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GRP Piping Specification Part 1: Materials & Manufacturing

GRP Specification Part 1
Rev. 1
Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.
Document title: GRP Specification Part 1
Document ID
Document Type
Issue Date
Materials & Corrosion
UEOC (CFDH Materials, Corrosion and Integrity)
July 2013
Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the
whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic
recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.
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Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue
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GRP Specification Part 1
Rev. 1
ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details
of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
Rev. 0
Jan 2010
Rev. 1
July 2013
Reviewed by
Revision note
Initial issue
Revision incorporates the
section, 1.6 & 1.7
iii Related Business Processes
Business Process (EPBM 4.0)
Corrosion management code of practice
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)
The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control
Documentation Register CMF.
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Clause no.
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1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the GRP piping and
pipeline systems and shall be used as the base specification for Design, Qualification,
Manufacturing, Installation and commissioning of all new GRP piping and pipeline
The entire scope of the specification is covered in two parts.
Part 1 – Specifies Materials, Qualification and Manufacturing of GRP pipes and
Part 2 – Specifies Design, GRP piping and pipeline systems.
Part 3 – Specifies Handling, Storage and Installation of GRP piping and pipeline
The objective of this specification is to enable to have easy interpretation and to get
consistent quality of materials from the GRP vendors.
This specification is based on DEP31.40.10.19 Gen. (March 2007), ISO14692 (2002)
and some practical experiences encountered in PDO facilities during construction and
operation stages has been referred.
Note: Part 2 & 3 of SP2092 is under construction. Existing ISO14692-3, ISO14692-4
and SP1208 shall be followed until the part 2 & 3 are issued.
1.2 Changes to the Specification
This specification shall not be changed without approval from the Custodian (UEC1,
CFDH materials and corrosion), who owns this specification. If you think any part of
this specification is not correct, write your comments on a copy of the User
Comments Form. The form is included as the last page of this specification. Send the
copy with your comments and personal details to Document Control Section (DCS).
1.3 Definitions
1.3.1 General Definitions:
The contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning of a project, or operation or maintenance
of a facility.
The supplier/Manufacturer/vendor is the party that performs Design, Qualification,
Manufacturing, testing and supply of GRP pipes and fittings, installation tools and
services as specified in the purchase specification and contract.
The Company/Owner/Principal is Petroleum Development Oman.
1.3.2 Specific Definitions Acceptance criteria: Defined limits placed on characteristics of materials, products,
or services. Date of manufacture: Date of cure.
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Rev. 1 Degradation: Loss of property due to aging, sustained stress and other service
conditions. ECR or C-glass – Glass fibre having better chemical resistance against acids than E
glass used primarily as a reinforcement for the resin rich internal liner. Lot (pipes) - A Lot of GRE pipes consists of 100units or less in a continuous
production of each size and pressure class produced for company orders. Lot (fittings) - When used in connection with manufacture of fittings or spools the
following shall apply.
Fittings lot shall be defined as the 100 units of fittings produced for company orders
using the same method of construction (Example – filament winding, handlayup,
moulded fittings, mitered fittings etc,) for each type (Example - Elbow, Tee, Reducer,
Flange, Coupler, Stub end and saddle with pick) and pressure class. Pipeline systems – Pipe with components subject to the same design conditions and
typically used to transport fluids between wells, field facilities, processing plants and
storage facilities. It is recommended that, all GRE pipeline systems in the PDO
exploration and production areas shall be installed underground. Piping system – Pipe with components subject to the same design conditions and
typically used in above ground application within a processing facility. The piping
system also includes pipe supports, but doesn’t include support structures. Pi tape : A tape unit to measure circumference and convert to diameter Sour Service: Sour service is defined as greater or equal to region 2 of ISO-151562. Zones definitions for use of GRE pipes
Zone 0
Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously
or for long periods or frequently.
Zone 1
Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in
normal operation occasionally.
Zone 2
Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in
normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period
Non hazardous
area(safe area)
A non hazardous area is an area in which an explosive atmosphere
is not expected to be present.
Zones are defined as per IEC60079-10-1. Shall: Used to indicate that a provision is mandatory within this specification. should: Used to indicate that a provision is not mandatory but recommended as
good industry practice within this specification.
All other technical terms and definitions shall be referenced as per ISO14692-1. Symbols and
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symbols and abbreviations
Symbols: All the symbols as stated in ISO14692-1 section 3 shall apply for this
specification except the following changes.
tn – Nominal wall thickness. (tn = tl + tr + ts)
tr – Average Reinforced wall thickness.
ts – Thickness of the outer sheath or protective layer.
tl – Internal layer liner thickness.
T – Tee (fitting)
GRP – Glass Reinforced Plastic. It is the general terminology used for the reinforced
plastic pipes and fittings. It includes GRE, GRV and Glass Reinforced Polyester pipes
and fittings.
GRE – Glass Reinforced Epoxy
GRV – Glass Reinfoced Vinylester
PSR – Product sector representatives.
CV – Component Variant.
BTEX –Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and o-xylene.
IPD – ISO Phorone Di-Amine (Cyclo Aliphatic Amine)
M & C - Material and corrosion.
LCL – Lower Confidence Limit.
HDB – Hydro Static Design Basis
Cross References:
Where cross-references are made, the number of the section or sub-section referred
to is shown in brackets. All publications referred to in this Specification are listed in
Appendix A.
GRE Material Selection Principle:
The following shall be followed in selection of GRE material.
1. Material and corrosion Engineer shall obtain all essential data to propose the
material option. All quantified process or functional requirements to be reviewed
and confirm the suitability of the GRE materials based on the applications as
specified in the section 1.7.
2. Qualification of Materials for technical acceptability – Material and corrosion
engineer is responsible to ensure if the GRP material proposed is within the
experience envelop and have successfully been used. Above ground/
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Underground applications and process parameters such as Diameters, pressure,
temperature and process parameters within the qualified / proven range.
3. Material and corrosion engineer shall ensure clear understanding of GRP risks
and risks may be associated with project engineering community.
4. Quantitative risk assessment to be carried out by the project (process concept
5. GRE pipe system shall not be installed above ground for hydrocarbon services.
a. Above ground GRE piping or pipelines shall not be installed in areas
classified as zone 0, zone1 and zone 2 in accordance with IEC60079-10-1
(area zone 0, 1, 2).
b. Any exposed GRE piping/pipeline system part (2mtrs max) shall be protected
from fire/heat exposure and external mechanical impacts/damages, to a risk
level equivalent to buried GRE if considered ALARP in QRA study.
Wrapping of GRE pipe for protection can be considered for low pressure
(<70bar) non hydrocarbon and closed drain service. Protection should be of
physical (passive) nature.
6. GRE - Metallic interface connections (Buried GRE to above ground transition).
Buried GRE pipe and metallic interface connections shall be done in a covered
flange pit. If flange pit is not feasible, QRA shall be done with risks level
considered ALARP & the following requirements shall be applied for engineering
GRE-metallic connections:
a. GRE pipe can have no elbow with angles sharper than 45 degrees.
b. Stresses on GRE pipeline are calculated and in compliance with standards
ISO 14692/DEP
c. GRE/Metallic interface connections shall be protected from external impact
and fire/heat exposure to a risk level equivalent to buried GRE.
d. GRE pipe should be continually supported to prevent local stresses; stilts and
other intermittent supports will not be allowed.
e. Final design shall be reviewed and approved by pipeline design function.
7. GRE piping/pipeline shall not be connected directly to rotating equipments or any
other equipments or pipes where vibration is expected such as pumps,
compressors, etc.
8. GRE piping shall not be connected to static equipments where frequent service/
maintenance are required.
9. Only the manufacturers within the AVME listing to be called for the category
GRP Applications
This specification is generally applicable to:
Pipeline and piping systems for non –hydrocarbon applications.
Pipelines for hydrocarbon applications.
Straight headers with simple configurations for on plot hydrocarbon
Piping and Pipeline systems for chemicals – CFDH shall be consulted.
This specification is not applicable to:
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Well Casing and Tubing.
Well heads.
GRP tanks and GRP tank liners.
Pipe systems that incorporate internal thermo plastic or elstomer liners.
Complex on plot piping system.
Direct connections to rotating equipments such as pumps and compressors.
Areas where the piping/pipeline subjected to vibrations.
Typical applications of for the use of GRP pipe include:
Boiler feed water,
Condensate (water & gas),
Sea Water
Cooling water,
brackish water,
Produced water
Potable water,
process water,
Sour water
Demin water,
Hydrocarbon drains,
Water/oil mixtures,
Flow lines,
Water injections,
Fresh water,
Fire water
Lamination joints are not permitted to use for sour oil and gas applications. Only
qualified adhesive bonded joints and threaded connections with qualified sealants are
permitted to use for sour service applications.
This specification is applicable in the pressure-diameter range indicated in table 1,
which represents a compromise between the current shell Group experience
envelope of GRP pipelines and piping systems & PDO past experience. The range of
diameters and pressures identified in the table 1 shall be applied in conjunction with
the figure 1.
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Internal pressure (bar)
Internal diameter (mm)
Figure 1 - Current Group experience envelope of pressure/diameter range of
GRP pipeline and piping systems
Above ground application (on
plot piping)
Under ground application (off
Size (mm)
Pressure (bar)
Size (mm)
Pressure (bar)
Up to 150mm
120 bar
25 to 150mm
Max 70 bar
Up to 150
70 bar
200 to 300mm
Max 45 bar.
