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CoLOS Administrator User Manual

User Manual - CoLOS - Administrator
9, rue Gaspard Monge B.P. 110
26501 Bourg-lès-Valence Cedex
Tél. : +33 (0) 4 75 75 55 00
Fax : +33 (0) 4 75 82 98 10
Markem-Imaje Limited
Nottingham Science Park
University Boulevard
Nottingham NG7 2RF
Tel.: +44 (0) 115 968 3603
Fax: +44 (0) 115 968 3699
Welcome to CoLOS Administrator
Available tasks
License Activation
Conversion Utility
Import Wizard
Event Log Viewer
License Activation
How to request an activation code?
Enter the Activation code
Help and Support
The following support resources are at your disposal
Control Panel
To select the control panel
SMS Alert Configuration
Printer Alerts
Alert Events
Alert Configuration
SMTP Mail Configuration
About Connections
To view the connections on the system
Available Connection Types
Connections Overview
Select Connection Type
To select the Connection Type
Data Management
Column Configuration
Import Configuration
Create bArticle (setup Job Source and Remote Data Source)
Launch Data Management
Import Data
Change Data Manually
Integration Services
CLI (Command Line Interface)
CLI in CoLOS Product Suite
Configure CLI Service
CLI Protocol
CLI Command Interface (RFC)
CLI Commands Output
Certificate errors
About the Web User Interface
Change settings
CoLOS Production
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Chapter 2
About Jobs
Per Job Data
About Job Sources
Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job Source
Assign Job Source
Setup Filtered Job Source
Setup ODBC Job Source
To set up an ODBC Job Source:
Setup OLEDB Job Source
Setup CoLOS Database Job Source
Setup Repository- based Job Source
Setup XML- based Job Source
Combined Job Source
Add Image and Settings File
To assign an image file or settings file to the Job
Download Job
To select and download a Job
About Preferences / My Account
Printer Performance
See Printer Performance Report
About Production Tables
Add Production Tables
Design or delete Production Tables
Edit data in Production Tables
Filtering Data
To use Find
ODBC Connections
Create an ODBC Connection
Setup ODBC Data Source
Setup an ODBC data source
About Remote Data Sources
Database Table
Remote Data Source Applet
Add Remote Data Source
To add a remote data source:
Troubleshooting the ODBC connection:
Resolving the problem
Change Remote Data Source Properties
To change the data source properties
Remove Remote Data Source
To remove a remote data source
Resource Repository
Create a Resource Repository
File Repository
ODBC Repository
Add Image File
To add an Image file to the resource repository
Add Logo File
To add a logo or graphic file to the resource repository
Add Settings File
About Scheduler
Add a task
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To add a task
Execute, disable or remove a task
Backup the database
Output file format
Remote scheduling
Key points
Command Prompt
Database Import
Shift Configuration
Connect planned down reason with a shift
Add plan
Planned Stops Configuration
Two kinds of Down Reason Pop-ups
Configure Planned Down Reasons
Synchronize clocks
Database Connection
Keyboard Settings
Upgrade CoLOS Administrator
Remote Sessions
About Security Level
Change Security Level
To change the security level
Windows Directory Authentication
Configuring Windows Directory Authentication (LDAP) in CoLOS Administrator
Troubleshooting Tips
Connect Active Directory Users with CoLOS User Profiles
Set the client SSL certificate
Enterprise Security
Integrating identity platform with CoLOS
Integrating identity platform account with CoLOS Application Toolkit
System Ports
Webservice Ports
About System Log Books
View an example list of events on the system
Add System Log Book
To add a system log book
System Log Book Tasks
To perform a system log book task
About My Devices
Device Overview
Common Tasks
Device Overview
Arrange icons
Change the background image
Device Information
Access the device properties
Device Tasks
To view and select a task
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Chapter 2
Device Settings
2200 Device Settings
Faults and Warnings
File System
To select file system
Security Settings
To create a new user
To create a new role
To view the status of a particular device
Time Date Settings
Synchronize clocks
Add New Device
To add a new device
Associate New Connection with Device
To associate new connection
Associate Existing Connection with Device
ITF Writer
Configure OPC UA
PackML Companion Spec Model
PackML Companion Spec – PackTags Model
Executing CntrlCmd
MI Specific Model
About User Accounts
Add User Account
To create a new user account
User Account - Roles and Restriction
Roles in the backend
Change User Account Password
To change a user account password
Change My Password
Change User Account Properties
Disable User Account
Remove User Account
About My Devices
Device Overview
Common Tasks
Device Overview
Arrange icons
Change the background image
Device Information
Access the device properties
Device Properties
Access the device properties
2200 Device Settings
Faults and Warnings
File System
To view or modify a particular device file
Security Settings
To create a new user
To create a new role
To view the status of a particular device
Time Date Settings
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About Connections
To view the connections on the system
Select Connection Type
To select the Connection Type
Synchronize clocks
Device Tasks
To view and select a task
Add New Device
To add a new device
Other Printers
ITF Writer
Configure OPC UA
5940 G Device
About Groups
Add Group
To add a group
Group Properties
To view or edit settings for a selected device
Group Tasks
To perform a group task
About Image Download
Download an Image
Download Multiple Images
To download multiple images
Download a Graphic or Logo
To download the graphic or logo
Allocation Attributes
Windows Attributes
Action Attributes
About Log Books
Add File Log Book
Add ODBC Log Book
To add an ODBC Log Book
Change language of the UI
Open the Language selector for the UI
Windows XP
Windows 7 / Windows 10
Open MIConfig.exe
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows 10
Restart the services
Combined Job Source
CLI Protocol
CLI (Command Line Interface)
CLI in CoLOS Product Suite
Configure CLI Service
OPC Client
Generic Driver
Printer Job Review
Configure the Printer Job Review
DR-259-Ignore Absend Printers
OPC Server
What is OPC?
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Chapter 2
Browsing the Hierarchy
Security Considerations
Usage Tips
Updating and Resetting Counters
Configuring Production Mode in CoLOS
Remote CoLOS Driver
Adding a Remote CoLOS Connection
Downloading a Job Image to the Terminal Device
Managing Terminal Device's Jobs via CoLOS Web Production Panel
Special licenses
Promotional Coding Solutions
CoLOS Promotion Coding
CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+
Data Stream Manager
Create a data stream
Verification scanners
Create promotional codes
Queue Mode
Activate Promotional Coding mode on your printer
No verification scanner
Logging Field Content
Test the logging in the database
Mark and Read
Mark & Read camera line up
Code presence check
Barcode verification
OCR with Insight 5000/7000 G2
DataMan scripts
Create a DataMan script
Configure a camera in CoLOS
Cognex camera Properties
General properties
Specific properties
Cognex camera Properties
DataMan Properties
Insight 2000 Properties
Insight 7000 Properties
FTP Server
Cognex Mark & Read Logging
In-Sight Explorer
Map connections
Insight 7000
Add Job Sources
Add job sources
Mark & Read CoLOS Production (view)
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Mark and Read Alert Events
Set the interval (in hours)
Mark and Read Alert Configuration
SAP RFC Configuration
SAP Installation
RFC XML Definition Guide
CLI Command Interface (RFC)
CLI Commands Output
ERP Protocol Elements
Return values
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Installation of CoLOS OEE
Line Constraints and Down Reasons
OEE Lines
Add OEE lines
Alert Configuration - OEE Configuration
OEE Events
OEE Events
OEE Remote Data Source
OEE Dashboard
Dashboard elements
Per Line View
Factory View
OEE Dashboard
OEE Report
Other reports
Print report
Export report
Set OEE Objectives
Planned Downtime
OEE Properties
Other Printers
Device Management
Install Other Printer drivers
Other Printer device Properties
Frequently Asked Questions
Secure Channel FAQ
Securechannel Parameter Values
Detailed Description
Installation FAQ
Run as administrator
Install Server or Client
Install SQL database
The why of the Fonts EULA
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Chapter 2
Welcome to CoLOS Administrator
CoLOS Administrator is a comprehensive, centralized control and label management system
for Windows. The package allows you to monitor, control, and group a network of different
devices from a "Control Panel" on page 19. The available Tasks are shown in a browser
pane that can be turned ON or OFF by selecting View > Windows > Browser.
The View Pane can be reduced in size to hide all Common Tasks by clicking the
bar, which appears directly underneath the Common Tasks list.
You can move up one level of the hierarchy by selecting the
button and forwards or
backward by choosing either the
buttons (the shortcuts for these functions can be
viewed by selecting View > Goto. The name of each task you select in the hierarchy will
appear on the Title Bar, which can also be turned ON or OFF by selecting View > Windows > Title Bar.
Available tasks
Common Tasks
To get started quickly, follow the Common Tasks which are shown in the CoLOS Administrator browser pane:
Manage My Devices: Allows you to "Add New Device" on page 190, check the
status of a device, view details, select tasks, and monitor devices added to the
CoLOS Administrator system.
Manage Log Books: Allows you to keep a record of the status of the connected
devices on the CoLOS Administrator system. Click the following link to "Add File Log
Book" on page 208.
Manage User Accounts:"Add User Account" on page 162 are set up by an
Administrator who can set different permission levels to restrict or enhance accessibility to the CoLOS Administrator system.
Manage Data Sources: Data Sources contain the data needed in the labels.
These can be "About Remote Data Sources" on page 81 (external databases) or
"About Production Tables" on page 74 (internal database).
Manage Job Sources: A "Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job Source" on page 56
contains a list of Job IDs. Each Job ID must have an image file associated with it
and may also be associated with a settings file.
Other tasks available in the browser pane (Control Panel)
Alert Configuration: allows you to receive warnings through SMS and/or e-mail when
an issue arrises. See "SMS Alert Configuration" on page 21.
Connections: This offers an overview of all available "About Connections" on page 185
between the system CoLOS Administrator is installed on and the available devices.
My Account: Manage your own "About Preferences / My Account" on page 70.
Shift configuration: configure the shift settings for the plant to optimize the use of
OEE and Alert Messages, among other things. See "Shift Configuration" on page 105
Manage Web Server: Through Web Server you can manage the settings to allow
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Welcome to CoLOS Administrator
users to control the different devices through the web. Click "About the Web User
Interface" on page 51 to find out how to configure these settings.
Manage My Groups: Groups are used in CoLOS Administrator as a general way
of organising devices that are added to the system. Click the following link " About
Groups" on page 195.
Data Management: manage the columns and import configiuration for data. See "Data
Management" on page 32
Data Stream Manager: configure the data stream (internal/external database, SQL, ...)
See "Data Stream Manager" on page 246
Device Overview: When "Add New Device" on page 190 to the CoLOS Administrator system you will be able to see them represented by their respective product
icons in the Device Overview. Once added, you can "Download an Image" on
page 200 to each device.
Tasks requiring a specific license
These licenses can be obtained through your Markem-Imaje contact.
Manage Promotional Coding: This allows you to print unique codes onto your
labels. Click the following link to learn more about "Promotional Coding Solutions" on
page 241.
Manage Mark and Read: When a label is printed, you can now "Mark and Read"
on page 257 that what appears on the label, is actually what had to be printed in the
first place.
SAP RFC Service: Allows you to manage the connection with SAP.
Non-MI drivers supported: A number of non-MI devices are supported on
CoLOS through windows drivers.
OEE:OEE or Overal Equipment Effectiveness gives you an overview of how effective
your printers are. See "OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)" on page 288
CoLOS Product Suite manuals
For CoLOS Product Suite, we have a number of manuals available.
CoLOS Administrator
CoLOS Administrator Online Help (HTML 5)
This help file is installed whenever you install the software. It explains you everything there
is to know about CoLOS Administrator. It's accesible through F1.
CoLOS Administrator Quick Guide (PDF)
This printable manual contains only the basics of the software. It will guide you through the
different steps, but offers little about the reasons why behind every process.
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Chapter 2
CoLOS Designer
CoLOS Designer Online Help (HTML 5)
This help file is installed whenever you install the software. It explains you everything there
is to know about CoLOS Designer. It's accesible through F1.
CoLOS Designer Quick Guide (PDF)
This printable manual contains only the basics of the software. It will guide you through the
different steps, but offers little about the reasons why behind every process.
CoLOS Production
CoLOS Production Quick Guide (PDF)
This printable manual contains everything there is to know about CoLOS Production, with
which you can add some network capabilities to steering your devices and their tasks.
If you require customer or technical support, see "Help and Support" on page 18.
To find out how to register your software, see "License Activation" on page 17.
To find out more about the full range of Markem-Imaje products, visit www.markem-imaje.com/products.
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License Activation
License Activation
You need to specify the product serial number. This is a unique tracking number you
received. You will need to specify the Product Serial Number and the Product Serial Number to obtain the Activation Code.
If you purchased CoLOS Administrator as part of the CoLOS Product Suite, it automatically
activates all packages included (Administrator and Designer) once you activate one of them.
To reactivate your application
If your license has expired when you start CoLOS Administrator, Event Log Viewer,
CoLOS Designer or the Upgrade Utility, you can enter your license code on the
When you first start the application you may see a tooltip appear from the system
tray warning that your license is about to expire. In Windows you are then able to
click on the tool-tip and this will take you to the activate license log.
You will see an "Access Denied" error message if the code is incorrect; check the code and reenter.
"License Activation" on page 17
Allowed sensions / devices
Line Bundle
Availability Availability Availability
Multiple Ses-Dissions
Max. allowe
d sessions
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Factory Bundle
Line + All
optional features
user connections
user connections
Factory +
All optional
user connections
user connections
Chapter 2
Conversion Utility
When using CoLOS Control, CimControl 5.5 or ImMC and you want to upgrade to CoLOS
Product Suite, there is an easy conversion utility included in the latest version of CoLOS
Product Suite. To run this upgrade utility, please close down your CoLOS software.
To be able to use this feature, .Net Framework 4.0 needs to be installed. Select the language
version of your operating system before downloading the file from internet.
1. You start the Upgrade Utility by clicking Start > Markem-Imaje CoLOS 6.x > Conversion Utility.
2. The Conversion Utility window opens.
3. Click Next until you see the below window.
4. Select the type of conversion you like to perform:
Convert ImMC, ImCC, MP Design and Composer V5.5 labels
This option only converts the labels and doesn't create any Job Sources in CoLOS
1. Click Add files. Go to the appropriate folder and select each and every .fmt, .gen,
.mes, .msg, .lbl or .nk-file to update. Click Next.
2. Now enter the output location. You can enter the specific folder you want to save it
in, select a Repository or keep it in its original folder. Click Next to convert the
Format Files.
3. When the conversion is succesful, click Next and then Finish.
Convert Composer/CimControl V5.5 Files and Databases
This migrates all of your Composer / CimControl v5.5 files and creates Job Sources.
1. To enter the path of your Settings.cfg file click Browse. click Next.
2. Choose the output location: this is by default the repository. Select its location
by clicking Browse.
3. Select Default in the Repository Browser window that opens and click OK.
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Conversion Utility
4. Click Next.
5. Everything is converted. Click Next once it is successful and Finish to close
the window.
ImMC Upgrader
This upgrades ImMC
1. Click Add files. Go to the appropriate folder and select each and every .fmt, .gen,
.mes, .msg, .lbl or .nk-file to update. Click Next.
2. Now enter the output location. You can enter the specific folder you want to save it
in, select a Repository or keep it in its original folder. Click Next to convert the
Format Files.
3. When the conversion is succesful, click Next and then Finish.
Mpd Upgrader
This upgrades the Mpd Designer:
1. Click Add files. Go to the appropriate folder and select each and every .fmt, .gen,
.mes, .msg, .lbl or .nk-file to update. Click Next.
2. Now enter the output location. You can enter the specific folder you want to save it
in, select a Repository or keep it in its original folder. Click Next to convert the
Format Files.
3. When the conversion is succesful, click Next and then Finish.
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Chapter 2
Import Wizard
This module enables importing data from multiple files - which have indexed tables - into
one unique table. This especially enables the user to exploit data coming from the ERP in
two flat files: one for the process order and one for the article base (with the article ID used
as the Key).
Its main functions are:
– Capability to import Txt, Excel, XML or any ODBC data source
– Importation can be done either manually or automatically (time base)
– Configuration of the final table structure needs to be done one time only during installation
To be able to schedule a database import, this action needs to be done manually first
through the Import Wizard.
1. Click Start > Markem-Imaje CoLOS 6.x > CoLOS Import Utility.
2. Enter the username, password, hostname (e.g. localhost) and portnumber (41928). Click
Next twice.
3. Choose a Data Source. This can be a Text file or ODBC Data Source. C click Add files.
4. A text file can either be a txt-file or a csv-file. For the ODBC Data Source a System DSN
needs to be configured.
Import text and csv-files
1. Next to Data Source select Text file from the drop down list.
2. At the bottom of the window, you find the group Configuration. Here you can decide wether
or not a configuration needs to be saved. If you checked the Save Configuration option,
also enter a Config Name.
3. Click Add files to add all txt- or csv-files. Select the type by clicking on the drop down list
behind Files of type:. Once the correct file is selected, click Open.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the source file format and confirm the file properties are correctly detected before
proceeding. If you tick Show preview at the bottom, you can always see the result of the
selected file format. Click Next.
6. Give the column delimiter. Again you can check Show preview. Click Next.
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Import Wizard
7. Enter a table name and choose a key field. You can once more check Show previe. Click
Import ODBC Sources
Make sure your "Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80 is configured properly before selecting
ODBC Sources. If this is not the case, an error will occur.
1. Select ODBC Data Sources from the drop down list.
2. From the drop down list behind System DSN select the correct one. Enter the user name
and password if applicable, then click Connect.
3. All the available tables in the selected DSN become visible. Select one.
4. At the bottom of the window, you find the group Configuration. Here you can decide wether
or not a configuration needs to be saved. If you checked the Save Configuration option,
also enter a Config Name. Click Next.
5. Choose a destination by entering a table name and choosing a key field. DEcide how the
action is committed (replace or append to an existing production table). You can check
Show preview to see a preview. Click Next.
No spaces are allowed in column names. If necessary, apply an underscore (_) to show
6. The selected database is imported. You immediately know wether or not the import was
successful. Click Next twice and then click Finish.
7. The imported database can be found in the "About Remote Data Sources" on page 81 window.
Once this is done, you can schedule a "Database Import" on page 104.
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Chapter 2
Event Log Viewer
The event logger is exactly what it says: it allows the created log files which you can view.
Open a logbook
Click Start > Markem-Imaje COLOS 6.x > Event Log Viewer.
Enter your login credentials.
When the Log Viewer opens, click File > Open.
The System LogBook browser opens. Select a system logbook from the available logbooks within Connectivity.
5. Click OK.
6. The logfile opens. You can find the date, the time, the user, the event, target and a description of what happened.
Add a system logbook
1. Click Start > Markem-Imaje COLOS 6.x > Event Log Viewer or open CoLOS Administrator and click Control Panel > System LogBooks > "About System Log Books" on
page 129.
2. When the Log Viewer opens, click File > Open.
3. The System LogBook browser opens. At the bottom, click Add.
4. The Add System LogBook Wizard starts. Click Next.
5. Select File logbook. Click Next.
6. Enter the location of the LogBook by clicking Browse. This can either be a local computer
or on a network. Just make sure the network location is available to the Connectivity Service. Then enter the name of the file concerned.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the Logbook Monitors if necessary. Click Next.
9. Select the sources events that will cause the logbook to be updated. This can be one or
more events.
10. Click Next.
11. Enter a description of the LogBook. Click Next and Finish.
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License Activation
License Activation
To activate the software, please purchase a software license.
In order to activate CoLOS Administrator, you require a valid Activation Code which can be
obtained either on-line from the Markem-Imaje website or from your local Markem-Imaje
You will need:
– A Product Tracking Number (located on the CD case)
– A Serial Number (displayed in the
Help menu: Help > About CoLOS
How to request an
activation code?
Request Activation code on line
1. Visit http://www.markem-imaje.com/softwareactivation.
2. Complete the Software Registration process by providing the Product Tracking Number
and Serial Number as well as your e-mail address..
3. Submit the request.
4. Providing the details are valid, the Activation Code is sent to your specified e-mail address.
Request Activation code by phone
1. Contact your local Markem-Imaje agent or representative.
2. Provide the Product Tracking Number and Serial Number.
3. Once verified, the Activation Code is given to you; please ensure you write it down and
keep it in a secure place.
Enter the Activation code
1. Start CoLOS Administrator.
2. In the Browser pane, expand the Control Panel and click on System.
3. In the Tasks for System pane, click on Activate CoLOS Administrator or Upgrade
CoLOS Administrator if you already entered a valid activation code.
4. Enter the Activation Code. Click on OK.
5. If the Activation Code is incorrect, an ‘Access Denied’ error message appears; check the
code and re-enter.
6. If the Activation Code is correct, CoLOS Administrator will be restarted.
7. Activating CoLOS Administrator automatically activates CoLOS Designer and vice versa.
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Chapter 2
Help and Support
CoLOS Administrator provides extensive and easily-navigable help information including
detailed help topics to allow you to quickly obtain the information you need. We pride
ourselves on our exceptional customer relationships and are committed to providing you with
the highest level of support.
To obtain Help information:
1. Select Contents1, Index2 or Search3 from the Help menu or the navigation pane.
2. Press F1 to call the Welcome page. This is the opening page for the CoLOS Administrator
online help system.
3. Click on Help on a specific window to display the help topic page relating to the task you
are currently performing.
The following support resources are at your disposal
Visit www.markem-imaje.com/support for details of the technical and customer support
available including technical information and software downloads.
Visit www.markem-imaje.com/contact to obtain the telephone number and e-mail
address of your local Markem-Imaje agent.
You can view details on your current version of CoLOS Administrator including the serial
number and licence code by selecting About from the Help menu.
1Contents is the table of contents for CoLOS Administrator help. Click on the heading
to view the associated topics.
2Index contains index entries. Click on an entry to view it or alternatively enter a
keyword to locate a specific entry.
3Search allows you to search for specific topics. Enter the keyword(s) and the associated topics are listed.
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Control Panel
Control Panel
The Control Panel is used for configuring and maintaining the components available within
CoLOS Administrator.
The following icons are shown in the View pane.
To select the control panel
1. Select Control Panel from the Browser pane.
"SMS Alert Configuration" on page 21 allows you to set up alerts so you
know when there are faults and/or warnings.
Printer Job Review : Search for specific job(s) and review them by filtering on
device name, job name and time range.
"CLI (Command Line Interface)" on page 216 CLI or
Command Line Interface is a user interface in which the user uses commands
as a response to a visual prompt.
Connections are the interface between CoLOS Administrator and devices
that may be connected directly (Direct Connect) or via a network. Connections can be either Serial or Server Socket.
A "Data Stream Manager" on page 246 manages the set of 'data streams'
used for fast random printing. You use this to set up a feed for Promotional
Coding processes.
A "About Production Tables" on page 74 Source refers to local data
stored in an internal database. CoLOS Enterprise allows you to retrieve this
data and insert it into your images during the download process.
A Remote Data Source refers to remote data stored in an external customer database. CoLOS Enterprise allows you to retrieve this data and
insert it into your images during the download process.
System is used to manage the system properties. For example, License,
Remote Sessions, Security Level and the upgrading of CoLOS Administrator.
Log Books keep a record of the status of a device, for example the job
selected when a specific error has occurred. The log can be stored in a
database or locally in a file.
The Job Source is the location where Job information is stored. This will be
in the form of a table with Job ID1 and Image Template2 references; it may
also include any Settings3 references that are specific to the product.
The Shift Configuration allows you to enter the start and end time for each
"Shift Configuration" on page 105.
Repositories are secure storage locations (they allow client machines to
access images stored on the server).
1A unique reference for each Job; this is typically the Product Code.
2Define the format of the image including size, position of text, font, etc.
3Refer to the device settings.
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Chapter 2
Scheduler allows the user to plan certain tasks to be executed either manually or automatically.
System Logbooks log the activity on the system and they keep an audit
trail of users of the software. You can record each time a Job is selected
and record when and why errors have occurred.
My Account refers to your personal account which has been allocated to
you by an Administrator. Once the account has been setup you can change
your original password by entering your old password and confirming the
change. You can also change other preferences, such as the use of units
and wizards.
My Account' becomes 'Preferences' in Low Security mode.
User Accounts allows the Administrator to create an account for a new
user of CoLOS Administrator. This involves assigning an Account ID, Password (optional) and Role to the user. The Role determines the functions the
user can access in the application (Medium security only)
"Synchronize clocks" on page 188 the clocks for the entire system, per
group or even per device.
SAP RFC Configuration configure a connection with SAP and
CoLOS Enterprise.
Printer Performancecheck the printer performance of a group or an individual
Web Production Panel allows you to configure the CoLOS Production User
Interface, allowing users to connect to CoLOS Enterprise through a
Web API configure the Web API service.
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SMS Alert Configuration
SMS Alert Configuration
It is possible to set up alerts for both faults and / or warnings that appear on installed printers or Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). These warnings can be send as an SMS an /
or a mail message.
To be able to use this, you need to "Add New Device" on page 190configure the "Shift Configuration" on page 105 and make sure the computer you installed CoLOS Administrator on,
has internet access. In case of OEE, you need to configure "OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)" on page 288 as well.
Installed printers must be placed in " About Groups" on page 195 and only groups with
machines that allow SMS Alerts will be visible.
"Alert Configuration" on page 23
"SMTP Mail Configuration" on page 25
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Chapter 2
Printer Alerts
Select which warnings you will get alerts for. This can be decided for each available printer
model (this option is not divided in groups, but for each printer).
Printer Alerts
1. Click on Alert Configuration.
2. In the new window that opens, select Printer Alerts.
3. Which groups are available, can be seen in the most left pane. There you find the lines with
their separate devices, so you can select either a group or a single device.
4. Select Assign for the appropriate shift and add mobile number(s) and / or e-mail address
5. Do this for every available printer and every shift.
6. Once you are ready, click OK.
Once this is done, you are ready to use the SMS alerts.
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Alert Events
Alert Events
Select alert events for required types.
Printer Events
1. Click on Alert Configuration > Alert Events.
2. Select Printer Events
3. On the left pane, beneath Supported Printer Models, you find an overview of all available
devices that support this option.
4. Select either the line (if you want to configure this for all devices) or a specific device.
5. In the right pane you find two columns: Faults and Warnings. Each show you which faults
or warnings are included. E.g. No air pressure (faults) or Running out of ribbon (Warning).
6. Select the faults and warnings you want to receive a mail and or a message for.
7. Once done, click OK to close the window.
OEE Events
See "OEE Events" on page 293
Alert Configuration
Make sure the shifts are configured before you subscribe devices for alerts.
Make sure that printers are grouped.
In CoLOS Administrator click on Control Panel > Alert Configuration.
In the Tasks for AlertConfiguration you find two options: Alert Configuration
and SMTP Mail Configuration.
Alert Configuration
In the Alert Configuration you can set both the mobile number and E-mail address that
needs to receive the alert for each specific shift. Or you choose the global shift and alart
configuration and enter the master e-mail address and master mobile number.
To set a number, you need a valid mobile number. This always starts with the + and country code phone number, followed by the actual number. You can add more than one phone
number separate by a comma.
Make sure you always select the group or the printer for which these alert settings will be
1. A new windows opens.
2. In the window Alert Configuration select Common Settings.
3. Enter global phone number(s) and e-mail addres(ses): e.g.: +3236339999. If no phone
numbers or e-mail addresses are configured with the shifts, these numbers receive all
4. If you enter a number from the US or Canada, please select US & Canada numbers.
5. Add more than one number or mail address by dividing them with a comma.
6. If you want certain (or all) shifts to receive warning messages, you need to enter mobile
number(s) and / or e-mail address(es) for each available shift. Select these in the appropriate columns to activate them. In this case the master mobile numbers and / or e-mail
addresses won't receive the alerts.
7. In the right side of the window, you can assign shifts for receiving alerts. Select the shifts
you want activated (otherwise, the master phone-number will receive the alert, so you do
not need to activate every shift) and add the phone number(s) in the column Mobile
- 23 -
Chapter 2
Number and the E-mail address(es) in the column E-mail.. If more than one is entered, separate them with a comma. configured shift.
8. Do this for every shift. Make sure every number starts with a '+' and then the country code.
Enter only full e-mail addresses.
9. When ready, click OK to close this window.
When shifts have been configured with phone numbers, these will receive the alerts and not the
master phone number. If that is still necessary, add the master phone number to each shift as
well. Separate the different phone numbers with comma's.
OEE Configuration
To be able to configure this, you need to have a"Shift Configuration" on page 105 and an
"OEE Lines" on page 291"OEE Lines" on page 291
1. Select in the left pane the line.
2. Select in the right pane the shift. The name, start and end time are already present. Enter
the mobile number and / or the e-mail address.
3. Click OK.
"Printer Alerts" on page 22
- 24 -
SMTP Mail Configuration
SMTP Mail Configuration
To make sure your users receive any e-mail warnings that are send out, you need to configure the SMTP Mail Settings. These settings will probably have to come from your
IT department.
In the Alerts Configuration, you do as follows:
1. Click on SMTP Mail Configuration.
2. Enter the settings for the SMTP Server Configuration. This will be the SMTP server your
company uses to send out mail, or the server of your e-mail provider. This can, e.g. be smtp.ycompany.com. Your IT departement or ISP will be able to give you the correct information.
3. Enter the SMTP port. By default this is 25.
4. If you want to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) you can select this option. In this case you
need to provide the authentication information for the e-mail account that sends all the
warnings and alerts. This is, however, by far the most secure option.
5. Add the e-mail address and optionally an alias. You can also send out a test e-mail (of your
own) to see if your configuration works. Click Send test e-mail.
6. Once received, you can close this screen with OK.
- 25 -
Chapter 2
Activates the HTTPS-option in CAT and manage the certificates used in CoLOS Product
1. Click on Control Panel > CAT> Properties.
2. In Configuration you are able to activate the encryption-option. By default this is
turned off, so to use HTTPS select Enable https.
3. In Security you find the different certificates available within the Product Suite.
See: "Security" on the facing page
- 26 -
In CoLOS you can use different certificates for e.g. WebAPI, CAT, CoLOS Production Panel
and Data Management, CAT OPC UA client, CLI, and OPC UA Server. This topic explains
how to manage these.
The user is only able to manage these certificates out of the proper parts. For CAT you may
have access to the CAT and the CAT OPC UA Client certificate.
Import a new certificate.
1. In Security click on Import.
2. A new window opens. Either select Import or Select from installed certificates.
1. Import: select the certificate by clicking on the button with the three dots.
2. Find the correct .pfx-file. Click Open.
3. Add a password if applicable.
1. Select from installed certificates: select the store name from a drop down list. By
default that's Personal.
2. Click Select.
3. A new window opens. Select the installed certificate from the store.
4. Click View certificate to check the certificate. Or click OK to use it.
1. Click OK to return to the screen. It shows you the expiry date (byd efault 10 years
from now) and who issued it.
1. Once a certificate is installed click on View.
2. A new window opens giving the user and overview of the intended use for the certificate,
who issues it and who received it.
3. In the tab Details you find an overview of all the information.
4. In the tab Certificate Path tells you where it's stored.
This allows the user to export the public key of the installed certificate.
1. Click Export.
2. Choose a folder to store the public key in, saved in .cer-format. Click Save.
- 27 -
Chapter 2
About Connections
Connections are the interface between CoLOS Administrator and devices that may be connected directly (Direct Connect) or via a network. Connections can be either Serial, Serial
Terminal, Ethernet, USB connection, FTP or Server Socket. Each connection is established
when adding a new device to the system.
Connection properties
You can also obtain the Properties of each connection that you set from the Tasks pane.
1. Select the device of your choice.
2. Click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
3. Click on Connection > Configuration.
Most connections using a serial port on a Device will most likely be an RS485 Network (or
RS232 to a single Device). An Ethernet connection will be connected over a LAN (Local
Area Network).
To view the connections on the system
1. Select Control Panel from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the Connections icon on the Control Panel.
"Available Connection Types" on the facing page
"Select Connection Type" on page 186
- 28 -
Available Connection Types
Available Connection Types
Before you can download an image to a device, you must select the type of connection to
be used for the target device. The following connection types are available:
Connection type
Server Socket
Direct Ethernet
Serial Terminal
The device driver connects to a previously opened port/socket on a
machine at the specified TCP/IP address.
RS232/485 direct connection to the device.
The device driver opens a port/socket on the local machine which allows
other devices to connect to it via an Ethernet connection. This explains
why you only need to provide a port number when configuring a Server
Socket as the IP address is the address of the local machine where the
port will be opened.
For NextGen devices only; used where your computer is directly connected via an Ethernet crossover cable
Use this connection when your terminal is connected via a serial cable.
Use this connection when your terminal is networked via FTP.
For NextGen devices only; used when your computer is directly connected to the device via a USB port.
Connections Overview
To see what connections are already configured on your system, open CoLOS Administrator.
1. Go to CoLOS Administrator > Connections
2. You see an overview of all the connections already made. To make changes, select one of
the connections and click in the Tasks for... window on Properties.
3. When this window is empty (as it is the case for the USBConnection) this means there is
nothing to configure (see below to find out for which connections you will find an empty
- 29 -
Chapter 2
Select Connection Type
Here we explain how to vonfigure the connection type. Remember that the available connection types will differ from one machine to the other, depending on the avialable possibilities to connect to the specific machine.
To select the Connection Type
1. Run the Add Device Wizard and move to the SelectConnection Type window.
2. Select the required Connection Type icon.
3. Enter the following connection settings for the selected connection:
When creating an image for the 8018 (18 Series), you do not see the window Select Connection Type. Instead save the label on an USB-stick and connect it to the 8018 (18 Series) to
download the label to the machine.
A code made up of numbers that uniquely identifies a networked device. Check
that the IP Address of the device matches the data entered in the Wizard.
Unique Ethernet Port ID. Check that your port settings in the wizard match the
settings at the device.
<Your IP
Port ID>
Serial Port ID
Refers to a unique serial port ID.
Connection failures are likely if port ID settings entered in the Wizard are different to those set in the device you are connecting to.
Baud Rate
Refers to data transmission speed, can also be expressed in bps (bits per
second). Check the baud rate of the device you are trying to connect to and
ensure you enter the same settings in the Wizard.
Data Bits
Refers to the number of data bits.
Refers to the parity bit checking function.
Stop Bits refer to one bit step checking functions.
Data checking function which refers to ready to send/clear data.
Data checking function.
Data checking function.
Server Socket
TCP Port number
- 30 -
Select Connection Type
Server Socket
The address of the port on the server machine to allow TCP connection to the
Terminate Old Connection
If you already have a connection and then receive a request for a new one,
the old connection is closed and the new one accepted.
Ignore New Connection
If you already have a connection and then receive a request for a new one,
the new connection is ignored.
Use TCP Keep Alives
The system periodically checks to see if the connection is still open for connections that are idle for a long time.
The Device Type
This can either be a printer or a terminal.
A code made up of numbers that uniquely identifies a networked device.
<Your IP
Check that the IP Address of the device matches the data entered in the Wiz- Address>
Serial Terminal
Serial Port ID
Unique Serial Port ID.
Check that your port settings in the wizard match the settings of the device.
No settings are required for Direct Ethernet connections
4. Click on Next to proceed.
5. Where you have created a shared connection, enter a Node Id (this must be unique otherwise you will not be allowed to proceed).
6. Click on Next when finished.
7. Click on Finish to exit the wizard.
8. The Connection Type is now associated with the target device.
- 31 -
Chapter 2
Data Management
Data Management allows you to automatically create a bArticle remote data source and a
job source.
Before you create bArticle, please first create the necessary ODBC Remote Database: see
"Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80.
"Create bArticle (setup Job Source and Remote Data Source)" on page 36
"Column Configuration" on the facing page
"Import Configuration" on page 34
"Ports" on page 35
"Launch Data Management" on page 37
Data Management allows you to add a column to bArticle with the help of the CAPI web
application. It supports to add/Rename/Delete column of the type:
single line
multi line.
Other functionalities like edit bArticle record is done through CoLOS Applications by CAT
implementors. We now introduce a
web application as Data Management with CoLOS Administrator. It performs the following
A. Database Design will help to add Columns of the following types to the bArticle table:
Single Line
B. Data Management allow to Add/Delete/Edit/Import record(s) to bArticle table.
C. Added Security for data management.
- 32 -
Column Configuration
Column Configuration
The Column Configuration is found in Control Panel > Data Management .
Click Properties in the left pane under Tasks for Data Management.
Select Column Configuration.
You see the column name, the column type and whether to hide the specific column. If you
tick Hide, the specific column is hidden from the user.
- 33 -
Chapter 2
Import Configuration
Once you "Create bArticle (setup Job Source and Remote Data Source)" on page 36
Remote Data Source and Job source, you can check the import configuration.
