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COMS 2302 Syllabus: Technical Communication for STEM

COMS 2302-008
Professional and Technical Communication for Science and
Engineering Majors
Fall 2023
*Business and Communication courses may not be substituted for credit for this course.
Instructor Information
Diane Waryas Hughey, Ph.D.
Office Number
TX Hall B66 (Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Reporting)
Office Telephone Number
(817) 272-3158
E-mail Address
Students must use their official UT Arlington e-mail address for all university related business.
Faculty Profile
Office Hours
Virtual meetings through Microsoft Teams: Tuesdays 11am to Noon OR by appointment!
(Always e-mail the instructor to set up a meeting date and time)
This syllabus serves as a contract between us. You are responsible for all the policies outlined
here, regardless of whether they are covered explicitly or not, as they are discussed in full in this
document. Please review this entire syllabus and let me know if you have any questions or
concerns. I reserve the right to change any information contained in this document. I will give
you adequate notice during the term in the event any changes are required. “As the instructor
for this course, I reserve the right to adjust this schedule in any way that serves the educational
needs of the students enrolled in this course. – Dr. Diane Waryas Hughey”
Course Information
Section Information
COMS 2302—008
Time and Place of Class Meetings
FA 327A; MWF 2-2:50 p.m. (classes held in person unless otherwise noted)
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Description of Course Content
This course satisfies the University of Texas at Arlington core curriculum requirement in
Theory and practice in written and oral communication with an emphasis on communication for
science and engineering.
Texas Core Curriculum Objectives:
• Critical Thinking Skills (CT): to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and
analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information
• Communication Skills (COMM): to include effective development, interpretation, and
expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication
• Teamwork (TW): to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work
effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal
• Personal Responsibility (PR): to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and
consequences to ethical decision-making
Student Learning Outcomes
• Evaluate credibility of resources by utilizing databases when developing informative
outlines and collaborative reports.
• Develop messages appropriate to subject, occasion, and audience by creating
informative speech outlines and collaborative reports.
• Practice appropriate interpersonal skills and abilities by working in teams.
• Demonstrate knowledge of principles of organizational communication through in class
• Design effective visual aids by evaluating the topic and needs of audience members.
• Create proficient letters/memos and other forms of business communication as well as
mastering conciseness, grammar, punctuation, tone, and style.
• Assess self and team members’ efficiency by measuring brainstorming abilities,
contribution to team, dependability, adding to constructive team climate and conflict
resolution skills.
Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials
Thill, J. V., & Bovee, C. L., (2016). Excellence in business communication. (12th Ed.) New
Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
*The textbook is available at various vendors: $19.99 to $40.00 general range (Buy used), and
up to $100.00 (Buy new). Please note that prices may differ depending on the vendor, medium,
and time length of purchase, i.e., hard copy versus digital, and rental versus outright purchase.
A digital version of the textbook is also acceptable. Additional readings will be made available
on Canvas. We use the textbook from the beginning of the term—please do your best to have
the textbook by the first day of class. Please ensure you obtain the 12th edition.
Video Recording Device to video record your presentations on your smart phone, other
smart device, or webcam/camera. Make sure that you have audio with microphone
quality. It is your responsibility to ensure that audio and video is fully functioning anytime
you are required to record a submission for a class assignment/requirement—extensions
or “re-dos” will not be given in the event of your equipment failure.
Thumb drive for visual aid files (or quick access to a cloud-based repository)
5x7 note cards—folded paper is not acceptable for speeches in this class
Laptop/Computer & Internet Service
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Descriptions of major assignments and examinations
Informative Speech: In this presentation you will work to increase audience awareness and/or
understanding of a topic through the development of a message following one of the key
informative organization patterns detailed in class. Topics must be related to your major (new
developments in your field, research, current trends, etc.). The focus will be on audience
analysis, structure, strength of evidence/support, and credibility of sources. In addition to
building upon foundational extemporaneous public speaking skills, a useful and well-presented
visual aid is required. (A typed outline and references are required). Presentations will be
delivered in class.
