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PSY 7761: Interpersonal Conflict Course Syllabus

PSY 7761 - Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace
Course Overview
PSY 8504
Conflict is a natural occurrence in personal and professional relationships. The ability to
analyze conflict on a personal level translates to people learning the skills needed to
work with individuals in diverse work settings. The focus of this class is on
understanding how people perceive conflict, recognizing why having different goals and
interests create conflict, analyzing the structure of conflict, assessing conflict styles, and
identifying the components of conflict to help a person navigate personal and
professional relationships. Additionally, specific attention is given to professional
conflicts and how to negotiate and utilize third-party interventions in order to help
individuals and management resolve arguments and altercations.
Learners will understand major concepts of...
Perspectives on conflict
The nature of conflict
The structure of conflict
Styles and tactics
Conflict intervention
The impact of personality disorders in workplace conflict
Appraise the nature of conflict.
Compare individual power and goals in the structure of conflict.
Critique workplace conflict styles.
Examine sociocultural factors in conflict resolution.
Formulate interventions to resolve workplace conflict.
Explain individuals wants, needs, and agendas in workplace conflict.
These resources are required to complete the course.
Hocker, J. L. & Wilmot, W. (2021). Interpersonal conflict. (11th ed.).
Columbus, OH McGraw Hill. ISBN 9781260836950
For your convenience you may purchase your textbooks from eCampus or from any
other vendor of your choice. We encourage you to explore the use of e-books when
available for a substantial savings.
These resources must be used to complete the assignments.
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. (7th ed.).
Course Details
Course Outline and Recommended Schedule
Section 1: WEEK 1 Nature & Perspectives on Conflict
Activity 1: Class Participation: Introduction (20 points)
Section 2: WEEK 2 Interests & Goals
Activity 2: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Section 3: WEEK 3 Power: The Structure of Conflict
Activity 3: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity 4: Critical Thinking Questions (215 points)
Activity 5: Begin Journal (0 points)
Section 4: WEEK 4 Conflict Styles & Emotions in Conflict
Activity 6: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity 7: Begin Final Paper (0 points)
Section 5: WEEK 5 Analyzing Conflict
Activity 8: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Section 6: WEEK 6 Interpersonal Negotiation & Third-Party Intervention
Activity 9: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity 10: Submit Journal (215 points)
Section 7: WEEK 7 Forgiveness & Reconciliation
Activity 11: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity 12: Complete & Submit Final Paper (350 points)
Section 8: WEEK 8 Course Reflection
Activity 13: Class Participation: Course Reflection (20 points)
Section 1: WEEK 1 Nature & Perspectives on Conflict
Week 1 Review the course syllabus. If you have questions, contact your Faculty Mentor.
Credit Hour Verification
A student should expect to spend a minimum of 135 hours in the successful completion of this
course. At California Southern University students receive 45 hours of instructional engagement
in a 3-credit course. Instructional engagement includes submitting academic assignments,
listening to class lectures or webinars, taking exams, interactive tutorials, attending a study group
assigned by the university, contributing to an academic online discussion, initiating contact with
a faculty member, externship, or internship. Instructional engagement occurs in both the online
environment and in face-to-face contact. Additionally, students can expect to complete 90 hours
of preparation. Preparation includes, but is not limited to, reading, study time, and all research
work needed to complete assignments and projects, as well as any activities related to
preparation for instructional engagement.
hours for
the average
Discussion Forums
Engagement Critical Thinking Questions
Final Paper
Faculty (Mentor) Contact
(outside of
Discussion Forum Preparation
Reading Textbook and Notetaking
Critical Thinking Questions
Research for Final Paper
Please use the Course Outline and Recommended Schedule provided in your Syllabus to pace
your reading and written assignments. Please submit your assignments in spaced intervals as
prescribed here so that you will receive timely written feedback from your Faculty Mentor
regarding your progress in this course. Be sure to keep a copy of all assignments until the final
grade is issued for this course.
Required Reading:
Read Chapters 1-2 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 1: Class Participation: Introduction (20 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
Posting 1 (250 words)
Please introduce yourself to your faculty mentor and to your classmates. Your introduction should contain the
following information:
One or two paragraphs about yourself, including your work history and what you are currently doing.
