M的 ⼼ Dífwnl - Gunánms ndnaong 、 能 hos , " , WEEK 3 Differentiation I 3.1 Year 110 Motivations : Tangents and velocities 牡川 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi skpeofsecant 靠 北州 州 。 h , Quhnwhatīfh -70 升州 Obs Ash -0 , seantbeanestangent Hencg st slopeoftangt 。 川州 有 挑 hnohIfthelimitexistslandisfinh.hn 州 nfisdhntiableatxnwedenote. t鑾 o 到 bg 拗 蒜 1 ⼭ _ Definition 3.1.1 (Derivative). The derivative f Õ (a) of f (x) at x = a is defined to be (if exists) the slope of tangent at x = a. To be specific, f Õ (a) := lim hæ0 f (a + h) ≠ f (a) . h In this case, we say that f (x) is differentiable at x = a. Example (Velocity). The displacement of a particle can be described by the function f (t) = sin(sin(sin(t))). 嶼 Fnalrelodgfnyettangeny htuatx-o.tn 興 洲 What is the initial velocity of the particle? 批州 外 , = 有 hto 批川 州 h 旅 所所的 州 -0 h.no h insinlsinlsinhll.in/sinh). 嘼 lno 33 sinlsinhl sính 。 众 sīnlsinml -1 * 戀樂 Calculus 1 - Year 110 3.2 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Examples of derivatives Example. Compute, by definition, the derivative f Õ (x) of f (x) = sin(x). Recall ① 所 1-asxnop.tt 1g.in/-axnopx-fo=ofM-limfMh1-fMlnoh=hmsinlxtH-sinx 篼 compundfhnohangleformulavinsinxcah-caxih-sinxh.no hinsinxlcahtl-cosxsinhh.no h-lim-sinx.1-ahh-ax.hn hi-sinxo-cax.li mo cosxxdqio.fi 。 fM-sinxfkx.cat 34 Calculus 1 - Year 110 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Example (Exotic sine curve2 ). Consider the function defined by Y ]x2 sin 1 x f (x) = [0 (a) Is f (x) continuous at x = 0 ? 想 利 瓷器鬱 ! if x ”= 0 if x = 0 想 ti . Bgdf wendtodok , 兜 利 洮) lbgsqe.tn/-fco1-RHSHence,bgdfnEion,fiscontinuous LHS ⼆ 0 。 atx-gfdtntiabk.at (b) Is f (x) differentiable at x = 0 ? If so, compute f Õ (0). x-o-hnflothlhexsisls.hn/imHhHH.inh2i -olnoh h Ho 想 hii -0 * Thelimtexsisb ie.fi dhntiableatxo andfkdilímt -0 35 Calculus 1 - Year 110 wnd 3.3 36 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi tangent 徘 Examples of non-differentiable functions 洲 Example (Vertical slope). Prove that f (x) = x1/5 is not differentiable at x = 0. limfothl-fgnohin -oh -lim.no Figure 3. The graph y = x1/5 h-10 Asthelimtīsitfnte , fiitdfhatīableatxo Example (Absolute value). Prove that f (x) = |x| is not differentiable at x = 0. lmflothl 相 inlhl h 能 moh caidrh 比 & 想共 ⼆ 1 ⾼蝆 叫 1 As | Figure 4. The graph y = |x| nightlimb 比 叫比 夫 , 無具 DNE Bgdf fisitdtntīabkatxo , iusp " lsharppointl Calculus 1 - Year 110 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Example (Exotic sine curve1 ). Consider the function defined by Y ]x sin 1 x f (x) = [0 if x ”= 0 if x = 0 . 拗痂 9以 相 hsohconid.hn 樂想 sini.hn Is f (x) differentiable at x = 0 ? 加州 州 上 h-hnh.int流 siniashnogn.to nilhnoh imsinn gy whhīsosállatingbetweentandl solhelimtdaiexīst BNOTdhiableatx.co/Rmark.CanparetiswMhExoticsnai/ Hmce 批1 , 37 Calculus 1 - Year 110 3.4 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Properties of differentiable functions Theorem 3.4.1 (Important limit). lim hæ0 3 eh ≠ 1 h 4 = 1. fffniatxjl skpcoftangmt Redl lwak 11 抝 -1 1in 北州 扣 。 1 hsohineh-lh-uhfhah.to ntīnuous Notantinuasn Notdhible Theorem 3.4.2 (Differentiability implies continuity). If a function f (x) is differentiable at x = a, then f (x) is continuous at x = a. 1䂤 , Gíwngdiferentīableatxia Bgdtjnflhf " eists.ca/tL.h-ohWTS:fiscontinuousatx=a, ie. 無 ftp.fajlwanttoshow/LHS:limflx1iInoflath1i%fatH-fN.h+faj nalettuh.hix-a_hmeesfAsx-a.hn L-otfal-fal-RHSBydf.fiscontinuousatx.cn ⼆ 38 𤄿 Calculus 1 - Year 110 3.5 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Standard derivatives : powers, trigonometry, ex Table for standard derivatives (Part I) f (x) Powers f Õ (x) c (constants) f Õ (x) 0 kx xk Trigonometry f (x) kianumber.ca "" sin(x) x csc(x) cos(x) sinx sec(x) cscxcotx secxtanx.se tan(x) cot(x) Ex cscoexhof.fi Exponential - ex Theorem 3.5.1 (Integral+ power rule). Let n be a positive integer and f (x) = xn . Then f Õ (x) = nxn≠1 . Ülim 挑以利 htuhinlxthnx lnoh. n#tGT!htYjunH-xnhn h 嗎 nxntthljunkltn-n.it※ 。 