1. Open Data Management.
2. Click on Properties > Import Configuration.
3. You see the Table (bArticle). Add the Import File Path if it's not yet available (this is important if you want to be able to import data through the Webtool). You also find the File
Format, Delimiter, Encoding and the Decimal Separator.
4. The field Unique Key is important when you want to import a database and select a unique
key. First, from the available column at the bottom, select the unique key you want to
use. You can then select this field from a drop down list.
5. To make importing data easier, make sure you also select the Delimiter (Comma or Semicolon) and the Dec. Separator (Dot (.) or Comma (,)).
6. If necessary, you select Ignore Empty Values.In this case empty values won't trigger an
7. At the bottom you find the configured values and the available columns.
8. At the bottom you find two columns. The first shows the Configured Values while the
second shows the Available Columns
9. Select those you require from the available columns by clicking on the arrow in front of it to
add them to the configured values. Select the fields in the column Required if these must
be used.
10. Click OK once you are ready. If anything is configured wrong, a pop up window will tell you.
- 34 -
This is the same as System > System Properties >"System Ports" on page 127.
- 35 -
Chapter 2
Create bArticle (setup Job Source and
Remote Data Source)
Create the bArticle Remote Data Source automatically.
Start CoLOS Administrator.
Click on CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Data Management.
Click in the pane Tasks for Data Management on Properties.
Select Setup Job Source and Remote Data Source.
To create automatically the Remote Data Source and Job Source, click Create.
The Add Remote Data Source Wizard appears. See "Add Remote Data Source" on
page 84
7. Select ODBC Remote Data Source. Click Next.
8. If a password is necessary, enter this. Click Next. Click Finish.
9. You successfully created the remote data source and job source.
- 36 -
Launch Data Management
Launch Data Management
You can launch the webtool for Data Management, to add columns or manage the data.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator. Click Control Panel > Data Management.
2. In the Tasks for Data Management either choose Copy Address (to copy the address in
the browser of your choice) or click Launch to open the page in your default browser.
3. The CoLOS Data Management webpage opens.
4. Log in when asked. Use the same login credentials you used to log into Administrator.
5. You see two buttons: Database Design and Data Management.
Database Design
Click Database Design.
You can Refresh, Add, Remove or Rename columns.
Refresh Columns will update your page so you see additional changes.
Add Column allows you to add field columns. Add a column name and the type. You
choose between Single line, Multi line, Calendar, Logo, ITF, Settings, String, Whole Number, Decimal Number or Boolean. Select the column type and click OK to add the column
to your database design.
5. Remove Column allows you to remove the column(s) as soon as you selected them.
6. Rename Column allows you to rename an existing column once selected.
7. Click at the top on Home to return to the former page.
Data Management
Click on Data Management.
You get an overview of all articles and the different fields required.
You can Add, Delete, Edit, Duplicate or Import data yourself.
To import data, take care of the "Import Configuration" on page 34.
When you are ready, click at the top on Home to return to the former page.
"Change Data Manually" on page 39
"Import Data" on the next page
- 37 -
Chapter 2
Import Data
If you want to add / delete / Edit one record or a few of them, this can be done manually
(see: "Change Data Manually" on the facing page). But if more information needs to be
imported, it's handy to be able to import all the data in one try.
1. Make sure you added an Import configuration. See: "Import Configuration" on page 34)
2. Click Import
3. the data is imported.
- 38 -
Change Data Manually
Change Data Manually
In the webtool you can add , delete, edit or duplicate data manually.
1. Once inside Data Management (see: "Launch Data Management" on page 37) click Add
2. Every field added now shows. Add the necessary information..
3. Make sure all necessary fields have a value. Click OK to add or Cancel to return to the
former page without change..
Select the line. Click Delete.
Are you sure you want to remove the selected row(s)?
Click OK or Cancel.
If you clicked OK, the row(s) are deleted.
Select the line. Click Edit.
Make the required changes to the fields or add additional information as required.
Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to undo them.
If you clicked OK, the information is changed.
1. Select the line. Click Duplicate.
2. The entered information opened. Make the required changes to the fields or add additional
information as required.
3. Click OK to save the changes or Cancel to undo them.
4. If you clicked OK, the information is duplicated.
- 39 -
Chapter 2
Integration Services
Integration Services such as WebAPI, CLI, etc,.. allows solution development based on Data
and Service Integration.
"CLI (Command Line Interface)" on page 216
"WebAPI" on page 48
- 40 -
CLI (Command Line Interface)
CLI (Command Line Interface)
A CLI (Ci-eL-I) or Command Line Interface is a user interface to a computer's operating system or an application (as it is in the case of CoLOS Enterprise). The user enters a command and receives a responds from the application. He then enters another command and
so forth. Today most people prefer the graphical user interface of Windows, but the same
can be done by entering the specific commands necessary to trigger a certain response.
CLI in CoLOS Product Suite
1. Open CLI service in CoLOS Administrator by clicking on CoLOS Administrator > Control
Panel > Integration Services > CLI Service.
2. To see all the available commands, double-click on Operations.
3. In the right pane you get an overview of all available commands. At the bottom of the
screen, beneath Usage, you see how you can use this specific command.
4. Return to CLI Service.
5. In the Tasks for CLI Service click on Properties.
6. The Configure CLI Service windows opens. See also the "CLI Protocol" on page 214.
"Configure CLI Service" on page 217
"CLI Protocol" on page 214
"CLI Command Interface (RFC)" on page 284
"CLI Commands Output" on page 285
"Security" on page 27 (manage certificates)
- 41 -
Chapter 2
Configure CLI Service
This window allows you to manage the Command Line Interface (CLI) service from within
CoLOS Administrator.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator. Go to CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Integration
Services > CLI Service.
2. Click Properties
3. The Configure CLI Service window opens. You see Configuration, Encoding and Ports.
4. Select Configuration
5. If you select Encrypt with TLS/SSL your connection will be secure. Remember: if you
change the properties, this will disconnect any clients.
6. It is possible to allow anonymous access for all operations. You also choose the protocol
version (by default that says default). You have several options available. It allows you to
use a leter version of TLS or SSL.
7. Select Encoding.
8. Choose the Character Encoding (by default your local Windows setting is used). This is the
encoding the CLI service uses to send data.
9. Click OK when you are ready.
10. Select Ports You see the default ports the service uses. To change them, see "System
Ports" on page 127.
A unicode based encoding (such as UTF-8) allows you to send any character
available. However, realize that they may well not be supported by the client.
- 42 -
CLI Protocol
CLI Protocol
The updated CLI Protocol documentation can be found in the installation folder of CoLOS.
In the map Documentation you find CLI+Protocol.pdf.
"CLI (Command Line Interface)" on page 216 is the name given to the messaging protocol
used by the CLI service which exists as a system service within the CoLOS core service.
CoLOS Administrator receives the CLI commands from a third party.
To find the up to date manual on the CLI protocol, there is one that comes together with
CoLOS Enterprise. It's called: Communication Using the CLI Protocol - Application
Guide. To access it, go to the installation folder of CoLOS Enterprise.
The document you search for is called CLI+Protocol.doc.
The Protocol Structure
Each command submitted to the CLI engine is a concatenation of sub-elements and which
is terminated by the operation to be performed. There is only one operation per command
and any operations following the first are ignored or assumed to be parameters to the operation. The complete command string is delimited by a carriage-return/line-feed pair. Protocol
elements are separated by a delimiter character which at the moment is hard coded to be
the pipe (|) character.
Hereandafter we will consider an equipment named ‘COE’ configured under CoLOS for
example purposes.
Response syntax
The response from the CLI service will be in the following format:
Success: OK|0000|{operation specific data}
Failure: ER|####|{error message}
(Where #### represents a 4 digit zero padded error message – see appendix A for standard errors)
Command Details
Delimit Character: End Of Command \n (02hex) is used for messages from a Print equipment.
Character Escaping
The control characters | and , are escaped by the CLI service when sending response to a
client and are unescaped when processing input from a client. The escaping is perfomed by
doubling up the control characters ie | -> || and , -> ,,.
Standard error codes
CLI system error code
Unknown/undefined error
Invalid operation usage/syntax error
Login error
Unlicensed operation error
Generic operation failed error
Common Device Properties
Property name
Status of the printer
- 43 -
Chapter 2
Property name
Total prints over the total life of the device.
This is never reset.
Amount of prints since last job select.
This is reset after a Select command is performed.
The remaining items in the queue
Only updated when device is in queue mode
Relevant version of the device firmware
Returns an empty string when the device is not connected.
The printer’s MAC address
Can be used for unique identification of a device
A list of fault and warnings.
{Error;2002;Triggered while printing}
- 44 -
CLI Command Interface (RFC)
CLI Command Interface (RFC)
A new protocol element ‘erp’ is added. The operation would look like:
Example RFC calls from Nomad
RFC to get work orders.
RFC to upload the pallet information
"CLI Commands Output" on page 285
- 45 -
Chapter 2
CLI Commands Output
RFC to get the Order information with a table output.
- 46 -
CLI Commands Output
BOLOÑESA 6X1, 060;1330408;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;1200.000;01;120;15;8;28410239032417;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
6X1,060;1330407;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;1200.000;01;120;15;8;28410239032417;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
MANC SETC|96008844;SIT2 LASAÑA DE ATUN 8X530;1330406;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;20.000;01;180;15;12;28410239032097;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
Table output will have first row with Column names.
Records separated by “|”.
Values separated by “;” [Configurable from XML]
- 47 -
Chapter 2
The WebAPI allows you to see which ports are used for the Web API service. To change
these ports, go to "System Ports" on page 127.
Check Ports
Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Integration Services > WebAPI.
In the Tasks for... click on Properties.
A new window opens. In Configuration you can change the default port or activate encryption. Choose a different one and click OK.
See: "Security" on page 27 to manage the certificates.
When you change the port, you need to restart the Connectivity Service. In Windows search for
Services. Once it's open, search for Markem-Imaje Connectivity and select it. Click Stop the service in the left pane. Then click Restart the service beneath it..
In the WebAPI you find Operations.
1. Click on Operations to open it.
2. A series of commands become visible, which you can use to operate the Web API clients.
- 48 -
Once you installed an OPC UA, you can manage it through the Integration Services of
CoLOS Administrator.
In CoLOS Administrator open Control Panel > Integration Services.
Select OPC UA Server.
Then click in the Tasks for OPC UA Server on Properties.
The Configure OPC UA Service window opens.
In Ports you see the default port for the OPC UA Server (48050 - This can be
changed through System, click in the Tasks for System pane on Properties and
then select System Ports.)
Select Security.
Any changes made in this section, require a system restart.
You can configure the security profiles and whether you need encryption. The default port
for the OPC UA Server is necessary. You may choose between None, Basic256Sha256 and Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep (strongest available).
Also select the Message Security Modes: Sign only or Sign and Encrypt.
See: "Security" on page 27 to manage the certificates.
When you use encryption, CoLOS need to accept the certificate.
1. The Client makes a handshake with the Server. The last one sends the Server's Certificate
(this is the certificate plus the public key).
2. When the client trusts the server, it will use the certificate.
3. When sending out the first request, the data is encrypted using the Server's public key.
4. In the server, this request is decrypted by using it's private key. This makes certain it can
only be encrypted by this server.
5. The server then sends the response using the client's public key.
6. It decrypts the data using it's own private key.
The server needs to trust the Client. For that, IT has to copy the trusted client certificate so it's
available for the server as well. Please add it to the NGW folder (the default location is):
"Certificate errors" on the next page
- 49 -
Chapter 2
Certificate errors
When the error message a certificate isn't trusted appears, it means you have yet to make
CoLOS recognize the specific certificate as trusted.
This error message appears when you want to use an OPC item from an encrypted system.
Here Colos Product Suite acts as a the OPC UA server.
So far clients that want to connect to the Product Suite server, must copy the client certificate to the following location:
1. Copy the Client Certificate to C:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\CA\v6.1\Certificates\trusted
2. Copy Server Certificate c:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\CA\v6.1\Certificates\own\Certs to
the Clients trusted certificate path
Here Colos Product Suite acts as the OPC Client
1. Copy the certificate of the server into C:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\CA\v6.1\Certificates\trusted
2. Copy C:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\CA\v6.1\Certificates\Own\Certs to the servers trusted certificate
In case you want to use CAT as well, search certificate in the CAT online help file.
- 50 -
About the Web User Interface
About the Web User Interface
CoLOS Administrator now comes with an optional Production User Interface called CoLOS
Production, which allows users to manage the different devices through the web. The settings necessary to access this page, can be found in CoLOS Administrator.
1. Click Control Panel > Web Production Panel.
2. For each configured group of applicators, you find a separate folder in the Web Server window. Above it you find the address for the web server which can be used by every computer connected to the one CoLOS Enterprise is installed on.
3. To copy the address (so you can later paste it in a browser) click in the Tasks for Web
Server pane on Copy Address.
4. To launch the Production User Interface, click Launch.
"Change settings" on the next page
- 51 -
Chapter 2
Change settings
If the standard settings are no good, you can change some of the values within the Production User Interface.
1. Open the Web Production Panel.
2. Click in the Tasks for Web Production Panel on Properties.
3. In Company Logo you can add your own logo. It is uploaded in two formats: an 800x600
(85x62 pixels) logo or a 1024x768 and above logo (110 x 80 pixels). You can add one or
both formats. Click on Upload to select a logo and load it. Click on Show to view the logo
and click on Clear to remove it. These two last buttons are only visible when the logo is
actually uploaded.
4. In Job List Settings you enter the maximum number of jobs allowed on the jobs first
page. By default this is 1000. You can also select Compact View to show the job list page
in compact view, or Grid Layout to display the job list page in grid layout.
5. In Options you can customize the display options, allowing web users to see certain buttons or pages. These are: activate/deactivate (devices) and Stop Production buttons, show
setting files, image template files or the machine settings page and allow repackaging
6. In ports the user gets an overview of the ports used by CoLOS. The user can't change
them here. To do that, go to "System Ports" on page 127 (in System > Properties).
7. Select WEDGE.
8. To use a WEDGE Scanner, select Use WEDGE Scanner.
9. Choose the type of Parser and add the text parser group configuration if necessary. Click
Add to open the window Input Node Record Data Parsing Config.
10. Only after you filled in each and every field (Group Name, Offset, Encoding type and
Length (bytes), will the Add-button become visible. Click Add.
11. To remove everything, click Reset. To remove only one line, select it and click Remove.
12. To change the settings, first select an existing configuration, click Change. Then change
the configuration as you see fit.
13. To manage the certificates, see: "Security" on page 27
- 52 -
CoLOS Production
CoLOS Production
You need to have a browser installed on your computer.
1. Make sure you activated this option first. We describe this in the "Change settings" on the
previous page.
2. In CoLOS Administrator, click on Web Server > Launch Browser.
3. Enter your credentials and click OK.
4. You now see the overview of the different groups or, if only one group is selected, you see
the individual devices.
5. Select a group if more than one group is available.
6. Then select a device.
7. Click Start new Job. Select the job of your choice and click OK..
8. Specify the additional settings and click OK.
9. Once you see the preview of the label to be printed, click Send for printing.
10. The job selected is send to the device and printed.
For a more detailed overview, please see the Quick Guide CoLOS Production which is available on the USB / online.
To make use of all options (including Standard Reports), please make sure you have installed
at least .Net Framework 4.6.1. onto your machine. Download the latest .NET Framework version.
- 53 -
Chapter 2
About Jobs
A Job is typically a combination of the Image Template File (.ITF) and Remote Data as
well as Settings File data (view all of the data components that can be included in a Job).
For images which are linked to "Per Job Data" below, the Job Manager database management tool (in CoLOS Designer) allows you to assign Jobs to your image prior to downloading it to a device. The Jobs can then be selected as part of the download process.
Each Job is assigned a Job ID (which is normally the same as the Product Code or Job
Before a Job can be selected for downloading to the device, you must first "Add, View, Edit
or Remove a Job Source" on page 56. Once defined, you can "Download Job" on page 67
to download to your chosen device.
"Per Job Data" below
"About Image Download" on page 199
Per Job Data
Per Job Data refers to the remote data sources you have linked to a Text, Barcode,
Time/Date or Logo/Graphic (Windows printers only) field. Remote data sources are created
when using the CoLOS Designer which subsequently uses Job Manager to manage multiple
The data values used are dependant upon the Job ID you select when you download the
image to the device; the Job ID will point to the exact data value in the database.
"About Job Sources" on the facing page
- 54 -
About Job Sources
About Job Sources
The Job Source is the location where Job information is stored. It will be in the form of a
table with Job ID1 and Image Template2 references; it will also include any Settings3 references specific to the product.`
Job Sources enable customers with vast product databases to filter out specific Jobs they
may want to use regularly. When this is achieved, customers can select, access, and manage Jobs from internal and external databases more effectively.
A Job Source can be stored in any database linked via ODBC.
Only the reference for the Image Templates and Settings files are stored in the Job Source;
the actual files are stored in the "Resource Repository" on page 91.
These references can be stored as an external writable Job Source or a read-only Job
Source. A writable Job Source provides for the Image Template references to be included in
the customer database table (this requires an ODBC link to the database). A read-only Job
Source does not allow access to the customer database. It has a separate internal lookup
table that contains the Job ID, Image Template, and Settings file references. We do not currently support writing into ODBC databases.
If image field data is not being extracted from an external database, the user can choose to
Get from Job Database.
The system allows you to use multiple image files or a single image file within the Job
Source, such as pallet labels. The system also provides various settings files, single settings
files, or no settings files to be selected.
Each device you add to the system will require a Job Source to retrieve the Job data if you
intend to select a job from the front panel of a device or use Select Job rather than Download Image.
"Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job Source" on the next page
"Assign Job Source" on page 58
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
"Download Job" on page 67
"Tasks" on page 68
1A unique reference for each Job; this is typically the Product Code.
2Define the format of the image including size, position of text, font, etc.
3Refer to the Device Settings.
- 55 -
Chapter 2
Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job
CoLOS Administrator allows you to set up individual Job Sources using the Add Job Source
wizard. The wizard guides you through all the steps involved in defining a Job Source
including specifying any settings, and selecting XML-based or or ODBC data sources.
- 56 -
Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job Source
To add a Job source
1. Select Job Sources from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click Add Job Source from the Tasks for Job Sources pane and open the Add
Job Source Wizard.
3. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do not show this Welcome page again check box).
4. Choose the type of Job Source: "Setup Filtered Job Source" on page 59, "Setup ODBC
Job Source" on page 60, "Setup OLEDB Job Source" on page 61, "Setup Repositorybased Job Source" on page 63 , "Setup XML- based Job Source" on page 64, "Setup
CoLOS Database Job Source" on page 62or "Combined Job Source" on page 213.
View or Edit a Job Source
1. From the Browser pane select Job Sources.
2. Select the required Job Source from the View pane.
3. Click on Properties in the Tasks pane to proceed. You see which Job Source is attached
and you can make the necessary changes.
4. Click Apply when you have completed the changes. Click OK to close the window.
Remove a Job Source
Select Job Sources from the Browser pane.
From the View pane select the required Job Source
Click on Remove from the Tasks pane.
You will then be asked to confirm; click Yes to delete it.
- 57 -
Chapter 2
Assign Job Source
When a device is added to the CoLOS Administrator system you need to assign a Job
Source to the device. This will enable information about Jobs to be retrieved by the Job
To assign a Job source to a device
Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
Select the name of the Device from the View pane.
Click Properties from the Tasks for ... pane and the Set Device Properties screen
will appear.
Select Job Sources from the list of folder options.
Select Browse and select a Job Source from the Job Source Browser.
Click OK and the Current Job Source is updated.
Click Apply to assign the Job Source.
Click OK to close the window.
To drag-and-drop a Job source to a device
Make sure My Devices is open in the Control Panel and you are able to see the
device you want to assign a Job Source to.
Click on Control Panel > Job Sources.
Select a Job Source and drag it to the appropriate device under My Devices.
Are you sure you wish to associate the Job Source with the device?
Click Yes to accept.
The Job Source is now assigned to the device of your choice.
- 58 -
Setup Filtered Job Source
Setup Filtered Job Source
1. Click on Filtered Job Source.
2. Click on Next to proceed.
3. Select the filter options for this job source. This starts by selecting the Job Source you want
filtered by clicking on the button with the three dots.
4. In the new window that opens, select the Job Source of your choice or create a new one by
clicking Add.
5. Then select a Filter Table from the Remote Data Source Browser (you can also add a new
one if necessary). From this Filter Table, select one of the available columns. Choose an
operator (Equals, Not Equal, Regular Expression or Substring) and enter the value in the
field below. Click Next.
6. Enter a description for the new Job Source.
7. Click Next and then Finish.
8. You return to the Job Sources pane and find the new Job Source.
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
- 59 -
Chapter 2
Setup ODBC Job Source
The Job Source is the location where Job information is stored, and an ODBC Job Source
helps it link to an external database.
If you run CoLOS Enterprise on an x64-bit Operating System, it will only show the 32-bit
DSNs. You have to use the 32-bit DSN window to set these up. Start your explorer and open
the 32-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file. The file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder, where %systemdrive% is usually C:.
To set up an ODBC Job Source:
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left panel, navigate to Browser > CoLOS Factory
Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
2. Click Add Job Source and click Next.
3. From the list of Job Source types, select ODBC Job Source, and click Next.
4. For the location of the template file, select one of the following options and click
l I want to use multiple image files within this Job Source
l I want to use a single image file within this Job Source
l I do not wish to use image files within this Job Source
5. For the
l I
l I
l I
location of the settings file, select one of the following options and click Next:
want to use multiple settings files within this Job Source
want to use a single settings file within this Job Source
do not wish to use settings with this Job Source
Select the ODBC Connection and click Next.
Select a table from the selected ODBC Data Source and click Next.
Select a column containing the job ID and click Next.
Select a column containing the name of the image file and click Next.
Select a column containing the settings file and click Next.
To configure the way that database text fields are handled, choose one of the following
options and click Next:
a. Treat database NULL values as An empty string
b. Treat database NULL values as The fields default data
To trim the field contents, select the checkbox next to 'Trim field contents?' and click Next.
Enter the additional job properties such as the Property Name and the Database Column
they reside in. Click Add to add them to the list of additional job properties (optional). Click
Next to proceed.
Select the repository and click Next (applicable only if you have multiple repositories).
Enter a description of the new ODBC data source as shown in CoLOS Designer; the table
name of the data source is used as the default. Click on Next to proceed.
You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC Job Source. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
- 60 -
Setup OLEDB Job Source
Setup OLEDB Job Source
1. Select OLEDB Job Source and click Next.
2. The Image File window allows you to set the I want to use multiple image files within
this Job Source, I want to use a single image file within this Job Source or I do not
wish to use image files within this Job Source. Click Next to proceed.
3. If you are using machine settings, the Settings file window allows you to set the I want to
use multiple settings files within this Job Source, I want to use a single settings
file within this Job Source or I do not wish to use settings witth this Job Source.
Click on Next to proceed.
4. Please enter the OLE DB connection string. E.g. when you use a Microsoft Access Database created in Office 2013, named uponor.mdb and located in the folder c:\OLE DB, the
connection string would look like this:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=C:\OLE DB\UPONOR.mdb
Which provider strings to use?
The most common strings can be found on these sites: http://www.carlprothman.net/Technology/ConnectionStrings/OLEDBProviders/tabid/87/Default.aspx
5. Click Next to proceed.
6. If the ODBC data source is password protected, select My ODBC database is protected
by the following user name and password and enter the Username and Password to allow
access. If access to the ODBC data source is unrestricted, select I do not need to enter a
username and password to connect to this ODBC database. Click Next to proceed.
7. The ODBC Table Selection window allows you to select the required table from your
ODBC data source. Click Next to proceed.
8. The Job ID Column Selection window allows you to select the column that represents the
Job Id. Only one column can be selected. Click Next to proceed.
9. The Image Column Selection window allows you to select the column from the table that
contains the name of the image file. Click Next to proceed.
10. Enter the additional job properties such as the Property Name and the Database Column
they reside in. Click Add to add them to the list of additional job properties. Click Next to
11. Enter a description of the new ODBC-based Job Source as it will be shown in CoLOS
Administrator; the table name of the data source is used as the default.
12. You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC Job Source. Click
Next to proceed followed by Finish to exit the Wizard.
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
- 61 -
Chapter 2
Setup CoLOS Database Job Source
The CoLOS Database Job Source uses the SQL connection configured during installation or
the connection configured under the System > Properties > Database Connection.
1. Click Control Panel > Job Sources > Add Job Source. Click Next.
2. Select CoLOS Database Job Source in the left pane. This is a Job Source that links to an
external database. Click Next.
3. The Image File window allows you to set the I want to use multiple image files within
this Job Source, I want to use a single image file within this Job Source or I do not
wish to use image files within this Job Source. Click Next to proceed.
4. If you are using machine settings, the Settings file window allows you to set the I want to
use multiple settings files within this Job Source, I want to use a single settings
file within this Job Source or I do not wish to use settings witth this Job Source.
Click on Next to proceed.
5. Select a table from your selected Data Source. Click Next to proceed.
6. The Job ID Column Selection window allows you to select the column that represents the
Job Id. Only one column can be selected. Click Next to proceed.
7. The Image Column Selection window allows you to select the column from the table that
contains the name of the image file. Click Next to proceed.
8. Select the column that contains the settings. Click Next
9. Enter the additional job properties such as the Property Name and the Database Column
they reside in. Click Add to add them to the list of additional job properties. Click Next to
10. Enter a description of the new Job Source as it will be shown in CoLOS Administrator.
11. You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC Job Source. Click
Next to proceed followed by Finish to exit the Wizard.
- 62 -
Setup Repository- based Job Source
Setup Repository- based Job Source
This is a job source which automatically creates jobs by listing the files in a repository.
Click on Repository Job Source.
Click on Next to proceed.
If more than one resource repository is used, select the correct one. Click Next.
Enter a description of the new Repository data source as it will be shown. Click Next to proceed.
5. You have now entered all the information required to add the Repository Job Source. Click
Finish to leave the wizard.
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
- 63 -
Chapter 2
Setup XML- based Job Source
This is a job source that stores files locally on your disk.
1. Click on XML-based remote datasource and click Next to proceed.
2. The Image File window allows you to set the I want to use multiple image files
within this Job Source, I want to use a single image file within this Job
Source or I do not wish to use image files within this Job Source. Click Next to
3. If you are using machine settings, the Settings file window allows you to set the I
want to use multiple settings files wthin this Job Source, I want to use a
single settings file within this Job Source or I do not wish to use settings
witth this Job Source. Click Next to proceed.
4. Please pick the repository where the Job Source will obtain all of its files from.Click
5. Enter a description of the new XML data source as it will be shown in CoLOS Designer.
Click Next to proceed.
6. You have now entered all the information required to add the XML Job Source. Click Finish to close the wizard.
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
- 64 -
Combined Job Source
Combined Job Source
This is an extra option that is available when you want to configure the Job Sources. Combined Job Source allows you to chain a number of other job sources together. Each image
is send in turn to consecutive slots.
Order of the Job Sources
The order of the job sources is significant as this decides the order of the jobs send to
the devices and which slots are used to store them.
Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Source.
Click Add Job Source.
Click Next when you have the wizard activated.
The Add Job Source Wizard starts. Go to the bottom of the list and select Combined Job
The Combined Job Source window opens. Choose the set of job sources to combine.
Click Add.
The Job Source Browser opens. Select the Job Source you want to add and click OK.
Click Add to add the different job sources you want combined.
Once all job sources have been added, you can change their order. Select the job source
of your choice and click on Up or Down, depending on the necessary order.
Ready? Click Next.
Enter the description of the new Job Source. Click Next and then Finish to complete the
job source wizard.
To download this job source with an image is already "Download Job" on page 67.
- 65 -
Chapter 2
Add Image and Settings File
You can add Image and Settings files to the Job Source within the Job Source Editor by
adding Template (.ITF) and printer Settings files.
To assign an image file or settings file to the Job
1. From the Browser pane select Job Sources.
2. Select the name of the Job Source in the View pane (this is the Job Source that you will be
adding Image and Settings files to).
3. Select Maintain from the Tasks for Job Source pane to open the Job Source Editor.
4. Click Add to open the Add New Job Wizard. Click Next to proceed.
5. Select an image file (if there are no image files available, create them using CoLOS
Designer and click Add). Click Next to proceed.
6. Select or enter a Job ID. Click Add. Click Next to proceed.
7. Select a settings file or click Addto add "Device Settings" on page 138. Click Next to proceed. Notice that the Job Source has an .ITF template and a Settings file shown attached
to the Job.
8. Click Next and Finish to add both these files into the Job Source Editor.
9. Select the Job in the Job source Editor.
10. Click inside the Settings file field beneath the preview.
11. Use the
button and you can add a different Settings file from the Repository to associate with the current Job or click inside the Image File field to associate a different Image
file from the Repository with the current Job.
12. Click Close to return to the Job Source Editor.
13. Click Closea second time to close this window.
"Download Job" on the facing page
- 66 -
Download Job
Download Job
You can select a Job and download it from the Tasks pane (this menu function will remain
greyed out unless you assign a Job source to the device). In this case we activated the wizard.
To select and download a Job
"Add New Device" on page 190
"Assign Job Source" on page 58
Open "About My Devices" on page 171. Select the name of the device in the View pane.
Click Select Job in the Tasks for... pane.
The Select Job Wizard window appears, showing you an overview of all available
jobs. Select the Job that needs to be printed. That name will appear in the Job ID field. The
device on which it will be printed is selected as well.
Add a query if necessary and click Next.
Set the attributes for the selected job. Which attributes are available, depends on the
device you are printing to. Click Next.
If necessary, enter the required user input data. If this isn't required, these screens won't
show up. Click Next.
A preview of the label about to be printed is visible. If there are any errors, they will be
shown now as well. Click Next to continue or Back to correct any errors.
Click Finish.
- 67 -
Chapter 2
Job Source Tasks allow users to perform specific functions with a selected Job Source.
Job Source Tasks include the following:
1allows you to maintain Jobs which already exist in the Repository. You can Add, Edit,
or Delete files that have been created in CoLOS Designer.
2allows you to remove a Job source by selecting the name of the Job source in the
View pane.
3allows you to rename the Job source by selecting the name of the Job source from the
View pane.
4allows you to select a Repository from the Job source Properties.
- 68 -
Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
Select a Job Source that is already created and click in the Tasks for... pane on Maintain.
The Job Source Viewer opens.
You can select a Job ID and view the attached label.
Click Close to close the window.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
2. Select a Job Source that is already created and click in the Tasks for... pane on Remove.
3. Are you sure you want to remove the Job Source from the system? Click Yes to remove it,
click No to keep it.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
2. Select a Job Source that is already created and click in the Tasks for... pane on Rename.
3. Enter the new name in the View pane. Once you press Enter the change is made.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
2. Select a Job Source that is already created and click in the Tasks for... pane on
3. The Edit Job Source window opens. You can change the Job Source Name and choose
another Resource Repository if necessary. Click OK to close the window.
- 69 -
Chapter 2
About Preferences / My Account
Which option you see, depends on your security settings. If your "About Security Level" on
page 117is set to Low Securitythis is called Preferences. From Medium Security onward,
you find this under My Account. This allows you to change your own password and change
your User Preferences1.
To change your password
From the Browserpane select My Account.
Click Change My Password from the Tasks for My Account pane.
The Change My Password window is displayed.
Enter your Old Password.
Enter the New Password and confirm it. For security purposes, asterisks will appear when
the password is entered.
6. Click on OK to accept.
7. A message appears that the password was changed succesfully. Click OK to close that
This option will only appear if Medium security is enabled (The password is also case sensitive). Otherwise this option to change your password is not available and you can only change
your preferences in a page called Preferences.
1User Preferences available in My Account allow you to change measurement units to
or from millimetres to inches.
- 70 -
About Preferences / My Account
To change the properties
1. From the Browser select My Account.
2. Click Properties from the Tasks pane.
3. Select Device Categories. Here you can group the devices according to their category.
Select if applicable.
4. Select Units to switch units between Millimetres or Inches.
5. Select Wizard to activate the Use a Wizard to Download Images or Use a Wizard to
Select Jobs.
6. Click OK to close the window.
7. You will need to restart CoLOS Administrator for the changes to take effect. Close the popup window with OK.
- 71 -
Chapter 2
Printer Performance
To allow you to better follow your printer's performance, you can identify each printer that is
Printers such as the 2200, 5800, SLC-series, X40 / X60, 94xx (PP feature supported on 9450,
not on 9410) will be automatically added into the list of printers available for Printer Performance reviews.
Edit Printer Performance
1. Make sure you "Add New Device" on page 190
2. If you choose one of the supported devices, you can add them to a group or leave them
'ungrouped'. Either way, they will be automatically listed.
3. Click on CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Printer Performance.
4. In the right side pane you will see a list of all available devices. You will see their group, the
device type (the name you gave when you configured them) and hardware id.
5. To add a serial number (for easy identification) select the line of the device you want to
edit. In the Tasks for pane click on Edit
6. A pop-up window appears.
7. Enter the serial number of the device. You see the device name and the hardware id. We
suggest that you choose a name that will easily identify it. E.g: if the printer is on line 10,
you can name it L10_2200_2620 (in case of a 2200 printer).
8. Click OK.
9. The new serial will be visible. If the same device is used in different groups, every group
will be updated accordingly.
If you added a newly added device already into a group and it still says Ungrouped in
the Printer Performance applet, this value will change in time (at the latest when you click Edit.
Find a printer
If the list is so long you no longer have an overview, you can find a device.
1. In the Printer Performance applet click on Find.
2. You can search for every item in the Printer Performance applet. This can be the Group,
the Device, hardware id or even serial number.
3. You can select Match whole word only and/or Match case in case you want to narrow
your search.
4. You may also select Up or Down.
5. Click Find Next.
- 72 -
See Printer Performance Report
See Printer Performance Report
Once you set up the Printer Performance, you can view any created report through
the Production User Interface.
1. Make sure the Web server is activated. Star the Production User Interface..
2. Log in if that's required. On the starting page, click at the bottom right corner on Reporting
3. You see the reports available for your printer. (see the Quick Guide Production
User Interface)..
- 73 -
Chapter 2
About Production Tables
Production Tables refer to an internal data source. The data can include for example
Product Description, Product Code or Job Name information.
You use a production table source where you have no need for an external database and
only need a limited number of fields. All production table data sources (and fields) must be
set up in order for CoLOS Designer to link to and retrieve data from them.
You are able to create, design and edit Production Tables in both CoLOS Administrator and
CoLOS Designer.
"Add Production Tables" on the facing page
"Design or delete Production Tables" on page 76
"Edit data in Production Tables" on page 77
"Filtering Data" on page 78
- 74 -
Add Production Tables
Add Production Tables
Click Control Panel > Production Tables > Add Production Table.
The Production Table Designer opens.
The first line contains the Job ID, which is a String. You can't change this.
You can now enter a Column name and a Data Type (String, Itf, Logo or Calendar, Offset
date and Additional property) for each field you want to have available. The moment you
enter a line, the next one becomes available.
5. When you added all the fields click OK. In some cases you will have to add additional
information (such as the location of the labels or the additional job properties)
6. Enter the name of the Production Table.
7. Click OK. The Production Table is now available in the Production Tables pane and can be
"Edit data in Production Tables" on page 77.
- 75 -
Chapter 2
Design or delete Production Tables
To design a Production Table
Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Production Tables.
Select a Production Table that is already created.
Click in the pane Tasks for... on Design.
The Production Table you want to edit opens with each available field and the data type it
contains. Add or change the fields as you see fit (You can't change the Job ID-line, which is
grayed out).
5. Click OK to close the designer again and return to the Production Tables pane.
To Delete a Production Table
Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Production Tables.
Select the Production Table you want to delete.
Click Remove in the Task For... pane.
Are you sure you want to remove this production table? Click Yes if you want to remove it.
Otherwise click No.
- 76 -
Edit data in Production Tables
Edit data in Production Tables
Once the Production Tables are created, you still need to enter data. This can be done with
the grid based vies or with the form entry view.
Grid based view
1. Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Production Tables.
2. Double click on the Production Table of your choice.
3. Enter the data in the different columns. Which data has to be entered, was decided during
the creation of the Production Table. In case of a string data type, you have to type the data
you need. Otherwise (itf, logo or Calendar) select the necessary files after you designed
1. To add a logo, itf-file or a calendar, click the button with the three dots once you
selected the field concerned.
2. To delete an item, simply select the text you want removed and click the
Delete-button on your keyboard.
4. Click Close to save the file.
Form based view
1. Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Production Tables.