Collaborative Persuasive Presentation and Report: In this presentation you will work in teams of
4-5 to motivate your audience to action. Your team will create an analytic report following a
problem-solution format. Analysis of the problem/issue and development of an appropriate
recommendation communicated in both written and oral forms should follow specific
requirements discussed in class. The focus of the assignment will be on audience analysis and
development of your persuasive message according to a problem/solution format that provides
sound evidence/support and cites credible sources. In addition to building upon
extemporaneous public speaking skills, useful and well-presented visual aids are required in the
group presentation. Although complementary, the written report will follow its own format and
will not be a written version of the presentation. Presentations will be delivered in class.
*NOTE: The Collaborative Persuasive Presentation will serve as the Signature Assignment for
assessment of core objectives (COMM, CT, PR, TW).
Exams: There will be two equally weighted exams in this course, each worth 175 points and
covering different course material. Dates of the exams will be posted on the Tentative Daily
Schedule. Exams will be completed in Canvas on the designated date/time. Exams will cover
material from the book, lectures, and other assigned readings. Respondus Lockdown Browser
will be used for exams—please enable this feature if you have not already done so.
Business Messages: Trip Report (Complete and submit a 2-3 page Trip/site visit Report
addressing required content and following assignment guidelines—50 pts.), Bad News Letter
(Complete and submit a Bad News Letter following assignment addressing required content and
following assignment guidelines—50 pts.)
Engagement Activities: 100 pts. Total
Technology Requirements
Please be sure you have downloaded and familiarized yourself with the use of Canvas and
Microsoft Teams. All class materials, assignment postings and submissions, exams and other
resources including required readings will be posted in Canvas. All assignments will be
submitted in Canvas and grades will be posted in Canvas. Additionally, Microsoft Teams will be
used for any meetings between the instructor and student (e.g., office hours) and is a great way
for you to conduct group project team meetings. Class meetings may also occasionally be held
via Teams with advance notice. Message postings to the entire class will also be done in
Canvas. You will also need to activate Respondus Lockdown Browser in Canvas for exams.
You are encouraged to complete student-focused training on Canvas if you are unfamiliar with
the system. Students can obtain Canvas related assistance by utilizing resources found on the
Center for Distance Education (CDE) Canvas Technical Support webpage:
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Other Requirements—Course Prerequisites and Requirements
• ENGL 1302
• 30 or more hours earned (sophomore classification)
• Commit to some outside class meeting with a group/team
• NOTE: It is not required, but it is recommended that you are taking or have taken at
least one course in your intended major, since several assignments in this course
requires you to speak or write on your intended major or career field.
Grading Information
Required Curriculum
Informative Speech with Typed Outline
Group Presentation & PowerPoint w/ Typed
Business Communication Messages
Grading Scale
Presentation/PPT - 10%
Typed Report - 10%
Group Evaluations - 5%
Trip Report - 5%,
Bad News Letter - 5%,
Engagement Activities - 10%
Grading in this class uses a points system:
A = 900 points & up (90-100%)
D = 600-699 points (60-69%)
B = 800-899 points (80%-89%)
F = 0-599 points (59% or lower)
C = 700-799 points (70-79%)
NOTE: Grades will not be “curved.” Students are expected to keep track of their performance
throughout the semester and seek guidance from available sources (including the instructor) if
their performance drops below satisfactory levels; see “Student Support Services” in this
syllabus. Individual end of semester grades may be rounded up to the next letter grade interval
ONLY at .5 and above (e.g. a student earning 899.5-899.9 total points at the end of the term
may be rounded up to a final letter grade of “A”)
“A” Work: adheres to the assignment in letter and spirit; contains few, if any, errors;
provides unique insight; demonstrates an excellent grasp of course material and draws
connections across topics; feels prepared and fully realized. An A is not earned merely
for turning in an assignment.
“B” Work: adheres to the assignment; contains a handful of errors; is clear and thought
out; accurately and factually conveys the material.
“C” Work: fails in part to adhere to the assignment; contains a number of typographical
errors; is muddied in its meaning and intent; contains some factual errors.
“D” Work: does not adhere to the assignment; contains many typographical errors; is
very unclear; contains a number of factual errors.
“F” Work: flagrantly disregards the assignment or resembles something else entirely; is
ripe with errors of all kinds; displays a lack of thought; is offensive or inappropriate for an
academic environment.
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Late Work/Missed Speeches and Exams/Make-up Exams and Other Work
In general, barring a valid official and documented excuse (official college business,
documented illness, or documented compelling personal difficulty) late work is not accepted.
