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CIS-3207: Intro to Systems Programming & OS

Sections 001, 002, 004
Introduction to Systems Programming and
Operating Systems
Professor Gene Kwatny
Fall 2023
Welcome to 3207: Introduction to Systems Programming & Operating Systems
Login to Canvas for start of class
Attendance via Qwickley
Course FAQ
Introduction to the Course
Review of Syllabus & materials in the Canvas site
Course Participation
Come to class with questions [even when not assigned]
Introductory Lab (8/30):
Starting with git & Github; program development
3207 FAQ
3207 has a reputation as a difficult course
• This course does have a lot of work: there are lots of new
concepts; there is significant programming
• CIS courses with new and deeper concepts require at least
3 hours per credit per week of work
• Understanding just the surface is not enough
Some people may think there is a disconnect
between the lectures and lab projects
• Not True; the course is about OS and systems
• In lecture we discuss concepts, features, mechanisms and
policies of OS and systems programming
• In lab we demonstrate using systems programming to
exploit the features and concepts
How do you study for this course?
• Review the class slides and the content in the modules the
evening after each class.
• Before the class (previous evening or in morning) spend ½
hour reviewing the last lecture & what you have been reading
• Don't just read the material - create an outline from the slides
& readings of the key points and write your own notes on
those points.
• Pose questions for yourself. Those that you cannot answer,
bring to class, or ask in the discussion board, discord or email
to me. Come to Office Hours
• Discuss concepts with classmates
• Be active, not passive about learning the material
The labs are your principal out of class active
• You must spend time in the first 2 weeks refreshing your
programming and knowledge of C/C++
• If you did not program last semester or in the last year, you
need to put in even more time
• The first projects are to help get you thinking and
• Don’t Procrastinate. Get started immediately on a project and
work on it at least every other day.
• Ask for Help
• Class Discord: https://discord.gg/BZEZhPFaB6
Success in the course means understanding
the concepts and being able to use them
• To be successful, you must be an active participant
• Stay up to date
• Ask questions
Course Description and Goal
CIS 3207 is a course about Systems Programming and about Operating Systems.
These are two very related topics:
One, operating systems, is concerned with a very large, mostly invisible, program
that transforms or manages the devices and resources that comprise the computer
The other topic, systems programming, is concerned with writing programs that
interact with and make direct use of the operating system services.
Course Description and Goal
Course Goals
• introduce the basic concepts, features and components of operating systems;
• focus on understanding, applying and implementing operating systems
• introduce the most important computer architectural issues impacting
operating system design and implementation.
• The laboratory portion of the course is based on experiments and assignments
implementing and applying operating system mechanisms and components.
• The course will be an opportunity to strengthen your software development
abilities and your use of the C/C++ languages in problem solution
• introduce you to the use of operating system libraries and system calls.
CIS 3207 -- logistics
Instructor: Dr. Gene Kwatny
Office: SERC 324,
Phone: (215)-204-
Email: gkwatny@temple.edu
Lectures: T/Th (12:30 am – 1:50 pm)
Place: Beury 160
Office hours: M (11 - 12 ), Th (2:30 – 3:30)
Section 001 TA: Parth Patel
Section 002 TA: Neil Conley
Section: 004 TA: Sydney Kimbell
‘Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces’;
‘Computer Systems: A programmer’s
Course Objective: at the end of the
course, you should
1. have a good overview of the various
components of an operating system and
their functionality.
2. Understand the role of abstraction and
virtualization of the CPU, memory and
persistent storage
3. Understand concurrency,
synchronization, virtual memory, CPU
scheduling, persistent storage
4. Have knowledge of system APIs and
experience in using them
CIS 3207 Introduction Systems Programming & Operating Systems
The What, The Why and The How of OS
The What: This course will introduce the basic components that make
up modern operating systems, the special computer architectural
features required to make these components work and work
efficiently, and the programming interface to control the operating
system components.
What is an Operating System ?
Not Easily Defined
Large Sophisticated Program
Creates an effectively different computer
Operating System
• [Simple] Software that converts hardware into something more useful for
applications, or
• the OS is the body of software in charge of making sure the system operates
correctly and efficiently in an easy-to-use manner, or
• the OS is the software that runs on the bare hardware of a computer and provides
essential support for users to develop and use applications in the most efficient
and safe manner
The What, The Why and The How of Studying OS
The Why: Most computer programs are developed to execute on a
computer system that consists of the computer hardware and a
program to control the hardware (the OS).
Understanding the features, capabilities and limitations of the
computer system is important to the efficient execution to the
Through the systems programming interface (the API), we can better
control and understand the OS and thus the computer system.
The How: See course Syllabus & Logistics
The System Call Mechanism
1. A key part of understanding
how the OS transforms a
‘computer’ into a new
computer system.
2. A class of system calls are
“supervisor calls”
implemented in the OS
3. The OS kernel, or core, is the
privileged owner of all
system resources and
Some Introductory Perspective
• The relationship between programs, the CPU and other devices is
critical to our effective use of a computer system
• Program – static instructions that we develop to control the CPU
• CPU: Fetch, Decode, Execute
• Program executes by moving through instructions and memory
driven by results of execution
• Computer system has devices other than the CPU: Memory, Disks,
other I/O, network, etc.
Hardware Organization of a Computer System
CPU chip
system bus
memory bus
Expansion slots
I/O bus
mouse keyboard
Do I always need an OS?
What if I want to run more than 1 program at a time?
What if I want to run 1 program but my computer has 2 CPUs?
How do I have 2 programs safely share memory?
What if my program is too large for the memory in my computer?
OSs use Abstraction to create hierarchies of objects where
multiple operations at one level are combined into a single
operation at a higher level, thus hiding the details of the
implementation and making the operation easier to use.
Abstraction unifies and simplifies by combining multiple simpler
objects into more complex ones.
We See This With System Calls;
or, a program that has more than
1 executable unit.
OSs rely on Virtualization to create CPUs, memory, I/O
devices, and other system components that facilitate the work
of programmers and users.
Virtualization creates illusions of objects with more favorable
The OS takes a physical resource (such as the processor, or memory,
or a disk) and transforms it into a more general, powerful, and easyto-use virtual form of itself.
Each executing program “thinks” it has a complete private CPU
Each program “thinks” it has all of the primary memory.
An OS is an extended machine:
• virtual entities that liberate the programmer and the user
• Programmers do not need to understand details of control
of memory, disk, I/O management, and other internal
• efficient high-level features beyond what the hardware
The OS as a Resource Manager
A main task of an OS - optimize the use of all computational resources:
• ensure good overall
• meet application
• guarantee acceptable
• meet deadlines of timeresponse times for interactive
critical tasks
• allow safe communication
among different tasks
Program Behavior Guides OS Design
• A program alternates between phases of input, computation, and
• Leaves the CPU underutilized during the I/O phases; I/O devices
are idle during the compute phase.
• Parallelization can improve overall performance of all applications
• OS strives to keep the CPU, main memory, and all storage and I/O
devices busy at all times by overlapping independent operations
whenever possible.
• Technique that keeps several programs active in memory and switches
execution among the different programs to maximize the use of the CPU
and other resources.
Parallelizing Operations
• An extension of multiprogramming where the CPU is switched periodically
among all active computations to guarantee acceptable response times to
each user. Time-sharing employs the concept of virtualization by creating the
illusion of having a separate virtual CPU for each computation.