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C01 Kelloway MOHS8e final

Presentation for
Management of
Occupational Health
and Safety
Prepared by
Bernadette Gatien
Copyright © 2021 by Nelson Education Ltd.
Chapter 1
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Learning Objectives
• After reading this chapter, you should be able
– Explain how OH&S affects us all
– Define OH&S, occupational injury, and
occupational illness
– Describe the financial and social costs associated
with occupational injuries and illnesses
– Discuss the development of modern models of
health and safety management
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Learning Objectives
• After reading this chapter, you should be able
– List and describe the roles of the major
stakeholders in OH&S
– Explain the connection between human resource
management and OH&S
– Describe the links between human resource
practices and health and safety
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Opening Vignette:
Bullied to Death?
• In 2013 Eric Donovan of PEI died of a heart attack at the age
of 47.
• Those known to him recounted experiences of workplace
harassment related to the belief he was faking an injury.
• Donovan’s employer denied any wrongdoing.
• After 3 years of legal proceedings, the provincial WCB
determined Donovan’s death was linked to workplace
• The employer appealed the decision; appeal decision is
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Opening Vignette:
Bullied to Death?
• Psychological hazards are complex and likely to
result in an increase in cases like Donovan’s.
• PEI government enacted “The Eric Donovan Law,”
which, if passed, clarifies employer
responsibilities to protect employees from
• What role do you think employers play in
protecting employees from workplace
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What Is
Occupational Health and Safety?
• Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)
– The identification, evaluation, and control of
hazards associated with the work environment
• Hazard
– Any source of potential adverse health effect,
damage, or harm on something or someone under
certain conditions at work
– Hazards include chemical, biological, physical, and
psychological agents
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What Is
Occupational Health and Safety?
• Occupational Health & Safety Programs
– Goal of OH&S Programs:
• Reduce occupational injury and illness
– Occupational Injury:
• Any cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation resulting from
a workplace incident
– Occupational Illness:
• Any abnormal condition or disorder caused by exposure
to environmental factors associated with employment
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OH&S Today 1.1
Rail Disaster at Lac-Mégantic
• In July 2013, railway cars filled
with crude oil derailed and
smashed into downtown LacMégantic.
• 47 people died and much of the
town was destroyed.
• The TSB found 18 different
contributing factors including
poor company safety culture and
unresolved mechanical issues
previously identified by Transport
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OH&S Statistics
• Workplace Fatalities, Injuries, and Illness in
– Around 1000–1100 workers die yearly as a result
of workplace incidents
– Interpretation of workplace fatality and injury data
should take into account how many people work
in each industry, region, and the reporting
requirements in each area
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OH&S Statistics
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OH&S Statistics
• Lost-Time Injury
– A workplace injury that results in the employee
missing time from work
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OH&S Statistics
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Began in Ancient Egypt
– Stonemasons and potters experienced respiratory
• Industrial Revolution
– Advent of new industries and occupations
resulted in new health and safety-related
• Brown lung disease caused by excessive inhalation of
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Changing Perspectives on Risk and Liability
– Until the early 20th century the prevailing model
for workplace hazards was the assumption of risk
• Belief that a worker accepted the risks of employment
when he or she accepted a job
• Associated is the view that injuries were caused by
accident-prone people
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Changing Perspectives on Risk and Liability
– Accident proneness
• The notion that some individuals are inherently more
likely than others to be involved in accidents, as a result
of individual characteristics
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• What are the hazards
the loggers in this
historical photo face at
• At this time in history,
who would likely be
considered responsible
for any workplace injury
that occurred?
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Late 19th century
– Ontario legislation established safety standards
(machine guards).
• Early 20th century
– Canadian jurisdictions passed factory laws to
regulate heating, lighting, ventilation, hygiene, fire
safety, and accident reporting.