250 to 300mm
70 bar
350 to 450mm
Max 35 bar.
350 to 450mm
60 bar
500 to 600mm.
Max. 30 bar
500 to 600mm
45 bar
650 to 800mm.
Max 15bar.
650 to 800mm
15 bar
850 to 1200mm
Max 10bar.
850 to 1200mm
10 bar
Note: The maximum application temperatures based on the resin system used and
shall be as per the table 2 of this specification.
Table 1 – Size and pressure limitations to apply GRE materials in PDO facilities.
Use of higher pressures or larger diameters outside the range specified in the above
table 1 is subject to specific approvals from the CFDH materials and Corrosion and
upon satisfactory qualification before finalizing concept material selection.
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Project Execution
Project Manager shall appoint “single point” responsibility for each GRP project to
oversee the overall project execution. The individual shall have a minimum TA2 in
project engineering with specialized GRE competencies. He shall be responsible for
the following.
System design
Product qualification and supply;
Construction & testing activities
Pre commissioning and commissioning activities.
All pipe, fittings and flanges for an installation shall be manufactured by the same
vendor to avoid incompatibility due to intermixing of product from different
Conflicting Requirements
In case of conflicting requirements between documents relating to an inquiry or order,
the following priority of documents shall apply:
Contractual Scope of Work, Purchase Orders and Variations thereto.
Project Specification and Requisition Sheets.
This document and PDO/Group standards referred to in this document.
International Standards and Specifications referred to in this document.
1.10 Exceptions
The user (Manufacturers, Contractors and project Engineers) shall conduct a GAP
analysis against this specification and shall obtain written approval for deviations prior
to contract award from CFDH materials and corrosion.
Any unauthorised deviations shall be rejected by the Company and the user shall be
accountable for any subsequent re-work to comply with this specification.
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2. Materials
The material selection process shall ensure that the material is compatible with the
service fluids to which it is exposed over the full design temperature range so that the
mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the GRP satisfy the design
requirements throughout the intended lifetime. Manufacturer shall provide the details
of the raw materials and resin systems intended to be used for the project during the
technical bid stage for the company Review and acceptance.
Resins & Thread sealants
The resins selected shall be of a suitable commercial grade that complies with the
technical requirements of the application as per the table 2 and 3.
If the manufacturer intends to use the additives to enhance the UV resistance
properties of the material, it shall be agreed by the principal. The additives, used shall
not contribute in any way masking to identify any visual imperfections in the material
and shall be compatible to the resin system. UV resistance test data as per ASTM
G90 should be provided to the company for review.
Epoxy resins
Epoxy resins are resistant to a wide range of moderately strong acids and alkalis, and
most hydrocarbons. There are several types of base epoxy resins and associated
curing agents.
Curing agents typically used for epoxy resin are:
 Aliphatic amine;
 Cyclo aliphatic amine (IPD);
 Aromatic Amine (MDA);
 Anhydride.
Polyester resins
For water services, e.g. sea-water cooling, Isophthalic polyester resin is typically
used. Isophthalic polyester is a relatively low cost resin, with limited chemical
Vinyl ester resins
Compared to polyester, vinyl ester resin has very good chemical resistance,
especially against acids. High temperature and chemical resistant vinyl ester based
resins, e.g. Novolac vinyl ester, are also available.
Temperature limitations
The maximum allowable temperature is determined by the resin type and state of
cure. Experience of typical GRP systems suggests the following maximum allowable
design temperatures depending on resin type (Table 2).
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Table 2 Temperature limitations for GRP
Type GRP
Maximum Design
Glass-fibre/epoxy (GRE)
- Aromatic-amine cured (MDA)
- Cyclo-aliphatic cured (IPD)
- Aliphatic-amine cured
- Anhydride cured
100 °C
100 °C
85 °C
65 °C
Glass-fibre/vinyl ester (GRVE)
- Bisphenol A
- Novolac
80 °C
100 °C
Glass-fibre/polyester (GRUP)
- Isophthalic
60 °C
The actual temperatures shall be confirmed by qualification testing but it shall not be
greater than the maximum design temperature in table 2.
The maximum design temperature for GRP pipeline system shall not be greater than
Tg minus 30deg C and the maximum design temperature specified in table 2.
The minimum design temperature for GRP regardless of the resin system is minus
40 C.
Chemical resistance
Resin, Adhesives & Thread sealants manufacturer shall supply chemical resistance
data for the relevant service fluids and the specific resin/sealant material, quoting the
highest known service temperature that the material has been subjected to and, if
available, the service life that has been achieved under the service conditions.
The chemical resistance information shall state whether the material has been
laboratory tested according to ASTM C 581 (or other equivalent standard). Guidance
on the selection of GRP is given in Table 3:
Table 3
Chemical resistance of GRP material
Fluid type
Acids *, ***
Alkalis **
Vinyl ester
Note: The following aggressive chemicals may be transported in GRP piping or
pipeline systems, with the following restrictions:
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√ - Resin and curing agents can be used for the production of GRP
X – Material shall not be used for these services.
(*) Hydrochloric acid, up to 28% concentration, e.g. used in demin units. GRE
(epoxy) has limited resistance against hydrochloric acid (< 10 %) and therefore
GRVE (vinyl ester) shall be used, lined with a resin rich layer (liner), reinforced with
double ECR/C-glass or other qualified synthetic veils such as Nexus liners;
(**) Sodium hydroxide (caustic), up to 50 % concentration, e.g. used in chemical
plants. Glass-fibre is not resistant against sodium hydroxide, and therefore only
“lined” GRE or GRVE shall be used. The resin rich liner shall be reinforced with
double synthetic veil (e.g. Nexus), and thickness of the liner shall be minimum
1.5 mm;
(***) Sodium hypochlorite solution, e.g. used in chlorination units. Sodium
hypochlorite, typically produced on-site using electrolytic cells, i.e. concentrations
typically up to 1 %, and pH in the range 9 to 10, will attack all thermo-set resins.
However, UPVC lined GRVE is a proven option for the transport of sodium
Further information about chemical resistance of resins typically used for GRP, in a
variety of chemical environments, is given in DEP
GRP manufacturer shall select the suitable resin system from the above table 3 &
supply a chemical resistance list for the selected material (Reinforcement, liner, resin
& curing system) showing highest known service pressure & temperature that the
pipe and its component variants are subjected to and the service life that have been
achieved under those conditions. Alternatively, the supplied resin system chemical
resistance list (data sheet) shall state whether the material has been laboratory tested
according to ASTM C581and life expectancy in intended actual service. If required,
manufacturer shall demonstrate the chemical resistance of the selected resin system
by carrying out the laboratory testing as per ASTM C581 for specific applications.
Reinforcing materials
The principal reinforcing material for the structural wall of GRP piping shall be a
suitable grade of glass fiber having a glass finish compatible with the resin system
used. Other types of reinforcement fibers may be used, to be agreed by the Principal.
2.3.1 Pipes
Continuous E-glass/ECR-glass fiber roving shall be used for constructing the
reinforced wall thickness of GRP pipes. Additional woven roving reinforcements may
be used to achieve the required strength of the pipes at the ends.
Other reinforcement materials like carbon fibers for conductive pipes can be used in
accordance with the specific agreement in the purchase requisition/purchase
2.3.2 Fittings (Tees, Elbow, Reducer coupler etc,)
Fittings shall be manufactured using E-glass/ECR glass reinforcement materials.
Fittings shall be manufactured with the same fiber glass reinforcement materials used
for the qualification (ref Clause 4.4).
Fittings manufactured by direct roving, the top minimum 4 layers shall be constructed
using the woven roving/knitted fabric /bidirectional tape glass reinforcement materials
even if the original qualification was conducted without these additional layers.
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Gasket materials
In order to achieve reliable flange sealing, even with relatively low bolt tensioning,
steel reinforced (G-ST) soft elastomer gasket with shore hardness within the range of
A55 to A75 should be used. Spiral wound gaskets may be used with satisfactory
qualification (Ref 4.4.4C & E). The gasket material properties shall be compatible with
DEP30.10.02.13 Gen requirements.
The gasket material, e.g. used for flanges, shall match the pressure, temperature and
chemical resistance capabilities of the piping system. Further information about the
chemical resistance of non-metallic materials in a variety of chemical environments is
given in DEP Selected gasket material shall be tested for the
sealing properties as per ASTM D4024. This test can be done on product sector
representative flange joints.
Internal surface
For GRP pipe systems transporting non-aggressive fluids, e.g. water, crude oil,
hydrocarbons, etc., an internal resin-rich liner with minimum thickness of 0.5 mm shall
be applied, which shall be reinforced with C glass or ECR glass veil.
For GRP pipe systems transporting chemicals, e.g. hydrochloric acid or caustic, an
internal resin-rich liner, reinforced with veil of C glass, ECR glass, synthetic fibre, or
other suitable material shall be used. Thickness of the liner shall be minimum 1.5 mm,
and the fiber reinforcement content should be in the range 20 % to 30 % by weight.
UV & Weathering Protection
External surface of the above ground Pipes and fittings shall be protected against
weathering, sunlight, UV, etc. A resin-rich poly veil external layer shall be applied,
with a thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 mm. Use of UV resistance pigments in lieu of poly veil
external layer may be considered by the company if sufficient qualification data in
accordance with ASTM G90 is submitted for approval.