2. Double click on the Production Table of your choice.
3. At the right side of the window, click on the button Switch to Form (or Switch to Grid).
4. A form entry opens with the different fields.
5. Enter the data in the different fields. Which data has to be entered, was decided during the
creation of the Production Table. In case of a string data type, you have to type the data
you need. Otherwise (itf, logo or Calendar) select the necessary files after you designed
1. To add a logo, itf-file or a calendar, click the button with the three dots once you
selected the field concerned.
2. To delete an item, simply select the text you want removed and click the Delete-button on your keyboard.
6. To add a new item, click Move to the next item.
7. Return to the grid based view by clicking the button at the right side of the window.
8. Click Close to save the file.
To navigate between the different files, use the navigation buttons at the top.
Buttons from left to right: Move to the start of the list, Move to the previous item,
Move to the next item, Move to the last item in the list and Delete the currently
selected item.
Use "Filtering Data" on the next page to find specific data within the Production Table.
- 77 -
Chapter 2
Filtering Data
Once data is entered into a production table, you can use the Find option to find certain
data in a field.
To use Find
1. Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Production Tables.
2. Double click on the Production Table of your choice.
3. The table with its data is opened.
4. Click
Find an item in the production table, press Ctrl+F to launch.:
5. The Find window opens. Enter the data of the field you need to have. You can select
Match whole word only or Match case. You can also decide the direction (Up or Down).
6. Once you entered what needs to be found, click Find Next.
7. The row containing the searched data, is selected and can be changed or deleted if necessary.
- 78 -
ODBC Connections
ODBC Connections
ODBC provides a standard interface to connect various databases. ODBC at the central
place helps when there is a connection to a data source changes, it makes the change
reflect at all places in CoLOS without reconfiguring each one.
Make sure you have at least one ODBC data source available. Refer to "Setup ODBC
Data Source" on the next page
Create an ODBC Connection
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left panel, navigate to Browser > CoLOS
Factory Administrator > Control Panel > ODBC Connections .
2. Click Add ODBC Connection.
3. Click Next and enter a name for the new connection. Once done, click Next.
4. Select one of the following Database drivers:
a. 32-bit
b. 64-bit
5. From the list, select the Name of the Driver and click Next.
6. Select one of the following options:
l If the database isn't password-protected, select I do not need to enter a username and password to connect to this database.
l If the database is password-protected, select My ODBC database is protected by the following username and password. Enter the username and
password and click Next; CoLOS will then check the correctness of the information provided.
7. Once you have entered all the necessary information, click Finish to apply the
The new connection is now available.
Once created, you need to select the ODBC connection to continue working. Configuring
them each time is no longer necessary.
- 79 -
Chapter 2
Setup ODBC Data Source
Before connecting to and extracting data from an external ODBC compliant database for
use in the image design process, you must first define the ODBC data source using the
Control Panel in Windows. The ODBC data source stores information on how to connect to
the external database.
If you run CoLOS Enterprise on an x64-bit Operating System, it will only show the 64-bit DSNs.
You have to use the 32-bit DSN browser to set these up. Start your browser and open the 32-bit
version of the Odbcad32.exe file. The file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder, where %systemdrive% is usually C:.
Setup an ODBC data source
1. Windows XP: From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Data Sources
2. Windows 7: From the Control Panel, select System and Security > Administrative
Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
3. Windows 10: From Search Windows, enter ODBC. Click on ODBC Data Sources to
open the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
4. Click on the System DSN tab to access the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
DSN must be configured as a 'System DSN to be visible within CoLOS Administrator.'
5. Click on Add.
6. Select the appropriate driver for the external database; the driver relates to the application
used to create the database; for example, select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) from
the list of drivers for a database created in Access.
7. Click on Finish.
8. Click on Select to locate the required database and click OK to select.
9. Enter a Data Source Name and Description (this will avoid confusion when more than
one OBDC data source has been defined).
10. Click OK.
11. The new ODBC data source is displayed in the System Data Sources list.
12. Click OK to exit the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
- 80 -
About Remote Data Sources
About Remote Data Sources
One of the more powerful features of CoLOS Administrator is the ability to link image
designs to product data (e.g. databases or files). A Remote Data Source refers to data
stored in an external ODBC-compliant data source such as a SQL, Access, Excel, or
Comma separated file.
CoLOS Administrator allows you to retrieve this data and insert it into your images during
the download process. The data could include Product Description, Product Code or Job
You would typically use a remote data source where you need to print an image where
both products use the same image design (ie. the same ITF file), but the field data is different. As can be seen in the example below, the Product Code, Type of Cheese, Flavour,
Texture, Country and Region fields are different for Product A and Product B.
- 81 -
Chapter 2
Product A
Product B
Product A is Bavarian Swiss Cheese from Germany; Product B is Feta Cheese from
Greece. The variable field data is retrieved from the specified Remote Data Source which
typically comprise cells within a database containing text such as 'Fresh' or 'Milky' above.
This data is mapped to the text field that contains the Flavour information in a Remote Data
field for Product Code 56659 on the Cheese image. The link to this information is normally
created during the design process, when fields are linked to an ODBC database via an
ODBC connection or Job Manager to a specific cell in a database. The link will contain the
following information:
Database Table
Data Source Job ID Column (typically Product Codes)
Data Column (the column in the table that contains the Field Data)
Each Remote Data field will have its own Data Source, i.e. link to a cell in the table.
When a Job is created to download and print the image to a device, the information for the
Remote Data Source fields for that Job is retrieved and inserted into the appropriate field.
Prior to linking to an external ODBC database, you must first set this up using the Control
Panel in Windows. Use "Remote Data Source Applet" on the facing page to "Add Remote
Data Source" on page 84 to link to the new data source from CoLOS Administrator; this
includes specifying the required table and the data columns from which data will be extracted for use in the image design process.
You also have the ability to use "About Production Tables" on page 74.
"Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80
"Setup CoLOS Database Job Source" on page 62
- 82 -
Remote Data Source Applet
Remote Data Source Applet
The Remote Data Source Applet allows you to add, remove or change the properties of
the remote data sources (ODBC data). The data can then be extracted for use in the image
creation process within
"Add Remote Data Source" on the next page
"Change Remote Data Source Properties" on page 89
"Remove Remote Data Source" on page 90
- 83 -
Chapter 2
Add Remote Data Source
You must set up your ODBC sources on Windows (on the server machine) before they are
To add a remote data source:
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left panel, navigate to Browser > CoLOS Factory
Administrator > Control Panel > Remote Data Sources.
2. Double-click the Add Remote Data source icon.
3. Click Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, check the
box next to the Do not show this Welcome page again option.)
You now have four options.
ImMC Legacy
If you use Message Center before switching to CoLOS Enterprise, follow this:
1. Click on ImMC Legacy to select ImMC as the data source type.
2. Click on Next to proceed.
3. Select the ODBC Data Source from those available on the system. (The data sources are
created during the "Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80 process and can be viewed on
the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator window within the Control
Panel.) Select either 32-bit or 64-bit. Click Next to proceed.
4. Select a table from the ODBC data source and click on Next.
5. Select the column in the table that represents the Job Id. Only one column can be selected. Click Next to proceed.
6. Select the column(s) from the table containing the data for the image design process. Click
Next to proceed.
7. Choose the Text Field Options about how to treat database NULL values and trim field contents? Click Next
8. Select the column(s) that contain the image template file (optional). Click Next.
9. Select the repository (when more than one repository is found on the system). Click Next.
10. Enter a description of the new IiMC Legacy ODBC data source as it will be shown in
CoLOS Administrator; the table name of the data source is used as the default. Click Next
to proceed.
11. You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC data source. Click Finish to exit the wizard; alternatively, click on Back to review or amend any information.
ODBC Remote Data Source
Click ODBC Remote Data Source to select ODBC as the data source type and click Next.
Select the ODBC Connection and click Next.
Select a table from the selected ODBC Data Source and click Next.
Select a column that contains the job ID and click Next.
Select the columns from the table containing the data available to print (select all that
apply) and click Next.
To configure the way that database text fields are handled, choose one of the following
options and click Next:
a. Treat database NULL values as An empty string
b. Treat database NULL values as The fields default data
To trim the field contents, select the checkbox next to 'Trim field contents?' and click Next.
Select the columns containing the image template file (ITF) name (optional) and click Next.
Select the repository and click Next (applicable only if you have multiple repositories).
Enter a description for the new ODBC data source and click Next.
- 84 -
Add Remote Data Source
11. You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC data source. Click Finish to exit the wizard; alternatively, click on Back to review or change any information.
Note: CoLOS will create a new job source if you have selected ITF during the
process. To see the new job source, go to Brower > CoLOS Factory Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
OLEDB Remote Data Source
1. Select OLEDB Remote Data Source and click Next.
2. Enter the OLEDB Connection String (e.g.Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Infoo=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=COLOSDB_V6.1;Data Source=WIN10WORK\MICOLOSSQLSERVER,50653). To get the string, refer to OLEDB Connection
3. Click Next to proceed.
4. If the ODBC data source is password-protected, select My ODBC database is protected
by the following username and password. Enter the Username and Password to allow
5. If access to the ODBC data source is unrestricted, select I do not need to enter a username and password to connect to this ODBC Database.
6. Click Next to proceed.
7. Select a table from your selected Data Source (e.g., bArticle) and click Next.
8. Select a column containing the Job ID and click Next.
9. Select the data columns containing the data available to print (select all that apply) and
click Next.
10. Enter a description for the new Remote Data Source; the table name of the data source is
used as the default.
11. You have now entered all the information required to add the Remote Data Source. Click
Next > Finish to exit the Wizard; alternatively, click on Back to review or change any
Pick List Remote Data Source
1. Select Pick List Remote Data Source. Click Next.
2. Select the ODBC Data Source from those available on the system. (The data sources are
created during the "Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80 process and can be viewed on
the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator window within the Control
Panel.) Click Next to proceed.
3. If the ODBC data source is password-protected, select My ODBC database is protected
by the following username and password. Enter the Username and Password to allow
4. If access to the ODBC data source is unrestricted, select I do not need to enter a username and password to connect to this ODBC Database.
5. Click Next to proceed.
6. Select a table from the ODBC data source that contains the data and click Next.
7. Choose the columns containing the items that can be picked. Click Next to proceed.
8. Enter a Description of the new ODBC data source as shown in CoLOS Administrator; the
table name of the data source is used as the default.
9. You have now entered all the information required to add the ODBC remote data source.
Click Next followed by Finish to exit the Wizard; alternatively, click on Back to review or
amend any information.
CoLOS Database Remote Data Source
Before you begin, ensure you have configured CoLOS Database. Refer to CoLOS Database
- 85 -
Chapter 2
Select CoLOS Database Remote Data Source and click Next.
Select a table from the selected Data Source and click Next.
Select a column containing the job ID and click Next.
Select the columns containing the image template file (ITF) name and click Next.
To configure the way that database text fields are handled, choose one of the following
options and click Next:
a. Treat database NULL values as An empty string
b. Treat database NULL values as The fields default data
6. To trim the field contents, select the checkbox next to 'Trim field contents?' and click Next.
7. Enter a description of the new Remote Data Source; the table name of the data source is
used as the default. Click on Next to proceed.
8. You have now entered all the information required to add the Remote Data Source. Click
Finish to exit the wizard.
Troubleshooting the ODBC connection:
Here are the common causes of the ODBC connection problems and the methods to
resolve them.
Unable to set up ODBC connection in the CoLOS Administrator using Windows credentials.
Poor print quality when printing the label from the CoLOS Designer (smaller resolution prints).
The cause of the problem might be insufficient Windows user account rights used for
Markem-Imaje Connectivity Services.
Resolving the problem
Note: CoLOS Applications might stop working during the process. Before you begin,
save and close all the CoLOS applications.
To resolve the problem, you need to have a user account with Windows Administrator privileges and follow the below steps:
- 86 -
Add Remote Data Source
1. In the search box next to the Start menu on the taskbar, enter Services. From the list
of results, select Services > Run as administrator.
2. On the Services application, search and find the Markem-Imaje Connectivity V6.X service.
3. Right-click on the Markem-Imaje Connectivity V6.X service and select Properties.
4. On the Properties window, select the Log On tab.
5. On the Log On tab, select the radio button next to This account.
6. Enter the user name along with the domain name (e.g., domainname/user).
Or, select the Browse button > enter the object name > Check Names > select the
user name > OK.
7. Enter the password and reenter it to confirm.
8. Once done, select OK to finish.
You will now see a warning window to stop and restart the service; select OK.
- 87 -
Chapter 2
9. To restart the service, select the Markem-Imaje Connectivity service.
10. On the top left of the Services application, select the Restart button.
The Markem-Imaje Connectivity V6.X service is now using the Windows Administrator
- 88 -
Change Remote Data Source Properties
Change Remote Data Source Properties
Once a remote data source has been created using the "Add Remote Data Source" on
page 84 process, you can change any of its properties using the Remote Data Source
Manager tool.
To change the data source properties
1. From the Browser pane select Remote Data Sources.
2. Select the remote data source you want to change and click on the Properties link.
3. Select General in the Remote Data Sources pane and enter a new description in the adjacent Remote Data Source Name field.
4. For ODBC remote data sources, select the ODBC Connection. Here you find the
ODBC Database and the Username and Password.
5. From here, click on the Launch Wizard hyperlink to open the Configure ODBC Remote
Data Source Wizard. The wizard guides you through reconfiguring an existing remote
data source.
6. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do Not Show This Welcome Page Again check box).
7. Reconfigure the remote data source as required. If you want to setup a 32-bit database
driver, please check the "Setup ODBC Data Source" on page 80.
8. On completion, click on Finish to exit the wizard and apply the changes.
9. The last option is the ODBC Data. This is where you see the chosen table, the
Job ID column and the available data items .If you want to change these, click Launch Wizard. See the description from 5 till 8.
- 89 -
Chapter 2
Remove Remote Data Source
Use the Remote Data Source Manager tool to remove an ODBC remote data source.
To remove a remote data source
Select Remote Data Sources from the Browser.
Select the remote data source you want to delete and click on the Remove hyperlink.
Click Yes.
The remote data source is removed from the Remote Data Source Manager.
- 90 -
Resource Repository
Resource Repository
The Resource Repository is a shared storage location to access data through the CoLOS
Administrator network and can be protected from general user access. As part of the image
creation process,
Image (.ITF) files
Settings (incl. machine parameters) files
Logo or Graphic files
Internally managed Job Source information (including Job Manager and XML-based
Calendar Files
The Resource Repository should only be used for completed images which are ready to be
shared with other users. Draft or incomplete images (ie. Work in Progress) should be stored
in a separate location.
"Create a Resource Repository" on the next page
The procedure for adding a file to the Resource Repository differs according to the file type
as follows:
"Add Image File" on page 95
"Add Logo File" on page 96
"Add Settings File" on page 97
"Shift Configuration" on page 105
"SAP RFC Configuration" on page 278
- 91 -
Chapter 2
Create a Resource Repository
Though there already is a default Repository available, it is possible to create one yourself.
Click Control Panel > Repositories > Add Repository.
Click Next.
Pick a Repository type: this can either be a "File Repository" on the facing page or an
"ODBC Repository" on page 94.
- 92 -
File Repository
File Repository
1. Select File Repository and then click Next.
2. Choose the location. You can select Default Location to keep the standard place for the
folder. Or you can choose Specified Location. In this last case ensure the location is available to the Connectivity Service. Also click Browse to choose a new location. If necessary
you create a new folder by clicking Make New Folder.
3. When necessary you can enter the credentials to access the specified location. When
ready, click Next.
4. If disk space gets too low, you can issue a warning by selecting Warn if disk space gets
too low. In that case please enter the Minimum Available Space in Mb. Click Next.
5. Set the Repository state to Permanent to prevent it from being accidentally deleted or
renamed. Select Permanent. Click Next.
6. Enter the name of the Repository. Click Next and then Finish to finialize the creation of the
new Repository.
- 93 -
Chapter 2
ODBC Repository
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left panel, navigate to Browser > CoLOS Factory
Administrator > Control Panel > Repositories.
2. Click Add Repository and click Next.
3. Select Repository type as ODBC Repository and click Next.
4. Select the ODBC Connection and click Next.
5. For the table selection, select one of the following options and click Next:
l Create a table automatically
l Select an existing table from the database.
4. If you chose 'Create a table automatically':
a. Enter the new table's name (the name cannot be the same as any existing
b. Click Next to proceed.
5. If you chose 'Select an existing table from the database':
a. Select a table from the list
b. Click Next to proceed.
6. If you want to enable file recovery, select the checkbox next to Permanent and select Next.
7. If you want to keep every version of every file, select the checkbox next to ChangeTracking
and select Next.
8. Enter the Repository name and click Next > Finish to complete the creation of the Repository.
- 94 -
Add Image File
Add Image File
Once you have created an Image (.ITF) file and wish to make it available to other users,
you can add it to the Resource Repository.
To add an Image file to the resource repository
Select Repositories from the Browser pane.
Double-click on the repository of your choice.
Double-click Image Templates icon in the View pane.
Click on Add to pick the file to add to the Repository.
Locate the local or network folder where your Image file is stored.
Double-click on the file, or click on it once then click on Open.
The image file is added to the Resource Repository.
You can add images to the repository but you are unable to remove them for added security
reasons in case they are accidentally deleted. However, images can be removed from the system by navigating through the file structure in windows explorer and deleting the unwanted
image from the file system folder.
- 95 -
Chapter 2
Add Logo File
CoLOS Administrator supports the majority of graphic file formats and allows you to insert
logos or graphics into your image. By adding a Logo or Graphic file to the Resource Repository, you are making it available to other users and clients.
To add a logo or graphic file to the resource repository
Select Repositories from the Browser pane.
Double-click on the repository of your choice.
Double-click Logos icon in the View pane.
Click on Add to pick a resource to add to the Repository.
Locate the local or network folder where your Logo/Graphic file is stored.
Double-click on the file, or click on it once then click on Open.
The Logo/Graphic file is added to the Resource Repository.
The . bmp, . tif, .jpg, . png, .gif, . wmf and . emf file types are all supported by CoLOS Administrator.
- 96 -
Add Settings File
Add Settings File
The Settings (.settings) file contains the machine settings for a particular device which specify print quality or the position of the print head on the ribbon. By adding a Settings file to
the Resource Repository, you are making it available to other users. For a full description of
the settings available for a device, refer to the relevant section in the Markem-Imaje user
manual for the device.
Download a settings file
To create a settings file of a printer, make sure he is connected and activated.
Go to My Devices. Select the printer you want to download the settings files of.
Double click on the Device Settings folder.
If the settings aren't yet shown, click in the Tasks for... pane on Retrieve Settings
You can now save all the settings if you want to, but most of the time you will only save the
Job Download settings. To do that, look at the top of your screen, next to Filter. Choose
Safe for Job Download.
Next, in the Tasks for... pane click on Save Settings
A pop-up window opens with all the settings you can save. You see the name and Category. By default all settings are selected, but you can click Select None or deselect those
settings you don't want to copy. Once that is done, click OK
The Save Settings File-window opens. Choose a file name, decide where to save these
(preferably in the Repository) .and click Save.
You can now add the settings file as described below.
To add a settings file to the resource repository
Select Repositories from the Browser pane.
Double-click on the repository of your choice.
Double-click Default folder in the View pane.
Double-click the Settings folder.
Click on Add to pick a resource to add to the Repository.
Locate the local or network folder where the Settings file is stored.
Double-click on the file, or click on it once then click on Open.
The Settings file is added to the Resource Repository.
- 97 -
Chapter 2
About Scheduler
Scheduler allows you to configure a number of tasks. These can be run either automatically
or manually.
The possible tasks:
• Import database
• Backup system
• Reset counts
• Log Parser
Import Databases
This allows you to import data from a database. See "Database Import" on page 104.
Backup system
This allows you to make a "Backup" on page 101 of your configuration files.
The main functions for the Backup & "Restore" on page 103 functionality are:
• Backup (and restore) the system to (from) a file or Network location
• Possibility to automate and schedule the backup operations
• Automatically switch from the main system to the backup system in case of failure
Reset counts
Reset the counter for one or more specific applicators or for all devices.
Log Parser
Request the log files from the device so that they can be used in reports. To avoid slowing
down data queuing, data log requests can be ignored if this action has recently been
executed. You decide this period of time here.
"Add a task" on the facing page
"Execute, disable or remove a task" on page 100
"Backup" on page 101
"Restore" on page 103
"Database Import" on page 104
- 98 -
Add a task
Add a task
This wizard guides you through the process of adding a new task to CoLOS Administrator
To add a task
1. Click Control Panel > Scheduler > Add a task.
2. Click Next.
3. Configure when a task should be run. This can be Daily, triggered by a file in Monitor File
(up to 2 files), Manual (the user decides when the task should be performed), One time
only or Weekly.
4. Make your selection, then click Next.
5. Configure the action that needs to be done. This can be Import Database, Backup System or Reset counts on an applicator.
6. Make your selection, then enter the name of the backup file and click Next.
7. Enter the name of the task.
8. Click Next and then click Finish.
"Backup" on page 101
"Restore" on page 103
"Database Import" on page 104
- 99 -
Chapter 2
Execute, disable or remove a task
To execute a task
Click Control Panel > Scheduler.
Select the task to be edited.
In the Tasks for... pane click Execute.
In the Command Monitor of CoLOS Administrator you can follow the execution of the task
and its status.
To disable a task
1. Click Control Panel > Scheduler.
2. Select the task to be disabled.
3. In the Tasks for... pane click Disable. The command will change into Enable.
To remove a task
Click Control Panel > Scheduler.
Select the task to be removed.
In the Tasks for... pane click Remove.
Are you sure you want to delete this? Click Yes.
The task is deleted.
- 100 -
There are two ways to make a backup of your configuration file.
• Through the command prompt
• Through CoLOS Administrator itself
Command Prompt
Click Start > Run.
in the window Run type cmd and click OK.
The cmd.exe window opens with the local user in the Documents and Settings folder.
Type cd\ and press Enter to return to the root directory (c:).
To go to the CoLOS 6.x folder, type cd\program files\markem-imaje\colos 6.x (this is the
default location for CoLOS Enterprise. If you have installed Enterprise in a different location, use that folder structure instead).
6. Press Enter.
7. The syntax for the command is colosbackup.exe [options] <backup|restore> <location and
name of the backup file>
8. The options that can be used are:
/user:<user> the user to perform the operation (default: Administrator)
/pass: <password> the user's password (default: "")
/host: <hostname> (the host name or IP address (default: localhost)
/port <port number> (the port number of the backup service (default: 1913)
/profile:<Full or Basic> Basic excludes the logged data (default: Full)
In this example we want to do a full backup to a file called Colos.mib on the c:-drive.
The user is the Administrator and his password is: ASqFtL:
colosbackup.exe /pass:ASqFtL backup c:\Colos.mib
In the second example our Administrator has no password but he wants to backup
everything in the file CoLOS on f:\Company Backup\2015\CoLOS:
colosbackup.exe backup f:\Companybackup\2015\CoLOS\CoLOS
CoLOS Administrator
1. Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Scheduler > Add Task.
2. Click Next. Add the trigger to set the task into action. For example, select Monitor File.
3. Click on the button with three dots to select a file, then click Add. Repeat this process if you
want to add a second file. The maximum number of files to check is two. Add the credentials to access the location if necessary.
4. Click Next.
5. Select Backup System. Enter the location and the name of the file where everything
should be backed up to. In case you want everything saved on a network drive, add the
name or the drive letter and the exact map structure before adding the file name. E.g.: f:\backup\2011\Enterprise.mib.
6. Click Next.
7. Enter a description for the task. E.g.: Enterprise backup.
8. Click Next and then Finish.
9. To test the task, select it and then click Execute in the Tasks for... pane.
10. You will discover in the Errors and Warnings window wether or not the backup was successful.
Backup the database
CoLOS v6 comes with its own SQL database.
- 101 -
Chapter 2
Use option: /DBBackup:True.
For example; “CoLOSBackup.exe backup W:\Newfolder\a /DBBackup:True”
Output file format
An additional file is generated with a .bak extension with each Database backup.
Output file format is; <filename>.bak, which is similar to .mib file name
The file name of the bak file and mib file are the same.
There is no change in the file archiving pattern. Database backup file uses the same archiving pattern.
Remote scheduling
We can add a remote path.
Ex: CoLOSBackup.exe backup \\\mkm\PK\db\a /DBBackup:True
Schedular UI: Option for database back up.
SQL server should have the permission for writing into the Remote path.
Restore command/options to initiate Configuration and Database restore
For database restore, use option /DBRestore:True.
Ex: CoLOSBackup.exe restore W:\Newfolder\backupfile.mib /DBRestore:True W:\Newfolder\backupfile.bak
Key points
o The restauration of the Database(.bak) can be performed only alongside restore of .mib.
o The restauration of theDatabase can be performed from CoLOS Server machine only
o Restore of Database will fail if the Database Configuration is not setup at the CoLOS
Server or connection is not valid or active (at the time of restoration)
- 102 -
There is only one way to restore your configuration file.
Command Prompt
Click Start > Run.
in the window Run type cmd and click OK.
The cmd.exe window opens with the local user in the Documents and Settings folder.
Type cd\ and press Enter to return to the root directory (c:).
To go to the CoLOS 6.x folder, type cd\program files\markem-imaje\colos productionsuite
6.x (this is the default location for CoLOS Enterprise. If you have installed Enterprise in a
different location, use that folder structure instead).
6. Press Enter.
7. The syntax for the command is colosbackup.exe [options] <backup|restore> <location and
name of the backup file>
8. The options that can be used are:
/user:<user> the user to perform the operation (default: Administrator)
/pass: <password> the user's password (default: "")
/host: <hostname> (the host name or IP address (default: localhost)
/port <port number> (the port number of the backup service (default: 1913)
/profile:<Full or Basic> Basic excludes the logged data (default: Full)
In this example we want to do to fully restore a file called Colos.mib on the c:-drive.
The user is called Dane and his password is: ASqFtL:
colosbackup.exe/user:Dane /pass:ASqFtL restore c:\Colos.mib
In the second example our Administrator has no password but he wants to restore
everything in the file CoLOS which is saved on f:\Company
colosbackup.exe restore f:\Company Backup\2015\CoLOS\Backup\CoLOS
When the restoration was successful, the message Restore Complete appears.
If CoLOS Enterprise was still active, the software will also be closed and you will have to
restart it.
- 103 -
Chapter 2
Database Import
Once you imported a database through the CoLOS Import Utility, the data from this same
database can be imported automatically through a scheduled setting.
First, import a database and save a "Import Wizard" on page 14.
Login into CoLOS Administrator.
Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Scheduler > Add a task.
The Add a task wizard starts. Click Next.
Configure the trigger. This can be daily on a certain hour, by monitoring changes to a certain file, manual, one time only or on a weekly basis.
Click Next.
Select the action to configure. In this case, choose Import Database.
Select the import configuration available in the window. If you have both txt and ODBC configuration files, it may be best to make that clear in the original name of the saved configuration.
If necessary enter the user name and password. If this is not applicable, deselect I need to
set the credentials to access this location.
Click Next.
Enter the name of the task.
Click Next and then Finish to return to the tasks overview.
When the task is executed, you find the result of the import (wether or not successful) in the
Errors and Warnings window at the bottom.
- 104 -
Shift Configuration
Shift Configuration
This is where you can configure the shift information.
1. Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Shift Configuration.
2. Click in the Tasks for Shift Configuration on Shift Configuration. The Shift Configuration
window opens with a default setting and the columns: Name, Day, StartTime and
3. As Name you can use Monday Morning Shift.
Day : enter the day (from Sunday till Saturday).
StartTime: enter the time in hhmm format (24 hrs) for when the shift starts. For example:
0601 for 6 a.m.
EndTime: enter the time in hhmm format (24 hrs) for when the shift ends. For example:
1400 for 2 p.m.
4. Add each shift. Make sure the chosen names are obvious and that no data overlaps
(except for the number of the Day, which can be the same).
5. When each available shift is entered, click on Save
Open the Shift Configuration.
Select the line you want to edit. Click Edit.
You can now edit the different shifts.
Click Save.
- 105 -
Chapter 2
Copy & Paste
1. Open the Shift Configuration.
2. Select the line(s) you want to copy (in case of more than one line, please add Shift or
Ctrl). Click Copy.
3. Select an empty line. Click Paste.
4. The content is pasted into the selected fields. Make the necessary changes.
5. Click Save.
1. Open the Shift Configuration.
2. Select the line(s) you want to copy (in case of more than one line, please add Shift or
Ctrl). Click Delete.
3. The selected line(s) are deleted.
4. Click Save.
In case of a recurring (daily) shift, you can select which days the shift occurs.
1. Open the Shift Configuration window.
2. Click Recurrence
3. A new window opens. You see three shift names (Shift1 till Shift3) but these names can be
changed. Add the Start and end time and select the days of the week (from Monday till
4. Once you're ready, click OK
5. Existing information will be overwritten. You want to proceed? Click Yes
6. The changes become visible in the Shift Configuration window.
- 106 -
Connect planned down reason with a shift
Connect planned down reason with a
Once you entered the planned down reasons, you can add them to the different shifts
1. Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Shift Configuration > Planned Stops
2. In the Tasks for Planned Stops Configuration click on Manage the Planned Down
3. A new window opens. Click at the bottom on Add.
4. Enter an ID (3 characters), a description and choose whether it impacts OEE or not.
5. Add more and close the window once done.
Add plan
1. Click on Add Plan.
2. At the top enter the plan's name. Add a description to clarify the setup.
3. At the left pane you see the different names of the different shifts you entered before. If
necessary, select Group Reccuring Shift at the bottom.
4. In the right pane, enter a Start and End Time and select from the drop down list which
planned down reasons may happen.
5. Click OK to save.
- 107 -
Chapter 2
Planned Stops Configuration
In order to receive the best OEE results, you can add any planned stops. They may include
end of a shift, a lunch or anything else that is required but needs to be included to get the
best results.
Before you do this, make sure you created all the available shifts: See "Shift Configuration"
on page 105.
"Planned Downtime" on page 299
There are two situations:
A planned stop that impacts OEE (e.g. a changeover, ...)
A planned stop NOT OEE impact (e.g. Lunch break, ...)
Planned stop with impact on OEE
a. If this occurs, it Impacts OEE KPI
i. If production happens within this defined duration, it impacts OEE
b. If this occurs, it doesn't require a Down Reason fed by the Operator or by others means
c. If this occurs, the system identifies this as a Planned Stops based on pre-planned Stop
Planned stop NOT impact on OEE
A defined Planned Downtime Reason (Example; Lunch Break)
a. If this occurs, it shall NOT Impact OEE KPI
i. If production happens within this defined duration, it will NOT impact OEE
b. If this occurs, it shall not require a Down Reason to be fed by the Operator or by others
c. If this occurs, System will identify this as a Planned Stops based on pre-planned Stop
Two kinds of Down Reason Pop-ups
Default Down Reason: this shows the top most used Down Reasons and Constrants
Standard Down Reason: this shows the reasons as configured
Both supports “Others” as an option to feed not a pre-defined Down reason. All these are
logged as reason with code “0”.
This can happen:
1. If the multiple down reasons occur back to back (removing the previous pop-up)
2. If Cancel is pressed (if configured)
The Cancel-button is configurable for each kind of Down Reason Pop-up.
By default this pop-up appears when 2 minutes of Small Stop duration expires (since the
- 108 -
Planned Stops Configuration
Configure Planned Down Reasons
Before you're able to add down reasons, you need to configure those. These can be lunch
breaks, planned maintenances or anything else that may or may not impact OEE.
1. Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Shift Configuration > Planned Stops
2. In the Tasks for Planned Stops Configuration you click on Manage the Planned Down
3. A new window opens.
4. By default the different shifts are shown one after the other. It's however possible to group
them (e.g. the first, second and third shift) by recurring shift. In that case, select Group
Reccuring Shift at the bottom of the window, beneath the pane with the overview of configured shifts.
1. Select the specifc shift (or when it's a group, select the group).
2. In the right pane, enter Click on this window on Add.
3. A new pop-up opens. Enter an Id. Enter the Description and choose whether the Planned
Stop does not impact OEE (e.g. Lunch) or a Planned Stop Impact OEE
(e.g. Maintenance).
4. Once everything is entered, click on OK. The new line is added in the window.
How to decide which down reasons impact OEE and which don't? The best way forward is to
decide upfront which down reasons you want to add. E.g. lunches generally don't have an
impact on production, but maintenances for printers or the conveyor belt (or anything else) do
have an impact. Try to capture as many planned downtimes as possible.
Select the line you want to change.
Click on Modify.
A new pop-up opens. You can now change all the information entered.
Ready? Click on OK. The change is saved.
Select the line you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected down reason? Click Yes
The selected line is deleted..
"Shift Configuration" on page 105
"Connect planned down reason with a shift" on page 107
"Planned Stops Configuration" on the previous page
- 109 -
Chapter 2
Synchronize clocks
Synchronizing clocks in the different devices is important to maintain the correct time over
all devices.
To Synchronize the clock
1. Select Control Panel in the browser pane.
2. In the View Panel, double click Synchronise Clock.
3. Select one or more devices to configure the clock synchronisation settings (or click Select
All in the Synchronise Clock pane)..
4. Once that is done, the Synchronise Clock task pane aoptions change. You can select one
of the next options.
Synchronise Clock options
Synchronise on reconnect: Synchronise the clock of the device when the system reconnects.
Synchronise when job selected: Synchronise each time when a job is selected
Scheduled Synchronisation: Decide when the clock is synchronised (once every x hours
and / or minutes.
You are not limited to one choice. You can select every possibility to make sure your applicator
always shows the correct time on the printed labels
- 110 -
This is where you can "Upgrade CoLOS Administrator" on page 115, check the "License" on
page 114 (and where you have access to) and decide the "About Security Level" on
page 117. You also select the "Database Connection" on the next page, "Keyboard Settings"
on page 113, "OPC Server" on page 222 and the "System Ports" on page 127. In Certificate
Management, you manage the certificates; see "Security" on page 27.
To open this window, click System > Properties.
- 111 -
Chapter 2
Database Connection
CoLOS features like OEE, Shift and Printer performance require a database connection to
setup. During the installation, the user selects one of the three available options to make
this happen:
Internal Database (this installs MICOLOSSQLSERVER)
External Database (any database of your choice, provide the connection)
The user may change this option on this page.
1. Internal - A dialog shows with details of the internal DB data. The user can Test the connection.
2. External - The user enters the new data to create a connection and Tests it.
3. User is asked to set the database connection to none.
Once the database is configured, a messagebox appears to tell the user to restart the service.
To make any changes to the configuration, make one of the selections (if this hasn't been
done yet) and click Configure Database.
Here you set the connection details (login credentials), the server, database and database
instance name and you can test the connection by clicking Test Connection. A popup message appears telling you whether or not the connection worked.
By default the same setting is chosen as the one you picked during installation. If you chose
Internal Database, you find the settings for the MICOLOSSQLSERVER. You can always
change this here and click on Configure Database to configure the correct database.
- 112 -
Keyboard Settings
Keyboard Settings
To allow an on-screen keyboard go to Keyboard Settings and select Display OnScreen
Next, select either AZERTY or QWERTY. By default its QWERTY.
- 113 -
Chapter 2
What do you have access to?
Start CoLOS Administrator.
Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > System.
In the Tasks for System pane you click on Properties.
The window System Properties open. Click License to see where you have access to.
- 114 -
Upgrade CoLOS Administrator
Upgrade CoLOS Administrator
Here you can upgrade CoLOS Administrator.
Start CoLOS Administrator.
Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > System.
In the Tasks for System pane click Upgrade CoLOS Administrator.
A pop-up window appears. If you succesfully upgrade CoLOS Administrator the software
will restart. Click OK to close it.
5. A Serial Number appears. This is what you need to provide to receive the correct Activation
Code. Once entered, click OK.
See "License Activation" on page 17 what information you need and how you can register
(or upgrade) your software..
- 115 -
Chapter 2
Remote Sessions
The Job Source is the location where Job information is stored. This will be in the form of
a table with Job ID1 and Image Template2 references; it will also include any Settings3 references that are specific to the product.
Job Sources enable customers with very large product databases to filter out specific Jobs
they may want to use on a regular basis. When this is achieved customers can select,
access and manage Jobs from internal and external databases more effectively.
A Job Source can be stored in any database linked via ODBC.
Only the reference for the Image Templates and Settings files are stored in the Job Source;
the actual files are stored in the "Resource Repository" on page 91.
These references can be stored as an external writable Job Source or a read only Job
Source. A writable Job Source provides for the Image Template references to be included in
the customer database table (this requires an ODBC link to the database). A read only Job
Source does not allow access to the customer database and has a separate internal lookup
table that contains the Job ID, Image Template and Settings file references. We do not currently support writing into ODBC databases.
If image field data is not being extracted from an external database, the user can choose
Get from Job Database.