Official documentation to validate a conflict that will result in late work or need for an extension
is required as soon as possible and no later than the due date of any assigned work for the
class. You are expected to notify me as soon as possible of any conflict that is excused that will
result in your inability to complete course requirements. Once you have been assigned a date
for an assignment, you are responsible for turning in your work by the assigned due date. If you
miss or are late on a speech day and your presentation time slot has passed, you may not be
allowed to make the speech up. If you cannot turn in an assignment when it is due, I may accept
the assignment at my discretion within 48 hours of the original due date with notification that it
will be late and a reason why it is late, but I reserve the right to subtract one letter grade
equivalent from late work. Assignments due via email submission or Canvas are due on/before
the established deadline to be eligible to receive full credit. In the event of a personal
emergency and at my discretion, makeup work may be accepted for half-credit. Please
communicate any concerns with me regarding your ability to participate and complete
assignments as soon as they arise so we can work together to best address the circumstances.
If you miss an exam, you may or may not be permitted to make up the exam depending on the
reason for missing the exam. If I allow you to make it up, you will have one week from the
original test date to complete the exam and you will be given a designated time within which the
exam must be completed. Exams given during the last week of the term are an exception to this
guideline due to faculty deadlines for final grade submission. If you are permitted to make up an
exam, it may or may not be the same exam your classmates had, but it will cover the same
content. It is your responsibility to contact me about scheduling a time to make up a missed
exam. If you know you are going to be unable to complete any assignment by the published
deadline email me as soon as possible, and certainly within 24 hours of the assignment
deadline to discuss arrangements to make up work you may be eligible to complete. You are
responsible for work missed during your absence. An absence on a due date does not justify a
late assignment. It is my generally policy that no make-up work will be given or extra credit
assignments under any circumstances.
Late work will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor. If accepted, points will be deducted
for late and/or missed assignments, exams, and speeches that do not have a valid
official/original documented excuse (official college business, documented illness, or
documented COMPELLING personal difficulty). Please e-mail the instructor within 24 hours of
your absence. Ensure to mention that you have proper documentation for your absence/s. Valid
documentation (such as doctors note) must be presented to the instructor, on/before the week
of the absence to avoid attendance and coursework related point deductions. Documentation
submitted after the week of absence will not be accepted!
Grade Grievances
I am happy to discuss any grade questions or concerns. However, I ask that you take 24 hours
to carefully consider feedback and review the assignment guidelines before speaking with me.
After 24 hours, feel free to make an appointment to talk about the assignment and future work.
The discussion must be scheduled within 72 hours of receiving the grade to ensure clarity about
that assignment. After 72 hours, all grades are final.
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Course Schedule
A tentative daily course schedule for the semester appears at the end of this syllabus. Changes
to the tentative daily course schedule will be communicated in-person in class and in Canvas
via an announcement. Please read class announcements when they are released as they
contain important information about the class.
Institutional Information
UTA students are encouraged to review the below institutional policies and informational
sections and reach out to the specific office with any questions. To view this institutional
information, please visit the Institutional Information page
(https://resources.uta.edu/provost/course-related-info/institutional-policies.php) which includes
the following policies among others:
Drop Policy
(note that it is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw if they do not plan to attend after
registering. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-attendance. For more
information, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (http://wweb.uta.edu/ses/fao).
Disability Accommodations
(It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Student Access and Resource (SAR) Center for
accommodation eligibility determination. The Student Access & Resource Center will notify
instructor of allowed accommodations. Contact the SAR Center website or call 817.272.3364).
Counseling and Psychological Services, (CAPS)
CAPS is available to support all students to assist with a range of issues and make positive
changes in their lives. Visit Counseling and Psychological Services or call 817-272-3671.
Title IX
Information about policies, reporting options and resources at: www.uta.edu/eos-title-ix/title-ix
Academic Integrity
Students enrolled all UT Arlington courses are expected to adhere to the UT Arlington Honor
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold UT Arlington’s tradition of academic integrity, a tradition that
values hard work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence. I promise that I will
submit only work that I personally create or contribute to group collaborations, and I will
appropriately reference any work from other sources. I will follow the highest standards of
integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code.
