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Amoeba Sisters Diffusion KEY

Amoeba Sisters Answer Key
Amoeba Sisters Video Recap: Diffusion ANSWER KEY
1. In diffusion, the net movement of a substance travels
down its concentration gradient. Explain using the
image below.
2. When diffusion has reached equilibrium, we say that
the net movement of the molecules is zero. Does this
mean these molecules below would stop moving? Explain
using the image below.
By moving down its concentration gradient, the
particles have a net movement from the area of high
concentration (represented on left of image) to a low
concentration (represented on right of image). Since it
is the net movement, this is the overall movement.
No, the particles would continue to move. However, the
net movement (which is the overall movement) would
be zero. This means that the particles shown below
would be moving and can cross over to the other side,
but the overall (net) movement is zero. There is no
longer a concentration gradient to travel down as
equilibrium has been reached.
3. Simple diffusion can occur through a cell membrane!
According to the video, what are some cell membrane
characteristics that can affect the diffusion rate?
The surface area and thickness of the cell membrane
are two characteristics mentioned in the video. (A
larger surface area and thinner cell membrane can
allow for a faster diffusion rate than a smaller surface
area and thicker cell membrane).
6. Sometimes, a substance can only travel across a cell
membrane via facilitated diffusion. What is facilitated
4. Does simple diffusion require an input of energy?
7. Does facilitated diffusion require an input of energy?
5. Is simple diffusion passive or active transport?
8. Is facilitated diffusion passive or active transport?
Facilitated diffusion is a type of diffusion where a
substance travels through a protein in order to travel
across the cell membrane.
Amoeba Sisters Answer Key
Amoeba Sisters Video Recap: Diffusion ANSWER KEY
Diffusion is a critical process required for oxygen to leave the
alveoli of the lungs to enter the blood and for carbon dioxide (a
waste gas) to leave the blood and enter the alveoli.
9. Knowing what you know about how a substance travels in
diffusion, in order for oxygen to leave the alveoli and enter the
blood, there would be a [ HIGHER or LOWER ] concentration of
oxygen in the alveoli compared to the blood.
10. Knowing what you know about how a substance travels in
diffusion, in order for carbon dioxide to leave the blood and enter the
alveoli, there would be a [ HIGHER or LOWER ] concentration of
carbon dioxide in the alveoli compared to the blood.
11. Explain your reasoning for questions #9 and #10.
The gases travel by diffusion, and therefore they have a net movement from a high concentration to a low
concentration. Therefore, the gases in this scenario will have a net movement to the area of lower concentration.
In #9, the oxygen must leave the alveoli and enter the blood. The oxygen concentration is therefore higher in the
alveoli (which is circled “higher”) and lower in the blood. In #10, the carbon dioxide must leave the blood and
enter the alveoli. The carbon dioxide concentration is therefore higher in the blood and lower in the alveoli (which
is circled “lower”).
There are many factors that can affect the rate of diffusion! The following are only a few examples from the video that
can affect the rate of diffusion. Briefly explain how each factor listed below could affect the rate of diffusion.
The video mentions that
the greater the distance
that needs to be traveled,
the slower the diffusion
Characteristics of
Increasing Difference of
The video mentions that a
higher temperature would
mean there is more
movement of the
molecules so the diffusion
rate is increased.
The video mentions that a
substance with a greater
mass will generally have a
lower diffusion rate than a
substance with a lower
mass. (The video
additionally mentions that
smaller, nonpolar
substances will more
easily travel across a cell
membrane if a cell
membrane is involved.)
The video mentions that
increasing the
concentration of a
substance in a given area
(as shown in image on left
side) can increase the rate
of diffusion.