The system allows you to use multiple image files or a single image file within the Job
Source; for example, with pallet labels. The system also provides for multiple settings files,
single settings files or no settings files to be selected.
Each device that you add to the system will require a Job Source in order to retrieve the
Job data in case you intend to select a job from the front panel of a device or use Select
Job rather than Download Image.
"Add, View, Edit or Remove a Job Source" on page 56
"Assign Job Source" on page 58
"Add Image and Settings File" on page 66
"Download Job" on page 67
"Tasks" on page 68
1A unique reference for each Job; this is typically the Product Code.
2Define the format of the image including size, position of text, font, etc.
3Refer to the Device Settings.
- 116 -
About Security Level
About Security Level
The Administrator can set the current Security Level for the system; this applies to all users
and determines how they log onto the system.
The following Security Levels are available:
You can use all functions without being
prompted for security
information. No login
You are required to
log in to the system
with a user name and
optional password.
You are not prompted
for any further information.
You need a special
serial number to activate this. For each and
every command you
give, you have to
enter your login name
and password.
Security Levels
"Change Security Level" on the next page.
- 117 -
Chapter 2
Change Security Level
The Administrator has permission rights to set the "About Security Level" on the previous
page of the CoLOS Administrator system.
To change the security level
From the Browser pane, select System.
Select Properties from the Tasks for System pane.
Select Security Level.
The default security level is Low Security.
Select a new security level (you can only select High Security when you have a specific
license for that option).
If you have a Windows Directory Authentication, you can select Use Windows Active Directory Authentication to allow users to use their own Windows password.
When you select this, you have to enter your LDAP username and password. Also add the
Group Prefix. You can then test the connection and the correct username and password by
clicking Test. It will show you whether or not the test failed or passed.
If it passed, click OK to return to the System Properties window.
Click on OK once more.
When going from the default security level to a higher security level, you will be prompted
for the Administrator password. By default this password is blank
The following message will appear:
'The security level of the system has been changed. This will affect all users when
they next log onto the system.'
Click on OK to proceed.
- 118 -
Windows Directory Authentication
Windows Directory Authentication
Windows Directory Authentication (LDAP) is a secure form (optional with LDAP/S) of authentication that encrypts the credentials before being sent across the network. This section
helps configure LDAP in CoLOS, thus enabling access to CoLOS via Windows credentials.
CoLOS Administrator role
Configuring Windows Directory Authentication
(LDAP) in CoLOS Administrator
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left browser panel, navigate to
CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > System > Properties.
2. On the system properties window, select Security Level
3. Select one of the following security levels:
Medium Security
High Security
4. From the Protocol drop-down menu, select Use Windows Active Directory Authentication and click Configure.
5. On the Configure Authentication window, enter the Group prefix.
Note: The Group prefix is the prefix of CoLOS groups created in LDAP (e.g., If
the group name is CoLOS_Administrator, then the group prefix is CoLOS_).
Leave the Group prefix blank if the group name doesn’t have a prefix (e.g., group
name: Administrator)
6. Enter the Primary domain to search.
Note: If the primary domain is left blank,
a. And if the user specifies the domain in the username, e.g., MyCompanyDomain\Operator, then CoLOS will use the user-specified domain (MyCompanyDomain).
b. And if the user does not specify the domain in the username, then CoLOS will
use the computer domain.
7. If the CoLOS role present in the Active Directory is within the lower nodes of nested
structure, set Search recursively to True.
8. Enter the cross-domain (e.g., eu.companyA.com;eu.companyB.com. Use semicolon ‘;’
to add multiple domains)
Note: Cross-domain to search works only when the Search recursively is enabled.
9. If the CoLOS user is a part of multiple groups and wants CoLOS to use its first
found role, set the First found group as the role to True. If it is set to false, CoLOS
will use the role with the highest privileges.
10. To enable secured communication between CoLOS and Active Directory, select Enable
SSL. This encrypts the data sent. See: "SSL" on page 122
11. Enter the LDAP server port number.
12. To automatically connect to an LDAP server (e.g., ABCD1234.company.intra), leave
the LDAP server URL field blank (recommended). Otherwise, enter the LDAP server
- 119 -
Chapter 2
13. To allow the CoLOS defined user accounts to log in via credentials, from the dropdown menu, select True.
14. To verify the configuration, click on Test.
15. Click OK to save the configuration.
CoLOS application is now configured to use Windows Directory Authentication (LDAP).
Troubleshooting Tips
1. Ensure that correct groups are created, e.g., if the group prefix is CoLOS_, groups
like CoLOS_Administrator, CoLOS_Operator, etc., must be there.
2. Ensure that the user who is configuring LDAP has administrator privileges.
To enable the Windows Active Directory Authentication option, please confirm that the user
with administrator rights has been configured correctly in the active directory.
"Connect Active Directory Users with CoLOS User Profiles" on the facing page
- 120 -
Connect Active Directory Users with CoLOS User Profiles
Connect Active Directory Users with
CoLOS User Profiles
If you use the Active Directory to authenticate users, you need to connect that first with the
existing CoLOS User Profiles.
1. Before you start, create the necessary Active Directory Groups that contains the same
roles as those that exist in CoLOS, but all start with the prefix you will use in the Group Prefix. So the Administrator in CoLOS becomes a CoLOS_Administrator when you chose
CoLOS_ as group prefix.
Refer to the "Role" on page 163 chart of CoLOS, which must have the same user roles set up
within Active Directory by IT. The LDAP Setup must contain the Role Name(s) as a part of the
user’s profile.
Open CoLOS Administrator.
Click System. In the right pane click on Properties.
In the window that opens, select Security Level
Make sure at least Medium Security is selected.
Under Windows Directory Authentication you select the option Use Windows Active Directory Authentication.
The Windows Directory Authentication window appears.
Enter the username, password and the Group Prefix. Click Test to check if it works. If you
configured it correctly, you see the role appear in the window.
Click OK to close the window.
The rest needs to be configured in CoLOS CAT.
- 121 -
Chapter 2
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and functions as a secured layer in between a server
and a client (often the internet browser) SSL certificates use the HTTPS protocol of the
browser (through port 443). In CoLOS the default port for SSL in LDAP is 636.
The server receives a certificate. When the client connects to the server, the server sends
the public key so the transfer of data between the two is encrypted.
To heighten the security even more, you can also authenticate the client (and provide it with
an SSL certificate.) This way the server only talks to authorized clients.
Set the client SSL certificate
1. In CoLOS Administrator click on CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > System.
2. In the Tasks for System click on Properties > Security Level
3. There you find the option Windows Directory Authentication. Select Use Windows Active
Directory Authentication.
4. Make sure Enable SSL is selected.
5. Select Send client certificate.
6. Click in Client Certificate on the three dots at the end. (this option isn't available if you didn't
enable SSL first!)
7. Choose the SSL certificate and click on Open The SSL certificate will now become available.
8. Click Test to see if it works.
- 122 -
Enterprise Security
Enterprise Security
CoLOS offers enterprise-level security and supports the integration of leading identity platforms. CoLOS integration with identity platforms brings a seamless single sign-on (SSO)
authentication experience. This section provides information on integrating an identity platform with CoLOS.
An identity platform account with administrator privileges.
CoLOS 6.3 or later with an administrator role.
Integrating identity platform with CoLOS
Note: Do not change the default settings unless mentioned.
Note: Use the following pre-defined CoLOS applications name wherever applicable:
•CoLOS Administrator: CoLOSAdministrator
•CoLOS Designer: CoLOSDesigner
•CoLOS Application Toolkit: cat
•CoLOS Data Management: CoLOSDataManagement
•CoLOS Production Mobile: CoLOSProductionMobile
•CoLOS Background Picture Configurator: BackgroundPictureConfigurer
•Upgrade Application: UpgradeApplication
•Event log viewer: LogViewer
•Import Utility: Markem.Import.Wizard.UI
To integrate an identity platform account with CoLOS:
1. Contact your group IT administrators to perform the following:
a. To create the identity platform groups for the CoLOS applications.
b. To create and add your profile to the identity platform groups.
Note: The group name should match the CoLOS user roles without spaces (e.g., for
Image Designer, use ImageDesigner).
Note: You will need to configure CoLOS Administrator before configuring any other
CoLOS applications.
Using SAML 2.0:
Note: Use the following information wherever applicable:
Single sign-on URL:
Single sign-on URL follows the format of "<Security Protocol>://<Server Machine
Name>:<Web Api External Port>/UserAuthApi/LoginResponse" without the double
quotes and less than, greater than symbols.
(For CAT: e.g., https://L5CG70124LS:8084/api/Authentication/SamlLoginResponse).
(For all other CoLOS Applications: e.g., https://L5CG70124LS:9340/UserAuthApi/SamlLoginResponse).
- 123 -
Chapter 2
Default RelayState:
Default RelayState in the format App=application name (e.g., App=CoLOSDesigner).
Group Attribute Statements:
Group Attribute Statements filter: Matches regex
Matches regex value: (.*) without brackets
2. Open CoLOS Administrator on your device, and on the left panel, navigate to
Browser > Control Panel > System > Properties.
3. On the System Properties window, select Security Level > Medium Security.
4. From the Protocol drop-down menu, select SAML 2.0 – XML Based Authentication
and select Configure.
5. On the Apps section, select the arrow button next to the application name (CoLOS
Administrator) and enter the following:
l Destination URL (identity provider's Single Sign-On URL)
l Issuer (e.g., http://www.provider.com)
6. On the General section, fill out the following mandatory fields:
l Audience URI (e.g., http://www.provider.com/Audience)
l Group Attribute (e.g., groups)
l Group prefix
Note: The Group prefix is the prefix of CoLOS groups created in the
identity platform (e.g., If the group name is CoLOS_Administrator, then
the group prefix is CoLOS_). Leave the Group prefix field blank if the
group name doesn’t have a prefix (e.g., group name: Administrator)
7. To use the additional HTTP header, on the Misc section, select True from the dropdown menu.
8. If you want to configure the following tools, select the arrow button next to the tool
name and enter the Destination URL and Issuer:
l Background Picture Configurer
l CoLOS Import Utility
l CoLOS Production Mobile
l Conversion Utility
l Event Log Viewer
Once done, select Test to verify the configuration.
Select OK to save the configuration.
On the System Properties window, select Apply.
To import the identity provider's certificate:
a. On the System Properties window, select Certificate Management .
b. Next to CoLOS application name (e.g., CoLOS Administrator), select Import,
and next to Certificate file, select the three-dot menu and choose the identity
provider's certificate file.
Note: A single SAML certificate for all CoLOS applications is not recommended because of low security.
Note: Enlarge the System properties window if you don't see the import
13. Select OK > Apply > OK to finish setting up the identity platform account with
Using OIDC:
Note: Use the following information wherever applicable:
- 124 -
Enterprise Security
redirect URI:
redirect URIs follows the format of "<Security Protocol>://<Server Machine
Name>:<Web Api External Port>/UserAuthAPI/GetLoginResponseAppShortName"
without the double quotes and less than, greater than symbols.
(For CAT: e.g., https://L5CG70124LS:8084/api/Authentication/OidcLoginResponse).
(For all other CoLOS Applications: e.g., https://L5CG70124LS:9339/UserAuthApi/OidcLoginResponse).
Grant Type:
Implicit (hybrid)
Initiate login URI:
Initiate login URIs follow the format of "<Security Protocol>://<Server Machine
Name>:<Web Api External Port>/UserAuthAPI/OIDCRequestLogin?App={AppName}"
without the double quotes and less than, greater than symbols.
(For CAT: e.g.,https://L5CG70124LS:9339/Authentication/OidcLoginRequest?App=cat).
(For all other CoLOS Applications: e.g., https://L5CG70124LS:9339/UserAuthApi/OidcLoginRequest?App={AppName}).
Group Attribute Statements:
Group Attribute Statements filter: Matches regex
Matches regex value: (.*) without brackets
2. Open CoLOS Administrator on your device, and on the left panel, navigate to
Browser > Control Panel > System > Properties.
3. On the System Properties window, select Security Level > Medium Security.
4. From the Protocol drop-down menu, select OIDC – Token-Based OAuth 2.0
Authentication and select Configure.
5. On the Apps section, select the arrow button next to the application name and enter
the following:
l Client Id
l Client Secret
6. On the General section, fill out the following mandatory fields:
l Group Attribute (e.g., groups)
l Group prefix
l Issuer (e.g., http://www.provider.com)
Note: The Group prefix is the prefix of CoLOS groups created in the
identity platform (e.g., If the group name is CoLOS_Administrator, then
the group prefix is CoLOS_). Leave the Group prefix field blank if the
group name doesn’t have a prefix (e.g., group name: Administrator)
7. If you want to configure the following tools, select the arrow button next to the tool
name and enter the Client Id and Client Secret:
l Background Picture Configurer
l CoLOS Import Utility
l CoLOS Production Mobile
l Conversion Utility
l Event Log Viewer
8. Once done, select Test to verify the configuration.
9. Select OK to save the configuration.
10. On the System Properties window, select Apply to finish setting up the identity platform account with CoLOS.
- 125 -
Chapter 2
Your CoLOS application is now integrated with the identity platform. Repeat the steps to
integrate more CoLOS applications with the identity platform.
Integrating identity platform account with CoLOS Application
CoLOS Application Toolkit requires additional settings to enable the identity platform integration.
To integrate the identity platform account with the CoLOS Application Toolkit:
1. Open CoLOS Application Toolkit.
2. On the top left panel, navigate to Configuration > Security.
3. Select the check box of Use External Authentication to log in (The User will use
the configuration from the CoLOS Enterprise.)
CoLOS Application Toolkit is now integrated with the identity platform.
Note: If you want to revert to original settings, navigate to CoLOS Administrator >
Browser > System > Properties > Security Level > choose the Protocol as Default
(CoLOS) > Apply > OK.
- 126 -
System Ports
System Ports
In system Ports you set the default ports for every server.
You do this for:
Web Production Panel Server (port 1(for Production User Interface, Printer Performance,
OEE and Data Management) & port 2 ( Printer Performance); respectively 58080 and
Web API Internal port (9339)
CLI port. (1912)
When you change the port, you need to restart the Connectivity Service. In Windows search for
Services. Once it's open, search for Markem-Imaje Connectivity and select it. Click Stop the
service in the left pane. Then click Restart the service beneath it.
- 127 -
Chapter 2
Webservice Ports
The webservice ports changed in CoLOS v6 versus v5.
These are the correct ports for both
Integration Service
Event Service
Action Service
Engine Service
Web Api
5.5.X Ports 6.0.X ports 6.1.X ports
- 128 -
About System Log Books
About System Log Books
A System Log Book is used to record events on the system. For example, it may be useful
to know when a device has been added or deleted and who was responsible for the activity
on the system so that errors can be retraced and rectified.
View an example list of events on the system
1. From the Browser pane select System Log Books.
2. Double-click Default from the View pane.
3. You get an overview of all the logged events.
"Add System Log Book" on the next page
- 129 -
Chapter 2
Add System Log Book
A System Log Book is used to record events on the system. You can add a System Log
Book by following the steps shown below.
Make sure you installed a device prior to configuring a log book.
To add a system log book
1. From the Browser pane select System LogBooks.
2. Double-click Add System Log Book to open the Add System Log Book Wizard.
3. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do not show this Welcome page again check box).
4. Select File Logbook and click Next to proceed.
5. Select a network location that is available to Markem-Imaje Connectivity for the location of
the Log Book by using the Browse button.
6. Enter the name of the Log Book that you want to appear at the specified location.
7. You can set a user name and password for the specified location (optional).
8. Click Nextto proceed.
9. You can select Log Book monitors to (1) Warn if disk space gets too low (2) Set the maximum log book size (3) Archive logbook at specific time. These are optional choices. Click
Next to proceed.
10. Select the source events that will cause the logbook to be updated. Click Next.
11. Enter the name of the logbook that will appear in the View pane.
12. Click Next to proceed and click Finish to add the log book to the View pane.
- 130 -
System Log Book Tasks
System Log Book Tasks
A System Log Book is used to record and retrace events on the system.
The following tasks are available when you select the Default Log Book: Clear1, Disable2,
Export3, Find4, Print5, Print Preview6, Refresh7, View8, Remove9 and Properties.10
To perform a system log book task
1. From the Browser pane select System Log Books.
2. Double-click the Default System Log Book.
3. Select the required task from the Tasks pane (Disable, Remove, Rename and
1allows you to clear all of the events that are listed for the default Log Book.
2allows you to disable the Log Book, preventing you from adding Log entries.
3allows you to save a comma delimited file and export the contents as .csv file.
4Allows you to find a certain word.
5allows you to print the contents of the Log file.
6allows you to view the contents of the Log file before printing.
7allows you to refresh the contents of the Log file in the View pane.
8allows you to view individual events in the Log file. You can establish the time of
occurrence and the user name responsible for the logged event.
9allows you to remove the System Log Book from the system.
10allows you to view and select all of the events that can be written to the system Log
- 131 -
Chapter 2
About My Devices
My Devices allows you to manage devices in CoLOS Administrator. My Devices allows you
to add, remove, configure a device, check the status of a device, view details, perform
tasks, and monitor devices that have been added to the CoLOS Administrator system.
"Device Overview" on page 172
"Device Information" on page 174
"Device Properties" on page 176
"Device Settings" on page 138
"2200 Device Settings" on page 177
"Faults and Warnings" on page 178
"File System" on page 179
"Security Settings" on page 180
"Status" on page 182
"Time Date Settings" on page 183
"About Connections" on page 185
"Available Connection Types" on page 29
"Device Tasks" on page 189
"Synchronize clocks" on page 188
"Add New Device" on page 190
"Other Printers" on page 301
"ITF Writer" on page 192
"OPC UA" on page 193
- 132 -
Device Overview
Device Overview
When you see the starting page of CoLOS Administrator, you find Common Tasks and
Device Overview in the View pane.
Common Tasks
The Common Tasks hold the most common tasks from the Control Panel. These are:
"About My Devices" on page 171
"About Log Books" on page 207
"About User Accounts" on page 161
"About Job Sources" on page 55
" About Groups" on page 195
Device Overview
For every configured device you have one icon available. At the left bottom of the View
pane, you also find two buttons (Auto Arrange and Choose background image) and a
slider bar.
Arrange icons
You can arrange icons both automatically or manually.
To arrange icons automatically
1. Click Auto Arrange. The icons are immediately arranged.
- 133 -
Chapter 2
To arrange icons manually
1. If Auto Arrange is active, click Auto Arrange to switch this option off.
2. You can now drag and drop the icons wherever you like.
Change the background image
1. It is possible to change the background image. Click Choose background image >
Choose background image... .
2. From the window Browse for background image, select the image you want to use.
3. Click Open.
4. It will appear in the background of the Device Overview. By default it appears at the top left.
To change this, click Choose background image > Tile.
5. To remove the background image, click Choose background image > Reset.
6. The background image is removed.
The slider bar allows you to influence the dimensions of the icons used for the configured
devices. You enlarge them moving the slider to the right or reduce them by sliding the
slider to the left.
- 134 -
Device Information
Device Information
You can get information about any device by clicking on the icon representing the device in
the Browser pane.
The device must be connected and communicating to the CoLOS Administrator system before
any information can be retrieved.
Access the device properties
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the device in the View pane.
The following information can be retrieved by double-clicking each option:
Device Settings allows you to view and configure the setup parameters for
the selected device. This is where you can save the "Add Settings File" on
page 97.
Image Preview: You see a preview of the picture. E.g.: you can see the
image the Cognex camera has made.
Custom View: part of the Cognex camera. Allows you to connect to the camera and change a few settings.
Bad Reads: an overview of all bad reads made with the selected
camera. You see them ordened by date.
File System allows you to view the files on the device.
Status allows you to view information about the current condition of the
Faults and Warnings allows you to view any Faults and Warnings that may
occur on devices configured via CoLOS Administrator. Each device will have
its own internal warning messages which can be listed, diagnosed, and displayed on the device screen or in the Errors and Warnings tab.
Security Settings allows you to configure the users permitted to control the
device from its local user interface (on SmartDate 5 only).
Job Queue allows you to see the jobs currently queued on the device.
(SmartDate only.)
- 135 -
Chapter 2
Fonts shows an overview of all avialable fonts and algorithms. Only available
for the 9xxx devices.
Time and Date Settings This is currently a SmartDate feature. Device information appearance changes depending on the selected device.
This Web Page will only be displayed for Ethernet Connections. To access this
page, you need to have the web server activated.
- 136 -
Device Tasks
Device Tasks
A Device Task allows you to perform a specific task associated with your chosen device.
The number of tasks that are available will vary depending on the type of device added into
the My Devices pane.
The majority of devices you can add include the following tasks: Select Job1, Synchronize
Clock2, Remove Device3, Manage Jobs4, Enable,5 Disable6 and Rename7.
To view and select a task
Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
Select the device in the View pane.
Click on the device and a list of tasks will appear.
You can also right-click on a device and view the same options from a popup menu.
Select a task from the Tasks list.
The Details of the selected Device can be viewed or hidden by clicking on the up
arrows on the Tasks panel.
or down
1allows you to select a Job to be downloaded to a Device.
2allows you to Synchronize the Device Clock with the Host Clock.
3allows you to remove a Device form the CoLOS Administrator system.
4allows you to Select, Edit, or Delete Jobs before you download to a device.
5allows you to enable a connection to a device. You can also achieve the same function
by right-clicking on the device and selecting the option from the pop-up menu.
6allows you to disable a connection to a device. You can also achieve the same function by right-clicking on the device and selecting the option from the pop-up menu.
7allows you to view or edit the name of the selected Device.
- 137 -
Chapter 2
Device Settings
Settings can be configured for specific devices. Examples of these settings include print
darkness levels for a SmartDate or Print Head enable for a 5000 inkjet.
Settings files can be attached to a job download to automatically configure the device with
the correct parameters. They can also be used to clone printers along with uploading the
file system data.
Once you have changed any of the parameters listed in device settings you can use any of
the options listed in the Tasks for Devices pane. For example, Upload Settings1, Download Settings2, Open Settings,3 Save Settings4 or Restore Defaults5.
A Settings File6 can be associated with a Job. When that Job is selected on the device the
settings will be used.
A settings file is normally attached to a Job file7 which is downloaded to a device.
To view and modify the contents of an example device settings list:
Select My Devices from the Browser.
Select an existing device (e.g. a SmartDate 5).
Double-click the device in the View pane.
Double-click Device Settings from the View pane.
Click inside the cell adjacent to Print Darkness %.
Edit cell to show 75.
Select Download Settings from the Tasks for device pane to update the device settings.
(the command is shown as complete in the Command Monitor8).
The settings can be modified and downloaded to the device or saved onto a PC. A saved file
can also be retrieved from a PC and downloaded to a device.
"2200 Device Settings" on page 177
1allows you to upload the current settings file from the selected device.
2allows you to download a new or modified settings file to the selected device.
3allows you to select a pre-saved settings file for editing.
4allows you to save an edited settings file to a PC.
5allows you to restore the factory defaults settings file to the device.
6The Settings (.settings) file contains the machine settings for a particular device. This
specifies print quality or the position of the print head on the ribbon.
7Job files include a Product code, Image Template and Settings file.
8The Command Monitor allows you to view any currently executing or queued commands in the CoLOS Administrator system.
- 138 -
2200 Device Settings
2200 Device Settings
In CoLOS Administrator you can set the applicator type you use with the 2200.
Install the 2200 Device: "Add New Device" on page 190.
Once it is installed and connected, go to My Devices > 2200.
Double click on Device Settings.
The first thing you see is the Applicator heading .Beneath it you see Applicator type. That
reads None.
5. Click on the drop down menu and select your applicator arm. You will see that depending
on the choice you made, the settings beneath it will change.
6. You can now continue with the rest of your work.
- 139 -
Chapter 2
Faults and Warnings
The Faults and Warnings folder allows you to view faults and warnings reported by devices
connected to CoLOS Administrator. Each device will have its own internal warning messages which can be displayed on the device screen, or in the View pane.
Example messages which may occur:
Print Fault
More Info
The controller cannot detect a
printer connection.
power supply fault
Printer hardware fault
- 140 -
File System
File System
The Device File System allows you to view the files currently stored on any device connected to CoLOS Administrator that provides the file system support.
Settings files can be attached to a job download to automatically configure the device with
the correct parameters. They can also be used to clone printers along with uploading the
file system data.
To select file system
Select My Devices from the Browser.
Select the device in the View pane.
Select File System from the Browser pane.
All downloaded files are displayed in the View pane.
When connected to a device that supports a file system, it is possible to Download1 selected files to the device or Refresh2 the view of the file system. You can also Upload a File3
to a PC and Delete Files4 from the Device database.
1allows you to download selected files to the device database.
2allows you refresh the view of the database contents.
3allows you to upload selected files to a PC.
4allows you to delete particular files from the device database.
- 141 -
Chapter 2
Security Settings
Security Settings allow users to log into the control panel on certain Markem-Imaje devices.
You can add specific Role privileges for each user and use a security password to protect
the account. When the Role privileges have been added to each user you can save the settings as a Security Settings (.security) file and download it to the device.
Security settings are currently available on the SmartDate, 5600, and 5800 series.
The settings are saved to a Security Settings (.security) file and can be downloaded to, or
uploaded from, the specified device.
The following options are available from the Tasks pane:
Allows you to upload the current Security Settings file from the selected device.
Allows you to download a Security Settings file to the selected device and
replace the existing settings.
Allows you to open an existing Security Settings file for editing.
Allows you to save the defined settings to a Security Settings file on your comSave
Allows you to restore the settings to the default values which can then be saved
Defaults to a Security Settings file on your computer.
Options in the task pane
Add Users
The Security Settings option allows you to create a new user to allow access to the device.
This involves assigning a username, password and role to the user.
These options are only available when you have to log in as a user yourself. Your minimal security level must therefore be medium. Otherwise this option is not available.
To create a new user
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Security Settings in the View pane.
3. Click on Add beneath the Users pane.
4. Enter the Username; this will be the login name of the new user.
5. Enter a Password (use a 4-digit numerical value).
6. Select a Role from the pull-down list.
7. Click on OK to accept and the new user is displayed in the Users pane.
If required, you can change the the user’s assigned role using the Edit command. You can
also delete a user with the Remove command.
Add Roles
CoLOS Administrator provides three default roles, namely Operator, Supervisor and Installation Engineer. However, you can create your own role and select the privileges to be
assigned to the role.
- 142 -
Security Settings
To create a new role
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Security Settings in the View pane.
3. The Roles window opens. Click on Add below the Roles pane.
4. Enter the Name of the new role.
5. Select the required Role Privileges from the list.
6. Click on OK to accept and the new role is displayed in the Roles pane.
- 143 -
Chapter 2
The Device Status is used to monitor the condition of the selected device. Examples of
some of the status values that may be viewed are Batch counts or Batch rejects.
To view the status of a particular device
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the required device from the View pane. In the Tasks for... pane you can
already see whether or not the device is currently connected with CoLOS Administrator or
3. Double click on Status.
4. The current Status of the selected device is displayed in the view window.
You can also display the status information in different ways by clicking Categorized
When a device is connected to CoLOS Administrator the contents of the Device Status screen
will change allowing you to view the current status of the ribbon, image settings, and software
version information (depending on the device selected).
- 144 -
Time Date Settings
Time Date Settings
You can customise time and date settings for a specific device by setting up a list of Custom Codes which can be saved as an example.defcodes file and downloaded to a device.
Custom codes enable you to customise the data printed on a specific day.
For example:
Week Day
Year Code
Week Day and Year Codes
Shift Codes allow you to the set the start day and start time of a chosen shift. These files
can be saved as a Custom Shift Codes file (*.defshifts) and dowloaded to a device.
Start Time
Shift Data
Morning Shift
Day Shift
Night Shift
Shift Codes
Time and Date Settings are available on most devices.
Allows you to upload the current Security Settings file from the selected device.
Allows you to download a Security Settings file to the selected device and
replace the existing settings.
Allows you to open an existing Security Settings file for editing.
Allows you to save the defined settings to a Security Settings file on your comSave
Allows you to restore the settings to the default values which can then be saved
Defaults to a Security Settings file on your computer.
Available options in the Taks Pane
To set Custom Codes
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Time/Date Settings in the View pane.
3. Double click on Custom Codes in the View pane.
4. Select the required type of code from the Table pull-down list on the Pane view.
5. Select the required time or date period and enter the format code in the adjacent cell.
- 145 -
Chapter 2
To set Shift Codes
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Time/Date Settings in the View pane.
3. Double click on Shift Codes in the View pane.
4. You may find that the CoLOS Administrator default device settings may be set to Local
Database. If Local Database is set, you need to upload the device settings from the device
so that Host Database is set.
5. Enter the Start Date of the shift (0-6).
6. Enter the Start Time of the shift (HHMM format 0000-2359).
7. Enter Shift Data relating to this shift.
- 146 -
Synchronize clocks
Synchronize clocks
Synchronizing clocks in the different devices is important to maintain the correct time over
all devices.
To Synchronize the clock
1. Select Control Panel in the browser pane.
2. In the View Panel, double click Synchronise Clock.
3. Select one or more devices to configure the clock synchronisation settings (or click Select
All in the Synchronise Clock pane)..
4. Once that is done, the Synchronise Clock task pane aoptions change. You can select one
of the next options.
Synchronise Clock options
Synchronise on reconnect: Synchronise the clock of the device when the system reconnects.
Synchronise when job selected: Synchronise each time when a job is selected
Scheduled Synchronisation: Decide when the clock is synchronised (once every x hours
and / or minutes.
You are not limited to one choice. You can select every possibility to make sure your applicator
always shows the correct time on the printed labels
- 147 -
Chapter 2
Add New Device
New devices can be added to CoLOS Administrator using the Add Device Wizard. The wizard allows you to specify both the device type and the connection method.
To add a new device
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click Add Device in the View pane and open the Add Device Wizard. Click on Next
to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the Do not show
this Welcome page again check box).
3. The folder All Devices opens by default, allowing you to see all available devices. You can
also use the Explorer-like navigation pane on the left-hand side to find your device; click on
+ to open the folders and - to close the folders.
4. Select the required device.
5. Click on Next to proceed. This will take you to the pages that configure the device.
6. Enter the device's name as you would like it to appear in CoLOS Administrator. The default
description is the device's name shown in the Choose Device step.
7. Click on Next to proceed to Communication Configuration. You can choose between
"Associate New Connection with Device" on the facing page, Do not associate a
connection at this time, and "Associate Existing Connection with Device" on
page 151. Click Next.
8. Enter all required data. Click Next.
9. You have now entered all the information required to add the new device.
10. Click on Finish to exit the wizard; alternatively, click on Back to amend any settings.
The new device is displayed in the Device Overview pane.
- 148 -
Associate New Connection with Device
Associate New Connection with
This option allows you to create and associate a new connection to the device. The connection can be shared or unshared depending on the device driver.
To associate new connection
1. Select the type of connection you want to use.
Connection type
Server Socket
Direct Ethernet
Serial Terminal
The device driver connects to a previously opened port/socket on a
machine at the specified TCP/IP address.
RS232/485 direct connection to the device.
The device driver opens a port/socket on the local machine which allows
other devices to connect to it via an Ethernet connection. This explains
why you only need to provide a port number when configuring a Server
Socket as the IP address is the address of the local machine where the
port will be opened.
For NextGen devices only; used where your computer is directly connected via an Ethernet crossover cable
Use this connection when your terminal is connected via a serial cable.
Use this connection when your terminal is networked via FTP.
For NextGen devices only; used when your computer is directly connected to the device via a USB port.
2. Click on Next to proceed to the Connection Wizard.
3. Enter the following connection settings for the selected connection type:
RS232/485 direct connection.
Serial Port ID
Refers to a
unique serial
port ID.
failures are
likely if port ID
entered in the
wizard are different to those
set in the
device you are
connecting to.
Port ID:
Unique Ethernet Port ID.
Baud Rate
Refers to data
speed, can also
TCP Port
The address
of the port on
the server
machine to
allow TCP connection to the
Terminate Old
Address: A
code made
- 149 -
Serial Terminal
Serial Port ID
Refers to a
Is it a
unique serial port
printer or a ID.
Connection failures are likely if
port ID settings
entered in the wizard are different
to those set in
the device you
are connecting to.
Chapter 2
Check that
your port settings in the
wizard match
the settings at
the device.
be expressed in
bps (bits per
Check the
Baud rate of
the device you
are trying to
connect to
and ensure
you enter the
same settings
in the wizard.
Data Bits
Refers to the
number of
data bits.
Refers to the
Parity bit
checking function.
Stop Bits
Stop Bits refer
to one bit step
checking functions.
RTS is a data
checking function which
refers to ready
to send/clear
up of numbers that
identifies a
Ignore New
There are no settings for USB or Direct Ethernet.
4. Select the Node ID which must be unique otherwise you will not be able to proceed.
5. You have now completed the connection settings.
6. Click on Next and Finish to proceed.
- 150 -
Associate Existing Connection with Device
Associate Existing Connection with
This option allows you to associate an existing shared connection to a new device; the connection must be configured with a sharing protocol that the new device supports.
Select an existing connection type.
Select the Node ID which must be unique otherwise you will not be able to proceed.
You have now completed the connection settings.
Click on Next to proceed.
- 151 -
Chapter 2
ITF Writer
The ITF Writer allows you to print a label as an .itf and store it on your computer.
Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices
Click on Add Device Click Next
In the left pane, select Other > Image Writer.
Click on ITF Writer.. Click Next
Select the output location on your system. Click Browse. Also select the output file name
option: <Default>:{JobID}_{DateTime} or <Custom>:File name.
<Default>:{JobID}_{DateTime}: you may select Include milliseconds in output file
<Custom>:File name: choose a custom file name and decide whether the former file
needs to be overwritten or the new label is appended.
Once you made your choice, click on Next..
Select whether you want to customize the output file format. If you select this option, you
select an XSLT-file to format the output file. You have three available choices: single line,
multi line or XML. You see an example of the result beneath it. Click Next.
Enter the description. Click Next > Finish.
The ITF Writer is now available.
All XSLT-files can be found in the NGW folder. See: C:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\NGW\vX.X\ITFWriter Where X.X is the version of the present NGW folder.
Create your own XSLT-file
It's possible to create your own XSLT file, if, for example, you want it in HTM-format.
An introduction into XSLT can be found here: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xsl_
Add dynamic content
1. To add content, please add a Job Source to the ITF Writer: see "Assign Job Source" on
page 58
2. The rest can be viewed from Designer.
- 152 -
OPC UA stands for Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture. The biggest difference with the classic OPC systems, is that OPC UA no longer relies on the OLE- and
DCOM technology of Microsoft. Because of that it can be implemented on every platform
like IOS, Linux or Windows.
Markem Imaje connectivity service offers a plugin to provide a OPC UA Data access server.
This allows viewing and gives limited control over devices. The OPC UA standards expose
data through various information models.
The CoLOS OPC UA server exposes three types of information models:
"PackML Companion Spec Model" on page 157.
OMAC "PackML Companion Spec – PackTags Model" on page 158.
"MI Specific Model" on page 160.
Configure OPC UA
You can install the OPC UA in CoLOS through the My Devices option. Make sure the
OPC server is already installed.
Open CoLOS Administrator. Go to My Devices > Add Device.
Go to OPC Client.
Select OPC Client UA. Click Next.
Enter the OPC Node Name and the OPC Server name to establish a connection
(e.g. opc.tcp://(computer-name or IP address):port.
Or click Browse to select the OPC Server already available. In this new window you can
also enter the address of the remote or custom OPC Server. In this last case, click Add
Server. Once it's visible in the available OPC Servers, click Reload Endpoints. Select
one of the available Endpoints, add the credentials when necessary and click on OK.
Click Test Connection to see if the configuration is correct. If it says SUCCEEDED the
connection you set up is correct.
Click Next. You now configure the OPC items. Click Browse for OPC Items.
A new window opens with an overview of available OPC Items. Select them and click Add
>> to add them to the right column. If you want to remove an OPC Item from the list in the
right column, please click << Remove.
Once selected, click Select on the bottom of the window.
The window closes and the selected OPC Items are listed. Click Test OPC Items.
If they're okay, you get a green check mark. Click Next.
Configure the OPC Items for the Job Selection from the available OPC items. Select the
available OPC items from the drop down list to trigger the job selection and the OPC item
to update the feedback of the job selection.
Click Next.
Enter a name (by default it says OPC UA). Click Next > Finish to create the OPC UA.
- 153 -
Chapter 2
PackML (Packaging Machine Language) is an industry technical standard for the control of
packaging machines, as an aspect of industrial automation.
Based on a collaboration with OMAC, it reflects the ISA88 Technical Report (TR88.00.02)
including the following key features:
StateMachines for representing the standard PackML states;
Method for Commands;
All PackML Status information;
All Administrative functionality and information;
Machine to machine interactions;
The functionality is grouped into Profile & Conformance Units;
It includes a mapping information between PackML system and OPC UA systems.