Per UT System Regents’ Rule 50101, §2.2, suspected violations of university’s standards for
academic integrity (including the Honor Code) will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
Violators will be disciplined in accordance with University policy, which may result in the
student’s suspension or expulsion from the University. Students are expected to fully document
cited works including those obtained through AI—any work that is not your original authentic
work must be cited in this class. You are encouraged to review additional information
concerning plagiarism. PurdueOWL is an excellent resource to assist you in proper citation of
materials used as support in this class. Please realize that all instances of using other’s work—
another student in the class, published works, and work or material obtained through any
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
artificial intelligence source, if used to represent your original work submitted to fulfill course
requirements, may be considered violations of academic integrity. Please consult the instructor
if you have questions.
***NOTE: Materials used in this class, including but not limited to, the syllabus, assignment
materials, presentation materials, all lecture materials, exams, quizzes and homework
assignments are copyrighted works. Any unauthorized copying of the class materials is a
violation of federal law and may result in disciplinary actions being taken against the student.
The sharing of class materials without the specific, express approval of the instructor may be a
violation of the University's Student Code of Conduct and an act of academic dishonesty, which
could result in further disciplinary action. This includes, among other things, uploading class
materials to websites for the purpose of sharing or selling those materials with other individuals.
Student Feedback Survey
The course evaluation will be available for students to complete at the end of the term and is
important for continuous improvement--students are encouraged to complete all SFS.
Final Exam Schedule/Review Week
A period of five class days prior to the first day of final examinations in the long sessions is
designated as Final Review Week. The purpose of this week is to allow students sufficient time
to prepare for final exams. During this week, there shall be no scheduled activities such as
required field trips or performances; no instructor shall assign any themes, research problems or
exercises of similar scope that have a completion date during or following this week unless
specified in the class syllabus. During Final Review Week, the instructor shall not give any
exams constituting 10% or more of the final grade, except makeup tests and laboratory
examinations. No instructor shall give any portion of the final examination during Final Review
Week. During this week, classes are held as scheduled. Instructors are not required to limit
content to topics that have been previously covered--new concepts may be introduced.
Additional Information
Face Covering Policy
Face coverings are not mandatory. All students and instructional staff are welcome to wear face
coverings while they are on campus or in the classroom.
Attendance Policy
Attending class sessions is a critical predictor and indicator of student success. The University
of Texas at Arlington does not recognize a single attendance policy but encourages faculty to
establish class-specific policies on attendance. Your timely attendance is crucial, to ensure that
you receive all information in the class and because you will serve as support/audience for your
peers during oral presentations. The U.S. Department of Education requires that UT Arlington
have a mechanism in place to verify Federal Student Aid recipients’ attendance in courses. UT
Arlington instructors are expected to report the last date of attendance when submitting
students’ final course grades; specifically, when a student earns a course grade of F, instructors
must report the last date a student attended their class. For on-campus classes, last date of
attendance can be based on attendance rosters or on academic engagements—a test,
participation in a class project or presentation, or Canvas-based activity. Online or distance
education courses require regular and substantive online interaction and participation. Students
must participate in online course activities in Canvas to demonstrate attendance; logging into an
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
online class is not sufficient by itself to demonstrate attendance. The last date of attendance is
reported to the U.S. Department of Education for federal financial aid recipients.
As the instructor of this section COMS 2302—008, I will take attendance each day at the
beginning of class (within the first 10 minutes). If you are not in class when I take attendance,
you will be counted absent. All class meetings all are considered mandatory for
attendance. Students enrolled in the Monday/Wednesday Friday section of this course
are granted three (3) unexcused (“free”) absences. Attendance is worth 100 points of the
total available points for this class. We have 43 scheduled class meeting days. Thus, each
class session you attend and engage in will earn you 2.5 points. For an unexcused
absence, to be documented as “excused” it is the student’s responsibility to provide official
documentation that may be verified. Excused absences include absences such as official
University business, personal illness, death in the immediate family. It is preferred that
documentation and notification is provided before the absence if possible so arrangements can
be made. Otherwise, notification as soon as possible and certainly within 24 hours of the
absence is expected. Each mandatory class session that you attend on time and prepared will
earn you points per class session to enable you to earn the100 points constituting the
Attendance portion of the course grade. Please also see the “Late Work/Missed Speeches”
section of the syllabus. An unexcused absence due to sickness will count as one of your “free”
absences, so please plan accordingly. If you’re going to be absent, please email me as soon as
you can to let me know. Good communication about needed absences will allow me to assist
you as I am able.
