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Elon Musk McDonald's Ad Project Brief

Elon MUSK, the famous American billionaire, is about to buy Mac Donald’s !
He wishes to transform the company into the word’s first vegan fast-food
restaurant chain. He also wants to cut the prices and change the entire
organization of the company.
To renew the image of Mac Donald, perhaps Mr. MUSK would like to relocate
the headquarters which are currently in Chicago.
Welcoming Elon Musk’s company would be a great opportunity for our city to
offer new jobs to our inhabitants and to improve our territorial
Your team will have to create a short advertisement to convince Mr. Musk
to choose our city. This eccentric tycoon is very sensitive to music, so
you should insert into your video clip a song related to our city.
Choose my Global City !
1. Dublin
2. Johannesburg
3. Sydney
4. Toronto
5. Copenhagen
6. Singapore
7. Melbourne
8. Vancouver
9. Tel Aviv
10. Boston
Main goals :
_ To be able to explain why a city can be attractive : you have to identify the main
characteristics of a metropolis.
_ To be able to write a convincing text to promote something.
Using the Global Power City Index 2022 Report, find out the proper indicators to be used to
highlight your main city’s assets.
At the end of your work, don’t forget to put the references of your different sources !
What must be in your clip :
_ Aerial views of the city
_ Statistics about the economy to show how dynamic your city is
_ An audio commentary
What can also be used :
_ Music
_ Traditions / Heritage
_ Business Facilities, transportations
_ Living conditions (social welfare, education, safety …)
_ Environment
At the end of your work, don’t forget to put the references of your different sources.
!!!! DEADLINE TO SEND YOUR VIDEO ON ATRIUM : Thu. February 9th !!!!