Nicoleta C. DRUG NAME (GENERIC/TRA DE) DIGOXIN (LANOXIN) CLASSIFICATION INDICATIONS FOR USE Antiarrhythmics Inotropics HF AFib Paroxysmal Atrial tachycardia DIPHENHYDRA MINE (BENADRYL) Allergy, cold, cough remedy Antihistamine Antitussive Relief of allergic symptoms →Anaphylaxis, seasonal allergies, allergic dermatoses Parkinson’s dz, dystonic reactions from meds Mild nighttime sedation Prevent motion sickness Antitussive (syrup only) DEXAMETHASO NE (DECADRON) Long-acting corticosteroids inflammation severe allergies arthritis asthma MS Cerebral edema PERTINENT DIAGNOSTICS Monitor apical pulse (1min) before admin, ECG during IV admin for bradycardia and new arrhythmia, observe IV site for infiltration, monitor I&O, daily weights, assess for peripheral edema, LS for crackles. Lytes: K+, Mag, Calcium. Renal/hepatic fx. Why is med being used? Assess for confusion and sedation in elderly. BP Anaphylaxis →urticaria, airway patency Allergic rhinitis →nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea, sneezing Parkinsonism and extrapyramidal → movement d/o Insomnia → sleep patterns Motion sickness → N,V bowel sounds, abd pain Cough → frequency, LS, sputum Pruritus → itching, skin rash, inflammation Daily weights Check for sign and symptoms of infection. Watch K levels Watch for peripheral edema d/t fluid retention; I& O Q4 Blood sugar checks d/t increase in blood sugar Watch BP NURSING CONSIDERATIONS: MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS, TEACHING POINTS Therapeutic range: 0.5- 2ng/mL. Older adults at ↑risk for toxicity. S/S of toxicity abd pain, anorexia, N&V, visual disturbances, bradycardia, arrhythmias. S/E: include above and fatigue. DIGIBIND is AD. ↓K+ usually precipitates toxicity. Monitor K+ if on diuretic. Drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes, urinary retention, blurred vision Stand up slowly Increase fluids and fiber Hard candy Increase intraocular pressure. Hyperglycemia N/V Decrease wound healing. Hypertension Fluid retention Hypokalemia Cushing appearance – moon face, buffalo hump SUGGESTED RATE OF ADMINISTRATION IVP: May be admin diluted/undiluted Dilution: 1mL of dig in 4mL of sterile water (injection), D5W, or 0.9% NaCL. Use diluted solution immediately. Admin: over @ LEAST 5 min IVP: Max: 50mg Rate: @ no faster than 25mg/min 0.75-9mg daily divided doses q6-12hr Nicoleta C. FAMOTIDINE (PEPCID) Antiulcer agent FUROSEMIDE (LASIX) Diuretic HEPARIN Increase risk for infections Confusion, ARRHYTHMIAS, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, APLASTIC ANEMIA. Short term tx or maintenance of active duodenal ulcers and benign gastric ulcers. GERD, heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach. Prevent and tx stress induced upper GI bleeding in critically ill pts. Edema due to HF, hepatic impairment, or renal dz. Hypertension Assess for epigastric or abd pain, frank or occult blood in stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate. Assess elderly and debilitated patients for confusion. Monitor CBC w/Diff, BUN, creatinine, GFR, UO. BP IVP: dilute 0.9% NaCl for injection Concentration: not >4mg/mL Rate: rate of 10mg/min over @ least 10 mins. Rapid adm can cause hypotension. Assess fluid status (daily weight, I&O, edema, LS, turgor, MM) Monitor BP ans pulse before and during admin. Assess for fall risks, hear loss, allergy to sulfa drugs, skin rash. ***if patient is also on Dig assess for s/s of toxicity as Lasix depletes K+ ↑ risk*** Monitor lytes (K+), BUN, creatinine, GFR, AST, ALT. Ototoxic, ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME, SJ SYNDROME, TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS, dehydration, hypocalcemia, hypochloremia, hypomag, hyponatremia, hypovolemia, metabolic alkalosis, APLASTIC ANEMIA, AGRANULOCYTOSIS. IVP: undiluted Concentration: 10mg/mL Rate: @ rate of 20mg/min anticoagulant Afib DVT SCD D/C if platelets<10000 Watch for signs of bleeding Watch HBG/Hct and RBC;K 5000 units SC q8-12hr HYDROMORPH ONE (DILAUDID) Opioids used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Watch for RR; HR; BP Check for allergies Check POSS scale Check peak time Induced thrombocytopenia Hemorrhage Hyperkalemia Prolonged clotting time Respiratory depression N/V/HA Pruritus; flushing Constipation Seizures Bradycardia hypotension LORAZEPAM Analgesic adjunct PO: Anxiety D/O Assess anxiety (orientation, Dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, IVP: Dilute immediately before use w/ an 0.2-0.6 IV q2-3hr start 1-4 mg SC/IM/IV q3-6 hr Nicoleta C. (ATIVAN) Antianxiety agent Sedative/Hypnotic IM, IV: Status epilepticus. Preanesthetic to produce sedation, ↓ preop anxiety, and induce amnesia. mood, behavior) Assess seizures (location, duration, characteristics, and frequency) Monitor BUN, creatinine, GFR, AST, ALT, albumin, WBC) APNEA, CARDIAC ARREST. **depresses CNS** Romazicon is AD equal amount of sterile H2O for injection, D5W, 0.9% NaCl. ***do not use if solution is colored or contains precipitate*** Rate: not to exceed 2mg/min or 0.05mg/kg over 2-5 mins. NALOXONE (NARCAN) Opioid antagonist Rapid revere opioid overdose Check vital signs. Check mental status. Check for allergies. 