Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP MEMORANDUM: Del Valle V. Spain; POST-AWARD REMEDIES 2013 UNCITRAL RULES ________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: Marija Ozolins FROM: Marcelo Abramo Perez DATE: March 15th, 2023 RE: Grounds, Process and Timelines for Se ng aside and correc ng awards under 2013 UNCITRAL Rules and Dutch Arbitra on Act. I. SETTING ASIDE AWARDS 1. Se ng Aside Awards under Netherlands Arbitra on Laws Dutch Arbitra on Act Ar cle 1065 How to Apply/Timeline An applica on for se ng aside can be made only against a nal or par al nal arbitral award. An applica on to set aside an interim award may only be made in conjunc on with an applica on for se ng aside a nal or par al nal arbitral award. The period within which an applica on must be led is usually three months from the day the award was delivered or, in the case of an arbitral appeal provision, three months a er expiry of the me limit for lodging an appeal. The Dutch Arbitra on Act provides for two stages in which par es can apply for the se ng aside of arbitral awards. For each of these phases a me limit of three months applies. • First phase: Dispatch or deposit of the award The three-month me limit commences a er the day the arbitral award is dispatched, which is deemed to be four weeks a er the date of the arbitral award. If the par es agree to deposit the arbitral award with the court, the rst phase will commence the day a er the date of deposit. • Second phase: Execu on of the award This phase commences when the arbitral award and leave for enforcement of the award are served on the opposing party. An applica on for se ng aside an arbitral award can be made during this stage irrespec ve of the expiry of the rst phase. Grounds ti fi ft tti tti ti ti fi ft fi ti ti ti ti fi ti ti tti ft fi ti tti fi ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti tti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti tti • ti absence of a valid arbitra on agreement; the arbitral tribunal was cons tuted in viola on of the applicable rules; the arbitral tribunal has manifestly not complied with its mandate; the award was not signed in accordance with the Dutch Code of Civil Procedure or did not contain reasons; or the award, or the manner in which it was made, violates public policy • • • • A er the court of appeal has given a decision, the par es can appeal in cassa on to the Supreme Court, unless they have agreed to exclude the possibility of cassa on. Procedure The court of appeal in the judicial district where the seat of the arbitra on is located has jurisdic on over an applica on to set aside an arbitral award. The seat of the arbitra on must be in the Netherlands for the state courts to have jurisdic on. An applica on for se ng aside must be made by a writ of summons addressed to the competent court of appeal of the district of the seat of arbitra on. All grounds on which the party relies for the se ng aside must be men oned in the writ of summons, failing which the party will be barred from invoking them at a later stage. 1.a Revoca on Dutch Arbitra on Act Ar cle 1068 In the Netherlands there is another post award remedy called revoca on, an award may be revoked only if: it is wholly or par ally based on fraud commi ed in the arbitra on; a er the award has been rendered, it transpires that the award is wholly or par ally based on records that have been forged; or relevant documents poten ally in uencing the award have been withheld by a party during the course of the proceedings. • • • A claim for revoca on must be brought before the competent court of appeal within three months of one of the grounds for revoca on becoming known to the party reques ng the revoca on. If grounds for revoca on are present, the court may wholly or par ally set aside the award, following which the dispute will be referred to arbitra on proceedings anew. Alterna vely, the court may remit the ma er to the original tribunal and permit it to render a subs tute award that eliminates the ground(s) for revoca on. 2. Post-Award Remedies under 2013 UNCITRAL Rules The 2013 UNCITRAL Rules contain three post award remedies: Interpreta on, Correc on (sec on II of this Memorandum), and Addi onal Award. 2.a Interpreta on 2013 UNCITRAL Rules Ar cle 37 Either party may request that the Tribunal interpret the scope or meaning of the Tribunal’s award. Within 30 days a er receipt of the award, either party may le, with no ce to the other par es, an applica on for interpreta on of the award. The applica on should: ti ti ti tti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti fi fl ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ft ft ti iden fy the award; indicate the date of the applica on; and detail the precise points in need of clari ca on • • • A er receipt, the request will be transmi ed to the Tribunal that rendered the award. The Tribunal will then generally x a me limit for the par es to le observa ons on the request and determine the further procedure. The decision on interpreta on must be rendered within 45 days a er receipt of the request and will become part of the award. 