The standard information model can be easily loaded into any OPC UA server
The OPC UA Server in CoLOS represents the devices as a Unit/Machine. The implementation if not fully compliant with the OMAC specification as the standard is for units in a
generic packaging line.
We implement only the applicable data as part of the companion specification.
In addition, the PackML State machine implementation varies from device to device and we
implement only the applicable states.
SmartDate X-Series
Similarly, you can't perform all the transitions as per the PackML Standard.
The following table describes the Packml methods/cntrlcmd that can be used in the supported printers.
- 154 -
From state
PackML 3.0
Stopped / CompPrint
Idle clear/reset
To begin
Enable Enable
proPrint- Print- N/A
in the
DisDisable able
Brings to
Print- PrintAny of the
a conShut- ing
Stop ExecuteStateM- Stopped
achine states
Devi- Devistop
ation - ation IDLE IDLE
require a
pause in
Held to hold
may be
by the
itself or
by an
ResumExecute cause the Unhold
e print
unit/machine to
hold have
pended AL to the
- 155 -
Resume print
Chapter 2
From state
PackML 3.0
require a
pause in
i.e. due to
or downstream
Execute caused
the unit to
Abort command or
on the
Aborted occurence
of a
To clear
faults subsequently
to a fix
for the
fault by
Internal state for faults
Attempt to clear faults
Only the Printer performance supported devices are available in the "PackML Companion
Spec Model" on the facing page (as well as in PackTag Representation).
- 156 -
PackML Companion Spec Model
PackML Companion Spec Model
The devices appear under “PackMLObjects” Folder under the Root\Objects in the OPC UA
server address space.
The devices in the connectivity service are represented as a machine/unit as defined in the
PackML Companion specification, which isn't fully supported in CoLOS. Those we do support, we mention below.
1. The State machine model
1. The current state of the device
2. Methods (Refer table for method-device map)
3. AvailableStates
4. CurrentState
2. Admin Object
1. Alarms – All active faults
2. Warnings – All Active warnings
3. ProdProcessedCount – The Total and Batch count of the unit
4. SetProduct Method – Select a job in the printer – Only integer jobids are supported
3. Status
1. Product
Product is an array of type PackMLProductDataType. We use only the PackMLProductDataType.ProductID for CoLOS. We don't use other parameters.
For the details on the datatypes and its members refer the PackML Companion Specification document which is available for download from the OMAC website or OPC Foundation website (A registration might be required).
With the above support the clients who understand the Companion specification model can
see the current packml state, current faults/warnings active on the device (if any), change
the state of the device, the counts and set/view the current job.
A view from a OPC Client the PackML Companion spec as Object model*
*Not all tags shown are supported
- 157 -
Chapter 2
PackML Companion Spec – PackTags
The object model defined by the standard is not widely used and the PackTag model
exposes the devices as variables. The reference can be found here:
The supported features are the same as the object model but except for the tag names.
They appear under “PackML” Folder in the Root\Objects in the OPC UA server address
A typical view of the device in the model with the supported tags highlighted in green.
The supported tags are
1. Admin
1. Alarms – The active Faults
2. Warnings – The active warnings
3. ProProcessedCount – The counts
2. Command
1. CmdChangeRequest – The trigger for sending a CntrlCmd. When true the
‘CntrlCmd’ value will be sent to the device
2. CntrlCmd – The command to request the transition. [Refer PackML supported transition table for the command numbers] .
3. Product – The Job ID [Integer only]
3. Status
1. Product – The current job on the device
2. StateChangeInProcess – A state change is requested, and the device is in the transition
3. StateCurrent – The current PackML State
4. StateRequested – The target state requested for the CntrlCmd
- 158 -
PackML Companion Spec – PackTags Model
Executing CntrlCmd
To execute a command, set the CtrlCmd to the desired value and set the
CmdChangeRequest = true.
On successful execution the client sets the CntrlCmd to zero and CmdChangeRequest to
Even though the other tags appear (like CurMachSpeed, etc) we don't use them. They are
defined only to be compliant with the model definition as mandated by the specification.
- 159 -
Chapter 2
MI Specific Model
The standard model offers limited operations on the devices and not all devices are supported. The MI Specific model gives the same capability as OPC Classic. All operations possible with the OPC Classic are achievable by using the MI Specific model.
This MI Specific model appears under the Devices Folder in Root/Objects in the address
Other than reading the properties of the device, you can perform the following operations on
the devices if it's supported by the device (The tags appear only if the device supports the
The following operations are
There is a complementary Reset methods for the above tags to reset the return value.
- 160 -
About User Accounts
About User Accounts
User Accounts are controlled by an Administrator with permission rights to add new users to
the CoLOS Administrator system. The Administrator can change passwords and control the
level of access each user has.
"Add User Account" on the next page
"Change User Account Password" on page 166
"Change My Password" on page 167
"Change User Account Properties" on page 168
"Disable User Account" on page 169
"Remove User Account" on page 170
- 161 -
Chapter 2
Add User Account
CoLOS Administrator allows a user with the role of Administrator to create a new user
account. This involves assigning an Account ID, Password (optional) and Role to the user
which uniquely identifies each account. The Role determines the functions the user can
access in the application.
To create a new user account
1. From the Browser pane select User Accounts.
2. Double-click Add User Account in the View pane and open the Add New User Account
3. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do not show this Welcome page again check box).
4. Enter the UserName; this will be the login name of the new user account. Click Next to proceed.
5. Enter a Password and confirm it. For security purposes, asterisks (*) will appear when the
password is entered. Although we recommend you to assign a password to the new user
account, it is not mandatory. Click Next to proceed.
6. Enter the Account ID; this can be any value, such as your Employee Number, and is used
for tracking purposes. Alternatively, click on Generate Account ID and one will be generated automatically (the number entered or generated is the unique number for that user,
i.e. you can't create accounts for two employees with the same name). Click Next to proceed.
7. Select a "Role" on the facing page to be assigned to the new user.
8. Click on Next followed by Finish to exit the wizard.
9. The new user account is displayed on the View pane.
- 162 -
A user can be assigned one of 7 different Roles including Administrator, Image Designer,
Restricted Image Designer,Observer, Operator, Download Only Operator or Supervisor.
The assigned Role determines the functions the user can access in CoLOS Administrator.
User Account - Roles and Restriction
Main Oper- Administrator Only
Observer Operator Image
Add Job
Edit Job
Add LogYes
Change the
/ Wizard
Add Production
Edit Production
Add Remote
Edit Remote
Add ReposYes
Add Files to
Add SchedYes
Change the
security level
Add System
Add User
Enable the
Add Device
- 163 -
Chapter 2
Add Groups
Enable / Disable
Select Job
Create New
Image /
Image Edition
Device Addition
Image Download from
Device Configuration
Field Insertion
PUI_ Start
New Job
Upload settings
- 164 -
Restore settings
PUI: Production User Interface
Yes - Feature / Option is available in the application
No - Feature / Option is available but disabled in the application
NA - Feature / Option is not Available / Displayed in the application
Roles in the backend
The 7 default roles in CoLOS are mapped with LDAP group configurations in the
backend. Those carry the same name, except for the RestrictedImageDesigner role, which in
the backend is mapped as ImageDesignerNoDownload Role.
Role Name in the
(till v6.1.6) ImageDesignerNoDownload
(from v6.1.7) RestrictedImageDesigner
Image Designer
Restricted Image Designer
Download Only Operator
- 165 -
Chapter 2
Change User Account Password
The Administrator has permission rights to change the passwords for existing user accounts.
Users can also change their own passwords using the "Change My Password" on the facing
page function.
To change a user account password
From the Browser pane select User Accounts.
Select the Name of the user account.
Click on Change Password and the Change User Password window is displayed.
Enter the New Password and confirm it. For security purposes, asterisks (*) will appear
when the password is entered.
The password is case sensitive.
5. Click on OK to accept.
- 166 -
Change My Password
Change My Password
My Account allows you can change your own password.
From the Browser pane select My Account.
Click Change My Password from the Tasks pane.
The Change My Password window is displayed.
Enter your Old Password.
Enter the New Password and confirm it. For security purposes, asterisks will appear when
the password is entered.
The password is case sensitive.
6. Click on OK to accept.
- 167 -
Chapter 2
Change User Account Properties
The properties for existing user accounts are displayed on the User Properties window
including User Name1, Role2, Account is Disabled3 and Account ID4. The Administrator can
change the Role currently assigned to a user as well as prevent a user from logging onto
the system.
To change user account properties
From the Browser pane select User Accounts.
Select the Name of the user account.
Click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties and the UserProperties window is displayed.
Select the new "Role" on page 163 for the user from the pull-down menu.
If necessary, "Disable User Account" on the facing page.
Click on Apply to accept the changes followed by OK.
To change the general User Account properties
This is only available when you have a license for the Enhanced User Accounts. Otherwise this
window stays empty.
1. In CoLOS Administrator, click on User Accounts.
2. In the Tasks for User Accounts, click on Properties.
3. In General you can disable accounts after incorrect passwords. Also you can force the
user to choose a new password when he first logs in. To expire passwords, select this
option and enter the maximum password age in days.
4. In Inactivity set the inactivity time limit after which users are logged out of the system in
5. In Passwords select the set of rules to ensure passwords are sufficiently strong.
1The User Name assigned to the user.
2The Role assigned to the user determines the functions the user can access in CoLOS
3Yes = Check box is ticked. No = Check box is empty.
4This is a unique ID used to identify and trace users. It can be an existing reference or
generated automatically by CoLOS Administrator.
- 168 -
Disable User Account
Disable User Account
The Administrator sets permission rights to prevent a user from using CoLOS Administrator
by disabling their account.
From the Browser pane select User Accounts.
Select the Name of the user account.
Click on Properties and the Set Properties window is displayed.
Click on the Account Is disabled check box and a tick is displayed.
Click on Apply to accept the changes followed by OK.
The Administrator user cannot be disabled.
- 169 -
Chapter 2
Remove User Account
Only an Administrator can remove an account from the CoLOS Administrator system.
From the Browser pane select User Accounts.
Select the Name of the user account to be deleted.
Click on Remove.
Click on Yes to confirm removal.
The user account is removed from the View pane.
The Administrator user cannot be removed.
- 170 -
About My Devices
About My Devices
My Devices allows you to manage devices in CoLOS Administrator. My Devices allows you
to add, remove, configure a device, check the status of a device, view details, perform
tasks, and monitor devices that have been added to the CoLOS Administrator system.
"Device Overview" on the next page
"Device Information" on page 174
"Device Properties" on page 176
"Device Settings" on page 138
"2200 Device Settings" on page 177
"Faults and Warnings" on page 178
"File System" on page 179
"Security Settings" on page 180
"Status" on page 182
"Time Date Settings" on page 183
"About Connections" on page 185
"Available Connection Types" on page 29
"Device Tasks" on page 189
"Synchronize clocks" on page 188
"Add New Device" on page 190
"Other Printers" on page 301
"ITF Writer" on page 192
"OPC UA" on page 193
- 171 -
Chapter 2
Device Overview
When you see the starting page of CoLOS Administrator, you find Common Tasks and
Device Overview in the View pane.
Common Tasks
The Common Tasks hold the most common tasks from the Control Panel. These are:
"About My Devices" on the previous page
"About Log Books" on page 207
"About User Accounts" on page 161
"About Job Sources" on page 55
" About Groups" on page 195
Device Overview
For every configured device you have one icon available. At the left bottom of the View
pane, you also find two buttons (Auto Arrange and Choose background image) and a
slider bar.
Arrange icons
You can arrange icons both automatically or manually.
To arrange icons automatically
1. Click Auto Arrange. The icons are immediately arranged.
- 172 -
Device Overview
To arrange icons manually
1. If Auto Arrange is active, click Auto Arrange to switch this option off.
2. You can now drag and drop the icons wherever you like.
Change the background image
1. It is possible to change the background image. Click Choose background image >
Choose background image... .
2. From the window Browse for background image, select the image you want to use.
3. Click Open.
4. It will appear in the background of the Device Overview. By default it appears at the top left.
To change this, click Choose background image > Tile.
5. To remove the background image, click Choose background image > Reset.
6. The background image is removed.
The slider bar allows you to influence the dimensions of the icons used for the configured
devices. You enlarge them moving the slider to the right or reduce them by sliding the
slider to the left.
- 173 -
Chapter 2
Device Information
You can get information about any device by clicking on the icon representing the device in
the Browser pane.
The device must be connected and communicating to the CoLOS Administrator system before
any information can be retrieved.
Access the device properties
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the device in the View pane.
The following information can be retrieved by double-clicking each option:
Device Settings allows you to view and configure the setup parameters for
the selected device. This is where you can save the "Add Settings File" on
page 97.
Image Preview: You see a preview of the picture. E.g.: you can see the
image the Cognex camera has made.
Custom View: part of the Cognex camera. Allows you to connect to the camera and change a few settings.
Bad Reads: an overview of all bad reads made with the selected
camera. You see them ordened by date.
File System allows you to view the files on the device.
Status allows you to view information about the current condition of the
Faults and Warnings allows you to view any Faults and Warnings that may
occur on devices configured via CoLOS Administrator. Each device will have
its own internal warning messages which can be listed, diagnosed, and displayed on the device screen or in the Errors and Warnings tab.
Security Settings allows you to configure the users permitted to control the
device from its local user interface (on SmartDate 5 only).
Job Queue allows you to see the jobs currently queued on the device.
(SmartDate only.)
- 174 -
Device Information
Fonts shows an overview of all avialable fonts and algorithms. Only available
for the 9xxx devices.
Time and Date Settings This is currently a SmartDate feature. Device information appearance changes depending on the selected device.
This Web Page will only be displayed for Ethernet Connections. To access this
page, you need to have the web server activated.
- 175 -
Chapter 2
Device Properties
The Device Properties option allows you to view or edit the device.
The majority of devices allow you to view or edit: Connection,1 Driver Configuration2,
Device,3 Job Sources4, and Logging5 information.
Access the device properties
Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
"Add New Device" on page 190 from the View pane.
Select the device in the View pane.
Select Properties from the list of Tasks (or right-click from the pop-up menu).
The Set Device Properties dialog box appears.
1Select 'Configure' to activate the Configure Connection wizard.
2allows you to enable your PC as a host depending on your PC's configuration and
how you set up host mode, it can support one or multiple concurrent host sessions.
3allows you to set the Device Network ID. The Actor 1 ID name is used by MARKEM
devices when connecting devices to a network.
4Select Browse to add or change the Job Source. Select Maintain to open CoLOS
Create Pro and edit the Job Source.
5Select 'Associate' to add a new log book or highlight the Log Book and select Disassociate'.
- 176 -
2200 Device Settings
2200 Device Settings
In CoLOS Administrator you can set the applicator type you use with the 2200.
Install the 2200 Device: "Add New Device" on page 190.
Once it is installed and connected, go to My Devices > 2200.
Double click on Device Settings.
The first thing you see is the Applicator heading .Beneath it you see Applicator type. That
reads None.
5. Click on the drop down menu and select your applicator arm. You will see that depending
on the choice you made, the settings beneath it will change.
6. You can now continue with the rest of your work.
- 177 -
Chapter 2
Faults and Warnings
The Faults and Warnings folder allows you to view faults and warnings reported by devices
connected to CoLOS Administrator. Each device will have its own internal warning messages which can be displayed on the device screen, or in the View pane.
Example messages which may occur:
Print Fault
More Info
The controller cannot detect a
printer connection.
power supply fault
Printer hardware fault
- 178 -
File System
File System
The Device File system is where any file that has been downloaded to the device is
stored. This may be a Job file, Language file, Image template file etc.
To view or modify a particular device file
Select My Devices.
Select the required device.
Select File System.
The files that are present in the selected device are displayed in the view window.
- 179 -
Chapter 2
Security Settings
Security Settings allow users to log into the control panel on certain Markem-Imaje devices.
You can add specific Role privileges for each user and use a security password to protect
the account. When the Role privileges have been added to each user you can save the settings as a Security Settings (.security) file and download it to the device.
Security settings are currently available on the SmartDate, 5600, and 5800 series.
The settings are saved to a Security Settings (.security) file and can be downloaded to, or
uploaded from, the specified device.
The following options are available from the Tasks pane:
Allows you to upload the current Security Settings file from the selected device.
Allows you to download a Security Settings file to the selected device and
replace the existing settings.
Allows you to open an existing Security Settings file for editing.
Allows you to save the defined settings to a Security Settings file on your comSave
Allows you to restore the settings to the default values which can then be saved
Defaults to a Security Settings file on your computer.
Options in the task pane
Add Users
The Security Settings option allows you to create a new user to allow access to the device.
This involves assigning a username, password and role to the user.
These options are only available when you have to log in as a user yourself. Your minimal security level must therefore be medium. Otherwise this option is not available.
To create a new user
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Security Settings in the View pane.
3. Click on Add beneath the Users pane.
4. Enter the Username; this will be the login name of the new user.
5. Enter a Password (use a 4-digit numerical value).
6. Select a Role from the pull-down list.
7. Click on OK to accept and the new user is displayed in the Users pane.
If required, you can change the the user’s assigned role using the Edit command. You can
also delete a user with the Remove command.
Add Roles
CoLOS Administrator provides three default roles, namely Operator, Supervisor and Installation Engineer. However, you can create your own role and select the privileges to be
assigned to the role.
- 180 -
Security Settings
To create a new role
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Security Settings in the View pane.
3. The Roles window opens. Click on Add below the Roles pane.
4. Enter the Name of the new role.
5. Select the required Role Privileges from the list.
6. Click on OK to accept and the new role is displayed in the Roles pane.
- 181 -
Chapter 2
The Device Status is used to monitor the condition of the selected device. Examples of
some of the status values that may be viewed are Batch counts or Batch rejects.
To view the status of a particular device
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the required device from the View pane. In the Tasks for... pane you can
already see whether or not the device is currently connected with CoLOS Administrator or
3. Double click on Status.
4. The current Status of the selected device is displayed in the view window.
You can also display the status information in different ways by clicking Categorized
When a device is connected to CoLOS Administrator the contents of the Device Status screen
will change allowing you to view the current status of the ribbon, image settings, and software
version information (depending on the device selected).
- 182 -
Time Date Settings
Time Date Settings
You can customise time and date settings for a specific device by setting up a list of Custom Codes which can be saved as an example.defcodes file and downloaded to a device.
Custom codes enable you to customise the data printed on a specific day.
For example:
Week Day
Year Code
Week Day and Year Codes
Shift Codes allow you to the set the start day and start time of a chosen shift. These files
can be saved as a Custom Shift Codes file (*.defshifts) and dowloaded to a device.
Start Time
Shift Data
Morning Shift
Day Shift
Night Shift
Shift Codes
Time and Date Settings are available on most devices.
Allows you to upload the current Security Settings file from the selected device.
Allows you to download a Security Settings file to the selected device and
replace the existing settings.
Allows you to open an existing Security Settings file for editing.
Allows you to save the defined settings to a Security Settings file on your comSave
Allows you to restore the settings to the default values which can then be saved
Defaults to a Security Settings file on your computer.
Available options in the Taks Pane
To set Custom Codes
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Time/Date Settings in the View pane.
3. Double click on Custom Codes in the View pane.
4. Select the required type of code from the Table pull-down list on the Pane view.
5. Select the required time or date period and enter the format code in the adjacent cell.
- 183 -
Chapter 2
To set Shift Codes
1. Select the required device either from the My Devices folder in the Browser pane or the
View pane.
2. Double click on Time/Date Settings in the View pane.
3. Double click on Shift Codes in the View pane.
4. You may find that the CoLOS Administrator default device settings may be set to Local
Database. If Local Database is set, you need to upload the device settings from the device
so that Host Database is set.
5. Enter the Start Date of the shift (0-6).
6. Enter the Start Time of the shift (HHMM format 0000-2359).
7. Enter Shift Data relating to this shift.
- 184 -
About Connections
About Connections
Connections are the interface between CoLOS Administrator and devices that may be connected directly (Direct Connect) or via a network. Connections can be either Serial, Serial
Terminal, Ethernet, USB connection, FTP or Server Socket. Each connection is established
when adding a new device to the system.
Connection properties
You can also obtain the Properties of each connection that you set from the Tasks pane.
1. Select the device of your choice.
2. Click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
3. Click on Connection > Configuration.
Most connections using a serial port on a Device will most likely be an RS485 Network (or
RS232 to a single Device). An Ethernet connection will be connected over a LAN (Local
Area Network).
To view the connections on the system
1. Select Control Panel from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click the Connections icon on the Control Panel.
"Available Connection Types" on page 29
"Select Connection Type" on the next page
- 185 -
Chapter 2
Select Connection Type
Here we explain how to vonfigure the connection type. Remember that the available connection types will differ from one machine to the other, depending on the avialable possibilities to connect to the specific machine.
To select the Connection Type
1. Run the Add Device Wizard and move to the SelectConnection Type window.
2. Select the required Connection Type icon.
3. Enter the following connection settings for the selected connection:
When creating an image for the 8018 (18 Series), you do not see the window Select Connection Type. Instead save the label on an USB-stick and connect it to the 8018 (18 Series) to
download the label to the machine.
A code made up of numbers that uniquely identifies a networked device. Check
that the IP Address of the device matches the data entered in the Wizard.
Unique Ethernet Port ID. Check that your port settings in the wizard match the
settings at the device.
<Your IP
Port ID>
Serial Port ID
Refers to a unique serial port ID.
Connection failures are likely if port ID settings entered in the Wizard are different to those set in the device you are connecting to.
Baud Rate
Refers to data transmission speed, can also be expressed in bps (bits per
second). Check the baud rate of the device you are trying to connect to and
ensure you enter the same settings in the Wizard.
Data Bits
Refers to the number of data bits.
Refers to the parity bit checking function.
Stop Bits refer to one bit step checking functions.
Data checking function which refers to ready to send/clear data.
Data checking function.
Data checking function.
Server Socket
TCP Port number
- 186 -
Select Connection Type
Server Socket
The address of the port on the server machine to allow TCP connection to the
Terminate Old Connection
If you already have a connection and then receive a request for a new one,
the old connection is closed and the new one accepted.
Ignore New Connection
If you already have a connection and then receive a request for a new one,
the new connection is ignored.
Use TCP Keep Alives
The system periodically checks to see if the connection is still open for connections that are idle for a long time.
The Device Type
This can either be a printer or a terminal.
A code made up of numbers that uniquely identifies a networked device.
<Your IP
Check that the IP Address of the device matches the data entered in the Wiz- Address>
Serial Terminal
Serial Port ID
Unique Serial Port ID.
Check that your port settings in the wizard match the settings of the device.
No settings are required for Direct Ethernet connections
4. Click on Next to proceed.
5. Where you have created a shared connection, enter a Node Id (this must be unique otherwise you will not be allowed to proceed).
6. Click on Next when finished.
7. Click on Finish to exit the wizard.
8. The Connection Type is now associated with the target device.
- 187 -
Chapter 2
Synchronize clocks
Synchronizing clocks in the different devices is important to maintain the correct time over
all devices.
To Synchronize the clock
1. Select Control Panel in the browser pane.
2. In the View Panel, double click Synchronise Clock.
3. Select one or more devices to configure the clock synchronisation settings (or click Select
All in the Synchronise Clock pane)..
4. Once that is done, the Synchronise Clock task pane aoptions change. You can select one
of the next options.
Synchronise Clock options
Synchronise on reconnect: Synchronise the clock of the device when the system reconnects.
Synchronise when job selected: Synchronise each time when a job is selected
Scheduled Synchronisation: Decide when the clock is synchronised (once every x hours
and / or minutes.
You are not limited to one choice. You can select every possibility to make sure your applicator
always shows the correct time on the printed labels
- 188 -
Device Tasks
Device Tasks
A Device Task allows you to perform a specific task associated with your chosen device.
The number of tasks that are available will vary depending on the type of device added into
the My Devices pane.
The majority of devices you can add include the following tasks: Select Job1, Synchronize
Clock2, Remove Device3, Manage Jobs4, Enable,5 Disable6 and Rename7.
To view and select a task
Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
Select the device in the View pane.
Click on the device and a list of tasks will appear.
You can also right-click on a device and view the same options from a popup menu.
Select a task from the Tasks list.
The Details of the selected Device can be viewed or hidden by clicking on the up
arrows on the Tasks panel.
or down
1allows you to select a Job to be downloaded to a Device.
2allows you to Synchronize the Device Clock with the Host Clock.
3allows you to remove a Device form the CoLOS Administrator system.
4allows you to Select, Edit, or Delete Jobs before you download to a device.
5allows you to enable a connection to a device. You can also achieve the same function
by right-clicking on the device and selecting the option from the pop-up menu.
6allows you to disable a connection to a device. You can also achieve the same function by right-clicking on the device and selecting the option from the pop-up menu.
7allows you to view or edit the name of the selected Device.
- 189 -
Chapter 2
Add New Device
New devices can be added to CoLOS Administrator using the Add Device Wizard. The wizard allows you to specify both the device type and the connection method.
To add a new device
1. Select My Devices from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click Add Device in the View pane and open the Add Device Wizard. Click on Next
to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the Do not show
this Welcome page again check box).
3. The folder All Devices opens by default, allowing you to see all available devices. You can
also use the Explorer-like navigation pane on the left-hand side to find your device; click on
+ to open the folders and - to close the folders.
4. Select the required device.
5. Click on Next to proceed. This will take you to the pages that configure the device.
6. Enter the device's name as you would like it to appear in CoLOS Administrator. The default
description is the device's name shown in the Choose Device step.
7. Click on Next to proceed to Communication Configuration. You can choose between
"Associate New Connection with Device" on page 149, Do not associate a connection at this time, and "Associate Existing Connection with Device" on page 151.
Click Next.
8. Enter all required data. Click Next.
9. You have now entered all the information required to add the new device.
10. Click on Finish to exit the wizard; alternatively, click on Back to amend any settings.
The new device is displayed in the Device Overview pane.
- 190 -
Other Printers
Other Printers
This is a yearly subscription per printer.
We offer a lot of other printer drivers for CoLOS. These are Windows drivers, not always
supporting all options. A number of devices are extensively tested with CoLOS.
Other printers supported by CoLOS
VideoJet Dataflex 6000 Series
VideoJet 9550
Domino M Series
Intermec PM 43 Series
Zebra 1x0 Series
Zebra ZT Series
Zebra ZE 500 Series
Sato s84-ex Series
Sato s86-ex Series
Printer status
Message download acknowledgement
Printer Online/Offline
Printer ready to print
Printer in fault
Print Count
l Batch count
l Total count
"Device Management" on page 302
"Install Other Printer drivers" on page 303
"Other Printer device Properties" on page 304
- 191 -
Chapter 2
ITF Writer
The ITF Writer allows you to print a label as an .itf and store it on your computer.
Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices
Click on Add Device Click Next
In the left pane, select Other > Image Writer.
Click on ITF Writer.. Click Next
Select the output location on your system. Click Browse. Also select the output file name
option: <Default>:{JobID}_{DateTime} or <Custom>:File name.
<Default>:{JobID}_{DateTime}: you may select Include milliseconds in output file
<Custom>:File name: choose a custom file name and decide whether the former file
needs to be overwritten or the new label is appended.
Once you made your choice, click on Next..
Select whether you want to customize the output file format. If you select this option, you
select an XSLT-file to format the output file. You have three available choices: single line,
multi line or XML. You see an example of the result beneath it. Click Next.
Enter the description. Click Next > Finish.
The ITF Writer is now available.
All XSLT-files can be found in the NGW folder. See: C:\ProgramData\Markem-Imaje\NGW\vX.X\ITFWriter Where X.X is the version of the present NGW folder.
Create your own XSLT-file
It's possible to create your own XSLT file, if, for example, you want it in HTM-format.
An introduction into XSLT can be found here: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xsl_
Add dynamic content
1. To add content, please add a Job Source to the ITF Writer: see "Assign Job Source" on
page 58
2. The rest can be viewed from Designer.
- 192 -
OPC UA stands for Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture. The biggest difference with the classic OPC systems, is that OPC UA no longer relies on the OLE- and
DCOM technology of Microsoft. Because of that it can be implemented on every platform
like IOS, Linux or Windows.
Markem Imaje connectivity service offers a plugin to provide a OPC UA Data access server.
This allows viewing and gives limited control over devices. The OPC UA standards expose
data through various information models.
The CoLOS OPC UA server exposes three types of information models:
"PackML Companion Spec Model" on page 157.
OMAC "PackML Companion Spec – PackTags Model" on page 158.
"MI Specific Model" on page 160.
Configure OPC UA
You can install the OPC UA in CoLOS through the My Devices option. Make sure the
OPC server is already installed.
Open CoLOS Administrator. Go to My Devices > Add Device.
Go to OPC Client.
Select OPC Client UA. Click Next.
Enter the OPC Node Name and the OPC Server name to establish a connection
(e.g. opc.tcp://(computer-name or IP address):port.
Or click Browse to select the OPC Server already available. In this new window you can
also enter the address of the remote or custom OPC Server. In this last case, click Add
Server. Once it's visible in the available OPC Servers, click Reload Endpoints. Select
one of the available Endpoints, add the credentials when necessary and click on OK.
Click Test Connection to see if the configuration is correct. If it says SUCCEEDED the
connection you set up is correct.
Click Next. You now configure the OPC items. Click Browse for OPC Items.
A new window opens with an overview of available OPC Items. Select them and click Add
>> to add them to the right column. If you want to remove an OPC Item from the list in the
right column, please click << Remove.
Once selected, click Select on the bottom of the window.
The window closes and the selected OPC Items are listed. Click Test OPC Items.
If they're okay, you get a green check mark. Click Next.
Configure the OPC Items for the Job Selection from the available OPC items. Select the
available OPC items from the drop down list to trigger the job selection and the OPC item
to update the feedback of the job selection.
Click Next.
Enter a name (by default it says OPC UA). Click Next > Finish to create the OPC UA.
- 193 -
Chapter 2
5940 G Device
The 5940 G device replaces the 5200, 5400, and 5800-3 & -4 printhead configurations.
5940 G supports 1, 2, 3 or 4 heads. The Image dimensions are:
Max width - 1200 mm
Max height of sub image - 65.02 mm (max height of the print head)
Default Width x Height (sub-image) = 152.40mm x 65.02mm
It supports cross-conversion and cross downloads of 5200/5400/5800 jobs to the 5940 G.
CoLOS does the necessary conversion of the ITF files.
- 194 -
About Groups
About Groups
Groups are used in CoLOS Administrator as a way of organising devices that are added to
the system.
Groups are used with trigger devices to synchronize all Job IDs for each device in
the group (to achieve this you must havemachine triggered group selectchecked in
the Properties dialog).
Job selections can be triggered via an input node or the front panel of a printer (e.g.
When a Job is selected on the front panel of a device the same Job is selected on
all other devices in the group.
Groups can be used to perform one action across multiple devices (e.g. add a Job to
all devices in the group).
The Details, and the Tasks menus available for each group can be viewed by clicking either the
or buttons that open or collapse each menu.
"Add Group" on the next page
"Group Properties" on page 197
"Group Tasks" on page 198
- 195 -
Chapter 2
Add Group
CoLOS Administrator allows you to set up Groups using the Add New Group wizard. The
wizard guides you through the steps involved in defining a Group including specifying
description, and selecting Devices.
To add a group
1. Select My Groups from the Browser pane.
2. Double-click Add Group icon in the View pane to open the Add New Group Wizard.
3. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do not show this Welcome page again check box). Click Next.
4. Enter the description of the group you want to set up.
5. Click Next to proceed.
6. Select one or more devices by ticking each check box or choose Select All.
7. Click Next to proceed.
8. Select whether or not you want to Enable Machine Triggered Group Product Selection
if you prefer CoLOS Administrator synchronises the current product over all the devices
within the group.
9. Click Finish to add the group to the View pane.
10. Double-click the group and you can view all devices associated with the group.
You can disassociate a selected device from a group by choosing Disassociate Device from
the Tasks pane. You can also de-associate a device by dragging a device in and out of a group.
- 196 -
Group Properties
Group Properties
The Group Properties option allows you to view or edit the properties of the group.
To view or edit settings for a selected device
Select My Groups from the Browser pane.
"Add Group" on the previous page.
Select a Group from the View pane.
Select Properties from the Task pane and view devices associated with group.
Alternatively, right-click on the group to show Properties of the group.
5. Tick or un-tick the check box associated with a device to associate or disassociate it from
the group.
The Machine Group Job Selection option allows you tosynchronize the currently selected Job
on all devices. Each device defined in the group properties will be used to select the same Job
when you tick the Enable Machine Triggered Group Product Selection check box.
- 197 -
Chapter 2
Group Tasks
A Group Task allows you to perform a specific task associated with your selected Group.
The number of tasks that are available will vary depending on the type of device added to
the Group shown in the View pane.
The majority of Groups allow you include the following tasks: Manage Jobs,1 Select Job2,
Remove Group,3 Rename4, and Properties.5
To perform a group task
1. Select My Groups from the Browser pane.
2. Select Group in the View pane.
3. Select required task from the Tasks pane.
1You can manage a Job Source by selecting Manage Jobs from the Tasks options. The
Manage Jobs option will remain greyed out until you associate a Job source with the
selected group.
2allows you to select a Job to be downloaded to a Device.
3You can select, or right-click and remove a group from the View pane.
4You can right-click and rename the selected device, or use the same option from the
Task menu.
5You can right-click and view the Group Properties option to view a group or use the
same option from the Task menu.
- 198 -
About Image Download
About Image Download
CoLOS Administrator allows you to download one image or multiple images (or even a
graphic) to a device and print it. This involves "Add New Device" on page 190 and selecting
an image to download using the download Image Wizard.
For images which are linked to "Per Job Data" on page 54, the Job Manager database management tool in CoLOS Designer allows you to assign Job Sources to your image prior to
downloading it to a device. The Jobs can then be selected as part of the download process.
You can preview the image prior to sending it to the device to ensure no changes are
During the download process you will be prompted for device specific information.
"Download an Image" on the next page
"Download Multiple Images" on page 201
"Download a Graphic or Logo" on page 202
- 199 -
Chapter 2
Download an Image
In CoLOS Administrator users will select Jobs rather than download images.
You can download an image to a selected CimComms device and print it.
To download the image:
1. "Add New Device" on page 190
2. Select the device from the View pane (e.g. Smartdate).
3. Select Download Image from the Tasks for SmartDate pane and access the Download
Image Wizard.
4. Click on Next to proceed (if you do not wish to see the Welcome page in the future, tick the
Do not show this Welcome page again check box).
5. Select whether you want to add an image from a hard disk, network location or a repository.
6. Click Browse to locate the file to be downloaded and choose Open. The location path will
be shown, for example, D\examples\smartdate.
7. Click on Next to proceed to Job Attributes.
8. Set the "Action Attributes" on page 206 attributes of the Job to be downloaded.
9. Set the "Allocation Attributes" on page 203 attributes of the Job to be downloaded.
10. Click on Next to select the "Add Settings File" on page 97.
11. If required, select any Settings files to be associated and downloaded with thespecified
Job. If necessary, click on
to browse for the location of the Settings files.
12. Click on Next to proceed to Image Preview.
13. You have now entered all the information required to download the Job. A preview of the
image that will be sent to the device is displayed; if required, click on Back to review or
amend any of the information entered in the above steps.
14. Click on Next to proceed.
15. Click on Finish to exit the wizard.
16. The download status of the Job is then displayed in the Command Monitor1 pane.
1The Command Monitor window allows you to view any currently executing or
queued commands in the CoLOS Administrator system.
- 200 -
Download Multiple Images
Download Multiple Images
You can download multiple images to a selected device and print it.
To download multiple images
1. "Add New Device" on page 190 (e.g. a SmartDate).
2. Select Download Multiple Images from the (SmartDate) pane and access the Download
Image Wizard.
3. The Download Multiple Images window opens.
4. First select a folder (e.g. the Repository) where you have stocked more than one label and
click Open.
5. In the left pane, select the labels you want to print and click on the arrow to the right.
6. If necessary, change the order in which the labels appear. They will be printed to the
device in the order given in the window (from top to bottom).
7. Click Send to proceed.
8. The download status of the Job is then displayed in the Command Monitor1 pane.
1The Command Monitor window allows you to view any currently executing or
queued commands in the CoLOS Control system.
- 201 -
Chapter 2
Download a Graphic or Logo
You can download a graphic or a logo to a device to print it.
To download the graphic or logo
1. "Add New Device" on page 190 (e.g Smartlase 130)
2. Select Download Graphic from the Tasks pane. This is only accessible when a
SmartLase is connected to your system.