A general statement of your present knowledge and experience, academic or professional, with this subject.
Present the goals and objectives that you personally wish to accomplish in this course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
Comment on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or mentor.
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Appraise the nature of conflict.
Section 2: WEEK 2 Interests & Goals
Required Reading:
Read Chapter 3 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 2: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
Please pick one of the following two topics for this week’s discussion:
1. What do you think the authors meant when they stated in a conflict “…we must do what comes
unnaturally.” Please give at least one personal or professional example to illustrate your position.
2. What do you think the authors meant when they wrote, “…conflict presents danger and
opportunity”? Support your ideas with an example.
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Appraise the nature of conflict.
Section 3: WEEK 3 Power: The Structure of Conflict
Required Reading:
Read Chapter 4 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 3: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
When thinking about your understanding of power, why do you think it is difficult to assess?
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Compare individual power and goals in the structure of conflict.
Activity 4: Critical Thinking Questions (215 points)
Activity Description
Your assignments must reflect analysis and synthesis of the material presented in this course. All assignments
MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. You must integrate
the material presented in the text. You are encouraged to use current evidence-based journal articles to
support, not replace, the course text reading assignments. Remember to cite your work in APA format.
The entire assignment should be 8 pages total plus a title and reference page.
1. Why is knowing about goals important when working with clients in conflict? Please be sure to incorporate
the fluidity of goals and the importance of culture, gender, and upbringing.
2. Utilizing the acronym TRIP will help a therapist identify the goals for each person in a conflict. However,
the goals are not presented in order of importance or necessity.
1. Give a personal or professional example of a conflict, in which you have knowledge, and identify
the goals for each person. How were you able to identify each person’s goals?
2. What was the outcome of the conflict? Explain why the conflict ended positively or negatively
based on your understanding of goals. Be sure to justify your answer.
3. How do goals overlap and influence one another? What happens to goals in interactions with others?
4. Provide a general description of each person involved including information pertinent to the conflict. This
section should be no more than one to two paragraphs. Please provide information specifically related to
the conflict. For example, a person’s age may not be an important factor in the conflict you use, so you
would not need to supply this information.
5. Using the components of the acronym RICE, analyze each person’s power currencies. Be sure to identify
how each person’s power currency is important in the conflict.
6. Discuss how each person’s perception of the other person’s power affected the conflict, including the
individual’s perception of high power and low power How might a therapist work with the individuals in
this conflict in terms of power?
Activity Outcomes
1. Compare individual power and goals in the structure of conflict.
2. Examine sociocultural factors in conflict resolution.
Activity 5: Begin Journal (0 points)
Activity Description
Due Week 6
For the Journal, you will be responding to different activities and situations to enhance your personal and
professional development with regard to workplace conflict. There are three (3) required entries. These entries are
based on the course text, and do not require the use of outside resources. However, the content, conciseness,
organization, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your journal entry.
You are welcome to share the journal with your mentor throughout the course, or, submit the journal in its entirety
in Week 6.
The entire journal should be approx 8 pages plus title and reference pages.
Journal Entry I
There are two components for the basis of your first journal entry .
1. You will need to take the Conflict Style Assessment. The assessment is found on page 154 of your text. The
situation may be current, or it might have happened in the past. Please fill out one assessment from a personal
experience and fill out the other assessment from a workplace experience.
2. Please journal your reflections on the following two questions:
a. What did you learn from taking the assessment?
b. How do you see yourself utilizing the information on conflict styles when working with clients individually
or with a workplace group?
Journal Entry II
Please consider the following questions for your second journal entry:
1. How do you see conflict portrayed in the media and entertainment, and how does this portrayal affect
2. What are the ways people deny their use of power? What makes power difficult to assess?
3. Why do people form coalitions? How can you use a coalition diagram to predict future conflicts?
Journal Entry III
Please consider the following questions for your third journal assignment:
1. What do you feel are the advantages and limitations of mediation?
2. What are some differences between Western and traditional cultural expectations and procedures of mediation?
3. How has your perception of conflict, on a personal and a professional level, changed?
Activity Outcomes
1. Explain individuals wants, needs, and agendas in workplace conflict.
Section 4: WEEK 4 Conflict Styles & Emotions in Conflict
Required Reading:
Read Chapters 5-6 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 6: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
Please pick one of the two questions for this week’s discussion:
1. How can different emotions dictate or affect conflict styles?
2. Identify some of the common misconceptions about emotions. How do these misconceptions hinder
effective conflict resolution?
