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Note Aug 23, 2023

Chapter 1
• America is a democracy
◦ Governance is based on the consensus of the people
‣ Constitution
‣ Bill of rights
• Police are needed to formally enforce social norms and laws
• Police and our society play a double edged role
◦ Have to protect freedoms of the citizens while also limiting the freedom of the citizens
Controversies and Challenges of Policing
since there is no national police, they respond to their individual communities
Expected to abide by the rule of law
Maintaining balance between law enforcement vs politics
“Impossible mandate (inevitable failing)
◦ Realistically cannot prevent and control crime. The root causes of crime are too complex.
warriors vs. guardians
Disproportionate exposure to police
◦ Overpolicing: policing are seen as harassing citizens
◦ Under policing: unresponsive to citizen needs
Discretion, liability, and risk management
◦ Officers always loose in the public eye
Use of force
◦ Both celebrated and demonized
Media depictions are unrepresentative
Survey of Police Institutions
• 17k state and local law enforcement agencies
• 75% of agencies have 25 officers. More than 90% have fewer than 100
◦ Bc of the articles of fed. Police agencies are fragmented. Each are unique because they are created by
their communities a
History of police Part 2
1. Political era
The patronage system: whenever a new power was elected, the police force changes
police were involved with politics and were loyal to the powers that employed them
Purpose: quality of life
Cities divided into political wards that managed their own police. Very decentralized
No form of accountability, bad pay, no training.
Breeding ground for corruption, discrimination, brute force
Police enjoyed majority support and intimate with the community
Provided social services to the community by serving political interests (helping immigrants find jobs and
homeless find shelter)
1. Reform era (professionalization)
• defined policing as a job requiring expertise and qualified personnel
• Eliminated influence of politics on policing
• Development of specialized units
• August vollmer is the father of this era. We have a CJ field because of him
• O.W wilson “the protege” studied under Vollmer
◦ Emphasized random patrol
◦ Our basic blueprint for how police org. Are made and managed.
• J. Edgar Hoover “the brawn” established the high standards for the FBI
◦ Suits, sunglasses, highly polished
◦ Emphasized control of discretion
• purpose : crime control
• Limited focus on individual conduct of officers. Mainly focused on management
• Loss of community relationship
• Discrimination
1. Period of upheaval
• civil rights movement
• citizens were displeased with the lack of empathy with citizens
• Police oversight
◦ Miranda rights, terry v. Ohio, use of deadly force
• riots
1. Community era
• disillusionment with professionalization led the police to return to the community. Legitimacy needed to be
• Meant to keep order and maintenance, proactive policing
• Decentralized and tactical decision making
• Outcome is quality of life and satisfaction
1. Homeland security era
• surveillance, detection, intelligence, terrorism
New ppt
3 functions of police are Law enforcement, order maintenance, social service
• police are policy maker, add meaning to the law