3. Select a slot in the left part of the window that opens.
4. Click on Add Logo.
5. Select a logo and click Open.
6. Now click Settings.
7. You can change the parameters such as the distance between, the tolerance and the output scaling. Click OK to close the settings or click Save first to save them.
8. Click on OK to close the window.
9. The logo is converted to a Smartlase grf-file and downloaded to the correct slot on the
10. The download status of the Job is then displayed in the Command Monitor1 pane.
1The Command Monitor window allows you to view any currently executing or
queued commands in the CoLOS Administrator system.
- 202 -
Allocation Attributes
Allocation Attributes
To set the Allocation attributes of the job to be downloaded, select from the following allocation types using the appropriate radio button:
Limit To
The job will continuously print until another job is selected or downloaded.
The number of times the job will be printed as limited by the user
(default is 1). Once the number of prints is reached, the device will
stop printing until a new allocation is specified and/or downloaded.
Allocation attributes
- 203 -
Chapter 2
Select one or more of the following Allocation settings by ticking the appropriate check box:
Allocation SetDescription
Persist Allocation
(Only available on Cimjets.) If unticked, this will force the device to run
inOn Demandmode; if ticked, this will force the device to run inPreprintmode. Refer to the device manual for more information about
these modes.
The device will store the allocation setting. If the print cycle is interrupted, the device will continue to print the remaining number of allocation prints, i.e. if the allocation is set to 5 and only 3 have been
printed, when the print cycle resumes the last 2 allocation prints are
printed; the allocation will not return to 5.
Clear Current
Allocation Settings
This option is only available if Select or Download and Select has been set as the Action attribute.
- 204 -
Windows Attributes
Windows Attributes
To set the attributes of a job to be downloaded to a windows printer:
Choose any of the following settings according to the requirements of the Job to be downloaded.
Portrait: Prints the document so that the short side of the paper is
the top of the page.
Landscape: Prints the document so that the long side of the paper is
the top of the page.
The number of different Jobs that are issued to the printer as limited
by the user (default is 1). Once the number of prints is reached for
each Job issued, the device will stop printing until more Jobs are specified and/or downloaded.
The number of times the job will be printed as limited by the user
(default is 1). Once the number of prints is reached, the device will
stop printing until a new Job is specified and/or downloaded.
You can increase or decrease the Top, Bottom, Left of Right margins by entering a setting according to the needs of the Job to be
Available settings
- 205 -
Chapter 2
Action Attributes
To set the Action attributes of the job to be downloaded, select from the following action
types using the appropriate radio button:
and Select
The job is downloaded to the device only. It will not be selected as
the next image to print.
If the job already exists on the device, it will not be downloaded.
However, it will be selected as the next image to print. If the job
doesn't exist in the device's database, it will be downloaded and then
selected as the next image to print.
The job is downloaded to the device then selected as the next image
to print.
Action Attributes
- 206 -
About Log Books
About Log Books
Device Log Books allow the system to capture defined data and events from each device
attached to the CoLOS Administrator network.
Log Books can keep records of when Jobs are selected on specific devices; they can
record the number of prints since the last Job and also information about the current condition of the printer. Potential errors can be reduced by monitoring data which is included in
the Log Book.
"Event Log Viewer" on page 16
There are two different Log Books:
1. File Log Books: allows data to be logged to a 'Text' file.
2. ODBC Log Books allow you to log device information (status / batch count etc) into a database.
"Add File Log Book" on the next page
"Add ODBC Log Book" on page 209
- 207 -
Chapter 2
Add File Log Book
1. File Log Books can be added to the CoLOS Administrator system using the Add Log Book
2. From the Browser pane select Log Books.
3. Double-click Add Log Book icon in the View pane.
4. Click Next.
5. Select File Logbook as the Log book type. Click Next to proceed.
6. Enter the description of the Log Book. Click Next to proceed.
7. Select the resource repository that the logbook will be created in or selected from (if more
than one repository is available). Click Next to proceed.
8. Enter the name of the logbook file to be created and choose the field delimiter. Click Next
to proceed.
9. Enter your choice of source event(s) to update the Log Book. Click Next to proceed.
10. Set an optional time period for the Log Book to update in the drop-down list.
11. Tick the check box option to include the date/time of the log entry. Click Next to proceed.
12. Select the source events from the list of data items to be logged for this book or click Select
All when you want to add all. Click Next to proceed.
13. Select the update period in minutes. By default this is Off, so you need to activate this if you
want to use it. You may also tick Include date/time in log entry when this is necessary.
Click Next
14. Select the data you wish to be logged. You can select individual data or choose Select All.
Click Next.
15. Select devices you want to associate with this log book. Click Next and then click Finish to
add the log book to the View pane.
"Add ODBC Log Book" on the facing page
- 208 -
Add ODBC Log Book
Add ODBC Log Book
ODBC Log Books helps you log device information (status/batch count etc.) into a database.
Use Add Log Book Wizard to add ODBC Log Books to the CoLOS Administrator system.
To add an ODBC Log Book
1. Open CoLOS Administrator, and on the left panel, navigate to Browser > CoLOS Factory
Administrator > Control Panel > Log Books.
2. Click Add Log Book and click Next.
3. Select log book type as ODBC Logbook and click Next.
4. Enter the description of the Log book and click Next.
5. Select the ODBC Connection and click Next.
6. For the table, select one of the following options:
l Create a table automatically
l Select an existing table from the database.
7. If you chose 'Create a table automatically':
a. Enter the new table's name (the name cannot be the same as any existing
b. Click Next to proceed.
8. If you chose 'Select an existing table from the database':
a. Select a table from the list
b. Click Next to proceed.
9. Select the source events you want to use to update the Log book (select all that apply) and
click Next.
10. To set the frequency of the look book update, from the Update period (mins) drop-down
menu, select the time.
11. To include the date/time in the log entry, select the checkbox next to 'include date/time in
log entry' and click Next.
12. Select the data items you want to log for this log book (select all that apply), and click Next.
13. Select the devices you want to associate with this log book and click Next > Finish to complete the process.
"About Log Books" on page 207
- 209 -
Chapter 2
Change language of the UI
If you installed the languagepack of Enterprise, you can easily change the language.
Available languages for the UI: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Chinese,
Japanese and Brazilian.
Open the Language selector for the UI
Replace the X with the version number of your software. So if you installed 6.0 the X will be a 0.
Windows XP
Go to c:\Program Files\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS ProductionSuite 6.x
Windows 7 / Windows 10
Go to c:\Program Files (x86)\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS ProductionSuite 6.x
Open ChangeLanguage.exe
Double click on ChangeLanguage.exe.
The Select Language window opens.
You can now select the language of your choice. Next click OK.
If you installed the language pack you will have to restart your system to change the language.Click OK to restart your system.
If you don't have the languagepack installed, there will not be a request to restart your computer.
- 210 -
Not all options offered by CoLOS Administrator are immediately visible. There are additional
installation settings available that can be activated whenever they are necessary. These
options are:
"Combined Job Source" on page 213
"CLI (Command Line Interface)" on page 216
"OPC Client" on page 218
"Generic Driver" on page 219
"Printer Job Review" on page 220
"DR-259-Ignore Absend Printers" on page 221
Open the MI Installation Settings
The installations settings can be found in the same folder where you installed Enterprise in.
The file you need to open is called MIConfig.exe.
Replace the x with the version number of your software. So if you installed 6.0 the x will be a 0.
Windows XP
Go to c:\Program Files\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS ProductionSuite 6.x
Windows 7 / Windows 10
Go to c:\Program Files (x86)\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS ProductionSuite 6.x
Open MIConfig.exe
1. Double click on MIConfig.exe.
2. The MI Installation Settings window opens.
3. Select the additional feature(s) you want enabled by ticking them (you have to tick each
item twice before it's selected).
4. Click on OK.
5. You must restart the Markem-Imaje Connectivity v2.8 service for these changes to take
6. Click OK to close the window.
Restart the connectivity service
Windows XP
1. Click Start > Run.
2. Type services.msc in the search box. The window will immediately open.
Windows 7
1. Click Start. Type services in the search box. When it shows in the list, click on it.
Windows 10
1. Click Search Windows. Type services in the search box. When it shows in the list, click on
- 211 -
Chapter 2
Restart the services
1. The Services windows opens. Scroll down until you find Markem-Imaje Connectivity
2. In the left pane you see: Stop the service and Restart the service.
3. Click on Restart the service.
4. The service is restarted. Once that is done, you can close the Services window.
5. Open CoLOS Administrator. You should now have the extra features available.
- 212 -
Combined Job Source
Combined Job Source
This is an extra option that is available when you want to configure the Job Sources. Combined Job Source allows you to chain a number of other job sources together. Each image
is send in turn to consecutive slots.
Order of the Job Sources
The order of the job sources is significant as this decides the order of the jobs send to
the devices and which slots are used to store them.
Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Source.
Click Add Job Source.
Click Next when you have the wizard activated.
The Add Job Source Wizard starts. Go to the bottom of the list and select Combined Job
The Combined Job Source window opens. Choose the set of job sources to combine.
Click Add.
The Job Source Browser opens. Select the Job Source you want to add and click OK.
Click Add to add the different job sources you want combined.
Once all job sources have been added, you can change their order. Select the job source
of your choice and click on Up or Down, depending on the necessary order.
Ready? Click Next.
Enter the description of the new Job Source. Click Next and then Finish to complete the
job source wizard.
To download this job source with an image is already "Download Job" on page 67.
- 213 -
Chapter 2
CLI Protocol
The updated CLI Protocol documentation can be found in the installation folder of CoLOS.
In the map Documentation you find CLI+Protocol.pdf.
"CLI (Command Line Interface)" on page 216 is the name given to the messaging protocol
used by the CLI service which exists as a system service within the CoLOS core service.
CoLOS Administrator receives the CLI commands from a third party.
To find the up to date manual on the CLI protocol, there is one that comes together with
CoLOS Enterprise. It's called: Communication Using the CLI Protocol - Application
Guide. To access it, go to the installation folder of CoLOS Enterprise.
The document you search for is called CLI+Protocol.doc.
The Protocol Structure
Each command submitted to the CLI engine is a concatenation of sub-elements and which
is terminated by the operation to be performed. There is only one operation per command
and any operations following the first are ignored or assumed to be parameters to the operation. The complete command string is delimited by a carriage-return/line-feed pair. Protocol
elements are separated by a delimiter character which at the moment is hard coded to be
the pipe (|) character.
Hereandafter we will consider an equipment named ‘COE’ configured under CoLOS for
example purposes.
Response syntax
The response from the CLI service will be in the following format:
Success: OK|0000|{operation specific data}
Failure: ER|####|{error message}
(Where #### represents a 4 digit zero padded error message – see appendix A for standard errors)
Command Details
Delimit Character: End Of Command \n (02hex) is used for messages from a Print equipment.
Character Escaping
The control characters | and , are escaped by the CLI service when sending response to a
client and are unescaped when processing input from a client. The escaping is perfomed by
doubling up the control characters ie | -> || and , -> ,,.
Standard error codes
CLI system error code
Unknown/undefined error
Invalid operation usage/syntax error
Login error
Unlicensed operation error
Generic operation failed error
Common Device Properties
Property name
Status of the printer
- 214 -
CLI Protocol
Property name
Total prints over the total life of the device.
This is never reset.
Amount of prints since last job select.
This is reset after a Select command is performed.
The remaining items in the queue
Only updated when device is in queue mode
Relevant version of the device firmware
Returns an empty string when the device is not connected.
The printer’s MAC address
Can be used for unique identification of a device
A list of fault and warnings.
{Error;2002;Triggered while printing}
- 215 -
Chapter 2
CLI (Command Line Interface)
A CLI (Ci-eL-I) or Command Line Interface is a user interface to a computer's operating system or an application (as it is in the case of CoLOS Enterprise). The user enters a command and receives a responds from the application. He then enters another command and
so forth. Today most people prefer the graphical user interface of Windows, but the same
can be done by entering the specific commands necessary to trigger a certain response.
CLI in CoLOS Product Suite
1. Open CLI service in CoLOS Administrator by clicking on CoLOS Administrator > Control
Panel > Integration Services > CLI Service.
2. To see all the available commands, double-click on Operations.
3. In the right pane you get an overview of all available commands. At the bottom of the
screen, beneath Usage, you see how you can use this specific command.
4. Return to CLI Service.
5. In the Tasks for CLI Service click on Properties.
6. The Configure CLI Service windows opens. See also the "CLI Protocol" on page 214.
"Configure CLI Service" on the facing page
"CLI Protocol" on page 214
"CLI Command Interface (RFC)" on page 284
"CLI Commands Output" on page 285
"Security" on page 27 (manage certificates)
- 216 -
Configure CLI Service
Configure CLI Service
This window allows you to manage the Command Line Interface (CLI) service from within
CoLOS Administrator.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator. Go to CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Integration
Services > CLI Service.
2. Click Properties
3. The Configure CLI Service window opens. You see Configuration, Encoding and Ports.
4. Select Configuration
5. If you select Encrypt with TLS/SSL your connection will be secure. Remember: if you
change the properties, this will disconnect any clients.
6. It is possible to allow anonymous access for all operations. You also choose the protocol
version (by default that says default). You have several options available. It allows you to
use a leter version of TLS or SSL.
7. Select Encoding.
8. Choose the Character Encoding (by default your local Windows setting is used). This is the
encoding the CLI service uses to send data.
9. Click OK when you are ready.
10. Select Ports You see the default ports the service uses. To change them, see "System
Ports" on page 127.
A unicode based encoding (such as UTF-8) allows you to send any character
available. However, realize that they may well not be supported by the client.
- 217 -
Chapter 2
OPC Client
The OPC client is an extra option when you want to install a new device.
1. Click CoLOS Administrator > My Devices.
2. Click Add Device..
3. The Add Device Wizard opens. Select Other > OPC Client. Now select OPC Client in the
right side pane. Click Next.
4. Add the connection parameters for the OPC client. Enter the OPC Node or machine where
the OPC Server is installed on. By default this is localhost (installed on the same machine
Enterprise is installed on).
5. Now add the OPC Server by clicking Browse.
6. Select the correct OPC Server and click on OK.
7. Click Test connection to test the connection. If the connection is valid, SUCCEEDED will
appear. Click Next once you are ready.
8. Now configure the OPC items. To add new OPC items click on Browse for OPC Items.
9. Select the necessary OPC Item. Click Add >> for each new item you want added.
10. When done, click Select. You can now click Test OPC Items to test them.
11. You immediately know if they are okay. Click Next.
12. Select the OPC item that triggers the job selection. Next select the OPC item that updates
the feedback of the Job Selection. Click Next.
13. Enter a name for the OPC Client. Click Next and Finish to return to CoLOS Enterprise.
14. The new OPC Client can be found in My Devices.
To add an OPC UA, see: "OPC UA" on page 193
- 218 -
Generic Driver
Generic Driver
A generic driver is available for the 9030 and 9040 devices. These are called 9030 Generic
and 9040 Generic and can be found when you configure "Add New Device" on page 190.
You install these in the exact same manner as you would install the specific 90x0 devices.
- 219 -
Chapter 2
Printer Job Review
This option allows you to review printer jobs by filtering on the Device name, Job name and
Time range.
This option is only accessible once it is activated in the "MIConfig.exe" on page 211.
Configure the Printer Job Review
1. Start CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Printer Job Review.
2. Choose or enter the device name. You can use wildcards when you have several devices
you want checked.
3. Enter the job name (this is optional) and select both a start date and time and an end date.
To change this select either the numberof the date, the name of the month or the year. You
can change these by going up (next) or down (former) with your cursorpad.
4. Click Find
5. You get an overview of the Device Name, the Job Name and the Date and Time.
6. If necessary you have a few options in the Tasks for Printer Job Review pane. You can
either click Print, Review or Save As.
- 220 -
DR-259-Ignore Absend Printers
DR-259-Ignore Absend Printers
This is sometimes handy when you print a label to a group instead of a single device.
There are occasions during which not all devices in that group are available. When that happens under normal circumstances, Enterprise will give you an error and no label is printed.
When you select this option, CoLOS Enterprise ignores any absent devices and prints the
label on the connected devices.
You can see which devices received the label.
1. Click on CoLOS Administrators > My Groups > The group you printed to.
2. The disconnected devices won't tell you which label was printed on while those who
received the label, will show this.
- 221 -
Chapter 2
OPC Server
Markem-Imaje Connectivity now offers a plugin to provide OPC ‘Data Access’ Server functionality. This functionality allows viewing and limited control of devices. On this page we
outline the capabilities and values that can be written to and read from the OPC Server.
This plug-in needs to be installed separately.
What is OPC?
OPC is collection of open standards that aims to facilitate the transfer of information
between devices and systems. The standards implemented in Markem-Imaje Connectivity
are the ‘Data Access’ standards V2.05a and V3.00. These allow items to be browsed, read
and written.
Install OPC Da Server
1. Request CoLOS_X.x_OPC_Da_Server....exe (where X.x is the general version (e.g. 6.1)
and ...is the same version as the version of your installed CoLOS ProductSuite).
2. Click Install.
As you see, the OPC Core Components must be installed as well. If this didn't happen,
- 222 -
OPC Server
please run the OPC Core Components Redistributable (x86).msi. (download from
You need an account to log in and download the tool.
3. Click OK.
4. Another pop-up opens with the question if you want to restart the service. Click OK.
5. Install the OPC Core Components Redistributable (x86) if that hasn't happened yet.
"Localisation" on the next page
"Capabilities" on page 225
"Properties" on page 226
"Security Considerations" on page 230
"Usage Tips" on page 231
- 223 -
Chapter 2
The OPC server provides error messages and properties looked up in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
All property names and property arguments such as “SL.Count” are not localised.
- 224 -
The OPC Server exposes the properties that are supported by the devices. These fall into
the categories of ‘Properties’ that reflect the current state of the device, and ‘Verbs’ that
allow actions to be performed on the device.
Where applicable, descriptions are provided for the items. These can be browsed for using
an OPC client application.
Browsing the Hierarchy
From the root level, all devices are located in the tree under an item Devices”. Each device
has an element on the tree with the name of the device. All properties pertaining to a
device are placed under that device.
The precise way that these are represented varies on the OPC Client being used. The Factorysoft OPC client represents the hierarchy of items as shown below:
- 225 -
Chapter 2
The properties available vary based on the nature and capabilities of the device. For most
printers the following properties are available:
number of prints made since the last job has been selected
total number of prints made by the device
name of the current job the device is printing
current status of the device.
The set of available properties are those that are shown in the status folder of a device in
CimControl or Integrator. For clarity, some have been removed from CimComms class (5000
series, SmartDate1/2/3, CimJet and CimPak) devices.
If the status of the device is absent then the OPC server will mark the quality of any property obtained from the device as ‘Bad’. Status is the only property that is exempt from this,
as when the device is not responding the tag reports the value “Not Connected”
A number of operations can be performed on the device. Each of these operations has a
tag of the form ‘Execute<VerbName>’.
This tag is of type ‘string’. Reading the tag will provide the following states:
No command has been submitted to the device via this property
A command has been submitted but has not yet completed
A command has completed
A command completed, but has failed
If a string is written to the command but is not in the correct format then the state will be
reset to 0 - “NotSubmitted”.
Resetting tags
Another tag is available, twinned with the Execute tag. This tag has the same name as the
Execute tag but is prefixed with Reset. The current version of the software contains
ResetExecuteDownloadJob and ResetExecuteJobPrint.
Writing any value to these tags will reset the state of their twinned Execute tag to ‘Not Submitted’. This will only have an effect if the tag is in the state of Completed or Failed.
This command allows a job to be downloaded to a device and job selection time options to
be set. Additionally, any ‘UserInput’ or ‘Calculated’ fields that are part of the job can have
their current values updated.
The format of the command is
In its simplest form a jobid can be written to the tag. If this is the case, and a job source is
associated with the device, then the appropriate job is downloaded with the default options.
If no job source is associated or the job is not in the job source then the status of the property is set to ‘0’ (Not Submitted).
If a field with the name specified as the ‘key’ exists on the label, then that field has its
value updated. If the field does not exist but the command is in the correct format then the
job will be downloaded with its default data.
- 226 -
A number of special properties exist that can be overridden each time a job is selected.
These vary based on the printer type :Action = { DownloadOnly, SelectOnly, DownloadAndSelect }
This is the action to perform as part of the download. Whether the job is downloaded, downloaded, selected or downloaded and selected. This is supported by devices with a filesystem such as SmartDate2/3, CimJet or SmartDate5.
CC.AutoPrint = { true, false }
This setting controls whether the job selection should result in the device being placed in
Autoprint mode. This setting is applicable to CimJet printers.
CC.PersistAlloc = { true, false }
This setting controls whether any allocation set should be persisted through a powercycle.
This setting is applicable to CimJet, SmartDate 2/3 and 5000 series printers.
CC.ClearAlloc = { true, false }
This setting controls whether any current allocation is first cleared before downloading the
new job. This setting is applicable to CimJet, SmartDate 2/3 and 5000 series printers.
Allocation = integer number
This setting controls the number of prints a CimComms printer will make before stopping.
After it has reached this limit the printer is said to have exhausted its allocation. A new job
must be selected in order to print more labels. This setting is applicable to CimJet,
SmartDate 2/3 and 5000 series printers.
Slots = A comma separated list of numbers
This controls the slot numbers that the job is downloaded to. Setting a value of “1,2,3”
would mean that the first 3 slots would be used. This setting applies to the devices with slot
based label storage; The 90XX series and SmartLase.
SL.Count = integer number
The print count for the SmartLase printer.
SL.Mode = { Auto, Standby, Manual, Return, Undefined }
This is the mode that the SmartLase should be left in after the job has been selected.
SL.BlankUnused = { true, false }
This controls whether the SmartLase will have any slots that are not downloaded to as part
of this job blanked as part of job selection.
WP.Issue = integer number
This controls the number of potentially different prints the Windows printer driver will make.
This is displayed in Composer / CimControl / Creator / Integrator as the Issue.
WP.Repeat = integer number
- 227 -
Chapter 2
This controls the number of identical prints the Windows printer driver will make. This is displayed in Composer / CimControl / Creator / Integrator as the Repeat value.
WP.MarginTop = floating point number
This controls the number of millimetres from the top of the label the Windows printer driver
should allow as margin.
WP.MarginBottom = floating point number
This controls the number of millimetres from the bottom of the label the Windows printer
driver should allow as margin.
WP.MarginLeft = floating point number
This controls the number of millimetres from the left of the label the Windows printer driver
should allow as margin.
WP.MarginRight = floating point number
This controls the number of millimetres from the right of the label the Windows printer driver
should allow as margin.
WP.Landscape = { true, false }
This controls whether the Windows printer driver should print the label in landscape mode.
A property that accepts the Boolean choice of values “true” or “false”, can also accept the
numeric value 0 for false and 1 for true.
For any property that accepts a choice of options, e.g. the “SL.Mode” property, then the
value can also be specified as a number, starting at 1.
ExecuteDownloadJob Examples
“job1” – Job 1 is looked up in the job source of the device and selected with the default
“job1|price=£1.99” – Job1 is looked up, and if a field with a UserInput datasource called
price exists, then its value is updated to “£1.99”. This is the value that will be printed.
“job1|price=£1.99|Allocation=4|Action=DownloadAndSelect” – As above, except for a
CimComms device, an ‘allocation’ is set so that the device will stop printing after 4 print triggers have been received and the job is automatically downloaded and selected.
“job1|price=£1.99|Allocation=4|Action=3” – As above, except for a CimComms device, an
‘allocation’ is set so that the device will stop printing after 4 print triggers have been
received and the job is automatically downloaded and selected.
This command causes the device to print its current image. The format of this command is
simply <key=value>|…
No options are required, however for the CimPak printer range some advanced options can
be specified.
ApplyCycle { ApplyCycle1 , ApplyCycle2 }
Which cycle the print should be applied for.
- 228 -
IsPartPallet { true , false }
This controls whether the print is a part pallet.
Writing the value “ApplyCycle=ApplyCycle1|IsPartPallet=false” into this tag would result in
the CimPak printing cycle 1 as a full pallet.
- 229 -
Chapter 2
Security Considerations
Without modifying the DCOM configuration, only processes local to the PC can monitor or
control the devices. If setting OPC up to work across PCs then care needs to be taken to
ensure that the configuration allows the correct access to COM objects on the PC.
To configure DCOM for OPC, the OPC Foundation have created white papers to illustrate
best practice. These can be downloaded from the OPC Foundation’s website at
Operations performed by the OPC server do not log the name of the user that performed
- 230 -
Usage Tips
Usage Tips
Ensure that when you write to a verb (A property with the name ExecuteXXXXX), that you
write the value as a string.
You can reset the value of a property representing a verb by writing any value to the appropriate ResetExecuteXXXXX property.
The OPC interface is not recommended for fine control. The granularity of control is much
coarser than using the SDK or SDKHelper DLLs. Additionally error information provided
from failed commands is limited via this interface.
This server is intended primarily to provide access to device information. The preferred
way to control devices is via the CLI Service.
- 231 -
Chapter 2
PackML (Packaging Machine Language) is an industry technical standard for the control of
packaging machines, as an aspect of industrial automation.
Based on a collaboration with OMAC, it reflects the ISA88 Technical Report (TR88.00.02)
including the following key features:
StateMachines for representing the standard PackML states;
Method for Commands;
All PackML Status information;
All Administrative functionality and information;
Machine to machine interactions;
The functionality is grouped into Profile & Conformance Units;
It includes a mapping information between PackML system and OPC UA systems.
The standard information model can be easily loaded into any OPC UA server
The OPC UA Server in CoLOS represents the devices as a Unit/Machine. The implementation if not fully compliant with the OMAC specification as the standard is for units in a
generic packaging line.
We implement only the applicable data as part of the companion specification.
In addition, the PackML State machine implementation varies from device to device and we
implement only the applicable states.
SmartDate X-Series
Similarly, you can't perform all the transitions as per the PackML Standard.
The following table describes the Packml methods/cntrlcmd that can be used in the supported printers.
- 232 -
From state
PackML 3.0
Stopped / CompPrint
Idle clear/reset
To begin
Enable Enable
proPrint- Print- N/A
in the
DisDisable able
Brings to
Print- PrintAny of the
a conShut- ing
Stop ExecuteStateM- Stopped
achine states
Devi- Devistop
ation - ation IDLE IDLE
require a
pause in
Held to hold
may be
by the
itself or
by an
ResumExecute cause the Unhold
e print
unit/machine to
hold have
pended AL to the
- 233 -
Resume print
Chapter 2
From state
PackML 3.0
require a
pause in
i.e. due to
or downstream
Execute caused
the unit to
Abort command or
on the
Aborted occurence
of a
To clear
faults subsequently
to a fix
for the
fault by
Internal state for faults
Attempt to clear faults
Only the Printer performance supported devices are available in the "PackML Companion
Spec Model" on page 157 (as well as in PackTag Representation).
- 234 -
Cable wire and extrusion operations on CoLOS help you with high-speed cable wire marking, printing, and code with minor characters for product identification and reliable traceability.
Use CoLOS to configure and set up the following cable wire and extrusion operations:
Change the messages on the go.
Reset counters on the go.
Label designs that support up to eight different print modes.
CoLOS 6.3 or later.
Extrusion supported printer (e.g., 9450E 1.1G, 9450E 1.1M)
Printer firmware 8.2 or later.
Updating and Resetting Counters
To update and reset the counters on the go:
Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Web Production Panel > Launch.
Select the printer name.
On the printer page top left panel, select the gear icon (Update Counter).
To reset the counter:
a. Select the check box next to your counter (select all that apply).
b. On the bottom right, select Reset.
Reset counters are now completed.
5. To update the counter:
a. Enter the new counter value.
b. Select the check box next to your counter (select all that apply).
c. On the bottom right, select Update.
Update counters are now completed.
Configuring Production Mode in CoLOS
CoLOS provides the following eight production modes for different requirements:
Mode Input
A in mm (10-10000)
- 235 -
Chapter 2
A in mm
No of Job (1-100)
A in mm
B in mm
A in mm
B in mm
A in mm
Number of Jobs
A in mm
B in mm
To configure the production mode in CoLOS:
1. Create a production table based on the requirement. Refer to Add Production Tables
and the following screenshot.
Open your production table.
Enter the values in their respective fields.
Based on your production mode, choose your job files in the ITF1 and ITF2 fields.
Select Close.
Note: To combine two or more job sources, you need to turn on the combined job source in CoLOS, which on default, will be disabled.
To turn on combined job souces in CoLOS:
a. On your machine, navigate to CoLOS installation directory (C:\Program Files
(x86)\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS Product Suite 6.3).
- 236 -
Open MIConfig.exe
Select the check box next to Combined Job Sources, and select OK.
On your machine, open the Services app as administrator.
Find Markem-Imaje Connectivity V6.3 service, and select Restart.
The Combined job source is now enabled in the CoLOS.
6. Navigate to CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Job Sources.
7. Create a Combined Job Source. Refer to Combined Job Source.
8. Navigate to CoLOS Browser > My Devices.
Select your printer.
9. Open Properties > Job Sources > Configuration > Browse.
10. In the Job Source Browser, select your job source and select OK.
Your production mode and job sources are now configured.
11. To send the jobs to the production, open Select Job.
12. In the General tab, right-click on your job file and select Download and Select.
Repeat for all that apply.
13. Once you are done, select Send.
Your job is now sent for production.
- 237 -
Chapter 2
Remote CoLOS Driver
The remote CoLOS driver creates a connection between the CoLOS running on your device
with another instance of CoLOS. It helps you send the job image to the Terminal device
without a USB drive.
1. CoLOS 6.3 or later.
2. 10" Advanced Terminal.
Adding a Remote CoLOS Connection
To create a remote CoLOS connection:
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices > Add Device.
2. On the Add Device Wizard, select Other Devices > Remote CoLOS and select
3. Enter the Server Address, Port Number, and Remote CoLOS Logon Credentials.
Note: The Hostname and Port number are displayed on the home page of the
4. Select Next.
5. To test the connection, select Test Connection.
6. If the test connection is successful, select OK > Next. If not, recheck the connection
information and CoLOS credentials.
7. If you don't want to overwrite the jobs in the Terminal, uncheck the checkbox of Overwrite Jobs and select Next.
8. Enter the Description and select Next > Finish.
Your remote CoLOS connection is now created. Use the Properties menu to change the
configuration settings later.
Note: Server Address is the IP address or hostname of the Terminal device, and Port
Number is the Web API port number of the Terminal device.
To find these details from the CoLOS Administrator:
a. Open CoLOS Administrator in the Terminal device.
b. Navigate to CoLOS Control Panel > System > Properties > System Port.
Downloading a Job Image to the Terminal Device
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices > (Your remote connection) > Select
2. On the General tab, select the checkbox next to your job (select all that apply).
3. Once you are done, select Send.
Your job image is now downloaded to the default repository of the Terminal device.
- 238 -
Remote CoLOS Driver
Managing Terminal Device's Jobs via CoLOS Web
Production Panel
With CoLOS Web Production Panel, you can manage the Terminal device's jobs remotely.
By default, the manage job options are enabled for the Terminal device. To enable the manage job options in standard CoLOS:
1. On your device, open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Web Production
Panel > Properties > Options.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select the checkbox next to Show the
"Manage Jobs" button.
3. Select Apply > OK.
Manage jobs are now enabled for the Web Production Panel.
To delete the Terminal device's jobs via CoLOS Web Production Panel:
1. On your device, open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Web Production
Panel > Launch.
2. Enter the credentials for the Web Production Panel and select login.
3. Select the job you want to delete.
4. On the bottom right, select the job icon.
5. To delete the jobs, select the checkbox next to your job (select all that apply).
6. On the bottom right, select Delete.
Your job is now deleted from the Terminal device.
Note: You can delete only the jobs that are in the local repositories.
- 239 -
Chapter 2
Special licenses
For these tasks in CoLOS Enterprise you need a specific license, which can be obtained
through your Markem-Imaje contact.
"Mark and Read" on page 257
"Promotional Coding Solutions" on the facing page
"SAP RFC Configuration" on page 278
"OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)" on page 288
"Other Printers" on page 301
- 240 -
Promotional Coding Solutions
Promotional Coding Solutions
To check whether or not your software supports this option, you need to open CoLOS
1. Click Control Panel > System > Properties.
2. Search for Promotional Coding. It needs to say Full Access.
3. You may have to scroll down to see this specific line.
Promotional Coding offers you the opportunity to add unique codes to a label or product,
allowing you to interact with your customers. The idea is to use unique codes up to 20
digits in either readable text or a 2D Code (QR Code) or both.
These drivers support Promotional Coding: 9232/9450, SD5/X40/X60, TIJ, 2200, SLC and SLF
There are three available solutions for promotional coding:
"USB" on the next page
"CoLOS Promotion Coding" on page 244
"CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+" on page 245
" Create a data stream" on page 247
"Create promotional codes" on page 250
"Queue Mode" on page 251
"Verification scanners" on page 249
"Reporting" on page 253
- 241 -
Chapter 2
This is the simplest solution. The customer loads the file containing the unique codes onto a
USB stick and plugs it into the printer. The printer will then print the unique code on each
primary packaging item. This is mainly done manually.
This solution embeds data coming from media (USB stick) into a which is pull automatically
after each trigger signal.
First it is necessary to install a firmware update that allows you to do this. You then need to
activate it in the printer on the Production Settings page.
First of all, it is necessary to set the printer in the production settings after the firmware
: This selection case allows the operator to use the promotion coding in standalone mode. If this
case is not activated you can use the promotion coding in V24 mode.
When this feature is activated, automatically, the non double printing option is activated as
You create a message with a specific variable. When this message is in production, the
printer copies the first file in a buffer and the message calls automatically the first data
there is in the buffer.
With each stop signal the message receives new data.
During message creation there is a new icon allowing the operator to insert a unique code
variable. The limit length is 20 characters and only one unique code can be inserted in the
Once the message is in production and the USB key is plugged into the printer, the printing
of the label with the unique code can start.
If no USB-stick is found, an error message (depending on the device you use) pops up.
- 242 -
Once the last file is stored into the buffer a pop-up appears to inform you there are no
other files available. is no more file in the media. It is necessary to add files in a new
media. If no more codes are available, you can end production or you can add new files
(containing new codes) to proceed.
- 243 -
Chapter 2
CoLOS Promotion Coding
In this solution CoLOS Enterprise imports either manually or automatically the file with the
unique promotional codes. It then sends this batch to the printer to feed the queue. The
printer will then print these unique codes on each primary packaging item.
- 244 -
CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+
CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+
CoLOS imports the file containing the unique codes and sends batch of codes to the printer
to feed the queue. The printer will then print a unique code on each primary packaging
item. Optionally there is the possibility for verification by a camera (see the chapter on Mark
& Read) and reporting.
- 245 -
Chapter 2
Data Stream Manager
Promotional Coding offers you the opportunity to add unique codes to a label or product,
allowing you to interact with your customers. The idea is to use unique codes up to 20
digits in either in readable text or a 2D Code (QR Code) or both.
There are three available solutions for promotional coding:
"USB" on page 242
"CoLOS Promotion Coding" on page 244
"CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+" on the previous page
" Create a data stream" on the facing page.
To find out how to activate this in Designer, please read the Promotional Coding chapter in
- 246 -
Create a data stream
Create a data stream
Click in CoLOS Administrator on Control Panel > Data Stream Manager.
Click on Add Stream Source.
If you didn’t deactivate the Welcome-screen, click Next.
Select Line Based Format and click Next.
Choose the directory were the unique codes reside. Enter the file name to use. If you don't
enter a file name the system looks for <jobid>.<number>, e.g. crumble.1. When necessary,
you can select Delete the file after all codes are sent.
The “path to read codes from” is the folder that contains the codes files. The label
underneath specifies the conditions that must be met in order for the Markem-Imaje
Connectivity service to access the folder.
The browse button is only available if the client (i.e. CoLOS Administrator) and the
Markem-Imaje Connectivity service are running on the same PC. However, the user
can still type a folder location into the text box.
The selected folder should contain files that are of the form <name>.<number> for
example codes.0, codes.1, test-codes.57, etc. The file with the lowest number is used
first. The files can be optionally deleted once they have been used. If you choose not
to delete the file then after the file is used it will be renamed to .READ. This allows
you to recover the file if necessary.
There are two modes for working with codes files.
The first approach is to use the job name (job id) as the identifier for the codes file.
In other words, if the job is called myjob then only codes that match the pattern
myjob.<number> will be used.
The easier way of working is to use code files that are not linked to the job name.
To do this you must supply a filename in the “File name to use” text box. When you
choose this option any codes matching the selected pattern will be used with the job.
For example, you selected a folder called w:\tmp\codes which contained files called
code-files.0, code-files.1, codes-test.0, codes-test.2 and then choose codes-test as the
pattern, only the files beginning with codes-test would be used as codes files.
