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Paragraph Structure Worksheet: Topic Sentences & Supporting Ideas

TASK 1. For each topic sentence below, draw a circle around the topic and underline the controlling idea.
e.g. Living in a big city has two advantages.
1. There are two main causes of traffic accidents.
2. Sesame Street is the most popular children’s television program in the world.
3. Our lives have changed dramatically with the invention of the computer.
4. There are two effective ways to deal with stress.
5. The METU campus offers many facilities to the students.
6. Shopping malls have brought many economic benefits to our community.
7. It is difficult to be a good teacher.
8. Running has positive effects on our bodies.
TASK 2. Choose the best topic sentence for the given paragraphs.
1. _____________________________________________. First of all, it is not expensive to live in
Toronto. There are many cheap restaurants in the city, and students can find many different kinds of
food at reasonable prices at these restaurants. Also, the rents are not high in Toronto. There are
various housing alternatives with low rent, so students don’t have to pay a lot of money for
accommodation. Secondly, there are world famous universities and good language schools in Toronto.
Toronto is popular with students because the universities and language schools offer high quality
education. In short, I think students should consider studying in Toronto because of the low cost of
living and the good education.
Many people say that Toronto is the best city in Canada
Toronto has the best universities in the world
I think Toronto is an ideal city for college students
2. __________________________________________. First, it is difficult for some students to find suitable
accommodation. Because there aren't enough dorms for all the students on campus, some students look
for a flat to rent. However, finding a place that is cheap, clean and near the campus is not easy. The second
difficulty is loneliness. It is not easy to make friends in a new environment, so many university students
may feel lonely when they start university. In summary, some university students face difficulties when
they start university.
a) University students feel lonely in their first year
b) Life is difficult for some new students at university
c) In their first year, all university students have difficulties
3. ___________________________________________. First of all, studying abroad promotes personal
growth and self-confidence. When students live with their parents, most of them do not cook, wash the
dishes, or take care of their laundry. However, when they are abroad, and far from their families,
students have to do their own chores and learn to take care of themselves. For example, they have to
cook their own food, shop and pay their bills. All of these things contribute to a student’s personal growth
and confidence. Secondly, students get the opportunity to learn a foreign language when everyone
around them speaks that language. It has been proven that spending time in a foreign country is the
fastest and most effective way of learning the language of that country. For instance, a foreign student in
Britain will learn to speak English fluently because he will be surrounded by English all the time. To
conclude, studying abroad can be one of the most exciting and enriching opportunities for those students
who want to develop themselves in different ways.
a) Being a student abroad helps develop self-confidence
b) Studying abroad offers students two main advantages
c) Living abroad helps people in many ways
TASK 3. Write a suitable topic sentence for each of the paragraphs below.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
First of all, she has the academic qualifications. She graduated from the Business Administration
Department of the University of Provence. She also has a Master’s Degree in Finance and has
published many papers related to her field of study. Secondly, she has seven years of sales and
marketing experience. Thanks to this experience, she knows many people in the sector. Moreover, she
is familiar with the potential problems that can arise in the workplace. Therefore, she can come up
with quick solutions. To sum up, having the relevant education and the necessary experience are the
reasons why Françoise Lunea is the best candidate for the position of Chief Sales Representative.
2. ________________________________________________________________________. To begin with,
large cities offer you all kinds of entertainment. There is always something to do and you never get
bored. For example, you can go to concerts and listen to your favorite band live when they visit your
town. There are also many theaters where you can watch new movies. Secondly, large cities have
wonderful educational opportunities. Many schools offer high-quality education. Moreover, there are
different types of schools for every need. For example, there are language schools and schools for
students who have special educational needs. In addition, experienced teachers work in these schools
and provide students with an excellent education. To sum up, large cities offer two main advantages.
3. ________________________________________________________________________.One way is to
have a balanced diet. You should eat in moderation and consume fresh fruit, vegetables and healthy
homemade food. Because these foods contain the necessary nutrients and provide you the energy
that your body needs, you will be able to maintain a healthy life style. Another way to stay healthy is to
exercise. Regular exercise helps prevent a wide range of health problems, including stroke, diabetes,
depression and a number of types of cancer. It also helps prevent excess weight gain and promotes
better sleep. To sum up, one can stay healthy if s/he has a balanced diet and exercises regularly.
TASK 4: For each set of sentences, write TS next to the topic sentence and SI next to the supporting
ideas. The first one is done for you as an example.
e.g. __SI_ a. Mosquitoes are attracted to heat.
__SI_ b. Mosquitoes will fly several miles to find food.
__SI_ c. Only the female mosquito bites.
__TS_ d. Mosquitoes are interesting insects.
1. _____ a. One of my hobbies is listening to music.
_____ b. I have a large collection of world music recordings.
_____ c. My friends and I like to introduce each other to new international artists we discover.
_____ d. I enjoy going to concerts by musicians from different countries.
2. _____ a. I liked the way people decorated their homes and stores.
_____ b. I enjoyed going shopping in cold weather.
_____ c. I enjoyed the parties and celebrations of Christmas.
_____ d. When I lived in Germany, I really liked Christmas time.
3. _____ a. My new apartment has big closets.