2.b ADDITIONAL AWARD 2013 UNCITRAL Rules Ar cle 39 If a party believes that the Tribunal has omi ed to decide a ques on in the award, it may request an addi onal award by the same Tribunal. Within 30 days a er receipt of the termina on order or the award, either party may le a request for an addi onal award from the Tribunal. The request must: iden fy the award; indicate the date of the request; and detail the ques on that it believes the Tribunal omi ed to decide. • • • As soon as the request is led, the request is transmi ed to the other party and to the Tribunal that rendered the award. The Tribunal then usually xes a me limit for the par es to le observa ons on the request and determines the further procedure. Usually there is no need for the Tribunal to hold a hearing to consider the request. If the arbitral tribunal considers the request for an award or addi onal award to be jus ed, it shall render or complete its award within 60 days a er the receipt of the request (if necessary, the Tribunal may extend this me period). The general provisions on awards shall apply to the addi onal award. II. CORRECTING AWARDS 1. Under UNCITRAL Ar cle 2013 UNCITRAL Rules Ar cle 38 1. Within 30 days a er the receipt of the award, a party, with no ce to the other par es, may request the arbitral tribunal to correct in the award any error in computa on, any clerical or typographical error, or any error or omission of a similar nature. If the arbitral tribunal considers that the request is jus ed, it shall make the correc on within 45 days of receipt of the request. 2. The arbitral tribunal may within 30 days a er the communica on of the award make such correc ons on its own ini a ve ti ti fi ti ti fi ti ti fi fi ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti tt tt tt fi ft ti fi tt ft ti ti ti fi ti ti ft ft ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ft .3. Such correc ons shall be in wri ng and shall form part of the award. The provisions of ar cle 34, paragraphs 2 to 6, shall apply. How to Apply/Timeline A party may request a decision to correct in the award any error in computa on, any clerical or typographical error, or any error or omission of a similar nature within 30 days a er receipt of the award. The Tribunal may also make correc ons on its own ini a ve during this me. Within 30 days a er receipt of the award, either party may le a request for correc on of the award. The request should: iden fy the award; indicate the date of the request; and detail the error that it seeks to correct. • • • Procedure As soon as the request is led, the request is transmi ed to the other party and to the Tribunal that rendered the award. The Tribunal then usually xes a me limit for the par es to le observa ons on the request and determines the further procedure. Usually there is no need for the Tribunal to hold a hearing to consider the request. The decision on the request for correc on becomes part of the award. 2. Under Netherlands Arbitra on Laws Dutch Arbitra on Act Ar cle 1060 The Dutch Arbitra on Act allows for correc on of manifest compu ng or wri ng errors in the award a er it has been delivered. Other manifest errors may also be corrected at the request of one of the par es, as long as the errors can be rec ed easily. Similarly, if the names and addresses of the par es and the arbitrators, or the date and place of the arbitral award, are stated incorrectly or are partly or en rely missing, a party may request that the tribunal correct the error or omission, or the tribunal may do so on its own mo on. The Dutch Arbitra on Act does not exclude speci c types of awards, and hence nal, par al, addi onal and interim awards may be subject to a request for correc on. A tribunal may also interpret an earlier (par al) award, provided the tribunal’s mandate is s ll in e ect. Correc ons in this context must be dis nguished from a situa on in which an arbitral tribunal has failed to decide on one or more ma ers that have been submi ed to it. In the la er case, either party may request that the arbitral tribunal render an addi onal award. ft ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti fi ft ti fi ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti tt ff fi fi ti ti ti ti ti ti fi fi ti ti tt ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti tt ti An applica on to correct an award must be made to the tribunal in wri ng within the me limit agreed by the par es or, if there is no such agreement, no later than three months a er the day when the award is dispatched to the par es. The tribunal may, on its own mo on, make a correc on within the same me constraints. Before a tribunal decides on a request to correct an award or before it corrects an award on its own mo on, it must give the par es the opportunity to express their views on the proposed correc on. Sources: GAR: h ps://globalarbitra on-awards/ report/netherlands Dutch Arbitra on Act: h ps:// NAI%20transla on%20DAA%20(Book%204%20DCCP).pdf ICSID: h ps:// on/uncitral/post-award-remedies The Ins tute of Transna onal Arbitra on: h ps:// tgi_what_are_the_grounds.pdf ti ti ti ti tt ti tti ti tt ti tt ti ti tt ti tt Dutch Law Blog: h ps:// onnetherlands.html#:~:text=The%20se ng%20aside%20of%20arbitral,by%20ar cle%201064%20and%20106 5