External surfaces of the buried pipeline or piping system materials should be
manufactured with a resin rich top coat layer.
Fire resistance
Where the fire resistance additional requirement specified, and then ISO14692 part 3
sections 9.4 shall be applied.
For manufacturing GRP pipe components, filament winding, and/or hand lay-up shall
be used. Any fillers such as sand-filled GRP pipe and fittings shall not be used for
pipeline and piping systems.
Filament winding
Filament winding is the process of impregnating glass fibre reinforcement with resin,
then applying the wetted fibres onto a mandrel in a prescribed pattern, and thickness.
Chopped glass rovings may be used as additional reinforcement. Filament winding
includes reciprocal and continuous filament winding.
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3.2.1 Reciprocal filament winding
Reciprocal filament winding is the most widely used manufacturing method for GRP
pipe components. The winding angle of the component is controlled by the
synchronised translation speed of the fibre/resin bath and the rotational speed of the
3.2.2 Continuous filament winding
This specification is not applicable for the continuous filament winding process.
Pipes shall be produced with the reciprocal filament winding process.
Standard length for line pipes manufactured by filament winding process shall be
supplied as specified in the below table.
Srl No.
Minimum length
12.5 to 40mm
1 meters
50 to 80mm
3 meters
100 and above
8 to 12meters
Any additional reinforcements (woven rovings) required in the socket and spigot
areas (TB/TS joints) shall be as per the base line sample used in the qualification
process. Application of the woven roving shall be by using the helical winding
machine. The woven roving winding lengths start and finish shall be controlled by
CNC programming or mechanically driven machines. No manual application is
permitted. Knotting of the glass bobbins shall be done using the splicing gun or
suitable method to restrict the resin pockets accumulated across the manual knots.
End scrap cutting should be established during qualification, based on the method of
winding to achieve the required winding angle at the ends. The same shall be
followed during regular production.
During the process of winding, if there is any resin mix started gelling, winding shall
be stopped and the pipe shall be rejected. Should there be a machine stop for any
reason the resin mix shall be inspected for gelling by QC inspector and give
clearance to proceed.
Winding angle of the pipes produced should be in the range of 53 to 57. The
tolerance of the produced pipes shall be +/- 2 of that of the qualified product. Method
and location used to measure the winding angle shall be same as one used for
qualification sample. The winding angle shall be measured in two locations (internal
and external surface) for the pipes with thickness greater than 10mm.
Resin mixing
Fully automated resin mixing & dispensing equipments shall be used. The
measurement of quantity of resin and hardener shall be through the automatic
dispensing unit. The resin mixing and dispensing units shall be calibrated in
accordance with the equipment manufacturer recommendations. The frequency of
calibrations shall be defined in the manufacturer’s quality management System.
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Fittings (Tee, Elbow, Reducer and Coupler) shall be manufactured by filament
winding or hand lay-up or by joining standard GRP pipe sections using laminated
joints, to form mitered bends as detailed below.
Fittings diameter less than or equal to 600mm shall be moulded fittings.
Mitered method of construction shall be limited to max 30 bar design pressure subject
satisfactory qualification.
All the GRE fittings should be pre cured between 90 to 100deg C before de-moulding.
In addition to the adhesive bonded joint, woven roving reinforcement shall be applied
on branch and saddle of the reducing tee.
The fittings shall be constructed using the qualified process. Manufacturer shall
establish, document and qualify the process description and Recipe to be used for
the construction of each type, size and pressure class of fittings.
The manufacturer shall demonstrate that the following variables remain constant
throughout the manufacturing of each type, size and pressure class of the fittings.
Resin type & curing agent (hardener) with brand name and mixing ratios.
Type of reinforcement to be applied including mass, width, tows tex.
Number and sequence of layers for each type of roving.
Dimensions of cut roving if any to be used (Tees) and the locations, layers
and sequence of the cut roving to be applied.
If the winding of the fittings not completed during the shift or if the resin mix
is gelled, surface preparation needs to be done before restarting the winding
process. The method of surface preparation shall be the same as that of the
qualified specimen.
Liner and top coat material and number of layers, sequence and over lap
Only certified operators shall be used for manufacturing of fittings. Refer: QA section
for the qualification of winding operators.
Flanges shall be manufactured by filament winding and/or hand lay-up. Filament
winding is typically used for flanges smaller than 600 mm, and hand-lay up for larger
diameter flanges. Filament wound flanges up to dia 600mm shall be constructed on a
mould. Diameter greater than 600mm flanges can be constructed directly on the pipe.
The outside diameter and hole spacing of GRP flanges shall meet the requirements
of ASME B16.5 for flanges diameter below 600mm & ASME B16.47 for flanges
diameter more than 600mm. The flanges shall be flat face.
For flange diameters larger than 1000 mm, an O-ring based seal design may be
selected, to be agreed by the Principal.
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Flanges with an O-ring seal require special moulding and tooling (O-ring groove) and
are typically fabricated by the filament winding process.
Two types of flanges are typically used:
 Integral-type flange, adhesive-bonded or laminated to the GRP pipe ends;
 Loose ring type flanges, with GRP collars adhesive-bonded or laminated to the
pipe ends (stub-end) with loose backing flanges in GRP or steel.
The flanges shall be flat and perpendicular to the axis of the fitting. The flange faces
shall be clean free from resin drops and sharp edges. Flange machining shall not be
permitted by using hand tools. The machined surfaces shall be coated with resin
Hand lay-up
Hand lay-up is the simplest manufacturing technique for flanges and involves
applying layers of resin-impregnated mat or woven roving to a mould by hand.
Manufacturing of hand lay-up flanges shall be in accordance with ASTM D 5421. For
maximum mechanical properties and chemical resistance, flanges shall be
Filament winding
Filament winding of flanges involves wrapping continuous roving wetted with resin
over a mould. Manufacturing of filament wound flanges shall be in accordance with
ASTM D 4024.
Filament wound flanges are strong in the hoop direction but weak in axial bending. To
prevent cracking in the flange during loading, e.g. during assembly, it is
recommended to reinforce the flange in the neck area woven roving/knitted fabric to a
minimum thickness of 3mm.
The glass roving used in the construction of the flange should be tapered with a
waving pattern towards the flange face to increase the strength. The tension on the
glass roving shall be optimised preferably using tension controller such that
consistent glass content is achieved in the flange construction.
Manufacturing Process requirements
Manufacturer shall establish and document the process of manufacturing for each
product (each diameter and pressure class) of the pipes and fittings. The process of
manufacturing shall include the following minimum information. Change in the
process parameters shall be authorised by the principal or needs re-qualification as
defined in section 4.
Reinforcement & the sequence of application (Recipe/winding sequence)
Method of construction (moulded or mitered construction)
Reinforcement type (E glass, C Glass, ECR glass, Armaid fiber, carbon fiber,
woven roving or direct roving, CSM etc.,) composition, sizing and tow tex
details for each layer of construction in the form of Recipe or winding
Resin and curing system.
Curing time, temperature and method of curing.
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The details of winding angle, geometry, dimensions and joint configurations.
Bandwidth, number of roving strands, type of comb and the end cutting
dimension details.
The above information shall be made available to the access of company authorized
representatives upon request for verification or inspection.
Process validation
The following processes shall be considered as critical processes and shall be
documented, implemented, controlled and monitored as per ISO 9001.
Selection of raw material suppliers.
Incoming inspection of raw material.
Storage & Handling of the raw materials and including ancillaries.
Component design.
Resin mixing.
Control of temperature and relative humidity.
Component fabrication and jointing process.
Curing (monitoring of time and temperature)
Threading process.
Inspection and testing.
Marking, packing and handling.
This section of the specification gives requirements for the qualification of GRP
pipeline or piping components in order to enable to build up the confidence to
purchase the GRP materials with known and consistent properties from any
The vendor shall demonstrate that their product is qualified in accordance with this
section prior considering any project. This effectively means that the GRP
Manufacturer shall demonstrate, through testing, that its products will satisfy the
design specifications
The qualification programme consists of standard methods for quantifying GRP pipe
component performance with respect to internal pressure and elevated temperature
for different applications.
The qualification programme results shall be used as baseline acceptance criteria for
quality control where it is not specifically defined in the specification.
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4. 1 Manufacturer qualification:
The manufacturers shall be qualified based on the long term regression as per ASTM
D2992 with free ends using the pipe and joint with diameter minimum 50mm.
Gradient (G), LCL and the HDB values shall be established. The regression test shall
be performed at temperature 65 deg C or at design temperature if it is higher for each
individual resin system. A manufacturer having only plain pipe regression data shall
demonstrate the HDB of pipe plus joint is equal to or superior to the plain pipe
regression data. The reconfirmation test and evaluation shall be done in accordance
with clause 12 of ASTM D2992 – 06.
The regression gradient G, obtained from the 10,000hour testing shall be in the range
of 0.065 to 0.075 for 65deg C and 0.085 to 0.100 for >65 deg C. LCLs value obtained
from the regression curve shall be in the range of 110MPa to 160Mpa for 65deg C
and 85Mpa to 125Mpa.for 90deg C. In case where the manufacturer regression data
falls outside the above specified range, the data shall be verified and CFDH approval
shall be obtained.