_____ b. My new apartment is perfect for my roommate and me.
_____ c. My new apartment is close to school and work.
_____ d. My new apartment is not too expensive for students.
TASK 5: Read the following paragraph and complete the analysis.
Animals become extinct mainly for two reasons. First of all, humans invade their habitat to build houses
and shopping malls. By doing so, they destroy animals’ homes. When animals cannot find shelter, they
cannot survive. As a result, they become extinct. The second reason is the climate change. When the
places where animals live become hotter or cooler, the food they live on cannot grow there.
Consequently, food becomes scarce, and animals die out. In summary, animals face extinction because of
human invasion and the climate change.
Topic sentence:
Major support 1:
 __________________________________________________.
Minor support:
o they destroy animals’ homes
Minor support:
o animals cannot find shelter  they cannot survive 
Major support 2:
Minor support:
o the places where animals live become hotter or cooler 
o ____________________________________ animals die out.
TASK 6: Write one major and one minor supporting idea for each of the following topic sentences.
(Answers may vary)
1. There are two reasons why English is an international language.
Major supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
Minor supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
2. A student can improve his/her English language proficiency in two ways.
Major supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
Minor supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
3. There are three advantages of using e-mail.
Major supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
Minor supporting sentence: __________________________________________________.
TASK 7: Read the topic sentences below. Write SS next to the three supporting ideas and write CS next to
the concluding sentence.
The best way to see San Francisco is by walking.
_____ a. When you explore San Francisco on foot, you can experience all the city has to offer.
_____ b. When you walk, you experience the different smells of the restaurants, the plants, and
sometimes, the ocean.
_____ c. You can stop and look in the windows of shops or sit on a bench for a short while and look at
interesting people.
_____ d. While you are walking, you can easily stop if you see something interesting.
2. My paper is late because something happened to my computer.
_____ a. I was almost finished writing my paper, and I was checking it for errors.
_____ b. Suddenly, my computer screen went blank, and the power was gone.
_____ c. The accident made me lose many hours of work, so I could not turn in my assignment on
_____ d. Later, I learned that a squirrel had got on the power line and disrupted the electricity.
TASK 8. Read the following paragraphs, and choose the best sentence to finish them. Discuss why.
(Please allow time for students to discuss why one is better than the others, and make sure they
understand that we do not start a totally new argument in the conclusion.)
1. Science-fiction books are very enjoyable to read for two main reasons. To begin with, science-fiction books
usually have fascinating stories that take place in the future or on other planets. For example, Frank Herbert’s
famous series Dune takes place on a desert planet where there is almost no water. The giant worms on the
planet are considered gods and live for thousands of years. The unusual story in the book entertains the reader.
Secondly, science-fiction books broaden the reader’s horizons. They narrate unusual lifestyles in distant
galaxies, and they also touch upon many political, philosophical, economic, or environmental issues. Ursula K. Le
Guin’s The Dispossessed, for example, enables the reader to have a critical look at anarchism as a political
system. __________________.
a. In conclusion, science-fiction books should be a part of high school education
b. To conclude, people could read science-fiction books to have fun and to improve themselves at the same
c. To sum up, science-fiction books are quite interesting and entertaining
2. A trip to Istanbul is an unforgettable experience for foreign tourists. To begin with, there are a lot of places to
visit in the city. They can visit the city’s historic sites, such as the Topkapı Museum, the Blue Mosque, and Hagia
Sofia. In addition, there are many museums in the city, like the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, the Istanbul
Modern Art Museum and the Rahmi Koç Museum, where visitors can learn much about the city’s history and art
scene. Secondly, the nightlife in this city is exciting for foreigners. There are hundreds of bars, night clubs and
concert venues for them to have fun in. In this eclectic city, there is something for every taste. For instance, if
you enjoy live music, you can go to Babylon, or if you prefer electronic music, you can go to Indigo.
a. In short, Istanbul’s night life is more exciting than that of other Eastern countries
b. In conclusion, Istanbul is famous for its historic sites and food
c. In brief, Istanbul is a popular destination for foreign travelers
TASK 9. Provide a concluding or a summary sentence for each of the following paragraphs.
1. Skiing is an unpopular sport because it is dangerous and expensive. First, skiing is dangerous. A skier can
easily get involved in a skiing accident and get injured or die. He/she can get caught in a snow storm, and if
he/she cannot get help in time, this can result in death, too. Second, skiing is very expensive due to the
equipment required. A pair of skis, boots and goggles cost a fortune. Moreover, skiing resorts are mostly
luxurious places. For example, a night at such a resort costs about $200. _________________________
2. Credit cards have two main advantages. First of all, credit cards are convenient for foreign travel. When
people go abroad, they don’t have to carry a lot of cash on them or worry about exchanging money
because they can pay for their shopping or the services they buy on their credit cards. Secondly, using
credit cards is more practical for online shopping. People can easily buy items online from websites such as
Amazon by credit cards. They don’t have to wait for money transactions because the company charges the
price as soon as the purchase is approved. Also, some companies offer discounts for certain credit cards.