0.4mg solution ONDANSETRO N (ZOFRAN) Antiemetic Watch for chest pain bc can cause MI ECG Monitor fluid and electrolytes. SJS METOCLOPRA MIDE (REGLAN) Antiemetics and gut stimulator Nausea Vomiting Blocks serotonin that causing vomiting Specific for chemo pts/postop surgery GERD N/V Agitation N/V/D Irritability and anxious Violence Heart attack HA Drowsiness Constipation Lightheadedness HA Tardive dyskinesia Dizziness, nervousness Sleep pbs Hypertension Rash welling of the face Trouble breathing CNS: confusion, sedation, dizziness, dysphoria, euphoria floating feeling, hallucinations, headache, unusual dreams EENT: blurred vision, diplopia, miosis Resp: RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION CV: hypotension, bradycardia Endo: adrenal insufficiency GI: constipation, nausea, vomiting Dose < 10mg given over 1-2 minutes Dopamine antagonist MORPHINE SULFATE Opioid used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Check BP/RR Check for allergies Assess bowel sounds Assess for extrapyramidal side effects PA symptoms ALT/AST Prolactin and aldosterone Check vitals -Check allergies Check POSS scale -Check peak time 4-16 mg base on pt’s weight 0.15mg/kg Given at over at least 30sec Dilute with at least 5 mL of sterile water or 0.9% NaCl for injection. Concentration: 0.5– 5 mg/mL. Rate: High Alert: Administer 2.5–15 mg over 5 min. Nicoleta C. GU: urinary retention Derm: flushing, itching, sweating Misc: physical dependence, psychological dependence, tolerance NSAID Non-opioid analgesic Short term pain management (not to exceed 5 days – all routes) Assess for asthma, aspirin allergy, rhinitis, and urticaria. Assess for rash (SJ syndrome) Monitor BP. Monitor for edema and FVE. Mental Status, May ↑AST, ALT, BUN, Serum Creatinine, K+. Can prolong bleeding time. PT, PTT Can prolong bleeding time. Should be used cautiously in patients with CV disease (↑risk of stroke, MI) ↑ risk of GI bleeding. Contraindicated in peptic ulcers, GI bleeding, advanced renal impairment. Drowsiness, Hypersensitivity reactions. IVP: Do not dilute. Concentration: 1530mg/mL. Rate: over at least 15 secs. PANTOPRAZOL E (PROTONIX) Antiulcer agent Erosive esophagitis assoc with GERD (maintenance of healing) Pathologic gastric hypersecretory conditions Duodenal ulcer r/t H. Pylori Assess for epigastric or abd pain and frank or occult blood in the stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate. Can ↑AST, ALT, alkaline phos, and bilirubin. May ↓Mag. Monitor prior and during therapy. Monitor bowel function. Diarrhea, abd pain, fever, blood stools →C.Diff C.DIFF. Pts on ↑dose for >1yr are at greater risk for spinal, wrist, and hip fx. Can cause Vit B deficiency in pts taking for >3yrs. Can be given w/wo food. Do not chew, break, or crush tablets. IVP: Do not dilute Concentration: 4mg/ml Rate: over @ LEAST 2 min METHYLPREDNI SOLONE (SOLUMEDROL) Intermediate acting corticosteroids inflammation severe allergies arthritis asthma MS Cerebral edema Used with immunosuppressants in prevent organ Daily weights Check for sign and symptoms of infection. Watch K levels Watch for peripheral edema d/t fluid retention; I& O Q4 Blood sugar checks d/t increase in blood sugar Watch BP weight gain menstrual period changes, bone/joint pain easy bruising/bleeding mental/mood changes muscle weakness/pain slow wound healing swelling of the ankles/feet/hands 0–250 mg q 4–6 hr KETOLORAC (TORADOL) Nicoleta C. rejection in transplants DEXTROSE 50% AMPULE Glucose-Elevating Agents Hypoglycemia Check blood sugar after each dose given DIAZEPAM (VALIUM) antianxiety agents, anticonvulsants, sedative/hypnotics, Anxiety Muscle relaxation Decrease seizures activity Monitor BP/HR/RR Assess IV bc may cause phlebitis and venous thrombosis. Increase risk for falls. skeletal muscle relaxants (centrally acting) HYDRALAZINE (APRESOLINE) vasodilator Hypertension CHF Assess VS- BP/HR NA, BUN, Cr METOPROLOL (TENORMIN) Antihypertensive Hypertension MI CHF Migraine HA Take apical pulse prior to administration. Assess VS- BP/HR I&O Daily W Hyperglycemia Blurred vision Changes in skin color Cough Fast and slow HR HA Sleep apnea Hypersensitivity Hepatic dysfunction -AST/ALT Dependence Hypotension Hypersensitivity Tachycardia fluid retention Diz/drow/HA/N/V/D Bronchospasm HF Arrythmias Dizi/ drossiness Dry mouth Hyperglycemia Bradycardia Fatigue/weakness Mask signs of hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia protocol for BS <70 adm 25 – 50 mL slowly, over at least 1 to 5 minutes 2–10 mg, may repeat in 3–4 hr as needed( for anxiety) 5–10 mg, may repeat q 10–15 min to a total of 30 mg) status epilepticus/acute seizures) Diluent: For IV administration do not dilute or mix with any other drug. If direct IV push is not feasible, administer IV push into tubing as close to insertion site as possible. Concentration: 5 mg/mL. Rate: Administer slowly at a rate of 5 mg/min in adults Dose may be titrated rapidly over 3 – 5 days, but may need to decrease if side effects occur. Hold if HR<50 Diluent:Administer undiluted. Concentration: 1 mg/mL. Rate: Administer over 1 min. Nicoleta C.