Manufacturer shall be required to perform the additional testing as per cl. 4.2.4 as
part of their qualification program.
4.1.1 Manufacturer Technical catalogue
Manufacturers shall assign all components a nominal pressure rating (NPR), the
rating shall be given in the Manufacturers' brochures. The manufacturer published
data in the brochures shall be based on either API 15LR/API 15HR or ISO14692 will
only be considered.
NPRs quoted by the manufacturer shall be demonstrated through the performance
based qualification tests. Qualification program consists of quantifying component
performance with respect to static internal pressure, design temperature, impact with
optional methods for quantifying chemical resistance, electrostatic and fire
performance properties, potable water, low temperature and limited cyclic pressure
The NPR quoted by the manufacturer shall satisfy the following equation related to
PNPR < f2. f3.PLCL
Where PLCL - Is the Lower confidence Limit (PLCL = f1. LTHP). This pressure is the
qualified pressure based on the qualified stress determined through the regression
f1 – Means of the degree of scatter in the long term pressure tests and the evaluation
of the 97.5% confidence limit from the regression test data as defined in ASTM
f2 – Is a load factor (or safety factor)
f3 – Is a factor to account for the limited axial load capability of GRP.
The manufacturer shall provide the values of f2 and f3 used to develop a purchase
quotation. Values of f2=0.67 and f3=0.85 (for above ground) and f3=1.0 (for buried or
under ground pipeline) are recommended as default values. However the value of f3
shall be verified during the system stress analysis.
The pressure ratings of the GRP components shall be verified in accordance with the
requirements described in the section 4.2
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Note: Manufacturer may select the more conservative value (0.5 to 0.85) f3 factor. In
all cases, the sum of all hoop stresses and axial stresses in any component in a
pipeline or piping system due to pressure, mass, other sustained loadings, and of the
stresses produced by occasional loads such as wind, blast or earth quake shall not
exceed values defined by the factored long term design envelop.
Plant qualification
Individual manufacturing units shall be qualified by carrying out the reconfirmation
test on pipes plus joint in accordance with ASTM D2992-6 cl. 12 and fittings plus joint
as per API 15 HR clauses 5.1.2 e & f; provided that the product, technology and the
quality management system of the manufacturing unit are identical to the mother
company which was originally qualified. In addition the manufacturing unit shall have
all their technical support and R&D provided by the mother company. Failing to
demonstrate such similarities the plant will be considered as new manufacturer and
the full qualification program shall be performed as per the clause 4.1
Wall thickness limitations
In order to provide sufficient robustness during handling and installation, minimum
reinforced wall thickness of any GRP pipe component shall not be less than 3mm.
For the above ground applications & pipe diameters ≥ 100mm, the minimum
reinforced wall thickness shall be 5.0mm.
Minimum reinforced wall thickness of the pipes and fittings supplied shall be more
than or equal to that used in the qualification and it shall meet the minimum system
design requirements for sustained loads & occasional loads specified in ISO14692-3
for above ground piping and AWWA M45 for buried pipeline. Minimum reinforced wall
thickness of pipes shall be verified to meet the requirements with part factor f2=0.89
for hydro testing at 1.5 times the design pressure.
Full qualification procedure
The table 3 below indicates the full qualification procedure required for the pipe, pipe
plus joints and fittings.
Table 3 – Full qualification procedure for pipe, pipe plus joints and fittings.
Product type
Qualification tests
Pipe plus
representative a
Full regression test at 65C, or design
temperature if it is higher. (ASTM
D2992:2006 – procedure A or B as
To establish
PLCL, qualified
stress &
gradient (G)
In case manufacturer established
regression data only on plain pipe, it is
Reconfirmation test on pipes plus joint
in accordance with ASTM D2992-6 cl.
12 and fittings plus joint as per API 15
HR clauses 5.1.2 e & f
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Pipe plus
+joints and
Rev. 1
Survival test on two samples for
1000hour or more at 65C, or design
temperature if it is higher. (As per
ASTM D1598).
To Verify the
value of PLCL
Design by scaling method and Carrying
out STHP test on two samples or
carrying out 1000hour test.
Baseline for
Quality control.
Table 3 continued…….
Pipe plus
+joints and
Low pressure (Design pressure up to
70bar) - The STHP value for pipes,
fittings and joints shall not be less than
3.5 times the design pressure.
High pressure (Design pressure 71 to
120 bar) – STHP value for the pipes,
fittings and joints samples shall meet
API15HR requirements.
Only one size of component diameter not less than 100mm is required to be tested.
Note: 1. For piping, the test spool shall include all the following fittings
Tee, Elbow, Flange, reducer. The spool dimensions shall comply with the ASTM D1598.
For line pipe applications the spool shall include all the above fittings as applicable for the
4.4.1 Pipe plus joint qualification (Family representative).
Pipe plus joint subjected to regression test (10000 hour test) as stated in section 4.1 provides
more accurate and conservative results to use in the piping or pipeline system design.
Manufacturer shall carry out the regression test on spools (pipe plus joint) as per ASTM
D2992 to determine the G and PLCL values. Regression gradient (G), and PLCL determined on
the pipe plus joint can be used for design calculations. Manufacturers having plain pipe
regression shall reconfirm the HDB values as stated in clause 4.1.
4.4.2 Product sector representative.
This qualification procedure permits qualification of the PLCL of the product sector
representative based on a design life of 20years or more for pipe plus joint based on
1000hour test or extended qualification time greater than 1000hours. Qualification testing
shall also include the type of repairs recommended by the Manufacturer. Each type of jointing
system shall be qualified as individual product sector. The preferred test duration is
1000hours, but manufacturer may carryout testing to a longer duration as stated in clause of this specification.
Two replicate spools with sample product sector representative (PSR) shall be subjected to
1000 hour pressure testing in accordance with ASTM D1598 at 65C or at design temperature
if higher. The PSR is qualified if both spools survive the test duration without any leak. The
minimum length of pipe between adjacent joints or fittings, or end closures, needed to remove
the influence of end-fittings shall not be less than that specified in ASTM D1598.
Test spool shall contain all fittings (Elbow, Flange, Tee, and Reducer), Wherever it is not
possible, at least one fitting shall be a part of the test spool.
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Prior to the commencement of 1000-h test, spools filled with water shall be preconditioned by
in oven at the test temperature for minimum 100hours.
After conditioning the specimens Test shall commence only when the pressure and
temperature have stabilised and when no further additions of water are required. Refill may
be allowed providing the component hasn’t failed and pressure was reduced due to other
reasons e.g gasket failure. Minimum 24hour stabilization after reaching the test conditions
shall be required prior to continuing the test. Test spools shall be under continuous observation
at least once in an hour to ensure that there is no change in temperature and pressure i.e. the
system is fully stabilized. The temperature, time and pressure recording system shall be
started after pressurizing the spool. The time count shall start only after complete
Pressure and time shall be recorded in a continuous automatic recording system.
Interruptions to the required pressure and temperature during the 1000-h test may be
permitted however, the time to failure shall not include periods of time during which the
specimen was less than the minimum test pressure and temperature. Interrupted time &
reasons for the interruption shall be clearly recorded and countersigned by witnessing third
party Inspector.
The 1000 hour test pressure shall be in accordance with the clause No
All qualification tests including the regression test shall be carried out by, or witnessed and
certified by an independent third party agent approved by the Principal. The qualification of
each component shall be documented in both qualification report and a summary as detailed
in 4.11. The report shall be prepared and owned by the testing lab in the lab or manufacturer
letterhead format, the TPI role shall be witnessing and verification of data accuracy.
Default 1000-h test pressure
The following default test pressure requirements shall apply to all Manufacturers and for all
pipe or fittings (PSRs). 1000hour test shall be conducted in accordance with section 4.4.2
The 1000-h test pressure for a 20 years design life shall be the following:
Design temperature up to 65 C
-Static pressure application: TP1000hr = 2.4Pdesign-static
Design temperature >65 C and < 100 C
-Static pressure application: TP1000hr = 2.6Pdesign-static
Design Pressure greater than 70bar the vendor may conduct a 3500hours test in lieu of
1000hour test and the parameters shall be as follows. The test pressure shall be 2.1times the
design pressure (TP3500r = 2.1Pdesign-static).
= test pressure to be used in the 1000-h qualification test
= test pressure to be used in the 3500-h qualification test
= design pressure (static) for the pipeline or piping system
Where the design life required is in excess of 20 years, the above 1000-h and 3500h test
pressures shall be increased by 3 % per 10 years.
4.4.3 Component variant (CV)
This qualification procedure permits qualification of pipe plus joint and fittings (Tee, Elbow,
reducer, coupler and saddle openings) based on STHP test methods.
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The wall thickness of component variant shall meet the following requirement. The relation
between Lower confidence limit (PLCL) of CV and PLCL of Product sector shall meet the
following criteria.
Two spools of component variants shall be subjected to STHP test in accordance with ASTM
D1599 to prove the integrity of the pipe plus joint and the burst test pressure of each spool
shall not be less than the values specified in the table 3. The lower of the two test value shall
be taken as baseline STHP value to be used to asses the pipes production lot.
Any changes in component variant manufacturing process, raw materials, manufacturing
plant and other variables stated in table 4 than that of representing PSR, then it is considered
as invalidation of the existing or reference PSR qualification and 1000 hour test shall be
performed on the component variant.
