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Families in Other Cultures

Types of
families in other
Thailand Families
• The family is very important in
Thai culture, and families tend
to be very close-knit. Common
family customs and activities in
Thailand include eating
together, celebrating special
occasions, visiting temples,
going to the cinema, going on
vacations, practicing sports,
and attending cultural festivals.
Peruvian Families
• Peruvian families are characterized by the great
importance they place on food as an act of love
and unity, celebrating festivals together, enjoying
music and dance, valuing the extended family,
and working together to create handicrafts. These
customs and activities are essential to Peruvian
culture and are a fundamental part of the daily life
of Peruvian families.
• In addition, religion is also a very important part of
family life in Peru, with Catholicism being the
predominant religion in the country. Peruvian
families often attend Mass and other religious
events together, and the celebrations of religious
festivals are very important to them. Faith and
devotion are deeply rooted values in Peruvian
culture and are passed down from generation to
generation in families.
Hawaian families
• The Hawaiian culture is unique and is characterized
by its focus on nature, music, and dance. The
family is an important aspect of Hawaiian culture
and families tend to be very close and value
spending time together.
• The luau is a traditional Hawaiian celebration that
brings families together to enjoy traditional
Hawaiian food, live music, and hula dancing.
• The hula dance is a fundamental part of Hawaiian
culture, and families often practice together and
pass down the skill from generation to generation.
Surfing is also a popular sport among Hawaiian
families and is enjoyed together at local beaches.
• Additionally, the value of aloha, which expresses
love, friendship, and respect, is a key aspect of
Hawaiian culture and is taught and passed down in
Greek families
• Greek families are renowned for their close bonds and rich
traditions, which have been passed down through the
generations. Family is central to Greek culture, serving as a
source of identity and pride. Sharing meals is a crucial part
of Greek family life, with food acting as a means of
expressing love and fostering strong relationships. Religious
holidays, such as Easter and Christmas, are also significant
events that bring families together to celebrate and
participate in traditional customs.
• Greek families also enjoy traditional dance, such as the
syrtaki and the zeibekiko, which are often performed at
family gatherings, weddings, and other celebrations. Many
Greek families operate businesses together, passing down
their expertise and trade from one generation to the next,
which creates a strong sense of community and shared
• Education is highly valued in Greek culture, and parents
often prioritize their children's education, encouraging them
to pursue higher education and professional careers. These
customs and activities are integral to Greek family life,
reflecting the importance of family, tradition, and community
in Greek culture.