Uploaded by Tameka Gray

Properties of Water Worksheet

Properties of Water Chart
Directions​: Fill in the table below on the five properties of water.
Property of Water
Define the Property
Give an Example
Two water molecules on a leaf
bump into each other and form
one larger water molecule.
High Heat Capacity
The amount of energy required to
turn liquid water into a gas.
Water is Less Dense as a
© Beautiful Biology
Properties of Water Chart - ​KEY
Directions​: Fill in the table below on the five properties of water.
Property of Water
Define the Property
Give an Example
The attraction between molecules
of the ​same​ substance
Two water molecules on a leaf
bump into each other and form
one larger water molecule.
The attraction between molecules
of d
​ ifferent​ substances
Water drops stick to the ends of
pine needles
High Heat Capacity
The amount of energy required to
increase the temperature of a
In early summer, the ocean
temperature is much colder than
the air temperature.
High Heat of Vaporization
The amount of energy required to
turn liquid water into a gas.
Boiling water releases steam. The
steam is water that has changed
from a liquid to a gas.
Water is Less Dense as a
As water freezes it becomes less
dense. This means that ice floats
on water
A layer of ice covers the surface of
a lake in the winter.
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