4.4.4 Qualification of flanges (product sector representative)
The joints made using flanges must have strength equal to that of the pipes. Flanges
construction methods and the reinforcement structure are different than that of pipes, Elbows
and Tees. Flanges shall withstand the external bending moments during the service and
hydro test conditions.
Flanges shall be subjected to the following qualification tests to demonstrate the integrity of
the flange design and manufacturing process. The samples selected for all the qualification
tests shall be from the same lot as those used for 1000hour test.
A. Short term rupture strength test.
B. 1000 hour survival test. (Part of 1000hour test spool as stated in clause No 4.4.2)
C. Sealing test.
D. Cyclic test.
E. Torque test.
A. Short term rupture strength test:
Flanged components shall be tested in accordance with the test method ASTM D 1599 with
free end closure. The pressure in the specimen shall be increased until failure of the flange
occurs. Pressure testing in atmospheric environment is permissible. Minimum failure time
shall be 60s: no restriction shall be placed on maximum time to failure. Leaking past the
gasket is permissible during this test. Bolt torque maybe increased as necessary during the
test in order to minimise the gasket leaking and to achieve the pressure necessary to cause
flange failure. Flanges shall withstand a hydrostatic load of at least four times their rated
design pressure.
B. 1000hour pressure test: Two flanges shall be part of 1000hour survival test in
accordance with the clause 4.4.2 to demonstrate the PLCL of the flanges equal to or more than
that of other piping/pipeline system components (Elbow, Tee or pipe). In case of any leakage
past the flange face, the test may be interrupted to seal the flanges by increasing the bolt
torques to an appropriate value. Testing may then be continued to complete the required
period of testing.
C. Flange sealing test: flange sealing test shall be carried out at 1.5 times the design
pressure for the duration of 168 hours without any visible leak through the flange sealing
surface. Service gaskets, spacer ring if applicable, bolts, nuts and washers recommended by
the manufacturer shall be used during the sealing test. Gasket shall be rated for the equal or
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greater design temperature and pressure. The flanges shall be assembled and tightened to
full recommended torque. The sequence and torque increments shall be strictly followed
during the torquing in accordance with ASTM D4024. The testing method and the spool
configuration shall be in accordance with the ASTM D4024.
D. Cyclic pressure test: This test shall be done to verify the performance of the flange
system (combination of the gasket, flange geometry and the recommended bolt torque) to
withstand variations in pressure during the operations and testing. The flange spool length
shall be more than the manufacturer’s recommended minimum support distance. The spool
supported at both the ends leaving test flanges hanged at centre. The method followed for
assembling the flanges shall be in accordance with the one used for sealing test. The sample
shall be assembled using qualified (by seal testing) gasket and bolt torque as recommended
by the manufacturer. The test spool shall be subjected to 10 pressure cycles. Each cycle
starts at 0 and rises to 1.5XDesign Pressure and then reduces to 0. Testing can be done at
ambient conditions. Each cycle represents study pressurization (steady pressurization rate of
5bar per minute is recommended) up to 1.5 X Design pressure, hold for 5 minutes and
gradually release the pressure to zero. Repeat the above step until the required number of
cycles completed. If there is a leak through the gasket face, the test shall be stopped and
replace with the new gasket and continue the test.
Upon completion of the above C & D tests the flanges shall be disassembled and visually
inspected for any damages. Any cracks and/or de-lamination to the flange constitute failure.
E. Torque test: Using the gasket and hardware (Nuts, bolts, washers and spacer ring etc.,)
recommended by the manufacturer, bolt the flange against the raised face or flat face flange
to simulate the installation recommendations by the manufacturer. Tighten the nuts by hand
until they are snug. Prior to fit up, the nuts, bolts, and washers should be well lubricated,
using a non-fluid thread lubricant. Establish uniform pressure over the flange face by
tightening bolts in 15N-M increments according to the sequence recommended by the
manufacturer. Increase the torque uniformly until flange failure occurs or until all the bolts
have been torqued to two times the level qualified in B & C above. Any sign of flange
damage, (crumbling, flaking, cracking or other breaking) shall constitute failure.
Criteria for acceptance: the flanges shall withstand, without visible sign of damage a bolt
torque of at least 2.0 times that recommended by the manufacturer for sealing of the flange at
its rated pressure.
4.4.5 Qualification of flanges (Component variant)
Two spools of component variants shall be subjected to STHP test in accordance with ASTM
D1599 to prove the integrity of the flanges. The acceptance criteria for low pressure (up to
70bar design pressure) shall not be less than 4 times the design pressure. For high pressure
applications (71 to 120bar), the STHP shall meet API15 HR requirements.
Any changes in component variant manufacturing process, raw materials, manufacturing
plant and other variables stated in table 4 than that of representing PSR, is considered as
invalidation of the existing or reference PSR qualification and all the flange qualification tests
as described in section 4.4.2 shall be performed on the component variant.
4.5 Supplementary qualification requirements
In addition to the qualification requirements of 4.2.2, components shall also be qualified for
the following requirements when specified by the principal.
a. Potable water certification when used for potable water application
b. Impact resistance for above ground application.
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Low temperature performance if the design temperature is less than minus
d. Fire performance test for above ground applications.
e. Electrical conductivity and
conductive pipes are used.
The above tests shall be conducted in accordance with ISO14692-2:2002(E) clause 6.4.2,
6.4.3, 6.4.4, 6.4.5, 6.5 and 6.6 respectively.
4.6 Additional component properties
Each manufacturer shall establish the following properties for each plain pipe family product
a. Long term failure envelop of pipe, determined in accordance with Annex C of
ISO14692-2 at 65deg C or higher.
b. Short term axial strength, determined in accordance with ASTM D 2105 at SLT.
Axial tensile modulus, determined in accordance with ASTM D2105 at SLT.
d. Axial bending modulus, determined in accordance with ASTM D2925 at SLT.
e. Hoop tensile modulus and Poisson’s ratio, determined in accordance with API 15HR
at SLT.
Hoop bending strength and modulus, determined in accordance with ASTM D2412 at
g. Poisson’s ratio for an axial tensile load and the resulting hoop contraction determined
in accordance with ASTM D2105 at SLT but modified in order to measure hoop
h. Thermal coefficient of expansion in the axial direction in accordance with ASTM
i. Thermal conductivity of component and protective coatings, determined for radial
direction in accordance with ASTM C177.
j. Density of the component in accordance with ASTM D D792.
The above tests shall be revalidated after every 10 years or any change in the raw materials
(Type of resin and reinforcement materials). Test records shall be maintained and shall be
made available for verification.
Any change of parameters specified in Table 4 shall mandate re-qualification in
accordance with this specification as described in (4.2).
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Table 4 - Major changes in component requiring requalification
Resin and adhesive
- Reinforcement manufacturing process.
- Reinforcement type and composition.
- Reinforcement finish (sizing)
- Tow (roving) tex and filament diameter
- Any change in reinforcement (example woven roving to direct
roving or vice versa, Roving density and Roving manufacturer).
- Any change in the recipe or orientation of fibres.
- Resin/adhesive/curing agent type/plant
- Curing procedure (temperature / time)
- Adhesive curing process factory and at construction site.
- Change from heat assisted curing to natural curing or vice versa.
- Change of thread compound (adhesive and sealants)
- Change in Geometry, dimensions of the components.
- Joint type & design.
- Winding angle (> +/- 5 )
- Reinforcement mass fraction (> +/- 5 %)
- Component manufacturing process – moulded, mitering process,
filament winding and Hand lay up.
- Change in the manufacturing recipe related to the reinforcement
and sequence.
- Decrease in number of passes per layer and increase in average
thickness per layer.
Component definitions
In order to keep the total test burden within acceptable limits but at the same time to
control the use of test data beyond their limits of applicability, the concept of a
product family and its sub-divisions is used.
A product family defines a range of pipes, fittings and joints manufactured by the
same Manufacturer, using the same method and having the same constituent
materials. (Product family consists of plain pipe, joint and fittings such as elbows, tees
and reducers).
The family representative is the component that is taken to be representative of that
particular product family. It is the family representative that is tested under
ASTM D 2992 to determine the long-term behaviour and LCL, of the product. Testing
shall be carried out on pipe product with a diameter of 50mm or larger.
A product sector is a sub-division of a product family that groups pipes (plus joints)
and fittings into specific diameter and pressure ranges.
The product sector representative for a product sector is the component that is
representative of that sector and upon which the basic qualification testing (4.4) is
Qualification of the product sector representative also qualifies similar components
with smaller diameter which are part of that product sector. The following product
sectors shall be used:
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Fig: Breakdown of a product family in to family representative, product sectors, and
product sector representatives.
The product sectors selected for the qualification is the component that has the largest
nominal diameter and the highest pressure rating in that specific sector. Assuming that the
product range consists of pipes, elbows, tees, Coupler, reducers, flanges, saddle and joints in
diameters up to 250mm and pressure up to 50bar, the product sector representative (PSR) in
product sector A would be:
a. 250mm, 50bar pipe plus joint.
b. 250mm, 50bar Elbow.
250mm, 50bar flange.
d. 250mm, 50bar reducer or coupler (provided the manufacturing method is
e. 250mm, 50bar Tee.
250mm, 50bar saddle.