Theorem 3.5.2 (Exponential). Let f (x) = ex . Then f Õ (x) = ex . 1砒 州拗 拗 in 批 lnoh-hmexth-exh.io h 與 i.li ※ 39 Calculus 1 - Year 110 3.6 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Sum, product and quotient rules Theorem 3.6.1 (Algebra of derivatives). Given f (x) and g(x) to be two differentiable functions. Then the following are true. (a) (f (x) ± g(x))Õ = f Õ (x) ± g Õ (x), (b) (f (x)g(x))Õ = f Õ (x)g(x) + f (x)g Õ (x), hutmle (c) If g(x) ”= 0, then 3 f (x) g(x) 4Õ = f Õ (x)g(x) ≠ f (x)g Õ (x) 2 (g(x)) 2 Example. Let y = xe · ex . Compute . Quditruk dy . dx 祟 leibnizbnotationforyy.ie 嘴 ⼀ ēyutiex * Theorem 3.6.2 (Tangent). Let f (x) = tan(x). Then f Õ (x) = sec2 (x). fp.in/asxf4y=C0sxasx- ixtsnyc s2X=l+tan2x-sec2x. , 40 Calculus 1 - Year 110 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Example. Consider the function f (x) = x4 ex + 3x + 2. (a) Compute f Õ (x). (b) Find the equation of tangent at x = 0. (c) Find the equation of normal at x = 0. (a) 拟 妒城 侧州 (C) ' 。 -4倒 + " 姓 +3 slopeofnormal , -1 slpeoftangnt-jlbldfTangentofgflxjatx-a.is _ lhestraightlineofskpe 抝 pont-laypassingthmghla.HN/tnce,eqchnofnormal , shpeoftangntsflo) = 3 . yzjxtz Pántilafhla 21 Hence , theequationoftangent g -3 ✗ +2 normal 洪 y.fm 列 41 Calculus 1 - Year 110 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Proof. [Proof of Product Rule] Hgkfgtfgl hofLHS-lfgi-fhglxthl-fM.gl#h=limfMH9NtH-flD9lt h14fMgath1-f1 能 - hingcx州 能 - 前 秋以 彬 排燃 所 靠 揪物 拋 物 + ⼀ + T - RHS ※ 物 42 Calculus 1 - Year 110 3.7 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi 43 More examples Example. Consider the following function f (x). f (x) = Y _ _ ]cos(x) if x < 0 。 . _ _ [a sin(x) + b if x Ø 0 It is known that f (x) is differentiable at x = 0. What are the values of a and b? ① 無我 想 cnx -1 fmīsdiffemtīableatxo 劍 啊您 asinxtbzb ② -1 H , 利 聚秘 您 相 in 杺 flothl-faihexitshtolkt -r.int/leftlimHH-inlasinhtl -l xihx-ihinsinhkiotah-anjht.hn dtnbleatko.bg df.hn Hhi h-hashyh-o-h-OAsleft-right.az lnō 0 * Calculus 1 - Year 110 44 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Differentilheexistenceofhmfuhtflhl abhgoffhatx-aconc.ms Example (Common misconception). Consider the following function. f (x) = Y 2 _ _x ≠ 4x ] h→ 0 if x Ø 2 Butcmpntíng . 無洲 or h 無秘 doesNOTaddresshexistenceofthiskmitywhmxs2.fi _ _ [x + x e2 ex if x < 2 Prove that lim+ f Õ (x) = lim f Õ (x) = 0. Despite this, explain why f (x) is not xæ2≠ xæ2 differentiable at x = 2. g.pl/-4,x?2tteSxrz. izx-4 㵠拗 -0 想揪 uhmxnyǜtgy limg.it Üo 澀 批 ǜē -0 ⼈ Thaefore , wehave 銂 想拋 0 xni 。 漁 揪無 物 Howww.flxlisntdtntiableatx-2 蕊 排 -4 靠 所 -4 豼 , 豼 ⼀年 A.t #right,fMhasajumpdiscontigatX-.Tuparticuhn NOTcontinasatx-2.nl , flxlīs is NOT dfhntiàbleat 老 2 Calculus 1 - Year 110 N. Sato & K.-W. Tsoi Example. Let f (x) be a function with the following properties. (1) f (x + y) = ex f (y) + ey f (x) for all real numbers x, y. unig Notknownwhhn 拟 f (h) (2) lim = 2021. hæ0 h isago.nfcy-eifite0.fi ntinumsldf a nbkatal . a/Putx-y-ointopnpertgcn Answer the following questions. (a) Find f (0) and compute lim f (h). Is f continuous at x = 0? hæ0 (b) Prove that f is differentiable everywhere and that f Õ (x) = 2021ex + f (x). 1 ⼆ fcgo limfhl 能 想 哭h _ ⼆ 0 li 與 扣 ō Aslinflhl-failbdhequaltodh.io 與 燜 " flxlisccntinuousatx-0.nu xbeanarbītrangnumber ilimdf-hlimflxthl.HN bgdf , , 的0 h ⼀ 所 hto Uflhltégfy jjwnd-N-limexfhltfxlh.no 抓 椺 h mo 到 h 1 -性 Ezonétfh , sofulisdfhiableagwhergweonfh.mn Inpartialanhelimtexists dtfh-pit idequalhn.Remark.li/eamhowtofindflx1 īnchhs 2 45