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Mentor-Trainee Professional Development Meeting Record

Mentor-Trainee Professional Development Meeting
Trainee teacher:
Section A: Trainee reflection on professional learning
Step 1. Trainee completes this section prior to the mentor meeting.
You may wish to use the structure of ‘what’ (action) ‘so what’ (impact) and ‘now what’ (next steps) to frame
these reflections.
a) Review progress against targets and where possible make links to evidence of pupils’ response and
b) If relevant reflect on any additional learning that is unrelated to your targets.
Step 2. Share and review evidence with mentor.
Q. Has sufficient progress been made for this to no longer
be a priority target? Y/N
Q. Where can the evidence be found?
Section B: Record of discussion
Step 3.
a) Select from ‘suggestions for consideration and discussion’ list provided below. The list can be highlighted to indicate what has been discussed.
b) Are there any other areas that need to be discussed?
c) Record key discussion points below.
Section C: Professional Action Plan
Step 4. Agree and record TARGETS
(maximum of 3 and usually weekly)
Step 5. Agree and record ACTIONS for targets
Well-being and managing workload:
 Have we considered strategies for managing any increase in teaching workload as relevant to the expectations for this stage of the training?
 Have we used the SBT Handbook guidance to plan this including any learning outcomes for the specific SBT?
 Have we considered and demonstrated consideration for each other’s well-being?
 Have we reviewed and checked if we are using the mentor meetings effectively to support professional development and well-being?
Trainee feedback:
 Have we considered any formal progress reviews (SA / SB forms) and informal feedback from other teachers from the past week?
 Have we considered trainee’s subject knowledge and skills development in relation to the curriculum?
Planning for pupil progress:
 Has planning for next week been discussed in relation to expectations and activities in the handbook?
 Have we discussed the curriculum and how pupil progress relates to this?
 Is planning based on assessments of pupils’ prior knowledge, progress and needs?
 Have we discussed lesson evaluations and how to use these effectively to plan ahead?
 Is feedback on trainee’s professional action plan targets informing planning decisions?
Pupil progress:
 Is it being effectively tracked and monitored?
 What impact is being made?
 Is there effective communication and collaboration with support staff?
 Are pupil needs being assessed, planned for and reviewed to support progress?
 Is emotional development and well-being being considered?
 How are the needs of disadvantaged learners being met?
Wider professional issues:
 Have we discussed any forthcoming key stage/school events?
 Are there any opportunities for communication with parents and carers?
 Is relevant research being utilised to inform teaching decisions including discussions on cognitive load theory and practice?
 Have we discussed developing ideas/theories about teaching, and how these are being realised or challenged?
 Do we need to discuss attendance?
Personal and professional conduct:
 Using the Partnership’s Code of Conduct and Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards, have we reviewed the trainee’s personal and professional conduct?
Developmental targets and actions:
 Have we set achievable targets for the coming week and made use of the SBT targets and actions?
 Are trainee targets focussed on relevant SBT learning outcomes?
 Have we discussed how these targets might be met and what actions to take?
ACTION: (1) Trainee completes and stores on e-Portfolio (PebblePad) on a weekly basis