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Manufacturer can select either to
1. Qualify the product sectors representatives of each sector as per the PSR range
specified in the table 6 or
2. Qualify based on the project specific requirements.
In case 2, the product sector representatives are identified by selecting first on nominal
diameter and then on pressure rating.
Table 6
Diameter range
(D) mm
Product sector definition
Pressure range
< 50 bar
50 – 100 bar
101 – 150 bar
151 – 250 bar
< 250
250 to 400
>400 to < 600
>600 to < 800
>800 to < 1200
>1200 to < 2400
A component in a product sector where the product sector representative (Item No.2 example 350mm, 40bar) which falls under product sector ‘B’ has not been qualified
may be considered qualified based on the qualified component (Item No.1 – example
250mm, 40bar) which falls under product sector A if the following criteria stated in
step No.1, 2 and 3 are satisfied. If any of the criteria stated in step 1, 2 and 3 are not
satisfied, the item No.2 shall be qualified by 1000hour testing.
1) Scaling factors – D1 is the diameter, tr1 is the reinforced thickness, α 1 is the angle
of Elbow, P1 is the design pressure and R1 is the radius of bend of the qualified
D2 is the diameter, tr2 is the thickness, α2 is the Angle of Elbow, P2 is the design
pressure and R2 is the radius of bend of the component not qualified by 1000hour
t2 ≥ t1P2D2/ P1D1
P2 ≤ P1D1/D2
R2 ≥ R1 D2/ D1 (for bends)
α2 ≤ α 1
D2A ≤ D2B D1A /D1B (Reducer where D1A, D1B & D2A, D2B are the diameters of
qualified and non-qualified reducer).
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2) Pressure limitation - Design pressure of the component is 0.5 to 1.0 times the
qualified component.
3) Diameter limitations.
a. Size of the component is within +/- 100mm than that of the qualified component, if
the diameter of the component qualified is less than or equal to 400mm.
b. Size of the component is within +100/-200mm than that of the qualified component,
if the diameter of the component qualified is between 400mm and 800mm.
c. Size of the component is within +100/-300mm than that of the qualified component,
if the diameter of the component qualified is between 800mm and above.
The Manufacturer shall generate, from the qualification programme specified in
section 4.4.2 & 4.4.4 baseline values for the following items and establish acceptance
criteria for the manufacturing quality control programme.
4.9.1 Degree of cure Glass transition temperature
The degree of cure (Tg) for the qualified components and joints (adhesive) shall be
determined by one of the following methods:
 Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) according to ISO 11357-2;
 Thermal mechanical analyses (TMA) according to ISO 11359-2;
 Heat distortion temperature (HDT) according to ISO 75-1.
Three samples shall be taken from three locations situated 120  apart in the same
cross section of the qualified component.
The lowest Tg or HDT of the qualified component shall be more than 30 C above the
design temperature of the pipeline or piping system. Residual styrene monomer content
For polyester and vinyl ester based products, the residual styrene monomer content
in the components used in qualification testing shall be determined. The
measurement shall be performed according to ISO4901. The residual styrene content
shall not be more than 2% (mass fraction) of the resin content. Barcol hardness (for Vinyl ester / polyester resin pipes & fittings)
Barcol hardness testing shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM D2583.
Minimum of 10readings shall be taken on each sample. The two highest and lowest
reading to be discarded and average of remaining six readings shall be considered as
barcol reading.
4.9.2 Glass content
The glass content (by weight) of the reinforced wall of the qualified component shall
be determined in accordance with ASTM D 2584. Three samples shall be taken from
three locations situated 120  apart in the same cross section of the component. The
glass content of the qualified component should be within the range given in Table 7.
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Table 7
Glass content
Component type
Glass content
by mass
Filament wound pipe
70 % to 82%
Filament wound fittings
65 % to 75 %
Hand-lay up fittings
50 % to 65 %
4.9.3 Minimum thickness
The minimum reinforced wall thickness of any GRP pipe component shall not be less
than 3 mm. For the above ground applications pipe diameters ≥100mm, the minimum
reinforced wall thickness shall be 5.0mm.
4.9.4 Key component dimensions
The Manufacturer shall establish the following baseline dimensions of the qualified
component in accordance with ASTM D 3567 and the qualified data shall be listed in
the product catalogue.
Internal diameter;
Outside diameter;
Minimum and Average reinforced wall thickness;
Total wall thickness;
Dimensions of joint.(Taper angles, thread dimensions etc.,)
Laying length (pipes and fittings)
Bend radius.
Taper angle & length of taper (for adhesive bonded connections)
Thread dimensions (as per API spec 5B)
Leak testing for gas and multiphase service.
To demonstrate the gas tightness of the GRP pipe components during qualification, a
single gas test is required. The test configuration shall be 2 connected pipes, with a
test pressure between 5 bar and 10 bar. Compressed air or nitrogen may be used as
the test medium. The test duration shall be a minimum of 15 min. The acceptance
criterion is that no gas shall leak from the joint or pipe wall. Any escaping gas can be
detected with the aid of soapy water or similar foaming mixture.
If the test is unsuccessful, the Principal and the Manufacturer shall discuss and agree
the future course of the qualification testing and pipe manufacture.
After a successful test, microstructures taken from the wall of the female end of the
pipe or connector shall be prepared and inspected using optical microscopy. A
minimum of 4 locations is required. The total number and actual location of samples
shall be agreed between the Principal and the Manufacturer. For an acceptable
microstructure, the following requirements shall be met:
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The overall void content shall be lower than 5 %;
The local void content near the internal pipe wall shall be lower than 5 %;
The maximum length of void or void cluster shall not exceed 2 mm.
4.11 Qualification records
The following qualification records shall be maintained by the manufacturer to
substantiate that the qualified components confirms to the requirement of this
specification. All the qualification records shall be endorsed by the manufacturer’s
quality control engineer and the third party inspection engineer. The records shall be
legible, identifiable, and retrievable and protected from damage, deterioration or loss.
The retention period of qualification records shall be maintained for the life time of the
manufacturing plant. Qualification Summary shall be as per the format in Annex J of
a. Manufacturing plant including location.
b. Product series and the test sample number.
Raw material technical data sheets, manufacturer certificates shall be part of
qualification records.
d. Resin hardener mixing ratio.
e. Component fabrication method and date of manufacture (recipe – indicating the
number of layers, reinforcement type, number and sequence of layers, number of
passes per layer and average thickness per layer, method of fabrication such as
filament winding or hand lamination etc.,) the fabrication process shall be
witnessed and the records shall be signed off by the third party representative
who involved in the certification of qualified product. The recipe shall be attached
as an enclosure to the qualification report.
Curing (monitoring of time and temperature)
g. Identification of the winding operator name and staff number.
h. Glass transition temperature (reinforcement and adhesive used in joint)
% of glass content.
Barcol Hardness test records.
Thread making process records.
Jointing records (In the form of check list covering all the control parameters in
accordance with the jointing procedure).
m. Visual & dimensional inspection records for pipes, fittings, joints and threads
(diameter, min reinforcement thickness, liner thickness, total average wall
thickness, spigot and socket taper angle, thread dimensions, length of spool
preferably with as built test spool drawing).
n. Records of ancillaries such as gasket or sealing ring, studs and nuts material
details, torque wrench, pressure, temperature and time recorders calibration
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The pipe Manufacturer shall have a suitable and accredited quality system in
accordance with ISO 9001.
The pipe Manufacturer shall identify fabrication processes and activities that affect
component performance and shall ensure that these processes and activities are
adequately controlled in accordance with ISO 9001. Critical processes or activities for
which procedures shall be developed and maintained include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Review of customer requirements and clarify the variances if any before
sending the quotation or the acceptance of the order (Contract review).
Raw material (including ancillaries) acceptance;
Raw material (including ancillaries) storage;
Component qualification.
Resin mixing;
Control of temperature and relative humidity;
Component fabrication;
Restart after production stops;
Curing (including time and temperature monitoring);
Component identification;
Testing procedures (Tg, glass content, water absorption, raw material
properties determination, All type tests to validate the process or design,
and all destructive and nondestructive tests).
Procedure for criteria, selection and training of pipes and fittings winding
operator certification, laminators, jointers, QC inspectors, lab technicians,
Field service Engineers and design engineers.
Dealing with the non-conforming products, corrective and preventive
Marking, packing, handling and transportation;
Component design;
Pipeline and/or piping design;
Document & Drawing control register control;
Field support.
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In addition, a quality plan and flow diagram shall be produced, drawn in the
context of a factory plan, showing all the proposed tests and inspections
during component fabrication.
Manufacturer shall produce the specific contract quality plan and inspection and test
plan. Manufacturer and EPC contractor shall agree before the documents submitted
to PDO review after the EPC contractor’s review. These documents shall be
approved by the company quality assurance TA2 authority for non-metallic materials
before start of production. Deviations to this specification shall be approved by CFDH
materials and corrosion. A copy of the approved deviations shall be attached to the
Contract quality plan shall be prepared in accordance with ISO9001 and SP1171.
CQP shall address the following as minimum
a. Scope of work
b. Process flow chart for the activities showing interfaces between the departments
Project Organization & Corporate organogram
d. Responsibilities of key personnel
e. Sub vendors if any and, controls on sub vendors. Pipes and fittings
manufacturing shall not be sub contracted without the approval of CFDH
materials and corrosion. The details of sub vendors, if any shall be identified
during the technical bid evaluation.