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Appraise the nature of conflict.
Activity 7: Begin Final Paper (0 points)
Activity Description
Due Week 7
Please make sure your paper is submitted by the due date to ensure ample time for mentor feedback, and
possible integration of feedback and revision if necessary.
This assignment must be written in APA style and graduate level English. Along with the course text, you are
required to include evidence-based research from current (5 years or less) on-line or hard copy journal
articles. You are encouraged to utilize the University Virtual Library to access current research. A minimum of
8 references must be used.
Your paper must be 10 pages plus a title and reference page
You will have four main sections in your final paper.
Section I:
Identify a workplace or personal conflict. Provide background information as needed including the participants and
the situation.
Section II:
Using the Wilmot-Hocker Conflict Assessment Guide (from the Interpersonal Conflict text), analyze the conflict
utilizing the first seven central elements in your analysis. You do not need to answer each of the sub-questions for
the elements; however, please use the questions as a guide to assess each component.
Section III:
Report on the interventions used to resolve the conflict. If this is an ongoing situation, you will identify possible
interventions to resolve the conflict. You will reference the last three elements from the guide in this section.
Section IV:
If you are aware of psychological or behavioral issues experienced by any of the participants in the conflict, discuss
how the psychopathological conditions could have had an impact on this situation. If you are unaware of any
conditions, hypothesize what might happen. This will necessitate that you identify at least one particular issue for
this section (i.e. depression, paranoia, etc.).
Activity Outcomes
1. Formulate interventions to resolve workplace conflict.
Section 5: WEEK 5 Analyzing Conflict
Required Reading:
Read Chapter 7 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 8: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
How do you see utilizing the various models and diagrams such as conflict triangles and coalitions (or other
models from previous chapters) with others? Give an example to help illustrate your answer.
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Critique workplace conflict styles.
Section 6: WEEK 6 Interpersonal Negotiation & Third-Party Intervention
Required Reading:
Read Chapters 8-9 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 9: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
Choose one the two options for this week’s discussion:
1. How might you apply any of the Seven Elements of Principled Negotiation in your personal or professional
2. Why is culture important to consider when using third party intervention approaches?
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Examine sociocultural factors in conflict resolution.
Activity 10: Submit Journal (215 points)
Activity Description
Submit Completed Journal
See Directions in Week 3
Activity Outcomes
1. Explain individuals wants, needs, and agendas in workplace conflict.
Section 7: WEEK 7 Forgiveness & Reconciliation
Required Reading:
Read Chapter 10 in Interpersonal Conflict.
Activity 11: Class Participation: Discussion (30 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
What is the problem with the phrase forgive and forget?
Posting 1 (250 words)
The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner's own words to represent a broad
integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two
scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.
Posting 2 (150 words)
The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
Appraise the nature of conflict.
Activity 12: Complete & Submit Final Paper (350 points)
Activity Description
Complete and Submit Final Paper. See Week 4 for further detail.
Activity Outcomes
1. Formulate interventions to resolve workplace conflict.
Section 8: WEEK 8 Course Reflection
Required Reading:
Read Chapters 12-13 of Toxic Workers.
Activity 13: Class Participation: Course Reflection
(20 points)
Activity Description
Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners
through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion
assignment at least twice each week as follows:
Posting 1 (250 words)
Reflect on your experience(s) in this course and review the assignments you found most beneficial. Discuss the
most significant concept(s) you will carry with you as you continue your educational journey.
Posting 2 (150 words)
Comment on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or mentor.
All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to
7th edition APA formatting
It is recommended that you write your post in Word to track your word count and then copy and paste it
into the discussion forum space in the course syllabus.
Activity Outcomes
1. Appraise the nature of conflict.
Effective Date:
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