Emergency Exit Procedure
Should we experience an emergency event that requires us to vacate the building, students
should exit the room and move toward the nearest exit. When exiting the building during an
emergency, do not take an elevator but use the stairwells instead. Faculty members and
instructional staff will assist students in selecting the safest route for evacuation and will make
arrangements to assist individuals with disabilities.
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center (ASC) includes a variety of resources and services to help you
maximize your learning and succeed as a student at the University of Texas at Arlington. ASC
services include supplemental instruction, peer-led team learning, tutoring, mentoring and TRIO
SSS. Academic Success Center services are provided at no additional cost to UTA students.
For additional information visit: Academic Success Center (https://www.uta.edu/studentsuccess/course-assistance). To request disability accommodations for tutoring, please
complete this tutoring request form (https://www.uta.edu/student-success/courseassistance/tutoring/request).
Professional Certification
The Department of Communication offers a Professional Communication Certificate, which
develops students’ professional communication skills in oral and written proficiency, effective
messaging and presentation, and teamwork and collaboration skills across a variety of
organizational contexts. To earn the certificate, students must complete two lower-division
courses (COMS 1301, 2302, 2305, 2304) and two upper-division courses (COMS 3310, 3320,
4300, 4315, 4322) for a total of 12 hours with at least a grade of C. For more information, check
out: uta.edu/academics/schools-colleges/ liberal-arts/departments/communication/
academics/undergraduate-programs/ professional-communication-certificate.
The English Writing Center (411LIBR)
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
The Writing Center offers FREE tutoring in 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-minute face-to-face and online
sessions to all UTA students on any phase of their UTA coursework. Register and make
appointments online at the Writing Center (https://uta.mywconline.com). Classroom visits,
workshops, and specialized services for graduate students and faculty are also available.
Please see Writing Center: OWL (http://www.uta.edu/owl) for detailed information on all
programs and services.
UTA Libraries also offers Research and General Library Help:
Ask for Help
• Academic Plaza Consultation Services (library.uta.edu/academic-plaza)
• Ask Us (ask.uta.edu/)
• Research Coaches (http://libguides.uta.edu/researchcoach)
• Library Tutorials (library.uta.edu/how-to)
• Subject and Course Research Guides (libguides.uta.edu)
• Librarians by Subject (library.uta.edu/subject-librarians)
• A to Z List of Library Databases (libguides.uta.edu/az.php)
• Course Reserves (https://uta.summon.serialssolutions.com/#!/course_reserves)
• Study Room Reservations (openroom.uta.edu/)
Communication Librarian to Contact
Diane Shepelwich, dianec@uta.edu, 817-272-7521
Communication Department Liaison
Emergency Phone Numbers
In case of an on-campus emergency, call the UT Arlington Police Department at 817-272-3003
(non-campus phone), 2-3003 (campus phone). You may also dial 911. Non-emergency number
Additional Course Information
Students enrolled in this course are expected to review and adhere to the following additional
expectations for the semester:
As adults and members of the UTA community, we will all always treat each other with respect
in this class. Many diverse opinions may be shared throughout the course of the term,
sometimes on subjects that may spark emotion or controversy. It is always essential and
expected that everyone in this class engage with others professionally and respectfully. A great
deal can be learned through discussion, but it is expected that everyone will think before
engaging with others in this class and be cautious to avoid using offensive or otherwise
unprofessional language and expressions. If you disagree, do so respectfully. Please use
proper appropriate language, full sentences, etc. in our discussions and in completing all work
for this class, including sending emails. Just because we are online does not change the
expectations for how we communicate with each other. Avoid offensive language, slang,
abbreviations, the use of emojis and other like means to communicate as you might in a text or
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
informally with friends or in similar casual communication environments. Increasingly,
professionals engage with each other via various forms of electronic/online communication.
Consider all your interactions with material and others in this class with the same
professionalism you would at a workplace and in other professional settings. You are expected
to attend each required class meeting on time. Please be presentable in class meetings.
Please take care of personal matters (e.g., using the restroom, eating) before or after
class—these behaviors are considered unacceptable and disruptive. Please also do not
text during class, use any laptop or electronic “pad” for anything other than that class’
work (and limit that use), and do not use headphones or earbuds during class. Turn all
electronics to silent mode and do not answer phone calls. You will be asked to discontinue
disruptive behaviors in class should they occur and penalties from your final course grade may
be taken should these occur.