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Royal Commission on Relations of Capital and
Labour in Canada (1889)
– Commissioners made several recommendations:
• Improving health and safety by establishing standards
and mandating regular inspections
• System for compensating victims of industrial
accidents, regardless of who was at fault
• Labour bureau to be created to oversee these activities
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Royal Commission on the Health and Safety of
Workers in Mines
– In 1974, the three principal rights of workers first
• Right to refuse dangerous work without penalty
• Right to participate in identifying and correcting health
and safety problems
• Right to know about hazards in the workplace
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Historical Development of Modern
Occupational Health and Safety
• Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
System (WHMIS) legislation passed (1988; revised
in 2015)
– Reflects the fundamental right of workers to know
about potential workplace hazards
• Changes to the Criminal Code to allow for
criminal charges for some OH&S violations (2004)
• OH&S incorporates physical and mental health
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Imperatives for Health and Safety
• Economic Considerations
– Work-related injury costs are direct and indirect
– Costs of workplace injuries estimated at 4% of the
world GDP
– Estimates of cost are likely underestimated:
• Injuries are not accurately reported
• Statistics do not adequately capture illnesses caused or
exacerbated by exposure to workplace conditions
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Imperatives for Health and Safety
• Legal Considerations
– OH&S acts provide legal rights to safe workplaces
for every worker
– Due diligence:
• Expected standard of conduct that requires employers
to take every reasonable precaution to ensure safety
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Imperatives for Health and Safety
• Moral Considerations
– Ethical arguments that safety is the “right” focus
for employers
– Workers have a responsibility to learn about and
enact safety and health practices
– Management commitment to health and safety
results in higher levels of employee motivation to
work safely and better organizational safety
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The Stakeholders
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The Stakeholders
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The Stakeholders
• Government
– Legislation
• Occupational Health & Safety Acts
• Workers’ Compensation Acts
– Support Knowledge Sharing and Research on
• E.g., Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and
Safety (CCOHS) was established by federal government
to provide health and safety information to any worker
who requests it
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The Stakeholders
• Employers
– Prepare written OH&S policy and display
prominently in workplace
– Provide and maintain equipment, materials, and
protective devices
– Ensure manner in which the work is performed is
safe, and environment is free from hazards and
serious risks
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The Stakeholders
• Employees
– Perform duties and tasks in safe and responsible
– Wear protective equipment in compliance with
company and legislative regulations
– Report defective equipment and other workplace
hazards to safety professional, joint health and
safety committee, or manager
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The Stakeholders
• Organized Labour
– Take part in the joint occupational health and
safety committee
– Bring emerging problems and issues in health and
safety to attention of government and employers
– Pressure other stakeholders to take corrective
– Use collective bargaining process to incorporate
health and safety provisions in many contracts
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OH&S Notebook 1.1
Internal Responsibility System
• Backbone of Canadian OH&S legislation
• Internal responsibility system (IRS)
– The system of shared responsibility for health and
safety that is the basis for most Canadian OH&S
• Primary responsibility rests with workplace
and not government regulators
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• Employers who value production over safety
• Employers who focus on safety only when
they feel they must
– E.g., cleaning up the worksite only when there is
safety inspection
• Employers may be uninformed or lack
confidence about safety concerns
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• Alliances among stakeholders can help
overcome barriers to OH&S programs
– Emphasis of shared goals can facilitate
• Parties within a workplace can form effective
OH&S partnerships
– E.g., employer, employees, and union
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• Broader groups of stakeholders can also
partner to promote OH&S
– E.g., workers’ compensation boards and industry
safety associations
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OH&S Today 1.5
Young Workers at Risk
• My Safe Work
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Occupational Health and Safety
• Broad array of backgrounds can develop careers in the
OH&S field
– E.g., industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, workplace
wellness promotion, OH&S training
• Safety certifications, such as CRSP®, help companies
identify individuals with relevant OH&S training
• Companies may employ a range of OH&S professionals
or may delegate OH&S responsibilities to an HR
generalist and contract out specialized OH&S services
to third parties
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OH&S Notebook 1.2
Occupational Health & Safety
• Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (CRSP®)
are recognized experts
• Many organizations require individuals in the
field to hold this designation
• CRSPs have training in:
– Hazard identification and analysis
– Incident severity evaluation
– Development and communication of hazard control
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The Role of Human Resources
• Traditional views of safety emphasized the
three Es:
– Engineering
– Education
– Enforcement
• Three Es do not provide a total solution
• Focusing on people side of safety is likely to
result in a safer workplace
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The Role of Human Resources
• Safety is often managed under the human
resources function in organizations for several
– Safety is integrated into other human resource
• E.g., training , job design, scheduling
– Safety requires legislative compliance
– Safety decreases costs
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Video and Publications Links
• WorkSafeBC Video: Standing on the Edge
(note: graphic content) (3min, 11sec)
• WorkSafeBC Publications
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End-of-Chapter Activities
• Use the discussion questions to strengthen
your understanding of:
– Why OH&S is a concern for everyone
– Why historically concern for work-related injuries
was greater than workplace illnesses
– Why hazards should be controlled and who the
stakeholders are
– What role OH&S professionals play in protecting
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