate Results form available at
This form may be submitted to the
Admissions Office anytime after a student
has been accepted, but it is recommended
that students submit it as soon as
possible. When students claim their A.P.
courses, they should verify the regulations
applicable to their faculty/school of interest
with the Admissions Office or the
University 1 Student Help Centre and
should take these regulations into account
when registering for their university
The list of transfer credits is reviewed on a
regular basis and subject to change.
Students with an A.P. examination that
does not appear on this list may request
that the course be reviewed for transfer
For further information:
Questions regarding University of Manitoba
A.P. policies on admissions or university
credit should be directed to:
Admissions Office
424 University Centre,
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2
(204) 474-8808,
1-800-432-1960 ext 8808
Email: umanitoba.ca/ask
Questions regarding University of Manitoba
A.P. award policies should be directed to:
Financial Aid & Awards
422 University Centre,
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2
(204) 474- 953,
1-800-432-1960 ext 9531
Questions regarding A.P. courses or exams
should be directed to your high school A.P.
teacher or to
Advanced Placement Program
The College Board,
Suite 406 - 1708 Dolphin Ave
Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 9S4
All evaluations are reviewed on a regular basis and subject to change
(number in brackets signifies credit hours assigned to course)
A.P. Examination
University Credit Granted
Art History
FAAH 1030 (3): Intro to Art 1A and
FAAH 1040 (3): Intro to Art 2A
BIOL 1020 (3): Biology 1 and BIOL 1030 (3): Biology 2
Effective Fall 2011, credit will be awarded for BIOL 1000
Foundations (3) and BIOL 1010 Biological Diversity & Interaction
(3). AP Biology may be used in lieu of BIOL 1020 Biology 1 (3),
where needed.
Calculus AB or Calculus BC
MATH 1500 (3): Introduction to Calculus or
MATH 1510 (3): Applied Calculus 1
CHEM 1300 (3): Structure & Modelling in Chemistry and
CHEM 1310 (3): Introduction to Physical Chemistry (3)
Computer Science
COMP 1010 (3): Introductory Computer Science I and
COMP 1020 (3): Introductory Computer Science II
ECON 1200 (6): Principles of Economics
(Macro& Micro)
Three hours of credit will be awarded for the completion of only one
of Macro or Micro Economics. However, students planning on
pursuing further related studies are advised to take both exams.
English Language &
ENGL 0930 (3): English Composition and
ENGL 0940 (3): Writing About Literature
English Literature &
ENGL 1200 (6): Representative Literary Works
Environmental Science
ENVR 1000 (3): Environmental Science 1 - Concepts
European History
HIST 1XXX (6): Transfer 1000 level Area: European
French Language or
French Literature
FREN 1200 (6): French 1
GRMN 1120 (6): Beginning German
Government & Politics:
POLS 1XXX (6): Transfer 1000 level
Government & Politics: U.S.
POLS 1XXX (6): Transfer 1000 level
Human Geography
GEOG 1280 (3): Introduction to Human Geography
LATN 1XXX (3): Transfer 1000 level
Music Theory
MUSC 1930 (3): Rudiments of Music and
MUSC 1XXX (3): Transfer 1000 level
Physics B or
Physics C: Mechanics
PHYS 1020 (3): General Physics 1
Physics C: Electricity &
PHYS 1XXX: (3) Transfer 1000 level
Physics (A or B)
PHYS 1020 (3): General Physics 1
PSYC 1200 (6): Introduction to Psychology
Spanish Language
SPAN 1260 (3): Intermediate Spanish Language Review and
SPAN 1270 (3): Spanish Oral 1
Spanish Literature
SPAN 2XXX (6): Transfer at 2000 level
STAT 1000 (3): Basic Statistical Analysis
Studio Art
STDO 1XXX (6): Transfer 1000 Level
U.S. History
HIST 1XXX (6): Transfer 1000 level Area: The Americas
World History
HIST 1XXX (6) : Transfer 1000 level Area: General
1. Students entering the U of M prior to September
2005 were limited to 18 credit hours of transfer
credits. No grades were awarded with the
university credit from AP courses prior to
September 2005.
The Mathematics Department will
continue to allow select students to
challenge for credit Vector Geometry and
Linear Algebra MATH 1300 (3).
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