This class begins on time, and every class member’s time is valuable. Habitual lateness or not
attending a full required class meeting will be considered in your overall Engagement grade.
Should you need to miss a class or an appointment, I would appreciate the same courtesy and
sense of responsibility you would extend to an employer--email me and let me know. All written
assignments must be typed, follow APA formatting guidelines, and include your name and the
class section at the top left in the header. Emailed assignments will not be accepted unless you
have previously received an approval from me to submit in this manner. Realize that all
deadlines for submissions are firm and it can take quite awhile (an hour or more in some cases)
to upload larger files. Plan ahead and upload all work for submission well in advance of the
deadline to avoid problems. An assignment taking a long time to upload resulting in a missed
submission deadline is not a reason for an extension to be granted.
Cell phones should be turned off or on silent (not vibrate) during class. Please put your phone
away during class to avoid distraction. The use of cell phones in class is extremely disrespectful
to everyone in the class which includes texting while in class.
On days where you are presenting (whether live or recorded), I expect you to dress
appropriately/professionally. This means you should wear, at a minimum, professional-looking
pants or skirt and a professional-looking shirt or blouse or a dress. Please consider this class to
be a preparation for communicating in professional settings. Avoid attire such as hats,
hoodies/sweatshirts, and clothes with words on them are not considered professional and
should not be worn on speaking days--appear professional on your presentation days. If you
have concerns about this, please let me know immediately.
Email Etiquette
I do my best to respond to your emails as promptly as possible. In return, I ask that you follow
these simple email etiquette reminders: (1) Remember that an email is a different form of
communication than a text message. Please be attentive to your spelling and grammar in
emails. (2) Please read your emails twice before hitting “send.” (3) Please craft your emails with
respectful language and tone. If you are frustrated by something, email is not the best way to
communicate about it. Please schedule a meeting with me so that we can discuss in person.
Please apply the same etiquette concerns when interacting with others in this course.
General Requirements
1. Participation is a must in this class. You will be required to actively participate in group
discussion, ask questions, and interact with the instructor and other students. Please be
professional during class to help promote everyone’s opportunity to learn.
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
2. The student is responsible for any information and material given in class therefore if you
are absent, do not contact the instructor to ask what you missed. Please contact a
classmate and check your syllabus/Canvas for schedule.
3. Students must contact the instructor within 24 hours of any absence for it to possibly be
considered excused. All verification documentation must be provided to the instructor
within the same week of the absence. Doctor’s notes must include information about the
length of care, date, and signature of the practitioner. Submission of fabricated
documentation for your absence will result in the absence not being excused and will be
considered within the academic integrity clause of this syllabus.
4. Canvas will be used for this course. Canvas will have copies of all assignments
disucssed in class. Microsoft Teams will also be used for certain aspects of this class.
Please be prepared to use Canvas and Teams should we need to move the class to a
remote operation.
5. Turn off cell phones, and electronic devices before entering class. No text
messaging. No earphones or earbuds. No phone calls.
6. Only tuition paying students are allowed to be present during class. All visitors must be
cleared with the instructor before they can enter the classroom.
7. Laptop use must be cleared by the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to not
allow you to use your laptops during class time.
8. All assignments should be typed in 12 pt. font, Arial or Times New Roman, with 1-inch
margins unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
9. All sources should be cited in APA format.
10. E-mailed assignments will not be accepted. You must submit your work on Canvas.
11. All assignments are due no later than the date/time specified. If you attempt to
complete/submit an assignment late, submission for a partial possible credit will be at
the instructor’s discretion.
12. Do not enter or leave the room during another student’s speech. Please do not
socialize or engage in other distractions during class that may interfere with the
general flow of the class, or others’ ability to participate in the class. Please
conduct yourself with respect for yourself and others at all times during class.
Those who are engaging in behaviors disruptive to a positive learning
environment may be asked to leave class that day. Students sleeping or engaging
in distracting behaviors will be asked to leave that day.
13. Students are required to wear business professional clothing on speech days.
Jeans, shorts, sneakers, exercise/gym clothes, “club” attire, t-shirts, hoodies, and hats of
any kind are not professional attire. If you have questions please ask.
14. On the day of your speech, you must be present in the classroom at the beginning of
class. Otherwise, your speeches may be counted as late.