List of procedures, applicable standards and codes.
g. Brief description of process controls (Contract review, design control, purchase
control, manufacturing controls, Inspection and testing, control of measuring and
monitoring equipments, Internal Audits, Control of non-conforming products,
corrective and preventive actions, communication focal point etc., ).
Inspection and test plan (ITP) shall be prepared separately for pipes and fittings
addressing all the inspection and tests required to be carried out in sequence as per
the specification and applicable standards. The acceptance criteria or reference to it,
testing frequency and responsibilities to perform, witness, review shall be addressed.
The inspector representing the company shall have unrestricted access at all time
while work on the contract is being performed to all parts of the manufacturing/ testing
facility and ancillary units if any.
All records, documents and procedures shall be made available for inspection upon
request by the Principal.
It shall be the responsibility of the Manufacturer to maintain copies of the relevant
records, documents and procedures for a minimum of five years from the date of
commissioning acceptance.
Quality control equipment
All inspection, measuring, and testing equipment shall be maintained and calibrated,
as described in ISO 9001, with following additional requirements:
Test pressure measuring devices shall be either pressure gauges or
pressure transducers with a full-scale range of no more than two times the
test pressure and shall be accurate to at least ± 0.5 % of full-scale range;
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A dead weight testing device shall be available at the Manufacturer’s facility
to calibrate gauges;
All pressure measuring devices shall be calibrated to certified standard
every two months.
All pressure, temperature, environment conditions measuring equipments
and time & automatic recorders shall be calibrated to certified standard
every six months.
Any go or no go type gauges used for dimensional inspection of tapers,
threads etc., shall be calibrated based on the usage frequency or once in
three months.
Any ultrasonic thickness measuring instruments used to measure the
thickness shall be calibrated using GRP standard thickness sample
prepared from the representative component to ensure the accuracy of
measure thickness.
Quality control tests
5.3.1 Hydrostatic mill test
After full curing, 100% of the produced pipe, fittings and spool pieces shall be
hydrostatically tested by the Manufacturer to 1.5 times the specified design pressure
for the piping or pipeline system.
Hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of two minutes in order
to ascertain there is no leakage. Where practicable, test components shall have
unrestrained ends. Test temperature shall be at ambient conditions.
Manufacturer shall use automatic pressure & time recording system in the hydro test
bench. Where there is no such arrangement, minimum 20% of the pipes and 100%
fittings & spools hydro test shall be witnessed by third party or company inspection
Any fittings or spool pieces which are not practicable to conduct hydro test (example
– flange, saddle, coupler, nipple etc.,) shall be summarized and list shall be submitted
in the inspection and test plan for company TA2 approval.
Additional quality control tests for gas and sour applications
After full curing and before hydro testing, pipes and fittings shall be air-tested. The air
test pressure and duration is described in (4.10). Approximately 10 % of produced
pipes and fittings should be air-tested. An air test schedule and frequency shall be
agreed between the Principal and the Manufacturer.
100 % of the first production lot should be air-tested. If all pipes and fittings pass this
air test, the test frequency for the second lot may be reduced to 50 %, for the third lot
to 10 % and for subsequent lots 5 %. If any pipe or fitting fails the air test, all other
pipes or fittings produced in the same lot and all pipes or fittings in the subsequent lot
should be 100 % air-tested. If there are no further failures, the testing frequency may
be reduced to 50 % and so on for subsequent lots. If further failures do occur, the
Principal and the Manufacturer shall discuss the future course of testing and pipe and
fitting production, including the requirement for additional testing of earlier lots of pipe
and fitting not subjected to 100 % testing.
Furthermore, if failures have occurred, microstructures should be taken from the cutoffs of produced pipes or fittings in order to assist the discussion between the
Principal and Manufacturer. The number of microstructures should be agreed
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between the Principal and the Manufacturer, but microstructures should be made
from at least 5 % of cut-offs from the first production lot, reducing to 1 % for
subsequent lots assuming no pipes or fittings fail the air test. The microstructures
made from the produced pipes and fittings should be compared with the reference
microstructures as a further control on the quality of the produced pipes and fittings.
For microstructure acceptance criteria, see (4.6.5).
5.3.3 Degree of cure
The degree of cure shall be determined by the same procedure (4.9.1) used to
determine the degree of cure for the qualified component, at a frequency of
a. One per lot, for continuous production, when the curing is done conveyor type of
curing ovens used.
b. One per charge irrespective of size, type or pressure rating when the fixed type of
oven without conveyor is use for curing. It is recommended to take Tg samples on
the higher thick component in the charge.
In both the cases three samples shall be taken from three locations situated 120 °
apart in the same cross-section and same location, as for the qualified component.
If the Tg is less than the minimum value (minus 5 °C tolerance) measured for the
qualified component, then the production lot shall be rejected, subject to the retest
(5.5). However, the Tg of the on-going produced components shall always be  30 ºC
above the design temperature.
Barcol hardness shall be checked on minimum 100% of the Polyester and vinyl ester
resin components. Average barcol hardness shall not be less than the 95% base line
value established by the manufacturer for each type of resin system. The base line
value shall be taken from the sample used in the PSR qualification.
In case of polyester and Vinyl ester resin system, the styrene content shall be
measured in accordance with ISO4901. The styrene content shall be less than or
equal to 2% (mass fraction) of the resin content.
5.3.4 Glass content
The glass content (% mass fraction) shall be determined by the same procedure
(4.9.2) used to determine the glass content for the qualified component, at a
frequency of one per lot of pipes. Three samples shall be taken from three locations
situated 120 ° apart in the same cross-section, and same location, as for the qualified
One percent of sample for each type of fittings (Elbow, Tee, Reducer, Coupler,
Saddle, and flange) shall be tested for glass content.
The glass content measured on the pipes and fittings shall be within +/- 5% than the
qualified component. However maximum glass content of any component shall not be
more than 82%.
If the measured glass content doesn’t meet the required range, then the production
lot shall be rejected subject to retest (5.5)
5.3.5 STHP test
STHP test shall be conducted at a frequency of one percent of for each size, type and
pressure class of pipe plus joint and fittings. The minimum STHP value shall not be
less than 85% of the qualified value or 3.5 times the design pressure whichever is
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For the pipes and fittings design pressure more than 70bar, the value of STHP shall
be mutually agreed by the vendor and principal.
5.3.6 Mechanical tests
Axial tensile strength – axial tensile testing shall be carried out on minimum one
sample pipe per order as per ASTM D2105 (for diameter less or equal to 150mm) and
ASTM D 638 for the diameter more than 150mm.
Hoop tensile strength – Hoop tensile test shall be carried out on minimum one
sample pipes per order as per ASTM D2290 or ASTM D1599.
The size and pressure class of the pipe selected for the test shall be specified in the
inspection and test plan to be agreed by the principal. Axial and hoop stress values
shall not be less than the manufacturer published values used for the system design.
5.3.7 Dimensions
Key dimensions shall be compared with the baseline values (4.9), in accordance with
ASTM D 3567, at a frequency of one per lot. Tolerances on approved design wall
thickness shall be as specified in Table 8. Any out of tolerance components shall be
Threads shall be gauged in accordance with API SPEC 5B or to a manufacturerproduced procedure agreed with the Principal, at a minimum frequency of 10% of
pipes and fittings for machined threads and 1% for moulded threads. For moulded
threads, the first article from new mould and every shift start of production shall be
checked. For machine threads, the components produced at the beginning and end
of the shift shall be included in the 10% samples.
The following dimensions shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D3567 on
1% of the continuous production.
a. Reinforced and liner wall thickness using optical scale comparator with minimum
7 to 10X magnification.
b. Average Internal diameter.
Average Outside diameter.
d. Observed Minimum, maximum and average total wall thickness (tmin , tmax, tave)
e. Mass
Laying length - Acceptance criteria for fittings shall be as per ISO14692-2 table
g. Winding angle for the pipes to be measured and recorded at minimum three
Table 8 Wall thickness tolerances
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Total wall thickness
+22.5 % *
Reinforced wall thickness
+22.5 % *
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The plus-tolerance on total and reinforced wall thickness for fittings shall refer to the spot having the
minimum wall thickness.
The minimum reinforced wall thickness on components shall not be less than the one used in the
qualification test.
In fittings, the surface irregularities shall not be more than + 22.5% of the average wall thickness
measured along single axis of the fittings.
Total wall thickness & laying length shall be measured and recorded on 100% of
pipes & fittings. Total wall thickness of the fittings shall be determined by using the
calliper, whereas for the pipes either calliper or the pi-tape can be used. For the pipes
more than 350mm the surface roughness correction factor of 0.3mm shall be
deducted from the measured OD of the pipe to calculate the total wall thickness. For
pipe, the measurements shall be made at three locations one in the middle of the
pipe, the other two at approximately1meter distance from both the spigot and socket
neck area.
The following dimensions shall be checked and recorded.