If the client runs on the same PC as the service then the “File name to use” text box
is automatically populated with appropriate file names (i.e. those ending in a number)
when the user selects a folder in the “Path to read codes from” text box. You may
also notice that the file extension is missing. This is correct. You are selecting a file
pattern to match, not a specific file.
Click Next.
6. In the 'Line Based' format stream window enter the location of bat-files that Control can trigger when you run low on codes or no codes can be found. Click Next.
This allows you to set up any commands that can help you to get more codes automatically, but this isn't required in most cases. However, it may be useful for customers that would like to run external applications when the last codes file is in use
or when all the codes have been used. This external application can, for example,
retrieve more codes or create more files filled with such codes.
7. Enter the description for the Stream Source. Click Next.
8. The Data Stream is created. Click Finish.
- 247 -
Chapter 2
Next: Create a label for promotional coding.
- 248 -
Verification scanners
Verification scanners
In the ADV+ option there is a verification process that checks whether the printed code is
the same as the code that was provided to the system. To do that, you need a verification
scanner which has to be configured through Colos Administrator.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices > Add Device.
2. When the welcome page is still active, click Next. Otherwise select Verification Scanner at
the bottom of the screen.
3. Select the version of the scanner you have connected with your system. Click Next.
4. By default the option Initialize Scanner is ticked. The software will then configure the scanner for optimal use. You can do the same with Polling if this is required. Click Next.
5. The Program Match Code window appears. The system can automatically program the
scanner to match a field on an image in case a job is downloaded. If this isn’t necessary,
please deselect Program Match Codes Select the other options whenever that is
necessary. . Click Next.
6. Please enter the name of the field that needs to be verified. If necessary, select Verify barcode symbology as well. Click Next.
7. Reset Counters: Do you want the system to reset the statistics held by the scanner when a
job is selected? Select Reset counters on job select when that is necessary. Click Next.
8. Enter a description and click Next.
9. Associate the new connection with a device if necessary. Click Next to enter the connection type and configure the connection.
10. Click Finish.
- 249 -
Chapter 2
Create promotional codes
The promotional codings need to be in a text file that either has the same name as the job
that is being printed or has a specific name.
The code files are named as follows: xxxx.n. They can be saved as txt-files, just make sure
you change the extension.
If the name of the file is promo, then the separate files should be named as follows:
promo.1, promo.2, promo.3, ...The file with the lowest number is used first.
Put all promotional codes that need to be printed on the labels in these files. If you need
duplicates of the same code, you will have to make sure the promotional codes are duplicated within these files.
Once you configured a Data Stream you will note that there is a green tick. This will change to a
yellow warning triangle when there are fewer codes available than has been requested. It can
also change to red, meaning the stream is exhausted and no more codes are available.
- 250 -
Queue Mode
Queue Mode
The user is able to configure the device for queue mode. This is done in CoLOS Administrator.
Open CoLOS Administrator > My Devices.
Select the printer that will print the promotional codes.
Click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
The Set Device Properties: ... window opens.
Select Device in the left hand pane and click on Queue Settings.
Change the settings according to your wishes and close the window by clicking OK to
make them active.
- 251 -
Chapter 2
Activate Promotional Coding mode on
your printer
You will need to activate this on your Promotional Coding-enabled printers. Enabling the Poll Low Watermark-option
will enable the system to get the number of unprinted promotional codes.
1. Make sure a printer that supports Promotional Coding is installed and configured. Select it
in My Devices.
2. Once the printer is selected, click in Tasks for... pane on Properties.
3. Select Driver Configuration in the Set Device Properties-window.
4. Click on Queue Settings.
5. Make sure Low watermark is selected (default value is 250).
6. Click OK to apply.
- 252 -
The reporting in CoLOS Administrator gives you an overview of what is printed during which
period of time. More extensive reporting is done in CoLOS Applications Modules, which are
seperate from Enterprise and can be obtained through your local Markem-Imaje contact.
In CoLOS Administrator you can create a report that tells you how many codes were sent
to the printer, received by that printer and is confirmed to have been printed during a specific time period (minimal 1 day).
Open CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Data Stream Manager.
Select the data stream you use to print the codes from.
In the Tasks for Data Stream Manager-pane click on Generate a Report.
Specify the date range to report on. Also select the evidence level required.
Click at the bottom on Generate Report.
The Save Report window opens. By default you will save this as an html-page. Choose a
location to store the report, change the name if necessary and click Save.
7. Once saved the report is opened in your standard browser.
- 253 -
Chapter 2
Polling is used to determine the status of the scanner by reporting on the state of the connection. This mechanism, however, can be unreliable in case you use an RS232 to Ethernet
converter box or proxy, in which case it is wisest not to poll the verification scanner. Ticking
this box will ensure that the scanner is present, but might result in missing scans. When
using Ethernet, it’s best to leave this unticked.
- 254 -
No verification scanner
No verification scanner
If this option isn’t available, make sure you deselect Unique Coding Compatible devices
only. This option can be found at the bottom of the window (Add Device Wizard). As long
as this option is selected, the folder Verification Scanner will not be visible.
- 255 -
Chapter 2
Logging Field Content
You can log field content in a SQL database by using the promotional coding feature. It is
important that CoLOS is registered with the correct Promotional Coding license in order to
use this feature.
1. Start CoLOS with diagnostics = True
"C:\Program Files\Markem-Imaje\CoLOS x.x\Control.exe" "/diagnostics=true"
2. Look for the setting called PromoCoding.PrintLogDB
3. Assign the Value SqlServerPrintDatabase to this setting.
4. Close CoLOS Administrator and restart the MI connectivity service
Open CoLOS Administrator in Diagnostic mode again
Look for the system property CA.ConnectionString. This is a new property added during
Enter the complete connection string to the SQL Server Database
Data Source=(local)\colos;Initial Catalog=YourDBName;Integrated Security=False;User ID=CoLOS;Password=Test;Pooling=True
Restart the MI connectivity service again.
Test the logging in the database
1. Open CoLOS Designer
2. Create a layout with a user input field
3. Set the field property Logged to True (this is done in the Advanced Properties pane, under
Misc (Logged).)
4. Download the layout to a printer
5. New records appear in the database table ceJobSelectLog
For each logged field in Designer, a record is created when the field is downloaded (evidence type =1) and when the download succeeded (evidence type = 2)
The field name and the field content appear in separate fields of the table.
- 256 -
Mark and Read
Mark and Read
Mark & Read camera line up
Code presence check
Scan for code presence/Absence
Applicable to all print technologies
Barcode verification
Medium speed applications
Appropriate for high print resolution (TTO & Laser - CIJ not suitable)
For flat surface applications
OCR with Insight 5000/7000 G2
High speed applications
Curved surface
Low contrast
Check Cognex availability
To check whether or not your software supports this option, you need to check for the availability of the Cognex Drivers on your system.
- 257 -
Chapter 2
1. Click on My Devices > Add Device.
2. Click on Next.
3. In the Choose device window you should see Cognex just beneath All Devices.
For example: during the download of a label, CoLOS Enterprise will teach the camera about
the parts of the label you want verified.
The job you created generally consists of different types of fields. Each field type corresponds to a data type such as text, date / time or a barcode. Your camera will check the
data presented in the label and verify it to correspond this with the information you planned
to show on that particular label. You may, for example, verify whether or not a barcode contains the correct data or is of the correct symbology.
Cognex devices available in CoLOS. (See: "Configure a camera in CoLOS" on page 261)
Allows the user to browse latest 20 bad reads. The number of latest bad reads stored is
Can access to the Camera Custom View directly into Administrator. Allows the user to
modify few camera settings.
Camera preview.
Access to Camera status and all useful information coming from the Camera (total counter,
bad read counter, etc…)
Add alerts, new dashboards and Mark and Read reports
"DataMan scripts" on the facing page
"Configure a camera in CoLOS" on page 261
"Map connections" on page 272
"In-Sight Explorer" on page 271
"FTP Server" on page 268
"Add Job Sources" on page 274
"Cognex Mark & Read Logging" on page 270
"Insight 7000" on page 273 options
- 258 -
DataMan scripts
DataMan scripts
You can create scripts for the DataMan.
The default script is send only once to the DataMan. To make sure there is no override of
the scripts each time a DataMan connects to CoLOS, a button Download Scripts is
added. This allows to update the scripts only when the user wants the update.
Once you connect to the DataMan, only those few parameters that need to be updated, will
be updated.
It's possible to upload your own script.
In My Device, open the DataMan.
In the left pane click on Download scripts.
Provide a password. Click on OK.
Do you want to download the scripts? Click Yes.
- 259 -
Chapter 2
Create a DataMan script
To change the script, start the DataMan Setup Tool.
Click Settings > Data formatting.
Select in the tab Basic Script-based Formatting.
Open the Scripting tab (the last of four tabs that became visible in the work field).
Here you find three new tabs: Data Formatting, FTP Storage and Communication.
The tab Communication holds the data that allows CoLOS to communicate with the specific DataMan. Do not change these.
In the Data Formatting tab contains all the information (and fields) you want to check. Do
not remove the last sentence: output.content = decodeResults{0}.content; because this
concatenates all output data.
The tab FTP Storage defines when you send a picture to the FTP server. You enable this
by clicking on Script Generated File Name for FTP in the top of that tab.
Configure the Image FTP Transfer, the File Name Generation Method (where you select
the Script Generated File name) and the Image Data.
Once you updated the script, click on Data Formatting > Save Script to save the script.
This file can then be downloaded to the DataMan.
- 260 -
Configure a camera in CoLOS
Configure a camera in CoLOS
To setup up a field mapping between the fields in the spreadsheet and those in your image
or label, you need to configure a camera within CoLOS Administrator.
1. Open CoLOS Administrator.
2. Open My Devices. In the window pane Task for My Devices click Add Device.
Configure a Cognex Insight camera
1. If you activated the Welcome-screen click Next. Otherwise select your camera device.
Select Cognex and choose the type of Cognex-scanner you want to install the drivers for.
Click Next.
2. To allow CoLOS Administrator to logon to the Cognex Insight device, please provide the
necessary User Name and Password. Click Next.
3. Enter a Description for the Cognex device. This is the name with which the camera will be
known in CoLOS Administrator. Click Next.
4. The Connection wizard opens. To connect the camera with CoLOS Administrator, select
Choose Associate new connection with device.Click Next.
5. Select the connection type and enter the necessary values. Click Next.
6. You have entered everything required to add the device to CoLOS Administrator. Please
click Finish to close the wizard.
"Insight 2000 Properties" on page 266
"Insight 7000 Properties" on page 267
Configure a DataMan
1. If you activated the Welcome-screen click Next. Otherwise select your camera device
(DataMan). Select Cognex and choose the DataMan Cognex-scanner. Click Next.
2. Configure the field names. Please enter the names of the fields to be verified when a job is
selected on the device's group. Use commas to seperate the different fields if there is more
than one field.
3. Select the Verify barcode symbology when a barcode is included, otherwise the job
download will fail. The device is configred so that it will only verify the field symbology and
no other symbologies.
4. Beneath Options you can select Make permanent. During connection and job download
CoLOS may change various settings on the device. If you select this option, this means the
changes will remain even after the device is power cycled. Click Next.
5. Enter the description. Click Next
6. The Connection wizard opens. To connect the camera with CoLOS Administrator,
select Choose Associate new connection with device.Click Next.
7. Select the connection type and enter the necessary values. Click Next.
8. You have entered everything required to add the device to CoLOS Administrator.
Please click Finish to close the wizard.
"DataMan Properties" on page 265
- 261 -
Chapter 2
Cognex camera Properties
To open the properties window of every Cognex camera, you install one first: "Configure a
camera in CoLOS" on the previous page.
1. Click on My Devices > your Cognex camera.
2. In the Tasks for... pane click on Properties.
3. The properties window for the specific device opens.
"General properties" on the facing page
"DataMan Properties" on page 265
"Insight 2000 Properties" on page 266
"Insight 7000 Properties" on page 267
- 262 -
General properties
General properties
These properties show up in all properties-windows of the Cognex Cameras.
Connection >
Connection >
FTP Server
> Options
Job Sources
> Configuration
> Configuration
Configure how the camera is connected with the system.
Click Configure to start the configuration: "Associate New Connection with
Device" on page 149"Associate New Connection with Device" on page 149
The FTP Server must be configured to allow CoLOS to pick up the images
send by the Cognex Camera. See: "FTP Server" on page 268
These depend on the options available for the specific Cognex camera.
Add a job source to a Cognex camera. See: "Add Job Sources" on
page 274
Configure the connection to associated logbooks.
These concern logging settings for Mark & Read. Some of these settings
are shared with all Cognex devices. These are marked (shared) next to the
title of the option).
Shared items:
Destination: where to store the traceability log files.
> Mark and
Select Enable impersonation for file access. This allows you to log in
with a name and a password if this is necessary. Add the credentials.
Select Enable logging to enable the logging.
There is a production log and a traceability log.
Production log: one single record that contains when production started
and stopped, which images were downloaded and how many good and bad
reads are there. (This is the historic log you find in the Production UserInterface). This is saved into the database.
Traceability log: these are individual data logs. This is saved in a separate
Specific properties
"Insight 2000 Properties" on page 266
"Insight 7000 Properties" on page 267
"DataMan Properties" on page 265
- 263 -
Chapter 2
Cognex camera Properties
To open the properties window of every Cognex camera, you install one first: "Configure a
camera in CoLOS" on page 261.
1. Click on My Devices > your Cognex camera.
2. In the Tasks for... pane click on Properties.
3. The properties window for the specific device opens.
"General properties" on the previous page
"DataMan Properties" on the facing page
"Insight 2000 Properties" on page 266
"Insight 7000 Properties" on page 267
- 264 -
DataMan Properties
DataMan Properties
Specific properties for the DataMan can be found here. Other options can be found in the
"General properties" on page 263.
Verify Barcode symbology: ensure that the barcode symbology is supported
by the device. If this isn't the case, the job download fails. It also configures the
device in such a way it only verifies the field symbology.
Program match code: decide the barcode quality treshold (from A (high) to F
(low). You decide the treshold that tells the system which is the minimal quality
before the barcode is accepted.
Sensor input: the camera sensor gets enabled only if there are fields to scan.
> Options
Consecutive bad reads: to work, this number must be greater than one. As
soon as this number of consecutive bad reads is reached, the user receives a
Number of codes: to work, this number must be greater than one. It tells the
system how many codes to download to verify data read group settings used in
the camera.
These concern Mark and Read related logging.
Choose the folder to store log files. If necessary select Enable impersonation
for file access.
> Mark and
Enter the user name and password if you need to store it on a place that
erquires these credentials.
Select Enable logging to enable the logging.
- 265 -
Chapter 2
Insight 2000 Properties
Specific properties for the Insight 2000 series can be found here. Other options can be
found in the "General properties" on page 263.
To connect with the Cognex device specific login credentials are needed. Fill
Connection >
out the user name and password."Associate New Connection with Device"
on page 149
Manage the state of the device (whether online/offline) after downloading a
Device > Conjob. This is done for statistics.
You can reset the counter of the device after downloading a job.
It's possible to download the job to an SD Card.
- 266 -
Insight 7000 Properties
Insight 7000 Properties
Specific properties for the Insight 7x00 series can be found here. Other options can be
found in the "General properties" on page 263.
To connect with the Cognex device specific login credentials are needed. Fill
Connection >
out the user name and password."Associate New Connection with Device"
on page 149
Manage the state of the device (whether online/offline) after downloading a
Device > Con- job. This is done for statistics.
You can reset the counter of the device after downloading a job.
It's possible to download the job to an SD Card.
See : "Insight 7000" on page 273.
Device >
See "Map connections" on page 272 (these are only used for older systems
Status Names - not the preferred way)
Device > Vari- See "Map connections" on page 272 (these are only used for older systems
able Names - not the preferred way)
Device > Vari- How do you want CoLOS to respond to missing fields? By default this
able Options means a fail, but you can ignore this error or always send a default value.
- 267 -
Chapter 2
FTP Server
You have the possibility to activate an FTP Server in Administrator for the Cognex Insight
cameras which gives you the ability to show any bad reads. The FTP Server is switched off
by default. This needs to be activated first to allow CoLOS to see the images the Cognex
devices send. The activation is required to show a preview with quality indicators and to
keep track of bad read images.
In CoLOS Administrator go to My Devices.
Select the camera you installed and click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
In the left pane click on Connection >FTP Server.
Click on Click to enable the FTP server. Once activated, this option is replaced by Click
to disable the FTP server.
A pop-up window shows you the FTP server started. Click on OK.
You may select Use the FTP server for live preview when necessary.
Click OK to close the window. Once the FTP server is activated you can choose a map for
both the good and bad reads.
Make sure you enter the max. number of images you want to keep. By default this is set to
20. It is, however, possible to select the option All good images, keeping every image that
is made. Remember to take the available free space into account when you make this
decision. If you don't have enough free space (or it fills up too fast), this may cause other
Decide which good reads are saved: those made first, or the most recent ones (last). By
default First good reads is selected. If you want the most recent ones to be saved, select
Last good reads.
Also remember that if the line speed is higher than the network speed, not all good images
are saved.
To view the bad images:
Go to the installed camera in My Devices.
Double-click on the installed camera.
Double-click on Bad reads.
A window opens. In the left pane you see the different dates during which bad reads were
produced. Select a date and click in the right pane on the label to find out which bad reads
were made.
5. When necessary you can save a selected image.
Bad reads are shown in the screen with red question marks above the fields or elements of
the field that weren't read properly.
These bad reads can be easily saved. You can choose between min. 10 to max 50 images.
Select the Cognex camera you installed.
Click on Bad reads.
If any errors are found, you get the date when these happened. Select the correct date.
If more than one bad read happened, you get a list of time stamped snap shots. Select the
correct one.
5. Now click on Save selected picture in the top hand corner of the pane.
6. Choose a folder and save the file.
In the Device Properties of the DataMan you also find the options to verify barcode symbology and to program match code.
- 268 -
FTP Server
In CoLOS Administrator go to My Devices.
Select the DataMan you installed and click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
In the left pane Connection is selected. Click on Options below it.
You now select Verify barcode symbology if that is required. This ensures the field barcode symbology is supported by the device. Otherwise the job download fails.
5. If necessary, select Program match code
6. Choose the barcode quality treshold. You choose from a drop down menu between None,
A, B, C, D and F. A is highest quality, F is lowest.
7. You may select Sensor input as well. This oiption enables the camera sensor only when
the downloaded job has fields to be scanned.
- 269 -
Chapter 2
Cognex Mark & Read Logging
When you install a DataMan instead of an Insight camera CoLOS can log the printed data
using an appropriately configured spreadsheet. CoLOS will connect to TCP port 3000 on the
device and expect to receive CRLF delimited prints.
In CoLOS Administrator go to My Devices.
Select the camera you installed and click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties.
In the left pane select Logging >Mark and Read .
In Destination (shared) you enter the folder. This field can't be empty. Enter the location of
the folder where you want the log-files (in .csv-format) saved.
If a username and password are necessary, enter these and select Enable impersonation for file access.
If you want production logs, select Enable Production Logging. These logs are saved
under the name ProductionLine.csv. Enter the field names (shared).
Also, if necessary, select Enable Tracebility Logging and then enter the field names.
Ordinarily you find the same fields here that you already selected when you "Configure a
camera in CoLOS" on page 261. These files are saved under the date and time stamp of
the moment they were made.
Click OK when you are ready to close this window.
If you want to log more than one field, you separate them with a comma. So, eg:. Line 1,
Line 2, Backup Line.
Mark & Read Log Files
To know where all log files are stored, please open CoLOS Administrator:
1. Open My Devicesand select your Cognex Camera.
2. Click in the Tasks for... pane on Properties > Logging > Mark and Read.
3. In the Destination (shared) you discover where the log files for the Mark & Read section are
This contains the production start and end date (including time stamp), the device's name,
JobID, Good and Bad Reads, total number of reads and any field info you added (such as
Lot ID, Product, ...)..
These log-files show the data and have a date stamp; e.g.: 2018-09-11-07-38-43-477-78025160.csv
These contain the date and time, the device name, JobID, the result, the product and Lotnumber.
- 270 -
In-Sight Explorer
In-Sight Explorer
To access the camera and the spreadsheet created to map the different fields, you need InSight Explorer from Cognex. The latest version can be downloaded from the Cognex-website. Only one user at a time is able to see this screen. If a second user logs in, the screen
goes blank in CoLOS for the first user.
Download In-Sight Explorer from the Cognex-website. The software and firmware for
DataMan can also be found. Please scroll down to the part: Recently Released Software
& Firmware.
If you need documentation on In-Sight or DataMan, please see the Cognex-website.
- 271 -
Chapter 2
Map connections
This is no longer the correct way to do it. We keep this for older versions, but nowadays
we refer to the online help file of Designer. See: CoLOS Designer Functions> Mark &
Read (specific license) > Add camera support to a field.
Once the label is created, you need to map the different fields that need to be verified with
the camera so it knows what data it should look for and how that data must look like. This
mapping is done in CoLOS Administrator.
Open the window My Devices. Select the camera you just installed.
In the Tasks for... pane click on Properties.
You double-click on Device.
Click on Variable Names.
In the first column you enter the field name used in the label. In the second you add the
name used by the Cognex device.
6. You can do the same for the Status Names. Add a description as well so everything is still
clear when someone else has to make any changes.
Cognex devices store information in the spreadsheet loaded on the device. It is therefore
possible to define counts for total good reads, bad reads, etc. To allow CoLOS Enterprise
to use this information, you also need to define a mapping between the count cell and the
CoLOS status display item. This is done by opening the properties of the Cognex driver >
Devices > Status Names.
REMEMBER: Since this configuration isn’t job specific, each field defined in a label that
needs to be verified, has to be in the mapping configuration as well.
7. Now click on Variable Options. Here you decide the specific behaviour for missing fields.
By default it will raise an error, but it can be ignored or a default value can be send.
When a field defined in the Variable Names doesn’t exist in the label you downloaded, you
can decide what happens next. By default the label will fail to download, but you can also
choose for Ignore the missing field or Send a default value. To do that open the properties
field of the device > Device > Variable Options.
8. Once all fields have been entered, click OK.
Open CoLOS Administrators > My Devices. Select the device you just installed.
In the Tasks for... pane click on Properties.
Select in the left pane Options.
Behind Field Names you enter the name(s) of the fields to be verified. There can be more
than one fieldname (when an advanced Dataman driver is used); you just need to use commas as seperators.
5. You can select Verify barcode symbology. This ensures the field barcode symbology is
supported by the device, because otherwise the job download will fail. Also, the device is
configured so that it will only verify the field symbology and no other symbologies.Click OK
when ready.
- 272 -
Insight 7000
Insight 7000
When you use a Cognex Insight 7000 series, you have a few options.
Select the Cognex Insight 7000 camera you installed.
In the Tasks for pane click on Properties.
On the left pane, select Device.
Configuration Options opens.
Reset the counter of the device after downloading a job
You can reset the counter each time you download a new job. This is an option in devices
such as the SLC- , 9450- and 2200 -series .
On the open page select Reset the counter of the device after downloading a job.
SD Card
It is possible to download a job to an SD card. or printer memory. If the option Download
the job to SD Card is selected, the job is downloaded to the sd card. If this isn't selected,
the job is downloaded to the printer memory.
- 273 -
Chapter 2
Add Job Sources
We associate "Assign Job Source" on page 58 in a similar way as with the other devices.
Add job sources
Open the Cognex device you installed through My Devices.
In the Tasks For... click on Properties
Select Job Sources in the left pane.
Where it reads No Job source select Browse
The Job Source Browser opens. Select the job source and click on OK
- 274 -
Mark & Read CoLOS Production (view)
Mark & Read CoLOS Production
Once you installed a Cognex device, you can access it through "CoLOS Production" on
page 53 as well.
Operator can see:
Total number of reads
Total number of bad reads
Production Line View refreshed every 5
In one single click, operator can have
access to latest bad reads.
The Operator can browse the latest bad reads as well.
- 275 -
Chapter 2
Mark and Read Alert Events
1. In Control Panel > Alert Configuration > Alert Events > Mark and Read Events you
find an Alert Events for Mark and Read.
2. In the left column you find all available devices.
3. In the right pane you select the Mark and Read Alerts.
Which choices you see, depends on the camera installed.
Set the interval (in hours)
By default the reporting interval is 1 hour. So, if within this hour the number of bad read values you set up is reached, an alert gets send out.
To change this:
1. Change the hours in Alert interval in hours.
2. By default, it's 1 hour. You can change this to any value you like (hours).
3. This interval has an impact on the number of bad reads you need before an alert is send
Depending on the camera you use, you have the next options available to you.
Insight & Dataman - Bad reads alert
1. To activate the Bad Read alert, select Enable bad reads alert under Bad Read Configuration.
2. This means that each time a bad read happens, an alert is send out. This is probably not
necessary, so you can set a treshold. By default the value behind Number of bad read
value is 1. Set it to the value you find proper to send out an alert. Once that number is
reached (per hour), the alert is send out.
Dataman - Barcode alert
1. To configure the Barcode score alert, select the option Enable Barcode score alert.
2. Here, too, you need to set the number of bad score values. By default this value is 1, which
means that after every bad score an alert is send out.
- 276 -
Mark and Read Alert Configuration
Mark and Read Alert Configuration
If you only have a Mark and Read license, the shifts don't need to be configured for the
alerts. You get a general e-mail address and / or mobile phone number to send your alerts
The general e-mail address and/or mobile number are added in the Common Settings: see:
"Alert Configuration" on page 23
- 277 -
Chapter 2
SAP RFC Configuration
to load and validate the RFC definitions xml and test the SAP connection.
The SAP RFC Service allows you to connect to external SAP systems. SAP has a SAP .Net
Connector which allows communication between the Microsoft .NET platform and a
SAP system. The RFC name is provided by the customer, together with the input and the
RFC outputs. CoLOS will then use the SAP .NET connector to connect to SAP. It will call the
RFC to either read or write data.
The SAP RFC Service can be used to get data (e.g. orders) or to update SAP with specific
data (e.g. good receipts).
The SAP RFC Service is licensed and is under the ERP license feature.
To talk to SAP, CoLOS needs to know which RFC Details it requires. This means we will
need the RFC Name, its inputs and the output.
These definitions are configured in an XML located under <ProgramData>\Markem-Imaje\NGW\v<ServcieVersion>\SAPRFC\ RfcDefinition.xml. Beneath you find the content of this
SampleRfcDefinitions.xml file.
<RFCParameters xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="RfcDefinition.xsd">
<Property Name="SAP_NAME" Value="PE1"/>
<Property Name="SAP_USER" Value="username"/>
<Property Name="SAP_PASSWORD" Value="password"/>
<Property Name="SAP_CLIENT" Value="100"/>
<Property Name="SAP_APPSERVERHOST" Value="YourSAPServer"/>
<Property Name="SAP_SYSTEMID" Value="TEC"/>
<Property Name="SAP_SYSTEMNUMBER" Value="72"/>
<Property Name="SAP_LANGUAGE" Value="EN"/>
<Property Name="SAP_CONNECTIONIDLETIMEOUT" Value="500"/>
<Property Name="SAP_POOLSIZE" Value="5"/>
<Property Name="SAP_PEAKCONNECTIONSLIMIT" Value="10"/>
<RFC Name="ZMFG_PRDORD_RFC_INTF" InputDelimiter=";" OutputDelimiter="@@" TableDelimiter=";" >
<RFCData Name="I_WERKS"/>
<RFCData Name="I_INT_STATUS"/>
<RFCData Name="I_MTART" />
<RFCStructure Name="ET_RETURN" Field="TYPE" Value="S"/>
<RFCStructure Name="ET_RETURN" Field="MESSAGE"/>
<!-- <RFCData Name="ET_RETURN"/> This will get the entire structure-->
<Output >
<RFCTable Name="T_OUTPUT"/>
- 278 -
SAP RFC Configuration
<RFCData Name="I_ORDER"/>
<RFCData Name="I_PLANT"/>
<RFCData Name="I_LGORT"/>
<RFCData Name="I_MATERIAL"/>
<RFCData Name="I_SSCC"/>
<RFCData Name="I_BATCH"/>
<RFCData Name="I_QTY"/>
<RFCData Name="I_DST_STG_TYPE"/>
<RFCData Name="I_DST_STG_BIN"/>
<RFCData Name="I_QN_CODE"/>
<RFCStructure Name="ET_RETURN" Field="TYPE" Value="S"/>
<RFCStructure Name="ET_RETURN" Field="MESSAGE" />
<RFCTable Name="ET_PROD_ORDERS" Columns="*"/>
The user can take advantage of the XSD file to validate XML when using their own XML
Apart from the CoLOS Enterprise installation, you also need to install SAP NCO Connector
Ref: SAP Note 856863. Download the 32-bit installer targeting the .NET framework 4.0. To
do this, you need to have a SAP Market place account, which is governed by SAP
License. We refer to the SAP documentation to find out how to do this.
SAP RFC Configuration
Each RFC has a name, a set of inputs and an output. It also needs a criteria to check
whether the RFC succeeded.
The input and output can be
One or more Key-Value pairs
A Table [Rows of Data]
A Structure [Combination of Nested Key, Value and Table]
For the Proposed solution we consider ONLY the following use cases
Input – Key-Value pairs
Output – Key-Value OR A Table OR Fields from a structure
Criteria – Expected value on a field of a structure or on a named key
The information is configured via XML
"SAP Installation" on the next page
"RFC XML Definition Guide" on page 283
"CLI Command Interface (RFC)" on page 284
"CLI Commands Output" on page 285
- 279 -
Chapter 2
SAP Installation
In the optional setup steps, make sure to choose the GAC option to install the assemblies.
1. Install the SAP .NET Connector.
- 280 -
SAP Installation
2. The installer opens. Click Next.
3. Select the installation folder.
4. Select Install assemblies to GAC. Click Next and continue until the software is installed.
Load and Execute an RFC
- 281 -
Chapter 2
1. The customer downloads and Installs the SAP .net connector.
2. Prepare the RFC Definition XML following the customer SAP RFC specifications.
3. Click CoLOS Administrator > Control Panel > Repositories
> SAP RFC Configuration.
4. In the Tasks for SAP RFC Configuration you click onLoad RFC Definitions.
5. Validate the SAP parameters by clicking Test SAP Connectionto test the SAP connection.
6. Use CLI client to invoke RFC call.
When changes are made to to the RFC parameters or when a new RFC is added, the definitions must be reloaded using this applet. Modifying the file alone is not enough to activate the
new settings.
SAP Connections
When a user clicks Load Rfc Definitions a dialog box will appear. The user can then supply his credentials to connect to SAP. The user can change these credentials later as well
through the same window. Thephysical file in which these credentials are stored, is encrypted.
- 282 -
RFC XML Definition Guide
RFC XML Definition Guide
((Text between these brackets is added for explanatory reasons)).
<RFC Name="ZMFG_PRDORD_RFC_INTF" InputDelimiter=";" OutputDelimiter=";"/>
<Input> ((Delimiters are optional for ";"))
<RFCData Name="I_WERKS"/>
<RFCData Name="I_INT_STATUS"/> ((Input is in the order of defintion seperated by a
<RFCData Name="I_MTART" />
<Output >
<Criteria> ((A criteria on a field of a structure))
<RFCStructure Name="ET_RETURN" Field="TYPE" Value="S"/>
<RFCTable Name="T_OUTPUT"/> ((The table name may vary. The output can also be
<RFCData Name=“SCCC”/> OR
<RFCStructure Name=“SomeStructure” Field=“FieldName”/>))
- 283 -
Chapter 2
CLI Command Interface (RFC)
A new protocol element ‘erp’ is added. The operation would look like:
Example RFC calls from Nomad
RFC to get work orders.
RFC to upload the pallet information
"CLI Commands Output" on the facing page
- 284 -
CLI Commands Output
CLI Commands Output
RFC to get the Order information with a table output.
- 285 -
Chapter 2
BOLOÑESA 6X1, 060;1330408;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;1200.000;01;120;15;8;28410239032417;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
6X1,060;1330407;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;1200.000;01;120;15;8;28410239032417;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
MANC SETC|96008844;SIT2 LASAÑA DE ATUN 8X530;1330406;ZA01;APO2ES01;2017-0220;06:00:00;20.000;01;180;15;12;28410239032097;18;M;+;FERT;REL PRC BCRQ EXTS
Table output will have first row with Column names.
Records separated by “|”.
Values separated by “;” [Configurable from XML]
- 286 -
ERP Protocol Elements
ERP Protocol Elements
This family of protocol elements apply to ERP specific operations.
invokesaprfc|{rfcname}|{input param_1 name}={value1};{input param_2 name}={value2};....
{input param_N name}={valueN}";
Executes the given rfc with the inputs. The input names must match with the input defined
in the RFC definition xml file.
Return values
The RFC returns the output in the order of the output fields specified in the RFC definition
delimited by the output delimiter.
ER|{error code}|{error message}
- 287 -
Chapter 2
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Manufacturers look for solutions to reduce their running costs while improving the efficiency
of their operations. OEE or Overall Equipment Effectiveness is a standard way to measure
this productivity.
OEE module is available with the Line & Factory bundles.
OEE = Availability X Performance X Quality
OEE enables:
To gain insights on how to improve the productions process
To measure concrete results after corrective actions are implemented
CoLOS collects real time data from packaging line devices to calculate OEE KPIs. It
provides visibility on packaging operation performance and highlights the main bottlenecks
and performance losses within the packaging process.
CoLOS measures OEE by comparing actual line production with theoretical capacity.
"Installation of CoLOS OEE" on the facing page
"Line Constraints and Down Reasons" on page 290
"OEE Lines" on page 291
"Alert Configuration - OEE Configuration" on page 292
"OEE Events" on page 293
"OEE Remote Data Source" on page 294
"OEE Dashboard" on page 295
"Planned Downtime" on page 299
- 288 -
Installation of CoLOS OEE
Installation of CoLOS OEE
1. Ensure you have admin rights to install CoLOS OEE.
2. Install your version of CoLOS OEE.
3. The SQL Server Instance “MICOLOSSQLSERVER” is installed. This may take up to 20
minutes and requires an automatic computer restart
4. After the restart, the CoLOS ProductSuite installs.
5. Ensure the service “SQL Server(MICOLOSSQLSERVER)” runs. Check the Markem-Imaje
Connectivity service as well.
6. The product is ready to use.
To use OEE in the best circumstances, make sure you configured the "Shift Configuration" on
page 105, "Planned Downtime" on page 299 and "Planned Stops Configuration" on
page 108. You can only configure the planned stops after you configure the shifts and the
planned downtime.
- 289 -
Chapter 2
Line Constraints and Down Reasons
You may add line constraints and down reasons. This allows you to associate down reasons to a line constraint.
1. To open this option, click on Control Panel > OEE (Overal Equipment Effectiveness)
> Line Constraints and Down Reasons.
Create the Line Constraints and the down reasons before you set up an OEE Line.
Downreason categories
First you need to create the categories for down reasons.
1. In the Tasks for Line Constraints and Downreason Categories click on Manage Downreason Categories.
2. The window Manage Downreason Categories opens. Click Add to add a down reason.
3. Add a name for the category.
4. Add the Indicator. You can choose between Availability and Performance.
5. Click OK. Add as many other categories as necessary. Close the window.
Line Constraints
In the Tasks for Line Constraints and Downreason Categories click on Line Constraints.
Enter the Constraint Name and a short description.
Click OK
The windows Associate Down Reasons to a Line Constraint opens.
Enter the Down Roeason id, a description and a category.
If there are none available (or you want to add them), click Add
Enter an Id. This needs to be a number that contains 4 numbers (e.g.: 0001).
Enter a description.
Choose a Category.
The name of the constraint is already available.Click OK and close the window.
Change Line Constraints
Open OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).
Click on Line Constraints and Down Reasons.
Double-click on one of the available constraints.
At the bottom of the window, click Add to add more, Modify to change or Delete to remove
5. Close the window.
- 290 -
OEE Lines
OEE Lines
First you need to add the lines you want to monitor. You can only add lines after you
added the necessary devices.See "Add New Device" on page 190.
Add OEE lines
click on OEE Lines > Add OEE Line.
Welcome to the Create OEE Line Wizard. Click Next.
Enter the name for the OEE Line. Click Next
Select the primary devices part of the line. Click Next
Select the secondary device on the line. Click Next..
If you configured any constraints, select this if it is necessary. Click Next.
Select the SKU detection device. Click Next
If you added any plans (see:"Planned Stops Configuration" on page 108) select the plan of
your choice. Then click Next and Finish
9. The new OEE Line is added..
If you created more than one Remote Data Source, you will get the chance to choose the
Remote Data Source you want to connect to this specific line. If you only have one
Remote Data Source, this window won't show and you get the procedure as described
If you configured one Remote Data Source, that is used for all OEE lines.