15. You must be present in all speech dates to avoid losing points. Remember that you do
not only learn from giving speeches, but also through watching your classmates.
16. Exams must be completed during the designated timeframe on Canvas.
Assignment Overview
The following descriptions of point-bearing assignments in this class are listed below, with
associated point values. The assignments listed below are grouped topically and are not listed
in order of deadline. Please consult the detailed assignment descriptions for each assignment in
Canvas. Please also consult details in the Syllabus regarding grading and assignments. Due
dates for all assignments will be shown on the Tentative Class Schedule—Detailed Weekly
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Assignments and Grade Percentage/Point Values
Portion of Total Grade/1000 Total Points
30%/300 Points Possible
Exam 1
Exam 1 = 150 points possible
Exam 2
Exam 2 = 150 points possible
There are two exams of equal point value in this
Informative Presentation
15%/150 Points Possible
The Informative Presentation must include a
Visual Aid and be accompanied by a Formal
Typed Full Sentence Outline with References
Collaborative Report & Presentation
Presentation = 125 points possible
Group Report
Group Report = 100 points possible
Outline = 25 points possible
25%/250 Points Possible
Group Presentation (10%),
Group Project Presentation = 100 points
Group Evaluations (5%)
The Collaborative Report and Presentation
includes three main components: The Group
Report which your group will prepare and submit
via Canvas, a Group Presentation to be
delivered in the form of a briefing featuring
delivery by all group members and including
visual aids, and an Evaluation of the Group work
and process.
Business Communication Messages
Group Evaluation = 50 points
Trip Report (10%)
Trip Report = 50 points possible
Bad News Letter (5%)
Bad News Letter = 50 points possible
Activities (10%)
Activities = 100 points (25--Group Project
Contract, 10--Self-Intro Speech, 10--Video
Interview Impromptu, 25--Group Informative
Briefing, 30—annotated outline with
citations for group project report)
These assignments are detailed in the individual
assignment descriptions and provide the student
an opportunity to develop important professional
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
20%/200 Points Possible
10%/100 Points Possible
(43 class days)
Week 1: 8/21, 8/23, 8/25—Welcome, Intro Speeches, Business Comm Intro
8/21—Welcome and Syllabus; Short Speech #1: Self-Introduction (receive notecard)
8/23—Short Self-Introduction Speeches delivered in class
8/25--Discuss Ch. 1 (Achieving Success through Effective Business Communication)
and Professional speaking fundamentals. Discuss Group Project (presentation and
written project) and creating teams.
Week 2: 8/28, 8/30, 9/1—Team Skills, Interpersonal Comm Basics, Project Teams
8/28— Discuss Ch. 2 (Mastering Team Skills and Interpersonal Communication).
8/30--Group Project Team Scramble (time to create project teams; Project teams
finalized on/before 8/31/23).
9/1—Discuss Group Project Team Contract. In-class time to work on your contract
Week 3: 9/4, 9/6, 9/8—Business Messages, Group Project Contracts
9/4 is Labor Day Holiday—no class meeting
9/6-- Discuss Ch. 4 (Planning Business Messages), Ch. 5 (Writing Business
Messages), and Ch. 6 (Completing Business Messages). Group Project Contracts
due in Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on 9/6/23.
9/8— Discuss Group Informative Briefing assignment. Discuss Trip Report assignment.
Group Project Teams in-class work on Informative Briefing.
Week 4: 9/11, 9/13, 9/15—Routine Msgs, Informative Speaking, Group Briefing
9/11—Discuss Ch. 8 (Writing Routine and Positive Messages) and Ch. 9 (Writing
Negative Messages). Discuss Bad News Letter assignment (Due by 11:59 p.m. in
Canvas on 9/17/23). Application Activity: Trader Joe’s press release.
9/13—Discuss Ch. 14 (Informative Speeches and group presentations) and Informative
Speech Assignment. Discuss full sentence outlines for assignments (annotation + cites)
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
9/15—Discuss visual aids in speeches. In-class workshop: Group Informative Briefings.
Email individual Informative speech topics to Dr. Waryas Hughey by 11:59 p.m.
on 9/17/23.