Pipes and fittings socket (minimum 1% for each mould used): Taper length,
socket ID at neck and edge of the socket, taper angle shall be measured and
Mould control reports shall be available for all the socket moulds used in the
production line. Traceability shall me maintained and recorded in the inspection
Pipes and fittings Spigot dimensions (100% of the spigots): Taper length, OD at
the nose, OD at the standard insertion length and taper angle shall be measured and
Standard and calibrated jig can be used for checking the spigots and sockets. The
method of controlling the standard jig shall be defined in the manufacturer quality
Flange dimensions (10%): Flange dimensions such as thickness, drill hole
dimensions, Pitch circle diameters and the sealing ring dimensions shall be checked
and recorded. The dimensions shall be within the specified tolerances.
Visual inspection
All pipes and fittings (100% of the items) shall be subjected to visual inspection for
compliance with acceptance criteria specified herein.
Visual inspection of all pipe and fittings, including corrective actions (correction), shall
be in accordance with ISO 14692-4, Annex A: 2002. The additional requirements
specified in the table below shall also be applied for the visual inspection and
acceptance criteria for the GRP pipes and fittings manufactured in accordance with
the specification.
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Table: 9 Visual imperfections acceptance criteria
Defect type
Acceptance criteria
Pit (pin hole)
Small crater in the
surface of the laminate,
with its width (diameter)
similar to or smaller than
the depth
None permitted in the liner. At other
locations ISO14692-4 table A1
acceptance criteria shall be applied
except the depth of crater shall be
less than 10% of the wall thickness or
equal to 0.8mm whichever is less.
Air entrapment within
and between the plies of
spherical in shape
Maximum width 0.8mm and depth
less than 10% wall thickness or equal
to width whichever is less.
the surface
Presence of numerous
visible pits (pin holes) or
air bubbles
None permitted in the liner. Other
areas it shall be maximum 25 pits in
porous area of 10in2.
Small, sharp, or conical
elevation on the surface
of a laminate
Any pimples greater than 3mm dia
shall be removed by carrying out
minor repair.
Resin Pocket
accumulation of excess
resin in a small localized
area within the laminate
Maximum size 3mm or 10% of wall
thickness whichever is lower.
In sufficient reinforcing
materials at the edge of
moulded laminate
Maximum 0.4mm from the edge.
None permitted in the liner
Any imperfections detected shall be classified as allowable, repairable and rejection
imperfections and actions shall be taken accordingly.
Acceptance criteria and remedial action
The acceptance criteria for the imperfections noticed shall be as defined in the
specification. The recommended corrective actions as per ISO14692-2 table 12
should be followed.
The principal shall be notified for all major repairs. After the repairs, a hydrostatic mill
test in accordance with (5.3.1) shall be performed on the repaired component.
Any repairs other than the removal of imperfections by grinding within the top resin
layer shall be classified as major repair. All minor repairs if any detected during visual
inspection shall be done before the final mill hydro static test.
Optional QC Tests
Conductivity: If specifically requested by the principal for the conductive pipes, the
conductivity tests shall be performed as per ISO14692-2:2002 clause 8.3.10.
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Stiffness test: Stiffness measurement test shall be performed in accordance with
ASTM D2412 on 1% of the pipes if specified in the purchase order or purchase
If any specimen fails the quality control tests (5.0) the lot shall be rejected. The
Manufacturer may elect to make retests, to be agreed by the Principal, on two
additional replicate samples selected at random from the same production lot.
If all the retest samples conform to the requirements then the remainder of the
production lot should be accepted. If any retest specimen fails to conform then the
production lot shall be rejected.
Quality control records
The quality control records are required to substantiate that all components
manufactured to this specification conform to the specified requirements.
5.8.2 Records control
Quality control records required by this specification shall be:
Legible, identifiable, retrievable and protected from damage, deterioration or
Retained by the Manufacturer for a minimum of ten years following the date
of commissioning acceptance;
Signed and dated.
5.8.3 Records to be maintained by Manufacturer
The Manufacturer shall maintain the following records for a minimum of 10 years.
Qualification records shall be retained by the manufacturer forever.
Quality control inspection & test results ;
Any records related to Manufacturer’s process documentation.
5.8.4 Production quality control reports & product certification
The Manufacturer shall prepare a set of quality control reports for the supplied
components. These reports shall demonstrate that the delivered components have
been manufactured in accordance with the requirements listed herein.
The quality control report shall:
Identify the components (including type, nominal diameter and pressure
rating), their date of manufacture, production lot(s) and the manufacturing
procedure used for their production;
Report the quality control tests of (5.3).
All the products shall be despatched or delivered to the principal locations with ISO
3.2 certification in accordance with EN10204:2004.
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Pipe and fittings manufactured in accordance with this specification shall be marked
by the Manufacturer as specified in (6.2). Additional project related markings as
desired by the Manufacturer or as requested by the Principal should be included.
Markings shall be applied on the pipes, fittings and spools. Method of marking should
be agreed between the Principal and Manufacturer. Markings shall be permanent,
shall not overlap, and shall be applied in such a manner as not to damage the pipe or
fittings. Markings shall be applied on the pipes within one metre from the female end.
Pipes diameter more than 20” shall be marked at three locations at the orientation of
approximately 120deg to each other. For fittings, marking shall be applied minimum
one place. All the markings applied shall be clear and readable.
All pipes and fittings shall be permanently marked with:
Manufacturer’s name;
Nominal diameter;
Design pressure (static or cyclic, as appropriate);
Qualified pressure (Pq).
Design temperature
Date of manufacture;
Product ID / series;
Manufacturer’s identification code (Unique identification number for each
pipes and fittings).
Limitations or reference to installation requirements such as permissible bolt
torques, electrical conductivity, Fire performance classification, potable
water application etc.,
7.0 Handling, storage and transportation:
The handling, storage and transportation of GRP piping and pipeline materials shall
be in accordance with annex ISO14692-4:2002 annexure B.
All pipes and fittings shall be supplied with rubber or plastic end caps which can
withstand minimum two years desert storage conditions without affecting the bonding
or jointing surfaces. Polyethylene sacks shall not be used as end caps as they tend to
get damage within one or two months in desert storage conditions.
8.0 Final manufacturing
Record Book)
Manufacturer shall submit the following documentation and records after completing
the delivery of all the products as per the purchase order in folder with a title as
Manufacturer Record Book either in hard copy or electronic copy.
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a. Purchase order and amendments there after with related correspondence with
the principal or client.
b. Qualification documents and records in accordance with ISO14692-2:2002
section 11.3.2 ‘a’ to ‘j’ including those specified in this specification under clause
4.0 of this specification.
Production quality control documentation and records which includes but not
limited the following
Copy of the approved Inspection and test plan
Raw material certificates. (From raw material suppliers and internal test
results as per the ITP)
Production quality control records for each inspection and testing carried
out at all stages as per the approved inspection and test plan.
Production lot test records
Visual and dimensional inspection records.
Lab test records (Tg, % glass, tensile testing records etc., as applicable
in accordance with the approved ITP).
Spool visual and dimensional records can be in the form of as built
dimensions certified by the QC inspectors and Third party inspector or
company representative as applicable.
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Appendix A
Reference standards
ISO Standards
GRP piping – vocabulary, symbols and application of
ISO 14692-1
GRP piping – Qualification and Manufacture
ISO 14692-2
GRP piping – System Design
ISO 14692-3
GRP piping – Fabrication, Installation and operation.
ISO 14692-4
Plastics - determination of temperature of deflection under load – Part 1:
general test method
ISO 75-1
Quality management systems - requirements
ISO 9001
Plastics – differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) – Part 2: determination
of glass transition temperature
ISO 11357-2
Plastics – thermomechanical analysis (TMA) – Part 2: determination of
coefficient of linear thermal expansion and glass transition temperature
ISO 11359-2
ASTM Standards
Obtaining Hydrostatic design basis for fibreglass pipes and fittings
ASTM D 2992
Resistance to short term hydraulic pressure of plastic pipe tubing and
ASTM D 1599
Determination of longitudinal tensile properties of fibreglass pipes &
ASTM D 2105
Standard specification for machine made Fiberglass flanges
ASTM D 4024
Standard practice for classifying visual defects in glass reinforced plastic
laminate parts
ASTM D 2563
Standard specification for contact molded fibreglass flanges
ASTM D 5421
Standard practice for determining dimensions of fibreglass pipes and
ASTM D 3567
Standard practice for determining chemical resistance of thermosetting
resins used in glass-fibre reinforced structures intended for liquid service
ASTM C 581
Standard test method for ignition loss of cured reinforced resins
ASTM D 2584
Pipe flanges and flanged fittings NPS ½ through NPS 24 metric/inch
ASME B16.5
Fiberglass pressure pipe
Fibergalss pipe design manual
AWWA manual M45
Specifications and recommended practices for the use of GRP piping
UKOOA April 1994
Specification for High pressure Fibergalss line pipe
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Specification for Low pressure Fibergalss line pipe & Fittings
Definition of temperature, pressure and toxicity levels
Non-metallic materials – selection and application
Piping – general requirements
Selection of materials for life cycle performance (EP)
Quantification of the voids size and through wall distribution of the void
content of glass-fibre reinforced plastic pipes by microstructural
examination and digital image analysis
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User Comment Form
If you find something that is incorrect, ambiguous or could be better in this document, write your
comments and suggestions on this form. Send the form to the Document Control Section (DCS).
They make a record of your comment and send the form to the correct CFDH. The form has spaces
for your personal details. This lets DCS or the CFDH ask you about your comments and tell you
about the decision.
Procedure Details
Issue Date:
Page Number:
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User’s personal details
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CFDH Actions
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