If you configured more than one Remote Data Source, select the RDS you want to use
on the specific OEE Line before you can finish the Line creation wizard. A single RDS
can be associated with multiple OEE lines.
- 291 -
Chapter 2
Alert Configuration - OEE Configuration
This option is available when you chose CoLOS OEE.
Please associate either all available OEE lines or a specific line with mobile numbers and email addresses for every shift.
See "Alert Configuration" on page 23.
See: "SMTP Mail Configuration" on page 25
See "Alert Events" on page 23.
- 292 -
OEE Events
OEE Events
In the same way you can configure "Printer Alerts" on page 22, it is possible to configure
OEE Events.
OEE Events
Click on OEE Alerts > Alert Events.
The window Alert Events opens. OEE Events is selected.
In the left pane you see the available OEE lines.
Select one.
In the right pane you find the Event name, description and treshold. The treshold can be
added in seconds, minutes or percentages. The minimum stop times lie between
15 seconds and 10 minutes.
6. Select the ones you want to be warned for.
7. Click OK to close the window.
- 293 -
Chapter 2
OEE Remote Data Source
The Remote Data Source needs to be present. This is done through: "Setup ODBC Data
Source" on page 80.
Once that's done, you can add a "Add Remote Data Source" on page 84.
Database creation may need the following on your machine:
1) SQL server Management Studio soft
2) MS Access soft
3) Warning: CoLOS Production Table doesn’t work with OEE
You can create multiple OEE Remote Data Sources (a CoLOS Database, ODBC Database
or OLEDB Database). If you configured more than one, you will have to associate the
Remote Data Source in the "OEE Lines" on page 291configuration wizard.
Add an OEE Remote Data Source
Open OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) in CoLOS Administrator.
Click OEE Remote Data Source.
In the Tasks for OEE Remote Data Source, click on Add Remote Data Source
A new windowopens. Click Next..
Select either "Setup CoLOS Database Job Source" on page 62, or "Setup ODBC Data
Source" on page 80 (including ODBC Remote Data Source, OLE DB Remote Data Source,
ImMC Legacy and Pick List Remote Data Source).
To be able to use this feature, .Net Framework 4.0 needs to be installed. Select the language
version of your operating system before downloading the file from internet.
- 294 -
OEE Dashboard
OEE Dashboard
Every setting you implemented in the OEE can be viewed through the OEE Dashboard.
OEE comes with the Line & Factory bundles of CoLOS ProductSuite.
Dashboard elements
Per Line View
Status Bar Color (Red, Green, Grey)
Status Bar (Line name, SKU Name)
Status Bar (Running time …)
Status Bar (Stopped time …)
Status Bar (Stop Reason …)
Status Bar (Unable to Compute OEE)
OEE, A, P, Q for Current shift and Last Hour
l Color for each KPI to show if its meeting target or not
Last Shift Results
OEE Evolution Graph
l With Target lines (feature under implementation)
Speed Evolution Graph
l With Target lines (feature under implementation)
Top 10 Downtimes
Factory View
OEE, A, P, Q for Current shift and Last Hour
(Line name, SKU Name)
(Running time …)
(Stopped time …)
(Stop Reason …)
Status Bar (Unable to Compute OEE)
OEE Dashboard
1. To open a webpage, please double click on OEE Dashboard
2. A webpage opens that offers you all the information required. If only one OEE line is configured, you immediately see the complete report. Otherwise you see the different lines.
3. Double-click in that case on the line. The report for this line opens.
4. If more than one page is available, click on Next (or Previous) to open the other pages.
Click Modify if you want to change something. By clicking Modifyyou can change the
down reasons. See: "Planned Downtime" on page 299
OEE Report
1. In the right bottom corner you find the button Report. Click on it.
2. An OEE Report opens. It resembles the one you see when you open "Printer Performance"
on page 72.
3. The left pane offers you the possibility to chose the duration Your options are:
Previous Day
Previous Week
Previous Month
Custom (From date - to date)
- 295 -
Chapter 2
4. You need to select a line in the list-part. There you can also select the shifts and SKU's. If
you don't select a line, no report is created.
5. Click Submit to see the report.
Other reports
You choose between 3 reports.
Downtime Report
1. Click Downtime Report at the top.
2. Choose the duration from the left pane. Select the list as well (as described above). Click
3. An overview of the report becomes available.
4. Click Print if you want this report printed.
5. A new page opens with a preview of the printed information. Choose the printer, select the
pages and other printer related items and click on Print. The page is printed.
Loss Report
1. Click Loss Report at the top.
2. Choose the duration from the left pane. Select the list as well (as described above). Click
3. An overview of the report becomes available.
4. Click Print if you want this report printed.
5. A new page opens with a preview of the printed information. Choose the printer, select the
pages and other printer related items and click on Print. The page is printed.
OEE Waterfall
1. Click OEE Waterfall at the top.
2. Choose the duration from the left pane. Select the list as well (as described above). Click
3. An overview of the report becomes available.
4. Click Print if you want this report printed.
5. A new page opens with a preview of the printed information. Choose the printer, select the
pages and other printer related items and click on Print. The page is printed.
Print report
You can print your reports.
1. Select one of the reports we showed earlier.
2. Click Print
3. The page of your report opens. Select the destination. By default that's PDF, but it's possible to print it, too. Select see more... and select one of the additional options.
4. Select the pages and the layouts. If necessary, click on More settings to see more settings
(paper size, pages per sheet, margins, scale and whether headers and footers need to be
included and if background graphics are necessary.
5. Click Save if you chose a PDF or Print if you want to print it.
Export report
You may also export the report.
1. Select one of the reports we showed earlier.
2. Click Export
- 296 -
OEE Dashboard
3. The file is exported into a csv report with the name OEE_Report.csv.
4. You can then import this into Excel to view it.
- 297 -
Chapter 2
Set OEE Objectives
You can set both minimal and maximal requirements.
Click on Control Panel > OEE (Overal Equipment Effectiveness).
In the Tasks for OEE (Overal Equipment Effectiveness) click on Properties.
Click on Define Treshold for OEE lines.
First, select the OEE Line you want to set the objectives for in the drop down list.
Then, set the expected and critical values for OEE, Availability, Performance and Quality.
The Expected Value is the minimal objective for the line to keep it in green. The critical
value is the maximal objective for when alerts are send out.
- 298 -
Planned Downtime
Planned Downtime
There are two situations:
A planned stop that impacts OEE (e.g. a changeover, ...)
A planned stop without OEE impact (e.g. Lunch break, ...)
Planned stop with impact on OEE
a. If this occurs, it Impacts OEE KPI
i. If production happens within this defined duration, it impacts OEE
b. If this occurs, it doesn't require a Down Reason fed by the Operator or by others means
c. If this occurs, thhe system identifies this as a Planned Stops based on pre-planned Stop
Planned stop without impact on OEE
A defined Planned Downtime Reason (Example; Lunch Break)
a. If this occurs, it shall NOT Impact OEE KPI
i. If production happens within this defined duration, it will impact OEE
b. If this occurs, it shall not require a Down Reason to be fed by the Operator or by others
c. If this occurs, System will identify this as a Planned Stops based on pre-planned Stop
- 299 -
Chapter 2
OEE Properties
Before you use this, please make sure you configured the proper "OEE Lines" on
page 291"Planned Downtime" on the previous pagereasons and the devices " About
Groups" on page 195
Also add the necessary "About User Accounts" on page 161.
In Administrator select OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).
In the Tasks for OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) click on Properties.
The Properties window opens.
You get several options: Associate OEE Lines in Production Groups, CoLOS Users and
OEE Line Mapping, Define Treshold for OEE Lines, Operator's Down Reason Screen Properties and Ports.
CoLOS Users and OEE Line Mapping
Choose the OEE line and specify which users view which OEE lines in the WebUI.
1. If you configured the OEE Lines and user accounts, you see the different users which are
allowed to view the OEE Lines in the WebUI.text)
2. Select the OEE Line and then select the users who may see this specific line.
Define Treshold for OEE Lines
The OEE Dashboard bar colors are selected by the threshold defined in this screen. The
thresholds are configured per line. Users select an Expected OEE and the critical limit for
the OEE and other indicators for a line here.
1. Select next to OEE Line the specific OEE Line you configured.
2. Beneath OEE enter the expected and critical value. For the first that might be 85%. For the
second you might choose 50%.
3. Do the same for Availability, Performance and Quality.
Operator's Down Reason Screen Properties
Switch between the Default view or Standard view and display or hide the Cancel button.
The type of the downreason popup that appears when an OEE line is down can be configured here. You receive two options: Default and Standard view. In the Default view the
Stop codes and constraints are shown that most frequently occurr. In the standard view the
stop codes are listed in the order of constraints.
To activate the Default View (selected by default) select Default View.
If you want the Cancel button to be visible, select Show Cancel Button.
If you prefer the Standard View (not selected by default) select Standard View.
Here you can also show the Cancel Button.
Associate OEE Lines to Production Groups
Associate an OEE Line with a group. This allows a user to switch between the OEE and
Production UI when using the WebUI.
1. You see the OEE Lines in the column Lines. If it's part of a group, select this one from the
vailable groups in the Groups column.
2. When only one group is available, you still have to select this group to create the group
Change this in the "System Ports" on page 127.
- 300 -
Other Printers
Other Printers
This is a yearly subscription per printer.
We offer a lot of other printer drivers for CoLOS. These are Windows drivers, not always
supporting all options. A number of devices are extensively tested with CoLOS.
Other printers supported by CoLOS
VideoJet Dataflex 6000 Series
VideoJet 9550
Domino M Series
Intermec PM 43 Series
Zebra 1x0 Series
Zebra ZT Series
Zebra ZE 500 Series
Sato s84-ex Series
Sato s86-ex Series
Printer status
Message download acknowledgement
Printer Online/Offline
Printer ready to print
Printer in fault
Print Count
l Batch count
l Total count
"Device Management" on the next page
"Install Other Printer drivers" on page 303
"Other Printer device Properties" on page 304
- 301 -
Chapter 2
Device Management
Device management in CoLOS Administrator and Designer
Communication settings
Device configuration
- 302 -
Install Other Printer drivers
Install Other Printer drivers
With the new drivers available in CoLOS, it's now possible to manage non-MI devices.
Open in CoLOS Administrator My Devices.
Click on Add Device.
In the long list of devices, open the part that says Third Party Printers in the left pane.
Select the available brand. E.g.: Zebra.
Select the printer of your choice. e.f. The Zebra ZT410.
In the left pane select your option. For the Zebra this is Ethernet. Enter both the IP address
and port through which the device is accessible on the network.. Click Next.
7. Enter the description (the name by which it is visible in CoLOS). Make it as clear as possible so no errors are possible. Click Next.
8. The installed device is now visible in CoLOS.
- 303 -
Chapter 2
Other Printer device Properties
Each installed device has a number of tasks and properties you may check.
1. Once you installed the non-MI device (see: "Install Other Printer drivers" on the previous
page) you see the newly installed device in your devices overview.
2. Double click its name.
3. You see: "Device Settings" on page 138, "Status" on page 182 and "Faults and Warnings"
on page 178.
- 304 -
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
"OEE" on the next page
"Secure Channel FAQ" on page 307
"Installation FAQ" on page 310
- 305 -
Chapter 2
Q: I'm not able to access the OEE and Data Management Web Pages on a
client server
The port numbers were blocked
by the firewall and hence can’t
communicate with the client. The
system ports should be exempted from the firewall by adding a
new rule in the Window firewall
on the server.
Q: The web page on a server doesn't launch when I use the hostname and
port number, but it works if the host name is replaced with
CoLOS OEE is supported on IE11. Even though IE 11 is displayed in the About IE-window
, there is an option to choose the API’s version hidden inside, where if a wrong version is
select can create problems.
To resolve this launch IE11,
press F12 and from the debug
window select the version of the
supported API’s ( as shown in
the below picture) to 11 or Edge
and set it to default.
- 306 -
Secure Channel FAQ
Secure Channel FAQ
Q: What is Secure channel Parameter?
A: The parameter which holds the value to encrypt the communication between CoLOS
server and CoLOS client, and that can cause issues to start Administrator, Designer, and
CoLOS Toolkit while upgrading from 6.0.5/Earlier to 6.0.6/Later.
Securechannel Parameter Values
True: Communication is encrypted between server and client
False: Communication is not encrypted between server and client
Communication Encryption between client and server causing disconnects, If the windows
certification does not match between the Server PC and Client PC
Detailed Description
Troubleshooting for the Communication problem
Recommendation: to set the Securechannel = false manually to avoid communication issue
CoLOS versions 6.0.1 to 6.0.5 Securechannel value is true by default.
So, whoever facing communication issues they have been changed this
value to false rest of them are kept the default value true.
Manual Error: If encryption is needing to disable between the Client and Server, the technical person needs to ask for the CoLOS Connection Troubleshooting guide.
Redesign from 6.0.6 onwards
• Securechannel=FALSE by default
• If Customer requires the encryption whereas Windows Certification matches between Client and Server, technical representative can set the Securechannel = true as the same way
which is explained in the CoLOS connection troubleshooting guide
Below tables describes the results and actions to be carried when upgrading 6.0.5(6.0.1 to
6.0.5) to 6.0.6 or later
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
- 307 -
Chapter 2
Troubleshooting for the Point:1 mentioned in above table: One-time Manual Action
When Upgrading 6.0.5 to 6.0.6/6.0.7
* If Encryption Required: Parse the Securechannel = true in all shortcuts
* If encryption is not required: Stop MI Connectivity service and Parse the Securechannel=false in MI connectivity service
When Upgrading 6.0.5 to 6.0.8/later
* If Encryption Required: Go to “C:\Users\All Users\Markem-Imaje\NGW\v2.8 folder” -> Open
“settings.CoLOS.SecureChannel.xml” (Newly Introduced in 6.0.8 to avoid parse the value to
all shortcuts) -> Set the Value as true
- 308 -
Secure Channel FAQ
* If Encryption not Required: Stop MI Connectivity service and Parse the Securechannel=false in MI connectivity service (Same as the Fig:2)
Go to “C:\Users\All Users\Markem-Imaje\NGW\v2.8 folder” -> Open
“settings.CoLOS.SecureChannel.xml” -> Set the Value as false.
- 309 -
Chapter 2
Installation FAQ
Run as administrator
The safest way to work in Windows is not to have an administrator account. Most of the
time you work on a more limited account, that maybe doesn't allow you to install additional
When you want to install something, but you don't want to log into a more elevated
account, it makes sense to right click on the installation files and click on Run as administrator.
If your administrator account comes with a password, provide the necessary credentials. You
can now install the software without changing the account.
Install Server or Client
When you install CoLOS, you receive the question if you want to install it as a server.
Let's assume two situations:
1. You run CoLOS on one pc and manage the entire process from that system: it's not
necessary to allow this computer to act as the server. You do not need to activate this
2. You have a network and it's the idea to allow others to connect to this pc (where you
install CoLOS on) from other systems. This can be to view information through a browser,
work in the Production User Interface or use the repository. As long as you want to connect
to this pc over the network, it's important to select this option.
- 310 -
Installation FAQ
Installing as the server means that the CoLOS software install manages all the Label
Creation, Print Devices, network communications, etc.
Installing as a Client requires a connection to a Server in order to perform these or any
other functions.
Install SQL database
CoLOS offers you a chance to install an SQL version (MS SQL Express). This is done
because in a number of options in CoLOS require access to a database to function
properly. "OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)" on page 288, for example, can't function
without a database.
Most customers already have their own databases - in which case it's not required to install
another SQL database. For those who don't yet use a database, there is a chance to install
the free SQL version. This comes with a few limitations (see: https://www.fmsinc.com/MicrosoftAccess/SQLServerUpsizing/express/index.html). For most cases where you
didn't requitre a database before, this is more than sufficient.
The why of the Fonts EULA
When you start CoLOS Designer for the first time, you see the above window appear, warning you that most fonts are protected by copyright laws. You can stop this from showing
again by selecting Do not show this warning again and clicking on OK.
This is a legal requirement to explain that if you chose to use any fonts not delivered with
CoLOS, you are responsible to make sure you have the licenses to use that particular font
- 311 -
Activation Code
Is the code required to activate your system.
A machine readable identification code; a strip of parallel bars of varying
widths, groups of which represent alphanumeric characters.
MARKEM-IMAJE's Print and Apply labelling machines. See www.markemimaje.us/products/ for more details.
MARKEM-IMAJE's pallet labellers; up to 3 sides can be printed at one time.
See www.markem-imaje.us/products/ for more details.
CoLOS Create Professional
An image design application that allows you to create product images using
text, graphics/logos, barcodes and time/date fields which can be linked to
remote data sources.
An industrial printer using ink, thermal transfer, ribbon or laser technology as
the means of printing text, graphics and barcodes onto labels.
Images can be retrieved from a secure repository and downloaded to a device.
The representation of desired information, such as alphanumeric characters or
barcodes, composed of one or more fields to be printed or displayed.
- 313 -
Chapter 3
The information required to print on target device. this will include an image
and an optional settings file.
Job Source
A Job Source is a repository area on your PC (or an ODBC database) where
remote Per Job Data is stored. A job source links Job IDs to images to print
and is used to create a job.
Log Book
Log Books allow the system to capture defined data and events from each
device attached to the CoLOS Control network.
ODBC is an industry standard way for connecting to a database.
Per Job Data
This is data that may be retrieved from an external database and may change
according to the selected job ID.
Remote Data Sources
This data is retieved during the job download process.
Resource Repository
The Resource Repository is a storage location for the following types of files:
Image (.ITF) files, Settings (incl. machine parameters) files, Logo or Graphic
Settings File
The Settings File contains the machine settings of a particular device.
- 314 -
MARKEM-IMAJE's family of Thermal Transfer overprinters. See www.markem-imaje.us/products/ for more details.
MARKEM-IMAJE's range of laser coders for marking products and product
packaging. See www.markem-imaje.us/products/ for more details.
Software License
Consists of the tracking number, the Application's Serial Number (generated by
the application and specific to your PC) and an Activation Code.
User Account Manager
The User Account Applet is used by the Administrator to add new users,
change passwords, and control the level of access each user has to the CoLOS
Control functions.
A sequence of screens that assists the user with the configuration, installation,
and set-up process.
- 315 -
1 306
5900 Device 194
8018 30, 186
access 306
Access Denied 11-12, 17, 60, 150
Account 8, 20, 70, 142, 161-162, 166-170, 180
Action 14, 101, 104, 195, 200, 204, 206
Activate Promotional Coding 252
Activation Code 11-12, 17
add 57, 291
Add 8, 14, 16, 28, 30, 39, 52, 55-56, 58, 60, 63-64, 66, 75-77, 80, 83-84, 86, 91, 95-97,
99, 101, 104, 116, 129-130, 132, 137, 142, 148, 161-162, 171, 180, 185-186, 189190, 195-196, 198, 200, 202, 208-209, 243, 246-247
add a task 99
Add Job Sources 274
Add plan 107
Add Plan 107
Add Repository 92
Administrator 8, 17, 20, 70, 80, 101, 103, 117-118, 161-163, 166, 168-170, 207
Alert Configuration 8, 21, 23, 292
Alert Events 23, 276
All Programs 14, 16
Allocation 200, 203
Alphabetical 144, 182
And/or downloaded 203
apromotional coding mode 252
assign image file 66
Associate Existing Connection 151
Associate New Connection 149
Attributes 200, 203, 205-206
Auto Arrange 133, 172
Automatic Print 204
background image 134, 173
Backup system 98
Backup System 99
Backup the database 101
bad reads 268
Bad reads alert 276
Barcode alert 276
bArticle 36
Base Bundle 11
Book 8, 19, 129-131, 207-209
- 317 -
Chapter 4
Browse 12, 16, 58, 93, 130, 200
clicking 12
Browser 8, 16-17, 19, 28, 53, 57-60, 66, 80, 89-90, 95-97, 118, 130-131, 135, 137-138,
141, 144, 148, 162, 167-170, 174, 176, 182, 185, 189-190, 196-198, 208
camera 261
capabilities 225
CAT 26, 126
Categorized 144, 182
CD 11-12, 17
Certificate 49
Certificate errors 50
change 290
Change 20, 52, 70, 76, 78, 83, 89, 100, 104, 118, 134, 136, 138, 144, 161, 163, 166169, 173, 175, 182, 199, 201-202, 250
Change Data Manually 39
change language 210
ChangeLanguage.exe 210
Check licenses 241
Check Ports 48
Choose 8, 14, 55, 57, 59, 66, 93, 104, 116, 133, 148, 168, 172, 190, 196, 200, 205,
Choose Specified Location 93
CimComms 199-200
CimControl 12
Cimjets 200, 204
Clear Current Allocation 204
CLI 41, 43, 214, 216
CLI Command Interface (RFC) 45, 284
CLI Commands Output 46, 285
CLI Protocol 43, 214
CLI service 42, 217
CLI Service 19, 42, 217
CLI+Protocol.pdf 43, 214
Browse 12
client SSL certificate 122
clock 110, 147, 188
Clock 20, 110, 137, 147, 188-189
Code 11, 17-18, 149, 242, 247
Codes 12, 29, 54, 74, 82, 145, 163, 183, 244-246, 250
Cognex 263, 270-271
Cognex camera 261-262, 264, 268
Cognex Camera 262, 264
CoLOS Administrator 8, 11, 18, 74, 91, 115, 209
CoLOS Administrator activation 17
CoLOS Adsministrator conversion utility 12, 294
CoLOS Control 12, 80, 132, 161, 171, 208
CoLOS Create Pro 12, 60
CoLOS Create Professional 12, 54
CoLOS Database Job Source 62
CoLOS Designer 17, 66, 74
CoLOS Enterprise 12, 19, 60, 80, 84, 101, 103, 244
part 12
- 318 -
CoLOS Promotion Coding 244
CoLOS Promotion Coding ADV+ 245
CoLOS v5 128
CoLOS v6 128
Column Configuration 33
combined 65, 213
Combined Job Source 65, 213
Command Line Interface 41, 216
Common Device Properties 43, 214
Common Tasks 8, 133, 172
Compact View 52
Company Logo 52
Composer 12
Composer 5.5. 12
configure 153, 193
Configure a camera 261
configure a device 132, 171
Configure Alerts 23
Configure Planned Down Reasons 109
Configure the Printer Job Review 220
Connect Active Directory Users with CoLOS User Profiles 121
Connect down reasons with a shift 107
connect with OEE Line 291
connection 272
Connection 28-29, 148, 151, 185, 190
Connection Type 30, 186
Connections 8, 19, 28, 81, 89, 140, 148-149, 178, 185, 190
Connectivity 16, 93, 99, 130
Connectivity Service 127
Consecutive bad reads 265
Control 12, 19, 28, 51, 83, 97, 133, 135, 161, 172, 174, 185, 247
Control Panel 16-17, 19, 28, 58, 75-78, 81, 83, 92, 99-101, 104, 110, 133, 142, 147,
172, 180, 185, 188, 247
Conversion Utility 12
Convert Composer Database 12
Copy 106
correct time 110, 147, 188
Counters 235
create 247
Create a DataMan script 260
create a settings file 97
Create an ODBC 79
Create bArticle 36
Custom 145, 183
Custom Codes 145, 183
Dashboard elements 295
Data 8, 14, 19, 52, 54-56, 63-64, 74-78, 80-81, 83-84, 89, 91, 98, 101, 103-104, 116,
138, 141, 145, 183, 207-208, 242, 246-247
Data and Service Integration 40
data management 38-39
Data Management 9, 32, 37
Data Source 8, 14, 56, 63-64, 74, 80-81, 84, 89
data stream 247
Data Stream Manager 9, 246
- 319 -
Chapter 4
Database 8, 14, 19, 54-55, 74, 80-81, 84, 89, 98, 104, 116, , 199, 206-207
Database Connection 112
Database Design 37
dataman 270
DataMan 268
DataMan Properties 265
DataMan script 260
Dataman scripts 259
Date 16, 54, 135, 145, 174, 183, 209
definition 222, 288
Delete 39, 106
details 132, 171
Device 8, 19, 28-29, 53-54, , 58, 67, 82, 98, , 129, 132, 135, 137, 140-142, 144-145,
148-149, 171, 174, 176, 178-180, 182-183, 185, 189-190, 195-202, 205, 207, 209
Device File System 141
Device Management 302
Device Overview 9, 133, 148, 172, 190
device properties 135, 174
Device Settings 138
Devices 12, 51, 54, 97, 110, 132-133, 137-138, 147, 151, 171-172, 188-189, 203, 206
disable task 100
Double-click Default 97, 129
Down Reason Pop-ups 108
Down Reasons 290
Download 12, 18-19, 29, 54-55, 67, 71, 81, 116, 138, 141-142, 145, 179-180, 183, 199203, 205-206, 294
Download a settings file 97
Download Only Operator 163
Downreason categories 290
Downtime Report 296
DR-259 221
Driver 80-81, 149, 219
DSN 14, 60, 80
Duplicate 39
Edit 39, 57, 105
Emf 96-97
enable 120
encryption 282
Ethernet 28, 185
Event Log Viewer 11-12, 16
Execute tag 226
ExecuteDownloadJob 226, 228
ExecuteJobPrint 228
Export report 296
Extrusion 235
FAQ 306, 310
Faults 135, 140, 174, 178
Field 15, 52, 54-55, 59, 66, 74-78, 81, 84, 89, 116
File 8, 12, 14, 16, 19, 55, 60, 66, 77, 80-81, 91, 93, 95-97, 99, 101, 103-104, 116, 130,
135, 138, 141-142, 144-145, 174, 179-180, 182-183, 200, 202, 207-208, 242, 244245, 247, 250, 294
File Repository 93
- 320 -
File contains 97
File System 141
Find 9, 12, 14, 16, 77-78, 104, 133, 148, 172, 190
Finish 16, 31, 66, 80, 85, 89, 93-94, 101, 104, 130, 148, 162, 187, 190, 196, 200, 209,
Fmt-file 12
Fonts EULA 311
form entry 77
Format 14, 52, 96, 247
Freeware 11
Frequently Asked Questions 305
FTP Server 268
General properties 263
generic Driver 219
Generic Driver 219
Gif 96-97
good reads 268
Graphic 54, 91, 96, 199, 202
Grid Layout 52
Group 8, 14, 20, 52-53, 195-198
High 117
If unticked 204
Ignore Absend Printers 221
Image 8, 12, 19, 29, 54-55, 60, 66, 71, 80-81, 83, 91, 95-96, 116, 133, 144, 161, 163,
172, 179, 182, 199-201, 206
image file 66
Image Template File 54, 179
Image Templates 54-55, 95, 116, 179
ImMC Legacy 84
impact on OEE 108
Import Database 99
Import Configuration 34
Import Data 38
Import Databases 98
Import File Path 34
In-Sight Explorer 271
Index 14, 18
Insight 2000 Properties 266
install 261, 303
Install 261
Install Cognex Insight 261
Install DataMan 261
Install Server or Client 310
Install SQL database 311
installation 310
Installation FAQ 310
Integration Services 40
interval 276
ITF Writer 152, 192
- 321 -
Chapter 4
Job 8, 19, 53-56, 58-60, 63-64, 66-68, 71, 74, 81, 91, 137-138, 141, 179, 189, 195,
197-203, 205-207, 250
Job List Settings 52
Job Review 220
Job Source 57, 65, 213
Jpg 96-97
LAN 28, 185
Language selector 210
license 11
License 12, 17-19, 114, 117, 240
License Activation 11, 17
Line Bundle 11
Line Constraints 290
load / execute 281
Localisation 224
Log 8, 11, 16, 19, 101, 103, 117-118, 129-131, 142, 168, 180, 207-209
Log Books 207
Log Parser 98
Logbook 16, 20, 130, 208
Logged 256
Logging Field Content 256
Logo 19, 54, 91, 96
Logos 52, 75, 77, 96-97, 202
Loss Report 296
Low 117
manage 42, 217
Manager 54, 81, 89-91, 246-247
Managing Terminal 239
map 272
Mark and Read 9
Mark & Read 270
Mark & Read Log Files 270
Mark and Read 257
Mark and Read Alert Configuration 277
Mark and Read Alert Events 276
Medium 117
MI Specific Model 160
MIConfig.exe 211
Multiple Image Files 55-56, 116
My Groups 9
Next 16, 60, 63-64, 66, 77, 89, 101, 104, 118, 148-149, 151, 190, 200, 206, 247
upgrade 12
NextGen 199
No verification scanner 255
Non-MI drivers supported 9
NOT impact on OEE 108
- 322 -
nsight 7000 Properties 267
Number of codes 265
Observer 161, 163
ODBC 14, 55, 57, 60, 80, 82-84, 89-90, 94, 104, 116, 207, 209
ODBC Connections 79
ODBC Log Book 209
ODBC Remote Data Source 84
OEE 9, 288, 295
OEE Configuration 24
OEE Dashboard 295-296
OEE Events 23, 293
OEE lines 291
OEE Lines 291
OEE Objectives 298
OEE Remote Data Source 294
OEE Report 295
OEE Waterfall 296
OEM Bundle 11
OK 12, 16, 58, 76, 80, 101, 103, 168-169, 202
OLE DB Remote Data Source 85
OLEDB Job Source 61
On Demand 204
Only upgrade Format Files 12
OPC 222
OPC ‘Data Access’ Server 222
OPC Client 218
OPC Core Components Redistributable 223
OPC Da Server 222
OPC Server 222, 224-226, 230-231
OPC UA 49, 153, 193
Open 14, 16, 18, 52, 57-58, 60, 66, 75-78, 80, 89, 95-97, 101, 103, 130, 148, 190, 195196, 200-202, 247
Operations 48
Operator 59, 161, 163, 242
Other Printer 303
Other Printers 191, 301
Overall Equipment Effectiveness 288
PackML 154, 232
PackML Companion Spec 158
PackTags Model 158
Part 11-12, 54, 91, 199, 202, 294
CoLOS Enterprise 12
Password 14, 20, 70, 101, 103-104, 117-118, 130, 142, 161-162, 166-168, 180
Paste 106
Per Job 54, 66, 200
Per Job Data 54, 199-200
Permission 8, 118, 161, 166, 169
Pick List Remote Data Source 85
planned down reason 107
Planned Downtime 299
Planned Stops Configuration 107-108
Png 96-97
- 323 -
Chapter 4
Polling 254
Populate 77
Port 128
Ports 35
Pre-print 204
Preferences 20, 70
print a label 152, 192
Print report 296
printer 252
Printer Alerts 22
Printer Events 23
Printer Job Review 19, 220
Printer Performance 72
Printer status 191, 301
Product Serial Number 11-12
Product Table 77
Product Tracking Number 17
Production log 263
Production mode 235
Production Tables 74-78
ProductionLog.csv 270
Program Files/Markem V5.5. 12
Promotional Coding 9
Promotional Coding 241
Promotional Coding 241, 252
properties 226, 262-264
Properties 14, 19, 28, 52, 58, 68, 71, 83, 89, 118, 135, 148, 168-169, 174, 176, 185,
190, 195, 197, 225, 262, 264
Protocol Structure 43, 214
protocol version 42, 217
provider strings 61
Queue Mode 251
Recurrence 106
Remote 19, 54, 59, 81, 83-84, 89-90
Remote CoLOS Driver 238
Remote connection 238
Remote Data 19, 54, 59, 81, 83-84, 89-90
Remote Data Source 291
Remove 52, 57, 76-77, 83, 90, 95, 100, 132, 134, 163, 170-171, 173
remove task 100
report 296
Reporting 253
Repository 12, 19, 55, 63, 66, 91-97, 116, 200-201, 207-208
Repository Browser window 12
reset 226
Reset 52, 98, 134, 173
Reset counts 98-99
Resource Repository 91-92, 95-97, 208
restart 127
Restricted Image Designer 163
RFC 281-282
- 324 -
Role 20, 142, 162-163, 168, 180
Roles in the backend 165
RS232 28, 149, 185
RS485 28, 185
Run as administrator 310
SAP Connections 282
SAP Installation 280
SAP Note 856863 279
SAP RFC Configuration 278
SAP RFC Service 9
Scheduled Synchronisation 110, 147, 188
Scheduler 98
Scheduler task 100
SCIJ 199
SD Card 273
Search 18, 78
Secure Channel 307
Secure channel Parameter 307
Security 19, 27, 70, 95, 117-118, 135, 142, 162, 166-167, 174, 180, 230
security considerations 230
Security Level 117
See 11, 14, 52-53, 58, 76, 84, 89, 98, 133, 148, 172, 190, 196, 200, 245
tooltip 12
Select 8, 12, 14, 16, 18-19, 28-30, 52-56, 58-59, 66-68, 76-78, 81, 89-90, 93, 95-97,
100-101, 104, 116, 118, 131, 134-135, 137, , 141, 144, 148, 151, 162, 167-170,
173-174, , 179, 182, 185-186, 189-190, 195-203, 206-208, 242, 294
Select Default 12, 93
Serial 11-12, 17-18, 28, 117, 185
Serial Number 17-18, 117
Server Socket 28, 185
Settings 8, 19, 30, 51-56, 66, 91, 97, 101, 103, 116, 135, 138, 141-142, 144-145, 148149, 151, 174, 180, 182-183, 186, 190, 197, 200, 202, 204-205, 242
settings file 66
Settings file 8, 19, 54-55, 66, 97, 116, 138, 141, 200
find 12
setup 105
setup Job Source 36
setup Remote Data Source 36
Shift 105
Shift Codes 145, 183
Shift configuration 8
Shift Configuration 105-106
Single Image Files 55-56
SmartLase 199, 202
SMS Alert Configuration 21
SMTP Mail 25
SMTP Mail Configuration 25
Software Registration 17
solutions 241
Source 8, 14, 16, 19, 54-56, 58-60, 63-64, 66-68, 74, 81, 83-84, 89-91, 208, 247
Source Tasks 68
special 240
- 325 -
Chapter 4
Special license 240
SQL 55, 81
SSL 122
Standard error codes 43, 214
Start 8, 11-12, 14, 16-17, 53, 59-60, 77, 80, 101, 103-104, 133, 145, 172, 183, 242
Status 8, 19, 100, 132, 135, 144, 171, 174, 182, 200-202, 207
Supervisor 161, 163
Support 10, 18, 55, 96-97, 116, 141, 151
Synchronise 20
Synchronise Clock 110, 147, 188
Synchronise on reconnect 110, 147, 188
Synchronise when job selected 110, 147, 188
Synchronize clocks 110, 147, 188
System 8, 11-12, 14, 16-19, 28, 55, 58, 60, 80, 95, 98, 101, 111, 116-118, 129-132,
135, 138, 141, 161, 168, 170-171, 174, 179, 185, 195, 202, 207-209, 294
System LogBook 16
System LogBooks 16, 130
System Ports 127
tag 226
Tasks 8, 17-18, 20, 28, 52, 57-58, 66-68, 76, 98-101, 104, 110, 118, 131-132, 137-138,
147, 163, 167-168, 171, 176, 185, 188-189, 195-198, 200, 202, 241
Telephone 18
Terminal 238
Terminate Old Connection 149
Tif 96-97
Tile 134, 173
Time 14, 16, 20, 54, 66, 99, 104, 110, 130, 136, 145, 147, 168, 175, 183, 188, 203,
205, 209
TLS/SSL 42, 217
Tooltip 11-12
Traceability log 263
Type 12, 14, 29, 52, 57, 75-77, 81, 84, 91-92, 94, 96-97, 101, 103, 137, 148, 151, 189190, 198, 203, 206, 208-209
UI 210
Upgrade 12, 17, 19, 115
Upgrade Format Files 12
Upgrade Utility 12
Usage Tips 231
USB 242
Username 14, 209
Verbs 225-226
Verification scanner 249
Version 12, 18, 60, 80, 144, 182
View 8, 19, 28, 52, 57-58, 66-67, 77, 95-97, 129-130, 132-133, 135, , 138, 140-141,
144, 148, 170-172, 174, 176, 178-179, 182, 185, , 190, 195-198, 200
warnings 101, 104, 135, 140, 174, 178
- 326 -
Web API 48
web pages 306
Web Production Panel 52
Web Server 8, 51
Web User Interface 51
WebAPI 48
webservice port 128
webservice ports 128
webtool 37
Window Browse 134, 173
Windows 8, 11-12, 14, 18, 29, 51-52, 54, 58, 60, 66-67, 70, 77-78, 80, 82-84, 101, 103104, 133, 144, 166-169, 172, 179, 182, 199, 201-202, 205
Windows Active Directory Authentication 120
Windows XP 12
Wmf 96-97
XML 14, 55-56, 64, 91
XSLT 152, 192
yellow warning 250
- 327 -