Week 5: 9/18, 9/20, 9/22—Group Informative Briefings, Group Project/Exam 1 prep
9/18—Group Informative Briefings presented in class (day 1)
9/20—Group Informative Briefings presented in class (day 2)
9/22--In-class workshop: Group Project topic development. In-class assignment:
complete and email Group Project Topics to Dr. Waryas Hughey by end of class
9/20/23). Discuss last questions about Exam 1 (Exam 1: Chs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14).
Week 6: 9/25, 9/27, 9/29—Exam 1 and Professional Reports and Proposals
9/25-- EXAM 1 DURING CLASS TIME—take Exam 1 in Canvas at your own location.
Exams must represent your work, closed book/no notes, not team work. You will need
Respondus Lockdown Browser—if you do not have it, please obtain it before class.
Exam is available during class time only.
9/27— Discuss Ch. 11 (Planning Reports and Proposals), Ch. 12 (Writing Reports and
Proposals), Ch. 13 (Completing Reports and Proposals). Focus: source citations/source
9/29—Discuss annotated group project presentation outline (with citations) assignment.
Application Activity: AI fact check.
Week 7: 10/2, 10/4, 10/6—Informative Speeches
10/2—Informative Speeches in class (day 1). All informative speech outlines due
in Canvas by noon on 10/2/23 (you must submit an outline per assignment
requirements in Canvas by the deadline to be eligible to present).
10/4—Informative Speeches in class (day 2)
10/6—Informative Speeches in class (day 3)
Week 8: 10/9, 10/11, 10/13—Informative Speeches
10/9—Informative Speeches in class (day 4)
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
10/11—Informative Speeches in class (day 5)
10/13—Informative Speeches in class (day 6)
Week 9: 10/16, 10/18, 10/20—Persuasion, Group Presentation Outlines
10/16—Discuss Ch. 10 (Persuasion) and annotated group project presentation outline
10/18—Ch. 10 continued; In-class assignment: annotated outline
10/20—In-class workshop: Group project presentation annotated outline. Submit group
project annotated outline in Canvas by end of class on 10/20/23.
Week 10: 10/23, 10/25, 10/27—Trip Reports
10/23—Discuss detail of Trip Report assignment—Before class, read “A Guide to
Writing Like an Engineer” (in Canvas, Trip Report Assignment due in Canvas by
10/25—Group presentation prep: View and discuss group presentation.
10/27—On-campus site visit tour: UTA FabLab—meet there (tentative—will
confirm)—during class time at designated location—you can use this for Trip Report.
Week 11: 10/30, 11/1, 11/3—Diversity and Professional Emails
10/30—Discuss Ch. 3 (Communication in a World of Diversity) and Professional Emails
11/1—Finish Ch. 3 discussion; In class workshop time: Group presentations.
11/3—In-class workshop time: Group presentations (test visual aids)
Week 12: 11/6, 11/8, 11/10—Group Project Presentations
11/6—Group Project Presentations (day 1)
11/8—Group Project Presentations (day 2)
11/10—Group Project Presentations (day 3)
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)
Week 13: 11/13, 11/15, 11/17—Group Project Presentations
11/13—Group Project Presentations (day 4)
11/15—Group Project Presentations (day 5)
11/17—Group Project Presentations (day 6)
Week 14: 11/20. 11/22, 11/24—Thanksgiving Holiday
11/20—In-class work: Prepare Trip Report for submission (Trip Report assignment
(due in Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on 11/20/23)
11/22—no class per UTA
11/24—no class—Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 15: 11/27, 11/29, 12/1-- Career Communication
11/27—In class workshop time for Group Project Reports. Group Project Report due
in Canvas by 11:59 p.m. on 11/29/23). Discuss Exam 2: Recorded Interview Answer
11/29--Discuss Chs. 15 & 16 (Resumes and Interviews). Discuss Interview Impromptus
12/1—Last in person class meeting. Last questions/catch up—thank you! Interview
Impromptu recording due in Canvas by 11:59 p.m. tonight 12/1/23.
Week 16: 12/4—Class time on your own (no in person meeting)—prepare for Exam
2—Recorded Interview Answer; Work on Group Project Evaluations
Final Exam Time Slot: Friday, Dec 8, 2023, from 2-4:30 p.m. You must submit the
Exam 2 recording by 4:30 p.m. on 12/8/23. Group Project Evaluations due by 4:30
p.m. on 12/8/23 uploaded in Canvas.
DWH COMS 2302 FALL2023 (081123)