SOCIOLINGUISTICS 2 L I N G 2 0 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 3 D R . C R O U C H We change registers or speech styles depending on the social setting “standard” is often used in formal settings, like interviews STYLESHIFTING Vernaculars are often used in more informal settings, like grabbing a bite with friends Someone may style-shift within the same interaction. Why? Relational roles: friend, mentor, bad influence RO L E S AND PERSONA S Interactional roles: narrator, answerer, ‘straight man’ Personae: social ‘types’ COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE • Any group of people who jointly engage in meaningful activity • Families • Friend groups • Coworkers • Professional organizations • Communities of practice often have their own style “ S TA N D A R D ” LANGUAGE • “The standard is an artificial language variety that has been deliberately engineered to function as the prestige variety and typically also as a wider means of written and spoken communications across social groups that speak different dialects” “ S TA N D A R D ” LANGUAGE • Standardization is ‘top-down’ • Standards are often enforced/propagated through the education system (among other means) S TA N D A R D LANGUAGE AND TEACHER I D E O LO G I E S (METZ & KNIGHT 2021) Based on interviews with 27 English teachers Key questions • What do high school English teachers believe about language, and what are the components of their language ideologies? • How do teachers reconcile conflicting beliefs about language? L A N G UAG E I D E O LO G I E S Beliefs about language and how it operates in society (incl. moral and political meanings attached to language) LAN G UAG E I D E O LO G I E S Beliefs about language and how it operates in society (incl. moral and political meanings attached to language) • Positionality: how language ideologies arise from specific social+ positions of those who hold them • Multiplicity: how people hold multiple, sometimes conflicting ideologies • Awareness: how conscious people are of the ideologies they and others hold S TA N D A R D L A N G U A G E A N D T E A C H E R I D E O LO G I E S ( M E T Z & K N I G H T 2 0 2 1 ) Language as it is presented in schools is not in line with how linguists approach language Fixed set of grammatical forms and rules vs. dynamic, changing, social/cultural S TA N D A R D LAN G UAG E AN D T E AC H E R I D E O LO G I E S (METZ & KNIGHT 2021) Understanding the (sometimes contradictory) language ideologies teachers hold and how they deal with those contradictions is foundational for integrating contemporary understandings of language with language pedagogy S TA N D A R D L A N G U A G E A N D T E AC H E R I D E O LO G I E S ( M E T Z & KNIGHT 2021) We know that there’s a relationship between teachers’ beliefs and teachers’ practices, and that it’s a two-way street • Beliefs can influence practice • Experience with certain practices can shape beliefs S TA N D A R D LANGUAGE AND TEACHER I D E O LO G I E S (METZ & KNIGHT 2021) We know from previous studies that teachers hold multiple & contradictory ideologies about language One study found that teachers “struggled with how to uphold the validity of all language use in a schooling structure designed to promote the dominance of Standardized English.” Studies like the ones we’re discussing here use ethnographic methods Ethnography people in their own environment (as opposed to, e.g. the lab), human societies and cultures (from both outside and inside views) ETHNOGRAPHIC METHODS how people interpret their own behavior ETHNOGRAPHIC METHODS Primarily qualitative: interviews, participant observation, openended surveys Concern with reflexivity Often very in-depth, long-term research S TA N D A R D LANGUAGE AND TEACHER I D E O LO G I E S (METZ & KNIGHT 2021) • Found that English teachers believe that • (i) they are less judgmental about language than the rest of society • (ii) society discriminates against people who do not use Standardized English • (iii) students need Standardized English to be successful in school and work • (iv) a teacher’s job is to prepare students to conform to the expectations of society.